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Sinopse: Em um mundo de híbridos peludos, Jane, que é uma híbrida de corça, se torna uma estudante de intercâmbio em um país estrangeiro e começa um estágio em um jardim botânico. Infelizmente, porém, sua chefe, uma híbrida de leoa chamada Catharina, aparentemente tinha muito contra sua mais nova funcionária, tratando-a mal e sempre a perseguindo. No entanto, aos poucos, Jane percebe que essa perseguição e parte desse tratamento resultaram em um rumo possessivo e maternal. E para piorar a situação, a descoberta de seus segredos a coloca em um caminho praticamente sem volta. Capítulo 1: Prólogo Bom, eu nunca quis ser assim. Mas nós não escolhemos nossos desejos interiores, certo? De qualquer forma, começou na infância, mais especificamente com... É um pouco constrangedor, mas o que não é constrangedor para nós, quando falamos sobre esse assunto? Eu gostava de palmadas. Testemunhar, na verdade. Uma parte de mim queria receber algumas, mas só de pensar nos meus pais fazendo isso comigo, eu automaticamente descartei. Não por causa da dor, mas por pura aversão a ser tecnicamente quem faz isso. No fundo, eu queria outra figura, uma maternal ou paterna. E eu nunca gostei da dor de outras pessoas ou fiquei feliz com isso, mas... No fundo, algo dentro de mim estava, hum... Animado? Não sexualmente falando. Não sei quando essa parte sexual de uma pessoa é ativada, mas nunca foi sexual, embora eu sentisse um certo formigamento perto da minha virilha, mas nunca tive vontade de me tocar ou algo assim. Com o tempo, comecei a gostar de histórias ou vídeos de palmadas simulando uma surra parental, fraternal ou de um professor, qualquer figura na hierarquia familiar ou posição que não envolva um parceiro romântico. Depois, descobri o termo spanker, que era o que eu sou: alguém com um desejo ou fetiche relacionado a surras. Alguns gostavam de assistir, outros gostavam de ser o disciplinador, havia aqueles que gostavam de apanhar também e outros que não lembro. Até que me deparei com um tópico sobre o porquê desse desejo poder ser ativado: o toque íntimo do disciplinador e do punido, além da atenção e de um certo "cuidado" por querer colocar aquela pessoa no suposto "caminho certo". Quando li "toque íntimo", eu já tinha me deparado com ABDL, mas não tinha me aprofundado muito nesse tópico nem tinha me concentrado muito nele. Mas o que o toque tem a ver com isso? Bem, eu sempre preferi ver e ler sobre palmadas no bumbum nu, como a mão do disciplinador despia o punido para envergonhá-lo e então tocava seu bumbum depois de começar a palmada. Certo, e o ABDL está relacionado a isso? O toque íntimo, a "posse" do corpo da pessoa e a remoção do seu pudor, não lhe lembra a troca de uma fralda? E então me aprofundei ainda mais no ABDL. Também me deparei com os termos Ageplay e Agere, consegui ver a diferença entre os dois e descartei Ageplay, adotando Agere. Deixar para trás as responsabilidades de adulta, retornar aos hábitos de infância e ser cuidada era um desejo que eu não tinha percebido que tinha até aquele momento. Fiquei surpreso por não ter percebido isso antes. Pois enquanto alguns amavam aniversários, outros não gostavam porque ficavam mais velhos e alguns até diziam que era "um ano a menos de vida". Pensei: "Mais um ano em que as pessoas vão parar de se importar e cuidar de mim." Afinal, durante a infância e a adolescência, você não é livre, você é dependente de alguém e as pessoas se importam com você. Mas e depois disso? Você tem que se defender sozinho nessa vida adulta assustadora. Outras coisas vieram de... Bem, gostar de constrangimento, claro, não com uma pessoa real, como ENF... E omorashi devido a ABDL. Scat era algo que eu não gostava, só relacionado a fraldas. Meu dicionário de desejos - digo desejos porque não os considero fetiches, embora eu me excite, mas nunca a ponto de querer fazer sexo ou me masturbar - cresceu. Mas nunca tentei procurar uma "mamãe" ou um "papai". Eu tentei usar fraldas. Minha menstruação sempre foi intensa, o que me fazia às vezes usar fraldas sem elas amarradas na cintura, mas em uma espécie de absorvente. Pensando que estavam completamente seguros, uma vez sentei na minha cama, tirei a calcinha e fiz xixi na fralda. Para meu espanto, vazou, mas felizmente - não sei como - não manchou minha cama, ou pelo menos minha mãe não mencionou. Minha mãe era outra história. Sempre fui desleixada, procrastinadora e preguiçosa. Muitas vezes eu tinha que ser lembrada de fazer coisas básicas como escovar os dentes ou tomar banho, e às vezes eu era forçada a fazê-las porque eu não queria. E quando se tratava de tarefas domésticas, ela nunca insistiu que eu a ajudasse, mas ela sempre me criticava sobre o estado do meu quarto e das roupas. Obviamente, o fato de ela não exigir mais de mim contribuiu para essas