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  1. Sam is a small college student who enjoys the quiet life. Her roommate, Janet, has been determined to get Sam to let her hair down and come out to a party. Eventually Sam gives in whilst still being very nervous and second-guessing her choice. Whatever she was expecting as she left the house, it certainly isn't what she finds. --- This story has been available on my Patreon page for the last week and with a $5 a month pledge you can see all my updates a week before anyone else. For $10 a month you can get early access plus access to THIRTY stories that only my patrons get to see. If you are interested please consider giving my Patreon page a look https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Sam’s Punishment By Elfy Sam adjusted her backpack straps as she approached her dormitory after a long day of college. She had just got off the bus and had been having to endure the usual looks and comments that she faced nearly every day. She had already been exhausted by a long week on her Business Management course and she just wanted to get home. At just a little over three feet in height the twenty one-year-old Sam didn’t much look like her classmates. Spending a life commonly mistaken for someone much younger than she was had often been tiring for the young woman but college seemed to be a lot better for her than school had been. At school Sam had been teased and bullied and even when she wasn’t being made fun of she found it practically impossible to make friends with the judgmental teenagers. College was much better and the people were much nicer, Sam had even made some good friends especially amongst the others staying in her dormitory. Opening the door to the dormitory Sam smiled as she heard music coming from one of the bedrooms and the smell of someone’s dinner wafting out from the kitchen. She walked down the hallway to her bedroom and opened the door, everything in her room and in the communal areas of the dorm had been adjusted so a smaller person could use them. Sam loved having the independence of being able to do things such as cooking for herself without needing help reaching things. “Is that you, Sam?” Janet’s voice called from the kitchen as Sam dropped her backpack on her bed. Janet was a nice girl and the first friend Sam had made. She sometimes teased Sam about her height but it was just friendly banter and Sam had soon learnt to give as good as she got. She was tall, even for regular sized people, and was roughly twice the height of Sam. She was a bit rowdier than Sam and her bubble-gum pink hair and nose piercing screamed for attention. When the two of them walked down the road together they definitely got some strange looks. “Yeah, I just got in.” Sam called out as she took her shoes off. Sam was about to make her way out of her room when Janet appeared in her doorway with a smile. “How were your classes?” Janet asked as she leaned against the doorway. “Same as ever.” Sam replied, “Dull and boring. I’m just glad it’s Friday.” “I hear that.” Janet said with a chuckle. She lingered in the doorway as a silence fell between the two friends. “Can I help you with something?” Sam asked after a little bit. “Maybe…” Janet kicked her foot on the carpet, “I was wondering if you wanted to go out this evening?” This was a strange offer from Janet because she knew Sam was much more of a homely person. Janet liked to go out clubbing and going to parties whilst Sam stayed at home much more. It had seemed like Janet had made it her goal to get Sam to open up and go out more though, for months Sam was getting these offers and having to find excuses to refuse. Last week Sam had finally said she would consider it for this weekend. “I don’t know…” Sam said hesitantly, “There’s stuff on TV and I have coursework to do.” “You promised!” Janet said with a playful smile. “I did not!” Sam countered, “I said I’d think about it.” “And?” Janet asked. “I’m just not sure I’d enjoy myself at one of your parties.” Sam said honestly, “You know I’m not exactly a party animal.” Janet seemed to pause and consider things. She looked like she was just about to walk away when an idea struck her, she turned to face Sam again who kind of wished Janet would go. Sam liked Janet but she could be quite pushy about this stuff. “What about if I ease you into it?” Janet asked with her eyes lighting up. “In what way?” Sam asked curiously. “You don’t have to come out to the party tonight but I do have to see some friends beforehand. Maybe you could come with me? We would literally only be there ten minutes at the max.” Janet offered, “Meet some of my friends and then I’ll ask nothing else from you… This weekend at least.” Sam thought about it for a few seconds and looked out of the window. Maybe this would be a good compromise, she would get to have the quiet night at home that she wanted and it would get Janet off her back. She weighed up her options and then cautiously nodded her head. “Great!” Janet bounced on the spot, “Get ready. We go in five minutes.” “Five minutes!?” Sam exclaimed. She had expected to be home for at least an hour or so. “No time like the present.” Janet called over her shoulder as she turned away. Sam sighed as Janet bounced away. Sam walked up and closed her bedroom door before walking back into the middle of the room, she could already feel the nerves jangling in her tummy. Sam quickly got herself changed and although her shower was calling out to her she walked out into the hallway. As she walked towards Janet’s room she was nearly knocked over by the much taller girl rushing the