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Undercover Investigation


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"I'm glad you have someone like that. You need to find a better way to take out your aggression. It is never appropriate to hit or kick someone. You should tell an adult you trust and let them handle it."

"I'll pass it by Melody, who is in charge along with me. I think the idea is a great one. If we run a daycare we could make it so other girls can come as well, not just our students, although I doubt girls like Quinn would agree to come to a daycare."

"Does she go on social sites a lot,like Facebook or Twitter? I would be careful about where she goes. You never know the kind of people she could meet."

"I better get going. I have my two sisters I have to get home and then get some supper. I'll talk to you later."

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Quinn laughs. "You live in a fantasy world. Trusting an adult gets you nowhere. Just watch the news. There is always stories on there about teachers,priest and other adults who take advantage of the trust children put in them

Quinn nods. "You got that right. You will never see me going to a daycare center. I'm a baby or a small child. I am quite capable of taking care of myself and I don't need a bunch of busybodies looking after me like I am a child."

Carla shrugs. "I don't think so unless she is good at covering her tracks. The only things I have seen in her history file is design sites and drama supply sites."

Quinn smiles. "Goodbye and good riddance. It was not a pleasure to meet you."

Carla nods. "Ok I'll talk to you later. Maybe we can discuss what we was talking about earlier in more detail."

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"I didn't mean tell just any adult. Tell an adult you know you can trust. not everyone is out to molest you or beat you up."

"Well that's good. She might be good at covering her tracks if she knows anything about how browsers work. I wouldn't worry about it too much. However if you see something on there about sex of any kind, then I would start to worry."

"I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe we can get together sometime and have a more civil conversation."

"Okay, that sounds good."

Rebecca leaves the room and goes back to the playroom to see how Amy is doing.

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"Well that right there is the problem. I don't trust adults enough to tell them anything. That includes my parents. They think I am making things up."

"She probably is good at covering her tracks. She has grown up around computers at school and at home. I'm not as good with using computers or emails. If I see anything about six on there. Then I'll worry about it."

Quinn nod. "Yes we did and went wrong when you started talking about hoe cute I would look wearing a baby dress and a disposable diaper underneath it while setting at my desk at school.

Amy looks up as Rebecca comes in. She ran over to her. "You are back. It was scary in here without you,Courtney or mom here with me, Are you ready to go home?"

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"You need to trust someone. Even it's someone outside the family."

"Well if she is up to anything, maybe she will make a mistake and you can find out about it."

"Well if we ever meet again, maybe we can talk about something that interests you. It just happened to be about diapers and baby clothes because of the way you were treated in kindergarten and you said you didn't want to wear them."

"Yes, I'm back. We can't go home until mom brings Courtney back. I'll stay here until then. Do you need to be changed yet?"

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"The only person outside of my family that I know is Avery and she isn't an adult. She is a year older than me."

"Maybe she will make a mistake. Sooner or later everyone slips up and gets caught."

"I doubt you would know anything about my interest. You don't look like the type of girl who knows anything about about dramas or plays,set designs or costume designs."

"Why can't mom bring Courtney home and we go home now. I don't like it in here. I'm the oldest one in the playroom." Amy nods. "Yes I do need to be changed."

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"She is the only one that you trust? You need to find an adult that you feel you can trust. It's not good not to have anyone to go to if you need help."

"So you are into acting? Have you been in any plays in school? Are you into the actual acting, or more into the costumes and behind the scenes stuff?"

"I guess mom could bring Courtney home, but we can't leave without mom knowing we are going. She would skin us alive. I am not sure where she is at right now, so we are going to have to wait until she gets back here with Courtney."

"Okay, let's go to the changing room."

Rebecca takes Amy's hand and leads her to the changing room just off the playroom. She helps Amy up on the changing table and changes her diaper. She helps her off the table and back out to the playroom.

"So what were you playing?"

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Quinn nods. "Yes she is the only person I trust. I tell her things. That I don't tell anyone else. Because I know she will keep it to herself."

"Yes I'm into acting. Yes and at the community theater. Earlier this year I played Juliet. Debbie didn't come of course. She never comes. She said she would rather be tied to an anthill covered in honey than go to a play. I'm into all of it. The acting, the costumes,behind the scenes. My big deal is to be an academy award winner and have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. My idol is Natalie Portman. I've seen every movie she has been in. Some wasn't as good as other ones was. Like the one where she played a pregnant teenager who lived inside a Walmart and gave birth in the bathroom. That is totally unrealistic. There is no way you could hide in a Walmart and the bathrooms are too small to give birth in. I thought she was kind of cool in the the prequels to the Star Wars Trilogy. She played Padme who is Luke and Leia's mom." Quinn smiles. "I'm probably boring you aren't I? You have the same look on your face as mom does when I start to talk about movies and actresses. That is a glassy eyed blank look."