características das quais não me orgulho. E, obviamente, por isso, ela sempre acreditou que eu nunca alcançaria a independência, e ela era frequentemente superprotetora. Fiquei muito surpreso quando, depois de estudar muito e conseguir estudar biologia e botânica ao mesmo tempo, consegui uma bolsa para estudar na Holanda. No país onde eu morava, não era incomum que um adulto continuasse morando com os pais; eles geralmente só vão embora depois do casamento. E eu ainda morava com minha mãe - meus pais eram divorciados e eu não tinha um bom relacionamento com ele - então ela estava extremamente em negação sobre eu ir para outro país. Segundo ela, eu não sabia cuidar de mim e muito mais, mas eu era adulta e tinha a palavra final. Então, relutantemente, ela aceitou e tivemos uma despedida agridoce: uma boa oportunidade, mas eu estava deixando minha velha senhora com minha irmã mais velha. Mas é a vida, certo? Depois daquele incidente com as fraldas, só tive mais dois encontros com elas. Um encontro mais seguro: fraldas geriátricas, que roubei duas vezes da minha mãe, que tinha problemas de bexiga, mas, felizmente, ela conseguiu melhorar. Eu me senti culpada por usá-los, pois eram caros e ela os tinha ganhado da minha tia, mas minha mãe tinha muitos, então minha empolgação voltou rapidamente. Decidi ir ao banheiro, o trauma do vazamento me assombrava... Se eu fizesse bagunça no banheiro, seria mais fácil de limpar. Tentei ficar em pé, agachar e nada. Mesmo com a bexiga cheia, nada saiu. Então sentei no vaso sanitário e finalmente saiu. Não esvaziei tudo, com medo de transbordar, mas foi bom finalmente sentir o calor do recheio. Mas eu ainda estava frustrada por não conseguir usar a fralda sem ter que ir ao banheiro. A segunda vez, quando os problemas de bexiga da minha mãe retornaram, já fazia um tempo. E eu tinha começado um hábito nada saudável de encher minha bexiga com água e ler histórias ABDL com a bexiga cheia. Isso gradualmente me levou a não ter mais minha bexiga de aço e a conseguir segurá-la muito bem quando eu estava prestes a fazer xixi. Assim, tive alguns vazamentos na minha cueca, não a ponto de sujar minhas calças, mas a ponto de me deixar um pouco assustada. E com isso, mesmo em pé, ficou mais fácil ir ao banheiro, mas o medo persistente da primeira vez me fez sentar no vaso novamente e evacuar. Isso, claro, foi no meu país de origem. Quando cheguei na Holanda - ou Países Baixos, como é chamado agora - e tive que enfrentar a difícil adaptação, consegui uma pequena cabana - com a ajuda da bolsa - em uma vila perto do jardim botânico onde eu estava estudando e trabalhando. Então pesquisei em fóruns as melhores fraldas e pull-ups para pessoas como eu, e dicas sobre como trocá-las, e usei ambas com moderação. O estágio foi bom, a barreira da língua foi um obstáculo que consegui superar bem, visto que sou extremamente introvertida, tímida e antissocial, ou seja: se eu não falo e interajo com muitas pessoas, não tenho problemas. Às vezes também gosto de brincar comigo mesmo, dizendo que eu era como um bebê tentando aprender a falar minha língua pela primeira vez. Mas nem tudo eram flores, ironicamente para um botânico. Minha chefe, neta do atual administrador do jardim botânico, foi extremamente desagradável comigo. Sempre me supervisionando, me criticando, fazendo piadas incômodas e exigindo muito mais do que meu estágio exigia. Eu estava agora no herbário, analisando uma Belladonna, quando senti uma presença. Suspirei, pensando que era Wilhelmina, mas na verdade era Benjamin, outro estrangeiro que também ganhou uma bolsa de estudos como eu. Virei-me e sorri para ele, ainda tímida, mesmo sendo amigas. Quer dizer... Colegas, já que amigos é uma palavra forte, mas ele sempre tentou superar essa barreira e construir uma amizade comigo. Eu não tinha objeções, mas minha ansiedade social e transtorno bipolar diagnosticado me impediram. Meu humor era volátil e eu era péssimo em interagir com outras pessoas. "Ei Jane, que tal um filme depois do estágio?" Ele perguntou, se aproximando. "Bem... Eu... Hum... Talvez, e..." "Ela não pode." A frase foi dita, e nos voltamos para quem a disse. Catarina Ela se aproximou de nós com sua aura dominante, deixando Ben, o híbrido de urso marrom, desconfortável, tendo que dar passos para trás e ajustar sua postura. Eu apenas desviei o olhar... "Ela estará ocupada. Dei a ela um trabalho para pesquisar e isso levará muito tempo", ela disse. Mas era mentira! Ela não me deu nada. Benjamin assentiu e, com uma despedida cordial, saiu. As palavras saíram da minha boca antes que eu pudesse pensar duas vezes. "Você não me deu trabalho nenhum." Ela se aproximou lentamente, como uma leoa prestes a atacar sua presa. E era extremamente irônico, considerando que ela realmente é uma híbrida de leoa, com suas orelhas e cauda longas. Ela me cercou e minhas orelhas