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How Can You Tell?

Guest mtbguy

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Guest mtbguy

i was wondering if there is any way of telling if a girl has a diaper fetish? or maybe there is some sort of trap i could set like bringing diapers to a party as a gag.

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If she's determined to keep it a secret, you won't have much luck being able to tell. She'll be good at hiding it. Also, if she's your significant-other, you shouldn't be trying to trick her. Honestly is key.

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Prettymuch the only way to find out is to ask. Any sort of silly nonsense to 'trap' someone into admitting it, is just a dick move of someone who's fantasy world is so desperately far removed from reality that they'll do anything to get fap material.

It makes you look like an idiot if you DO try to find out that way. And unless someone has dropped MAJOR hints, the answer is *no*, its not like this fetish is all that common in the general population.

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Coming from a girl with a diaper fetish; if she doesn't want you to find out then you're probably not going to. A few close friends of mine know that I wear diapers to bed, but I've never told a single person that I actually have a side of me that enjoys wearing them. And I don't plan on ever sharing that unless I'm in a seriously relationship with someone who I really love and trust.

So needless to say, don't try to trick or trap her. It wont work.

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i was wondering if there is any way of telling if a girl has a diaper fetish? or maybe there is some sort of trap i could set like bringing diapers to a party as a gag.

I wouldn't do anything in the physical realm such as showing up somewhere with diapers :o I sometimes meet people who might be TG. With the first rule in anything being not to "out" anyone, I wait till I'm out of everyone else's earshot and figure a way to say "TG" somewhere in the conversation as I watch their reaction B) I just use the letters and not in any context which would give a non-TG any idea of what I'm speaking about :ninja: I let them take it from there. Out of dozens of tries I've gotten raised eyebrows twice and a lot of baffled looks in response. The raised eyebrows sort of outed me, but it never went any further :mellow: Were I wanting to know about DL, I'd substitute those letters in the same way. It would open the door to someone who knows the meaning, and mean nothing to someone who didn't- their reaction will tell you which is which ;)

Don't pry into someone's private life- ever! At the most, just show them that the door is open if they want to go further and leave the rest to them :) Think of what the other side would feel like if the same words were applied to you in a place where others might hear them and act accordingly- and be prepared to be outed yourself if they know more than you think they do and happen to not like it :(


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I remember a time back in college at a bar with some friends where one girl suggested that we should all wear depends at the bar so we wouldn't have to get off the bar stool. The conversation went as far as she volunteered to buy the diapers. Unfortunately, it never happened. But I have always wondered if she was into diapers or if this was just a one time idea with no real DL connection. I am still friends with her and think about it every once in a while.

I share this story because anyone could try this with little or no consequence because it is being suggested under the guise of a binge drinking session. If things were to go well, you just might end up with a diapered mate that's also tipsy. wonka wonka!

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I wouldn't go beyond what is appropriate. You might be able to do some detective work. Everyone likes to talk about themselves and you might engage her in conversation. If she invites you over you might find clues (don't snoop). If you really care about someone and are not just trying to use them, the relationship will come first anyway.

As a sidelight I was in a chain store and a young woman ahead of me was buying XL Goodnites. It started me to wonder and I tried to think of a way to engage her in conversation (which I never did). Something like, "does your daughter wet the bed too?" Perhaps we could have gotten into a discussion.


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do you have a particular girl in mind or are you just hoping like if you show up where girls are with a diaper all those with a diaper fetish are going to instantly be attracted to you??

i'm afraid it doesn't work that way..

i mean assuming you have a penis, and you show up where a bunch of girls are, all the straight ones are not instantly going to be attracted to you....

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