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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Enter Tuxedo_oryx

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Greetings, follow ABs and DLs!

I've been hanging out at the chat room, and had a lot of fun there. Kudos to chatters like Andy, DiaperPhantom, BabyKimmy25, and Square_Duck. It was a pleasure meeting you guys!

Anyways, I am a 21 year old female AB. Usually I take on the role of either a little boy or tomboyish toddler. Age play and diapers are two of my favorite fetishes. Sometimes I like to throw in some other elements like FTM roleplaying or medical. But aside from simply being a fetish, diapers and age play has given me comfort, allowed me to express certain emotions, lulled me to sleep, and recreate fun scenerios like Saturday mornings and movie nights.

I hope to make friends with the other residents on this board, contribute in some discusses, and meet other AB/DL females.

May your diapers stay snuggly! :)

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Welcome to our special club. I'm sure you will find many new friends here. I've been member for two months now and have found many positive supporters of our lifestyle. Hope that you enjoy the site. If you have any questions there are plenty of friendly and willing to help people. Well, hope to see you in chat and welcome aboard.

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Hi Tux,

Let me be one of the first to officially welcome you to Daily Diapers. Great introduction!!! That's one of the best I've read, and I've read them all. Nice avatar too, you are clearly very talented, and it fits you - lol. It's always a little extra special to welcome another female AB to the community because there are so few of you here. Be prepared to get a lot of attention. From chatting with you, I can tell you are fairly educated with a great sense of humor, and I find that very refreshing. I hope you will use your intellect and humor on the boards as we desperately need more female perspective on many of the topics currently being discussed. You will notice right away that I actively participate on the boards and I strongly advocate for female participation in the forums, not just in chat. I hope you enjoy yourself here as much as I do and I always look forward to chatting with you. Thanks for the kudos!!!

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Welcome to the site. Hope you have many happy days ahead of you and your days as a AB be happy. There is much to be seen here and hope you have the time I don't. I like to say "Enjoy life as it's to short."

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