de corça abaixaram em um ato inconsciente de medo. Ela tinha cabelos loiros quase vermelhos, olhos verdes avelã e era alta... Talvez uns 1,70 m? Um rosto retangular, sobrancelhas bem definidas e uma estrutura corporal um pouco gordinha - adjetivo que não vejo como pejorativo - como a Monica Geller de "Friends" quando era adolescente, só que mais magra. E coincidentemente, ela parecia um pouco com a atriz que interpretava essa personagem, e uma mistura de outra atriz que era Sarah Paulson. Ela parou na minha frente e disse casualmente: "Eu sei o que faço. Ele tiraria vantagem de você, como todos os homens." Fiquei confuso. Desde quando ela se importa comigo? E o mais importante: o que ela tem a ver com isso? "Mas eu posso cuidar de mim mesma... E... E..." Eu queria dizer que essa era minha decisão, mas não conseguia falar. Me assustando um pouco, ela me levantou pela cintura e me colocou em cima da mesa. Por um momento, pensei que ela fosse me beijar, afinal, já vi cenas assim em filmes românticos. Mas ela não o fez. "Não. Você não sabe. Você é como uma criança, totalmente desleixada e desajeitada." Se ela não tivesse me comparado a uma criança, o que fez meu lado Agere gritar internamente, eu teria ficado extremamente ofendido, mesmo sabendo que tecnicamente ela tinha razão. "Eu sei o que estou fazendo. Eu sou seu chefe e digo não. Você não irá." "Sua posição na hierarquia não se estende além do estágio." Eu disse, reunindo coragem. E ela riu levemente. "Mas eu posso fazer da sua vida um inferno aqui dentro, está me ouvindo? Se você sair com ele ou com outros, eu vou saber." E então ela foi embora, me fazendo finalmente respirar melhor sem sentir aquela tensão. O pior é que ela estava certa... Ela saberia. Infelizmente, ela morava na mesma vila que eu, em uma cabana muito melhor que a minha, com um terceiro andar que ela usa para observar as estrelas tarde da noite. E se eu chegasse atrasado, ela saberia o que eu fiz, porque o caminho para minha casa passava pela casa dela. Deixei escapar um pouco de xixi da minha calcinha, que escondi bem bem. Ela parecia uma mãe repreendendo e estabelecendo regras para seu filho pequeno. Uma mãe. Ah, merda... Controle-se, Jane!
From the album: Shine
*giggles* Star is a rubbish Stalker -
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This will be a fairly short story, only a couple of parts and it will be TONS lighter than my other stories...at least I think so, I suppose you guys will be the ones to decide that. The concept is VERY loosely based on actual events and the title is straight up from this gif: In case anyone was wondering. Anyway, we have so much time and so little to do...strike that, reverse it. On with the story! One “Ending And Beginning” The music played softly in the background as she sat on her bed, hands folded on her lap as she looked down at them. She’d been trying to get the words to come out for the better part of five minutes now, and she knew that if she looked at him she’d be completely unable to say them altogether, so she focused on her hands, her slender fingers fidgeting and flitting over and between one another as her heart thumped in her chest. “Look, I know that whatever you have to tell me is bad, so just rip the band-aid and tell me already.” he said, his voice heavy with worry and concern for her. She breathed in deeply and exhaled sharply. “I cheated on you.” she blurted out. A song change accompanied the creak of the chair he was sitting on as he leaned back against it, his teeth running over his tongue as he started to speak but stopped as the gravity of the situation hit him. “When?” he asked numbly. She shook her head. “When I was on vacation with my family over the Summer.” she confessed. “My sister and I met some guys on the beach and-” she stopped, realizing that thinking about the event was exciting her and this wasn’t the time for that. “Why?” he asked, his voice quavering as though he were struggling not to cry. She wanted to look at him, to see if he were really about to cry, but kept looking at her hands as she shrugged. “I was away from you and someone else paid me attention the way you do.” she told him. He scoffed. “Attention?” he asked. “You fucked another guy behind my back because you weren’t getting attention from me while you were half a country away?!” his voice rose, the sadness from before abandoning his tone for outright anger. She wondered if he’d hit her, if maybe his anger would turn into forcefulness and dominance that would possibly give way to a bit of the roughness she’d found on the beach that night, her neck lightly bruised from the stranger choking her as he fucked her beneath the stars. “I’m not saying this is your fault or anything.” she told him. “You’re goddamned right this isn’t my fault!” he shouted, standing from his seat abruptly, the chair shooting