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  1. Hi guys! Here's my story for the The 4th Kasarberang Story Contest! The NON-CONtest #4 The story follows Emily, a young and chaotic woman who had recently began to work in a tech company. There, she meets David, the head of Software Development. He's cute and shy and lonely. Everything Emily's been looking for in a man...well, in her future adult baby. The story contains unwilling/forced regression, breastfedding, messy accidents, cum milking, and more. Hope you enjoy! PS: The story is already been completed. But I leave the ending open in case I might want to revisit the character for a sequel. David's Unwilling Regression Emily couldn’t stop looking through the window. The view from the Human Resources office was impressive, with skyscrapers rising almost as tall as the one she found herself in. Why had Sarah called her in? At twenty-four, Emily had never really gotten in trouble before. She had a sweet face, the kind that made people feel comfortable around her. With her bubbly disposition and pinkish hair, she was able to charm her way out of most situations. Many would describe Emily as wholesome if only they knew. The door opened suddenly. "Emily Andrews, right?" asked a stern female voice. Emily turned. Sarah was looking at her through thick-rimmed glasses, her short blonde hair perfectly styled, her navy-blue blazer impeccably tailored. Although she was over twenty years older than Emily, Sarah didn't look older than thirty-five even if she was closer to fifty. "That's right," Emily said, “Morning, ma’am.” There was a moment of silence before Sarah spoke. "Please take a seat," said Sarah with an air of superiority in her voice. If there was something Emily hated the most, it was pretentious people who thought they were better than her. "Do you know why you were called here?" asked Sarah, once again, in a tone of superiority that Emily couldn’t stand. At that moment, the young woman made a mental note. After David, she would help Sarah rediscover her babyhood. The thought of them sleeping together in a crib was exciting. "I assume it is about David," said Emily. "Indeed." “David Carter was our head of software development. That’s an important position in a tech company.” “Excuse me, ma’am. But can you be more straightforward? I don’t need to be told about David’s…I mean…Mr. Carter’s resume,” Emily said, knowing quite well now why she was there. It wasn't every day that the head of Human Resources had to deal with an employee's potty accident. It had only taken Emily a month to turn David from a shy boss to a cute diapered boy, and she couldn’t be more proud of herself. From the very first moment she saw him, Emily knew it was meant to be. There he was, walking with his perfectly ironed suit and tie, trying hard to command respect. She had started working at the company as the new social media manager that week. Twenty-four and ambitious, she couldn't help but notice David's boyish look. Although he was well in his thirties, David still had that baby fat around his cheeks that made him look so cute. She had never told anyone, but ever since she could remember, she had imagined herself as someone's Mommy. It clicked then, when she first saw David, that he was perfect for the role. "Apparently these bathroom accidents…" Sarah paused and Emily had to force herself not to chuckle, "...started when you began working here. That's what his co-workers assume. Of course, no one in their right mind would think you had anything to do with it, right?" Emily smirked, "I might've been an enabler. But it was not my doing." "Enabler?" "You see, David, he had never really liked the idea of being an adult." "Excuse me, can you repeat that?" "Well, when we started talking, it came out that he had a thing for feeling small. If you know what I mean..." "Feeling small?" asked Sarah incredulously. "You see, David seems to like to be treated like, well, like a baby. And I'm afraid I may have encouraged that." "You mean..." "Diapers, onesies, bottles. You know, that sort." "How? How did you encourage something like that?" asked Sarah, and Emily could see genuine curiosity behind her eyes. Emily smiled with mischief behind her eyes. Chapter One During Emily's first day at her new job, she had noticed a man in his thirties often alone. He was cute and she couldn't stop thinking about him wearing a diaper and begging for Mommy's breasts. So one day, she sat at the same table where David was eating a burger and fries. The poor man was so confused when Emily smiled at him and asked him about his day. It was as if something lit up behind his eyes. Boys, after all, felt lonely most of the time. Emily hated that. In her mind, if she could diaper them all and make them feel special, she would. They talked about his work, and when that was over, she turned the conversation to video games and movies. It was so cute to see him so happy about his PS5 and his computer, which he had built himself, mind you... After that first day, Emily would sit with David every day for lunch, and they would talk the entire time. Once she had his trust and attention, Emily decided she needed to begin the next stage of her plan. “So, David,” she told him with a flirtatious smile, “I’ve noticed you don’t drink enough water throughout the day.” David blushed, “I’m not a big fan of water.” “But it’s so important to remain hydrated.” “I know, but…” She placed her hands on his, “Look, we are friends, right?” David nodded. "Then let me help you." David's eyes lit up. Of course, this little boy would feel special with Mommy's gentle touch. Even if he didn't know Emily was his Mommy yet. Perhaps it had been a long time since someone showed him this kind of attention. “I don’t know…” “Our offices are not that far, right? Tell you what, I’ll be dropping by every now and then with water for you.” “You will?” “And I swear it’s not just an excuse to visit you, silly.” She gave him a wink. True to her word, Emily would visit David's office every day with a bottle of water. Sometimes, she would even go twice a day. Of course, she knew there was no way David would have a potty accident just by drinking lots of water. But thanks to this new routine, she spotted him rushing to the bathroom more often. It was time for the next phase of her plan. A simple, yet strong diuretic in David’s water was all she needed. “So, how have you been?” asked Emily that day, entering David’s office. “Oh, hi Emily. Just had a lot of work, I’m sorry I can’t give you much time today. There’s a big meeting in thirty minutes.” “No worries. I just came to make sure you keep yourself hydrated and wish you luck.” “You can leave the water over my desk.” “No Mr. I ain’t leaving until I see you drink it. You know the drill.” “It’s really not a good time…” “No buts.” “Emily, please. I don’t want to be rude.” But Emily wasn’t going to accept a no for an answer. She pressed and pressed until David agreed. He drank as much water as he could just to send Emily away. “See you at lunch?” asked Emily. David nodded and went back to his work, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Emily's insistence but also touched by her concern. Emily left shortly after, but her eyes were glued to David’s office. It would be a stroke of luck if his first potty accident was in front of everyone. One by one, people entered the office. That must’ve been the meeting David was talking about and a sadistic smile formed on her face. She waited patiently for a minute, then ten, then almost thirty minutes when the door broke open, and David rushed out in desperation. Of course, Emily followed him. A sobbing little mess welcomed her in the bathroom. Emily had to act as if it had been a surprise. “David? Is that you? What happened?” David didn’t answer. "David?" He just kept sobbing, overwhelmed with humiliation and shame. Emily had to fight a smile as she saw just how wet David was. She kneeled next to him, “Look, it’s an accident. It can happen to anyone.” “But I’m an adult,” said David in between sobs. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. “Adults can have accidents too. Why don’t you leave work early today? Go back to your place and get yourself clean. How’s that sound?” Patience was key, and even if she wanted to get him clean herself, she knew she couldn't. She couldn’t just take him by the hand and diaper him just yet. Not yet… “But my meeting…” “I’ll make an excuse for you. Just get to your car. Okay?” David nodded, feeling grateful for Emily's understanding. “But how am I going to get to the parking lot like this?” “Your pants are dark enough that it shouldn’t notice too much. Just walk fast and don’t stop, alright?” David nodded again. After that first incident, Emily just needed to be consistent. It happened again, and again. To the point that she started carrying new pants and underwear for David in case he had an accident. Finally, when it happened for the tenth time, she made her move. “Listen, David…” she started as she walked into his office, closing the door behind her, “I think we should have a talk…” “About?” “About your little issue…” David blushed. He had tried everything to stop these accidents, but nothing seemed to work. “Oh. I’m sorry about that. But the doctor told me there’s nothing wrong with me, so it might be just stress. That’s why I’ve been meditating and doing yoga and…” “That’s wonderful, but I don’t think it’s healthy for you to be peeing yourself all the time. And don’t get me wrong, you’re a great guy and I don’t mind helping you when it happens. But you’re a boss here, and if people find out…” David blushed even redder, “They can’t...” "And they won't. I promise. But we need to do something." "I don't know what else to do." "Well, have you thought about protection?" Emily thought David couldn't go any redder. She was wrong. "What do you mean by protection?" Emily explained her idea, and of course, David hated it at first. But that's why patience pays off. She simply had to point out every accident he had had in the last few weeks and just how difficult it had gotten to keep it a secret from everyone in the company. "But diapers are for babies..." "Then why do they make adult diapers?" asked Emily and David had no answer for that question. There was a moment of silence before he agreed to it. "Great," said Emily, closing the door to David's office so that no one could come in or see what would happen inside. "Let's start now. Okay?" "Now now?" "Yes..." said Emily, and she pulled a large white diaper from her backpack. "I don't know your size, but I think this one should do the trick." David blushed. "What are you doing?!" he asked when Emily stripped him of his pants and underwear. "Shhh," she said, "Or people will get suspicious." "But..." "Do you know how to put one yourself?" she asked, now getting impatient. And perhaps David felt that shift in her energy because he simply shook his head and looked down. Gently, Emily laid David over a changing mat she had procured from her backpack. The poor