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  1. I believe I started another thread on this, I couldn’t find it. I’m starting a new one as I would say I’m actively training for complete diaper dependency (probably already diaper dependent, but never actually trained). I figured I should add to the collective knowledge of this lifestyle. 💚🖍🧸🛁⏱🏔 Backstory: I’m male, mid 40s, average build, business owner, former entertainer, canadian, active life style, in a committed ABDL aware relationship (yes, she interacts 🥰), grew up ABDL with minor minor fecal incontinence incontinence issues growing up. That’s the quick version, . I’ve been a member of this site since the long ago times. I’ll start this journey around my late 20s when I found out I had IBS. At the time my IBS issues were minor and didn’t require a diaper and a pad would be enough for the issues. Didnt have any urinary issues. Life happened, I was a performer for a while and my drug of choice was Ketamine, be careful kids. Who knew these things would result in my need for diapers. The journey started about 11 years ago in my early 30s. I would go through periods of wear diapers 24/7. Sometimes it was for a couple of days, a week, or weeks. This went on for a few years, then one morning, while living in a cabin I had to poop, really bad, I ran down the stairs and soiled my self fully. While cleaning up I contemplated why not just wear diapers all the time. I even have a post around 2013 talking about my conflict. This would remain for a few more years. About 7years ago, I had reached a place where my fecal incontinence had reached an uncomfortable level and I went back into diapees 24/7. FTR, I’m not a purest and have worn underwear from time to time… until recently. A couple of years ago I stop caring about using a potty, I just started using my diapee to pee in when nature called. Sometimes I would hold it if I knew I could change or something. I wasn’t actively training to be diaper dependent, it was more that I just didn’t care to go through the effort of removing my diaper. Which has brought us to the present. Where I am at. In the last year it’s been noted on my chart that i have urge incontinence, both fecal and urinary. I’ve been prescribed diapers. I’ve recently had test on my urinary system and have been told nothing found, however, I am not emptying my bladder completely and it’s causing issues. The doctor also believes because of my ketamine usage I have cause urinary incontinence issues, that can’t be resolved. I’ve also been told I’m not drinking enough water. What’s really funny is my doctor has prescribed tamsulosin to help me empty my bladder, the side effect it’s having is it’s causing me to have stress incontinence, as it cause muscles relaxation in the prostate. As such, I figure, why bother holding it!? I was having urge issues so now I’m just letting go when the urge is there. So I have started this thread to document my experience. As I was already kinda training, but now I’m actively training to be diaper dependent. I’ve been on that medication for the last 5 days and am curious where I end up a year down the road. I’m also scheduled for pelvic physio in early December, I’m noticed I have issues relaxing that muscle and well be guided through various technics to relax the pelvic muscles. Thank you for reading, Munkey
  2. Background: Amid the global health challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, an association with urinary system complications has been identified. Urinary incontinence (UI) has become a significant post-COVID sequela among males, with substantial implications for their quality of life. Objective: The study aimed to quantify the frequency and delineate the severity of urinary incontinence in post-COVID male patients, as well as to document the prevalence of associated lower urinary tract symptoms. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was executed, engaging 400 male post-COVID patients aged between 45 to 64 years from three hospitals in Lahore. Participants were selected via non-probability convenience sampling and provided data through the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF) and Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (ICIQ-MLUTS). Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 21. Results: The prevalence of urinary incontinence among the participants was high, with 367 (91.75%) reporting some degree of UI. In terms of severity, moderate UI was the most common, affecting 248 (67.5%) of those with UI, followed by slight UI in 82 (22.5%), and severe UI in 37 (10%) participants. The study identified urgency (reported by 133 participants or 33.3% 'occasionally' and 132 or 33% 'most of the time') and postvoid dribbling (reported by 159 participants or 39.8% 'most of the time') as the most frequent symptoms. Notably, there were no reports of very severe urinary incontinence. Conclusion: The study concludes a high prevalence of urinary incontinence among male patients post-COVID-19, with the majority experiencing moderate severity. These findings underscore the importance of including urinary incontinence assessments in post-COVID patient care and may inform the development of targeted interventions to improve patient outcomes. Source: Frequency of Urinary Incontinence Among Post COVID Males
