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Just Found Out That I Have Been Talking About Diapers While Asleep

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Just my opinion, DL_DB (offtopic: what's that stand for btw?), but here we go again. Why do so many people always look for the truth on the internet? If you want honesty, a fetish website is the wrong place. :)

I thought a fetish website would be the best place for honesty. After all, what have you got to lose here?

To be perfectly honest, I don't care if it's real or fantasy, but stories have their place. I remember a lot of people being upset when the last person posted a fantasy out of place, and I noticed a couple inconsistencies in this post, and thought I'd call them out. If you'll notice, the original poster thought I was attacking him, not criticizing and asking for clarity, which is understandable considering the flame wars I've seen on various message boards, but still just got very defensive.

If he's telling the truth, which I'm not going to debate further because only he knows for sure, I hope his situation resolves peacefully.

Offtopic: DL is for diaper lover, and DB is my initials. Not very creative, but whatever.

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He has a lot to lose. He could easily lose his wife, child, friends, etc if she found out and were to have a divorce. The bottom line is that people should not marry others while hiding this fetish. They either need to be on the same page before marriage, or be ready to give it up completely for their spouse if they aren't into it.

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If there is nothing to lose, then how come most of us (me included) are here with fake usernames and alternate email addresses? With my "normal" username, I'm not posting here. THis is an alternate personality for me. :) I'd make a bet the majority of us are here with "fake id's".

But most of my annoyance with this issue comes from that other thread and has continued here. I just don't see the point. But to each their own. :)

And DiaperMe, sorry to hijack your thread, again. :) Here's to hoping you come out squeky clean. :)

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my god guys grow up you guys are arguing over pointless crap. Dipaer-me has posted on here his situation, if you think its fake don't bloody read it crist sake.

@ diaper me I wouldn't worry about a situation you can't control while your asleep, but I would explain to your wife that your diaper fetish is more then medical needs.

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Dude... like alot of us here have said, you should have been honest in the first place. I had already asked my now wife to marry me before I told her. It was the hardest thing for me to do, but it worked out well in my case. If your wife truly loves you, she'd've understood, you just needed to make certain points clear, like how it doesn't involve children in any way, shape, or form. But that should have been taken care of long long ago friend. I know you don't wanna hear it, but you probably should just lay it on the line. Tell her that it's your thing, and if she can't accept it, then you have to choose what is more important to you, being yourself, or the love of your wife and child(ren). If the worse ere to indeed happen, she can't stop you from seeing your child(ren) without just cause, and a diaper fetish IS NOT just cause. You pose no threat to a child, as long as you keep it behind closed doors. But these are just the rants of a crazy guy wearing an adult diaper, so you can take them or leave them. Either way,I hope it all works out well for you, no matter which path you decide to take.

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....apparently I sleep talk a lot... Usually when I'm stressed....

I'm the same way rolleyes.gif Stress brings out a lot of things in a person and is not good for us at all, menatlly or physically sad.gif Luckily my sleep-talking is mostly unintelligble mumbling however the 'keywords' of whatever I say are clear ohmy.gif Sometimes I speak about whatever I am dreaming about and sometimes it's something that's worrying me or that I just can't get off my mind. Those who say that all should be in the open with your spouse before marriage are right, but if it's too late for that there's no use harping on it now tongue.gif I am a heavy sleeper- very few things wake me up. I've often thought about setting up a tape recorder just to see what I sound like in my sleep; you might consider hiding one to do this if it's bugging you a lot wink.gif

Anyway I wish you the best with this. It's bad enough when you feel like you have to hide something from someone close to you and knowing you might be 'outing' yourself is only making things worse.


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Believe me, I do regret not telling her. But, I didn't plan for it to go this way. If I knew then what i know now, I would have told her early in the relationship. Like I said before, I asked her to wear a diaper for me when we were dating and she said she would. I ended up chickening out and not asking her to actually do it for awhile. When I finally did ask she had changed her mind and thought it was "sick". Shortly after this we decided to move in together. I decided I would just stop wearing them and forget about this side of my life, so I threw all of my diapers away and didn't wear for a long time. During this long time without diapers we got married. As many have stated that they experienced, the urge to wear grew stronger and stronger. So I started wearing again on the rare occasions I had time alone. I decided that it was too late to tell her about this side of me after we were already married so I have kept it a secret. I actually did try to tell her one time a few years ago and she freaked out, so I explained it away as her not understanding what I was saying. Sorry I can't get too specific but don't want anything here that could be tracked back to me. Anyway, I am 100% sure that she would never accept this fetish. I decided to take a previous posters advice and just explain it as silly babble if she does ever confront me about something I said in my sleep.

