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Long Day At Work

Guest little_jonny

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Guest little_jonny

this is just a short story i thought of, hope you like it..

Jon was laying in bed and it was around 8:00. His alarm clock was going off and he was trying to find it to turn it off. He slamed around several times trying to turn off his alarm clock but couldn't find it. Looking up he remembered it was on his stero across the room. His mom was yelling at him to get out of bed and get ready for work. Sitting up in his bed rubbing his eye's he felt that he was soaking wet. Putting his hand on the front of his wet diaper, he couldn't believe how much he had wet. Very quietly he toke off the diaper and tossed in in the small trash can that sat on his bed. He always knew there was a good reason to have a loft as a bed and that was one of them. Walking n the bathroom he saw that he had to shave, brush his teeth, and of course grabe a bath. After being in the tube for 10 minutes he had to get out and take care of other things. Jon went back into his room to get dressed. He locked his door and pulled a chair up to his closet where he keept his diapers and goodnites hiden. he pulled one out and sliped it on. Rubbing the front and the back of it, he just remembered that he had to work 9:30-10:00

"Damn, a 13 hour shift." he said to himself.

He pulled out about five goodnites and placed them in his back pack along with a extra uniform, and his arm up gear. He thought for a minute and also tossed his rain gear in to. Not knowing what the weather will be like but better safe then sorry. Jon climbed up to his bed and grabed the trash bag that had the wet diaper and also put that in his back pack. A few minutes later his mom asked if he was ready to go and he said yeah. One thing Jon liked was that the Goodnite he wore didn't stick out and nobody noticed. Jon worked at Cedar Point in arcades and he was hoping that it would be a some what slow day, but he hoped it won't be to dead for a 13 hour shift.

"Oh remember Jon you will be home alone tonight. You'r dad and I are going out of state and won't be back until tomorrow night or later." His mom said

That made Jon smile a little thinking to himself. They pulled up to the employee gate 25 minutes later and Jon staled a little bit until his mom drove off. He grabed the bag out of his back pack and threw it in the trash can. He walked in the gate giving the security guard his I.D. to swipe so he can get in.

Walking up to the time clock his manager came up to him telling that he is going to be a assitant team leader for today and Jon was more then excited about it. He walked over to the break area and chatted with all his friends until they had to clock in. The regular team leader handed Jon the ATL set of keys and she asked him if he remembered everything and what key goes to what. He said yes and they all went to clock in. Jon for got he had to put his back pack in a locker because they can't have any at location. The day started out great so far after going to cash control. While walking out a dark green tag was looking at Jon's butt and he could feel her looking. He turned around and the dark green tag was still looking as she was walking.

"Uh, yes?" Jon said looking at her with sunglasses over his eyes.

"Oh um nothing. Sorry I was looking." The girl said walking away slowly but a little fast.

Jon lowered his sun glases a little past his eye's and notice a small bulge in her shorts. Their work shorts were black but he could see it some what clear. She looked behind her a little and put her hands on her butt. That was when he noded a little and keept on walking. Once they got to the main arcade Jon and the team leader decided who was going to go to the back arcades. There were two and the far back one was the worst. No one hardly went in and played any games. Th team leader let jon decide and he looked around. He looked all the light green, dark geen, and red tags deciding who to send. He send one kid out to Gemini arcade. The dark green tag was mad, grabed the bag, and stormed out the door.

"Have a nice day." Jon said smiling and everyone else laughing.

He looked around with the sunglasses on his face and everyone was worried they will be picked. Jon saw the girl in the back corner with her hand in front of her. Some of the boys were pointing in a motion to pick her, pick her. He pointed his finger out to the girl and he heared someone say yes and he knew who it was. Jon moved his finger to the boy who was looking at the girl who was now smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" The boy asked.

The girl pointed to Jon sitting in the chair smiling pointing at the boy.

"Noooo!" The dark green tag said pounting.

Jon waved bye bye as a little kid would smiling. He grabed the bag slaming the metal door shut behind him.

"So, who wants to work where?" Jon said smiling after the dark green tag stormed off.

The team leader told Jon to pick people where they will be best at. He put three people in redemption, one person on skeeball, and about five on the floor. The team leader told Jon she had to take care of something at the office and had to go to the back of the arcades to make sure they were doing their job right. Once everyone went to where they needed to be at the girl walked in the back room and sat down in the chair next to Jon. He knew she was tired just by looking at her and was ok with her sitting in the back. Jon looked at the corner of his eye as he was finsihing writing down names of where everyone was at and he notice a bulg in the front.

"You notice it dont you?" The girl said fodling her hands in her lap.

"Notice what Sara?"

"You know. my diaper." She said softly.

"Oh yeah. If you don't mind me asking, what kind are you wearing?"

"Some cheap brand thats really bulky." Sara said looking at her bulge.

"Can I ask you another question Jon?" She said looking up.

"Shoot." Jon said still writing names.

"Why do you wear them?"

Jon stoped writing and put the pen down. He told her a little dark saide of him and she was understanding of the dad part and wanting to wear them. Sara told him abit about her past and how she has ahd a bladder problem. He told her that he had bought some extra Goodnites that aren't noticable and if she wanted one, he will go get one. She loved the idea and he said he will go get it as soon as the team leader got back. Jon told Sara she can stay in the back and orginzie until he could go make the run. The team leader got back a few minutes later and asked if he was, he said all that was needed was to put the time breaks down. Jon told his team leader he had to run and get something out of his locker and he will be back soon.

"Where is everyone at?"

"I have Sara in back orginzing things around and getting things where they need to be at. Chris is on skeeball, and everyone else is on the list."

Jon walked fast out of the arcade to keep from being stoped by a guest. He made it to the lockers and opened his back pack up pulling out a goodnite, rolled it up and put it in his pocket. As quick as he could he made his way back to the main arcade back room. The team leader was gone and he saw Sara in one section he walked up to her and handed her the Goodnite.

"Oh thank you so much." She said huging him

She asked if it was ok to go put it on and Jon said yes. He suggested that she go to the family restroom for more privacy. Sara said ok and ran off.

"Where's Sara going?" The team leader said walking in.

"She had to go to the bathroom and i told her she could go."

