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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Where'S The Damn Update?

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It's been over a week, i know! been fighting migraines for five days now. I can use many tricks to make them milder, but they keep coming back and that turns a computer monitor into a glowing box of pain.

I HAVE to get some work done for he guys at WellnessBrief Monday, so will try and get the update finished then as well. This will include picking a winner in the Free Case contest!

Also to our Aussie friends: Please welcome Physio Supplies to our family of supporting advertisers! They ship to Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Ireland and carry Wellness and Abeana diapers as well as plastic pants, cloth diapers and more.


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DD you know your health comes before the updates so quit pushing yourself so far. Without you.... well we dont really have a site to come to do we ^.^

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