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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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My mum was going through my stuff and she almost found my stash. Well she didn't actually find it but she already touched it in her hand, she didn't even realize, good thing I was there to stop her just in a nick of time.

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There is coming to be a "story" and "subtext" about adult diapers. The normal condition of the prostate after the age of about 52 and age-related sleeping difficulty. This last is that once you get up (to go to the toilet) you have difficulty going back to sleep or find it impossible to do so. Both of these are physiologically normal, The former already brings out the titterers and it is still linked to baby, but as more boomers hit that age range this will be more common so that you will have a high percentage of the US population in that age range and there will be less laughing about it. For such persons, as the situation develops, diapers, while not absolutely necessary would be a good choice. and for all you DL's, you will still be young enough to enjoy it. Do not forget, 60 is the new 40.

I did not think of this since I am AB/LG that choice has been made already. I am thinking of telling my doctor that I am considering the diaper option. Would that be making a virtue of necessity or making a necessity of virtue?

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There is coming to be a "story" and "subtext" about adult diapers. The normal condition of the prostate after the age of about 52 and age-related sleeping difficulty. This last is that once you get up (to go to the toilet) you have difficulty going back to sleep or find it impossible to do so. Both of these are physiologically normal, The former already brings out the titterers and it is still linked to baby, but as more boomers hit that age range this will be more common so that you will have a high percentage of the US population in that age range and there will be less laughing about it. For such persons, as the situation develops, diapers, while not absolutely necessary would be a good choice. and for all you DL's, you will still be young enough to enjoy it. Do not forget, 60 is the new 40.

I did not think of this since I am AB/LG that choice has been made already. I am thinking of telling my doctor that I am considering the diaper option. Would that be making a virtue of necessity or making a necessity of virtue?

How does this post relate to the thread itself?

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How does this post relate to the thread itself?

Rats! Rats! 600 Rats! I clicked on the wrong link!!!!!!!!! Now I have to move it

The really bizarre part of it is that this is the top half of a post the rest of which was in its proper thread. I think I would get a headache trying to figure that one out.

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Rats! Rats! 600 Rats! I clicked on the wrong link!!!!!!!!! Now I have to move it

The really bizarre part of it is that this is the top half of a post the rest of which was in its proper thread. I think I would get a headache trying to figure that one out.

No worries... Everybody makes mistakes ^_^

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Everybody ELSE :)

I mean, I am part Fairy. What would happen if I tried to turn Bernie Madoff into a frog and got the DNA sequence wrong, waved my wand and out comes a Tyrannosaurus Rex? or worse, a battalion of Rigelian Mark IV Class I beureaucrats? These are derived of genetically modified locusts and can strip a world bare in 84 hours.

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I had a close call once...

A long tame ago my parents came home early.

And i had my home made diapy filled whith #1 and #2.

It triggered a spontaneous #3.

A cold shower and opening some windows kept the smell down.

So i did not get cought.

But i was so close to getting cought my body decided to "peak" me.

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Guest farenhyte452

mommy and daddy know i make poopies in diaper every day so that is good. my ex girlfriend almsot caght me once when i didn't want her to know about me. i was alone home masterbating in a freshly laid poopy in my diaper and getting hot and horny when i heardthe front door open and i had to jump in the shower rights as she came in my room. she heard the water running and i heard her through the door say did i have an overflowed toilet? because it smelled like someone had just laid a deuce on the floor i told her it was sewage and i cleaned off and had to roll the browned and messed diaper in one of her tshirts from the laundry basket and tuck it away in the pantry bathroom. close cll. now it don't matter we broke up because she found out later when she came in on me as i was in the fetal position on my couch with thumb in my mouth, bib on, in a onesie and surrounded by bambinos and used wipes.

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Recently while thrift shop shopping I found an entire bag of molicare super. The good diapers go quick at this place so I had to get them right away. The only problem was two of the people in the store knew me. I made it quick and got away.

Long ago when I was a young buck in high school, I was purchasing a diaper geni from the thrift shop. While proceeding to the check out i heard... "my name". It was Lee, we had the same class the semester before. She was smokin hot and we drove each other crazy. ANYWASE.... trying to hide the geni, I dropped it and the geni fell apart all over the store. She helped me pick it up and it was kinda hot. Since then... i shop early, on week days and check out the store before proceeding to the register .

Advice for teen baby 96, make hiding a top priority. So many times I turned the car around and went back home because I THINK i left something out. Check out the entire store before you make a purchase... yada yada yada. This lifestyle demands a great deal of dedication, determination and dependability...... "dependability"(snickers)

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Call it a hunch, but I'm guessing "teenbaby96" is actually only 13 or 14 years old if he's worried about his Mom finding his stash. Probably shouldn't be here.

EDIT: I take that back. Ban that user, NOW!

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I almost got caught years ago, by my parent. Was enjoying a #2 in my underwear, and had to quick wipe with a shirt before she got suspicious at the bedroom door (I lived above the garage). I'm sure it still smelled suspicious. Talk about a heart attack, worse embarrassing scare I ever had.

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eep those are worse than the Obamabot Mk Is :P

Everybody ELSE :)

I mean, I am part Fairy. What would happen if I tried to turn Bernie Madoff into a frog and got the DNA sequence wrong, waved my wand and out comes a Tyrannosaurus Rex? or worse, a battalion of Rigelian Mark IV Class I beureaucrats? These are derived of genetically modified locusts and can strip a world bare in 84 hours.

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ookay, that's just about all I can take of this guy, I can't easily report someone from my phone but this is too much

mommy and daddy know i make poopies in diaper every day so that is good. my ex girlfriend almsot caght me once when i didn't want her to know about me. i was alone home masterbating in a freshly laid poopy in my diaper and getting hot and horny when i heardthe front door open and i had to jump in the shower rights as she came in my room. she heard the water running and i heard her through the door say did i have an overflowed toilet? because it smelled like someone had just laid a deuce on the floor i told her it was sewage and i cleaned off and had to roll the browned and messed diaper in one of her tshirts from the laundry basket and tuck it away in the pantry bathroom. close cll. now it don't matter we broke up because she found out later when she came in on me as i was in the fetal position on my couch with thumb in my mouth, bib on, in a onesie and surrounded by bambinos and used wipes.

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