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Something Unusual Happened Tonight...

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We had a few uni friends over for a couple of drinks tonight, having only just moved into the house a few days ago it's still relatively unfurnished. There were a few of us chilling in the front room using a door balanced on a bin for a coffee table (if you've ever seen the sketch on the Alan Partridge show, exactly like that).

Anyway, a girl who I like was came over and sat next to me and put her beer bottle down too forcefully on the edge of the table, sending 2 cups of tea spilling into my lap, soaking my jeans (it was HOT!). After jumping up and swearing quite loudly for a couple of seconds, the tea cooled down enough for me to realise I was stood in front of the entire room looking like I'd peed my pants.

She pouted her head towards me and jokingly said "Awww, you poor baby! Would you like me to come and change you out of those wet pants?"

All I could think of whilst I stood there was "If only you knew!" :rolleyes:

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I was misbehaving in class when I was 13. The teacher finally asked me infront of the other students if I would like a baby bottle because she said I was acting like a baby.

She even asked me if I wanted to wear diapers.

I was wearing a diaper at the time and thought about telling her I was already wearing a diaper. But decided not too. Lol

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One night after karaoke at a bar I used to work at, my slightly older friend Lori (super hot blonde) and me were just casually talking...went from relationships to marriage to kids...she said she never had a kid, but she still had a few years. I see an opportunity and playfully say in a sly, ladies man voice, "Maybe I could help ya out there..." She responds with, "You wanna be my baby, Fergy? Do you breast feed?"

If only my mouth hadn't been hanging open...still don't know if she was serious or not...LOL

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One day at my old work, I was playfully messing with a female coworker. She gave me a funny look and said, Why do I feel like I am babysitting you? I got really flustered, and tried very hard to stifle the smile. I made some nonsensical explanation, and left. Looking back, I could have said something babyish back as a joke, like me no nos.

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"You wanna be my baby, Fergy? Do you breast feed?"

If only my mouth hadn't been hanging open...still don't know if she was serious or not...LOL

:P Missed opportunity there methinks - would have made going to work a whole lot more interesting! (Unless you've already got an interesting job, if so - apologies!)

To the OP, did wearing your diaper save your potty place from weeks of ouchies?

I wasn't wearing at the time! Wish I had have been - stung a bit in the shower this morning! :unsure:

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We had a few uni friends over for a couple of drinks tonight, having only just moved into the house a few days ago it's still relatively unfurnished. There were a few of us chilling in the front room using a door balanced on a bin for a coffee table (if you've ever seen the sketch on the Alan Partridge show, exactly like that).

Anyway, a girl who I like was came over and sat next to me and put her beer bottle down too forcefully on the edge of the table, sending 2 cups of tea spilling into my lap, soaking my jeans (it was HOT!). After jumping up and swearing quite loudly for a couple of seconds, the tea cooled down enough for me to realise I was stood in front of the entire room looking like I'd peed my pants.

She pouted her head towards me and jokingly said "Awww, you poor baby! Would you like me to come and change you out of those wet pants?"

All I could think of whilst I stood there was "If only you knew!" :rolleyes:

Boy, you could have played that to the hilt. Don't you just hate missing out on an opportunity like that?

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Reminds me of another time a few weeks ago when me and my house-mate were with a girl friend of ours, when the topic of a mutual friend came up. Now, our female friend doesn't really like this guy and thinks he's lazy, whiny, can't do anything for himself etc etc

So she goes "Urgh, how can you guys live with him next year? He's such a baby. He's one of the laziest, neediest guys I know!", she then turned to me and added, "I mean, your a baby too, but your a sweet baby, I could live with you!"

I'm beginning to think my secret ABDL life may not be as incognito as I thought :P:huh:

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