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Shared Destiny: The New Thread Continues

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"Well, I think that was sufficient," said Ling softly, "Now you can give her what she needs."

Robert pulled Destiny back to his lap, kissed her and began to build her desire back to a level that even she had not expected. The blood was flowing and the juices were sizzling. Despite her recent spanking at the hands of this man, she was very turned on and very close to exploding.

"I think she likes it, Ling," commented Susan, "Perhaps she should always be spanked before we allow her a small release. What do you think?"

"I approve," chimed in Ling, "Quite appropriate for a little diaper girl such as we have in Destiny. Quite appropriate indeed."

Destiny heard next to none of what was said even though she guessed most of it. It didn't matter because now she was about to have a glorious and much anticipated orgasm. It was something she'd have done much more for if asked.

Her bottom was soaked but her body was electrified by the touch of this gentle yet firm master of manipulation. His magic fingers lingered then fleeted away, returned and retreated. A shiver went down her spine and it happened. Her breath was taken away by the ever expanding feelings that pulsated and shuddered through her body. Her limbs went numb and she wilted into Robert's arms.

As she again focused her eyes on the surroundings, the lights grew dimmer and the people in the hall could be seen, clapping and cheering. A few held up OK signs with their hands. Women hastily scribbled their numbers on any scrap of paper and pressed them against the glass. One man, towering and solid features, stoicly gave the thumbs up before he turned to leave.

Ling looked as Susan, "He was here again. I think he likes the shows we sponsor."

"I saw that," replied Susan, "Perhaps he has an interest in common. Should we arrange a meeting?"

"It can't hurt," continued Ling, "But I do not want to take another man into training so soon. We've barely gotten Destiny to the point we can take her out in public. Agreed?"

Without another word, Susan kissed Ling and stood to seek the tall man with the chiseled features. While she was gone, Robert patted Destiny's head. Her hair was just now long enough to reach the nape of her neck. She thought it thicker than before but that's probably because she had none for so long.

Then the door opened and Susan returned, "Ling, this is the gentleman from the hall. I'd like to introduce Mr. Vincent as the man that can provide us with a larger venue."

"What exactly is your larger venue, Mr. Vincent?" questioned Ling.

"DVD's and web cams to be more precise," answered the strong voiced man, "I'm a producer of erotica with very narrow interests that I think will have a wider appeal. Your shows always seem to be the biggest in the hall and I certainly enjoy them."

"So, you make porn?" asked Ling.

"Not just porn, Susan, hear him out," commented Susan, "I think he has a great idea."

"Not just porn," added Vincent, "Erotica. I'm not about the graphic money shot. I prefer to have a theme and expand on it. To show the nuiances of something like this diaper S&M you've got going on here. I think a much greater audience will appreciate this once I've made a few test scenes. Interested in making a fringe fetish mainstream? There's money, which I know you don't consider, and a chance to make this one a star."

Destiny looked around as he pointed to her on that last statement. She was going to be in a DVD in diapers? OH NO! Now the world would see her wet herself and be spanked... and the other, very private thing."

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"Don't look so frightened, little one," said Vincent, "You will not come to any harm that Mistress Susan and Mistress Ling would not already subject you to. I merely wish to document it and make it more widely known."

Destiny's mind raced. What if people she knew... or once knew saw her in a video, being spanked, changed and wetting herself? She shuddered to think about what they'd say about her. Still in Robert's arms, she didn't think she'd mind as much as long as it ended in her sexual gratification.

Robert looked at Ling and Susan, "May I take Destiny back to the dance floor for a bit?"

Ling waved Robert off and smiled, "Surely you have earned it. Keep everyone out of her diapers while you are out there."

Robert stood and took Destiny's hand as he straightened her outfit and escorted her out of the room. The crowd had mostly dispersed and Destiny was glad of that. One forward woman placed a slip of paper in Robert's hand right in front her! He accepted it and dropped it in the trash as soon as he had a chance.

"Sorry about that, Destiny," Robert said into her ear, "It is just one of those hazards of the life. You'll get used to it because it will happen to you as well."

Out on the dance floor they went. She was jazzed up at finally having some fun and tried to forget about all the events of a few minutes ago. The public display and spanking were all but dull memories.

After several songs were played and danced to, Destiny was feeling a bit worn. She and Robert had a seat at a vacant table and proceeded to chat. A steady stream of people passed by and winked at her or him or both of them. A few sent drinks over and even one bold fellow sat right down and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Jack. That was quite a show you two put on," said Jack, "Do you do private parties?"

Robert sternly told him that the show was just a show, "Look, fellow, we come here for fun. The show is over so be about your own business. OK?"

