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Undercover Investigation


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"Amy has the right to make up her own mind about where she wants to live. I couldn't force her to go back to her mother if I wanted to."

"You're right, it wouldn't work out. Okay, let's go."

Rebecca walks Victoria out of the building and to the parking lot.

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"No she doesn't. She is under the age of 18. So she has no choice in the matter. So release her and send her back to her mother or you and Melody will be expelled before you can get to your new school."

"Well maybe not being a baby with the others,but you are techinally my boss. So you can set any kind of dress code for me." Victoria takes out her keys and presses the button. The car alarm turns off and she opens the driver's door of a mini van. "I'll see you tomorrow if you want me to come back here."

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"I think in cases of abuse it doesn't matter what age she is."

"Yes, I guess I could make you wear anything I want, but I think a nurse's outfit would be best. Do I have your phone number in case I need to get in touch with you?"

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"That might be true,but you have to prove abuse and you have no proof of any kind of abuse. Amy is hardly a good witness. She will say anything to get people to like her and will say anything someone wants her to say."

"Yes you could including a diaper or training pants under my nurse's outfit." Victoria takes out her phone and writes down her phone number. "Here you go. This is my new phone number. If a little girl answers. That is my daughter."

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"I don't think Amy could make everything up. I doubt the authorities will either. I better get going. I have a couple of toddlers I need to take care of before I go home."

"It might make sense that a nurse in a nursery would wear training pants in case she got caught up in an emergency and wasn't able to make it to the potty. I would say bathroom but I think we should refer to it by the childish word so the babies or toddlers won't get confused. Okay I'll remember that. If I hear a little girl on the line, I will ask for you, unless she is good at taking messages."

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"Well it is your word against ours,but are you sure you want to do that? I have you on tape admitting you kidnapped Amy. That wouldn't look good for you."

Victoria smiles. "Potty is fine with me. I use the same word with my daughter. I agree with you. Everyone should use childish words around them, So they don't get confused. Eventhough none of them will ever use a potty again." She shakes her head. "No she isn't good at taking messages."

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"Well then let Amy go. Otherwise I will have to play the tape for the police. The one admitting that you took Amy away from her mother."

"That is a good idea." Victoria leaves the parking lot and drives to her daughter's school to pick her up. She was shocked when Stephanie came out of the door with a skirt on. Victoria come see a bit of pink plastic sticking out the bottom of the skirt. She gets out and picks up Stephanie. When she does. Victoria feels the smooth of the plastic and hears the crinkle. She knew that the school had put her in a diaper because of her accident. Victoria doesn't say anything and buckles Stephanie into her booster seat.

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"Amy is not going anywhere. The police won't believe you. they can't use the tape anyway."

Rebecca goes back to the nursery. She comes over to Amy and Courtney.

"Are you two ready to head home now?"

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"So you want to do it the hard way? Well suit yourself. I was trying to make it easier on you,but you want to play hardball. Well that is fine too."

Amy shakes her head. "No sis I'm not ready to go home. It is no fun there. There are not as many toys there as they are here."

Courtney looks up. "Is Vickie coming back tomorrow? She is fun when she was here. Why didn't she come back here after lunch?"

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"I don't want to do it the hard way or the easy way. I want you to just forget about us and leave us alone."

"I'm glad you like it here, but mommy is going to miss us if you don't come home. You like being with my mommy don't you? You like it when she gives you your bath and puts you in a diaper and pajamas for bed, don't you?"

"Yes Vickie will be coming back tomorrow. She got lost coming back from lunch and other things happened too. I found her and talked to her and she said she was going to be coming here tomorrow."

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"Well if that is what you want. Then you know what you have to do. You release Amy and I'll forget about you and leave you alone,but as long as you are holding a family member. I will not leave you alone."

Amy nods. "Yes I do like being with your mommy. I also like it when she gives me a bath and puts my pajamas on me,but there is nothing fun to play with from the time we go home to it is bedtime. There aren't any toys at home to play with."

"I'm glad she is coming back tomorrow. She promised she would bring her nurse's bag so we could see what a nurse uses. Wouldn't it be funny if Vickie was a nursery nurse. She would have to wear an adult size copy of a little girl's nurse's uniform and be diapered."

Amy giggles. "Yes that would be funny and cute."

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"I'm sorry, but that isn't happening. Amy is going to stay where I know she is safe. Thanks anyway."

"Maybe you should talk to mommy. Maybe she could either suggest something for you to play with, or she can get you some toys from the store.I thought we we had plenty of toys in the playroom."

"Maybe you should talk to her about her uniform. I do have a little say about what kind of uniform she will be wearing when comes to the new school."

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"Well I guess you wasn't serious about waiting to be left alone. Because if you was. Then you would do whatever it would take to make it happen."

"I can't talk to her. She intimidates me. That look she gives me makes spine want to jump out of my body and slink off. Yes we have toys in the playroom,but none of them are cool like the ones here."

"I thought you would have alot of say on what kind if uniform she would wear at the new school. Since you are her boss. It could be strange for Victoria to have a boss who is younger than she is."

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"I'm very serious, but I love Amy and don't want to see any harm come to her."

"Yes, sometimes mommy can seem scary. That's just the way she acts when she wants to control us. She knows that if we are scared of her, she can make us do whatever she wants. Mommy still wants us to be able to come and talk to her about things too. If you would like, I can talk to her for you. What toys do you think are cool here that you don't have at home? I need to know so I can tell her."

"I guess I do have a lot to say since I am the boss. I'll see about getting her a play nurse outfit with a diaper underneath. I don't think it is all that strange. There are lots of people that are older that have bosses that are younger than they are."

