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Make sure you follow the rules!

The short version...

-Don't be an ass.

-We reserve the right to store, process, reuse, edit or remove content you post for any reason at any time.

The long version...

-Do not use hate speech. This includes but is not limited to homophobia, racism and sexism.

-Do not post pictures or videos which contain human genitalia or feces.

-Do not spam or repeatedly post the same information (tip: use the search function).

-Do not harass other users.

-Do not use profanity excessively.

-Do not post any information which would identify another person outside of the forum. (NB: Linking to news articles which identify people is acceptable - as long as the source site maintains a reasonable standard of journalistic integrity.

-Report content you feel is inappropriate to the site staff using the "Report" links provided. Do not resort to vigilantism.

When using the Chat function, do not 'private message' or 'direct message' users without first confirming their permission in the main chat room.

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