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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

My Diaper Dream

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Hey everyone, a couple nights ago I had the most amazing dream ever! I dreamed that i was back in my teen years around 14 years and for some reason i was doing the grocery shopping for my parents, they gave me money and they let me drive the car and I went there and i bought as many packs of good-nights as I could and some other food items, so i loaded it all in the car and when i got home i hid the diapers inside the house and kept unloading the bags, I then woke up momentarily and was very happy that i had all the good-nights at my disposal then i realized it was just a dream.. :( then i fell back asleep and I had another dream that I was incontinent (I don't wish to be incontinent just a small lack of bladder control sometimes) and again this were i was 14 years old and my parents always kept a huge stash of bambino diapers for me under the sink and I would be sitting TV and watching it when my mom noticed my diaper was wet so she would take me to the bathroom and change me, the dream was so happy and relaxing that i was very sad to wake up, anyways that was my dream thanks for reading.

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Interesting thread-starter, Diaperboy. I don't usually remember my dreams, but I get the feeling that I dream about diapers pretty often. And although diapers are sexual for me. the dreams I do remember usually revolve around finding a store with a massive inventory of diapers on display, especially cloth. I actually wrote that into my first story here, "Change is Good."

I also wrote in a desire to associate diapers with a sexual experience, which will have to remain a fantasy. Too bad.


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I've had a number of diaper dreams, starting back when I was in highschool and really started desiring to wear diapers. I would dream that I was in school wearing just a t-shirt and a diaper in class, no one seemed to notice or care except for my 10th grade English teacher.

More recently I've had dreams revolving around wearing diapers among my family (most of whom live at least 6 hours away) during family gatherings. One of these dreams in particular my "significant other" (in quotations because I do not currently have a girlfriend) made me lay down so that she could change me.

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It has been awhile since I remembered my diaper dreams. I had a few of wife & I on vaction (me diapered 24/7 in cloth/disp/both at once) sometimes covered with pants or shortalls. We helped others with flats, car trouble, even 1 couple who got robbed. We chased the crook down & got their stuff back. The big thing was no-one thought anything of me being in diapers.:D What a nice world that was!!!

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I had a really weird one last week.

I was in a parking lot, it was raining, and I was trying to get into my car. I looked on the ground and there were a number of packages of diapers and sanitary napkins on the ground. I thought "wow"...but then I realized there were others in the car with me. Then I realized I was wearing a diaper. For some reason they didn't seem to notice, but I figured if I was holding a bunch of diapers, they probably WOULD notice.

I don't remember much else.

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I have a lot of diaper dreams. Most of them are kind of the same premise. Me looking really good, wearing a shirt but no pants and a diaper. Trying to hide that I have a diaper on, unsuccesfully of course, people noticing me, those people just giving me smiles and not treating me any differently. Me feeling they think it's kind of "special" and "cute" that I have to wear diapers. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Sometimes too, I'm trying to change the diaper and hide from people while doing it but they enter the room or wherever I am, I try to cover myself up but there's nothing to cover with, sometimes get offered a change by a girl who again, I feel she thinks it's "cute" and "special". Me having mixed feelings about it (it's never been my wife doing the changing). I also am sometimes trying to hide diapers I have in a bag, box, hand, wherever but ultimately get caught but nobody cares and I get the warm fuzzy smiles from them.

Ooooooohhhh, how I love those dreams!!!!!

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