The team leader said ok and they both went back to work with what they are doing. A few minutes later Jon walked out to the redemption to check on everyone to make sure they were ok. He saw Sara running back. She looked right at Jon smiling and he couldn't tell she was wearing it when she walked by. It was around noon and it was time for some people to have a break. Jon and Sara went to have the first break as well as some other green tags. The cafe really wasn't the greatets place to eat. It had some nasty food and some of it was a little over priced. Jon and Sara sat down at a table and talked more. They both had an hour break but for Jon his was cut short after he wet himself.

"Damnit." Jon said softly.

"What's wrong?" Sara asked puzzled.

"I have to go change."

They both got up and started walking up to the locker. Jon was walking a little werid and he knew he had wet it pretty bad. Making a shortcut through one of the outside games, they made it to the locker faster. He opened it up and toke out two. Sara was confused and asked why he was taking two out. He told her incase you should need one later on in the day. Sara smiled and was happy to be working with someone like Jon. Jon walked off to the mens restroom since it was right there and he was careful with changing himself. Once he was done, it was time for them to head back to the arcade. Once they got back they were surprised at what they saw.

to be continued..

there might be a few more parts to this. im cutting it short cause i'm getting typing cramps

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Guest little_jonny

They walked in the arcade and saw that it was extreamly busy. People were crowed and getting angery at the prize area, crane games were low on stock, tickets were either low or empty, and trash was all over the place.

"Jon, Sara, I need you to do anything you can to help or get this place to setle down" The team leader yelled from the redemption counter.

"What do you want me to do?" Sara asked looking at Jon.

"Either grab glass cleaner or a broom and dust pan."

"Ok, sounds good." Sara said running to the back room.

Sara wasn't a fan of filling up tickets because she had a hard time with it. Jon ran in the back and tried to find the two wheel cart. He went to pull it and the cart pulled him back. Cussing at himself he tried to get the cart cleared off of what was on it and pulled it over to the tickets. He stacked two boxes on the cart, grabed the ticket sheet, and a pen. As fast as he can he flew out of the back room and started in the front filling up tickets. Grabing the ATL keys from his belt lope he droped them from his hands shaking from being nervous. He tried to focus for a second with his arm over the boxes to keep people from trying to steal them. Sara saw from a distance of what Jon was doing and how he looked stressed. She was going to check on him when a angery guest came up to her.

"EXCUSE ME!" The guest yelled at Sara.

"Uh yes sir, how can I help you?" Sara asked with a scared look on her face.

"How can you help me? Look around! This place is a dump, ther's trash all over the place, the people at the prize area are working slower then s***, half the cran games have no prizes in them, a lot of these games have no tickets, the damn changers aren't taking my money, the f****** skeeball lanes have no tickets coming out, and..." The guest was cut off by Sara telling him that she will go get a team leader to help out.

"Yes please do that." The guest said angerly.

Sara went to find Jon who have filled up twenty games already. She saw that he was tired and knew he was not going to like this at all.

"Um, Jon?" Sara said grabing the broom and dust pan tightly.

"Yeah Sara?" Jon asked reaching in a game filling it up with tickets.

"I have a really angery guest that wants to talk to a team leader."

"Ok, I will be there once I'm done here."

Jon got up and walked with Sara to the angery. She told Jon all what he said and Jon said that he will take care of it.

"Hello sir, I'm one of the team leaders. I was told you had some problems?" Jon asked nicely.

"Your damn right there are problems." The guest yelled.

"Ok. First sir, I will ask you to come down and please watch your language. The are kids present. No about the problems you had. The people in redemption are working as hard as they can to get guest on their way. The reason there is so much trash on the floor is because some guest like you are to lazy to find a trash can. Some of the cran games are half empty because we are either out of stock or have no time to fill them up. I'm busting my butt trying to fill up games with tickets. The skee ball lanes don't give out tickets becasue this is not Chukey Cheese. We do have skee ball lanes that do give out tickets and they are at the far end past the other lanes, And the reason why your money won't work in the changer is because they don't accept $50 bills. They only take $1's or $5"s. Now, if you have any other question you want to ask me you may." Jon said almost running out of breath.

Sara was speechless and the guest eye's were winden and stuned.

"I want to speak to your manager right now."

Jon pulled out his phone and called his manager. He said he is almost there and just walked in. His manager walked up to where they were at and he introduced himself.

"Hello, Im Todd how can I help you?" He said shaking the guest's hand.

The guest told Todd all what happened and Jon told his side of the story. They talked for a while and it was all settle out.

"I'm very sorry sir. I will write him up and have a very long chat with him." Todd said giving Jon a mean look.

The guest smiled and walked away. Jon, Todd and Sara walked in the back with the dorr slaming behind them. Todd gave Jon a mean look of hate at him. Then he smiled a little taking the sunglasses of his face.

"That was the best thing I have ever heared in my whole life." Todd said starting to laugh.

Jon and Sara were both releaved that they didn't get in trouble. Tod talked to the team leader and went to see how things were going. The guest have calmed down some and it wasn't as busy. A floor walker came in the back and asked if he could use the bathroom and Jon said yes. Someone else came in back and said they were tired of cleaning and she was offered to fill up tickets and she toke it.

"Anything to keep me from picking up more trash." The girl said smiling.

Jon walked out to the front and looked around to see how busy it was. There seemed to be more guest then before and he looked up at the sky and saw the clouds were a little gray. He hope and prayed that it wouldn't rain. Jon looked at the flags across the mideway and saw they were coming in from the south.

"Oh God please no." Jon said softly.

"No what Jon?" Sara asked coming up from behind him.

"The sky is getting a little darker and the wind is coming in from the south. We might have a chance of rain coming this way."

"NO!" Sara said a little loud. "I hate rain storms."

"Well this place will be the best place to be at in a heavey storm.

