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  1. Has anyone read Dr. Rhoda's new book? I have started it and so far it is amazing. She is a great advocate for our community and so much more. I would love to know what others think of the book. https://amzn.to/3cyXeBi Update: oops, I didn't realize that this had been out for almost a year so not really new. New to me. Anyways, I didn't see a post about it when I searched.
  2. I knew that I have a bad track record when it comes to finishing stories, but I think the only way I would be able to write consistently is if I made a patron like everyone else seems to have today. Now, I’m not arrogant enough to think that anyone would pay for my writing (I am my no means calling anyone with a patron arrogant). So, I give you the pre-warning that this story may go dead at any time. Mostly I am wring this for myself, and I apologize if this story gets to real for anyone. Honestly I have no plan for how this story will turn out. I am just going to write and see what happens. Also I can already tell that, at-least the first part of this, is going to be a little depressing. Now, with that all out of the way, let me begin. Chapter 1 Malory didn’t know what to do anymore. She was loosing her friend, and she had no idea what to do. It was his eyes. Within his hazel eyes she saw the dam holding back all that pain, however, unbeknownst to the owner, that dam had broken long ago and that pain was spilling froward, attempting to drown its host. “How was work?” Malory knew full well that Levi’s work day had been shit, even before she had asked, but the words were out of her mouth before she could help it. COVID conditions had caused most of Levi’s co-workers to leave, and as he was one of the most senior staff. Levi’s higher ups kept putting more and more responsibility on him, and the cracks were beginning to show. “Three call outs,” he said dully, as he slumped into the couch beside her, still wearing his work clothes. “How was your day? Did your presentation land with your boss?” In reality, her day had been fantastic. The presentation in question had been the culmination of months of work, and her boss had loved it so much, he had given Malory and pretty sizable raise. However, she knew this information would be salt in the wound. Levi had been shouldering most of the slack at work, but his bosses kept passing over him when it came to handing out promotions. Malory had the sneaking suspicion they didn’t want to promote him because he was so useful where he was at, that promoting him would leave a difficult gap for them to fill. So instead, Levi’s bosses continued to tell him what a good worker he was and how valuable he was to the company, while at the same time giving him nothing to show for pouring his lifeblood into the company. “It went okay,” she said, deciding in that moment to keep her success to herself and focus on trying to cheer him up. “Good news though. We both have tomorrow off. Maybe we can go adventure somewhere fun.” When he didn’t respond, she jabbed her fingers into his side and began to tickle him. “Come on grumpy butt, let’s not focus on work.” He struggled to push her off as he giggled against his will. Eventually he had her subdued with his arms, but Malory was soon free, as the shock of her licking his face had caused Levi to loosen his grip on her. No longer laughing, Levi returned to his sullen state. “I guess we could, I don’t really have any plans.” To be fair, he rarely had plans anymore… ==================================== Levi was alone. All he wanted was someone to share his life with; a person for him to love and that would love him in return. The dating world didn’t make since to him anymore though. At 29, it seemed like the dating market had all but dried up, and all that was left were the numerous dating apps that only seemed to benefit women and the few men that were sly enough to convince said women they were worth chatting with. Even before COVID restrictions drove everyone inside, no one hung out in public anymore. There was nowhere that Levi could go to meet anyone new. Levi’s parents kept telling him that he would meet the right girl eventually, but they didn’t seem to understand that he couldn’t meet “the right girl” if he couldn’t meet anyone at all. To him, he had passed the age of relevancy 6 years ago, and along with that relevancy, his dating prospects had dried up as well “I guess we could…” The words left his mouth but he didn’t really know what he was saying. He wanted to cry. He didn’t want to have to be the strong one anymore. …”I don’t really have any plans.” Levi didn’t want any plans, didn’t want to think or make decisions. He didn’t want to go on anymore; keep telling people that he was okay when he was long past his breaking point. Levi knew what would make his life better, but life didn’t want to oblige and give him what he sought. Levi knew Malory meant well, but he honestly he didn’t have it in him to pretend to be human for her right now. “I’m going to to take a shower…” ===================================== “I’m going to go take a shower.” Before Malory could say anything, Levi had vacated the couch and disappeared into the bathroom. She sighed and wiped the lone tear from her eye. The two had been friends for years and Malory wished she could give Levi what he wanted, but the romantic connection wasn’t there. They had tried dating in the past, but they had both agreed they were better as friends. However, over the years the relationship had become deeper to the point where they were more like family than anything else. So, when the time came that Levi had needed a roommate, Malory had been the first and only option. Malory knew everything about Levi, and she would bet a year’s rent that he knew everything about her as well. Malory looked at the single tear on her finger and contemplated her options. Levi needed her, but her going to pieces in the face of the fathomless black hole of his depression, wouldn’t do him any good. He needed a strong rock to hold on to; something to tie him to the shore so he didn’t drift off into the aether. The idea hit her and she was moving before her thoughts had completely formed. She felt the steam coming from the shower as she passed the bathroom door, passed her own bedroom door, and proceeded to push through into his empty room. Part of her told Malory this was a bad idea, but she ignored this inner voice. The gambit was worth the risk. Levi needed something or he was going to drown in his own sorrow without ever reaching out a hand. Malory pushed back his closet door and opened