boss didn't know what to say or how to resist, so he just went along with it. Emily took the diaper and opened it, placing the soft, white padding against David's skin. For David, the whole process felt peculiar, but not unpleasant. He was too overwhelmed to express himself, and Emily noticed it. "We'll take it one step at a time," she told him, "Is that okay?" David nodded. "Good, now put your pants on. And if you need a change, just come to me..." "A change?" "Well, it's bound to happen. And I don't trust you to change yourself, Mr. Potty Pants. Besides, we want to avoid leaks, right?" David blushed and Emily smiled inside. It had begun, and David's regression would not stop. Soon, she will have him incontinent and docile. He would beg her to move in with him and then that would be it, David would be hers forever. Chapter Two David's first week back in diapers was full of surprises. The very first moment the thick padding touched his skin had been full of emotions he couldn't understand. Yes, there was shame in the mix, but also a sense of comfort he hadn't known before. It was strange, and Emily was strange. What had begun as mere friendship had turned into a bizarre dynamic he both hated and craved. Emily would come to his office at least twice a day to check his diaper. Often, she would do it when there was no one. One time, however, Emily did it right in front of David's assistant, Madeline. Cute girl a bit older than Emily herself. David turned as red as a tomato as he felt Emily's fingers against the waistband of his diaper. "All dry," said Emily, "Good job." "What's going on?" asked Madeline, fighting a giggle, "Boss?" "It's just a joke we have," said David, blushing. "Yeah," said Emily, chuckling, "Just a joke." Madeline didn't seem convinced, but she didn't press the matter. David could feel her eyes on him as he returned to his work, but the week continued with no other incidents until his second meeting on a Friday afternoon. He couldn't concentrate on anything but a strange, unsettling sensation that had begun to build in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't long before he found himself making excuses to leave the conference room and rush to the bathroom. The shame of pooping himself while everyone around him was discussing financial projections was overwhelming. It made him feel like a little boy in kindergarten instead of the big boss he really was. He made it to the bathroom... But it was too late by the time he pulled his pants down. Right there, his bowels let loose, filling every inch of his diaper. Speechless, David couldn't do anything but move around to allow the mess to spread equally. The sensation was even stronger than whenever he peed himself; when it was over, he couldn't help but sob a little as he realized what he had done. Those shameful tears were met with Emily’s gentle hand stroking his arm. "Shh, it's okay," she said softly. "Now tell me, what's that smell?" David wrinkled his nose, knowing quite well what that smell was. "I... I had an accident." He felt so tiny under Emily's watchful gaze, and the fact that she saw him in this vulnerable state made him squirm. Yet, instead of scolding him or making a snide remark, Emily gently patted his arm as if to comfort him. "Shh, it's okay," she whispered soothingly, "That's why diapers are so perfect for you. As soon as I change you into a fresh one, we will forget this ever happened." For a second, David's shame faded. Was Emily for real? Did she truly didn't care about the mess he had just made? He didn't need an answer. The young woman locked the bathroom door and procured a changing mat, changing supplies, and another diaper from her bag. "Don't worry. I'm here for you..." said Emily as David tried to complain. "But I'm not a baby..." If he wasn't one, he sure made a good impression of a toddler in need of his Mommy. Emily cleaned him thoroughly before applying some baby powder all over his private parts and locking him back in a diaper. "See? All clean and ready to keep going with your day." She tap-tapped his fresh diaper with a satisfied smile. "You know I've been thinking...maybe we can hang out outside of this work environment one day. you could show me your video games if you want." David gulped, his heart racing at the thought of having a girl over. It had not happened in a while, and he wasn't sure if it would be a good idea. But Emily had been so caring and understanding...the least he could do was accept. "Great! I'll see you after work later." "You mean tonight?" "Of course, you silly." As Emily walked out of the bathroom, she chuckled to herself. It would happen soon. She only needed to push a few more boundaries and David would become hers. He didn't know it, but with his first messy accident, David had practically sealed his fate. No protests. No nothing. He had allowed her to take full control and it was all due to patience. That night, they met in the parking lot and used David's car to get to his home. Emily, ever-assertive, insisted on driving despite David's attempt to take the wheel. It was a beautiful summer evening, and their destination, David's spacious modern apartment, was only a few miles away. "Before we start, are you in need of a change?" Blushing, David shook his head. "Well, I'm not sure you can be trusted with that, though. Why don't you remove your pants?" "What?! "You heard me..." "I'm not doing that." "I'm not starting the car until you do." "But..." "I can't believe it," said Emily, playing her part masterfully, "After everything I've done for you..." She opened the door of the car and was about ready to leave when David stopped her. "Wait...I'll do it." "Really?" He nodded. "No one will see. But it will help know when you need a change." David blushed as he removed his pants. The drive to David's home was fast. Emily could barely focus on anything besides the sight of the growing bulge in David's diaper. She felt an inexplicable mix of excitement and awe. It was obvious to her that David couldn't think about anything else but his current situation. He even peed himself a little and blushed when he did because Emily saw the entire thing happen. "Ow, that's okay. That's what diapers are for." David blushed and looked away. "I don't mind. I don't mind at all." "But why? I'm an adult. I'm older than you. I shouldn't be..." he paused, "But you are, and I don't mind. Isn't that enough?" He blushed once more, looking so cute Emily couldn't think of anything but grab his wet diapered crotch and kiss him. "Do you really like me?" "More than you think." Once they arrived, Emily parked the car in an underground garage and led David to the elevator. David followed her silently, wondering what Emily had in store for him. He was already nervous, but her mere presence made him feel oddly tranquil as though everything would be fine. When they reached his apartment, she walked directly to the living room and placed her bag on the coffee table. She looked around and did a quick scan of the room. It was done in neutral colors with a sofa and an armchair in front of a TV stand that seemed almost too big for the room. "Sit with me," said Emily, pulling David over her lap. She unbuttoned his dress shirt slowly, exposing his smooth, pale skin. For a moment, it felt like she was peeling away a layer that had kept him hidden for far too long. Her fingers traced the ridges of his spine down to his lower back, and she gently tugged on the waistband of his diaper. "Emily... I don't think..." David trailed off. He wanted to resist, to stand up and take control. But he didn't... Here he was, an adult, sitting over a young woman's lap while he wore nothing but a used diaper. It would be a humiliating moment, if not for the fact that Emily didn't seem to be bothered by it. If anything, she was quite interested in touching his diaper whenever possible. That's why David did nothing when she first touched his padded crotch. He didn't even flinch as Emily'd soft fingertips caressed the barrier between his legs, tracing the contours of his diaper. "Wait..." "Shhh..." said Emily as with her free hand, she placed her thumb inside his mouth. "Suck on this." David hesitated for a moment but did as he was told. He sucked as Emily rubbed the front of his wet padding, and as he increased the rhythm of his sucking, Emily rubbed faster. It didn't take much longer for David to cum inside his wet prison as he did, he began sobbing. "Good boy," she whispered, kissing him gently. "That's okay. You did okay." The shame of what he did combined with the pleasure of it all broke him for a minute. And when he came back to reality, Emily had already changed him into a fresh new diaper. She gave him a small smile and a reassuring pat on the backside before helping him stand up. He blushed as he did. Emily chuckled at his embarrassment but didn't say anything. Instead, she walked over to his kitchen a poured herself a glass of wine. "I think we should have a little talk..." said Emily. David didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. "I've been thinking for a while now. It doesn't really seem like you are getting better with your potty accidents." she paused to notice David blushing when she called her incident potty accidents, "Don't get me wrong. Don't panic. I truly don't care. In fact, I kinda enjoy changing your stinky diaper today. So I've been thinking that you and I should date. What do you think? Do you want to be my boyfriend?" David was confused. The conversation had turned out to be something he wasn't expecting at all. He wondered if he had misheard her, but Emily's gaze was earnest. She sat there, waiting for his answer, so he swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly nodded. "But Emily, I'm an incontinent almost-middle-aged man in diapers. Why me?" Emily chuckled softly. "Because I like you, you silly baby. I don't mind changing your diapers. However, there's one thing I want from you if we start dating." "What's that?" "I'm the one that changes your diapers, that puts me in charge of you. So, I want to be fully in charge." "What do you mean?" "As long as we are together, I wear the pants in the relationship; you, well, you wear the diapers." David blushed. "So, what do you say?" asked Emily, "Would you like to be my baby boyfriend?" Chapter Three Emily had made it clear that David wasn't in charge anymore at least not outside his role in the company. So when David accepted her offer and became her boyfriend, things changed rather quickly. It started with small things, like choosing his wardrobe for the day or deciding what he would eat; even how much time he had for playing video games after work. She had even taken over the spare room, "I'm only doing a minor remodeling. It will be a surprise," she told him one day. As for David, he was completely under her control at home and in the office. "Now, who needs a change?" Emily would ask every single time and David would blush and answer, "Me." That was his favorite part, diaper changes. It had become a ritual