"Well wouldn't she figure it out when you and I aren't here?" Amy giggles. "I don't think I would look good without my skin on. I would look like some monster from a horror movie.

Amy nods. "Ok Becky." She giggles as Rebecca takes her hand and leads her to the changing room.

"I was playing wrecking ball. I build a tower and then knock it down. It is alot of fun."

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"I love Romeo and Juliet. it was one of Shakespeare's best plays if you want my opinion, and Juliet had such great lines too. 'O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I'll no longer be a Capulet.' You'll have to let your mother tell me when you are in a play again and I will come and watch. Natalie is alright. She is very cute. No you aren't boring me at all."

"Maybe, or she might worry that something happened to one of us. I don't want her to worry, do you?"

"Don't they have a doll here that you can play with? I know you like playing with dolls at school."

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"Romeo and Juliet is my second favorite Shakespeare's play. My favorite is Macbeth,but my favorite line is from Hamlet. Too be or not to be. That is the question. Which is nobler into the mind. To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous forture. Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep No moreand by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep To sleep perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come " Quinn nods. "I'll have mom tell you when my next play is. Oh I thought I was boring you."

Amy shakes her head. "No I don't want her to worry. She might take it out on my bottom."

"Amy nods and picks up the doll. One arm was missing and her head was over to one side. "I was going to play with her,but she looked damaged. So I was playing with the blocks."

Mom comes in a little later by herself. "Courtney will be here later. She is out there at the nurse's station charming them. When you was in Debbie's room. Was her sister eating baby food? When I went in to give Debbie her medicine. Her sister was setting over in the corner eating baby food with her fingers."

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"Yes, I think that is my favorite soliloquy from Hamlet as well. I guess you couldn't play Hamlet though since you are a girl. That seems odd since I think they had men play women's parts when Shakespeare was alive.No, I wasn't bored."

"More likely she would take it out on MY bottom. I am supposed to be in charge so it would be my fault. I really don't want that."

"Yeah, the doll does look rather pathetic. I'm afraid even though it is in the hospital it is a lost cause. I don't think it can be saved."

"Okay. I'll go ahead and take the girls home when Courtney gets here. Quinn said she liked to eat baby food and Deb wouldn't eat it. I guess it is better that Quinn eat it rather than have it go to waste. Deb had better start eating soon though."

Rebecca shows her mother the baby doll.

"I think she needs to go to the emergency room. She has had an amputation of her arm and I think her neck is broken as well. I don't know if there is anything that can be done to save her." Rebecca giggles.

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"Yeah it is a good one. Yeah it is too bad I couldn't play Hamlet. I think I would be good at it. Yes guys played the lady parts. In Japan they did the same thing. Women were not allowed to be on stage. I glad things are not like that now. I love being on stage in front of a crowd. It is when I feel the most alive."

Amy giggles. "I think it would be funny to see you get a spanking for once. You and Melody are always doing it to us. So it is about time your bottom got warmed up too."

Amy nods. "Yes she does. I don't think there is anything that can be done for her. She needs to be sent to the big dollhouse in the clouds. Where she can be whole again and run around with the other dolls who have passed on to the other side.

"Well yes and no. The doctor had the kitchen staff put vitimans and medicine into the baby food for Debbie to eat. So she could get better. I'm guessing about now. Quinn is starting to feel the effects of the medicine. Yeah if she doesn't start eating soon. She is going to have to be fed though an IV."

Mom shakes her head. "I thought they had gotten rid of the doll by now. It was slated to disposed of by now. I guess if you want something done. You have to do it yourself."

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"Maybe when you are older you can start an acting group where girls play the guys roles as well as the girls roles. That would be a cute twist on things. An all girl group that plays Shakespeare."

"It might be funny for you, but not for me. Spankings hurt and not just my bottom either."

"Well she has lived a long and well loved life. Maybe we should take her home and have a funeral service for her. Or maybe we could wrap her up in bandages. After all she is in a hospital. Then the girls that are in the hospital can care for her."

"I hope they didn't put anything that had peanuts in the baby food. Quinn is allergic to peanuts and it will cause her to wet her pants. Well if it causes her to wet or mess her pants then I don't know what she can wear home. I doubt her mother brought an extra set of clothes for her teenaged daughter."

"Wait, before you get rid of her, why don't you just put a cast on her arm and and maybe a neck brace and a few other bandages? Then maybe the girls will want to take care of her like she is a patient."

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Quinn nods. "I like that idea. An all girl acting company. We could do all kinds of plays. Not just Shakespeare's. I could call it the Quinn's Players. No Boys Allowed Company."

"Well you think they are fun for us? Well they aren't. They hurt alot and then you add the embarrassment of being made to stand in the corner with our diaper down around our ankles. That makes things even worse.?