  3. A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy by brucejedi Numerous posts on omorashi.org inspired this story. The most immediate is Noface’s “An Inconvenient Entanglement” that imagines a world where all women are assumed incontinent. Readers will notice many similarities between his “green” world and mine, though also some important differences. A second inspiration comes from stories where girls must wait until adolescence to toilet-train, and thus experience it as a rite of passage. Satyr’s magnificent “Developmental Biology” is the best example I know. Both story types normalize female incontinence, allowing the characters to experience it without the customary stigmatization and without ABDL undertones. In that sense, the story I present here answers Tits’s call to combine omorashi and omutsu, where “a full-grown woman is…struggling with keeping her pants dry” and ends up “failing toilet-training”—or does she? Chapter 1. Diapers and Panties Courtney hit the search button once again, not expecting much from the bizarre string of terms she’d entered. Her literature review on women’s athleticwear essentially complete, she was merely checking for anything she’d missed. She was about to close the program when a strange title caught her eye: “Wolcott, J. (2020). A self-fulfilling prophecy? An environmental theory of female urinary incontinence.” Intrigued, she clicked on the link. <Access Denied> Weird, Courtney thought, never had that happen before. The creak of her boss’s door shook her back to reality. She clicked off the window and looked up from her screen. “Good morning, Mr. Mills,” she said in her most cheerful voice. “How’s your work going?” “Well enough. Did you finish the lit review?” “Just now I did, yes. Shall I send it over?” “Yeah, I’ll need it for my 10 o’clock.” “Certainly, sir.” Courtney took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Now was her best chance. She’d rehearsed the words all morning, but still she felt her pulse quicken. “I also…wanted to ask you something?” “Can you make it quick? My meeting’s in five.” “I was wondering, do you think I could give Monday’s presentation myself?” He seemed to consider it briefly but then said, “You know, Courtney, I better handle it.” “But…I’ve worked so hard on all the prep, and I feel like I know it so well…” The corner of his mouth turned upward. “I’m sure you do, but…could you make through the whole presentation?” “Of course! I mean, I’d have the slides to fall back on, and—” “—No, that’s not what I meant. Could you make it through?” Courtney’s confidence deflated like a struck balloon. “I mean…I assume so…I—” “—Right…but what if you couldn’t? What if you wet yourself in the middle of the presentation—in front of all our best clients?” As if on cue, she felt warmth spread between her thighs. The image he conjured must have triggered something in her subconscious. Keep it together, Courtney. He can’t have noticed it. Did he notice? She scanned his face for a sign, then stuttered, “I mean…I’d be wearing protection…” “Sorry, Courtney. Listen, you’re a fine research assistant, one of the best. But I think you can understand why the answer must be no. Have my slides ready by noon, okay?” And with that, he left for his 10 o’clock meeting. “Kettle’s hot!” she called after him. Then she reached under her skirt to the symbol of her subservience. Her diaper was bulging badly, almost to the point of leaking. Like her boss said, maybe she was better off behind a desk. * * * As she entered the changing room, Courtney caught glimpse of her friend Krystal. The young receptionist was sprawled out on one of the padded benches, wet-wipes in hand. A low divider hid her naked crotch from view. “Oh, hi Courtney!” she said. “Hi,” Courtney replied solemnly, lying back on the adjacent bench. “Someone’s having a bad morning.” Courtney hiked up her skirt and lifted her fanny. She undid the tapes and carefully folded her sopping wet diaper. She sighed a deep sigh. “Your boss, again, huh?” Courtney took a wet-wipe from her purse and began dabbing her crotch and butt. “Maybe it’s too much to ask,” she said, “but a teensy bit of respect would go a long way.” “Tell me about it!” said Krystal. Courtney fished around in her purse. “Crap!” she muttered. Krystal peaked over. “Oh no—all out? I’ve got plenty. You want pink or flowers?” “Whichever is more absorbent. I almost overflooded mine just now—too much coffee.” Krystal laughed. “Flowers, then. I love this brand—they’re almost like overnights.” “Thanks,” said Courtney, fastening the thick diaper around her hips. It felt comforting, especially after the stressful