Robert, not being a small guy, didn't even have to raise his voice to run Jack away. Robert decided they'd had enough and escorted Destiny back to the room. As they left, one woman stepped up to Destiny.

"Are you being held against your will?" asked the woman holding Destiny from following Robert, "Because if you are, I can help. They do not have the right if you are being forced to do this. Nobody should be confined to diapers or other torment against there will."

It was then and there that Destiny realized that she'd started out as a captive but now accepted this and knew it was were she belong, "Are you mad? I freely do this and much more. It is just a scene. Get a life, you troublemaker!"

With that, the woman allowed Destiny to pass, even before Robert had a chance to intercede. They returned to the room to find Ling and Susan putting on another show. They watched for a bit as Ling pleasured Susan orally through the viewing window. Destiny felt her diaper grow heavier as her bladder dumped one of her several drinks of the evening.

Susan and Ling's show ended and Robert knocked before entering with Destiny. Ling and Susan were still kissing as they sat on the table. Destiny sat on the couch as Robert approached the ladies and told them about the encounter with the activist woman in the club.

Ling picked up a phone, "Carmi? Ling here. Robert said she's at it again. Show our uninvited guest the door please."

Ling and Susan continued speaking with Robert a bit more before the conversation turned toward Destiny.

Susan smiled and walked over to take Destiny's hand, "Darling Destiny! Robert told us how you handled yourself with that evil woman. We are so proud of you! Do you really feel that way?"

Destiny knew in her heart that she did not want to leave and could only shake her head 'yes' as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Ling and Susan both hugged her as she felt the padding in her diaper swell with the warmth of uncontrollable flow of her bladder contents.

Shortly afterwards they left for home. Destiny, still a bit tipsy, was fastened into her seat and given a pacifier for the ride home. She was asleep before they left the parking lot.

The next thing she remembered was waking up the next morning with a bit of a hangover and a very soaked, very thick diaper and a feeding bag attached to her mouth. She instinctively sucked at the fluid and the comforting feeling that came with familiar surroundings.

Several days after the club night, Destiny realized she no longer felt her bladder fill or empty but only realized that she was constantly wetting. She truly would be in diapers from now on. Even when she was given a bath or shower, she was always dribbling.

She was now spanked on a fairly regular schedule which ended in her being rubbed to a climax by one of the ladies. She'd become so used to it that the mere sight of a paddle or other spanking instrument made her wet with desire.

A few weeks after the club night, Vincent arrived with film gear and a few hands to help. One woman and one man. They setup lights and cameras in the play room and in Destiny's room. Ling allowed them a small area in a spare bedroom to base out out of and to edit the hours of tape. Destiny was taped 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Her mic was always live. They shot everything from her pleasuring Susan and Ling to her bathroom visits to keep from soiling her diapers.

After three days, Destiny had learned to ignore the camera and extra people in the house. So much so that she asked Mistress Ling for a spanking.

"Mistress Ling, may I pleasure you so that you may find it fitting to spank me?" asked Destiny, with obvious desire for the pleasure she'd receive after her taste of the paddle or whip.

"How bold of you child," smiled Ling with her answer, "You may pleasure me. If I'm sufficiently pleased I will indeed discipline you with the crop."

After two solid weeks of being recorded day and night, Vincent proclaimed he had enough for a full DVD. He and his team packed up and left. Destiny had no real sense of time except that they now went to the club once a month after Destiny had been diapered and confined to her crib for several days in a row. She knew that when she was cleaned up and put in a disposable, they were going to the club.

Tonight Destiny was dressed in a tight sleeveless black dress with an open back. Despite her protests, the top waistband of her disposable was visible at the base of the plunge. The length was also quite short. If she sat down or bent over, her diaper would be clearly visible. She swallowed hard and followed the ladies to the car.

Another night out and another show must go on!

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At the club they spent the first hour mingling, letting everyone know the show would be in an hour. Destiny looked around in hopes of catching a glimpse of Robert but he wasn't there. She was also self concious of her diaper showing at the top of dress's back slit. Her garter belt was too low to offer much in the way of covering it no matter how she tugged and twisted.

One brave fellow had the nerve to actually speak to her, "Nice nappy! Mind if I feel it?"

Ling caught him under the chin with a very pointed finger nail, "Not unless I get to change you into a girl first."

With that, he melted back into the throng of people dancing and mingling. Destiny was very glad that Ling was around. She possessed a certain air of authority about her that was seldom challenged. I dare say the police would find her hard to get the upper hand on. Susan liked to sit back and watch Ling work. Despite Ling's tough exterior, she was actually the more protective and more nurturing of Destiny.

