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"Probably not. We will talk on the phone and though text messages from now on when we aren't together here."

"That is always a good thing. Does your mom know about our new school or is that something else you are going to talk to her about tonight?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Are you going now or after school: Well I'm not sure what we are going to need. Because I don't know how many middle school girls we are going to have on our first day. I know we have enough cribs and highchairs for the girls we have now,but wihout knowing how many we are getting from the middle school. I don't know how many more cribs and highchairs we are going to need, Well Cassie said when we are ready to move. To call her and she would have some people from the maintanince office to move the stuff for us."

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"Okay, I guess that will have to do. Maybe I can get away and meet you somewhere if we need to talk in person."

"Yes, my mom knows about the school. She has suggested a nurse that we can use if the county doesn't supply us with one."

"I think now would be best. If I have enough help today, we might be able to get all the cleaning done. Maybe we should plan on at least as many babies coming from the middle school as we have now. Even if we don't get that many babies right now, we will be branching out to other schools. Okay that sounds good. Amy wants to see the new school, so I think I will bring her with us if she wants to come."

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"Yes it will have to do if you are going to keep a cat in the house. I hate them and they are useless as wings on a bullfrog."

"Well that is good that she knows about the school. That way it will not be a shock to her when you leave here to go to the new school.:

"Ok I'll hold down the fort while you and some of the big sisters go to the new school to clean it up." Melody nods. "Alright. I'll plan for the same amount of middle school babies as we have high school babies. If we don't need it now. We can put the extra cribs and highchairs in storage at the school until we need them."

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"No, it's not going to be a shock. She will still be able to reach me on my cell phone no matter where I am. Which reminds me, I need to call her again before I forget about it."

"Maybe we should plan on starting at the new school on Monday. I can get the place cleaned up today, and tomorrow I can go over to the middle school and check out perspective babies. I was thinking of using Cassie's daughter Julia as a baby, but now I am not so sure. She is going to take a lot of work."

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"That's good. I still haven't told my mom. That I'm leaving school to start the new school. My mom isn't as open as your mom is."

"Are you sure we can get everything ready by then? Well if you are. Then I'll get on the ball and get what we are going to need ordered and here in time for opening day at the school. If we can get here in time. We might have to feed them in shifts and the middle school nap on the floor on kindergarten mats that I saw stacked in one of the rooms." Melody nods. "Maybe you should start her at any earlier age and work her up to baby."

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"That's what one of the things I was thinking about. I would have to get Cassie's okay though. I believe she told me that she had a daughter in the middle school that we could have for one of our babies. If we do decide to treat Julia like a newborn, then she is definitely going to need a crib."

Rebecca looks out to see if the big sisters had arrived yet.

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"Yeah we want to keep this on the up and up. Our time of living in the shadows and doing things behind the mother's back is over. Everything is out in the open now and the only secret we have is who Courtney is. It is too bad we can't put Julia though the process so she feels like a newborn who was just came out of the womb. That would make her feel small and helpless like a real newborn."

The big sisters was over in the corner talking to themselves and not paying any attention to their babies.

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"I agree. That is why I want a list of girls so I can talk to their mothers. That way I can know how the mother's feel and I can tell them what the girls will be doing. I believe that psychiatrists use that as a method to help children. I don't know how it works and it would probably not work out like we want."

Rebecca sees the girls standing off to the side while the babies were not being looked after. She walks over to the girls and gives two of them a swat on their bottoms.

"Okay girls. You've got five seconds to tell me why I shouldn't blister all of your bottoms for neglecting the babies."

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"That's a good idea. I'll let you scout out the girls and pick the ways you want for the group. Yeah I think that is the method that they use to help children and you are probably right that it wouldn't work out the way we want it too. So maybe we shouldn't use it on Julia. Though it might be fun to make her feel small and helpless like a newborn does. Have to relay on others to care for her needs. The difference between a baby and a teenager is 13 years.

"We are not neglecting our babies. They are over there playing with the toys. We look over ever so often to make sure they aren't doing anything dangerous. We was discussing what one of us overheard about this group. We heard you and Melody are being expelled and the rest of us are being suspended for the rest of the school year. Our babies are going back into general population and there is nothing none of us can do about it. Amy's mom had got the members of the school board on her side and we will all be gone soon."

