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He Would Be A Good Daddy

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well there is a new staff at my house he is really nice . I can tell he like me and he would be a good daddy . he always get me up and give shower to me when he is here . he remember what i like and always speak gently to me . at bedtime he put me to bed by himself not like the others . sometimes he touch me and today in the shower . not upsetting though . it is confusing I don't know if he is going to continue being so nice and "accidentally " touching me or if he well later become just like the other staff . he is Christian and sometimes act uncomfortable ? after he has been real nice . when we are around others he watch me nicely and doesn't usually let them hhelp me

I don't know if i should tell him how I feel and ask him to be my daddy ? how do you do that ?

I would like any advice and tips

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Guest refridginator

well, that depends if he is single. and you'd have to look at it from his perspective. he might just be doing his job, or volunteering, like most others. however, if he has taken an interest in you, as what it looks like, it can never hurt to ask. like when he's giving you a bath, tell him it feels good, just to start pointing the conversation in a different direction. tell him you like the comfort he gives you when he's around, and he cares for you better than everybody else there. and just flat out say you want him to be your daddy. it's up to him to understand what you mean, and if he wants that or no.

the worst thing is going without knowing if he ever would've said yes. it's worth the risk to ask him.

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tpday I made a mistake

it is my shower time and he is getting me ready ..... then the female staff came in and said let me help. she took me to in the bathroom and c could see I was angry . she asked you don't want me to give you shower ? you want him ? I say yes

she went out and complain to him ...always when you are here she don't want me to touch her she want you . last Sunday she say i should not give her shower this is the third time she do that. I am going to tell the house manager about this . you see how she would not even cooperate with me she just wants you because you are a man

he came and spoke to me very gently yet seriously . saying not to do that it can cause him problems . he say he is not mad at me and not to feel guilty . he question me why I just want him not her.

I so wish i had not created any fuss. ii was being to obvious . I don't want him to be uncomfortable around me

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Guest refridginator

well, you shouldn't have told her you didn't want her help, that's like telling her she's useless at what she wants to do. you should let her do her job, but when he's around tell him you really appreciate his attention alot more. like he makes you feel special. that'll get him the message. ;) and he'll decide on what's the next step to take. :)

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there are two ways to deal with this.

1 - Inform your house manager of your choice, and the reason for your choice - ie you prefer him for your care cause he makes you feel so relaxed and comfortable, and that he is very good at his job etc.

2- Inform him directly. You are very good at your job and I like it when you take such good care of me.

If you chose #1, then it will be the managers choice how exactly to deal with this. Unfortunately, at the moment, the house manager has gotten complaints aboiut him from other staff, and they incorrectly presume that the reason for the preference is cause he is a man, and nothing to do with his excellent level of care. Only you can correct this.

If you chose #2, the information from you directly to him might intimidate him, and cause him to back off which, from your posts, you don't seem to want to happen.

In a care home / business, when a member of staff (like the female staff you mentioned) finds out that the patient/client prefer another person in preference to them, they can feel threatened, and then use any excuse to try and get rid of the percieved threat - which in your case, by complaining to and causing trouble for him.

Re the Daddy question -

At the moment, broaching that subject with either him or the management will only cause problems for both of you. I suggest that you try and address the 'threat' problem first, and only when that is resolved, do you reconsider the Daddy question. If him is as good as you say he is, then he could pick up on the Daddy role for you, and talk to you about it when he is comfortable with it rather than you placing him in an uncomfortable or awkward position.

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When it comes to At home Nursing, there are rules and procedures they have to follow. With him being , well a him, he may not be allowed to bathe you or touch you in any way that can be deemed inappropriate. I would suggest kindly asking for him to at least help, as a male myself I would be more comfortable having a witness to keep me out of trouble.

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thank you for all the replies

we were lucky . the female staff later just made a joke about what happened and didn't report anything . house managers can make things like that seem wrong and troublesome . also I have complained about that womans roughly care before. she has choosed to not work on Sundays anymore so that little problem is okay . I though haf learned my lesson (aren't all lessons learnt the hard way ) and won't be so obviously in front of the other staffs . baby keiff your right about not asking him just yet.

anyway he is very smart and perseptive it surprises me .

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