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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Scared to buy diapers

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I love pooping in diapers,& peeing.There comforting,& I don't need to find a bathroom,when I need to go.

But,I'm scared to buy them... Its embarrassing to buy them,because people will see me as baby(which I enjoy but don't want others to know). I just really anxious even thinking about buying them in public.

Please if you guys have any tips please tell me

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I baught diapers from CVS a few months ago. I was really nervous but I just said to myself that it did not matter what anyone thought. I just did it. It took a lot of talking myself up. But once I did it, I felt so good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been there man! The awful feeling in your gut once you've commited yourself to the purchase. You hold a bag of diapers in your hands and try to be as cool and collected as possible. It doesn't matter what other people are thinking--maybe they think it's for your younger sibling/cousin or in the case of adult diapers for your sick/dying gramma/aunt/whatever. I actually had to buy diapers for my gramma before she died and if anyone would have questioned me about it I would have ripped their head off for intruding into my business regardless. Just remember most people are as scared of upsetting you as you are of them and just DO IT! BUY THE DIAPERS WOO HOO!!

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I love pooping in diapers,& peeing.There comforting,& I don't need to find a bathroom,when I need to go.

But,I'm scared to buy them... Its embarrassing to buy them,because people will see me as baby(which I enjoy but don't want others to know). I just really anxious even thinking about buying them in public.

Please if you guys have any tips please tell me

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Some advice from a retail employee:

Cashiers don't care what people buy. They just care about going home.

Don't sweat it. Just go in casually, and do it. Imagine you're buying a candy bar.

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I was so scared about buying nappies/diapers and found it difficult to pluck up the courage. I just felt very embarrassed and thought everyone would look. I have to say that "Self Checkouts" are your friend. They allow you to keep your head down and get the purchase over with quickly. But when my father became ill with Bladder cancer. He needed protective underwear and I just had to go and buy them. Strangely, although I was buying the same product, I didn't feel the same when at the shop. So, just get your mind set that you are buying for an ill relative and it won't be as difficult. Eventually, the NHS delivered them for free, which did allow me to pinch a few

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