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Snap-Ez 4 Life Going Out Of Business

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From their website:

Snap-EZ Pocket Diapers!

We are going out of business!

With much regret, we are going to be closing our businesses.

Snap-EZ and Snap-EZ 4 Life will be closing once we liquidate our inventory.

Due to our commitment to our home and family, and our desire to keep our priorities straight, we have come to this decision (we have been heading in this direction in our hearts for about 2 years). We have spent hours upon hours trying to determine what was the best for our family and how we could continue to run our business and keep our priorities straight, but in the end, there just isn't enough hours in the day/days in the week/weeks in the month etc to properly serve God, support my husband, train my children, manage my home, and run a business. Even without running a business, all that I have responsibility for is more than enough to keep me busy all waking hours, and it's only by God's grace that I have managed to do a halfway decent job in these areas and run two home businesses. But we have decided that it is time to step down, so that I can concentrate on meeting the needs of my family better.

I am in negotiations to sell the intellectual property (patterns etc) to other manufacturers, but there is still the possibility of our selling parts or all of our business to a new potential buyer, so if you are interested in part or all our Snap-EZ or Snap-EZ 4 Life, please contact me right away to talke about the possibilities.

All products have been discounted as of 10/23:

(prices lowered again as of 10/15)

Check out of Price list for details!

Check out Snap-EZ's Discounted Prices on that Price List Here.


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