It was around 5:00 and some of the night crew people were starting to come in. Since Sara was now a dark green tag, she is able to work a open to close shift unlike light green tags. Everything was going good and there was no angery guest for a while. A lost kid came up crying becuase he got lost from his parents. Jon asked if anyone will want to take him to lost and found. Sara agreed to it and toke him to lost person which wasn't to far away. She held his hand the whole way to the lost person and gave the employee there all the info and where he got lost at. Walking back Sara saw the wind had picked up a lot. The branches were waving in the air fast, the flags ere flaping in the wind hard to the point they could of been pulled off any second. She felt rain drops coming down and she saw darker clouds coiming in. She ran back telling everyone a storm was coming in and it was staring to rain. Everyone found a stock of plush and filled up the crans that needed to be filled. Jon asked the team leader how much cash they had and she said they needed more since they were getting down to only having a $100 bill, a $50, $20's and some $10's. They added all what they could take back to cash control to get more $1's and %5's. They left $1,000 in the safe and toke the other half to cash control. Jon said he will go and take care of it and the team leader said ok but to hurry. Jon ran out of the back room as fast as he could running outside. Making a sharp turn to the left he felt the rain hitting him hard as he ran. Other guest were running for shelter and others just walked as they saw there was no point in running. He ran to one of the outside games and jumped over the small wall. Running in the back area close to games office he saw pitch black clouds starting to form. He ran hard to cash control swinging the door open catching his breath. The people saw Jon dripping wet.

"So it must be pretty wet out there huh?" The empolyee said smiling.

Jon gave the look of hate at her and handed the bag of the money he needed to be changed. He was gave back the money he needed, tossed it in the bag and got ready to run out. He counted to three and made ran out the door. He ran to games office running in and went to grab a trash bag to toss the cash bag in.

"Everything ok Jon" Todd asked walking out of his office.

"Yeah. . I. . I. Just. ." Jon wa out of breath from running.

"Calm down and get a drink of water and tell me whats up." Todd said.

Jon got a few sips from the drinking fountain and try to catch his breath.

"I had to go to cash control to exchange money and it's raining hard. I came in here to grabe a bag to toss it in to keep it as dry as I can."

Todd said they are keeping an eye on the weather map because a tornado has been spotted not to far away. That was not what Jon wanted to hear. As soon as Jon was about to walk out of the door, Todd yelled at him to hold on. Jon watched as Todd was talking on the phone and looking at the weather map. Todd jumped up looking at Jon and outside. He heled up his hand hand in a motion as in to run. Todd hung up the phone and looked Jon dead in the eye. A tornado is a few miles away. We need to get the people in the back arcade to the front ASAP!

to be continued

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Guest little_jonny

"Take the cash bag to the main arcade and run to the very back of the park to get them. I'm going to call them and tell them to close up and have him tell the guest they will be taken to a safer place." Todd said.

The last thing Jon heard say was, "Run, and run fast."

Jon ran out of games office running as fast as he can pumping his legs. The rain was coming down hard and he was almost soaked. He ran into the arcade jumping over the redemption counter. Jon ran to the desk where the safe was at handong the cash bag to the team leader.

"Jon what's wrong?" The team leader asked with a worried look on her face.

"A tornado is heading this way. Todd and I are going to run to the back of the park to get the green tags from the back arcade." Jon said breathing heavey with rain dripping from his face and clothes.

Sara was in the back and heard what was going on. She know was more scared then ever. Jon comfort her and told her it's going to be ok and that her being here is the safest place to be at. Jon was about to run out of the back room when Sara stopped him.

"Um Jon, I think I'm." Sara paused.

"Yeah me to. But right now there's other things more important. Once it's safe and the tornado is gone, I will go up to the lockers and get one for each us." Jon said softly but breathing heavey.

"Ok, please becareful." Sara said giving him a hug."

As Jon was running out of the dorr he saw some of the employee's closes three of the four garage doors to the arcade. One of the employee's tried to stop Jon and ask where he was going. Jon didn't stop and keept running as fast as he could with the rain coming down and the wind picking up. He knew it as a normal 10-15 minute walk, but this was no time for waking. As he was running back he saw empolyee's directing guest where to go for safety. He was stopped by a manager and asked where he was going. Jon told the manager he was told to run to the back arcade and get that employye to the front. The manager yelled then run fast. As you could hardly hear anything with the wind and thundering going on. Jon got to the middle of the middle of the park and is now soaked to the bone. He can't even tell if he wet himself bad or if it was from the rain. He turned to his left and saw a little girl crying in a corner outside of the sotore. He started to slowly walked and thought of what to do. He rn over to her and told her to run in the direction of the guest are going. She shoke her head no as she was to scared to run. Jon looked around for a parent or guardien and didn't ee anyone. He knew the next best thing was to pick the girl up and take her with him.She held her arms out and Jon picked her up still running to the back of the park. He saw the other arcade was shut down and no one was inside. Todd has must of gotten there already. Pumping his legs even harder to the back of the park he made it 10 minutes later. He opened the back door since the front doors had been shut already.

"You ready to go?" Jon said dripping wet breathing hard.

"Yeah but whats with-" The green tag was cut off by Jon.

"No time to explian. Please tell me you have the cash in the bag ready to go."

"Yeah but it's not-"

"That's fine lets go now." Jon yelled grabing the cash bag and picking up the little girl.

The grenn tag knew what was going on but didn't seem to care as he thought they were making it up. Jon yelled at him to pick it up and start running. He as about 20 feet a head of the green tag and Jon turned around running backwards still yelling.

"Come on, I'm not going to pick you up and carry you unless that whats you want me to do." Jon said screaming as he could hardly even hear himself.

The green tag started to run a little faster and they were in the middle of the park now. The rain had stopped and it got a little warm. Jon knew he had to run faster as he knew the tornado was getting close. The green tag had cought up to them and they were getting close to the arcade. A few other guest were still running for shelter. They made into the main arcade with so many people inside. Jon sat the girl down.

"JESSICA!" A parent yelled.

It was the girls parents who came running up hugging her. They thanked Jon and also hugged him. Only two doors were open. One in the front and one in the back. Todd was at the back door and Jon was taking care of the front. All the games were shut off but the lights were left on. A few kids were crying because they were either afriad of the storm or that they wanted to play the games. Jon stood outside to see if there are any other guest or employees. There was no one else but a cop who yelled to shut the door as it started to rain hard. Just as Jon shut the door he heared objects being tossed and slamed against the concret outside. He just remember the glass windows and doors in the back. He told everyone to get away from the doors and to get in the middle. He ran to the back where Todd was no longer there. He saw guest looking out the windows and yelled at them.