for the two of them. Every time, Emily would gently clean every inch of his diaper area, and when she was over, she would give her baby boy a treat. With her gentle fingers, she would often massage David's prostate, milking him into submission. It was all part of her plan, though. Soon David would associate diapers and Emily with sexual pleasure. It had all worked out, and David was ready for the final stage of her plan. The moment when he would choose to be a diapered baby instead of a man. One morning, after getting David ready for work, Emily gave her baby boy a bottle of milk with something extra. A subtle yet powerful laxative. David didn't protest or argue, he simply drank the bottle full of milk and they were on their way to work. It was an important day for David, he was to make a presentation for the CEO and he was ready and determined to show his skills and talents. Emily found it cute and wholesome, and she would tease him about it. "Well, good luck. And if you need me to change you after your presentation, I'll be in your office." David blushed and said, "Thanks..." Soon, David found himself in the conference room. A fresh diaper under his suit made him feel secure that he would nail that presentation. But as he faced the CEO and his coworkers, David felt a mix of anxiety and horror when his tummy let out a loud grumble. The women present giggled at it, which only served to make David blush. "We are waiting for you, David," said the CEO, a woman of his age with a kind face but David knew she was anything but kind. "Right..." he stuttered. David felt the pressure building in his abdomen as he tried to keep his composure. He couldn't focus on his presentation, and instead of giving his best, he was just trying to keep it all together. The CEO cleared his throat, and David felt his heart race. With trembling hands, he continued his presentation, but the pressure in his abdomen only increased. It was impossible to ignore the sensation as his stomach rumbled again. This time, the women in the room couldn't hold back their laughter, and it took every ounce of restraint for David not to run out of the room. "Are you alright, David?" asked the CEO, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous," David replied, trying to regain control of the situation. "Pull it together. Jesus Christ, you're a man. If you need to use the restroom just go." said the CEO, glaring at David. But just as he was about to continue, his stomach rumbled one last time. As far as he was concerned, that was it. David stood there as he filled his diaper with the most explosive diarrhea ever. It was a forceful release that made him blush from head to toe. Then...silence...and all of a sudden laughter, echoing through every corner of the room. The CEO's eyes widened, and she covered her face with her hand. Heat surged through David's cheeks as he felt every ounce of his dignity and authority draining away. Looks Like the Baby's Made a Messy. Someone Clena Him, it Stinks In Here. Pathetic. And those were just some of the words David could hear as he remained speechless and immobile. "Fuck's sake. Who thought you were a good fit for this company?" asked the CEO with a harsh and severe tone. "Get the fuck out of my sight." David nodded, but as he moved, his pants gave away, falling to the ground, revealing his completely messed diaper. Now even the CEO was laughing, and David started sobbing, craving for the comfort of Emily's arms. It was the most humiliated he had ever been... Something broke inside David that day. After Emily found him, she took him back home in his messy diaper and shirt, exposing him further to everyone in the office as they walked to the parking lot. David was sobbing and looking down, allowing himself to be dragged by his younger girlfriend. As they walked, people muttered and whispered and pointed and laughed. For David, it was the worst moment in his life. For Emily, it was the beginning of the life she had always wanted. Back at home, Emily cleaned her adult baby boy. "Honey, I think you're not ready to be an adult yet...." she said, and David didn't argue. "From now on, I'm taking care of your every need. Understood?" David said nothing. "Good. Let's put you for a nap. You must be exhausted from this horrible experience." She took him to the spare bedroom, where she had already set up a changing table, a crib big enough for him, and downs of other baby items. Once again, David said nothing. He just allowed Emily to place him inside the crib as she kissed him goodnight and gave him a pacifier. That was it for David. He never recovered from the humiliation. Emily insisted he should forget about work and stay with her. That she could provide for the two of them and he didn't need any more responsibilities. David never again spoke and he would often find himself zoning out as he played with toys and watched cartoons. It was a few days later that Emily was called to the Human Resources office. Sarah was speechless as Emily told her the lie about how David had asked, even begged, to be put in diapers. How she had found it cute back then and agreed, and then she said, He now lives a very happy life. I can show you some pictures," “I don’t think that would be appropriate,” said Sarah, who for some reason, couldn’t look at Emily in the eyes. “I must assume that he won’t be coming back to work.” “I mean, I could bring him here. But he gets bored very easily now and the office doesn’t offer a nursery area or babysitters. But if you really are worried, why don’t you come with me? I bet he would love to see a friendly face.” Emily said to Sarah, planning, even then, for a baby sister for her baby boy. Sarah blushed, "Really?" Emily smiled at Sarah with malice behind her eyes. Unknown to the older woman, Emily had already started her plan to regress her from the Head of Human Resources to a babbling baby in need of her Mommy. Emily wondered if she could break her record and turn Sarah into a baby in less than a few weeks. "It would be fun. Think about it," said Emily with a sweet and reassuring tone.
  2. Intro Evelyn, a middle-aged history professor at the local college, found solace in the routine of her early morning and late nights spent on the balcony of her cozy apartment. Perched on a comfortable chair, she would watch the world pass by, lost in her thoughts. The balcony offered a front-row seat to the daily comings and goings of college students, who unknowingly became characters in the silent play that unfolded before her. Despite her engaging lectures and dynamic teaching style, Evelyn often felt an overwhelming sense of solitude. Her unconventional schedule, with most classes held in the evening, left her with free mornings and afternoons. The balcony became her haven, a place where she could reflect on the pages of history and, more intimately, on the chapters of her own life. One particular ritual, hidden from the eyes of her colleagues and students, unfolded on those quiet afternoons. Evelyn would find herself drawn to the comfort of an old habit — sucking her thumb. It was a habit she often enjoyed, especially when watching young love unfold from her balcony; something she greatly regretted not having. As Evelyn sat on her balcony, thumb often creeping into her mouth, she observed the ebb and flow of college life beneath her. The students, backpacks slung over their shoulders, chatted animatedly as they walked past her apartment building. Some were engrossed in their smartphones, while others eagerly discussed the day's lectures and upcoming exams. Unbeknownst to Evelyn, the students were aware of her discreet balcony retreat. In many ways the balcony has become a living attraction to bypassing students over the years; no one went out of their way for it, but no one regregretted strolling past. [There was an unspoken agreement to respect the privacy of their history professor, a woman who held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the past but guarded her own secrets with equal diligence.] Evelyn, absorbed in her historical musings and thumb-sucking reverie, believed herself to be invisible to the world below. She found comfort in the anonymity of her perch, where she could be both a spectator and a participant in the theater of daily life. One day, as the students passed by her balcony as usual, something unexpected happened. A brave soul among them, a young woman named Sarah, decided to break the unspoken barrier. She smiled warmly at Evelyn and nodded in acknowledgment. As the days went by, Sarah made other distant gestures to Evelyn, such as small waves and momentarily inserting her own thumb into her mouth, as if playfully asking a child, "Do you need to suck your thumb?" Despite these subtle attempts at connection, Evelyn remained reserved. Evelyn continued her balcony rituals, she found a new sense of camaraderie with this unknown (to her) student. The unspoken understanding between them deepened, and the balcony became a symbol of connection, bridging the gap between professor and student in a way that transcended the formalities of the classroom. And so, history continued to unfold, both in the lectures within the college walls and in the quiet moments on Evelyn's balcony. Chapter I Lisa: Hey, Sarah! How was your day? Sarah: Oh, you know, the usual. But something interesting happened today. You know the professor who sits on the balcony and sucks her thumb? Lisa: Professor Evelyn? Yeah, I've seen her. She seems so lost and lonely up there; often sucking her thumb, thinking the world doesn't know her secret. Sarah: Well, I've been trying to break the ice, you know? Like playful waves and pretending to suck my thumb too. Just trying to make her smile. Lisa: That's sweet of you, babe. But why? What made you decide to do that? Sarah: I don't know, Lisa. There's something about her that just tugs at my heart. I see her up there all alone, and I can't help but feel like she needs a friend. Lisa: You think we should be her friends? She seems more ? Sarah: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. She's so cute and childlike. It got me thinking... What if we could be more than just her friends? Lisa: You mean, like, adopt her into our lives? Sarah: Exactly. I mean, she's alone up there, and I can't shake off this feeling that she needs something more stable. We could be that stability for her. Lisa: That's a big step, Sarah. But, you know, I've been feeling the same way. She's become a part of our thoughts and conversations. Sarah: I know it's huge, but I can't stand the thought of her being alone. I want to make her a part of our unconventional family. Lisa: Let's take it slow, then. Maybe we can start by getting to know her better. You said you're in her history class, right? Why don't you try talking to her? Sarah: Yeah, I am. I'll give it a shot, but we need to be careful. We don't want to overwhelm her. Lisa: Absolutely. We'll take it step by step. If she's comfortable with it, maybe she could join us for coffee or something. Sarah: Perfect. Let's