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What Is It Your Look For In A Mommy Or Daddy Figure?

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Well I was curious of what you all look for in a mommy or daddy. (to those who are mommys and daddys what do you look for in a baby?) Im very happy with my mommy Gweniebear and she has made this so much easier on me. Share your thoughts for what you look for(or if you already have one what is it about them that makes them special :thumbsup: to you)

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Guest MommyGweniebear

Well I was curious of what you all look for in a mommy or daddy. (to those who are mommys and daddys what do you look for in a baby?) Im very happy with my mommy Gweniebear and she has made this so much easier on me. Share your thoughts for what you look for(or if you already have one what is it about them that makes them special :thumbsup: to you)

Hello my babygirl :wub:. You are so sweet to say such wonderful things about me, I thoroughly enjoy doing this with you :) and I love you very very much. Now to answer your question. What I would look for in a AB is well....you! :) because you mean so much to me and are everything to me.

As far as specific qualities though, if I didn't have you I'd look for someone accepting of my medical conditions, in addition to someone nice and sweet that would eventually follow my direction because we all know little ones sometimes don't. Someone that wanted my love and complete devotion that would never betray me and someone willing to have all the loving nurturing care I could give them. *Snuggles and love* That is pretty much it. :)

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well i've got a daddy... so forgetting all the things that attract me to him as a person and as my boyfriend, i'll discuss the daddy side

1. he doesn't wear diapers.... i never wanted a daddy who wore himself

2. he isn't a switch, but a pure daddy ..... again i dont want to be the mommy.... ever

3. He is just as turned on as i am by this role play scenario . . . this is a sexual fetish for me, so in order for it to work with a daddy, he would have to get turned on etc.. as well

4. He doesn't mind punishing a baby girl when she is bad . . . again role play scenario - punishment is part of it

5. he was able to take control and did not need 'coaching' in how to be a daddy.. . . . .

so thats what i was looking for in a daddy.... and I found that....

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I'm a switch and currently someone's daddy, however, I don't have a requirement I look for in a little. Possibly someone who knows how to separate their little side and adult side properly and pick up after themselves when daddy isn't in the mood to be daddy.(:whistling:) I'm also not much in the way of discipline, so I'd like it if the little one would at least set some boundaries as to what is okay.

As for a mommy, as long as she is nothing like my maternal mother was growing up I'm cool with whatever. I can't handle the screaming and yelling routine. I don't mind if I'm being playful and misbehaving, go all out, get into the role and be a mommy, however just don't pull a 'Carrie'. I also guess that someone who understands my medical conditions and personal limitations would be nice, nothing worse than having to break character to reiterate that whatever it is you're trying to do may kill me.

Edit: oh yeah, for either side of the equation, for the love of all tings holy, don't make it all about you. This will ruin a vanilla relationship really quick, let alone one of our kind of relationships.

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The first thing I look for is a person who's nonjudgmental and is comfortable with me being a severely burned amputee. Unfortunately few and far between. And never in person.

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I looked for a nurturing and loving mommy who was always gentle--even when I wanna act up--and I found that in Char.

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Guest MommyGweniebear

While I don't agree with Belinda's comment of needing to have someone to buy expensive things and money, I think you all had great things to say. Now for our relationship personally, I am a Mommy to my BabyRavey, but I will be wearing diapers in addition to her wearing them because I do want to try them and because its starting to get annoying not to have them when certain medical issues arise.

I think it really depends on the two individuals in the relationship, what they want and what the two agree too. It really is a difference in preference I suppose for that relationship. Each person having their own want or expectation, and as long as its not illegal or causes harm then to me its fine :) Its nice to hear peoples thoughts on what they would like though and I am glad that some of you found what you are looking for. I know I did. *Hugs BabyRavey* :)

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I agree that it's up to the couple. I wear diapers and get "Mommy Time" every night and usually when I take a hot bath after a long run. What I look for is acceptance, understanding, compassion, care giving and love.

