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Your Age On Other Worlds


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I just found out that we have different age for different planets around the solar system, I thought it be interesting to share it with everyone :P

If anyone wanna know their age on other planet go to http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/age/index.html

I'm sure some your age on 1 or 2 planet is close to your AB age :P

I'm about 1.64 years old on Jupiter :D

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126.2 years on Mercury

49.4 years on Venus

30.4 years on Earh

16.1 years on Mars

2.56 years on Jupiter

1.03 years on Saturn

0.36 years on Uranus

0.18 years on Neptune

0.122 years on Pluto

I wonder, if I went to Jupiter, would I be treated the age I'm supposed to be on that planet, despite me insisting that I am much older on Earth?

Hmm...interesting story idea. :D

It would depend on the culture and how they age and perceive aliens. In an enlightened culture, you'd most likely be treated your earth age. But this may be skewed if they're an exceptionally long-lived species and not familiar with the aging of humans or beings of other planets. I worked up a story once that dealt with this. Really, it's only an excuse to put a character into diapers or have them be babied by the natives in a roll-play style, for the most part... However, if they were a species that grows to huge proportions, you may actually be seen as a youngster. Or if they're of non-humanoid design, they could be unfamiliar with human physiology and not recognize a fully grown human as such.

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