backward into the wall behind with a loud thud. “We’re done.” he said. “I’m done with you.” he added as he went to the bedroom door and threw it open and stormed out of her house and out of her life. *****Several Years Later***** She scrolled through the photos and rolled her eyes. “Ooh, look at us, so happy.” she mockingly thought as she stopped on a picture of her ex and his new girlfriend at Disney World sharing a Mickey Mouse pretzel in front of the castle at the entrance of the park. Since they’d broken up she’d obsessed about him, her guilt over cheating on him making her believe that she could win him back in time if she could just show him what a mistake it was for them to be apart. She’d stalked his social media profiles and hated his new girlfriend from the moment she’d seen her. Maggie, the new girlfriend was, in her opinion, a stupid little girl that didn’t deserve to have such a wonderful boyfriend. She couldn’t see what the attraction was, Maggie was so short and slight where she was buxom and curvy, Maggie wore cute outfits that screamed “I’m a cute girl!” in bright colors where she was more subdued in her attire, leaning toward dark colors and things that painted her as an adult woman rather than a perpetual child. Even her hair was trying to represent her as a little girl, often in pigtails, the fiery red of it done up that way making her look like a little clown, where she would sometimes have her black hair in a loose ponytail but more often than not just let it drape over her shoulders in classic elegance. More pictures of the trip loaded as she scrolled, Maggie waving to him and the camera from her seat inside a Dumbo shaped ride cart, looking like an absolute idiot as she smiled widely. “Little bitch probably isn’t even tall enough to ride real rides.” she thought with a sadistic smirk. The next picture was Maggie with Winnie the Pooh, her happy smile and her denim shortalls making her look all the more like the overgrown child she appeared to desperately want to be. The last picture was him and Maggie on the tram, him taking a selfie of the two of them as she lay sleeping with his arm around her, hugging her to him. She stared at the picture, at the sleeping girl and his smile as he held her to him and she scoffed as her mind created a story to go along with the photo, one where Maggie had fallen asleep on the tram because she truly was nothing more than a little girl and had had such a big day in the park that she could barely keep her little eyes open for long enough to get on the tram back to the hotel. She imagined that he’d tried to wake her up when they’d arrived back at the hotel, but when she wouldn’t get up he’d simply picked her up and carried her, the mental image of her legs dangling sleepily behind him as she slept with her head on his shoulder, his strong hands supporting her denim clad bottom as they moved through the hotel. Her hand slipped down between her thighs as she imagined “bumping” into them as they got off the elevator, commenting to him how sweet he was to spend his vacation babysitting, hiding her smirk as little Maggie wet herself in her sleep, drenching his shirt with her accident. Her fantasy self had offered to help him clean up, leading him back to her room, which was right near the elevator, and he’d put aside his annoyance at Maggie’s accident to agree, following her into her room and dumping the brat onto the bed as she helped him strip his shirt off, kissing his neck softly and moving downward as she worked his belt and dropped his pants and boxers for him, smiling up at him from her new position in front of his growing hardness. The fantasy ended with him taking her from behind on the bed next to the pathetic little Maggie who had taken to sucking her thumb while she slept next to the adults. She pulled her wet fingers from between her thighs and slumped back in her chair with a contented sigh. “That was a weird little fantasy.” she thought absently as she wiped her hand clean with a nearby towel, looking at the picture of him and the sleeping Maggie on the tram. “But what if it wasn’t just a fantasy.” she wondered. Working for hours on her computer, she set up a rather ingenious trap for little Maggie, a message sent to her social media from a dummy account made to look authentic that, when opened, would give her a backdoor into the girl’s device, whether that was a computer or her phone, it didn’t really matter, she could do what she needed to with either. The account was made to look like a friend from school that wanted to reconnect, the kind of thing a little fool like Maggie wouldn’t think twice about opening up the moment she saw it, and by then her fate would be sealed. Later in the evening she got a notification that the message had been opened, first on the girl’s laptop and then on her phone, for some