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I Have The Next 3 Days By Myself. What Should I Do?

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So like I said, I have about 3 days of free time, no one to be here and judge me. I have pacifiers, and I like delving into AB/DL sometimes. Never tried regressing. What should I do with all this time? Do you guys have any ideas? I'm spending as much time as possible in my diapies.

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Take pictures for us. :)

...too soon?

Well figure out what you're into. I do recommend diapers non-stop all weekend. It's a fantastic experience.

If you'd like to try more things, this board basically covers everything and everything's grandma... go snoop around.


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First Rule: The Bath Room is Off Limits! No toilet priveledges for you!

Second Rule: Depend on Diapers the entire three day period no matter what.

Third Rule: Keep the binky in your yack and don't talk unless its like a little kid. No Adult Talking.

Rule #4: You must report to us here on Daily Diapers every time you do a babyish/ childlike thing. Tell us what you do in your diaper, as a child you have no privacy from bigs and there are bigs on DailyDiapers who will observe your posted behavior.

Rule #5: You must loose all shame and be completely honest as to what you are up to, even if the adult "you" would be embarrassed.

Rule #6: Drink lots of water, especially before bedtime.

Thats alot of rules for a little one, but its just too bad. Now be a good little kid and forget you were ever grown up.

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First Rule: The Bath Room is Off Limits! No toilet priveledges for you!

Second Rule: Depend on Diapers the entire three day period no matter what.

Third Rule: Keep the binky in your yack and don't talk unless its like a little kid. No Adult Talking.

Rule #4: You must report to us here on Daily Diapers every time you do a babyish/ childlike thing. Tell us what you do in your diaper, as a child you have no privacy from bigs and there are bigs on DailyDiapers who will observe your posted behavior.

Rule #: You must loose all shame and be completely honest as to what you are up to, even if the adult "you" would be embarrassed.

Rule #6: Drink lots of water, especially before bedtime.

Thats alot of rules for a little one, but its just too bad. Now be a good little kid and forget you were ever grown up.

ok. I peed in my diapers. i'm gonna take a bath w/diapers on. my binky is in my mouth.

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Good Boy ionope. I'll just call you Opie, is that ok?

OK, Opie, take Fishie and look at the main page of Forums, go down the right side >that side> and look for the Blog section. Click on Toon's Blog about the Paci Monster. Read it and then come back here...go ahead...I'll be right here...

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Guest Wetnmessy247

Nice pic.

Is it messed in? Looks quite wet at least if not messed.

3 days alone?? Wow.

Day 1: Put on diaper and mess like the world is about to end. Then, wet till you can barely frikkin crawl.

Day 2: Stay in full nappy while doing nothing but sucking on paci.

Day 3: Stay in full nappy again.

End: Change out of nappy after three days and marvel at just how big the rash gets. Masterbate.

Then go to sleep with a bag of weed and a six pack of grape juice.

If it weren't for social conventions and nosy people putting their nostrils on other people's business, I would stay messed for days on end to the point of massive bacterial infection/open sore.

If I had to day in my own personal choice, I would like to die from massive bacterial infection getting into open sores from feces exposure.

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Nice pic.

Is it messed in? Looks quite wet at least if not messed.

3 days alone?? Wow.

Day 1: Put on diaper and mess like the world is about to end. Then, wet till you can barely frikkin crawl.

Day 2: Stay in full nappy while doing nothing but sucking on paci.

Day 3: Stay in full nappy again.

End: Change out of nappy after three days and marvel at just how big the rash gets. Masterbate.

Then go to sleep with a bag of weed and a six pack of grape juice.

If it weren't for social conventions and nosy people putting their nostrils on other people's business, I would stay messed for days on end to the point of massive bacterial infection/open sore.

If I had to day in my own personal choice, I would like to die from massive bacterial infection getting into open sores from feces exposure.

No, I use three diapers. I like to pee but poopoo is a no no. Can't have rash as i have a gf.. and don't like infections.

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If I had to day in my own personal choice, I would like to die from massive bacterial infection getting into open sores from feces exposure.

Its sentences like this that make you have to ask yourself.....Is this normal? I don't usually respond to weird stuff but WOW that is one helluva picture of mental health. Sitting in your poo is one thing but DYING from an infection because of it is WAY different. You probably should think juuuuuuuust a little bit before you post stuff like that.

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