Amy giggles. "Yes she has been loved to death. I don't think where is any saving her. To cover all her wounds. She would almost look like a mummy and not the kind of mummy I have."

Mom shakes her head. "No there is no peanuts in the baby food. though the caferteria where it was dished out does use peanut oil to do the cooking. What is in the baby food was a sleeping aid, Something to help her memory and some medicine to help her stay regular. The nurse who checked on her said that Debbie wasn't not use enough diapers to stay regular. Well you might want to go tell Quinn before she finishes off the baby food."

Quinn starts to yawn as she finishes off the first jar and starts on the second one. Her eyes start to droop and close. Carla sees the jar about to fall out of Quinn's hand and puts it on the table. She wipes Quinn's mouth and hands with a wet wipe. Carla smiles to herself and sets back down in the chair to read some more. She was enjoying the peace and quiet for a change.

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"Yes, then you could become famous as the all girl acting company. I know a lot of people would come and see that."

"I know they aren't fun for you. They aren't supposed to be. If you have earned a spanking, then I want you to remember it so you won't do whatever caused me to spank you again. That's what spankings are for."

"You're right. They need to just get another doll and let this one rest in peace, or pieces as the case may be."

Rebecca smiles. "Oh yes. I must go tell her right now. We don't want her to have a potty accident while she is sleeping , do we? Amy would you like to go see Deb? I want to warn you, she isn't like she was at school. She is more like a baby now."

Rebecca walks back to the room that Deb was in and smiles as she sees Quinn is asleep. Rebecca goes over to Carla and whispers in her ear.

"My mom told me that there is medicine in the baby food that would cause Deb to get sleepy and stay regular. She also said that Quinn was eating the baby food. I see Quinn has fallen asleep. Let's hope she doesn't have an accident."

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"Quinn nods. "Being famous would be nice. I think,but then you wouldn't be able to live a normal life anymore. Because there would be cameras taking your picture. No matter where you go.

"Maybe so,but do you have to make them so embarrassing? I mean it is really needed to make us stand in the corner with our diapers down around our ankles and our red bottoms on display like they are trophies?"

"Yeah the best thing they can do is lay the doll to rest and get a new one."

Mom shrugs. "Well maybe. The other nurses said she has been a b witch to them all day. So maybe a potty accident would take her down a few notches. Because she would have to wear a diaper home." She smiles at the thought of watching Quinn waddling down the hall in her shirt and a diaper. Because she messed up her pants and her underwear.

Amy shakes her head. "Not really. I don't like Deb. She is mean and not very nice to everyone. This was even before you took everyone out of classes and put them all in the nursery all day."

Carla nods. "Well I thought there had to be something up. Quinn was looking a bit sluggish as she was finishing up the last jar of baby food. If I hadn't caught it. The jar would have crashed into the floor and made a big mess." She nods. "Yeah let's hope so. Because if she does it will be kindergarten all over again. Having to wear a diaper at home because she had an accident. Do you think I should diaper her anyway. Just incase she does have an accident? This could be the kind of thing I could use as blackmail to get her into your class,but that would be mean of me wouldn't it?"

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"Yeah, having the paparazzi chase you all the time would get to you after awhile."

"I only do that so you will remember. You will do ANYTHING to keep from being spanked. The more humiliating they are, the more you will hate them."

"Oh well, what happens, happens. Or Que sara sara. I'll have room in my school for a middle school girl in diapers."

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. She won't be mean to anyone. You can stay here if you want to though."

"No, don't diaper her until she has an accident, but if she does have an accident make sure to put a diaper on her. Don't let her talk you out of it. Then when you leave the hospital, Quinn will have to walk through the hallways in just her shirt and diaper. Make sure to greet any nurses on the way and point out what Quinn is wearing and why. Apparently she hasn't been nice to them and they would love to see her brought down."

"Yes, I guess it would be mean, but it might make her a better person. You can have Quinn stay in a diaper for a period of time, whether it's a few days or a week or whatever to make sure the accident was the only one she would have. Maybe you can find out what they put in the baby food and see if you can get some yourself. Oh yes, she loves to eat baby food, so make sure one of her meals is baby food. She was talking about bringing baby food to school to eat for lunch, so do that if you don't bring her to my class."

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"Yes having paparazzi chasing me all the time would get to me. That is the only downside to being famous."

"I remember it and I hate them. You spank me when I have nothing to do with it. You take the big sister's word over mine. Most of them have it in for me because of who my grandmother is. She makes it hard on them and they take it out on me. That is not fair at all."

"I hope not. I don't like when people are mean to me. It makes me sad and mad."

