marxthebaby Posted June 22, 2015 Posted June 22, 2015 The landlord of a college boy's temporary home had just returned to the location of the home after what seemed to be a party. He had been out at work that day, and he hadn't known what the boy would do, but certainly hadn't expected to see beer cans, candy wrappers, and other telltale items littered on the front lawn and in the bushes. Without a word, he used his key to open the door, refusing to knock for the ingrate that had probably trashed what was rightfully his. After slamming the door behind him, Ace brushed his dyed, red hair from his stern, blue eyes, straightening out the tuxedo he had worn to work. He stepped into the living room, and found that not only was the party still in full swing, but the brat he had allowed to stay here was obviously the one who had invited everyone. With his very youthful appearance and soft face, he looked like a boy just as young, if not younger, than the one he felt he had to supervise. So, he waited, tapping his foot and folding his arms, for the pathetic brat to notice that he had arrived.
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 Eric sees Ace standing there after he sips a beer and coughs up his drink and scurries over. "Ughh ahem Ace what are you doing here? you were supposed to be out of town this weekend." thinking he would leave today being friday,he didn't expect Ace to stop home. Eric isn't prone to seeing fury in someones face and acts like its no big deal. "tell you what,You go on your trip and I promise everything will be
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace glowered at Eric, folding his arms across his lean, muscular chest. "My business trip was cancelled; my client told me that the meeting location had been rained out, and because he was too much of a brainless dolt, he left the windows open. His papers were soaked, and now I can't see him until he rewrites everything, which could take
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 When Ace Headed upstairs Eric Hurried along shooing out all of his guests. "Damn it,I just lost a great party" he thought to himself caring not a whim for the destruction of the house. Eric was jolted when the pizza box came flying down the stairs. And Had thought he would talk his way out of it but was interupted by an infuriated Ace. Deciding not to make matters worse he simply uttered a "yes" and sped up stairs Grunting and complaining as he cleaned. "Fucking asshole,It was a party,and I was going to clean the fucking house,I pay
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 (edited) Ace knew deep down that this irresponsible brat couldn't care less about the state the house was in, which infuriated him even more. After the guests were safely shooed out by Eric-whom looked annoyed, as if he were the one affected by this in the long run-he glared at the boy, who had been jolted back into reality by the empty pizza box he'd kicked down the stairs. Without a word, he stepped off the stairs when the annoyed boy stomped up them to his room, and slipped into his "private" room-also known as the surveillance room, where all of the security cameras and listening devices led to, so he could hear and see everything that happened around the house-so he could hear what was going on. He listened to Eric complain about him, and whine like a spoiled child about how unfair this was, with a smirk. Ace then left the room, locking it behind him, and called up the stairs to the boy, "I'm going to buy Edited June 26, 2015 by marxthebaby
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 (edited) When Ace Comes up to alert Eric that he's going to buy some cleaning supplies,Eric doesn't notice the Lapse in speaking as anything important and simply responds "Okay,I'll just be cleaning,......Asshole" that last part he says under his breath. and with that he takes a break,and why not,he had his party ended early when he was just starting to have fun and immediately was stressed out by Ace. When he hears Ace's car pull up he dashes to finish cleaning sloppily,"Hey its clean to me,if not to him fuck it,Its my room after all. When he hears Ace Call up asking if he's done,he responds "Just about!" Eric hadn't heard the last bit of what Ace said,Just the part of "I can't wait all day" Knowing he was probably still pissed he stumbles down the stairs. "Do you want help with the rest of the......" Eric's jaw drops seeing the entire downstairs clean in less of the time it took him to clean his room. Edited June 26, 2015 by Deviant
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace just smiled at the dumbfounded boy, and spoke calmly, "It's quite alright, Eric; I took care of it. You do realize what I've been doing, haven't you, or are you not listening?" He then stepped away to let the boy see what had
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 Eric didn't really notice the gate at all,but its not like it mattered with what Ace had planned for him. When Ace grabbed him by the wrist he immediately tried to pull away but was pulled like a ragged doll. as he was shoved in to the room that he thought was occupied he looked around dumbfounded. "What the fuck is this room?" he asked "My room is upstairs!" When He was threatened his immediate instinct was to rebel. "No fucking way! I'm not following orders from you!" and shoved him and tried to get back to his room,he then saw the gate on the stairs. "Where the fuck did this come from? Let me upstairs!" he said as if he had any authority in the situation,little to his knowledge he had little and that was about to go as well.
