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Stuffed Animals

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It'd be so cool! As long as it wasn't like creepy scary like but very friendly like! It reminds of the tv show that was on Disney where the stuff animals came to life when the kids left the room. I think that's so cool! I wonder what my stuffed dog Stitcher would say cause he went on so many trips with me!

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Guest refridginator

he would say, if he could spontaneously speak in midsentence, "and another thing! i'm so sick of you giving me that shitty foo... hey, I can talk!"

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i would very calmly put the stuffed animal down and slowly, without taking my eyes off the thing reach into my bag and pull out my medicine and take enough of it to garuntee i would sleep at least 12 hours without waking up.. obviously i'm way over tire..

however, if upon waking my stuffed animal was still talking to me, i would very calming cut the things head off, rip it intoa million pieces, douse it with gasoline and light it on fire.

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