"Guys get away from the windows now!"

Some guest gave Jon a mean look and slowly walked away.

"I need you guys to get in the middle of the arcade, this is the worst place to be at during a tornado."

"No it's not. How can it be dangerous?" A kid who must of been 10 years old asked.

"Please, do what you are told." Jon said getting annoyed by the kid.

"Whatever." The kid said walking away.

Just then a trash can from outside as thrown at the large glass window shattering it. Jon looked and it was about 5 feet aay from him. He looked at his watch and it was only 6:45. Jon wanted nothing more then today to be over with. Once he saw all the guest were doing well and in the center of the arcade he walked in the back room where all the employee's where at.

"I need some of you to go out front and just keep an eye on the guest to make sure no one steals anything off of skeeball flash and also to calm them down. Some people and kids are still scared out there." Jon said grabing a roll of paper towels trying to dry off.

Todd was amazed at the order Jon has toke but knew he made a good point. Jon sat down in a chair getting a drink of water from the orange cooler they had in the back. Jon drank about five cups of waer which he knew was going to come back and bite him in the butt. He felt around the crotch of his pants and felt the bulk from his Goodnite and knew he needed to change as he wasn't sure of how much it could hold. Sara saw Jon sitting down and ran giving him a hug. They talked for a while and waited to get order that it was all clear and safe. Around 7:30 the phone range and it was park operations telling them the storm had passed and it was safe to let everyone out. Jon walked out annocing to the guest that the doors will be open but to walk outside since there might be heavey damage. Jon and a few other employee's opened the garage doors and there were benches, trash cans, and a few small stands that were thrown all over the place. He looked up and saw the sky ride cable was now broken and one of the towers to it was now on the ground. He tld the team leader who was in the back that he was going to his locker to get a change of clothes and she said ok. He decided to take his time walking as he could no longer run or even jog. He made it to his locker a few minutes later grabing his dry uniform and two Goodnites. He hide them his clothes and went to the mens bathroom and puled his pants down. He couldn't believe how much his Goodnite had soaked up taking it off. It must of weighed 2 pound. He never felt more better then to get in a dry Goodnite and dry clothes. Jon walked out tossing the Goodnite in the trash can and having the other one rolled up in his pocket. He let the warm water hit his hands and he splashed some on his face. Jon walked out minutes later taking his wet clothes to the games office to get a trash bag to put them in and put it in his locker. Todd was in the games office and said that he wanted to talk to him.

"Do you have a minute to talk Jon" Todd asked.

"Uh, yeah let me just take my clothes to my locker and I will be back." Jon said a little nervous.

Jon walked to his locker wondering what he wanted to talk to him about. He put his wet clothes in the locker and slowly walked in the games office and into Todd's office.

"Hey Jon, have a seat." Todd said pointing to the cahir.

to be continued

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Guest little_jonny

"What did you want to talk to me about Todd?" Jon said sitting down in the chair.

Todd turned around and looked at Jon with his hands on his desk.

"Never in the past seven years of me working here have I experince something like just in the first few weeks of of opening season. I have also never had a ATL as hard working as you. You went into action when it got extreamly busy, you filled up tickets as fast as you could, you helped out Sara with that angery guest, you were able to run to cash control, to the office, back to the main arcade, and ran to the back of the park and got the other employee from the back and got him back up here. Plus you also saved a little girl and bought her back up here where her parents where at. That store now is destroyed by a tree and there is nothing left of it from the storm. Remind me, how many years have you been orking here?"

"This is my fourth year." Jon said a little worried.

"Ok. I talked with the manager who is incharge of both games and merchindise and we both agree that you should become a blue tag. Here is the paper work that you need to fill out. When you come in tomorrow, go to HR first to get your new I.D. Do you have any other question?" Todd asked.

"No sir I don't." Jon said getting out of the chair.

Todd let Jon go back to the main arcade where some of the games where back on and had a few guest inside. He found Sara sweeping up a mess and he walked up to her handing her the rolled up Goodnite so she could go change. She saw the paper in his hand and wonder hat it was for. He told her he will tell her what it's for once she gets back from changing. Jon walked around picking up any trash that was left over from the swarm of guest that where there a while ago. SOme people left damaged prizes that now had holes or were soaking wet. They thre away the prize's that were wet since they were to damaged but toke the one's that had hole's in the back room to be fixed. While walking around Jon couldn't believe the amount of trash that was all over the place. Some people just droped food they didn't even finished on the ground and there was a lot of mopping needed. A few employee's were in the back the window was shattered by the trash can, other's were picking up trash can's outside of the door's, and other's really weren't doing much.

"Hey guys, I know there's not many guest around but there is a lot of trash that can be picked up or help out the guy's that's by the broken window and make sure nothing else is damnaged." Jon said to a few dark green tags that were just walking and talking to ecah other.

Sara came back after getting changed and found where Jon was at.

"So what's with the paper?"

"Well, starting tomorrow I will be a team leader." Jon said smiling.

"Are you kiding me?" Sara asked smiling.

"Nope, Todd gave me the paper work and it's all filled out. I just have to take it to HR tomorrow and get a ne I.D."

Sara jumped up and down giving Jon a hug. He asked Sara if she was ok and made sure she didn't have a rash after being in a wet Goodnite for so long. She said she ok but it was a little bit red. They soon went back to work cleaning up and things were looking better both inside and out. Some tree's that had fallen down had to be cleaned up after the park closed because of the heavey damnage around them. It was getting to be 8:00 and the sun was still out but slowly start to set. Todd asked Jon if he would go check on the back arcade's and to give him a call either on his cell phone or the phone's inside. Sara came up and asked if she could go also and Todd was ok with it. They both walked out of the arcade and started to head to the back of the park. Jon really wasn't looking forward to walking to the back again, but to him if it ment getting out of the main arcade he was ok with it. As they were walking to the back they were stund by all the damnage the storm caused. Walking pass some of the small food stands that had wheels on them looked like a smashed pop can. Some tree's and big branches were on the path were the guest walked were marked off with tape that had "do not cross" on it. They were still walking and Jon stopped at the store where he saw the little and picked her up and toke her to safety. Jon walked up to the destroyed store and paused taking his sunglasses off. Sara slowly walked up to Jon and was a little confused.

