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Cynthia'S New Home

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Cynthia shakes her head. "No they aren't mommy. Real diapers are plastic on the outside and have tapes on the side to close them and cute designs on the front. What Melissa is basically regular big girl underwear. Just thicker." She nods. "You are right mommy. I didn't want to,but I would let her use it if you made me too."

"You can't be both mommy. You are either a little girl like Susan,Chloe and me or you are a big girl like you,Sam,Mary and Gina are."

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"All diapers are real diapers, cloth or disposable. It's just personal preference. Melissa prefers the cloth pullup diapers which aren't as noticeable."

"I'll talk to daddy and see what he wants to do. It may be that she will have to use your laptop. I don't know."

"I think there can be a middle ground. Why does someone have to be a little girl all the time or big girl all the time."

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"Not true mommy. Cloth diapers are not real diapers. Because you can change them yourself like underwear. If you can change them yourself. Then they aren't really diapers. They are in between garment. A bridge between real diapers and big girl panties."

"I don't really like the idea of someone strange using my laptop. She might mess up my settings on the front page of my laptop, but if I have to share my laptop. Then I guess I don't have a choice in the matter."

"That is just the way the law of the nursery is. You get to the fork in the road and you have to make a choice. Left is little girl. Right is big girl. I once you make your choice and start traveling down the road. You can't turn back or switch roads in mid stream."

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"So they are like training pants? Yes you could change them yourself or someone can change them for you."

"Like I said I will talk to daddy. I will try not to let her use your computer. I know how hard it is to let others use your computer. That's why we got you your own computer, so you wouldn't have to use daddy's."

"That may be true for most girls, but there are some who can split their time between being a big girl and a little girl."

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Cynthia nods. "Right mommy. What Melissa wears is basically like toddler training pants. So they are not diapers. So that doesn't count as diapers."

"Good mommy. I'm glad that Melissa will not be using my laptop. She might mess something up on my computer by accident."

"I don't think that is true. No one can have two different personalities and be able to handle both of them at the same time."

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"Well they call them diapers, so who are we to say different?"

"It's possible to have more than one personality and use one at a time and keep the other one inside. Then when she wants the other one, the first one goes back inside."

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"Yes, if the two personalities meet then yes it would be a mess."

"Let's go outside. Melissa is with her mother. We need to tell them goodbye and you need to thank Sam for having you over for a sleepover."

Melanie picks up Cynthia and carries her out to where Melissa and Sam are sitting.

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Cynthia says a quick goodbye to Melissa.

"You are welcome Melanie. I enjoyed having all of you over too. I'll call you tomorrow and see how Cynthia is doing when it comes to talking to me."

Cynthia looks at Sam. "You don't need to call mommy and ask her. I'll tell you how I'm doing about talking to you. I'm not."

Sam nods. "Ok Cynthia. I will not pressure you to talk to me. I'll be here waiting on you to decide you want to talk to me."

"Well you are going to have a long wait."

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Melanie sighs as she hears Cynthia and Sam talk. She takes Cynthia's hand and leads her over to the car and puts her in her car seat.

"I don't understand why you can't be pleasant to Sam. She has been nothing but nice to you all day."

Melanie walks around to the passenger side of the car and gets in the front seat. She waits for Mark to drive them home.

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"I don't understand why you can't be pleasant to Sam. She has been nothing but nice to you all day."

Melanie walks around to the passenger side of the car and gets in the front seat. She waits for Mark to drive them home.

"Simple. She did the most unforgivable thing a mother can do. She did not fight for me. She didn't turn over every stone,look in tree,look for me from one end of the country to the other for me. She just sat on her bottom and hope one day I would show up and welcome her into my life. I was pleasant with her at the sleepover and up until she dropped the mother bomb on me."

Mark drives them home and walks with Melanie and Cynthia into the house. Cynthia goes up to her studio and locks the door. She lays down on her couch and cries herself to sleep.

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"Sam told me she kept looking for you after she got out of the hospital. Her mother never told her where her baby was. I am sure it was very hard on her. And still is."

Melanie came into the house and saw Cynthia run up to her studio and close the door. She went to Cynthia's bedroom and made sure the kitty had food and water and left Cynthia alone. When it was about Cynthia's bedtime she came up to the studio and knocked on the door. She smiled as she saw Cynthia laying on the couch asleep.

"Mark, come up here please."

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"It was hard on me too. Not because I was dumped into a orphanage. It was hard on me because I thought my parents was killed in a car accident and I never got to know them. Now I find out everything I was told was a lie. My parents was died. My grandmother..." Cynthia shudders. "I can't say that word without getting sick to my stomach. Dumped me into an orphanage because she didn't think Sam was ready to be a mother. Maybe she wasn't,but that is no excuse to rip a child away from her mother."

Mark gets up off the couch and comes upstairs. He smiles when she sees Cynthia. "She looks like a little angel doesn't she? Our princess have been though alot today. Do you think we should dress her for bed and put her in her crib or just cover her up and let her sleep on her couch in her studio?"

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"I know it was hard on you. You were forced to live in an orphanage believing a lie. But please don't blame Sam for that. Blame her mother instead."

"I was going to ask you to move her but I think I'll go get a blanket from her room and one of her stuffed toys. That way she won't be scared if she wakes up during the night."

Melanie goes over to Cynthia's nursery and gets a blanket out of her crib and Abby Cadabby and brings them over to the studio. She covers Cynthia and puts Abby in Cynthia's arms before leaving the room.

