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Undercover Investigation


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Melody nods. "It wouldn't surprise me if they are played out."

Melody puts her book away and follows behind them. She buckles herself in

Once they get to the school. Amy and Courtney go running into the school after Rebecca lets them out. Amy stops in the playroom and comes back out. "Someone's been eating our food. Because they left a mess in the playroom." She takes Rebecca into the playroom and shows her the empty baby food jars, the dirty bib and spoon on the table."

Courtney comes into playroom. "Someone has been sleeping in one of our cribs and that person is still there."

Melody laughs. "Sounds like Goldilocks has been here." She goes into the nap room and comes back out. "You have got to see this." Melody takes the three of them into the room. Laying in the crib was Melissa. She was dressed in a t shirt and a diaper. There was the nipple of a bottle partly in her mouth. Melody picked it up. "It is still warm." She unscrews the lid and tasted it. "It's formula." Melody put the lid back on it and put the nipple back into Melissa's mouth and she started to suck again. She let go of the bottle and took out her phone. Melody snapped some pictures of Melissa. "We better let the little baby finish up her nap."

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Amy rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "I don't need a nap. I'm not tired or sleepy."

Courtney yawns. "I'm not either."

Amy looks at Melissa and then Rebecca. "Why did Melissa pull a Goldilocks on us. The only thing she didn't do that Goldilocks did was break a chair."

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"Well humor me and get in the cribs and rest. I don't think that is asking too much. you can get a stuffed animal to be with you in the crib if you want."

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask her when she wakes up from her nap."

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"I think she should still be a big sister, since the babies like her and she is good at her job. Obviously we are going to have changes to our policy of not allowing the big sisters to wear diapers. I'm not sure how well the babies will mind Melissa though."

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