They had been at the club for 30 minutes, drinking and mingling, and still no sign of Robert. She began to wonder what could possibly be the theme for the show without him. She wouldn't have long to wait. Ling and Susan shuffled through the mass of bodies with Destiny in tow toward the now familiar special room. She was watching to see if any other shows were being performed as they walked down the crowded hall.

The first show was a rather large person, obviously a man, dressed in black and white latex as a French maid. His black bloomers looked quite uncomfortable and he was quite unsteady on his spike heels. His makeup was way over the top as well. His cheeks were brilliant red and his lips were almost clown like. Despite that, he seemed to be enjoying himself and his mistress, who had him on his hands and knees, licking her boots. Oh well, to each their own.

The next window was more interesting even though it frightened Destiny. A very beautiful woman was strapped across a saw horse. Her long hair dangled along the floor as she wriggled under the crop of a very muscular man with a black hood. He would strike her several times to which she would scowl and bite her lip. Afterwards, he would drag the handle of the crop across her privates and shove it in her face. She would smile and lick at it as if it were life giving water! Oddly, Destiny was aroused by the sight.

Then they entered the room Destiny was dreaded. She was to be the star of the next side show. She still had no idea what her part would be but she knew it was going to be interesting to watch and she probably wasn't going to like it.

Destiny was moved to the every present padded table and arms were tied together over her head. Her legs were put into stirrups her skirt was lifted. She didn't feel too wet yet.

"Excellent," said Susan, "The wetness strips have not changed yet."

Then the dreaded feeding gag was fitted just as the lights faded out the crowd on the other side of the window. This time it was feed to her from a much higher IV pole and it spilled into her mouth much faster than she was used to. She swallowed as fast as she could but it soon overwhelmed her. She gulped and gulped until she could take no more. Just as she felt about to burst, it stopped.

Ling touched her stomach, "She looks pregnant!"

Susan's eyes grew wider, "OH MY GOSH! She does. I guess a gallon of special sause has to go somewhere on a skinny thing like Destiny."

Ling thought a moment, "You know, I haven't see a belly that big since we gave that sissy the four quart enema!"

Susan laughed, "Remind me never to do that again!"

Destiny tried not to look at the wall. She knew people were watching her being force fed and most likely wetting herself. Yes, she was wetting herself all right! Her behind was now soaked. Susan confirmed the humiliation.

"Ling, I see the strips disappearing. She's wetting pretty heavily," said Susan, "I can see her crotch getting soggier and see it spread down her behind!"

Ling walked around to observe from the side, careful not to obstruct the view. They pushed the wheeled table closer to the window. Then each of them turned a crank that lifted Destiny's legs higher and higher until her behind was no longer on the table at all.

Ling smiled, "It won't be long now until she leaks out of this one."

Susan slid a second diaper under Destiny and unfastened the garters as Ling perforated the one she was already wearing. Liquid dripped out of it as Ling fastened the second diaper around her already soaked bottom. Her garter belt was refitted over the second diaper. Then they let her legs back down and as her behind contacted the table, she felt how warm and damp her bottom had gotten. She felt as if she was wetting a steady stream now.

"I think it is time we danced," said Susan, "Shall we leave her here or take her with?"

Ling cocked her head to one side and put a finger to her lip, "I think she needs to be about. Let her legs free and I'll remove the gag and hand bindings."

When they were finished, the lights were again turned down and it was wall to wall people. Everyone was looking in astonishment. Some, both guys and gals, were pressed up against the glass as they tried to see more. Susan helped Destiny up off the table. Her stomach was very heavy and bloated. She burped a very loud belch from all the air she gulped while trying to keep up with the flow of the bag.

She took a few steps and became more aware of her heavy, wet bottom and the swelled padding between her legs. She swayed a bit from the weight as well as the alcohol she'd consumed the hour before.

As they exited the room, the hallway, with no room to move, erupted in spontaneous applause. Destiny blushed and Ling and Susan waved. Someone, young woman, cupped a hand to Ling's ear and said something. Destiny didn't know what was said but Ling pulled Destiny to her, turned her back to them and pulled her dress up. Ling allowed the woman to touch Destiny's very wet and soggy behind.

Susan used her very authoritative voice, "If you will clear the hall, we will allow you touch Destiny's diaper! Thank you!"

OH MY! Destiny was literally the side show freak!

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After what seemed like a thousand gawking people patted, rubbed, squeezed and plain old touched Destiny's diapered behind, the hall was clear. Ling pulled Destiny's dress down and they continued to the dance floor.

Destiny bit her lip and kept her head down or at least tried to. Ling and Susan would have none of it.

"Look forward," barked Susan, "You put on an excellent show and you had the place completely crowded into the cramped hallway. It was a first!"

