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Santa Cruz Dl Here

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(Bumping an old topic)

Santa Cruz area is great in so many ways. I'm not far from there and it's a wonderful destination. So open minded.

And yes, I am somewhat envious of college-age people. People like us, but now able to find each other in a social environment that's getting more open-minded every day. If I could be young again and relive my college years, I'd do it at today's UCSC.

(No, life growing up as an only-one-in-the-world DL in a Bible Belt town was NOT better 'back in the day'!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a great place, really. I'm back home for christmas and believe it or not, I'm actually pining for the dining hall food. Was the food good when you went there, Lin? Anyone else? Because goddamn it is now, at least compared to my/my ma's cooking.

I had Nickell's russian lit class, and man oh man was that a hardship. I'd taken an upper-div lit class before, and I can't see how you managed to do a whole bachelor's worth of the stuff. He was great; I loved the lectures, but the essays just kicked my ass so hard you could see a boot behind my teeth.

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It's a great place, really. I'm back home for christmas and believe it or not, I'm actually pining for the dining hall food. Was the food good when you went there, Lin? Anyone else? Because goddamn it is now, at least compared to my/my ma's cooking.

I had Nickell's russian lit class, and man oh man was that a hardship. I'd taken an upper-div lit class before, and I can't see how you managed to do a whole bachelor's worth of the stuff. He was great; I loved the lectures, but the essays just kicked my ass so hard you could see a boot behind my teeth.

Heeheehee. I'm a wee bit of a meat eater so while I liked the dining hall for the ability to make my own thing (ZOMG monster quesadillas!), I didn't much like their prepared dishes (Hamburgers should never be mixed with pineapple).

I miss home right now, a bit, but getting up there for the holiday is not feasible for me. :(

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I never had a problem with the dining hall food, but I wouldn't call it spectacular. The salad bar was always money though.

Glad you got through Nickell's class. The essays were a pain in the ass -- I remember I went to his office hours a couple of times for help, more than any other class I took.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm at UCSC at the moment too.

But I'm down in OOOOOOAKKKKKKESSSSS!(oakes)

I love this area, sadly anything dl related has died out, out of fear of my roommate! But still a great area, and I'm loving it. Frink, you should hit me up sometime. Although, really I'm just happy to know that out of the 15k people who go here, I'm not alone lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah crap, you sent me a PM about that a while back, didn't ya? Sorry about that. This quarter I've got all history courses, and I'm enjoying it a lot more. So much reading.

I'd be down for meeting up sometime but it'd have to be at a dining hall or something 'cuz I'm flat-out of flexis and cash. Ain't it fun being a broke-ass student?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmmm... well I'm contemplating a trip up to San Jose/Santa Cruz on memorial day weekend. Not sure. The 'con that I usually go to that weekend has... dissipated in its allure for me. :(

However, if I go up, I have a DJing gig secured in Santa Cruz. Decisions decisions.

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That there is a conundrum. What kinda music would you be playing, Lin? If it's dubstep I'll have to be that weird guy who goes to the show with earplugs in, 'cuz my hearing ain't the best and I needs preserve what I got. Damn, I remember you did a radio show once but for the life of me I can't remember the genre. Electronica? Folk? Too much coffee means my memory's shot to hell :(

Was that for KZSC? I'm thinking about interning next quarter and trying for a show sometime next year.

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That there is a conundrum. What kinda music would you be playing, Lin? If it's dubstep I'll have to be that weird guy who goes to the show with earplugs in, 'cuz my hearing ain't the best and I needs preserve what I got. Damn, I remember you did a radio show once but for the life of me I can't remember the genre. Electronica? Folk? Too much coffee means my memory's shot to hell :(

Was that for KZSC? I'm thinking about interning next quarter and trying for a show sometime next year.

Industrial. SO you might need earplugs. XD It's not for everybody but I <3 it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leilin, that sounds like some good music.

If you come to Santa Cruz and the club is 21 and under, I'm there! Or if its 21+ and you can help me out.... ;/

But no, let me know when you are in the area. I ended up meeting Frink randomly while riding the bus, and he said you might be coming down.

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  • 1 month later...

I live in prunedale now, was in salinas for 15 years, would like to meet up with some friends from santa cruz. I try to go fishing a capitola wharf about once every two weeks. if you would like to meet, here is my number 831-235-0838 or richl93901@hotmail.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anybody interested in being my daddy I am real I jus can't seem to put pics up on here I got some on facebook rjhemet18@yahoo.com

I thought you were in SoCal? Santa Cruz is not what you would call Southern California, and can be a heck of a distance away depending on where you are. It's about 28 miles South-Southwest of San Jose, fairly resolutely part of the Bay Area extended region.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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