Carla smiles. "That is not very nice,but considering the way she had been treating them and talking to them. I think it is just punishment. That would only be embarrassing to her if she is awake to see the reactions of the nurses to her being in a diaper,but there is no telling how long she will stay asleep. She couldn't talk me out of it. She couldn't when she was in kindergarten and she isn't going to now."

"That sounds like a good idea and if I can find out what they put in the baby food. I can put it into the baby food and make sure it wasn't the only one she has. I think I would skip on the sleeping aid though." Carla nods. "Yeah I noticed she loves baby food. I thought she had outgrew her love of baby food,but I guess I was wrong. Maybe I should pack her lunch. Put some jars in a lunchbox,with a bottle of milk and some baby cereal. Oh I can't forget her bib so she doesn't mess up her clothes."

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"I don't recall spanking you for something that I didn't know for sure you didn't deserve it. If I did, I'm sorry."

"Well if she is still asleep then just take her home. If any nurses are out, I am sure they would see her diapers. Are you going to punish her for setting up the secret nursery? If she is in diapers, maybe she can use the nursery herself."

"The sleeping aid would be good at bedtime. Then she could sleep through the night without waking up. If you add just a touch of peanut oil to her bedtime baby food then maybe she will start wetting in her sleep. I would hold off on the bottle of milk, cereal and bib, at least for now. Just let her get used to taking baby food to school with her. If you put her in my school, you won't have to send baby food with her. We will have plenty on hand."

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"Maybe you should stop spanking us at all. It is cruel and mean. It basically comes down to doing with adults don't want children to do and that is to hit someone else."

"Yeah I'm sure they would see her diapered bottom if I carry her out of the hospital." Carla shrugs. "I don't know. I guess I will have to find it first. I have been in her closet and I have never seen any kind of door in there."

"Yeah it would do that. Quinn has not slept all the way though the night since she was in kindergarten. Wouldn't put peanut oil in the baby food change the taste of the baby food and give it a oily taste." Carla nods. "Alright. I'll hold off on it for now. It would be cute to see her wearing a bib while she is eating her baby food."

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"I don't think that is an option. Why don't you just start behaving yourself and you won't have to worry about getting a spanking?"

"Make Quinn show you where it is at. Threaten her with a spanking if necessary. Do you already have nursery furniture for Deb?"

"I don't know. I haven't eaten anything with peanut oil in it. That was just a suggestion. At least give her a bedtime bottle after she eats her baby food. You can still have her wear bibs at home if you want. Then you can see how cute she is. You wouldn't be able to do that if she wore one to school."

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"It sounds like an option to me. Behaving is no fun and it is anti little girl. Little girls can't behave. It is not in our DNA."

"Spanking doesn't work on her. It never has. It just makes her behavior worse. I'll have to come up with something to get her to show me where the door to the nursery is at." Carla shakes her head. "No I don't and I don't know what Quinn has in her nursery for Deborah. She could have a complete nursery set up. Where did you get the furniture for your school?"

"I haven't cooked with peanut oil because of Quinn's allergy. I am thinking about giving her a bedtime bottle after she eats supper. A bib at home is a good idea. Then I could keep her clothes clean at mealtime."

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"Behaving may not be fun, but mommy and I both expect it out of you. You are too old now to keep acting up and misbehaving."

"Well I hope you find something. From what Deb tells me, she has a complete nursery set up in there, with a crib, changing table and such. We got our cribs and high chairs from a store that specializes in oversized furniture for larger children that still need them. If you want, I can look up the information and let you have it later."

"Yes, a bib and a bedtime bottle would be great. It will help her get comfortable in her new place as Deb's baby sister. I bet they would look cute in matching high chairs, eating their dinners at the same time."

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"I am not too old to keep acting up and misbehaving."

"Well if it is complete nursery. Then I prpbably will not need to get anything for Deborah to use. I'll just need to move it out of the hidden room and into her bedroom. If I can't find the nursery. Then I will need the information about the store where you got your stuff at. I might need a second set for little Quinn."

"Yes it would be great and it would be very good if she was a baby like Deborah is,but I'm not holding my breath on that. Yeah I think they would cool cute setting side by side in their highchairs eating their meals."

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"Then I guess you are not too old for a spanking either. The two go hand in hand. Just remember that."

"If you would like, I could come over and see if I could find the nursery. Maybe I could do it this weekend. I'll try to coax Quinn into telling me how to do it. Also, I could watch Quinn while you come down to the hospital to be with Deb. It doesn't seem right that you would need to get a whole second nursery set when there is a perfectly usable one behind the wall of the closet."

"Well I don't think she will want to go all the way baby. Just have her wear a tee shirt and diaper at home or a short dress if she has one. I wouldn't embarrass her too much when you go out. You can let her wear a longer dress then. Anyway, I need to get going. I need to pry Courtney away from the nurses station so we can go home. I will still call you later tonight. How does 10 o'clock sound?"

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