Ling put her hand under Destiny's chin and point her face to Ling's, "Look around you. What do you see? All of these people, they came to see you."

"Bu..but, Mistress Ling," Destiny stuttered, "I, I, my diaper is very wet and I feel myself soaking it even more from all the fluids."

"Nonsense, girl!" Ling continued, "No pity party. Not now, not ever! You are a diaper girl. You wear diapers and you USE DIAPERS! Haven't you accepted that by now?"

Destiny shook her head, "But I didn't think the whole world would know."

Susan looked around nonchalantly, "Do you really think they care? They saw a show. Big deal."

Ling put Destiny's head on her shoulder, "Listen, half the women here want to be you and the other half want to be me. All of the guys want to be with you and most would leave whomever they came with to dance with you. Watch this!"

Ling stood up and pulled a dancing couple apart. She shoved the woman away and pulled this gorgeous, dark skinned Mediterranean man with wide shoulders away from his partner. She walked him up to Destiny but she would barely look at him.

"What is your name?" asked Ling.

"Stepheno," replied the lad, "Is this the girl from the show?"

"Quite observant of you, young man. Apparently you were looking at more than her predicament," snickered Ling.

"It was an amazing show," said Stepheno, "Pardon me for asking a somewhat delicate question. Was it real?"

There was a hesitation and Ling instructed Destiny, "Answer the gentleman."

"Yes, it was real. It was not a trick," answered Destiny, "Did it amuse you?"

Stepheno laughed, "Yes, it actually did. I was stunned and awed."

"Stepheno, did you come with a date," asked Susan, still sitting with her back to the group.

"Yes, but she was just some friend of mine's sister," said Stepheno, "She will be fine."

"Would you like to dance with Destiny?" asked Ling.

"I'd be honored!" said Stepheno enthusiastically as he stood and took Destiny's hand, "Shall we dance?"

Destiny stood slowly and straightened her dress in an attempt to obscure her puffy behind. It worked only because of the club lighting and the fact that the dance floor was crowded. Stepheno was a good dancer and was a perfect gentleman.

As they were dancing, he whispered in her ear, "I did not touch your behind. I was taught that sort of thing was not proper."

She smiled for the first time since the hallway and whispered back, "Thank you!"

They danced and danced until she could dance no more. Her diaper or diapers were very heavy now and she could feel them slipping down a bit. Had it not been for the garter belt, they would have been around her knees already.

"I need to go back and sit down, please," said Destiny.

Stepheno took her back to Ling and Susan but she did not sit. Ling looked at her sideways but said nothing. Susan was more bold and swatted her behind.

"Yep, she's full!" said Susan with a big grin.

Destiny blushed and turned so as to not face the two ladies. She felt a trickle run down her left inner thigh and spread out along the top of her stocking. She gulped and closed her eyes.

"Tell me why you do not wish to sit, child?" asked Ling.

"Because, Mistress Ling," started Destiny after a brief hesitation, "I am leaking as I speak. My diapers are over full and it is running down my leg. If I sit, it will gush out from all over."

"Susan," said Ling, "I'm going to take her back to the room. Shall we put on another show?"

Susan stood and dragged Destiny, dripping along the way, back to the room. No announcement was made and still a crowd was already gathered in the hallway and were watching as she was taken into the room. Apparently they assemblage had gathered in the hopes of an encore performance.

Susan positioned Destiny on all fours upon the padded table. The lights were turned up and the wall that Destiny's behind was facing became a mirror. It was so quiet that the drops of urine splattering on the vinyl covering could be heard.

Susan left her that way for what seemed like forever even though it was really only a few minutes. Her very soaked and leaking diaper was barely visible from beneath her short dress. Ling pulled the dress up to reveal more of the puffy, diapered behind until it was well above the garter belt.

Destiny couldn't wait to get this soaked, heavy diaper off of her behind. She almost asked for a spanking which would undoubtably resulted in an orgasm as well. But not tonight, not as part of the show. She would settle for just a clean diaper.

Ling slowly unfolded a fresh diaper and slid it under Destiny to catch the dripping leakage. Then her garters were released to allow for access to remove her very heavy diapers. Then it all went wrong! Ling started by patting her bottom and then sunk her very sharp fingernails into her diaper. Being as she lacerated the backside, the leaks did not get worse. Then she pulled the diaper up and fastened a third diaper onto Destiny's bottom.

Destiny hung her head. She could see in the glass wall how large and rounded her behind had become with three diapers. She looked like she had a beachball on her butt.

"All done?" asked Susan.

"All done!" said Ling, "We can go home now."

Thankfully it was almost over!