As BabyMaggie's Daddy, I'm accepting of her use of diapers including when her diapers leak. I'm also accepting of her medical condition and modest income. I uniquely understand her desire to be babied while with me as well as what it's like to wear diapers out of the house. I treat her with compassion when she's not well and needs snuggling. I carefully tape her night diapers on every night and developed cloth bloomer diapers to go over them to reduce leaks. I love her with all my heart and that helps us both when things aren't sunshine and roses.

I'm glad to see another couple on the boards. Congrats for finding each other Ravey and Gwen.



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Guest MommyGweniebear

I agree that it's up to the couple. I wear diapers and get "Mommy Time" every night and usually when I take a hot bath after a long run. What I look for is acceptance, understanding, compassion, care giving and love.

As BabyMaggie's Daddy, I'm accepting of her use of diapers including when her diapers leak. I'm also accepting of her medical condition and modest income. I uniquely understand her desire to be babied while with me as well as what it's like to wear diapers out of the house. I treat her with compassion when she's not well and needs snuggling. I carefully tape her night diapers on every night and developed cloth bloomer diapers to go over them to reduce leaks. I love her with all my heart and that helps us both when things aren't sunshine and roses.

I'm glad to see another couple on the boards. Congrats for finding each other Ravey and Gwen.



Honu, it seems as if your lifestyle with Maggie is a very nice one. I completely sympathize with the medical aspect of it, and Raven is very sweet when it comes to helping me in my time of need also. We haven't really tried baby products yet of any kind except for a few coloring books so far, but I have ordered some things to start both of us off. Ravey and I have known each other for eight years, and she only recently told me this side of her existed a few months ago. Being open minded, I wanted to certainly try this and I unlocked a maternal side to me I had no idea existed. So its been absolutely wonderful. We joined here, because we literally have no one in person who would be accepting of our lifestyle, and we wanted a place to be ourselves and express this side of us without judgment. Thank you for the congratulations, I congratulate you on your relationship too, and I hope you both continue to be happy. :)

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I think my requirements would be fairly simple... But, that's really up to interpretation, I guess...

1: Be female. I'm a straight guy and would not be comfortable getting into a relationship with someone who was not a natural female.

2: Be interested in me. I have yet to meet a woman who is...

3: Be willing to explore other rolls, as well. I'm one of those people who doesn't fall directly in any one spot, and has some different sides. I'm going to need someone who isn't "stuck in mommy mode", as I'm more often a DL than an AB, but do have the occasional AB tendencies. Ideally, I'd like to explore the "daddy" roll, as well. So I'll have to find someone flexible in such issues.

4: Be discreet. My family and the local community in general are not very open-minded. So, we'd have to perty much leave the diapers and whatnot at home.

5: Be self-sufficient. I barely make enough money to support myself and my dogs. I honestly can't afford to support another person in this household.

6: Not be anti-dog. My dogs are my family. If you can't accept them, then that would be a major problem.

7: Be christian, non-catholic. I'm a southern baptist. I honestly don't believe I could carry on a relationship with someone who isn't a fellow christian. Also, there's a bit of bad blood between my church and the Catholics. I'd rather just avoid the possible religious differences and potential for fights that such things tend to lead to...

8: Not be anti-gun. I have a rifle and use it. Usually to kill vermin, or target shoot with family. My brother and I have a long-running rivalry as to who's the better shot. I don't think that someone with anti-gun beliefs would be able to get along well enough with me or my family for a proper relationship to develop. Again, just trying to avoid the potential for more serious conflict.

9: Be willing to be a country folk, if not already being a country gal. I'm a country guy. I've spent my whole life out here in the sticks, this is most likely where I'll eventually die. I feel more alive out here than in a town or city. This's where I'm supposed to be. I'm simply not suited to town or city life. This could be something that could be worked on a bit, but I don't hold any hopes of it ever changing very much.

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I think my requirements would be fairly simple... But, that's really up to interpretation, I guess...

2: Be interested in me. I have yet to meet a woman who is...