reason, giving her access to both without any issue. Waiting until the middle of the night, when she was sure Maggie would be asleep, she tapped into the girl’s computer and began setting everything up. She created a subfolder named “Nothing” within the “Program Files” folder inside the Windows folder to keep Maggie from accidentally stumbling on it and filled it with things she’d found when she searched for “Adult little girl”, finding it hard not to laugh when she saw pictures of grown women wearing little outfits not too dissimilar from Maggie’s chosen attire, some playing with toys on the floor, others sucking on pacifiers as they colored, but most with either visible diapers on beneath their clothes or naked save for a diaper or training panties. Further digging had sent her down a rabbit hole of stories about women being reduced to second infancy by their significant others, photos of grown women in highchairs and cribs drinking bottles with their thick diapers on full display. She made a bookmark folder on the girl’s browser with a chain of folders inside to make it look like it had been purposefully hidden by Maggie herself, and loaded it with the story and photo sites she’d found as well as several video sites that had shown her how not at all weird her earlier fantasy had been. With things set up, she turned off her computer and slipped into bed to fantasize about Maggie being discovered as the secret pervert she was by her boyfriend and, being the caring and compassionate man he was, he would devote himself to indulging the girl’s desires, turning her into a helpless baby and leaving him to be snatched up by his suddenly reappeared ex who would show him what a grown up woman could do for him. With a smile on her face and the milky afterglow of climax washing over her, she went to sleep eager to continue with her plan the following day. ********** The new day dawned with her sipping her coffee as she went to various sites related to Maggie’s newfound interests and began to build an online persona for the girl, who went by Baby Maggie, of course. She posted on a forum about how she wished her boyfriend would baby her, that she really wanted to wear thick diapers and have him take care of her like a good Daddy should. The onslaught of responses made her laugh, the sheer number of men offering to be her Daddy was actually surprising to her, and she took things a little further and did some roleplaying with a few of them just to make sure the evidence was good and damning. She tapped into the girl’s phone and set up a tracker so she could see where she was and made sure that there were videos saved in a hidden folder to illustrate that Baby Maggie wanted to be able to see these naughty things wherever she happened to be. With the groundwork laid, she stalked the girl’s social media and waited for an opening, like a romantic dinner with her boyfriend a few days later that she used the tracker to see the location of and arranged for a little run in with the happy couple to put herself back into his mind so that when everything started to fall into place she’d be fresh in his thoughts. She dressed up in her nicest dress, a lovely black number that made her ample cleavage impossible to ignore, and her heels that would leave her towering over the diminutive Maggie when they bumped into one another. She arranged for a date with some random guy she’d seen a few times, someone she could abandon without fear of argument, and waited for him to pick her up, linking her own phone with Maggie’s so she could mess with the girl while she was out. The restaurant was a classy place, too fancy for Maggie, she thought as she waited at the hostess station with her date, his hand groping her ass as he stood beside her. She remembered the last time she’d been with him, the secret trip to the restroom of the bar they were at, the way he’d forced her to her knees to service him as he gripped her throat, the smell of the restroom filling her nostrils as she took him into her mouth. She brushed the less than pleasant memory aside as the hostess grabbed their menus and led them through the restaurant, her phone showing that they were not far from the other couple, her looking around as they were seated bringing a smile to her face as she saw little Maggie in a sweet floral printed dress across the dining area, laughing at something her boyfriend had said and covering her mouth to be respectful to the other diners. When she saw him her heart skipped a beat. He was wearing a gray dress shirt with a deep purple tie, his beard trimmed short and his short afro perfectly formed to make him look so dapper and sexy, even more so when looking at his date. Maggie’s red hair was in a ponytail rather than her trademark pigtails, but her floral printed dress made her look like she was dressed for Easter egg