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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Interesting Idea...

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Recently I stopped wearing 24/7 because I find that I don't use my diapers 80% of the time, and most of them go to waste- in the trash can, unused. But since I stopped wearing, I found it hard to get used to it, so I got an interesting idea...

An endurance round. I'm sure we've all done these before. For one week, I will not use the toilet unless I have to poop. All peeing will be done in diapers.

My current inventory count:

-2 Baby Diapers (good for layers)

-13 Belted Undergarments (also good for layers)

-12 Overnight "briefs" (You put em on like a diaper- face it, they're not briefs.)

So the contest to myself is- how long will I last? Can I make it through the week?

It is currently monday, Aug 3. If I make it to next monday, I win. Anyone interested in my progress, I'm on AIM, Yahoo, and MSN using one service- just check out my profile.

Wish me luck! :)

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Recently I stopped wearing 24/7 because I find that I don't use my diapers 80% of the time, and most of them go to waste- in the trash can, unused. But since I stopped wearing, I found it hard to get used to it, so I got an interesting idea...

Sorry, but am I missing something?? You wore 24/7 but weren't using the diapers? You weren't peeing at all? You were taking them off for some reason before you wet them?? I don't get it. Why not just leave them on until you've wet them? If you aren't peeing very often, that could be a health issue of not taking in enough fluids.


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Sorry, but am I missing something?? You wore 24/7 but weren't using the diapers? You weren't peeing at all? You were taking them off for some reason before you wet them?? I don't get it. Why not just leave them on until you've wet them? If you aren't peeing very often, that could be a health issue of not taking in enough fluids.

No, actually it's because I would wear them, but never use them. (i.e., use the toilet) After a few days, the padding gets pushed towards the back, at which point, if I did wear them, it wouldn't work properly.

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No, actually it's because I would wear them, but never use them. (i.e., use the toilet) After a few days, the padding gets pushed towards the back, at which point, if I did wear them, it wouldn't work properly.

I would use the "worn but unused" diaper as padding inside another diaper.1 new small;then the unused 1/with holes in both of those then a larger 1 the cover all that.Makes for a well padded thick diaper.

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No, actually it's because I would wear them, but never use them. (i.e., use the toilet) After a few days, the padding gets pushed towards the back, at which point, if I did wear them, it wouldn't work properly.

I understand then. You were wearing diapers but ONLY as underwear. This is just something I couldn't understand because of my own preferences. If I'm wearing them, I'm going to use them as well (although I do hold off on #2 when I'm around other people...). I can certainly understand not wearing them for days and days!

Definitions get tossed around here a lot and I don't want to get caught up too much in it, but in my mind your experiment NOW will be with 24/7 diaper use (but not quite because you'll be avoiding #2's as I do as well). At any rate, good luck and have fun!!

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Recently I stopped wearing 24/7 because I find that I don't use my diapers 80% of the time, and most of them go to waste- in the trash can, unused. But since I stopped wearing, I found it hard to get used to it, so I got an interesting idea...

An endurance round. I'm sure we've all done these before. For one week, I will not use the toilet unless I have to poop. All peeing will be done in diapers.

I did this last winter. I made it the week, but was glad when the week was up, and kinda lost interest in diapers for several weeks after that. But I'm back to normal now, and am thinking about trying another week this winter.

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I understand then. You were wearing diapers but ONLY as underwear. This is just something I couldn't understand because of my own preferences. If I'm wearing them, I'm going to use them as well (although I do hold off on #2 when I'm around other people...). I can certainly understand not wearing them for days and days!

I'll treat Depends like underwear, Abena's for wetting thru the day (or night). I don't trust depends for the way I wet, but sometimes just like the feeling of having a diaper on.

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