"Jon are you ok?' Sara asked looking at him.

Jon started to cry a little rubbing the tears away.

to be continued

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Guest little_jonny

"She would of died." Jon said rubbing the tears away.

"Who would of died?"

"The little girl I saved. If I didn't save her she would of died." Jon said crying a little more.

"I'm sure someone else would of saved her and tke her to safety." Sara said trying to make Jon feel better.

"But what if they didn't? What if no one came to her rescuse?"

Jon walked closer to the now destroyed store looking around the rubel. Very carefuly moving broken wood, damnaged merchindise, and being careful not to get to close to the broken glass. While moving some broken wood, he saw a shining braclet being reflected from the sun. He picked it up looking at it closely remembering that they don't sale these not even as a prize in the main arcade. On the braclet it was ingraved "Jessica" with two hearts on it, one on each side. Sara saw Jon looking at the braclet as he cried a little softer. She slowly walked up to be watching where she steped in the rubel. She looked at the braclet and at Jon. She watched as he put the braclet in his pocket and they went to the first arcade that was in the back. They walked up the few steps that lead to the doors of the arcade. Jon looked at the doors to see if they were broken and Sara went to check the other doors. After making sure the doors were safe to open Jon wet to put the key in the slot, and he heard a lot crash sound of broken glass. He ran over to make sure Sara was ok and saw the window doors were now gone. Jon pulled out his phone and made a call to Todd.

"Hey Tood it's Jon, Sara and I are at the Gemini arcade."

"I was wonderig what toke you guys so long."

"Yeah I had to check something at the store that was destroyed. But the one of the set of double doors here is now broken."

"Ok, is there any other damnage to the arcade" Todd asked.

"Not that we can see. The garage doors on the other side look ike they have a few dents but the only damnage we see is the broke window. We are about to head back to the other arcade and check on it there." Jon said about to walk away from the arcade

He hung up the phone and Sara and him talked on the way back to the other arcade. Jon felt the front of his pants and was a wet. He didn't even remember going to the bathroom.

"God damn" Jon said softly.

"You ok?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, just need a change is all."

They continued to walk back and seeing more damnage of fallen trees and benches being broke. Walking past the train tracks, seeing nothing left of the gate's. It was getting a little darker outside and they had to hurry up. Walking past another store that had some of the windows broke out. Some employee's were inside trying to clean the mess of what ever was left from the storm. Getting closer to the other arcade they weren't expecting to see what they walked up to. A food cart had been thrown threw the front set of doors. The meadle bar that held the doors shut had broken the wooden side pannels and was bent and in the middle of the arcade. The food cart was tossed right at the cran game which was now no more then shatter glass and the bottom base. Jon and Sara were both stund at the damnage. Jon pulled his phone out again calling Todd up.

"Hey Todd it's Jon."

"Whats the word?" Todd asked.

"Well, I guess you can say arcade's are now serving food." Jon said trying to be funny?

"What do you mean by that?" Todd asked confused.

"Well the arcade here now has a food cart in it and a heavely damnaged crane game. Looks like this crane game is done with." Said looking aorund for more damnage.

"Crap, is there anythig else you see there?" Todd asked hoping for the best.

Jon walked with Sara in the other half of the arcade looking aroud and saw a few cracked windows. A few of which were broken.

"I don't see any other damnage around-" Jon stoped as he thought he heard someone crying.

"Jon? Jon what's wrong?"

Jon looked at Sara hoping that she heard it to. She did and they looked around the arcade looking in between everything. The heard the crying ut couldn't find anything.

"Jon, what is going on there?"

"We hear crying but don't see anything. We looked in between all the games but don't see anything,"

"Is the back door open?"

Looking up he saw the bck door was fully open. As they Sara and him walked closer, they heard the crying getting louder. They walked in the back room and for getting the lights were at the breaker. Sara felt around towards the back trying to feel for the breaker. She found it but couldn't find the right one. She felt the door knobe and tried to push it open. It didn't even budge and the crying soon stopped then to snifflig. Jon told Todd he will call him back once they are done. He turned his flashlight on his phone that helped light up the back room.He flashed it over to were Sara was at and she still could't get the door to open. Jon flashe the light at the pile of plush animals that was half way up to the cealing.

"Hello?" Jon asked in a soft voice.

The sniffling stopped and saw the plush move a little.

"I'm a Cedar Point employee, I'm here to help you it's ok."

A small girl came out of the pile of stuff animals and Jon was stund. He thought the whole arcade was empty and locked up. Picking the girl up looking around, he saw a bench had broken the far back double doors. The meadel bar wasn't put in since it wasstill in the back room. The green tag must of for gotten to put it in. Jon called up Todd and gave him the news and he was a little upset but was glade the girl was ok. He called the cops and told them a missing girl ahd been found ad that she was going to be bought up to the main arcade. Before they left they went to see why the back door wasn't opening. A few carts had been slamed against the door making unable to open. Sara made a look to Jon and he knew what she needed. He told her if they make it up in time he will go to his locker. Making it up to the main arcade both very tired she sat the girl down to reunite her with her mom. Tears of joy and hugs were shared between the two of them and the mom thanked both Jon and Sara. They both walked in the back room getting a drink of water and sitting down in a chair. He ran his fingers through his hand breathing softly. His team leader asked if he was ok and he said yeah. Todd walked back in to let everyone know they will be closing up early. Jon got back up and walked out to the front to see if anything else was still in need of cleaning. Walking around seeing small leaves leafs and some trash but didn't feel like picking it up. He waked and stode near the garage door breathing a sigh of realife that today was almost over with. He saw the parents of Jessica, the girl who he saved from the storm. They thanked him once again giving him a hug. Jon told them he thought he found something at the store but wasn't to sure. He handed Jessica her braclet and her eye's lite up. She jumped up giving Jon a hug and thanking him. A smile soon came over Jon's face and told them to have a good night and have a safe ride home, When they got the word to close up, they soon did and got all the doors closed and locked up they all started to walk up to the cash control to hand in all the cash bags. Pushing the cart in filled with some of the revenue bags. Jon and Sara lifted the lid to the cart and started to put the bags on the counter for the cash control employee's. Jon had to rest for a second to catch his breath after the day he had. He knew Sara as well had a long and scary day as well as other employee's. Pushing the cart back to the games office, Jon walked to his locker to get his back pack then to turn his keys in. Todd thanked Jon once again for all the hard work he had done and told him he will see him tomorrow. Walking to the time clock to clock out, he toke Sara over to a privet area so he could give her something. He opened his back pack handing her his last Goodnite he had in and also handed her some cupons for a few dollers off of Goodnites. A smile came across her face and she gave him a big hug. SHe couldn't talk long as her ride was waiting for her. As she got in her parents car to drive away, Jon's ride showed up and toke him home. His friend asked if he was ok since he had heared what happened. Jon told him his whole day and his friend was stuned. A 30 minute ride home later, Jon was dropped off at his house and he so happy to be home. He was so glade he was home alone and his parents were out of state. He started some hot bath water and went to get some clean clothes. Putting a chair up to his hiding place, unlocking the lock to his bag, he pulled out a thick diaper and setting it down. Walking back in the bathroom turing the water off. He sat his clothes and the diaper on the tolite seat and stripped down. Slowly getting in he was finally submerged in the water up to his neck. He soaked in the tub for a good half hour cleaning all of his body parts and getting out later on. He dryed his whole body off making sure he wasn't wet. Jon layed a towel on the bathroom floor and opening the diaper up. Laying on the floor he slid the diaper under him and powdered where he needed it. Taping it up, he looked at himself in the mirror and pulled his pj bottoms up. His diaper was noticable but it was ok since no one was home. Tossig a shirt on getting into bed about to pass out. Pulling the blanket up to his head he was finally glade that today was finally over with.



