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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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I am looking for Diaper(nappie) covers, preferably in PUL, That are made more in the style of long boxers, that extend to just above the knee, on the leg portion and above the navel in the waist portion. They need to fit up to a 38 inch waist and cover a fairly thick diaper.

I am a truck driver :drive1: , so I need something that wont leak all over the seat or my clothes while I am driving.

If any body knows of such an item, please let me in on the secret, as to where I can find them. :drive1:

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You are looking for what are called bloomers and you can get them made for you by Jenny who owns Babykin's their adult line of products is called simply "Kins" and i believe you can get them made in either plastic or natural rubber. She and her staff do great work and you will find a lot of people here who buy from Babykin's .

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