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"I doubt that you are that serious. If you was. You wouldn't let anything stop you from falling off my radar and get the bullseye off your back,but since you refuse to do the one thing that would garuntee that would happen. It makes me think you aren't as serious about this as you say."

"It isn't sometimes. She has been scary to me since I got to your home. I've gone from one extreme to another. I have went from having a mother who controls me to one that scares me when she looks at me. I keep expecting a house to come by and fall on her. Her ruby shoes appear on my feet and I'm sent on a quest to see a guy in a green city. The dollhouses and the play kitchen.

"Good I think she would look cute and childish dressed that way. She would have to use her diaper like we do and she isn't going to be allowed to change herself. We can't. So she can't either. It wouldn't be fair to us. If she got special treatment. Because she is an adult."

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"Maybe I just value Amy's happiness above mine own. She deserves to have a better life."

"Do you want me to ask her to tone it down a bit? I'll see what I can do about getting a dollhouse and a play kitchen for the playroom at home."

"I am not going to promise anything. I don't know if she would want to use her diaper if she wore one. You girls have no choice, but Victoria would."

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"So you are willing to risk being expelled or me forgetting all about you and your group?"

"Yes I do Rebecca. Good. It would make things more fun to play in the playroom. Maybe Courtney will want to play with me too. Right now she would rather set in the window and read."

"You shouldn't give her a choice. You didn't give us one when you put us in diapers at school. You said once we was put into a diaper. The bathroom would be off limits. So why should it be any different for Victoria. A diapered bottom is a diapered bottom. So there shouldnt be a double standard."

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"I guess I must be. What good is school anyway? I already have my future planned out, and It doesn't involve anything I learned here in school. Whether I am expelled or whether I stay, Those girls are my future, and you can't stop that."

"Some people like to read while other people like to play. It seems that Courtney is the studious type while you are the playing type. It isn't good to just be one or the other. You need to read books sometimes rather than play."

"Excuse me, but I am in charge, not you. I am not here to please everyone. I said I would think about it, so that is what I am going to do. There is no double standard. You can't treat everyone exactly the same. Life isn't about everyone turning out the same."

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"Oh yes I can. Because you are forgetting one important thing. Your school is still part of the school district. So if you are expelled before you move. You will not be able to go to your school. Because you will not be allowed on any property that the school owns and runs."

"Books are boring. I had to read when I lived with my parents instead of being allowed to play. I hated to read. Because they are no fun at al."

"I know you are in charge and I'm not saying you have to please everyone. I say there is. We wear diapers and we have to use them,but if you put Victoria in diapers. You are giving her a choice on whether or not to use them. That is a double standard."

Amy nods. "She has a point there. When we was put into diapers. You didn't give any of us a choice."

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"Then I will find another place to teach the girls. I don't think you realize that the girls we chose for our program, with one or two exceptions, would never have graduated anyway. They need a firm hand to guide them and that is what we provide."

"Yes, books can be boring but they can be interesting. I'm sorry your parents forced you to read them. Have you ever read Peter Rabbit or The ugly duckling? Now those are true classics."

"The reason you girls weren't given a choice is because you are babies and toddlers. They have no choice, they wear diapers because they are unable to use the potty like a big girl. Most of the babies, if taken out of their diapers, would end up having potty accidents in their panties. Victoria on the other hand, is still an adult, albeit a small one. She still knows how to use the potty when she needs to go."

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"It is you who don't get it. If you are expelled. You can't teach anywhere. No one is going to hire you if you don't have an diploma. You are bringing all of this on yourself. That one or two exception is my grand daughter. You could make it simple on yourself. Cut Amy loose and all of this goes away. I don't see why you are being so hard headed over this. You are willing to risk everything. Because of one girl? I thought you was smart,but I guess I was wrong."

Amy shakes her head. "No I haven't read Peter Rabbit of the Ugly Duckling. Mom considered them to be unworthy of my time. Because they are childish books."

"If Victoria is in diapers. Then she is a toddler too. So the rules for us should apply to her as well. She has to use her diapers. She can't change herself,She has to eat lunch like we do and take a nap also. We all knew when we needed to go also when we got here,but we lost our ability to do so after we got here. So Victoria will lose the ability too once she gets in diapers like us."

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"I can get my GED. I don't need my diploma. Amy is happy where she is. She isn't pressured to act like a teenager. She is content to be a toddler in diapers."

"Well maybe I can find my old copies and I'll read them to you at bedtime. I really think you would enjoy reading them or listening to them."

"Not everyone who wears diapers is a baby or toddler. There are lots of older girls and boys who wear diapers out of need that aren't babies."

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"Whatever. I'm tired of talking about this subject. You are living in a fantasy world and refuses to see you don't have a leg to stand on legally. It doesn't matter if she is happy the way she is or if she is content being a toddler in diapers. You are not her legal guardian. So you have no say in how she is treated. You are just a teenager who kidnapped another teenager."

"I think I would like that very much. Dad use to read to me at night when he was home. Mom thought it was a waste of my mental development to be read to like a small child. Even if I was one."

"Well wasn't that what you was going to do to Debbie if she had been here today? She needed to wear diapers and you and Melanie was going to turn her into a toddler after stripping her of her job as one of the big sisters."

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"So Amy's happiness doesn't matter. I see. Okay I guess I will see you later then."

"That's not true. Being read to is crucial for a young child's mental development. It's important the toddlers and babies are read to every night by their mommy or daddy. It helps with their social and mental development."

"Yes, I guess I was, but Debbie is a teenager. Victoria is an adult with a girl of her own."

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