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When Ling fastened Destiny's garters back, they were noticeably tighter. When Destiny was helped down and stood up, it was apparent that her diaper was visibly drooping below the edge of her little black dress. She bit her lip and then sucked her thumb.

It was then she realized the show was not over yet. She looked at herself in the mirrored glass wall. She was standing there in her little black dress, thumb in her mouth and a noticeable bulge around her hips. The dress wouldn't pull down as far as before. Then she noticed the cresent of white showing below the hem of her dress, the white plastic covering of her multilayered diaperings. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Turn around, Destiny," said Susan, "Show the people how well you are protected."

Destiny gulped and slowly turned about. She looked over her shoulder and it was even worse than from the front. The dress was even higher in the back than the front plus more of her diaper was visible above the open back slash. Her black garter straps were seen attached to the top of her stockings as well. Nobody would dare mistake what they saw as anything other than what it was, a grown woman wearing a thick diaper!

"Come, Destiny, we are going home," said Ling, "Did you enjoy your evening?"

Destiny, knowning a response was demanded, "Yes, Mistress Ling, I very much enjoyed my evening dancing."

"What about the show," asked Susan, "Did you enjoy being the star of the show?"

"Yes, Mistress Susan," answered Destiny, "I am glad that I was able to provide entertainment to the viewers."

They each took one of Destiny's arms, partly to steady her waddlying gate and partly to keep her from being tempted to try to cover her hugely apparent, diaper-clad bottom. She knew her face must have been beet red when she exited the room. She was unprepared for what happened next.

When the door opened, the hall was full of people but they parted and made path for the trio to walk down. Then a slow clap by someone along the path started and was followed by another and another until the entire hallway was clapping and cheering.

"Do you hear that, little one?" asked Ling, "That's for you!"

Susan reached down and pulled up Destiny's dress to reveal her fully rounded and protected rear. The crowd went wild. Whistles and yells were roaring.

"Destiny, darling," whispered Susan in Destiny's ear as she kissed her cheek, "you are the best girl we've ever had and you are not the first."

They walked out of the club and into the waiting limo. Destiny was fastened into her seat and given a pacifier feeding gag that was fastened around her head. She sucked and tasted a sweetly flavored, salty fluid like a sports drink. She was still wetting the whole time although she could not tell. Her bottom felt the saturated material squish around her with every bump in the road.

She drifted off to sleep on the way home and hardly stirred when they arrived. She did not remember anything else until morning, maybe the next morning or maybe not. She could never tell any more. She suspected it was more than one day since the events at the club since she was now apparently wearing what she called a 3-day diaper and it was obviously wetter than overnight.

Susan entered and was surprised to see Destiny awake, "OH! I thought you'd sleep at least a few more hours."

Susan patted Destiny's very heavily padded crotch. Destiny's jaw was stiff from the long time with a feeding gag in place. Susan changed the empty bag for a full one of a milky white fluid. She tasted a change in texture and sucked as was expected.

"We have a surprise for you," said Susan, "Ling has received the first DVD that Mr. Vincent has created. We will be watching it this evening with some friends and you, my little darling, will be the guest of honor!"

Destiny did not really want to be the center of attention but it was not under her control. She now realized she needed to empty her bowels. Hopefully, one of the mistresses would start getting her cleaned. She'd not had to mess herself in a very long time.

It was several hours more before anyone else entered the room. Ling entered and began unfastening Destiny's restraints. She finally removed the feeding gag and allowed her to relax her jaw. As she was stood up and walked to the bathroom, she felt the weight of a full three days in her 3-day diaper. Apparently, she was sedated on the ride home from the club.

"How are you bowels, little one?" asked Ling, "We've changed your formulas a bit."

"I have an urgent need, Mistress Ling," answered Destiny honestly, "Will it be much longer before I'll be allowed to... you know, not mess myself?"

Ling laughed, "You will have no say, child. You are our little one that amuses us."

A shiver went down Destiny's spine. Where they taking a new approach? She did not want to consider the turn this might take. She concentrated on not soiling herself. Ling led her to the shower and began to remove her clothing. When she got the plastic pants off, Destiny felt an uncontrollable opening of her rear. She feared the worst as her cheeks quivered and gave out.

PFFFT! It was a loud fart and nothing more. Destiny sighed at the relief of not messing herself. Ling giggled to herself.

Ling then undid her massive diaper and allowed her to sit on the toilet. There was more gas but no poo. She strained but nothing would happen. She was even more worried. What was meant when she was told they changed her formulas?

"Did you go potty for Mommie?" asked Ling.

Destiny shook her head no, "No, Mommie Ling. I tried."

"That's too bad," said Ling with a pout, "We can't have you messing yourself this evening with guests. I need to consult with Susan."