morning. “I’m sorry about Mr. Mills,” said Krystal. “He can be a real douchebag.” Courtney glanced at the toilet stall in the corner, her mind flipping between the exchange with her boss and the strange title of that article. Out of the blue, she asked, “You think we’d gain more respect if we weren’t in diapers?” “Wait, what?” Krystal looked confused. “How would wetting our clothes gain us respect?” “No, silly. Like if we didn’t need diapers. Like if we had…control down there…like men do.” “Oh, I see what you meant!” Krystal laughed. “Yeah, that would be awesome. Keep dreaming, right?” Courtney sighed again. “Wait, you’re serious, aren’t you?” Krystal suppressed another giggle. “Didn’t you pay attention in health class? We don’t have penises, remember? Control isn’t possible without one—everyone knows that! Fun to imagine, though, huh?” Krystal touched up her makeup before waving goodbye. * * * That evening, Courtney sat at her laptop, entering in search after search, but nothing more than the mysterious title ever came up: “Self-fulfilling prophecy”—what could that mean? A twinge between her legs caught her attention. Often she didn’t feel it coming, but this time she did. She rolled her hips around, hoping to maybe suppress it? But the feeling only intensified. She pressed her thighs together. Nope, that didn’t work either. A trickle emerged, erupting into a spray. Changing her diaper could wait, though. That was one nice thing, at least—using the bathroom at your own convenience, not when natured called. She tried a new idea. “Wolcott, J.”—what could that stand for: John? Jake? James? Still no hits. Ah ha! How about this? She typed in, “Jane Wolcott female incontinence.” And there it was, the top hit: A video of the woman being interviewed by some obscure local news channel. Courtney leaned back and clicked play. ~ ~ A balding newsman stared into the camera. “We end tonight with a heartwarming story about a medical researcher chasing women’s equality. Over to you, Kate.” The screen switched to a young redhead with impeccable makeup. “Thanks, Bob. My guest tonight is Jane Wolcott, who believes she’s uncovered a vast conspiracy targeted at women. I know I’m all ears. So Miss Wolcott, can you tell us about your theory?” “Thank you for having me. It’s Dr. Wolcott, by the way.” Kate the newscaster smiled politely as her guest continued: “Did you know that boys’ and girls’ urinary tracts are virtually identical at birth, save for the final portion?” “I didn’t,” answered Kate, “that’s so interesting. So then, why are women naturally incontinent?” “Well, that’s just it,” Jane replied, “I’m not sure we are. We possess all the necessary anatomy—the urethral sphincter, nerves around the bladder. We just need to learn to use it all. I see no reason why females cannot toilet-train like males can.” “Wow,” said Kate, “you mean I could be saving a whole lot on diapers?” Jane smiled. “And that’s not all. Think of it: Freed from diapers, women could finally gain equal status. A lot of the excuses for excluding us from sports leagues, leadership positions, and high-powered jobs, begin to melt away. No one could claim, ‘But what if your diaper leaks in the middle of [fill in the blank]?’” “We’ve all heard that one!” laughed Kate. “So I hear you brought something to show us?” Dr. Wolcott held up a strange garment, similar to men’s briefs but without a fly. A hint of lace adorned the waistline. “Those are pretty,” said Kate. “What are they?” “Female underwear, patent pending.” Kate felt the fabric. “They’re so silky and delicate! I’d love to wear those—not that I could, but…” “What makes you so sure? Like most women I’ve spoken with, I imagine you’ve never once tried to end your dependence on diapers.” “Well,” said Kate, “there was that time in tenth grade. Vending machines were out, friends were out. It was the end of the school day, and I thought I could make it home in just a skirt. We’ve all been there, right?” “Did you make it?” “This may be TMI for cable television, but as I was walking home, I didn’t even feel it coming.” Kate laughed. “It went all down my legs. I can still remember the squishing sound my shoes made the rest of the way. When I got home, my little brother watched me flee to my room in a wet skirt. Since then, I’ve never been so careless.” Jane nodded. “Every woman has a story like that. The level of self-doubt I see is enormous. But consider how young boys potty-train. It takes time and effort, with no shortage of mishaps. What if the same were expected of young girls?” “Fun to imagine, isn’t it? In the meantime, is there any hope for the rest of us?” “Well, that’s where my research comes in. The goal, of course, is to get to these”—Jane held up the silk underwear again—“but we start with these.” In her other hand, she displayed a slightly thicker pair, almost like a woman’s diaper with no tapes. They vaguely resembled something a little boy might wear. “The techniques we use would sound familiar to anyone with a