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Good potential! Message board is cool. I'd make the site more like the message board.

Suggestion:Gotta do something about the colors. The pink on green is barely readable on my projector. I think it has to do with the small size of the text and how the background color bleeds into the letters. It looks smudgy. That effect happens when a light text color is on a dark background. I have to highlight the text to be able to inverse the colors and read it. I'm a professional web developer IRL. Just a suggestion.


Baby Bri

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Aye, site has great potential. I like the fact that its really light. By that I mean there arent images and flash anims covering every pixel of the site (this is why I love google). Its obvious you know what your doing, and arent one of those people who likes to put in tons of copy-pasted code to add all these 'fancy' features.

However I do have to agree on the color scheme. I was viewing it on an lcd, and its readable, but if I were to read it for long, my eyes would really hurt from having to strain to pick out the pink.

Overall, great job :-)

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