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Guest little_jonny

Laying in bed after a long day of work, Jon felt like a little kid laying in a thick diaper. He decided to take off his pj bottoms cince he was already starting to get warm. After laying in bed for a few minutes he soon fell a sleep and was out cold. It was around 12:30 and Jon woke up from a nightmare he had. He sat up looking around his room to see if he was still alive and all in one piece. Feeling the front of is diaper he could feel he was a little wet. He went back to laid back down trying to go back to sleep since chaging his diaper would seem pretty pointless if it was a little wet. He was up until 1:30 tossing and turing not able to fall a sleep. He climbed down the steps to his bed turning his bedroom light on walking into his closet. He moved a few things around and found a small box that he's had since he was little. Jon opened it up and looked inside at somethings he held onto for so long. After moving a few things around he found what he was looking for. It was his old nightlight he used when he was afraid of the dark.

"God, I haven't used this in years." Jon said putting everything back to where it was.

He walked over to a light socket pluging it in lighting up a little bit of the room. Climbing the steps up to his bed and laying down in bed pulling the blanket up to his head. Laying on his stomach breathing ever so softly with his hand close to his face. Before he fell a sleep yet again, he put his thumb in his mouth and drifted to sleep. Jon was awaken with the sun beaming through his window and he knew he had to get up any way. Getting out of bed he felt his diaper and it was pretty wet and needed to change. He jumped down form the steps and checked his diaper even more. It was even more wet then he thought walking to the bathroom starting some bath water up. After his water was started, he laid down in his bedroom takig off his soaked diaper. He saw that he was red a little near his crotch area and knew he had to clean up good there or will be sore all day. He waked in the bathroom checking his bath water and it still had a while to fill up. Walking back in his room and puling a chair up to his hiding spot he pulled the whole bag down. He pulled out one Goodnite just for now to change into, some diaper rash cream, and powder. Peeking his head in the bathroom and the water was almost filled up. He looked at the clock and saw he had time to wash his work clothes which he should of done last night. Very rarely will he be up around 7:00 and have time to do all this. Tosing his work clothes in the washer and starting it up, he ran back into the bathroom just in time. Slowly getting in the tub he started to wash up. Scrubing his body with the soap, he stode up washing his crotch were the rash was starting to form at. He sat back down in the tub and finsihed washing up. After he as done washing his hair, he waked into his room turing the morning news on. They talked about the tornado that ripped through some towns and it was pretty bad in some area's. He turned around and finished drying up tossing the towel next to him. Jon put some cream on his finger and rubbing where the redness was at. He then heard them talk about Cedar Point and how bad they got hit by the storm. They showed some morning footage of the aftermath of the storm. He was about to wet himself when he saw what they showed next, and he wasn't even wearing protection. He ran into his parents bedroom grabing the remot pressing record button.

"I'm Jackie reporting live from Cedar Point where the tornado came through. As you can see there is heavey damnage in some area's. Benches, trash can's, food cart's, and some umberella's from tables have been picked up and thrown like rag dolls. Some of which have been thrown through windows causing more damnage. I'm also infront of the main arcade here where many people toke shelter to. As you can see the window right behind me was now shattered from a trash can being throwed into."

Jon was amazed they were talking about Cedar Point and seeing more damnage He wondered if they were going to talk about him and what he did. He turned away from the t.v. grabing one of his Goodnite's and pulling it on half way. He turned his attention to the t.v. placing powder in it. Once he was done and pulling it up and soon walking out of the bedroom to put his clothes in the dryer. He was still able to hear the news from his room and he soon heard something that made him frezze. Jon heard his name and quickly tossed his clothes in the dryer and ran into his room.

"I'm being joind with Tood who is the manager of the arcade's here who say's he had one brave employee. Todd, what can you tell me about this young man?"

"He's the best employee I could ever ask for. He went into action doing what he could to help out."

"Now we also have on note that he saved a little girl that was by a store?"

"Yes, that's correct." Todd said.

"The store was also destroyed and there is nothing left of it?"

"That is also right."