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Ok, I don't normally go for this kind of finger pointing but I noticed this and well, I should probably keep my trap shut but I can't resist.

This post (#27 in the thread). That's quite a diaper collection for someone who keeps their DL-side a secret from their wife, isn't it? You keep them in a locked closet and she's not even curious?

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Yes it is quite a collection. And I've made myself stop buying more because of it. I got a great deal on the Attends so i decided I couldn't pass them up. I could have gotten 3 or 4 more cases cheap if I had room for them. It is a risk, but they are in a place where she doesn't go and can't get to because only I have the key. And if she did go in there for some reason she wouldn't see bags of diapers laying around, they are all in boxes. I am definitely working to use them up as fast as possible to get them down to a reasonable level.

I don't know what you are trying to accuse me of... being in an less than perfect situation? Guilty. Having too many diapers? Guilty. If I were going to lie about something I'd put myself in a better situation not the one I am in.

The only good news is that because of my job I can wear diapers Mon - Fri during the work day. So they are dwindling fairly fast.

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yesterday my wife told me that I was talking about diapers while I was sleeping but she couldn't understand all that I was saying. We have a child in diapers so she assumed it was something about that (maybe it was). This morning my wife told me that I was talking about diapers again last night. I told her that it was probably because we had been talking about potty training our child (hopefully). She is now getting curious as to why I am talking about them. She said that she is going to listen more closely next time to try to find out what I am saying (she thinks it's funny). I am nervous as hell that I am going to say something while asleep that will let the cat out of the bag. Any suggestions (other than telling her the truth)?

Diaper_Me, on 17 August 2009 - 11:50 AM, said:

She now barely accepts me wearing them occasionally for a medical condition (cough cough). If she ever found out the truth it would be very bad.

Yes it is quite a collection. And I've made myself stop buying more because of it. I got a great deal on the Attends so i decided I couldn't pass them up. I could have gotten 3 or 4 more cases cheap if I had room for them. It is a risk, but they are in a place where she doesn't go and can't get to because only I have the key. And if she did go in there for some reason she wouldn't see bags of diapers laying around, they are all in boxes. I am definitely working to use them up as fast as possible to get them down to a reasonable level.

I don't know what you are trying to accuse me of... being in an less than perfect situation? Guilty. Having too many diapers? Guilty. If I were going to lie about something I'd put myself in a better situation not the one I am in.

The only good news is that because of my job I can wear diapers Mon - Fri during the work day. So they are dwindling fairly fast.

Okay dude, you must be the dumbest guy out there. Do you honestly think we're all idiots here. I'm no detective but a two year old could figure this out...

Let me point out what YOU have said here:

Wife tells you you talk about diapers in sleep but can't figure out what you're saying - Do you just say "diapers, diapers, diapers" over and over and nothing else then?

Wife says she'll listen closely next time. - It's happened twice now so does she stay awake all night waiting trying to figure out what you're saying?

You tell her the diaper talk in your sleep is because you have a child about to potty train - In another post you say you have a "medical condition(cough, cough)" so if you've worn diapers around her in the past, why couldn't your night diaper talk be about this and then why are you nervous as hell about letting the cat out of the bag?

You state you hide your diapers since you decided on another post to show them all off. - So your wife knows you have a "medical condition" yet you hide your diapers in your own home under lock and key. Why would you need to? How many people have a closet in there home that they lock with a key, it's not standard in a house and your wife never wonders what you've got in there? If you have to hide them, which still doesn't make sense, you're telling me you got dozens and dozens of cases of diapers delivered to your home without her knowing (and don't try telling me you interscept them because you don't know really when they'll be delivered). She also doesn't realize over time you've spent thousands on diapers (sure you could be the one doing the financing I guess). Also, you state, even if she got in your locked closet, it wouldn't be a big deal since they are all in boxes. Then why do you lock the door?

