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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Yahoo! Answers

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So Yahoo as this new service out called Yahoo! Answers. They set it up as a Q&A type forum for folks to write in and ask all sorts of different questions. Other users can then post their answers or opinions on the questions.

For kicks, I searched the site for questions about diapers. I got the usual parenting questions about which were the best baby diapers and how to potty train a toddler but there are a bunch of questions posted about adults in diapers and AB/DL's in general. You would not believe the mindless drivel that some people spout off about the subject. It is plainly obvious that a lot of people don't or won't understand what makes us tick.

Most disturbing were the references that all AB/DL's have some sort of pedophilic inclination simply because they like to wear a diaper or act as a child. Some even claim to have professional training to back up their sorry excuses for answers.

There were also the better answers there as well. Some folks simply stated that they didn't know anything about the subject but they thought it was harmless. Still others claimed to be open to the idea of wearing diapers for comfort and convenience. However, these type of answers were definetly the minority.

I guess we have a bit of a ways to go to garner even a small hint of mainstream acceptance.

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Guest diamondback688

yea...i just looked at some answers i found for diapers and there were a couple of ppl actually asking where they could get diapers that fit them and stuff like that...

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It is the same old same old. The "normal" ones of us who don't go on Springer or out in just diapers aren't the ones who are seen. The idiots looking for attention get the spotlight because it is more sensational than people just being themselves and enjoying who they are.

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you can blame the ones that take things waaay too far.

just like anything there will always be retarded person who screws up a good thing. thats why everything you dsee has a warning label on it no matter how dumb it may sound to those who are sain or normal.

i honestly think no one is "normal". we all have something odd about us that someone may shreeck at if they found out.

i think people who obsesses over feet are odd people yet if i told my tall, i get the werid look instead of mr. foot smeller :-?

much to say thats probabley why so many of us keep the secret as if it was a nukclear bomb weapon that could destroy the earth if found out.

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I honestly believe that the so called normal folks have little quirks just like the rest of us. Being a DL certainly isn't my only quirk and it definetly doesn't define who I am, but it adds spice to life.

I did notice that sites like that tend to bring out the worst in people. You will always have people who take things to the extreme and try to shock and annoy people with statements like "I wear diapers and like to poop and pee myself." With the annonimity of the 'net, people can announce to everyone their little kinks and have no fear of reprisal. There is a time and place for things like that. That is why we have this site here. That is why the bondage folks have their sites and so on.

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Why should society "Mainstream Accept" us? what are you hoping to accomplish??? I'm a Dl and have been since childhood.but I have no desire to see a "Diaper Pride" parade in my hometown........I think its better to stay out of the limelight on this one

I have to agree with grimmster69, too.

BUT, to play devil's advocate...

I think the whole "mainstream acceptance" thing is about the AB/DL community getting its "needs" met. Whether they're "normal" needs like better-quality diapers, thicker diapers, more-readily-available diapers and plastic pants... and the more "outrageous" needs like babyish diapers in adult sizes, other baby goods in adult sizes and even the favorite "being able to walk around in just a shirt and diapers" thang.

Me personally, though? I just want to be able to get and wear a decent diaper and decent plastic pants without anybody castigating me for it. And if that means keeping it private and out of the mainstream, then so be it. I don't need anybody to know what I wear for underwear. And those friends of mine who've (accidentally) found out think I wear for medical reasons... and they don't need to know any differently.


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mainstream is something i rather never see happen ;)

maybe in the sense of better choices for stuff but other than that let mainstream stay away from it.

though i think we all managed to know whats out there for choices and some of us know how to modify in order to suit us, it just takes extra work is all ;)

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mainstream is something i rather never see happen ;)

maybe in the sense of better choices for stuff but other than that let mainstream stay away from it.

though i think we all managed to know whats out there for choices and some of us know how to modify in order to suit us, it just takes extra work is all ;)

What's so great about going "mainstream", and why would ANYONE want to? Do you see what the "mainstream" on television has to offer?? Everybody must be into voyarism if the stuff we see on television is truly what you could call "mainstream". There is no such thing as "noemal" when you get right down to it.

Keeping your personal life choices private is up to everyone, just as being totally "out there" is up to everyone. I like to keep things under wraps myself, but I have a friend that I talk with, and he's completly out of the closet. Sure, I could never bring myself to go out in "diaper drag", but that is MY choice.as far as John Q, well we're definately different, but most of us keep it on the DL (no, not diaper lover, the down low). As far as I can see the public thinks of us as perverts and child molesters, and for most of us this simply IS NOT TRUE, but once you tell someone that you enjoy wearing diapers, it's hard to convince them that you are still a petty "normal" guy (OR GAL).

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well said ;)

mainstream version of sexual enjoyment is often the same voyarism stuff that makes you think anything else is just too sick or out there to think about.

though funny thing is some people do this not for sexual reason but for confert, which cant be said about most other fetishes.

mainstream often ruins the fun of things anyway so i rather not have that happen.

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  • 4 months later...

I have to agree with grimmster69, too.

BUT, to play devil's advocate...

I think the whole "mainstream acceptance" thing is about the AB/DL community getting its "needs" met. Whether they're "normal" needs like better-quality diapers, thicker diapers, more-readily-available diapers and plastic pants... and the more "outrageous" needs like babyish diapers in adult sizes, other baby goods in adult sizes and even the favorite "being able to walk around in just a shirt and diapers" thang.

Me personally, though? I just want to be able to get and wear a decent diaper and decent plastic pants without anybody castigating me for it. And if that means keeping it private and out of the mainstream, then so be it. I don't need anybody to know what I wear for underwear. And those friends of mine who've (accidentally) found out think I wear for medical reasons... and they don't need to know any differently.


Hello Floaty, I'm also ab/dl since childhood but the ones that have found out that I wear or have accidently have seen me in them, I also have told them they are for medical reasons as well and that was very well understood. I believe the fetish side of wearing diapers and plastic pants should be kept as a private thing like what one does in the privacy of their own bedroom like such. Quabbaby

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