"Well Todd, many people will love to have an employee like this young man. We just wish he could of came in a little early. I'm Jessica, reporting live from Cedar Point/"

Jon was stund after watching the news but had to finish getting ready since he had a lot to do today at work. He went to check his work clothes which were now dry, taking them back to his room. He put five Goodnites in his back pack along with his other uniform, some cream, and powder. Grabing the paper work for his new I.D. and walking outside waiting for his ride to show up. He just then remembered what he gave to Sara last night and wonderd what her mom thought of it. Hi friend pulled up a few minutes later taking him to work. His friend asked how he was after how he sleept and Jon told him about the nightmare he had. His friend was a little stund after hearing it but was glade it was only a dream. Driving past some parks and seeing the damnage and can't believe the torandao caused so much damnage. Pulling up to the park Jon told his friend that he needed to be droped off at HR and was confused. Jon pulled it off saying he got in trouble and had to talk to him but said he wouldn't be long. He walked in handing them the paper work for his new I.D. He couldn't beleive he now has a blue tag instead of a red tag. Getting in his friend car, he wanted to know what they wanted. Jon showed is friend his new I.D. and he was mad because he was never a blue tag after the amount of years he worked here. Pulling up to the employee gate Jon got out and thanked his friend for the ride. He saw he had time and waited to see when Sara was going to show up and what her mom would say. He saw a car coming close from a distance, and as it pulled around to the gate it was Sara. Jon watched as she got out of the car and she looked at him and he thought she was made. She then pulled out a back pack with her and he started to wonder.

"Hey Jon. My mom wants to talk to you about something." Sara said putting the back pack on her back.

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Guest little_jonny

Jon got a lump in his throat thinking what she could want to talk to him about.

"Hello ma'am you wanted to talk to me about something?" Jon said becoming a little nervse.

"Yes, I just wanted to thank you for helping my daughter out and also for the cupons. Money is really tight for my amily and I couldn't afford to buy Goodnite's for Sara. I'm very glade Sara had a made a friend like you and I thank you again." Sara's mom said then driving off.

"God i feel embarassed now." Sara said looking at the ground.

"Don't be, at least you something that's descrit and no one will notice."

"Yeah good point." Sara said smiling.

They walked in the break area and chatted with the other co-workers. Some people talked to Jon and said they saw Todd and the news reporter talking about him. He was ok with it at first but was getting annoyed by it. He decided to walk to the time clock and clock in even though he still had 5 minutes before he could. Walking into the games office and grabing his set of TL key set, he talked to Todd if there was anything he should grabe.

"Go a head and grabe the cash bag and the floor walking set of keys. Once you've done that bring everyone back here."

Jon walked to cash control grabing the cash bag. He had to count it all out to make sure it was all there and good.

"God I wish they had a machine here to do this. Counting two thousand dollers is a pain." Jon said to himself

He didn't bother counting the one's out since he remember the other TL's didn't bother counting them. After leving cash control he walked over to the break area to were everyone was at.

"Ok guys, time to clock in and after you do that head over to games office."

Some of the green tags were messing around and Jon caught them and looked at them with a sterin face. They thought he was joking around and keept it up. Jon contined to look at them with his sunglasses over his face and they looked at him and started to make fun of him and taunting him.

"Aw what are you going to do. You can't do anything." A green tag said making fun of him.

"What will you do if i touched you?" Another one asked reaching out to touch him.

Jon kept a straight face not doing or saying anything. Not even moving.

"Where's you I.D. at? You'r gonna get a write up if you don't have it."

At this point Jon couldn't help it much more. He looked over at Sara who couldn't help but to laugh and smile. Jon reached into his side pocket puling out his I.D. and putting in on his uniform. They soon stopped laughing tried to say sorry for the way they acted.

"Now, if you don't hurry up and get to the game's office with in the next few minute's, I will put you in the worst arcade you can think of." Jon said.

After Jon walked away everyone else cloked in and walked to the games office. He looked at everyone and notice that the green tags who were messing aroud weren't there. He told everyone to stay where they were at and that he will be back. He walked over to the time clock and didn't see the workers any where. He then walked over to the break area and still no luck. Jon doubt they smoked and checked the smoking section. Sure enough they were there smoking. He didn't want to just walk up to them and tell them to move it, he wanted to have a little fun. Jon walked over to where one of the sweeps employee's were at in their box of supplies.

"Excuse me, do you guys have a spray bottle that just has water in it?"

"Uh yeah sure here you go." The sweep employee said confused.

Jon walked over to where the green tags were at and he sprayed it at their face putting out their cigerets.

"Hey what the-" The green tag froze.

"Get you'r asses up, clock in if you haven't, and get to the games office. NOW!" Jon yelled.

They both got up walking over to the time clock and clocked in. Jon handed the spray bottle back to the sweep who was now laughing. They turned back looking at Jon who now was in no good moode. Todd was outside with the other TL and he looked puzzled.

"Everything ok Jon?" Todd asked.

"You should write him up for what he did." The green tag cried out.

"What did he do?" Brittany the other team leader asked.

"He sprayed damn water at our faces."

"You want to tell them why?" Jon said.

They green tags didn't say anything and just wanted to go to work.

"Why did he have to spray you guys with water?"

"Because we were smoking." The green tag said hanging his head in shame.

"Ok, Jon and you two come with me." Todd said thinking of how to figure this out.

Jon and the green tags walked in Todds office wondering what was going to happen. Todd sat in his chair rubbing his hands against his face then placing them on his desk.

"Alright, you two tell me your side of the story and then Jon can tell me his side."

The green tags talked and were sometimes talking at the same time. Todd stoped them a few times and told Brittany to go ahead and open up the arcade. Jon handed her the floor walking keys and the cash bag to her and one of the red tags. After the green tags talked for about 10 minutes, Jon told his side and talked more since the green tags left out a lot of stuff they didn't mention. He told Tod how they were screwing aorund when he told them to clock in, and how they were messing with him.

"Alright, you two are going to be wrote up and I don't care what else you have to say. There is a lot that needs to be done and I don't want to hear any fighting." Todd said pulling out write up sheets.

"But what about Jon? He sprayed water in our faces."

"What did I say?" Todd yelled at the green tag sitting in the chair.

They gave up and knew there was no use in trying to fight it. They toke their write up's and walked out.

"What am I gonna do Jon?" Todd asked.

"Sacarefise them?" Jon asked trying to be funny.

Todd laughed a little and told him to go a head to the arcade and help open. Jon walked out but had to stop by his locker to pick up a fresh Goodnite. It wasn't even 10:00 and Jon had to change.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest little_jonny

Jon walked to the bathroom to change and saw a few kids messing around in the bathroom. He was about to say something when a parent came in to yell at them.