You also say she would probably divorce you if she found out your fetish yet in you home you keep a mountain of diapers. That would be pretty hard to explain having that many since your "medical condition" must be so infrequent you wouldn't need more than a few otherwise she wouldn't care if you probably kept a case in your bedroom closet if it was a daily occurance.

You also were diapers to work mon - fri and you're wife never sees you before or after you leave for work so you can get by with it and dispose of the "evidence"?

Your risking your marraige on her finding a closet full of diapers. Why don't you just hide a prostitue in there while you're at it. I mean, if I were into some crazy sexual fetish and had whips, chains, cuffs, etc. and a mountain of porno's in a closet under lock and key and I knew my wife would divorce me the instant she found out, I would have to have balls the size of the rockies to not think she'd notice.

Here's the issue, I don't mind people asking fair question when they're seeking help or advise. I'm not expecting to find truthful people especially on a board such as this. But here's the deal, I can't stand people who lie to me or others. I don't always know when someones lieing but in a story like yours, I can connect the dots and find too many inconsistancies to know you sir are a lier and a bad one at that. Plently of other people on this board may be lieing too and I may not know it but I know you are. Heres a tip, write down all your facts before you start a thead like this and make sure it doesn't conflict with other posts you've written, then flatter us with some good bs we all will buy. This is like a badly written story.

For those of you who think I should go easy on this dude, sorry, I don't like being lied to and yes it may be just a story and entertainment and no I'm not looking for totally honest people here but I'll be the one to call out when I smell a hint of bs.

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Okay dude, you must be the dumbest guy out there. Do you honestly think we're all idiots here. I'm no detective but a two year old could figure this out...

Let me point out what YOU have said here:

--Not sure why I'm even going to respond to this, but I will. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, I was simply telling what happened to me.

Wife tells you you talk about diapers in sleep but can't figure out what you're saying - Do you just say "diapers, diapers, diapers" over and over and nothing else then?

--I don't know exactly what I said, but it had something to do with diapers. I am not going to ask her to elaborate.

Wife says she'll listen closely next time. - It's happened twice now so does she stay awake all night waiting trying to figure out what you're saying?

--No, she obviously heard me somehow last time so she was going to listen more closely next time if she heard me. How hard is that to understand?

You tell her the diaper talk in your sleep is because you have a child about to potty train - In another post you say you have a "medical condition(cough, cough)" so if you've worn diapers around her in the past, why couldn't your night diaper talk be about this and then why are you nervous as hell about letting the cat out of the bag?

--She does know I wear diapers at times, but not about my fetish... again what is so hard to understand about that?

You state you hide your diapers since you decided on another post to show them all off. - So your wife knows you have a "medical condition" yet you hide your diapers in your own home under lock and key. Why would you need to? How many people have a closet in there home that they lock with a key, it's not standard in a house and your wife never wonders what you've got in there? If you have to hide them, which still doesn't make sense, you're telling me you got dozens and dozens of cases of diapers delivered to your home without her knowing (and don't try telling me you interscept them because you don't know really when they'll be delivered). She also doesn't realize over time you've spent thousands on diapers (sure you could be the one doing the financing I guess). Also, you state, even if she got in your locked closet, it wouldn't be a big deal since they are all in boxes. Then why do you lock the door?

--I have some diapers out in the open but having this many would set of some alarms don't you think? There are not dozens of cases, there are a few dozen bags I guess. I bought the Attends from a thrift shop not online. You think there are thousands worth of dollars in diapers in that picture?... what kind of diapers are you buying? I'll sure sell you some at the price you pay! I do buy a bag online and have it shipped to the house from time to time, but not cases. I put the lock on the door myself, did you know that you can do that? The lock is there for another reason that she knows about.

You also say she would probably divorce you if she found out your fetish yet in you home you keep a mountain of diapers. That would be pretty hard to explain having that many since your "medical condition" must be so infrequent you wouldn't need more than a few otherwise she wouldn't care if you probably kept a case in your bedroom closet if it was a daily occurance.

