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I'M A Mommy New To Abdl, I Need Some Advice.

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This is a lot like what my girls often do on the path to making a mistake that was otherwise easily repaired .... talk to the person you intend to talk to about the problem rather than to others. They are the only one the solution can be made with. Otherwise the logical solution if it wont go away and you wont accept it is that something must break. I live in a polymonogamous household, and communication is required on an extreme level to keep problems from overtaking our relationships. Daily open time as a family if necessary to get through it.


Yes we do talk about it frequently and are getting better at getting to the heart of the matter, where our emotions and feelings are and what we are struggling with. Thanks for your response.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your links, I am sorry I haven't gotten to responding soon. I appreciate your efforts to help me and I will most definitely read them and take from them what I can.


Ask yourself if your getting off on disciplining him or getting off on him getting off on it. Similar but totally different. Getting off on exciting your partner is about as good as it gets... and very sexy. Dont want to get too personal but to me there is nothing better than watching my lover cum knowing i caused it.

  • 4 weeks later...

Ask yourself if your getting off on disciplining him or getting off on him getting off on it. Similar but totally different. Getting off on exciting your partner is about as good as it gets... and very sexy. Dont want to get too personal but to me there is nothing better than watching my lover cum knowing i caused it.

Thanks, I have thought about it, and am actually getting off on him getting off on it. It is a great experience. Thanks for you comment, it really helped. It helps that we are working on this, and making progress, much easier to get into it now than it was earlier.



I was a member here for some time but can't seem to find my info so i've created a new account.

It's been quite some time since i've visited but saw your post and felt the desire to reply.

To share a little about myself, I met a man almost three years ago. We were just friends at first...the whole getting to know you thing. The one thing is, he shared his desires right up front with me. He felt that if this was something that I couldn't do or want to try, why take the steps further into a relationship with me. You see, I never knew before him what the whole ab/dl life was. My original reply to him was basically if it didnt hurt him or anyone else, who was I to judge him. The catch was not only did he desire to be a baby...but a baby girl. That part was difficult for me to understand at first.

He is from Texas and I am in Ohio so the first parts to our (then) relationship was done online and or over the phone. I can tell you.....that was in no way easy for me to do. Especially knowing i really didnt know much of this lifestyle. He had me go to adult baby websites and read read read stories. That HELPED ALOT!!! I found funny stories helped the most. There is one in particular that i will cherish. But unfortunately, I don't remember what site I found it in.

Communication is very important. Find out what all he is into. What does he enjoy most. What are his wants/needs? Maybe at first, set up some kind of arrangement for adult....and then baby. There are those times when u need that adult verses that baby. Go slowly. You don't have to rush right in full charge. Share what you like and always remember, this takes 2 to work in a relationship. It can't always be all about him.

Then comes the fun. In person!!! It was awkward at first. LET ME TELL YOU! First came the diapering...then bottles, pacifiers, clothes, and feedings. Just getting used to it. Finding that comfy spot. Building some kind of routine. I can assure you. It seemed so very foolish at first.

My baby Abby moved in with me two years ago this December. The relationship has had its ups and downs but i'm happily in love. I have both the man of my dreams and a lil baby girl. We fit in baby time the best we can and when she wants more of my attention, she seeks her mommy out. I can tell you, I gladly accept that part any day or time of the week. This is something that i still feel is truly special and if you can get past all of the 'newness' of it....you too, will be happy!!!! This bond that is formed is unlike any other. It will bring the two of you closer than you can imagine. For him to be able to share this part of himself with you is special.

Today...I enjoy when Abby calls me mommy. It warms my heart. Sometimes it's the little things that stand out...her saying i love you mommy or 'huggies'.

With all this being said....I wish you the best of luck. I hope it is for you... what it still is for me today!!!



Abby's Mommy, you can PM me and I will see if I can find your old account for you and get you back on under that name. Just need to know your screen name. :thumbsup:

  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for your response. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I think it would be helpful to chat about our stories, they seem very similar. I appreciate that you took time to respond. It is taking some time to get into it all, but I am working on it.

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