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"Well I was thinking of putting mittens on her hands and booties on her and maybe using a blanket to swaddle her with. Then she wouldn't be able to move without one of us permitting it. Then we would see how long it would take before she would beg to be one of our babies instead of newborn."

"That's interesting. Thanks for letting me know. From now on when you have news like this come to Melody or myself to make sure we know about it. We haven't heard anything about it. I guess we better hurry and put our plan in place. Melody and I are going to set up a new school just for the babies and toddlers. Would any of you girls be interested in coming with us and helping to take care of the babies?"

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"Sounds like a good plan. Maybe we should have all of Julia's hair cut off too. Newborns don't have hair. They are bald and thier heads are shiny. I would love to see her broken down and begging us to let her grow up to being a baby instead of a newborn. It could be fun seeing the once head strong and cocky Julia taken down and made meek and docile."

"We was going to,but the two of you looked busy and then that guy came in to see Amy. We didn't think it was a good time to talk to you. The girls nods. "Yes we would. If you,Melody and the girls aren't here. There will not nothing for any of us to do."

The girl closest to Rebecca shifts a little bit and there was a small crinkling sound. The girl hoped no one heard it when she moved.

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"Sounds like a good plan. Maybe we should have all of Julia's hair cut off too. Newborns don't have hair. They are bald and thier heads are shiny. I would love to see her broken down and begging us to let her grow up to being a baby instead of a newborn. It could be fun seeing the once head strong and cocky Julia taken down and made meek and docile."

"We was going to,but the two of you looked busy and then that guy came in to see Amy. We didn't think it was a good time to talk to you. The girls nods. "Yes we would. If you,Melody and the girls aren't here. There will not nothing for any of us to do."

The girl closest to Rebecca shifts a little bit and there was a small crinkling sound. The girl hoped no one heard it when she moved.

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"I don't know about all of it, but it should be cut really short. Maybe have about a quarter of inch left. I don't think it would take too long to break her so she would be willing to be on one of the babies and look up to Kelly as her big sister. It would probably take both of us working on it though."

"Okay, I need a couple of you to go tell Melody what is going on. We need to move quickly to get you all over to the new school before they come and try to close us down. Thank you all. We are going to need all the help we can get. I need five volunteers to go with me today to thoroughly clean the new school and get it set up. There are already cribs and high chairs there, since it used to be a daycare classroom."

Rebecca hears the crinkle and looks over at the girl.

"Deb, can I see you in the bathroom for a minute? I need to discuss something with you, okay?"

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Melody smiles. "Party pooper. Ok maybe a quarter of a inch with be good enough. It might look like peach fuzz like some newborns have. I don't know about that. It might take a while to break her down enough to get her to beg us to let her be a baby. I think it would be great if Julia lookied up to Kelly as her big sister. Well techinally Kelly is her big sister agewise."

A couple of the girls nods. "Ok we will tell her. I hope we can get moved over to the new school before the axe falls and cuts off our heads." Five girls raise their hands to go with Rebecca.

Miranda looks at Rebecca. "I don't know if they are going to do us any good. They are probably baby or toddler sized and they will be too small for us to use."

Deb nods. "Ok Rebecca." She follows Rebecca to the bathroom and looks at her. "What did you want to discuss with me?" Deb tries not to look nervous so Rebecca wouldn't know she was nervous to be in there with Rebecca. She was sure Rebecca hears the crinkle and that is why she wanted to see her in the bathroom.

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"I really don't think girls look cute without some hair, and if Julia just had peach fuzz on her head it would be a constant reminder of her state. We might make that a condition for her to become a baby. She needs Kelly's permission. That way Julia would have to beg her sister and treat her better. If it works for Julia, maybe we can start having newborns as a side business so if there are girls who are too big for their britches we can break them."

"We were planning on moving over on Monday, but if Amy's mother is on the warpath, we maybe should go ahead and move tomorrow or the day after."

"Okay, you four go wait by the door. The rest of you start getting the babies seated at the tables so they can start their classes. Courtney is going to be the teacher today."

"You're right, Miranda. We are going to have to put them in storage and get our cribs here moved over. Cassie said she would get someone to move them for us. Maybe we better have them moved tonight."

Once they were in the bathroom Rebecca locked the door. She walked over and gave Deb a hug.