"Hey! We did not come here so you kids can mess around in the bathroom. Now, get outside or we will go home."

The parent looked at Jon and said he wsa sorry for how they acted. Jon told him it was ok and he see's it everyday. Walking into a stall to change he saw how wet the floor was which he hated. You didn't know if it was water from the tolite over flowing or kids peeing on the floor. Carefuly pulling his shorts off avoiding the water on the ground, he set his shorts on the silver rail in the handicap stall. Before taking off the wet Goodnite he could feel an urge to pee which was strange since he was already wet. He decided since he had it on to just go in the Goodnite. Jon sat there for a few seconds and let it out. Once he was done, it riped it off, cleaned him self up and put the new one on. He went to grab for his shorts when he heard some people walked in the bathroom. He remembered the vocies and they were employess. Still remembering he had to go to the main arcade he put his shorts on as fast as he could. Slowly opening the door looking to see where they were at, Jon dashed to the trash can tossing the used Goodnite in the tash. He walked over to wash his hands and to splash some water on his face to wake himself up more. After he was all done, he ran over to the main arcade just in time before the arcade was even open and before Todd got there. Everyone was in the backroom talking about what happened last night and Jon was confused as no doors were open.

"Why are all the doors still closed?" Jon asked looking around.

"Cause we were waiting for you." Brittany

"Todd said to open up as soon as you got down here. Don't wait for another TL to help out." Jon said picking a few people to help open the doors before Todd got their.

Jon ran out front quickly opening the front garage doors. He ran to the back hearing the sound of the front doors opening, he unlocked the single garage door and ran to the double set of garage doors. He caught a red tag out the corner of his eye running to open the door and thanked him. Sara was running up to the doors where Jon was at and she tried to open the door as fast as she could and she did the same thing wit the other one. Jon was at the glass doors unlocking them. He opened the second set when he heard a screaming sound from someone. Jon hoped it wasn't one of the employee's running to where it came from. He looked at the front at one of the employee's holding his hand. It was Jake and he saw drip's of blood coming down from his hand. By the time he got to Jake it was pretty bad.

"Keep pressure on it, I will be right back." Jon said running to the back.

Jon ran in to the back room grabing a pair of plastic gloves and a roll of paper towels.

"Jon what's gong on?" Brittany asked gettin worried.

"Jake cut his hand bad. I'm taking him to first aid"

Jon ran out front to where Jake was at now laying up against the wall to the redemption area. Jon had the gloves on and wraped Jake's han in the paper towel to keep pressure on it. Jon yelled at for one employee to help them out to carry him to first aid.

"Brad, get something to clean the blood up front now." Jon yelled walking past Brad.

Jake was getting a little light headed and was getting weak. Chris opened the first aid door and they helped Jake to the front desk.

"Oh my God what happened?" The women asked grabing a pair of gloves to help out Jake.

"I don't know, I was opening the doors in the main arcade and I heared a screaming sound and I ran to him who had a bloody hand. It happened at the front of the arcade." Jon said breathing heavey trying to take the gloves off.

Other medic's came to the front to help Jake in the back to look at his hand. They unwraped the paper towel and Jake screamed in pain for a little. They got him calmed down and saw how bad the cut was.

"We need to get him to the hospital fast. The cut looks infected." One of the medics said picking up the phone calling 911.

Jon and Chris couldn't believe this was happening after the storm from yesterday. A few seconds later Todd ran in the first aid seeing Jon and Chris sitting down in the chairs with their heads hanging low.

"What happened?" Todd asked worried.

"Jake cut his hand bad and they have to take him to the hospital because it looks infected."

Todd ran his hands against his face through his hair. "This is not how I wanted to start today."

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  • 2 months later...
Guest little_jonny

"How bad was the cut?" Todd asked

"There taking him to the hospital because the cut looks pretty bad and infected." Chris said looking at Todd.

Todd walked in the back to talk to Jake to see how he was doing. Jake was laying down feeling light headed from blood lost. The medics told Todd what was going on and what's going to happen and to let others know whats going on. Todd, Jon, and Chris stayed there until the abulance was waiting for them out in the parking lot. They helped Jake to the medic cushmen show they could get up to the front gate faster. They pulled out of the first aid with the siren going on to single the guest to move out of the way. As they got closer there was a empolyee waitng to open the gate for them to get through. Medics byt the abulance where waiting for them with the back doors open. Jake very careful got in and soon layed down again. Before they closed the doors Jon and Chris could see Jake's feeting shaking a little hoping he was going to be ok.

The park medics hoped back on the cushmen and drove back to the first aid station. Todd, Chris, and Jon started to walk back into the park. They really didn't talk about much and just wanted today to be over with. The park had just opened also and it's closing at 11:00 p.m. tonight. Jon flt the urge to go to the bathroom really bad and didn't feel like wetting his goodnite.

"Hey Todd, I'm going to use the bathroom, I will be back i the main in a few."

"Ok, try to make it quick." Todd said walking back to the main arcade with Chris.

Jon walked in the bathroom but all the stalls and urnals where all being used. He felt the urge to pee really bad and couldn't hold it any longer. A stall door opened up and Jon was making his way to it. Just then a kid who must of been about 8 years old ran into it saying, "Guest first!" with a smart look on his face. He knew his best bet was to wait for a stall because there was guys waiting to use them. A few minutes went by and Jon was still waiting.

"God, how long does it take you to take a crap?" Jon said to himself.

The urge to pee was getting stronger and the sound of water running and urnals flushing wasn't helping much. A guest soon walked out and Jon ran into it locking it behind him. He grabed a hold of his belt buckle and was trying to get it undone.

"Come on, come on. Unbuckle!" Jon said getting annoyed.

He tried to pull down on his shorts to see if that will work and it didn't. Jon felt a small drip of pee come out and was about to say screw it when he felt cramps in his stomach.

"Oh shit no!"

Trying to pull at his belt again to unbuckle it with no sucesse again. Jon was almost in tears trying to unbuckle it. He soon felt it losening up and was getting releaved. Just as he was able to pull his shorts down, it was to late. He started to flood and mess his Goodnite. Jon knew he was in trouble now.

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