see where this goes. I really think we could make a difference in her life. As Sarah and Lisa discuss the possibility of "adopting" Professor Evelyn into their lives, the balcony stands as a silent witness to their evolving plan. The dialogues reflect the mix of compassion, care, and the desire to bring a sense of family to someone who seems to need it. Chapter II Evelyn, engrossed in her historical research and the quiet moments of reflection on the balcony, remained blissfully unaware that Sarah was one of her own students. The campus was vast, and the lecture halls were filled with faces, making it easy for a single student to blend into the crowd. Sarah, who often chose a seat in the back of the class, had mastered the art of anonymity. One day, as Evelyn, who was often engrossed in her lecture notes, looked up at her Intro to World History students and noticed Sarah. A mix of emotions swept over Evelyn—surprise, curiosity, and a touch of embarrassment that she hadn't recognized her only balcony companion as a student. The realization added a new layer to their interactions. Evelyn pondered whether Sarah had intentionally chosen to sit in the back of the class, maintaining a discreet distance between the formal academic setting and their informal balcony connection. Despite the revelation, Evelyn decided to let the connection evolve organically, choosing not to confront Sarah about their shared secret. However, she began to notice Sarah playfully sucking her thumb during lectures, making sure that Professor Evelyn noticed her playfulness. The following evening, Evelyn approached the lecture hall with a newfound awareness. As she began her class, she noticed Sarah sitting in her usual spot at the back, a knowing smile playing on her lips. The other students, oblivious to the connection between their professor and their classmate, immersed themselves in the lesson. After the lecture, as students filed out of the hall, Sarah lingered for a moment. With a subtle nod and a twinkle in her eye, she acknowledged the unspoken understanding between them. Evelyn reciprocated with a grateful smile, silently appreciating the delicate balance they had struck between the formalities of academia and the genuine connection that had formed on the balcony. As the semester progressed, Evelyn and Sarah continued their silent interactions, weaving a unique tapestry of connection that transcended the traditional roles of teacher and student. The balcony, once a place of solitude, had become a bridge between two lives—a place where history unfolded not only in the pages of textbooks but also in the quiet moments shared between a professor and a student. Chapter III Sarah's after-class visits became a cherished ritual, adding a new dimension to the connection she shared with Evelyn. While other students hurriedly packed their bags and left, Sarah lingered, patiently waiting for her turn to approach the professor. "Professor," she would begin, maintaining the formal address that characterized their interactions; though her quiet motherly voice made Evelyn feel as though the roles were switched. Her questions were a clever mix of academic curiosity and a genuine desire to know Evelyn on a more personal level. Sometimes, her questions dived into the intricacies of the day's lecture, showcasing Sarah's dedication to the subject matter. Other times, the questions subtly steered toward understanding the woman behind the professorial facade. Evelyn, in turn, welcomed these post-lecture conversations. Sarah's inquiries provided a bridge between the structured world of academia and the uncharted territory of personal connection. Evelyn found herself opening up, sharing anecdotes from her own academic journey, and offering insights that transcended the confines of the classroom. As the weeks unfolded, Sarah's questions became more personal, yet she maintained a respectful distance. She never overstepped boundaries or pressed too far into Evelyn's private life. The discussions, although occasionally veering into the realm of personal experiences, remained grounded in the shared love for history and the pursuit of knowledge. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast a warm glow on the balcony, Sarah hesitated before asking a question. "Professor, I was wondering," she began, "what inspired you to become a historian?" The question opened a door to Evelyn's past, and she shared stories of mentors who had shaped her journey, pivotal moments that ignited her passion, and the challenges she had overcome. Chapter IV One Sunday evening, Evelyn decided to treat herself, and go out to the local bar, for a night cap instead of her usual at home alone time. While seated at the bar, alone, she suddenly noticed Sarah seated next to her. After exchanging pleasantries, Sarah offered Evelyn to join her and her friends for a night on the town. Being substantially older, and wanting to go home Evelyn deeply hesitated; however, after some persistent nagging by Sarah, Evelyn obliged and join Sarah and her friends. The evening started with the promise of a casual and enjoyable time, but as the drinks flowed, Evelyn lost touch with the limits she had unknowingly set for herself. The laughter and shared stories became a blur, and the once-composed professor found herself caught in the grip of intoxication. As the night wore on, Evelyn's words began to slur, and her movements became unsteady. Unaware of the extent of her inebriation, she continued to share anecdotes and insights, but the clarity that usually defined her words was replaced by a haze of alcohol-induced fuzziness. Sarah, watching the gradual transformation in her professor's demeanor, became increasingly concerned. Like a frog in slowly boiling water, Evelyn seemed oblivious to the changes in her own behavior. The warmth of the evening, and the warmth in her pants, had given way to a more somber atmosphere as Sarah recognized the signs of excess. As the night approached its end, Sarah made a decision fueled by genuine concern for her teacher. Rather than leaving as originally planned, she offered, "Evelyn, I think it's best if I stay the night. Just to make sure you're okay by morning." Evelyn, caught in the haze of alcohol, managed a nod, as her thumb glided into her mouth, her usual composed demeanor now replaced by a vulnerable state. Sarah took charge, guiding Evelyn to her apartment with a supportive arm around her shoulders. Once inside, Sarah ensured Evelyn was comfortable and settled before quietly going about making the necessary arrangements for an unexpected overnight stay. Throughout the night, Sarah kept a watchful eye on Evelyn, periodically checking in to ensure she was safe and comfortable. The balcony, witness to so many shared moments, now stood silent as the night unfolded. In the quiet hours, Sarah reflected on the evolving dynamics of their relationship and the responsibility that came with genuine concern for another person. When the first few students passed by the balcony, Sarah decided it was best to leave before anyone noticed her up on the professor's balcony. Evelyn was still deep in her slumber not fully awake from the night before. Chapter V The following week, Evelyn, haunted by the memory of the pub incident, decided to take the initiative and invited Sarah to meet for coffee at a quiet and public place. The atmosphere was tense as they settled into a corner of the coffee shop, surrounded by the hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. "Sarah, I wanted to apologize for that night at the pub," she began, her voice carrying a mix of remorse and embarrassment. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone on a drinking binge; let alone with a group of students…” Sarah, understanding the sincerity in Evelyn's apology, nodded in acknowledgment. "No need to apologize, Evelyn. We all have our moments. Let's just move past it," she reassured. However, as the conversation shifted, Sarah pulled out her phone,“stumbled upon images of the night before, as the two searched for an old message Evelyn had once sent Sarah… Evelyn's eyes widened in horror as Sarah showed her the images and later videos of night.. There, on the small screen, was a selfie of Evelyn, thumb in her mouth, seated on Sarah's lap at the pub . Another video revealed Evelyn giving an non-understandable speech, as a dark spot slowly grew around her groin. Evelyn's face turned several shades of red as embarrassment washed over her. "Sarah, I... I had no idea," she stammered, feeling a mix of humiliation and regret. Sarah, however, surprised Evelyn by laughing gently. "Don't worry, Evelyn. I promise not to use these pictures against you. When we had reached home, I had helped you take a shower and washed your clothes. As I walked home, before you had woken, or students walking towards their morning classes, I kept thinking how cute and vulnerable you were that night. It was as if something inside you finally opened up”. Caught off guard, Evelyn hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Sarah continued, "Actually, you look so adorable in these videos. Do you mind if I keep them? I promise, it's just for our private memories." Too embarrassed to even say anything, Evelyn stood up and left the coffee shop. Too shocked and shaken to even fully comprehend Sarah had said. Chapter VI Evelyn attempted to avoid Sarah at all costs, like a child she hid behind the curtains of her balcony in hopes that Sarah would not see her. She found a very nice teaching assistant to replace her for a few weeks in class, but eventually, Evelyn couldn't not go back to teaching. Sarah on the other hand, tried to reach out to Evelyn, trying to explain herself and make sure she’s ok. However, a few days before final exams, on the final day of classes, Evelyn had no choice but to resume her teaching. Throughout the lecture, Evelyn kept looking up at Sarah, who for her part pretended to be listening to the lecture, but in reality was planning her next step. When Evelyn finally finished her lecture, and asked whether anyone have questions regarding the final, Sarah raised her; Evelyn made the mistake of calling Sarah before calling anyone else. Sarah, standing up, asked - “Professor Evelyn, history is filled with secrets, can you show everyone your biggest secret?”, as if on queue, Evelyn began sucking her thumb. It was unclear to Evelyn what happened the next few minutes, but she somehow found herself, in the back of Sarahs’ car, wearing only a pull-up and her thumb in her mouth. Chapter VII Like a small child holding her mommy’s hand, Evelyn walked a pace behind Sarah towards the door. As the two reached Sarah’s apartment, the door suddenly opened by a woman, who was slightly older than Sarah, but clearly much younger than Evelyn. The woman introduced herself to Evelyn as though she was talking to a preschooler; offering Evelyn to sit on the floor and play with the plush toys laying around. Next thing Evelyn knew she was seated on the floor, staring up at the two young