"Don't be nervous, Deb. I'm not mad at you. I know you are wearing a diaper or pullup because I heard it crinkling out in the nursery. You were standing next to me so it was hard to miss. I didn't see anything in your files that said you needed to wear diapers, so I guess this is a recent thing. Please don't be embarrassed. I just want to help you. Would you like to tell me why you are wearing a diaper?"

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"Ok peach fuzz it is for Julia. I love the idea of her having to get Kelly's premission before she can be a baby. That would be really embarrassing for Julia to do. Since she thinks of herself as the big sister because she is a big girl and Kelly is a little girl." Melody smiles. "Too bad we can't do that to adults. I know two candidates that needs to be broken down and treated as newborns. Them I will shaved bald no matter what."

"If we move tomorrow. Then we are really going to need all hands on deck to get everything ready in time."

Miranda looks at Rebecca. "Why are you letting Courtney be the teacher? She is just a toddler."

Deb looks down at the floor when she hears Rebecca said she knew she was in a diaper or pullup. Because she heard it crinkling. "I could tell you why,but it is too embarressing to say and you might laugh at me or make me be a toddler like Courtney and Amy are."

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"We are going to have to get Cassie on board with this if we do treat Julia like a newborn. She will have to be treated this way 24 hours a day, at home and at school. She has to see there is no escaping. We will need to get baby formula for her. That is all newborns eat. She won't get baby food until Kelly allows her to grow up."

"Yes we will. We will need the furniture moved over tonight or early in the morning. I will check today and see what kind of materials they have for the girls to study. I really need to call Cassie."

"Because she asked. The babies are just going to be coloring mostly anyway. If you would like you can keep an eye on Courtney while she is teaching. She is still going to need her diaper changed like the babies and toddlers. It's only for today anyway."

Rebecca gave Deb a hug.

"I promise that I would never laugh. I am guessing that you aren't wearing a diaper because you want to be, so that means that your mother or father or someone has made you wear a diaper. I promise not to make you a toddler like Courtney or Amy. Also, you need someone to change your diaper, unless you are under orders to stay in that diaper until you get home or something. Please tell me why you are diapered?"

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"Yes we are. I'm not sure open she is going to be to the idea of Julia being a newborn instead of a baby like she wanted. I'll pick up a case of formula on my way home. We are going to have to find out if she is lactose intolent.. If she is. Then I'll have to get soy formula."

"Then you are going to have to get a hold on Cassie today and soon. So she can get some people here to move our things. That also means while you are at the new school. We are going to have to be here packing up things. So we can move."

"Well ok. I still don't think it is a good idea,but you are the one who is in charge. So I'll do as you say."

Deb doesn't looks up. "Well sort or,but not really." She looks at the floor and sighs. "I umm have a problem at night." Deb pulls down the top of her pants enough for Rebecca to see waistband of her nighttime protection with Barbie on them. "The reason I'm wearing them is mom forgot to put the underwear in the dryer last night. So I didn't have anything else to wear except for my Barbie underwear that I wear at night. I don't have to be changed. I am free to use the toilet when I need too. This is really embarressing for me to tell anyone. It was suppose to be a secret between my mom and me. Now you know about it and you will probably tell Melody. Before long everyone will know my secret."

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"If Cassie doesn't want Julia treated like a newborn then I guess we will have to forget about having her as a baby. She is too headstrong and stubborn to just accept being a baby. I'll call Cassie in a bit and ask if Julia is lactose intolerant."

"Yes, I know. I will do that before I go over to the new school. That way I can be there when the furniture is delivered. Maybe I should only take one or two big sisters with me so the rest of you can help Melody get things done here."

"If you think she is not doing the job right, you can take over for her and tell Courtney to sit down."

Rebecca breaths a sigh of relief.

"I was so worried that your parents were punishing you for having a potty accident. I guess you are going to have to check at night and make sure you have clean underwear to wear to school the next day. You don't have a worry. This will be our little secret. Is that a pullup you are wearing or what? If it's a pullup do you have problems with them leaking if you wet too much during the night? I hear the new goodnites are thicker and could hold more than one wetting."

"I have an idea. Why don't you go to the new school with me. Then you won't have to worry about all the girls hearing the crinkle of your underwear. I am planning on stopping at the store to get cleaning supplies. Maybe I can pick up some panties for you to change into?"

