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I Remember Listening To Ab/Dl Audio Stories

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I'm getting old and can't remember the site.

Years ago I used to frequent a website that had audio stories. Well, it was just an electronic computer voice (Macintosh generated?) reading stories. Don't remember if the stories were user-generated, ala the story section on this forum, or just the stories from the site owner. I know that there were a bunch of them on the site - audio and text only... But, for the life of me I can't remember the site name!

Do any of you know what site I may be thinking of? Is it still online, or in the internet archives?

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I ratheer just read them. Having Microsft sam talk dirty to me is a tad awkward

Wife and I have a professional recording setup, and are starting to do some audio stories, but the problem in some cases has been finding the authors, in other cases it has been that someone wanted a story we didn't feel good recording. There are some really classy AB stories (Jennifer Lorraine, BoTox, etc) and some that... well, aren't.

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  • 4 months later...

Wife and I have a professional recording setup, and are starting to do some audio stories, but the problem in some cases has been finding the authors, in other cases it has been that someone wanted a story we didn't feel good recording. There are some really classy AB stories (Jennifer Lorraine, BoTox, etc) and some that... well, aren't.

hi, guys.

I can easily imagine that it would be tough for you to find stories you wanted to do. Many are not really "stories" in a narrative sense but are written simply to be erotically stimulating. And everyone has their very own person version of that.

I guess my stuff falls somewhat in the middle of that range. If you like, I will send you some snippets. Also curious to see what your wife's voice is like. Makes a huge difference for me, both the voice itself and the reading style, inflection. You can email me at

mskuce AT unixg DOT ubc DOT ca.

I don't generally frequent this forum so I would not know if you had replied.

best, sunsoul, Vancouver

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