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace grabbed the disobedient boy by the wrist again, and spoke harshly, "Your room is no longer upstairs; that section of the house has been deemed too dangerous for you. Now
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 (edited) "YOU WILL REVOKE NOTHING!" Eric says and when Ace Lays him down lifting his legs He kicks out,Eric is not bright and Kicks out of the hold Ace has him in. and tries desperately to get the door open,Unfortuantely it is locked with a key. "Give my fucking clothes back you freak,I will not have sex with you!" Ace knew the boy wasn't exactly bright,but even he didn't know the depth of Eric's idiocy. When Eric Tired to kick him that was the last straw for Ace. Edited June 26, 2015 by Deviant
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace merely watched at first, as the rotten boy kicked him away and attempted to pry open the locked door, until anger seethed in his body; this was the last straw. Bothered by the boy's idiotic assumption, he grabbed the boy by the ear, and roughly tossed him to the mat, this time disregarding the item with holes at the top. "Your clothes are not yours anymore; you're not getting them back." He spoke coldly, using a knee to hold the boy's legs in place while taping up the item around his waist and over his nether regions, without using the rash cream he had been about to. However, he didn't stop there; he grabbed another key, this time one that fit into a small slot provided on the plastic covering of the item, and after slinking that on, he locked it in place with the key. After he got up, exhausted by the pathetic struggling, he glared down at the now diapered boy. "I
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 Eric is frustrated and was not allowed to see what was being done,when Ace was done diapering him and locking him in them,he released the boy. "Removing what?" He asked causing him to look down and see he is clad in a diaper and locking plastic pants with that were clear with pink and blue polka dots. "Arrrrgh WHat the fuck did you do?" Eric asked doing his best trying to rip them off of him. "I'm not wearing a fucking diaper you sick freak! LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Filled with Rage at what this man was doing he struck Ace with multiple blows from both fist and legs. Ace,played along letting Eric think he had gotten the upper hand. "I will find somewhere else to live,I'll be damned if I'm gonna wear a diaper because of some asswipe with a Power complex." Eric folded his arms proud of standing up to the ludicrous man.
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace merely watched with a smirk of satisfaction as the young boy looked down, and became both angered and startled by the diaper he now wore. When the boy began kicking about, trying his best to tear off the diaper, he pretended to back up in faux shock, blinking in fake surprise at the number of blows that were thrown his way. After he let the boy land a few punches and kicks for his own amusement, he backed up even farther, as if startled. He bit back a laugh at the way Eric folded his arms proudly, and shook his head. "Oh, really? Okay; I'm not stopping you." Ace had secretly pricked the boy with a serum that would sap the control of his legs to infantile levels while he was having his little tantrum, but he'd thrown it away before the flailing brat could notice. Without another word, he unlocked the door with the key-which he then returned to the safety of his pocket-and smiled down at the boy. "Go on, then; you have my permission to go and find your clothing."
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 "PFFFT Like you could,I showed you who the real man is." Eric Speeds out of the room and just as he finds the bag with his clothes,His legs topple from under him.
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace seemed surprised when the boy's legs gave out, right before he reached the bag of his clothing, but the condescending smile on his face said otherwise. "Awww, is a certain
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 "WHA....WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO? put me down,I'll call the damn cops you psycho HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP" Eric continued scream after scream,Hoping beyond hope that someone would hear him. Had he known his landlord was capable of this,He never would have rented from him. Eric tried with the last of his might of bite Ace,it was all he was strong enough to do,his arms were weak after all the struggling from earlier. "I don't know what you want but let me go,you can't do this to me!!"
