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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Bambino, Wellness Or Cushies

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8-12 hour use will only come with the use of a dry 24/7 or maybe a Bambino Bellissimo. Both are ultra high capacity products and will last a VERY long time. Many have noticed with the dry 24/7 thatthey become uncomfortable before they reach their capacity.....something to ponder

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My gf is going to make cloth eventually for me cause she rocks!! For now need a good disposable I've never had to have one last this long before.

So wellness isn't so good?

What's the difference between bellissimo and classico?

Thanks for all the help so far

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The wellness briefs are ok, or at least the ones I used. They are discreet and comfy, but will only last a few hours...contrary to advertising. I like them because they will hold 2 good floods before I need to change, and a good load if that happens too :blush:

AHEM...soooooo....anyways, as for bambinos, they have different 'levels' of briefs (diapers) that they offer, and they seem to go along with when they were first produced, if that makes any sense. The Classico / Bianco were the first diapers that they came out with, and they have changed some and evolved over time, but essentially they are still the first ones they came out with. In general they work great, have a good design and construction, are comfortable and have good absorption and capacity.

Later models are the Teddys, which are essentially the same design, but have a different tape panel and more SAP in the middle and seat area, and is more long the lines of kind of a 'night diaper'

The newest diaper they developed is the Bellisimo, which is Bambinos answer to the Dry 24/7. They even state in their blog that the large Bellisimo is the same size as a Medium Dry 24/7. I bought a sample of those to check that claim, but haven't had time to test it.....just been busy. if you are dealing with these ultra high capacity/quality diapers, you need time to work with them because they hold so much and last so long. you need a day at least to give them a good work out and see what they will do and how well they hold up.

I hope this helps and explains some of your questions.

Mostly the best thing you can do is just order a bunch of samples and try a little bit of everything. Most of us here have at some level, and it helps when answering questions such as this ;)

Most of all though....have fun! :D

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