Ling fastened Destiny's hands chain in the ceiling. There she stood, dribbling into the drain in the floor until Ling and Susan returned.

"So, little one, you couldn't poop for Mommie Ling?" asked Susan.

Destiny answered, "No, Mommie Susan, Can I please try again?"

"I don't think so. Well, there's the issue, Ling, what should we do?" asked Susan.

"There's only two choices, really. An enema or a cork," said Ling.

Destiny bit her lip. She didn't relish either choice. Then Susan snapped her fingers.

"There's another choice! All of the above!" said Susan.

Now Destiny knew she was in real trouble!

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"NO! PLEASE, MOMMIE SUSAN!" yelled Destiny.

"SILENCE!" said Susan in a strong tone.

Susan fastened Destiny's legs to a bar that spread them three feet apart. Then she hooked a cable she pulled from the ceiling to the bar. She hit a light switch on the wall and suddenly Destiny was hanging by her hands and feet, naked in the bathroom!

Susan continued by showing Destiny a huge toy, "This will help you keep your darling little bottom from messing itself."

Destiny shook her head. Then she was shocked again as Susan began to spank her quite vigorously.

"And this is for being insolent!" said Susan as she landed yet another stroke of the paddle on Destiny's now quite rosey behind.

It was at least five strokes that Destiny endured before she stopped. The biggest difference was that she did not get the release she normally did. No explanation, no reason, just no glorious payoff from a spanking.

Ling returned from somewhere and whispered to Susan so that Destiny could not hear. It put a smile on Susan's face she rummaged through the closet for something else. Apparently, she found what she was looking for. It was some hose, a hot water bottle and some blood pressure cuff squeeze bulbs. What were they going to do with that?

"Slight change of plans, little one," said Ling, "You will not get an enema right away. Rather you will be administered one through out the evening and you will be sealed against accidents with a special nozzle we think will do the job quite nicely."

When Susan held it up and spread it out, it was a complicated contraption, hoses and fittings all over it. Some of it was clear, some of it was amber and some it was red. Susan explained some it as she went, mostly just to amuse herself and to see the look on Destiny's face.

"This is an inflatable enema nozzle," said Susan, "It can go in even the smallest of anal openings and be inflated so as to provide a positive seal. There are two inflatable sections. One for inside to seal the colon and one outside to apply pressure on the sphincter for a positive clamping seal."

Susan demonstrated the nozzle. Sure enough, two bulbs inflated two little ballons on the end of the hose and it swelled up like a grapefruit on the inside and an orange on the outside with only and inch between them. She deflated them both and Ling began to lubricate them with a tube of something.

"The hose has a check valve so that once inside, no fluid will come back out the hose," said Susan, "This is because we want you to experience the full feeling that only a truly large enema can produce."

Destiny felt a finger wiggling in her behind, then two. It felt funny as she could not stop Susan and it felt different than she expected. It was not an unpleasant feeling. Then the fingers were withdrawn and cool silicone of the hose was snaked in. It slid in easily and the bump that was the first balloon followed with little effort. Then the bump that was the second balloon came to rest against her sphincter.

"Look at me, Destiny," said Susan, "I want to be able to see your face when I inflate this."

Susan squeezed once on a bulb and Destiny felt something. Then another and another. Each time she felt the hose slide further into her as the internal balloon tried to expand. After five pumps on the bulb, there was a distinct feeling of being full and needing to go but it would not budge. Then she squeezed the other bulb and Destiny's cheeks felt the expanding balloon pull the hose back out of her. Another pump and it felt tight. One more and it was as if they were trying to stick a tennis ball up her butt.

Her eyes grew wide and her mouth hung open. The inner balloon was now pulling down but could not possibly come out. Her little rosebud was sandwiched between the balloons. Nothing could get in or out of her bottom except for the fluid coming into her through the hose. Susan let her legs down back onto the floor.

As Destiny stood up on her feet again, the awareness of something lodged in her bottom was undeniably distracting. She barely heard anything Susan or Ling said and cared little about anything else.

The took her and bathed her as normally was done before some event. She was so totally thrown off by the predicament in her behind that she didn't enjoy it like she normally did. She just went through the motions.

They dressed her in a very thick cloth diaper to begin with. The hose and bulbs protruded out the right left leg of her pink ruffled plastic panties. Next she was dressed in a short frilly skirt with lots of layers. It nearly stuck straight out from her waist. It did nothing to cover her ruffled panties or worse, the hose sticking out of her leg that led to her bottom!

Susan and Ling cackled to each other each time they put something even more childish and comical on Destiny than the time before. They were having a great time at her expense. Her big shiny MaryJane shoes were just one such example.

