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Weekend Movie Round-Up

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This is a copy and paste from an email I sent to a friend, but I'm too lazy to write it again and somehow differently :)

Last two nights were movie nights. By now you must know I LOVE going to the movies, lol. Saw the A-Team Friday and Karate Kid last night. Both were better than their original counterparts, but KK was by far the better flick. Great story, lovely scenery and some good old fashioned ass-kicking. I think it’s funny too that it’s the 3rd best opening for a member of the Smith family. He knocked most of Daddy Will’s movies down a knock. Also nice to see Jackie Chan take a more serious role. He is great in this one.

A-Team has great action with a nice mix of comedy so it doesn't look like too much of a copy of the series. Plus I finally found out why BA is afraid too fly, lol!

If you have to pick one, I say to go for The Karate Kid.

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I just got back from A-Team, for a PG movie, i enjoyed it. For the type of action it's comparsble to Sahara...I think heh heh. Also this weekend went on an awsome motorbike ride to think about things last friday as i took the day off, and then dumped my gf who I've had for about 2 years.

Huggies all LitlAndy

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Guest AmatureStryWriter

I want to see both of those movies and I havn't been to the theaters in ages.

I grew up on the karate kid movies so I'm already impartial to the orginals but I always keep an open mind and have enjoyed a lot of remakes.

I also grew up on the A-Team, same story here, I'm sure I'll enjoy the movie... but the series will always have my heart. Looking forward to seeing it though.

The one movie I have been DYING to see lately, recommended by a friend, is "Event Horizon". I see they got it on sale at a local store here on bluray for about 15 bucks and I want it so bad, but Daddy said no because of the budget <_<

It's my kind of movie too. Scifi, outerspace, horror... YAAAAAY!!!!


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I just saw the A Team. I thought Murdoch was hilarious. I liked the movie. It was a good summer action movie. I tried to go into it without any pre conceptons of how the 80's tv series was. Over all I liked the blend of action and comedy.

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I saw A-Team... I wanted to punch kittens in the face.

I'm a aviation guy, and so much of it made me wanna cry.

Reaper/Predators don't have guns on the front of them, and don't shoot heat seeking missles... usually hell fires.... I've never heard of an air-to-air drone kill...

C-130's go about 345+ mph, Reaper/Predators about 130mph.

shutting off engines on a helicopter doesn't make you invisible to "heat seeking missles".... the engines are still hot. F-22's are designed to shoot down air craft from Beyond Visual Range, so they wouldn't of actually seen it when it launched a missle.

UH-1's cannot loop, or barrel roll. Very few helicopters can. And if you use your blades to hit anything, you're not gonna be flying very effectively.

If an aircraft is shot down over Germany, why would NORAD be reporting on it? since NORAD is North American Aerospace Defense?

What is causing all the continuing explosions on the cargo ship?

If the people can shoot an 8" spool from across the street with a single shot, why can't they hit some one 20 feet in front of them with a full auto burst?

I mean, just a few things that bothered me.

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I saw A-Team... I wanted to punch kittens in the face.

I'm a aviation guy, and so much of it made me wanna cry.

Reaper/Predators don't have guns on the front of them, and don't shoot heat seeking missles... usually hell fires.... I've never heard of an air-to-air drone kill...

C-130's go about 345+ mph, Reaper/Predators about 130mph.

shutting off engines on a helicopter doesn't make you invisible to "heat seeking missles".... the engines are still hot. F-22's are designed to shoot down air craft from Beyond Visual Range, so they wouldn't of actually seen it when it launched a missle.

UH-1's cannot loop, or barrel roll. Very few helicopters can. And if you use your blades to hit anything, you're not gonna be flying very effectively.

If an aircraft is shot down over Germany, why would NORAD be reporting on it? since NORAD is North American Aerospace Defense?

What is causing all the continuing explosions on the cargo ship?

If the people can shoot an 8" spool from across the street with a single shot, why can't they hit some one 20 feet in front of them with a full auto burst?

I mean, just a few things that bothered me.

It's the A-Team, not an aviation documenty! It's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EXPECTED TO BE REALISTIC! The very concept of the A-Team is a spoof of the action genre. As such, I refer you to Bellisario's Maxim, the Rule of Cool, and the MST3K Mantra. See also A-Team Firing. For a more concise list, look here (possible movie spoilers).

I now have a copy of Terminator Salvation. Barring a few noticeable special effects failures and a lot of contrived references to the other Terminator movies, it's a well-made action movie. It's nowhere near as slow as the others, and does a fairly good job of showing that all of the time travel has actually had an affect on the time line. Things like Skynet forgoing the rubber-skinned terminators in favor of the "cybernetic" variants. Though, there are a few things that make one wonder just why John Connor hasn't quite leaned from some of those encounters... Or if he's just forgotten... It also gets away from that crappy "destiny" kick that T-3 had, restoring the "there is no fate but what we make" line and mentality. I'd definitely recommend it for a movie night type of movie. Plenty of good stuff, mixed with stuff that just begs to be MSTed.

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