--She would divorce me if she found out about the fetish, not the fact that I wear them occasionally.. she knows that. I am working to use all the non Attends up so she would only see Attends if she ever did see them. She knows that I wear attends so if need be I could tell her the truth about getting a good deal on them.

You also were diapers to work mon - fri and you're wife never sees you before or after you leave for work so you can get by with it and dispose of the "evidence"?

--Since you all are so interested in researching my life you probably read another post I made in which I stated that I work from home. I take off and throw away my diaper before she gets home. Ohhhh, working from home that's got to be a lie... nobody works from home right?

Your risking your marraige on her finding a closet full of diapers. Why don't you just hide a prostitue in there while you're at it. I mean, if I were into some crazy sexual fetish and had whips, chains, cuffs, etc. and a mountain of porno's in a closet under lock and key and I knew my wife would divorce me the instant she found out, I would have to have balls the size of the rockies to not think she'd notice.

--Some houses have extra rooms if you didn't know that. Whatever. Like I already said, I am not happy to have so many but I felt that I couldn't pass up the Attends when I saw them.

Here's the issue, I don't mind people asking fair question when they're seeking help or advise. I'm not expecting to find truthful people especially on a board such as this. But here's the deal, I can't stand people who lie to me or others. I don't always know when someones lieing but in a story like yours, I can connect the dots and find too many inconsistancies to know you sir are a lier and a bad one at that. Plently of other people on this board may be lieing too and I may not know it but I know you are. Heres a tip, write down all your facts before you start a thead like this and make sure it doesn't conflict with other posts you've written, then flatter us with some good bs we all will buy. This is like a badly written story.

--I still don't get what you think I would get out of making up a story like this. It is not a great situation. In a story I would be married to a nymphomaniac adult baby / mommy and be a millionaire living in Hawaii. And, I wasn't going to go into all of this anyway; I was just telling about what happened those two nights and assumed (hoped) it would end there. The people griping about it are what has kept it going on so long. The thread is done as far as I'm concerned unless you want to drag it on further.

For those of you who think I should go easy on this dude, sorry, I don't like being lied to and yes it may be just a story and entertainment and no I'm not looking for totally honest people here but I'll be the one to call out when I smell a hint of bs.

-- I am curious as to what outrageous claim I have made that you don't believe?

1. I wear diapers?

2. I spoke in my sleep?

3. I have a lot of diapers?

4. I am married?

5. My wife doesn't know about my fetish?

6. My wife knows about a real medical condition that I have and she believes I wear diapers for it?

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I was reading back through this thread and realized that I did tell a lie. I should probably come clean now before the mighty detective catches me...

I'm sorry to report that my real name is not Diaper_Me.

I am truly sorry to all of those who I have hurt by this outrageous lie. Please forgive me.

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Guest Baby-Toa

I was reading back through this thread and realized that I did tell a lie. I should probably come clean now before the mighty detective catches me...

I'm sorry to report that my real name is not Diaper_Me.

I am truly sorry to all of those how I have hurt by this outrageous lie. Please forgive me.

i think we can forgive you. hehe

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In response to your response:

Let me point out what YOU have said here:

--Not sure why I'm even going to respond to this, but I will. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, I was simply telling what happened to me.

**Thank you for the response, I would just like you to clarify what many may see is "inconsistancies" in your story, this is a fair chance for you to explain them.

Wife tells you you talk about diapers in sleep but can't figure out what you're saying - Do you just say "diapers, diapers, diapers" over and over and nothing else then?

--I don't know exactly what I said, but it had something to do with diapers. I am not going to ask her to elaborate.

**I realize you didn't say that over and over, it's an exaguration, you had just stated "I was talking about diapers while I was sleeping but she couldn't understand all that I was saying" It just seemed unlikely, not that it didn't happen but out of the babbling, she knew you were talking about diapers. Not saying you're wife can't pick up on what you say but it just seemed unlikely, that's all.

Wife says she'll listen closely next time. - It's happened twice now so does she stay awake all night waiting trying to figure out what you're saying?

--No, she obviously heard me somehow last time so she was going to listen more closely next time if she heard me. How hard is that to understand?

