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So Cal Parade

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I just wanted to put a feeler out there for who might be intrested in getting toghether for the Long Beach Pride Parade on Sunday May 17th.

It's a day time parade on since it is on Sunday most of us are not working. And since therer is more ABDLs in So Cal who would not need to do much travel I thought I would put a shout out.

The application for the parade is due on April 18th so I need to know fairly soon. Since we are going to Vegas for that parade my budget is streched a bit. So I don't want to shell out the bucks for the parade and travel if no one is going to show.

Last year there where an number of Vendors who expressed intrest in seeing more of us. Several local restaurants and bars including Hooters told us that we were welcome their before or after the parade.

Please let me know if you are intrested.

Thanks, Tami

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BTW - Was there any takers on the Phoenix Pride parade? Just wondering is there should be some last minutes plans for a meet and greet in Phoenix.

You were the only one who ever contacted me about the Phoenix parade. Bri, Square and I had to make a decision about what was the best way to get the word out and we chose Las Vegas over Phoenix. Only because it is an easier destination to get to and we thought that we had a cahnce for a better turn out.

I am driving up to Vegs on the Morning of Friday May 1st and you are welcome to join us there. As far as Phoenix I am still planing on attending but I will be doing so with my friends from the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" rather than do an entry all by my self.

Sorry about that but it just worked out that way. Would love to see you either in Phoenix or to have you join us in Vegas. The Staging time of the parade is a great time to meet and greet and remian incognito. If you are afraid of exposure you can join us during the staging process and then just follow us along the parade route in the crowd and watch people react to us. I promise that this will be a rewarding and enlightening experance.



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Long beach is a bit of a drive for me but what is this Saturday munch??



There are everal groups around the country that get together occasionaly for a lunch or some thing like it. I have even been to baby and diaper lover parties where people wear diapers and other baby clothing and just hang around and talk. They are a lot of fun. Maybe Square can give you more details on the So Cal groups.

As far as the drive is concerned it's hard to symp since I would be coming in from Phoenix just three weeks after I had driven to Vegas and back. But the parade in LB is like 6 weeks away so could ask around here on the board and see if anyone else from your area is going and coumute with them. or save a few bucks a week so you would have some gas money to go.

We would love to see you there!!



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Thanks for the offer on the funds Square.

The vegas one ie really inexpensive they only charge 15 bucks for a walking entry into there parade.

The Long Beach Group is not bad either the charge $65.00 for a walking entry and $90.00 if you have a decorated car. a bit more for buses and floats.

I have someone I can stay with in Pasedena area but that is a little bit of a drive. That would at least cut down on the cost of a room.

I am still looking for a wagon or stroller to use with our entry.

I want to make a really big wagon to use at the parades maybe even mortorize it so somene could ride in it. It would give us a place to keep drinks and stuff and hold our sign.

here is the info for the parade it's self. It's a really large parade compared to Vegas or Phoenix. but not as large as LA/Hollywood or San Fan parades.


You can get information on any of the pride parades in any city by doing a quick search for pride parade and the city name. Most major metro areas have one.



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