the lone bin that resided there. She was instantly greeted by the smell of baby powder and she quickly delved inside, looking for a particular prize. ======================================== “I am an ABDL.” Malory stared at him blankly, clearly having no idea what he was talking about. He sighed and continued with the words he now new he had to. “It means I like to wear diapers and act like a baby.” ======================================== The memory was still fresh in her mind. It had taken everything inside of him to reveal this secret about himself. Malory knew, in that instant, that telling her this had been a cry for help that had gone unanswered all his life. She had been understanding and had asked a lot of questions. Even though Malory occasionally caught a whiff of urine and baby powder, Levi never broached the subject again and Malory, knowing it was not her place, never mentioned it either. Levi’s fetish didn’t make her think any differently about him, but at the same time, she didn’t think it was her place to go into that world with him; that was until now. It was clear as day. In his life he had to be the strong one; everyone depended on him, and he was not allowed to show weakness or vulnerability. She shifted aside some pink diapers, adorned with patterns of unicorns, in search of something she knew had to be there. Malory don’t feel totally comfortable with diapering her friend, but she was going to do her part, as she saw it. Finding what she was looking for, she closed the bin and then the closet. ======================================= Five minutes in, Levi had given up on washing himself, and he now sat beneath the falling water, wishing he had decided on a bath instead. When the water began to cool, Levi took that as the queue to get up and shut the water off. After drying himself, he wrapped the towel around his waist and pushed out of the bathroom. Glancing over he saw that Malory was still sitting there on the couch, now watching something or other. Without a word, Levi entered his room, shut his door, let his towel drop to the floor, and fell, still naked, onto his bed face first. ======================================= Malory sat there, object in hand, as she waited for Levi to exit his room, but he didn’t. She had been worried about this. Levi had been going to bed earlier and earlier, and she was sure that he had no intent on exiting his room now. “Well, that’s too damn bad,” she said, standing up and walking over this his closed door. “Get out here you lazy bum! You are going to at least watch one show with me before going to bed at…” she looked up at the clock and sighed, “9 o clock. You have five minutes to get out here or I’m going to poor cold water all over you.” Walking back to the couch, she hoped he wasn’t too far gone to rise to her threat. Her fears were put to rest when his door opened and Levi exited, wearing pjs and a t-shirt. “You are very needy,” he said, sitting down next to her. There was a slight grin on his face, but she didn’t fail to noticed none of that grin touched his eyes. “Yes I am very needy, thank you very much. Now,” she patted her lap, “ your needy friend needs you to lay down in her lap and ask no questions.” “Why do you…” Malory put her finger to his lips, effectively shushing him. “No questions,” she said again, more sharply this time. “Head down.” Cautiously he obeyed and she then rested a hand on his head and began stroking his head. “I don’t want anymore words from you tonight. You had had a hard week and I want you to just relax and let this happen.” “Let…” he began, but at this sight of her flared nostrils, and wide eyes, Levi went silent and nodded. “Now close your eyes and open your mouth.” ====================================== Levi wanted to question her again, but he knew when she got like this, arguing was pointless. So,he just did what he was told; closing his eyes and opening his mouth. The silicone nipple entered his mouth and he was sucking out warm milk before he could even process what was happening. Instantly he open his hazel eyes and was greeted by Malory’s sunset ones. In those eyes he saw love, pure love… and he started to cry. I know I probably have grammar and other editing mistakes that need fixing but I honestly just wanted to post something quickly before I lost my drive. So, please tell me of any mistakes you find and please give me your thoughts on the story material if you have them.
  3. Hi All I am thinking outside the box what kind of Catheter can stay in the bladder so urine can just drain into adult diapers as been in them since 2009 when I had an Spinal Injury L3L4L5S1 to the point of Intermitted urine Incontinence, intermitted retention, bowel constipation, as well as apparently purposely dehydrate myself due to my issues to the point my psychologist wants me to do exposure therapy to get "used to" wetting myself so I desensitize so its not traumatic and accept my incontinence as the intermitted no warning episodes is messing up my autism and mental health to the point I occasionally self harm because of it even though been 11 years. Catheter and bag system wont work for me as I wouldn't be able to insert it myself as well as a high fall risk and the tubing would move as well as tangle according to health professionals due to my many disabilities incl shaky hands will def ask the next urologist if the ever open and see people again in Australia public health
  4. Hi, Its been a while since i posted here, still having problems. Its difficult to explain how this affects me. I have had several bouts of CBT with limited success. I did get a diagnosis in the end and the doctors letter recommended further treatment and meds, my GP practice just filed the letter away for information without reading it, four years later thinking i am on a very long NHS waiting list i found out the truth. Now i have to try more options before seeing a shrink (which is a level 2 service) and i have to apparently exhaust all level 1 options first.. hence the meds and i am now starting EMDR. Feel like i am in a computer game and stuck on level 1
  5. Hi All, I wanted to let any of you in the New York City area know that there is now an AB/DL aware psychotherapist available to see any of you. She is located in the Flatiron district of Manhattan and offers sliding scale fees. She is super empathic and understanding and won't make you feel awkward about being AB/DL and the challenges in dealing with acceptance, finding happiness in relationships, and overall life when dealing with these issues.
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