male toddler—for example, setting a timer to remind yourself to try peeing on the toilet.” “Wow,” said Kate. “Sounds really annoying and difficult. Had any success?” “Well,” said Jane, “the results are still preliminary. But I’m quite confident that if—” “—What do the results show?” Kate cut in. “Unfortunately, the grant agencies haven’t funded a long enough trial. A few subjects start to show progress, but then the funds run dry. It’s quite frustrating.” “Speaking of which, that’s all the time we have. Thank you for sharing your fascinating work, Miss Wolcott. To all the ladies out there, how would your life be different if you weren’t reliant on diapers? Share your thoughts on our website! Back to you, Bob.” “Thanks, Kate,” the balding man replied. “It’s fun to hear divergent views, isn’t it—no matter how far-fetched. So Kate, would you wear those—what should I call them, ‘panties’ maybe?” He smirked. “I’ll stick with diapers, thanks. I prefer my clothes to stay dry.” “And there you’ve heard it from our very own Kate Kovac! Good night, everyone!” ~ ~ Courtney sat staring at the screen. “Crap!” she muttered, noticing the time. Her boyfriend would be home at any minute, and she hated greeting him with her diaper this wet. She retreated to the bathroom to change. * * * An hour later, Courtney lay naked next to her lover, a broad smile across her face. A plastic lined towel beneath her protected the sheets and mattress. “That felt awesome, babe,” she sighed. “Could you hand me my diaper? Don’t worry, it’s dry.” “You mean this one?” Kyle dangled it just out of reach. “Hey, stop! Can I have it, please?” “Whoops!” He tossed it on the floor beside him. “You’re mean,” Courtney said with a pout. She reached across him to grab it. “Wait. What if you left it off for a bit?” A chill ran through her. “You serious?” “Like, how long do you think you could last?” “Without making a mess? I have no idea—it’s totally random.” He touched her arm gently. “Do you ever feel warning signs?” “Sometimes.” “Suppose you felt one right now. Think you could make it to the toilet?” The thought scared her. She gazed down longingly at the diaper on the floor. “Why are you asking, sweetheart?” “I’m curious.” “Um…honestly no, I don’t think I could.” He hugged her from behind, clutching her naked chest in his arms. “What does it feel like when you wet?” “Well, this is getting rather personal…” She glanced at her exposed crotch. “Are you sure you want me in your lap like this?” He pulled the towel up around her bottom, shielding himself and the bed—but not her legs—from a possible accident. “How’s that, better?” He brought his hand down close to her sex. “So what’s it feel like?” She considered the question. “A lot of times, like nothing. If it’s just a leak, I feel a bit of warmth in my diaper—that’s about it.” “You don’t feel when it starts to come out?” Courtney shook her head. “But if it’s a larger wetting, I do. A sudden pressure builds…and then releases.” As she spoke, something hard pressed against her back. “Oh my gosh, this is turning you on, isn’t it?” A lot of men had wetting fetishes, but she didn’t know that about Kyle. He seemed embarrassed, so she turned the conversation in a new direction. “What’s it feel like for you?” “Hmm, I guess like that pressure you describe, but building much more slowly. I hardly think about it until I know I have to go.” “How do you know?” Courtney asked with genuine curiosity. “It’s instinctual, I guess. As a girl, I’m sure it’s hard for you to understand.” He retrieved her diaper from the floor and held it up. “I like the lace details on this style,” he said. “Cute, right? Honey, I really need it back now. I’m getting nervous.” He smiled and placed it in her lap. Relief washed over her as she fastened it. She had not yet had an accident in bed with him, and she intended to keep it that way.
  4. I was inspired by the folks over in Incontinent-Desires. There's a rather industrious group there making stents for creating incontinence as opposed to using catheters. So I just extrapolated a bit, and added a little modern/slightly futuristic tech. I hope ye enjoy.
  5. Hello All! I was hoping others could relate with my issue and suggest a product that has been useful for them. Whenever I'm out and about (especially on long road trips) the urge to urinate hits and cannot wait. If I'm not mistaken it's called "urge incontinence" and usually wet myself before finding a restroom. I've tried all types of products. A thick diaper is too bulky to be discreet even under clothing. Where as, a product like Depends Pull Up style underwear is too thin and lacks absorbency. I thought about trying belted undergarments since they can be put on and off without removing pants. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to wear and where to buy? (I.E. Online or Stores) This goes beyond any diaper fetish and/or AB/DL lifestyle and has become a real medical condition. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You!