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"Yeah I guess we will have to forget about Julia being our baby. It might have been fun breaking her down so we could find the good girl inside of her. I'm sure there is one in there somewhere."

"That is up to you. Can the three of you get the school cleaned up in time? I don't know how big the school is,but if it the size of this school. I don't think 3 can do it in one day. There is a staff of 5 here and they can't get all done in a day."

Deb nods. "Yeah I guess I am going to have to. This is the first time mom has forgotten to dry the underwear before she went to bed. Yes it is a pull up,but mom doesn't call them that. She said they are my protection panties. She said pullups makes it sound like I'm a little girl. Which I am not." Deb shakes her head. "No I don't leak at night unless I drink hot chocolate or chocolate milk. The doctor thinks it is the chocolate,but it seems to be the only thing in common when I leak."

"Yeah all the girls might not. Just the ones with you. No I think I'm going to class today. I mean I have no reason to stay here. My baby isn't at school today. So I have no diaper to change or a mouth to feed at lunch time. The closest thing to a diaper I have to change is the pull up I'm wearing."

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"Let's just wait until I talk to Cassie and ask her. She may still give us permission. She may have had enough of her stubbornness as well."

"Okay, I will have to take five of you then. I guess Melody can get the babies or toddlers to help the big sister's get things packed up to go."

"Hopefully it will be the last time too. Okay, I will call them your protection panties if it will help you feel better. I'm just glad your mother is letting you wear something to bed so your sheets stay dry."

"No, you better come with me. It wouldn't be safe for you to go to class. Right now, I am the only one who knows what you are wearing. If you go to class someone else is bound to find out and then the whole school would soon know. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Also, if you go to class they are likely to suspend you from school for the year."

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"Ok we will wait until you talk to Cassie. Hopefully she will give us the green light to take Julia all the way down and let us rebuild her into a good little girl."

"That sounds like a good idea. Don't tell her I said this,but Melody needs to work on her people skills. She comes across as a dicator when she is dealing with the babies,toddlers and us. You can be firm and not sound like a heartless dicator. The babies are afraid of her." The other girls nods in agreement about what Miranda said about Melody coming across as a dicator.

"Yeah hopefully, It doesn't matter to me what you call them. My protection panites,a pull up,potty pants. It doesn't matter to me. My older sister calls them my Crib Diapers. She found out about them when she came into my room and saw me putting a pair on. When mom or dad isn't around. She calls me Baby Deb and makes me wear one. It makes me feel very small and helpless when she does it."

Deb shrugs. "What difference does that make now? We are moving to a new school. So if we get suspended. Who cares?"

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"Okay, I won't tell her but I will have a talk with her about it. I won't mention that you told me about it."

"That's terrible. Does she make you use them when she does that? I guess it wouldn't do any good to complain to your parents about your sister would it. Maybe that's why she makes you wear them, so she has power over you by making you feel small and helpless."

"Do you know where the new school is, just in case you do get suspended? If you do get suspended, call me tonight. Do you have my phone number? I guess you can go to class if you want to, even though that is going to leave us shorthanded. I need to go talk to Melody and then call Cassie."

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"I'm glad you are going to leave my name out of it. I don't want to incur her wraith for telling you about the way she acts. She might do something horrible to me like diaper me and put me into one of the crib to stay all day without a change."

Deb nods. Yes she does. She makes me use a pacifier and a bottle while my parents aren't at home. She took pictures of me the first time and told me if I told mom and dad what she did. She would put the pictures of me on her Facebook account. Then everyone would see what a big baby I am."

"No I don't. I heard it was on the edge of town and it was a private kindergarten before it was closed and merged with the public school down the street when it opened. How will it leave you shorthanded? The baby I am in charge of isn't here today."

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"I wouldn't allow her to do that because you spoke your mind. You don't have to worry about Melody. She has a lot more on her mind right now."

"That's too bad. Big sisters can be a real pain. I'm sorry yours is treating you like that. I know you don't want to be a baby. I wish there was something I could do to help you out. At least you don't have to sleep in a crib."

"Well if you went with us today you could find out where it is, but since you don't know where it is, I will have to write the address down for all of you big sister's. You will leave us shorthanded, because five of the big sister's are supposed to go with me to clean up the new school, while the others stay here and help Melody pack up stuff. If you aren't here then we will be shorthanded on helpers."

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