**Again, just seemed unlikly it happened twice and twice she could only pick out that it was about diapers which must have meant you said the wword, what else would lead her to this. She obviously listened close enough to pick up on this the last two times. I know she's not going to sit up all night listening but most sleep talkers do it there whole life and it's hereditary.

You tell her the diaper talk in your sleep is because you have a child about to potty train - In another post you say you have a "medical condition(cough, cough)" so if you've worn diapers around her in the past, why couldn't your night diaper talk be about this and then why are you nervous as hell about letting the cat out of the bag?

--She does know I wear diapers at times, but not about my fetish... again what is so hard to understand about that?

**Here's how this looks from the outside, at first it appears by your initial post she has no clue that you wear diapers or even have any. Then you tell us you played off your diaper talk as "must have been about the potty training" as though to say, why would I ever talk about diapers and are afraid she is "curious as to why you are talking about them" like you'll get busted you're a dl, apparently you already wear them around her. Then you play it off as "she thinks it's just funny". So why be so scared?

**Then in another post you say "I know for a fact that she would never wear one or be into me wearing them. I brought up the idea of diapers when we were first dating. At first she was somewhat interested, but then decided that it was sick before I ever pulled one out. She now barely accepts me wearing them occasionally for a medical condition (cough cough). If she ever found out the truth it would be very bad." Maybe it's just poorly written and whatever but it seems at first as though she would never let you wear them but you do for your "medical condition" and she's okay with that. This brings up the question, if she lets you wear them sometimes and you're faking, then fake it all the time and wear them all the time. Maybe then she'd want you to see a dr. and what not and it'd be a mess but why not, you're already lieing to her hiding your diapers and doing it behind her back anyway.

You state you hide your diapers since you decided on another post to show them all off. - So your wife knows you have a "medical condition" yet you hide your diapers in your own home under lock and key. Why would you need to? How many people have a closet in there home that they lock with a key, it's not standard in a house and your wife never wonders what you've got in there? If you have to hide them, which still doesn't make sense, you're telling me you got dozens and dozens of cases of diapers delivered to your home without her knowing (and don't try telling me you interscept them because you don't know really when they'll be delivered). She also doesn't realize over time you've spent thousands on diapers (sure you could be the one doing the financing I guess). Also, you state, even if she got in your locked closet, it wouldn't be a big deal since they are all in boxes. Then why do you lock the door?

--I have some diapers out in the open but having this many would set of some alarms don't you think? There are not dozens of cases, there are a few dozen bags I guess. I bought the Attends from a thrift shop not online. You think there are thousands worth of dollars in diapers in that picture?... what kind of diapers are you buying? I'll sure sell you some at the price you pay! I do buy a bag online and have it shipped to the house from time to time, but not cases. I put the lock on the door myself, did you know that you can do that? The lock is there for another reason that she knows about.

**Again, now it seems like having some, not a lot of diapers out in the open is okay. You've tried to explain to your wife your fetish and she thought it to be sick and what not and now you have a medical condition so to speak and she's okay with you wearing them occasionally. Like DL_DB said, no red flags. If my wife was into say beastiality and tried to explain it to me a few times and I didn't want to hear it but then she brings home 3 large dogs and we keep them, what do you think I'm going to think? Just seems fishy, sorry. Also, I never said there were a thousand dollars worth or dozens of cases of diapers in that picture (read above), I said "over time". I'm sure you didn't take a picture of every diaper you've owned and photo shop it into one. Also, what difference does it make if it's a case or bag. Your wife doesn't wonder what's in the box, not like she's checking up on you but out of curiousity?

**I do realize you can put a lock on a door, duh. I was simply stating that it would require you to do so, if every house had it, yeah no big deal, the closet has a lock on it. In your previous post it just seemed like your wife was like "oh, no big deal, he put a lock on the door, and I'm not even wondering why." If my wife came home and a closet suddenly had a lock, she would ask "why". When asked about your stash you stated, "It is a risk, but they are in a place where she doesn't go and can't get to because only I have the key. And if she did go in there for some reason she wouldn't see bags of diapers laying around, they are all in boxes." You've somewhat cleared that up now as apparently she knows "why" the locks there, but see how people could take this? It still baffles me as to how she doesn't ever go to this place in your home, she can't even get there but if she did it would be no big deal since everythings in a box (you still make the effort to hide hidden stuff in boxes in a hidden place she can't go or get to) and she knows why there's a lock on the door and that you have the only key. Are there secret passages in your home, maybe it's just how you write things, that's how it seems.