hunting rather than a romantic meal with her boyfriend. She could see the girl’s legs swinging lazily beneath her chair, her chunky sandals abandoned on the floor bringing a smirk to her face. “What are you staring at?” her date asked as he turned to look where she was looking. She sighed and focused her attention on him. “Look, if you do something for me, I’ll make it well worth your while.” she told him, her own shoe slipping off as she stretched out her leg and touched her toes to the head of his manhood through his pants, feeling it stir and stiffen instantly. He swallowed hard. “What do you want?” he asked. ********** “I thought that was you!” she declared happily as she neared the other couple’s table with her date in tow. He looked up from his meal, his eyes going wide in surprise when he saw her. “Hey, Melanie!” he said in forced politeness. He cleared his throat, “Maggie, this is Melanie, we were friends in high school.” he told Maggie. “Melanie, this is my girlfriend, Maggie.” he said, finishing the introduction. Maggie smiled up at Melanie from her seat. “Nice to meet you, Melanie.” she chirped politely as she extended her arm to shake the girl’s hand. Melanie took the smaller girl’s hand in hers and shook it, marveling at just how petite the girl was in person. “It’s lovely to meet you too, Maggie!” she cooed in syrupy sweet mock sincerity. Her date cleared his throat. “Oh, where are my manners, this is Gabe, my boyfriend.” Melanie said as she released Maggie’s hand and gestured to her date. “Gabe, this is Derrick and Maggie.” she said. “Derrick and I dated in high school.” she added. Maggie looked to her boyfriend. “Dated, huh?” she asked. Derrick nodded. “That’s right, I’d forgotten that we’d actually dated.” he said. Melanie hid her anger at his attitude toward their relationship and turned back to Maggie. “We won’t take up anymore of your time, I just wanted to pop by and say hi to a familiar face.” she explained. They all said their polite goodbyes and Melanie and Gabe departed, her feeling good about the encounter and him looking forward to collecting on his reward for going along with whatever had just happened. ********** Using her access to Maggie’s computer, Melanie tapped into the girl’s bank account and checked out her spending and savings habits over the year, figuring out where she could set aside money to allow her to do some shopping for Baby Maggie. Creating a program that would siphon untraceable amounts of money into a holding space every time Maggie money was added to the girl’s account, she went to work creating wish lists on various sites for adorable diapers and baby clothes, using the girl’s shopping histories on clothing websites to ensure that she got the right sizes for everything. With her plans regarding Maggie up and running, she set her sights on Derrick, reaching out to him on his social media with a simple message, “Hey, Derrick, I wanted to just say that I hope I wasn’t intruding the other day when I ran into you, it just isn’t often that I bump into old friends at random and I guess I just wasn’t thinking. Maggie is really cute and I’m happy that you’re happy.”. She sent the message off and decided to take a break from her computer to think more about her eventual takeover of Derrick’s heart. She imagined Derrick coming home to find all the packages she’d ordered in Maggie’s name, setting them aside for her until she got home and then when she opened them up and found perfectly sized baby clothes and diapers, that she would swear up and down she hadn’t ordered despite all evidence to the contrary, Derrick would assume she was playing a game and insist that she put the items to good use. She imagined him messaging her and confiding in her everything that was going on with Maggie, inviting her over when she pretended not to believe him and then she’d arrive and see Baby Maggie on the floor in her bulky diaper and precious baby clothes and seduce him in front of her, the poor thing crying as she watched the last vestige of her adult life choose a real woman instead of a helpless little baby. The fantasy made her wonder absently if she herself wasn’t secretly into girls in diapers, at least from a domination and humiliation standpoint, but she banished the thought away as her phone alerted her that she’d received a message. “Mel, no worries, you weren’t intruding, it was good to see you again and with someone that makes you happy.” he’d written. She sent him a friend request after a few hours had gone by, just so she didn’t look too eager, and smiled when she got the notification that he’d accepted. “We’ll be together soon, my love.” she thought as she plugged in her phone for the night and slipped off to sleep thinking about all the fun she was going to have with poor, defenseless Maggie in the very near future. To Be Continued...