  6. Hello all; I'm a 28 year old, otherwise healthy male, and have been a DL for as long as I can remember, which is why I'm a member here. I'd like to take a sec to say this is a great and *wonderfully supportive communiuty, so I wanted to ask a bunch of questions as I'm sure others have experienced what I'm going through. I'm having some problems with IBS, which is a new-ish development for me. Over the past decade or so, I have had night time "poop attacks" as call them where I'm horribly crampy and pooping diarrhea like mad for upwards of an hour or two, generally in the wee hours of the morning. I had previously thought it was from eating something bad, since my (college) diet wasn't the best. I had brushed the once-a-month attacks off as poor diet. These were mostly limited to night time, however several occurrences did take place during day time. I have been out of school and in my professional career for a few years now, if it matters. Diet has been a lot better since then. It wasn't until a few months ago when I had a severe case of food toxicity poisoning that my symptoms went into overdrive. When I got sick, I had the worst gas, diarrhea, and cramp pain I've ever felt in my life. It was the most unbearable and unpleasant thing I've ever gone through. During the illness, I had almost no bowel control and had a few accidents. Fortunately, since I already have diapers in the house, and my SO was also poisoned and occupying the only toilet in the house, my fiancee suggested I protect myself at least. Now, whenever I have a flare-up, I'm always diapered to make sure I don't have a messing accident. I don't want to ruin any clothes or household stuff. I guess it's peace of mind as well as functional need, at this point. I have flare-ups during the day time now, which i never had before. The flare ups can last from my experiences, 1 to 3 days in length with varying degrees of symptoms. This has been ongoing for about 2 months now and I've finally mustered the courage to get myself checked out. I will be scheduling a meeting with a doctor to investigate the sudden change in my habits. I have heard, from reading, that IBS can be brought on post infection, IBS -PI I guess it's called, which has some halfway decent (50%) recovery rates. Being that I have had issues before hand, however, I am worried that symptoms might persist. Right now, I experience cramps, occasional nausea if I have bad cramps, bloating, excessive gas, diarrhea, constipation, and occasional fecal incontinence from sudden uncontrollable urges, or the leaking of diarrhea. I also feel like I have a constant need to defecate. I can sit on the toilet for half an hour with no results and still feel like I need to go so bad... but no relief. This can go on for a few hours to a few days, where I feel like I absolutely need protection, so I'm in a diaper the whole time. Mostly I experience a flip-flop between pretty severe diarrhea and constipation. I can literally feel my bowels spasming. In addition to the IBS symptoms I do feel an increased need to urinate frequently. Since I'm diapered, this is not a huge issue but I seem to have some urgency in urination. During my flare-ups I have a tendency to stay as relaxed as possible, which may be contributing to the urges. I have since overhauled my diet to things that are recommended for those with IBS. I eat much healthier now (out of sheer necessity, and try to be as cautions as possible about what I eat. I have also noticed that high levels of stress cause my symptoms to go into super-overdrive. We lost a pregnancy this past Thursday (my fiancee miscarried at 8 weeks) and the stress from taking care of the household while she is on prescribed bedrest, along with the associated stress has been a nightmare. This was the last straw, and I'm out to seek professional help. Stress is a huge trigger for me. I'm on day 4 with symptoms right now. (Please, I'm not mining for sympathy here, we're all in good shape, just filling you in). So I wanted to take a few moments to ask others who are suffering through this: How did you talk to your doctor about it? What questions should I be asking and how is a good way to begin a conversation? This is pretty embarrassing for me and I might have trouble discussing it with a stranger. What tests should I expect to go through, and how bad are they? Not really sure what to expect here, however I do hear (shudder) that colonoscopies are pretty routine as one of the tests. I'm quite nervous and scared of that in itself. Has anyone with IBS experienced any urinary urgency or incontinence? Is this common? When I'm feeling fine, I have no trouble retaining feces or urine, but when I'm in the middle of a flare up, I have to pee a lot, usually in small amounts. I've been relying on my diaper to help me there. I have a feeling it's associated with being crampy. Anyone else get that? During my discussion with my doctor, I would like to tell them that I am wearing protection and that it does provide me peace of mind regarding accidents. I haven't had a ton, but they have happened. How likely is it that I can get a doctor's note (or prescription) for diapers if I can justify needing them? Is there an easy/delicate way to approach this? Would a doctor be willing to do something like that if asked? I'm not about to try to abuse my health insurance (diapers are not covered anyway), or get a note simply just to be able to wear out of being a DL, but a note or script would be for work in case my employer happens to notice and/or question my needs. I would be worried about being found out at work and not being able to furnish "medical advice" to wear protection. It's more of a "cross the t's" situation if I find that I need to wear at work out of necessity. I have not discussed needing to wear protection with my boss, however she does know what I am going through and understands my current situation since one of her daughters also has severe IBS. Lastly, quick question for others with children. I have a daughter who is 18 mos old and is still in diapers herself. We are beginning potty training for her and hopefully she'll be potty trained soon. I want to know how others have talked with their kids about the difference between kids needing diapers and adults needing diapers due to illness. How do you talk to your child (if and/or when) they find out about needing to wear protection? I don't want to seem hypocritical or contradicting and have no plans to tell my child unless the time is right and they need to know or accidentally find out. What do other parents out there do in this situation? There isn't much advice out there from my reading. I really appreciate any answers and advice that anyone can give. I know it's a huge pile of questions, and I'm not expecting one person to answer them all, but perhaps others can give some insight as how to handle this in a discreet, dignified, and easy manner. Having to deal with intermittent fecal incontinence is not fun it's impacting my life since I don't want to leave the house, let alone move out of discomfort. Thanks for listening guys/gals, hope someone out there has some good suggestions for discussing this with others. I don't get here often but will be making an effort to check this post frequently and will do my best to respond.
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