You also say she would probably divorce you if she found out your fetish yet in you home you keep a mountain of diapers. That would be pretty hard to explain having that many since your "medical condition" must be so infrequent you wouldn't need more than a few otherwise she wouldn't care if you probably kept a case in your bedroom closet if it was a daily occurance.

--She would divorce me if she found out about the fetish, not the fact that I wear them occasionally.. she knows that. I am working to use all the non Attends up so she would only see Attends if she ever did see them. She knows that I wear attends so if need be I could tell her the truth about getting a good deal on them.

**Again, according to you she can't see them so what's the big deal? Why would it make a difference for you to only have one brand? It's not like you had stacks of diapers from AB Universe or Bambino that would raise a red flag. What excuse do you give her when you can wear them? Just curious. As previously stated, why not use your excuse everyday and wear everyday?

You also were diapers to work mon - fri and you're wife never sees you before or after you leave for work so you can get by with it and dispose of the "evidence"?

--Since you all are so interested in researching my life you probably read another post I made in which I stated that I work from home. I take off and throw away my diaper before she gets home. Ohhhh, working from home that's got to be a lie... nobody works from home right?

**"The only good news is that because of my job I can wear diapers Mon - Fri during the work day. So they are dwindling fairly fast." No I'm only going off mainly what was written here on this thread so I didn't know you work from home. Yes, I assumed you worked outside the home since you said because of your job. It would be more like, because of your wife not being home. And yes I get the convenience of nobody finding out and having diapers at your fingertips since you are home. You must be pretty sneaky about the piles of diapers since you're going through them so fast. I know you have a child so the trash can smell like a diaper all day long and none would be the wiser.

Your risking your marraige on her finding a closet full of diapers. Why don't you just hide a prostitue in there while you're at it. I mean, if I were into some crazy sexual fetish and had whips, chains, cuffs, etc. and a mountain of porno's in a closet under lock and key and I knew my wife would divorce me the instant she found out, I would have to have balls the size of the rockies to not think she'd notice.

--Some houses have extra rooms if you didn't know that. Whatever. Like I already said, I am not happy to have so many but I felt that I couldn't pass up the Attends when I saw them.

**No kidding, extra rooms, not sure what that has to do with anything. You've said it wouldn't be big deal if she found the attends "She knows that I wear attends so if need be I could tell her the truth about getting a good deal on them." Should've bought them all if you didn't have to hide them and have some around your house in the open anyway. Hide the other cases so it doesn't look so bad then. Have the 3 or 4 extra cases somewhere else she knows about, maybe your extra rooms. Looks like you have room in the house from the picture. I don't know.

Here's the issue, I don't mind people asking fair question when they're seeking help or advise. I'm not expecting to find truthful people especially on a board such as this. But here's the deal, I can't stand people who lie to me or others. I don't always know when someones lieing but in a story like yours, I can connect the dots and find too many inconsistancies to know you sir are a lier and a bad one at that. Plently of other people on this board may be lieing too and I may not know it but I know you are. Heres a tip, write down all your facts before you start a thead like this and make sure it doesn't conflict with other posts you've written, then flatter us with some good bs we all will buy. This is like a badly written story.

--I still don't get what you think I would get out of making up a story like this. It is not a great situation. In a story I would be married to a nymphomaniac adult baby / mommy and be a millionaire living in Hawaii. And, I wasn't going to go into all of this anyway; I was just telling about what happened those two nights and assumed (hoped) it would end there. The people griping about it are what has kept it going on so long. The thread is done as far as I'm concerned unless you want to drag it on further.