Her top was an equally frilly and fluffy babydoll that barely covered her breasts. Her tummy, from the top of her plastic pants to the bottom of her breasts, was fully exposed. She would learn why only once it was too late.

Then Ling pulled at the hose in her bottom, "Still attached isn't it? Wouldn't want it to slip out before you've had some fun."

Then Susan put a cute little Hello Kitty backpack on Destiny only she couldn't see what else they were doing. She could only tell that they were tugging on the hose that led into her diaper and that the backpack got heavier on her shoulders.

Susan stood her up in front of a mirror and showed her the completed outfit. From the front, she just looked like a big baby in pink frillies. From that back it was apparent something else completely was going on. The bulbs at the base of her leg opening was the most obvious. The hose ran out over her panties and up under the skirt to emerge at her waistline and connect to another bulb that appeared inline and connected to a valve coming out of the backpack.

"Little one, I think you look wonderful," said Susan, "What do you think?"

Destiny's mouth was still open, "I, uh, think that Mommie Ling and Mommie Susan did a wonderful job."

"Give her a sample of how it works, Susan," said Ling.

Susan opened the valve and a slight gurgling could be heard, "That's the air purging from the lines. Unfortunately, it will be going inside of you. You may feel a little discomfort but it will pass."

Ling squeezed the bulb and Destiny immediately felt a surge of something way down low. She also felt the bubbles from the line enter her colon, like gas trying to escape but with no exit possible.

"This bulb is strictly for our amusement. Should we need to empty the bag quicker than gravity dictates, we can force it faster, especially since you won't be able to sit this evening," said Ling.

"Come, little one, time for the party guests to arrive and you will meet everyone personally. After all, they've come to see you!" said Susan.

It was now that Destiny discovered that walking was difficult. Between the very thick cloth diaper and the protrusion from her behind, it was down righ awkward. She plodded behind them and arrived at the front door.

The doorbell rang and Destiny's mind was racing. It had begun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first to arrive was Mr. Vincent with a few of his, how should I put it, pets. That's the best way to describe them. As well as his ever present taping crew. This man must record every minute of every day.

Destiny couldn't take her eyes off of his pets. One was a very sleek and slender girl. Not a speck of fat was evident on her entire body and it was her entire body you could see. She was only wearing body paint and some sort of odd shoes.

Destiny knew right away she was supposed to be a horse or pony or something. Those shoes looked like hoofs and her head was shaved except for the mohawk that left her a mane. It ran down about half way on her back. Her arms were bound behind her in an unnatural fashion. It looked like it would hurt. She was painted like a pinto pony, brown spots on a lighter base color. Her face was painted like a horses muzzle and she wore bridle complete with bit between her teeth.

The most interesting thing was her tail. It looked so natural and beautiful. That is until Destiny realized it was protruding from her behind! She was in perfect form, truly like a pony. She never spoke and would not the entire evening.

The other pet was no less impressive. She was a peacock, equally well painted and with a full plume tail feathers. The feathers were also implanted in her behind. She strutted and even managed to make the tail feathers react. Her arms were also feathered. She was a beautiful bird.

Mr. Vincent kissed both Susan and Ling while they exchanged pleasantries. Destiny looked around for a bulter or maid but there were none to be seen this time.

The crew filmed Destiny and Ling even commanded her to stand still as the crew slowly walked around her, taping her from every angle. They got a closeup of her tubing and bulbs dangling from her plastic panties.

"Destiny, describe yourself for the camera," barked Susan.

"Yes, Mistress Susan," said Destiny as she recited all the intricate details of her outfit and the attachments that the mistresses had fitted her with.

This detailed information she recited included the insertion in her behind and the backpack of fluids to be injected as the mistresses saw fit. Susan demonstrated by giving a squeeze on the pump bulb to push some fluid inside of Destiny. She flinched just a bit as she felt a jet of something move inside her. She did not find it completely unpleasant, just a bit shocking at first.

Ling went on to explain to the camera, "The added benefit of introducing fluids via the anal opening is that they are absorbed much faster. Then they find their way into her bladder and her diaper very quickly."

Upon hearing that, Destiny knew it was true. She felt as if she was constantly dribbling into her diaper even more than usual. The weight was already increasing on her waist.

Before long, another ring of the doorbell was heard and two more people walked in. It was Mr. Adams, the man that was the bulter at her previous outing and a companion. Destiny could not tell if it was one of the former maids but it appeared to be female and well endowed at that.

Mr. Adams kissed Ling and Susan, "So glad to be able to attend under less business-like circumstances. This is my slave, number 9. She hasn't earned a right to be called by a name as of yet."