women, who could easily have been her own daughters, had she decided to get married and have a family. Sarah and her lover explained their plan. Evelyn was to be their baby, and both women would be called "mommy." The shock deepened as Evelyn, still constantly sucking her thumb, struggled to process the information. "I... I don't understand. Why? How?" Evelyn stammered, her voice a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Sarah's lover, whose name remained a mystery, spoke gently, "We've seen you sucking your thumb on the balcony every morning as we walked towards campus. I then saw your videos from the pub, and think the loss of control is simply because of too much control and maybe starting over is what you need. What you seem to want…” Chapter VIII In the quiet darkness of the nursery, Evelyn lay in her toddler bed, surrounded by the soft hues of pastel colors and the comforting presence of plush toys. As she drifted closer to sleep, her mind swirled with a cascade of thoughts and reflections. The weight of the revelation bore down on Evelyn's mind. Years as a professor, yet it took two students, Sarah and her lover, to unravel the depths of her secrets. The dichotomy between her public persona as an educator and the vulnerability she now embraced in the nursery left her contemplative. Evelyn wondered how the carefully constructed walls around her personal life had crumbled in the face of these two determined students. What was it about her habits, her idiosyncrasies, that had been so transparent to them? The balcony, once a sanctuary of solitude, now seemed like an inadvertent stage where her private rituals were unwittingly exposed. In the dim light of the nursery, Evelyn couldn't shake the astonishment that these two women had not only uncovered her secrets but had actively taken steps to provide for her needs, albeit in an unconventional way. The complexity of the situation left her in a state of vulnerability, wrapped in a strange sense of care and intimacy that defied the traditional roles she had known for so long. As sleep finally claimed her, Evelyn's thoughts lingered on the mystery of connection—how these two students had seen beyond the professor and discovered the layers that lay beneath. The nursery, once a symbol of surprise and uncertainty, became a cocoon where Evelyn could rest, suspended between the past and an unforeseen future, her mind echoing with the enigma of newfound connections that transcended the boundaries of academia. Chapter IX When Sarah woke Evelyn up the next day, Evelyn found Sarah's lover making Evelyn's favorite breakfast. Evelyn sat at the table, as a bib was put on her and kids utensils (fork only) were provided Sarah's lover gave Evelyn a pre-cut plate and a sippy-cup with OJ. As Evelyn tried to feed herself, but really was being fed by Sarah, Sarah’s lover began to explain their plan… For the next 4 weeks, they'll treat Evelyn at a different age. AAt the end of the 4 weeks Evelyn will decide the desired age; then once a year Evelyn will decide if she wants to grow up, grow down or stay the same. Week 1 - 2 yr old Week 2 - 3 yr old Week 3 - 4 yr old Week 4 - 5 yr old Evelyn agreed, and so after breakfast Lisa took Evelyn to get dressed. As Lisa dressed Evelyn, she explained what life at each age would be like. Evelyn sat motionless as mommy Lisa, dressed her and talked. Explaining that while clothing and toys would change for each age, the use of diapers or pull-ups would not, nor would the ability to inform a grown-up when she had used her diaper. For her final touch, Lisa put a nice big bow , and a pacifier attached to her shirt. About an hour later, Sarah came out of their office and announced they're going on a walk. like a good mother and to Evelyn's surprise Sarah put Evelyn in a stroller. When Evelyn tried to protest, Lisa pushed the pacifier attached to Evelyn’s shirt in her mouth as Sarah pushed her out of the house. After about an hour’s walk, Evelyn was brought back home for a nap and some playtime, before being bathed and put to bed. Her days were suddenly all the same, sometimes their walks would end up in a playground, where Evelyn was expected to play with kids in her “age” group. Slowly, Evelyn was finally feeling happy, there was nothing humiliating or sexual about the behaviors of Lisa and Sarah towards her; they simply wanted to fulfill her unspoken dreams. Chapter X Towards the end of month, Evelyn was already being treated like a 5 year-old who wears pull-ups, something odd happened… Instead of being dressed like a “big kid”, Lisa put her in a diaper. Confused, Evelyn asked “Mommy, why am I dressed like a baby?”, to which Lisa replied “it’s a surprise…”. As breakfast Sarah began feeding Evelyn her breakfast, Evelyn asked “Mommy, why are you and mommy treating me like a baby again?”. Like Lisa, Sarah replied “it’s a surprise…” When breakfast was finished, Sarah put Evelyn in her playpen, and disappeared into the bedrooms. A few minutes later, Lisa and Sarah reappeared with 2 suitcases, Evelyn’s diaper bag. Their mysterious adventure began at the airport, where Evelyn, although having her own seat, spent the entire flight sitting on either Lisa or Sarah's lap. When the three reached their hotel room, Evelyn was put to bed for an early nap; after which she was put in a baby pastel dress, a diaper, and a pacifier clipped to her dress. After dressing themselves and Evelyn, the three women embarked towards an unknown for Evelyn but a clear destination for her mommies. After about a 15-minute stroll, they arrived at a really nice restaurant. To Evelyn's surprise, they were meeting Lisa's parents, who greeted her with the warmth one would reserve for a 2-year-old. The woman, who Lisa called mom, seemed vaguely familiar to Evelyn, though it was clear to her that they were both younger than her. Throughout dinner, the "adults" engaged in conversation, seemingly oblivious to Evelyn's presence. In this adult-oriented restaurant, one without a kids menu, Sarah and Lisa had come prepared, bringing baby food and a bottle for Evelyn. As the adults waited for their dessert, Lisa’s mom, who by now Evelyn had learned was named Tina, took Evelyn to sit on her lap. Acting fussy, Tina took Evelyn's clipped pacifier and inserted it into Evelyn’s mouth; as she recollected how the roles have changed. According to her story, Tina and Evelyn not only went to the same college. In fact, Evelyn was best friend’s with Tina’s big sister; and while never a part of the sorority, she often had the chance to haze Tina – forcing her to suck her thumb or a pacifier. Oftentimes Evely had a pacifier waiting for when Tina showed up with her “older sister”. She had finished the story with “oh how the tables have turned”... The next day, they went to another restaurant, this one more "child-friendly". This time meeting not only Sarah’s parents, also her slightly older sister and 2-year-old nephew, as well as Sarah’s 10-year-old brother. From the moment they arrived at lunch, it became clear to Evelyn she was the “baby” of the group. Her new “nephew” was wearing pull-ups, not diapers and was no longer using a pacifier during the day; while the 10-year-old was clearly treated much more as an adult as she has in the past month. As the adults waited for their food something inexplicable happened to Evelyn. She found herself lying on her aunty’s lap, being breastfed as if she were nothing more than an infant. By the time food arrived, Evelyn was already back in her stroller, sucking her pacifier and watching baby-ish videos on her mommy’s iPad. As the video played inches from her face, Evelyn had an internal conflict. On the one hand, she was enjoying the idea of being treated as she was. Having her deepest secrets and darkest secrets, even ones she didn’t understand how her mommies knew of, fulfilled. On the other hand, she understood that if she stays this way any longer she’ll never be an adult again. Even now, she wasn’t sure if she was still potty trained or not. Chapter XI Coming back to reality, Sarah, Lisa and Evelyn understood that they’d be better off financially if Professor Evelyn would go back to teaching. However, having your “mommy” walk you to class as you suck on a pacifier or thumb decreases your authoritarianism in the classroom. Worse off was “Professor Evelyn” when she’d mess herself, and begin to cry while giving a lecture on the timeline of events the class will cover during her third class. It had reached a point so bad that Evelyn’s boss called her into her office. Arriving with her two mommies, and sucking her pacifier, Evelyn arrived at her boss's office. As Evelyn sat on Sarah's lap, the dean listened to Lisa as she explained the state of Evelyn. Instead of firing Evelyn, the dean provided an unique proposal…. Evelyn would continue to receive her pay, but she would no longer be required to teach. In return, the dean requested that they collaborate on writing academic papers that explored Evelyn's regression and the process of her re-aging, with the goal of returning to a 5-year-old state by the time Sarah graduated in three years. Lisa and Sarah agreed, with the condition of legally declaring Evelyn as a child; which the dean was more than happy to help with. And so… Evelyn was declared a 2-year-old, Sarah became a psychology major and Lisa a childhood education major, both trying to reteach the ever so resistant Evelyn to slowly grow-up.