I have yet to meet a woman in my own life where everything isn't about her. She sucks your, time, money and life force for her every whim. If you dare call her out on it you obviously don't love her or your picking on her, because it's never her fault. I know there are genuinely good women out there, however, I have not come across many. There aren't too many people left in modern society that are genuinely in a relationship to be a benefit to the other.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on anyone in particular, I just have to call em like I see em. I'm listening to my lil/gf's friend talking about how despite her boyfriend already meeting her halfway on every issue she is bringing up, he still needs to change. Women like that need to be hit by a bus. the guy is a baptists and he went to a wiccan temple to appease her, I won't even do that, that's some serious commitment and dedication. She was complaining how he has to let her be in an open relationship, how he has to smoke weed with her, how he has to rewrite the space-time continuum.... I had to walk away before saying or doing anything I'd regret. I like my gf's friend, but damn, she is stupid.


Sorry if I sound harsh or crass, but I am just extremely irritated.

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What would a good ab/dl be?

1) An adult when need be. It seems several people agree that we need money to live, and sometimes we all need to be grownups and keep up appearances.

2) Submissive, hey some people it seems that baby makes all the rules and decides when they want to play, etc... That's fine for them, but my ideal baby does what she is told (or better yet doesn't at first and accepts the consequences). Don't get me wrong I'm reasonable and in a perfect would where I cold do this baby would get some choices. However, like mentioned above, it can't be all one way or the other. This is about two people helping each other with fantasies or what have you.

3) Bad. I got into diapering through S&M/B&D and that is a big part of what I like, so bad babies that need punishment are my forte.

4) Loving, who doesn't want to be loved. Some good cuddle time is great.

5) Adventurous- hey, if you are coming to this website, you obviously don't mind traveling off life beaten path. So, why not be willing to, AT LEAST, try other things from here. I know, everyone has limits and lines, but some things aren't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, so try and consider compromising on the little things.

6) Do your part- if daddy is gone all day making money so you can play and have clean diapers, grow up a little for a few hours and take care of the house. Hey, it will allow for more play time later.

I'm sure I could add more, but I want to read some other posts...

-MX Gangrel

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What would a good ab/dl be?

1) An adult when need be. It seems several people agree that we need money to live, and sometimes we all need to be grownups and keep up appearances.

2) Submissive, hey some people it seems that baby makes all the rules and decides when they want to play, etc... That's fine for them, but my ideal baby does what she is told (or better yet doesn't at first and accepts the consequences). Don't get me wrong I'm reasonable and in a perfect would where I cold do this baby would get some choices. However, like mentioned above, it can't be all one way or the other. This is about two people helping each other with fantasies or what have you.

3) Bad. I got into diapering through S&M/B&D and that is a big part of what I like, so bad babies that need punishment are my forte.

4) Loving, who doesn't want to be loved. Some good cuddle time is great.

5) Adventurous- hey, if you are coming to this website, you obviously don't mind traveling off life beaten path. So, why not be willing to, AT LEAST, try other things from here. I know, everyone has limits and lines, but some things aren't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, so try and consider compromising on the little things.

6) Do your part- if daddy is gone all day making money so you can play and have clean diapers, grow up a little for a few hours and take care of the house. Hey, it will allow for more play time later.

I'm sure I could add more, but I want to read some other posts...

-MX Gangrel

Biggest problem in AB/DL relationships is people being too self centered to observe and relate to their partners needs. People who want to be little 24/7 need to realize that their partner and the world in general doesn't revolve around them. You're an Adult Baby, be an adult on occasion. If your with a switch, understand they are a switch and therefore have their own needs too, they are not just a means to your end.(or an end to your means, however that goes). So little in modern society is taught on being selfless in a relationship.

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be gentle yet firm. enjoy taking care of your ab/lg. protect from bad things . has sese of humour . enjoy playing games . take out in the community not yell or hit.


and I think for me as a toddler/lg it is important to be able to entertain your self (while near to daddy ) and let him have not get burned out . I like someone i can feel safe around

there is a lot more i just can't put all of it into words.

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