The film crew swarmed over number 9 with some interest. She was wearing a slinky black dress, high heels and big, bright earrings. She turned for the camera at Mr. Adams urging and blushed. Then it was obvious to anyone that she was heavily diapered.

"In the spirit of viewing the premiere video of your diapered slave, I felt it proper to bring my own diapered slave," said Mr. Adams confidently.

"DO TELL!" said Susan, "How did you come to possess her?"

"Very interesting story, actually. Here's the highlights," said Adams, "She came to me with a desire to stop smoking. She'd tried patches, gum and even hypnosis with no success. Needless to say, I like a challenge and once the paper work was signed and she was legally committed to my institution for cognitive restructuring, things became interesting."

Ling looked at Adams, "Oh, you are using the institute again? I've got to hear more!"

"Yes, well, the institute has helped many people overcome their demons," said Adams, "and number 9 is the latest. She has made great progress and I dare say, she won't be smoking tonight. Not all of what you see on her behind is diaper. Most of it is batteries and electronics. If she fails to perform a function satisfactorily, I merely touch my wrist controller and she gets a shock in a most sensitive area. The diaper is to maintain hygene in the event of an involuntary act. She also exhibited poor posture. Her back is fitted with a pressure strip. Should she sit or slouch, her countermeasures package will deliver a reminder of what could come."

Ling and Susan laughed while the poor woman that was number 9 tried to smile. Ling asked for a demonstration but Adams only said there would be an opportunity for a demonstration later if she did not perform.

"Well, that's everyone," said Susan, "Lets adjorn to the screening room and have a look shall we?"

They all walked to the screening room, number 9 and Destiny trailing behind with the pets even farther behind. Destiny looked at number 9 and she back at Destiny. Between them, the look of contented resignation was shared. It wasn't a bad life if one only went along.

In the room, Everyone had a seat except for the pets, Destiny and number 9. Number 9 was made to kneel down in front of Adams and then down on all fours, facing the screen. He then put his feet upon her back as a human foot stool.

The pets, still completely in animal character, pranced and strutted along the back wall. Sitting would have been difficult with their tails any way.

Just then, Adams spoke in a strong voice, "You are supposed to be perfectly still when you are a stool."

Number 9 immediately began shaking her head back and forth but never said a word. She didn't have to. Speaking would only make it worse on her. Adams rolled up his sleeve.

"While I do take pleasure in this," said Adams, "it is for your own good."

He fingered the button on his wrist and number 9 fell flat to the floor and convulsed while a mechanical buzz was heard from her behind. He pushed the button for what seemed like a long time. When he stopped number 9 just lay there gasping for air. Ling and Susan applauded and commended him on his swift and strict measures.

Destiny, on the other hand, was thankful it wasn't her on the floor. She was placed in front of the room. She was made to kneel in front of the screen sideways. Then Ling positioned her on a pillow so that her head was on the pillow with her behind elevated. The hose from her backpack was tugged on and she saw an IV pole above her connected to the hose. She instantly felt a cool surge in her tummy.

"Enjoy the show, little one!" said Ling as the room darkened.

The screen flashed a title, 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' and then her name, Destiny. She could not take her eyes off the screen. She watched herself being diapered and pleasured. Throughout the video, she only really noticed one thing. She felt a stirring in her diaper and a wetness that was not from the hose in her behind. In every shot that appeared on the screen, she was smiling or grinning. There were no images of her in fear or pain, despite how she remembered the events.

It was apparent to anyone viewing the video that she truly enjoyed being a willing participant. Despite her apprehension and the rough start to her relationship with Ling and Susan, she was were she wanted to be. Even seeing herself being spanked on the screen showed her smiling with each stroke even as tears slipped down the corner of her eyes.

The feelings that washed over her brought it all home to her. She was a proud and happily diapered girl with no regrets. At that moment she experienced her first autoerotic moment. She came in a shuddering orgasm that revealed her true desires and wishes.

Susan and Ling noticed her twitching in front of them and went to her. They whispered how happy they were that she was enjoying the show and they would always take care of her.

She quietly whispered back, with tears in her eyes, "Thank you... thank you for diapering me. Thank you for making my life complete."

She wet happily ever after for another 12 years... The rest is another story!

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:thumbsup:Great story.

I really enojoyed reading this and will look out for any others you have writen.

Thanks. I was running out of steam and this one seemed like a good place to end it.

Glad you liked it.

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Bravo!!!!! Nicely done!

Many thanks

Thank you. I haven't started another one yet as Summer is my busy outside time and I have little time to write.

I hope you like the next one when I finally start it. It is about a couple that are both into diapers but completely unware of the other's interests. It should be very interesting if I can firm up the body of the story.

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