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"Yes it was hard on me. I bounced back and forth between homes and the orphanage so many times. I felt like a rubber ball. I was labeled a problem child and people stopped looking at me. When they came to adopt a child. I can't blame her mother. Chloe said that she passed away. So I can't hold someone who died responsible for my pain. So fair or not. Sam has to be the stand in for my anger and my feelings of abandonment."

Mark nods, "That is a good idea. We wouldn't want her to wait up and be scared. I think her Abby Cadabby would be the best one. She is magical and so is Tinkerbell. So her Tinkerbell blanket would be a good idea also. That way the faries can protect Cynthia from any bad dream she might have."

Mark goes into Cynthia's nursery and get the baby monitor. He pulls it up in the studio and turns it on." Mark walks out into the hallway. "This day is going to be a day I will not forget for a long time."

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"You also can't blame someone else for causing your pain. Just because your grandmother is dead doesn't mean you can't blame her. That is like saying you can't blame someone for killing someone else if they are already dead."

"Yes, she needs lots of protection."

Melanie watches as Mark sets up the monitor.

"I think I am going to bed now. It's been a long day for everyone. I don't anyone is going to be able to forget it."

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"I just didn't feel right speaking ill of the dead. So that is why I am blaming Sam. It was her mother who did this,but I guess you are right. There is one thing I can blame on her. If she had been more responsible. Then none of them would have happened,but if she had. Then I wouldn't have you and daddy in my life."

Mark nods. "Yes she does. She found out she has a whole new family that she didn't know about."

He nods. "Ok I'll be up later. I am going to get online and looks into whether or not Sam has any rights that she can use to take our princess away from her. I know she said she isn't going to,but I want to make sure I have all the ducks in a row. So I will know what is up."

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"She was only a teenager. You don't see too many responsible teenagers. I know she wishes she could have done more."

"Alright, that's good. Although I trust Sam, it never hurts to make sure things will go the way we want them too."

Melanie goes to their bedroom and gets ready for bed.

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"That is my point. If she was not responsible enough to take care of me. Then she should not have had me. Sam and her boyfriend should have waited until she was responsible enough to take care of me."

"I trust her too,but trust has been known to be broken if the other party starts to get jealous or think things are moving too slow and they decide to press the issue to get things to go their way."

Mark sets down at the computer and starts to look into parental rights. He didn't like what he was seeing. If Sam decided she wanted Cynthia. There was nothing any of them could do to stop it. Since she didn't give up her parental rights to Cynthia. After 2 hours of looking into it. Mark rubs his eyes and turns off the computer. He gets in the bed and goes to sleep. Around 6. He is waken to the sound of Cynthia crying though the baby monitor. Mark wakes up Melanie. "Sounds like Cynthia had a bad dream. Do you want me to go see what is wrong or do you want to go?"

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"Maybe she thought she was responsible enough. I know sometimes teenagers think they are capable of taking care of babies, but they really aren't. Her mother probably should have just take Sam and the baby in until Sam was able to take care of the baby rather than take the baby from her."

"Yes, I guess trust can only go so far. We have to keep our guard up too."

Melanie wakes up and hears Cynthia crying through the monitor.

"Why don't we both go see her?"

Melanie gets out of bed and puts on her bathrobe. She follows Mark out of the bedroom.

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"Yes her mom should have done what any good mother would have done. Stepped up to the plate and helped Sam take care of me. I know her mom was probably not happy with Sam for what she did,but getting rid of me hurt more than just Sam. It hurt me too. I grew up thinking my parents was killed in a car accident and I was born as my mom was dying. That makes me wonder if the nice lady who came to visit me in the orphanage was my grandmother? If it is. I have a hard time seeing how someone as nice as she was could be the same cold heartless person who took me away from Sam."

"Yes it does. I want to trust her to keep her word,but I am worried she will sue to gain custody of Cynthia. So she has all her daughters together under one roof."

Mark nods and follows Melanie to Cyntia's studio. Cynthia ran over to Melanie and hugs her. "Mommy, I was so scared. I saw Sam setting in our kitchen having a chat with you. You turned your back to get some more coffee and Sam picked me up. She put me in her purse and closed it. I called you to help me,but my voice was so small. That you didn't hear me. After the visit was over. Sam left with me in her purse. She cackled evily as she drove away. Sam put me in a glass case that in her bedroom. She smiled and said she finally had the complete set. I looked over and Susan,Chloe,Melissa and Stephanie was in glass cases too." Sam came close to my case and told me to forget about ever seeing you and daddy again. I was going to be her's forever. Because I was finally where I belonged."

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"Maybe your grandmother still loved you, but she felt Sam wasn't able to take care of you and she felt she was doing the right thing."

"You know that was a nightmare, right? Nothing like that could ever happen. There is no way you can shrink that small, and I am always keeping an eye on you, even if my back is turned. You are with us and will stay with us, no matter what."

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"If she still loved me. Then why didn't she tell Sam where I was at? How can keeping a daughter from her mother be doing the right thing? If anything. That is the total wrong thing to do. If I was in the same position as Sam was. Would you steal my baby away from me and dump it into an orphanage?"

"I felt real to me and I was really scared. When we go back to the house and Sam took me out of her purse. I grew up to my regular size. Susan,Chloe,Melissa and Stephanie was their normal size too when they was in the glass case." Cynthia cries on Melanie's shoulder. "You can't keep a promise like that. If Sam wants me back. I would have to go with her. She is the lady who gave birth to me. I can't call her mom. Because a mom cares about you and loves you. Sam did neither one. She just popped up one day and wants to be part of my life."

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