  3. Hi guys! Here are the first two chapters of Taylor's Regression. It was a commissioned story with new chapters coming every other week. Chapter Three is already in my website: The Padded Playground. There you will find all of my finished and on-going stories, including Rebecca's Second Babyhood, Cuckolded & Diapered!, A Mother's Mistake and more. Taylor's Regression The crowd went silent. Taylor Lawrence, the mighty superstar who by the age of thirty-three had become a billionaire, was standing right on stage, guitar on hand. Her hair and makeup were perfect, and so was her wardrobe, designed specifically to make her look sensual and young. And yet, no one cheered. All eyes were on her, yes. Taylor could see her fans’ expressions shifting from sheer excitement to shock. She knew why immediately as her own eyes turned to look down at the puddle forming around her feet and the familiar sensation of warm liquid pouring down her legs. Once again, and after everything she had done to avoid it, she had wet herself. This time, however, it wasn’t an isolated incident in the comfort of her home or the back of her limousine. No, the whole world could see it. All of her fans. Her manager backstage. Her friends. Everyone. She heard steps approaching. Turning, she saw the person that had forced her into this situation. The person that had made her life hell since she met her. Ally was on stage now, and her fans were cheering for her. No matter how embarrassed Taylor was, it was as if she was the past and Ally was now the future. “I’m sorry for this little accident,” said Ally to the crowd. She held Taylor’s hand gently, “But little Tay-tay here needs to go backstage. I’ll be right back.” “Ally! Ally! Ally!” The crowd sang as the younger pop star took Taylor backstage, leading her like a mother would a child who hadn’t made it to the potty. She thought for a second just how reassuring that would be for a small kid, having Mommy taking care of their accidents. For Taylor, however, having a younger star on the rise leading her backstage because of her potty accident was the most embarrassing moment of her life. “It’s okay Tay-Tay,” said Ally, in the most condescending tone possible, “We’ll get you clean soon.” Taylor said nothing. She just followed Ally, fighting back tears, trying to calm her breathing. Knowing that her life as she knew it was over, and knowing she had failed Ally’s test. It was diapers for her now, and only God knows what else the younger signer had in store. Chapter One It was the most beautiful morning in L.A. Sunny, as always, with just the right temperature to go for an early swim. Taylor woke up to her alarm, ready to take on the world, but to her surprise, perhaps not that much of a surprise, she had wet the bed once more. “Not again,” she said to herself and her cat, Lou, who was resting lazily at the foot of the grand king-sized bed, “I need to get this under control before the tour, Lou,” she told her cat, who purred at her. As Taylor sat on the edge of her damp bed, a wave of humiliation washed over her, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself to face the day ahead, knowing that she had to put on a brave face despite the weight of her secret pressing down on her like a heavy anchor. She sighed, it wasn’t easy to keep it a secret. For almost a month now she had had to stop dating or having sleepovers at her friends’ homes. If ever the media found out, it would be the end of her career. What teenage girl would idolize a thirty-something bedwetter, right? And without her fans’ complete devotion, Taylor wouldn’t last on her talent alone. “About the opening act,” said Nadia later that afternoon, “I have Ally booked.” Nadia was Taylor’s manager and best friend. She was only a few years younger than Taylor herself, but her understanding of the industry was undeniable. Thanks to her, Taylor passed from being a girly country singer to the biggest pop star in the world. “Ally. Ally. Haven’t heard of her.”She’s an up-and-coming musician. A bit young, but fits your target audience perfectly.” “How old exactly?” she asked.”Twenty-two.” “Are you sure it is wise? People might think she’s my replacement,” said Taylor jokingly, “Do you vouch for her?” Nadia nodded, her expression serious yet reassuring. Taylor ran a hand through her tousled hair, contemplating Nadia’s words. A mix of apprehension and curiosity danced in her eyes as she processed the idea of sharing the spotlight with a younger artist. But if she had any doubts about her, she didn’t need to wait long. That very afternoon, Nadia joined Taylor at a fancy restaurant with her new opening act. “It’s such an honor to meet you,” said Ally with a radiant smile. She was taller than Taylor had expected, not as tall as herself, but tall by music industry standards. There was ambition behind her blue eyes, and Taylor couldn’t ignore the pair of huge breasts trying to remain hidden inside her conservative clothing. She was the perfect bimbo in the body of a young woman, big breasts and butt with a tiny waist, and taller than average. Yet, there was something about her smile, something that made Taylor shiver for a second. “Likewise,” Taylor replied, offering Ally a warm smile as they shook hands. She couldn’t help but notice the vibrancy in Ally’s eyes, a stark contrast to the weariness that seemed to permanently reside on her own. As they sat down at the elegantly set table, Nadia explained her idea. Basically, she wanted Taylor and Ally to be together every day until the tour started. “But why?” asked Taylor, trying not to sound too displeased with the idea. “Well, Ally’s fans and your fans need to think you guys are friends. If they see you hanging together and preparing together, maybe she can stay with you this week. You know, we can sell the tour like two friends going on the road together.” “That would be lovely,” said Ally, so enthusiastically, that Taylor didn’t know how to say no to it. “Deal!” said Nadia, “Let’s start right away.”Taylor smiled, but she couldn’t shake off a feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach like a heavy stone. An entire week living with a stranger and pretending to be friends wouldn’t be too bad if only she didn’t have a secret to hide. If only she was like any other adult woman and not doing something as childish as wetting the bed. “Right away?” Asked Taylor, feeling her gut cramping. “We can have a sleepover and watch movies and talk about boys and we’ll have so much fun!” Said Ally. “Excellent,” Nadia paid the bill, “I’ll get everything ready for the tour while you guys get to know each other.” Taylor smiled, but she couldn’t shake off a feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach like a heavy stone. An entire week living with a stranger and pretending to be friends wouldn’t be too bad if only she didn’t have a secret to hide. If only she was like any other adult woman who could keep her pants dry at night. Back in her L.A. mansion, Taylor received Ally who had brought a large suitcase and her guitar. “I was thinking,” said the younger singer, timidly, “Maybe we can write something together.” Taylor fought back a sigh. She did not wish to spend her nights working collaboratively on some second-hand project with a stranger, no matter how good I would look for her fans, “I would love to. But I’m a bit tired tonight. Maybe tomorrow?” “Sure!” said Ally, waiting impatiently, “Uhm, may I come in?” Taylor felt a flicker of annoyance as she looked back at Ally, who had already started wheeling her suitcase into the foyer. “Sure,” she said, stepping aside, “This way.”As they walked to the master bedroom, Taylor couldn’t help but notice how Ally’s gaze lingered on the opulent furnishings, the marble floors, and the grand entrance. ”She must be stunned by my wealth,” she thought cynically. After all, she was the only billionaire musician. Thanks to Nadia, she had an empire of albums, documentaries, and even movies, not to mention clothes and fragrances. Somehow, Ally’s expression of shock and envy made her feel better. “You can stay here,” said Taylor, showing Ally the smaller room in her house.” Where do you sleep?””In the master bedroom, across the house.” “Can I see it?” Ally asked with sparkling eyes. “No.” “Please. I just wanna be able to say I’ve been in Taylor Lawrence’s room.” Taylor had to give it to her – Ally was good at pretending to be a do-gooder, even better than she was. Taylor sighed, “Whatever. Come here.” She could see excitement bubbling in Ally’s eyes, but something fake about it she couldn’t quite place her fingers on. They made their way to Taylor’s bedroom. It was as spacious as it was tall and chick with a walk-in closet filled with designer clothing, and a large bathroom with a huge bath. Lou, the cat, greeted them with a yawn as they entered. Ally’s eyes widened, taking in the luxurious furnishings with a gasp of admiration. And yet, it wasn’t the face of excitement Taylor had expected. No. Ally made a funny face as if smelling something horrid. “Yikes!” Ally exclaimed, “You should consider leaving a window open. It smells terrible here.” Taylor blushed, and then it hit her. She had become so used to it, but the smell of ammonia impregnated her mattress and made the entire place smell more like a nursery than an adult woman’s bedroom. “Yeah, sorry. Mold problems.” “I’ve never smelled mold like that before. It smells more musky, like pee. Maybe the cat? Does he have a cat litter box in here? That’s not very smart.” “Yes. Lou, right. That must be it,” said Taylor, doing her best to return her color to the usual pale white instead of the crimson red of embarrassment, “Anyway, like I said. I’m tired. So I’ll see you in the morning.” Ally smiled and said her goodbyes. It was just Taylor, Lou, and her pee-smelling room now. She put her pajamas on, remembering to make it to the bathroom before getting in bed, and kissed Lou goodnight. She closed her eyes, hoping she could keep her bed dry for the week, even better, for the entirety of the tour. The next morning, Taylor woke up when Lou decided to rest on her chest. His weight had increased lately, so she had to move him away as fast as possible. It wasn’t a minute after she had awakened when she noticed the cold and wet sensation around her crotch and legs. She had peed the bed again, and that wasn’t even the worst part. Right in front of her, with eyes full of something evil, Ally stood with the sexiest of smirks. “Well, well, well. So the mighty Taylor Lawrence is nothing more than a bedwetter.” Taylor gulped. Chapter Two There was a short moment of silence before Taylor’s shock passed and she began crying, “What are you doing in my room. Leave!” She sounded more like a toddler throwing a tantrum than an adult woman in the cuspid of her career. But then she noticed a sudden shift in Ally’s expression,”It’s okay. It’s okay,” said the younger musician, trying to sound reassuring, “I was just joking. My little sister wet the bed until she was seven. I know how to deal with this kind of stuff.” Ally spoke so calmly and naturally that she managed to, at least for a moment, eclipse Taylor’s anxiety, “It could happen to anyone.” Taylor’s eyes flitted nervously between Ally and the soaked sheets, feeling raw, exposed and, above all, ashamed. “You won’t tell anyone?” she stammered. “Of course not. I can help you clean it up-” Ally offered, but Taylor held up a hand to stop her. “You don’t have to do that. I can handle it myself,” she said, her voice a trembling pitch, betraying her anxiety. Ally nodded, backing off slowly. “Don’t stress. I’m your guest, after all. And you’re giving me such an opportunity. Please, allow me to return the favor. Go take a shower and I’ll deal with this.” Taylor took a moment to collect herself, and then she nodded. She waited until she heard the door click shut before she started peeling back the wet sheets, trying her best to block out any thoughts of her humiliating accident. Her stomach knotted at the mere idea of Ally’s prying eyes witnessing her bed-wetting shame. But somehow, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her back. Someone now knew about her problem and she wasn’t shamed or bullied because of it. If anything, Ally seemed to be very understanding about the situation. Maybe she had misjudged her. After a long, hot shower, Taylor stepped back into her room. Ally had taken care of her mess. Her bed was made and the hideous stink of her own urine was gone. Instead, it kinda smelled like baby powder and roses. A weird combination, but a welcoming one when the alternative was ammonia and sweat. Taylor was afraid the younger pop star would ridicule her about her nighttime issues, but the rest of the day, Ally mentioned none of it. Not even to Nadia, who had passed by the mansion to check on them. “Everything’s ready for the grand tour, and guess what? We’re sold out!” Ally jumped excitedly, but Taylor could only pretend she was happy about it. Keeping her bedwetting at home was already hard but in a tour? She could refuse to sleep in hotels and fly back home after every concert. But she was already under a lot of scrutiny because of how much she used her private jet the last time she toured. It would be practically committing career suicide to pull that again. The night before the tour began, Taylor found herself in her room. “I just can’t do it,” said Taylor to her fat cat, “What if the media finds out? What if Ally tells anyone?” “I won’t” Taylor froze. Ally was standing at the door, her eyes fixated on Taylor. Her gaze was intense, slightly intimidating but also curious. Taylor could feel her heart racing, she wanted to hide. “What are you doing in my room?” “Well, it’s getting late. And I was wondering if you’d like to talk about your issue.” Taylor blushed, “My issue?” “Bedwetting is normal. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, but you should do something to minimize the damage.” “I’ve tried everything. The doctor assured me that it is just stress, but it’s not like I can simply stop making music. It’s my life. And I love touring.” There was a long pause as they both stood there, neither one saying a word. “Did the doctor suggest anything to help?” He had suggested something, but the thought of it made Taylor feel sick. The word ‘diaper’ was tossed around multiple times, and Taylor had even gone as far as buying a package. But she had never worn them. Mainly because she didn’t want to. However, there was another reason. She simply didn’t know how to put them on. She had never really interacted with babies before. Hell, she had never held one in her life, she wouldn’t even know where to start. But she knew she had to do something about her bedwetting issue. “My older sister used to have the same problem,” said Ally, reading Taylor’s mind, “When I was fourteen I helped my mom get Emily ready to sleep. She was already eighteen, but she had to wear diapers at night. All I’m saying is that it could help and if you need me, I can help you.” Taylor felt a rush of heat flooding her face, “What? You want to help me put on a diaper?” she asked, incredulous. Ally just shrugged, a mischievous curve playing on her lips. “I mean, I don’t mind. I’ve changed diapers before, and I know how embarrassing this must be for you. This way, you won’t have to worry about wetting your bed again. And maybe, just maybe, you can relax enough to fix the problem.” Taylor swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry. “Tell you what,” said Ally, sitting next to Taylor as if she was the older of the two, “Think about it. When we are on tour, you can come to me before bed and we’ll do it together.” Her voice was filled with so much motherly love, that Taylor couldn’t help but feel safe. And yet, there was something else behind Ally’s eyes. Something Taylor couldn’t quite understand, but it was dark. The tour began with a blast. Everyone cheered for Ally when she went on stage, but it was Taylor’s appearance that truly made the stadium shake. If the bedwetting had been a strike to her ego, the applause and cheers and cries were enough to her going. It had been such a fun experience Taylor had forgotten about her nighttime issue. She got to meet some fans. There were even one or two hot guys checking her out the entire night. In the past, she would’ve allowed her to do something stupid like inviting one of them back to her hotel room. But with her bedwetting, she had been forced to stop. “It was incredible, girls!” said Nadia as they stepped outside the stage and into the limo. “Such a rush of adrenaline,” Ally said, grinning from ear to ear, “Now I know why you tour so much.” Taylor was excited. All that energy, all that love from her fans. But hours on stage had left her thirsty and hungry and her body was craving food and a cold drink. So when Nadia suggested a few cocktails and the biggest burger possible, she jumped onto the idea. Soon enough, they were inside the hotel’s restaurant, eating and chatting about the concert and how everything seemed to have gone perfectly. Sold-out, merchandised selling like cake, and Taylor is just getting better at it. They toasted to the tour and kept drinking. But that was Taylor’s mistake. After a few shots, she was so drunk, that Ally had to take her back to her room. Still wearing her concert outfit, she passed out on her bed. The last thing she saw before falling into a deep sleep was Ally sitting next to her, staring at her with a strange smile on her face. Taylor’s mind buzzed softly before she drifted away, and in her subconscious, she thought she heard Ally whisper “Good girl.” Taylor woke up the next morning feeling like shit. She had a pounding headache, her mouth was dry, and her stomach was rumbling with hunger. Memories of the night before came rushing back to her, and with it, a cold shiver of shame and disgust. She had wet the bed again. Her head throbbed and the smell of her own urine assaulted her senses. She groaned, embarrassed, as she sat up in bed. Ally was sitting next to her, clean and aware as if all the drinking had had no effect on her. A satisfied smile lingered on her lips. Taylor stared at her, puzzled for a moment, before she remembered the events of the night before. Ally had taken her back to her room after their night out, ensuring she made it safely to bed. “I think I…” Taylor tried to say, but Ally interrupted her. “You’re wet again.” Taylor blushed. “I didn’t mean to,” she muttered, feeling like a child. “I know,” Ally said softly, her voice filled with understanding. “But you can’t keep ignoring this. It’s not working.” “I know,” Taylor said again, feeling embarrassed. “But I truly don’t want to wear diapers like a baby. I’m supposed to be an icon of feminism. I’m supposed to be sexy and mature.” “We can make it so that no one ever finds out. I’ll help you.” “Why?” Taylor asked, curious. “You remind me of my older sister. She also had a hard time accepting she needed help. And I love her, and if I can help you, it’s as if I were helping her all over again,” said Ally, leaving Taylor speechless, “Every night. After the concert, I will go to your room, and we will get you ready. Don’t worry about supplies or anything. I’ll handle it. If you manage to make it a week without accidents, you can go back to wearing your big girl panties. What do you say?” Ally asked, her voice soft and coaxing. Taylor hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts and doubts. She knew that accepting Ally’s help would mean admitting defeat, but at the same time, she couldn’t deny the relief she felt at the thought of not having to deal with her bedwetting problem alone. “Okay,” she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. Ally smiled triumphantly and stood up from the bed. “Good girl,” she said, patting Taylor on the head like a child, “Now let’s go clean yourself. I’ll deal with this mess.”
  4. Hi guys! Here are the first two chapters for Araceli's Descent Into Babyhood. You can find chapter three and four already added to my website: The Padded Playground. There are new stories like Finding Mommy, Bully - A Mother's Forced Regression, and more. Be sure to check them out. Araceli's Descent Into Babyhood Lena looked around the room. It was a nursery, but everything was bigger than normal. A play pen in the middle filled with blankets and toys that could fit multiple adults in it. A crib on one corner, big enough for two adult women, and that crib wasn’t empty. Inside, a woman with olive skin and dark brown messy hair slept peacefully. She was naked but for a diaper, which was clearly wet. Araceli was sucking her thumb, probably dreaming about her past life. A life she had spent in the streets of Lima, begging for money to support herself and her children. Now, here she was, in America. In Lena’s home, sleeping like a baby, for a lack of a better word. Lena turned to see the camera pointed at the crib, recording Araceli’s every movement. And she couldn’t help but thinking about how she had made everything possible. How she turned the beggar mother into an ABDL superstar around the world. If the baby wasn’t sleeping she would’ve laughed diabolically. It was, after all, something only a villain would’ve done. Turn a mother from the streets into her perfect baby angel, submissive to her every command. Lena could’t deny it, she was proud of it. Chapter 1 Lena’s New Idea Lena looked at her phone and the endless notifications from her last post. It was a simple photo shoot of her wetting her diaper and then getting changed by a random fan she chose. It had gotten a lot of interactions; everyone wanted to have been that fan, and that kept her followers wanting more. But, if she was honest with herself, it wasn't the same anymore. She sighed, looking down the car window. The city was unlike anything she had seen before. A beautiful and endless green pier at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean and she wasn't even in the nice part of the city yet. Perhaps, in the future, she thought, she could leave it behind. The idea of having to wear diapers and wetting or messing them up to make money for the rest of her life didn't seem as enticing as when she started selling content. She was running out of ideas to keep her followers satisfied. True, it gave her enough money to live a comfortable life. Not something the average ABDL content creator could say, but then again, not everyone had her hourglass figure and piercing blue eyes combined with long blonde hair, making her look like a baby Viking goddess when she was on character. At almost twenty-five, Lena couldn't have asked for better genetics. Her thoughts came back to the present when the car stopped, and she went down. The warmth of Lima radiated against her porcelain skin as she strolled past the elegant facade of the five-star hotel. In the heart of Lima's touristic district, restaurants and malls and beautiful parks were everywhere. And yet, on the streets, beggars. The taxi driver had told her they were Venezuelans, escaping from the horrors of socialism in their own country. Though, he pointed out, it wasn't that much better in Peru. Lena didn't know what to say, so she just nodded and smiled. Politics weren’t her thing. If anything, she just wanted to pay as little taxes as possible and not be bothered by anyone. But, confronted with it now, she felt sad for them. Something she could’ve just shake off once she was inside the hotel and that would’ve been it. And then it happened. She saw her first. Amidst the crowd, a woman in her late thirties with a beautiful tan, olive skin, and the deepest black eyes. She was tall for a Latina but with the natural curves of her people. Big breasts