**I think everyones on there toes since many think a story with 17pages on here was a farce including myself. Obviously, no one would believe your millionare story so it just seemed like this was trending in the way of the previous thread. Next time, maybe just give a little more info or be more carefull about how you state things in later posts because people aren't that honest here. You don't need to give your life story but to many, there are just too many inconsistancies in your story which set off the bs meter. If you work at home, I'd imagine you communicate a lot for your job and the communication of this thread just didn't add up.

For those of you who think I should go easy on this dude, sorry, I don't like being lied to and yes it may be just a story and entertainment and no I'm not looking for totally honest people here but I'll be the one to call out when I smell a hint of bs.

-- I am curious as to what outrageous claim I have made that you don't believe?

1. I wear diapers?

2. I spoke in my sleep?

3. I have a lot of diapers?

4. I am married?

5. My wife doesn't know about my fetish?

6. My wife knows about a real medical condition that I have and she believes I wear diapers for it?

**Stuff like number 6 is where the inconistancy is. To me sounds like you now have real medical condition you wear diapers for.

**Hey, no hurt feelings just putting my questions and yes accusations out there because I felt like it was not that believable the more you posted. I don't meen to be a jerk, allthough many may think so, but just adding my 2 cents or in this case, about $1.50 to the thread. That's it.

Have fun in diapers and maybe your wife will let you wear them all the time someday, maybe tommorrow, maybe when you're 80 and are truly incontinent. Peace

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I was reading back through this thread and realized that I did tell a lie. I should probably come clean now before the mighty detective catches me...

I'm sorry to report that my real name is not Diaper_Me.

I am truly sorry to all of those who I have hurt by this outrageous lie. Please forgive me.

I sense sarcasm. Is that right?

Here is an idea everyone, instead of accusing someone of lying because there could be a logical explanation of why they say one thing and then another, just ask them questions. If a person claims they can't drive for more than 45 minutes because they then get tired and then in their next post they say 15 minutes, just say something like "I thought it was 45 minutes, now it's fifteen?" and then wait for that person to respond. Maybe it was a typo the person did with the numbers and he or she thought they hit 1 instead of 4. I do that kind of error sometimes and I hate it. One time I typed in 1997 instead of 1967 when I was 17 and I couldn't even go back and edit my post because there was no edit button. It was very embarrassing so I thought I had to be more careful when I type.

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I'll try to answer your questions without the big quote this time...

I have slept talked many times in the past, but it has been awhile... back when I was drinking. So these two nights were unusual. I'm not terribly concerned if I said the word diaper, I was concerned that i might say more. She told me in the past (when I was drinking) that she could have small conversations with me and I wouldn't remember any of it in the morning. That freaks me out.

I did intentionally leave out parts of the story in my initial post. They didn't seem important and I didn't want to give away too much personal information.

The medical condition I have is not a constant issue, it comes and goes. I don't wear in front of her on regular basis even when I am having the problem. Many times that I do wear in front of her she makes comments about it and I prefer to just avoid that. At the same time, I make sure to wear in front of her every once in awhile just so she doesn't think I stopped wearing them as she once did.

I never told her directly that I have a diaper fetish (luckily). I told her something to lead up to that, and that is when she freaked out... fortunately I was able to explain it away as a misunderstanding.

I think having multiple brands of diapers around would set off some red flags. Having one type will show her it was a single purchase, having 10 different brands would probably mean 10 purchases.. why would I keep buying them after I had so many and I wear them (as far as she knows) fairly rarely.

I am fairly sneaky about hiding the used diapers. They are well bagged and hidden under other trash.

I didn't say it wouldn't be a big deal if she found the attends, it would just be easier to explain away. It may well still be a big deal if she saw them, I hope not to find out.

I think that was all of them

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Well, it's starting to make a lot more sense now. Now maybe if you subconsciously tell her everything in your sleep you can either play it off, or say yes, this is how I feel. You'll know the road to take depending on her mood at the time of questioning.

I think we've all been there in some way possibly from too much alcohol though? It's like truth serium and next thing you know, you're telling the girl at the bar how hot she is while you're sitting right next to your wife but you don't think she's within earshot of hearing you. I haven't done this but have seen it done and heard of plenty personal and private things from and about people while intoxicated. You can learn a lot about somebody with a beer. Everyones just a little too honest when there's alcohol involved.

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