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Realizing A Dream

Guest Defender

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"Nothing illegal about hiring a mommy" could well be an expensive myth. Perhaps before you assume this statement to be true in your jurisdiction, you should discuss it with a licensed and experienced attorney local to you.

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Angela makes a good point. There are still a lot if laws on the books in some areas concerning riding horses and other OBE public concerns. There can also be a huge difference between laws and enforcement. Angela mentions this, but I now live in California and here there are so many laws that nobody can enforce them all. With communities strapped for cash, the laws that are the most lucrative to enforce are the ones with the least amount of work and largest fines (speeding). Also, politically popular laws like drunk driving get enforced, but it's usually for bucks or votes. Sure there are plenty of criminal acts with victims, but unless enforcing them produces cash or votes, why bother?

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"Nothing illegal about hiring a mommy" could well be an expensive myth. Perhaps before you assume this statement to be true in your jurisdiction, you should discuss it with a licensed and experienced attorney local to you.

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Guest Defender

I've always had success with regular dating. Give it a whirl, no no cops involved. Unless you date one!

Nah....I don't want to date a ton of girls and show them my diaper fetish. If one of them gets mad at me they'll use my fetish against me. I won't risk that.

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Someone at a munch is going to make themselves a pariah if they use your fetish against you, so if it happens there (unlikely) you will have plenty of supportive friends.

Update: Prostitution is legal in Nevada, outside of Las Vegas. I havE heard stories about situations where the price keeps going up in a game of chicken...I also once nearly negotiated to have a gal come to my room in Reno, but was a bit too poor and too depressed....the gal wanted a working phone in the room in case things got scary for her. Finally, a coworker of mine was once spending thousands on a prostitute that was a few hundred miles from his workplace who seemed to be two-timing him...he would have done better learning how not to freak out the women he was interested in.

But I still think the better course of action is to get to know people socially at a munch....

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Nah....I don't want to date a ton of girls and show them my diaper fetish. If one of them gets mad at me they'll use my fetish against me. I won't risk that.

I just want a nice girl who is open, understands why a human does these things, no names involved and just pay for a little diaper play, no sex at all.

They can only use it "against" you if you have shame for it. Owning that side of yourself and being proud takes the bite out of "outting" you.

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