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Incontinence Support Chat

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While I appreciate that the chat room here seems to cater to fetish needs,for the most part-it gets difficult to talk about incontinence issues here. Ive gotten into a incontinence support group,


And am trying to get folks with ACTUAL incontinence issues together, to organize a scheduled chat. I have modded quite a few chat groups over the years,and I'll try too find a smaller server to host it on. Prefferably with a passworded content-so that we can have a "troll free" enviornment to have discussions in.

Are you tired of feeling alone,with no sense of community? Maybe this will be of use to you.

Drop me a line in this topic if interested,or drop me a line privately,and we will see what we can make happen.

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i too am incontinent and although i love coming here to chat there are many times when i could use the support and or friendships with folks that have to deal with this affliction. just meeting new people that either wear or are there just for support or to meet others that are looking for relationships and are affraid to find a partner that would have issues with our needs. personally i would rather be with someone that knows whats its like to have to live with this every waking moment of their life as do i thanks for posting

Yes Glenn....people like us could use a community that understands. We face a lot of rejection and shame for things we have no control over. So I decided to get things rolling, and see if we couldn't find some remedies to these issues... :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Guest_ron_*

While I appreciate that the chat room here seems to cater to fetish needs,for the most part-it gets difficult to talk about incontinence issues here. Ive gotten into a incontinence support group,


And am trying to get folks with ACTUAL incontinence issues together, to organize a scheduled chat. I have modded quite a few chat groups over the years,and I'll try too find a smaller server to host it on. Prefferably with a passworded content-so that we can have a "troll free" enviornment to have discussions in.

Are you tired of feeling alone,with no sense of community? Maybe this will be of use to you.

Drop me a line in this topic if interested,or drop me a line privately,and we will see what we can make happen.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone reccomend a good server?

Yes: DailyDiapers

(it's pretty good about trolls, and most of us wouldn't even see if you went and created a "incontinence" room in there )

and yes, the main chat is *not* a place where it's easy to hold a serious discussion

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