and a soft face, almost too soft for someone living in the streets. At that moment, Lena got an idea that would change her life and the life of that beautiful older woman who was asking for money from any and every tourist. Could it actually be possible that the beggar was the answer to her question? "Welcome to the Lima J.W. Marriott," said the guard, bringing her back into reality and helping Lena with her luggage. Lena didn’t answer. She was deep in thought. She didn’t want to be rude. No. But there was an idea forming in her mind. She felt the diaper around her crotch getting warmer. And the feeling of her urine against her skin confirmed what she wanted. She wanted out, and this was her opportunity. "Miss?" the guard asked again. "Could you get them inside," asked Lena, "I'll be back in a second. Thanks.” She rushed off, almost running, though the thick diaper wouldn’t allow too much movement. She rushed towards the woman she had seen, and stopped only when she was close enough to see her better. Her eyes had not lie. If she were clean and better fed, the mature woman could’ve been a former model. One of those Venezuelan ones that used to win every Miss Universe competition. "Excuse me," Lena began tentatively, not wanting to offend or scare the struggling mature woman, “Excuse me.” "Disculpe?" asked the woman, “Tiene dinero?” Lena smiled, giving her a ten-dollar bill, "English?" The woman nodded, "Little." "What's your name?” "Araceli." Looking at her closely, Lena could spot the dirt and stains in Araceli's clothing. She had probably haven't showered in a while. Her hair was messy and chaotic. She had lines around her eyes and dry lips. And yet, there was potential there that remained undiscovered. Exotic and sexy and, because of the woman’s demeanor, cuteness. With the right makeover and a proper cleanup - yeah, that would work. It would be perfect, and Lena’s own excitement made her already wet diaper soaked with her own juices. She could imagine herself diapering the woman, treating her like a baby for all her followers to see. She would be the mommy, not the baby anymore. Of course, she wouldn’t give up diapers. They were more for comfort and convenience than anything else. But yes, Araceli was the ideal candidate for her little experiment. She smiled, devilishly and charmingly, "Would you like more money?" Araceli nodded vigorously, "Yes, please.” "What would you do for it?" "How much?" "A thousand. Cash, I guess you don't really have a bank account, do you?” Araceli shook her head, "What do I do?" "Do you know what a diaper is?” Araceli nodded, though her eyes were perplexed at the question, "Babies, changes.” "Yeah," said Lena, "I'll give you a thousand dollars if you let me put one on you and then let me take photos and record it. It will be classy. Just one night. In my hotel room. No one else will be there. Just you and me.” Araceli looked lost for a second before she answered, "Porn?" Lena nodded, "A type of. But nothing too sexual unless you want to. Look, it's a lot of money, not just for someone living on the streets, but in general. Think about it. If you choose to do it, come to my hotel room. I'm in the penthouse. Ask for Miss Stone." Without letting the mature woman answer, she turned around, smiling, and walked back to her hotel. She stopped by the front door, right beside the security guard who had greeted her a few minutes before. He still had her luggage and a welcoming smile. "If the woman I was talking with comes asking for me. Show her to my room," she said, hanging him a fifty-dollar bill, "There's more if you're discreet about it." The guard’s smile grew bigger, “Yes, ma’am. Welcome to Lima City." Lena entered the hotel, "I'm going to like it here." Chapter 2 Mother & Daughter Araceli looked at her daughter. She was eagerly eating the street burger she had bought for them. Ten dollars wasn't a big thing for them gringos, but for her, it was life-changing. Her daughter had not known the taste of nice food in a while, and knowing she could change that for good made Araceli consider the proposal of the crazy white lady who gave her the money. Porn? Porn? But with diapers. It just didn't sound good. She said not really porn. Nothing too sexual. Was there not going to be coitus? Was it just the diaper? Those crazy people from first-world countries were really into some weird stuff, weren't they? "Are you okay, mom?" asked Maria. She looked like a clone of her mother but in the body of a nineteen-year-old. Even malnutrition hadn't taken away her beauty, and it was her beauty they were counting on when they escaped Venezuela. But when they arrived, they realized no matter how pretty they were, there were hundreds upon hundreds of them. Most Peruvians hated them, too. There were no opportunities. Chileans hated them. Argentinians hated them. Brazilians hated them. They were banned from El Salvador. It seemed they could only go to America, but getting there was the problem. Easy to go in, difficult to get there. "Mom?" asked Maria again. Araceli looked at her daughter and smiled, "Eat, honey.” Maria did as told. Mothers, especially those from Latin countries, would do anything for their kids. And if she wanted to call herself a real mother, she needed to step up. She couldn't let her daughter starve. And they needed a home. Somewhere to live. A thousand dollars was enough to rent an apartment for three months or more if they were smart about it. Maybe buy some cheap clothes. Eat properly for a while. But the shame of what she needed to do prevented her from committing to that decision. "Mom. That's it. Tell me what's going on," said Maria once more. Her daughter had always been more bossy and dominant than herself. It had gotten her into trouble, especially in a culture that didn't allow that on women. But Maria was also smart, maybe not street smart, but smart nonetheless. Emotionally smart would be the right word. "It's nothing, honey," she said, "I just got...a proposal." "A proposal?” Araceli nodded, "Yeah, a money-type proposal." "A job?” Araceli hesitated to share more with her daughter, but they were close. Best friends. There were no secrets between them, and that alone was the only reason they had survived so far. Together, they were stronger. They complemented each other. And her hesitation faded as she explained what had happened earlier that day. "Diapers? Porn? You aren't thinking about doing this. Are you?" asked Maria. Araceli nodded, "It's a lot of money. We could find a place to live." She looked around. They were sitting in a dark park, hoping no one would force them out until the morning. "But it's no different than having sex for money! No. You won't do it. I forbid it.” "I'm the mother.” "Yes, but I'm the one that takes care of us.” "Enough," said Araceli, putting her foot down for the very first time in her life, "I'm the adult here. You're only nineteen. I decide what we do, and if I decide I'm taking the offer, I will. No discussion." There was a moment of awkward silence between the two. Araceli tried to look away, giving her daughter some sense of space. Though, they dared not to get too far away from each other at night. "If I had a room, I'd rush there and stomp the door," said Maria, and Araceli chuckled, and she did, too, "When do you have to do it?" …………………………………………… In her hotel, Lena had everything ready. She had bought diapers she was sure would fit Araceli. They had different bodies and hers wouldn’t actually cut it for what she intended. She also got more baby powder and baby wipes for diaper changes. Her camera was already set up. And she had the cash ready. She even ordered food and alcohol, perhaps, it would help break the ice. And now she waited. It would be her first time as someone's caregiver. The idea itself was exhilarating, enough to create a sense of warmness between her crotch. Knowing Araceli was vanilla and, like most people in the region, probably conservative, made the entire idea even more exciting. Controlling someone twice her age was something she had never expected, but it was a welcomed change. While she waited, she thought, why not? Her finger found their way to her wet pussy, caressing it slowly and carefully at first, thinking about the mature woman who she would soon put back in diapers. Lena was never meant to be the baby. She had always craved to be in charge. And now she was close to it and as the thought came to her mind, she reached the best climax she had had in ages. Her heart was beating fast and she was sweating slightly, and she was naked on top of the bed. It was going to be an interesting experience, that was for sure. She smiled and kept waiting. …………………………………………… Araceli didn't know what to say or how to act. Everyone in the hotel looked at her as if she had some sort of disease. She kept telling herself it was for her daughter, but she had to admit, that it was mostly for her. She wanted a better life. A different life. Her daughter didn’t mind. She didn’t lost everything when communism destroyed her country. She was born in poverty already, and it’s easier to live knowing you haven’t lost anything than it is to accept what you had is gone. She sighed as she found her way around the hotel hallways and stairs. She dared not take the elevator. Her smell alone would make it unpleasant for everyone, so she took the long route to the penthouse floor where the security guard told her Lena would be waiting. The outside of the hotel was luxurious and elegant, but inside, it was like something out of her imagination. If this was how people lived in countries with decent economies, was it better somewhere else? America, perhaps, was as good as her acquaintances had told her. She walked down the aisles and through, looking for the room where she would earn money enough to change her daughter’s life for good. If only it didn’t mean dishonoring herself. If only she didn’t have to submit to others’ demands to survive. She cursed her luck as the thought of being diapered again by someone much younger than her rushed through her brain. Would it be that bad? She had no time to answer herself as she reached Lena’s room. Hesitant, she knocked, and within a few seconds, the door opened. She took a deep breath and stepped in. The room was dimly lit, but she could make out the figure of a woman, younger than herself, sitting on a couch. She was sipping on a glass of wine, and her eyes seemed to sparkle in the low light. The fragrance of fresh flowers filled the air, and soft, sensuous music played in the background. It was a surreal environment, so far removed from her reality that it left her feeling like she had walked into a dream. "Hola, Araceli," Lena greeted her warmly, setting her glass down on the table, "That's about as much Spanish you'll hear from me, though." There was a long pause as Araceli closed the door behind her. “Are you ready for this?” Asked Lena. Araceli nodded, hesitant about her answer, but knowing there was no other way for her.
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