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace let the boy scream at the top of his lungs, saying he would call the cops, demanding to know what exactly had been done before unleashing a wail for help. The red-haired man refused to put him down until they re-entered the dim, gray-colored room, and even then, he placed the struggling boy onto the plush mattress. "The walls are soundproof, and I don't want anything from you, Eric." He spoke coldly, and raised up the metal bars he'd linked to the sides of the mattress, before looking him over. Ace chuckled; the boy looked so infantile, just like a typical baby, throwing a tantrum over nothing. "You're going to stay right there until you think you can behave for
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Ace listened to every obscenity the boy dared shriek; he was slightly impressed that he knew most of them. After the boy's shrieking and wailing dissolved-probably a result of tiredness or a sore throat, at the very least-he refused to do anything; after all, the bratty child deserved every moment he suffered. So, when the dismayed and weakened boy, trapped in his diaper, began shifting about, flopping like a pathetic fish out of water, he had himself a nice, long laugh at the scene before stalking back into the room he had left him in. He noticed that the boy had just said something about not pissing in the diaper now locked to his body, and smiled down at him from above, leering into the oversized crib. "You're so persistent; oh well. It'll make the process all the more enjoyable for me." With that, he noticed the state the boy was in, and spoke again, watching as he tried holding in his piss to very little avail, "Daddy will leave you scrawny hide
Deviant Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 Eric mumbles obscenites under his breath,finally after twenty minutes,he lost all control and pissed in his diaper. "Lightly sobbing,rage filled tears strew down his face,trying not to let Ace know he had lost the battle with his bladder. "Who was this sick fuck and why was he refering to himself as daddy? I'm not a fucking baby. YOU HEAR ME? I"M NOT A FU...." Eric Coughs and his sore throat gets the best of him as he wimpers and tears start to flow,realizing the predicament he was currently in,Eric thought to himself,"how long is this weirdo going to keep me here?,what about his classes,his friends,his family." all of this entered his mind as the tears flew down his face,he was sobbing lightly to not attract attention.
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 Twenty minutes passed of the same thing; muttered obscenities let him know that the boy had probably lost the battle with his bladder and went in his diaper. However, he wasn't the type to let him get a changing
marxthebaby Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 (edited) When Eric began cursing, yelling at the top of his voice, and mouthing off to him, he removed the belt from his pants. By the time that the boy told him, practically begged, to be let out in a pitiful manner, he had enough, and gave him a hard whack with the belt on the thighs. Ace then let him stay quiet, cooing at him, "Good baby. By the way, if they didn't e-mail me anything, then how would I have this? Do you think I'm faking, baby?" He demanded, dangling the letter inches from his face. It was true; a printed e-mail, with his parent's e-mail address at the top, giving Ace express permission to baby Eric and treat him as he pleased. After showing it off, the red-haired man put away the letter, and cooed again, this time patting the boy's thick diaper, "I was going to start you out older, but for now, I think you should be only a few months old. How's that sound?" Without awaiting a response, Ace stuffed a pacifier into his mouth-a pacifier gag, to be honest-and tied it around the boy's head before he had a chance to spit it out. "Anywho, here are the rules I have for baby; you can't touch, pull on, or spit out your little pacifier. Only Daddy can remove it." He then smiled to himself, and went on, "You are only allowed to be fed bottles and baby food. Daddy Edited June 27, 2015 by marxthebaby
Deviant Posted June 29, 2015 Posted June 29, 2015 (edited) Eric Choked back tears from the sharp pain of the belt across his thighs,and glared at the man who praised him for being a good baby. Eric cringed as Ace was patting his wet diaper,purposely getting the warm piss to soak into his skin,Eric attempted to kick out but his legs just wiggled,even with all the strength he could conjure up. Not gonna fu......Hmmph before he could finish Ace had forced a pacifier gag into his mouth and locked it behind his head,In trying to to talk and scream around the overwhelming size of a pacifier He succeeded in choking and drying heaving,His mind wandered with rage,hate and sorrow at his current predicament,he was so proud of himself graduating early and gaining his independance and now some freakshow was making a baby out of him. as all this and what Ace was saying sunk he,he starting sobbing heavily,and before he knew it he has shit himself in the diaper,causing and outright bawling as he lay in what was to be his crib for an unknown period of time. Edited June 29, 2015 by Deviant
marxthebaby Posted June 29, 2015 Author Posted June 29, 2015 Ace put the belt back on without a word, watching in silence as Eric glared at him from in what was now his crib, ever the stubborn baby. He allowed the warm piss to soak into the boy's skin when he pat his hand
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