other way. “Oh, sorry Sam!” Janet quickly said. “Don’t worry about it.” Sam replied rather bitterly, “It happens all the time.” “Are you ready?” Janet asked as she either missed or ignored Sam’s tone of voice. “I guess so.” Sam replied hesitantly. Janet hurriedly put her shoes on whilst Sam was much more hesitant. One of the biggest disadvantages of Sam’s stature was that she found it really hard to buy clothes. Whenever she went to the shops the only clothes that would fit her were in the children’s aisle and that was very galling for a grown woman. Even her shoes right now were Velcro rather than laces, it made her feel very self-conscious but at least the heels didn’t light up like her previous pair. The two women were soon in the car. Janet waited until they were in the college’s parking lot before asking the smaller woman to drive. Sam had protested but the more forceful personality of Janet meant that, as usual, she got her way. Sam’s car was one of the few adult conveniences she could use, it was specially adapted for someone with limited stature such as herself. “So… There’s something I haven’t told you.” Janet said once they were ten minutes from their dormitory and about halfway through the journey. “Here it comes…” Sam replied cynically. She had been worried that there would be a catch in this journey. “It’s nothing major.” Janet quickly said although the way she wouldn’t look at Sam made the tiny woman worry, “It’s just… This friend I’m seeing is… Tom.” “Janet!” Sam nearly slammed on the brakes there and then, “Now the truth comes out! You don’t want me to meet your friends, you just want me to drive you to get your drugs!” “Calm down!” Janet said loudly, “He is my friend, I wasn’t lying. It’ll be good to get you out of your comfort zone a little bit, bring you out of your shell. Besides, it’s just a little weed, nothing major.” “I’m turning around.” Sam said with a shake of her head. “Come on, Sam.” Janet whined, “Look, come with me for this and I promise I’ll never push for you to come out with me again.” Sam pulled up at a red light and wrapped her fingers against the steering wheel as she considered the options. She knew there was a risk involved but it had to be a minor one since Janet did this sort of thing all the time without any trouble. With a sigh Sam nodded her head and continued towards where Tom was staying. When the car finally pulled up Sam looked out the window sceptically. She had expected many things but not the large detached family home with a “Vacant” sign out front. It looked like a regular family home, a place like the one Sam hoped to one day own. “Are you sure this is the place?” Sam asked. “Yeah.” Janet said as she checked her phone for the address Tom had sent her, “Come on.” Sam watched Janet step out of the car and reluctantly followed a few seconds later. As she walked alongside her friend up the path she started hearing music, it wasn’t loud enough to make neighbours complain but it was certainly audible down the path. Sam could feel herself getting increasingly nervous, she knew Tom as a laidback kind of guy and, apart from the drugs, Sam really didn’t have a problem with him. She had never visited him before though and she was starting to worry about what she would find inside the house. Janet rang the doorbell and after a couple of seconds the music dies down a little. Sam couldn’t see through the frosted window higher up the door but she could hear footsteps coming closer. She looked up at Janet and saw a look of confusion on her face which did little to make Sam feel more confident. The door opened quite rapidly and the man that stood in front of the two women almost made Sam gasp. The man’s face seemed pierced in every available place, he was shirtless but his chest and arms were covered in tattoos. He was smoking and his eyes were only half-opened, he swayed slightly as he tried to focus his eyes on the guests. “Hello?” Janet eventually said when the guy remained silent. “Hey.” The guy said in a gruff voice. “Erm… Is Tom here?” Janet asked. “Tom? Oh, yeah… He’s in the living room. Come on in.” The guy stumbled backwards to make room. Sam looked at Janet with concern but when Janet started walking in she felt she had no choice but to follow. She stepped over the threshold and was surprised that the interior of the house seemed completely normal. The hallways were all painted white and very clean, the juxtaposition with the man who opened the door couldn’t have been more pronounced. “Woah… No kids.” The man said as he blocked Sam. “She’s not a kid.” Janet replied as she looked around at the closed doors, “It’s a long story. Genetic defect stuff. She’s the same age as me.” “If you say so.” The guy said with obvious doubt, “Everyone is through that door.” Janet pushed open the door and stood in the doorway with Sam next to her. They both froze like statues as they looked into the living room, it was as if a bomb had exploded. The room was a wreck with holes in the walls, the lights in the ceiling hanging down or missing, a table was snapped in half, it looked exactly like what it was which was a squat. Tom was sitting on a couch cushion that had been tossed on the floor but he was far from alone. Sam could see eight people in various states of lucidity lying around and she was horrified to see how much alcohol and drug paraphernalia was scattered across the floor and surfaces. Sam and Janet had been expecting a laid out situation with Tom but what they got was a visage of Hell filled with hard drugs. “Yo, Janet.” Tom slurred when he eventually noticed the visitors, “Who’s the dwarf?” “Tom! What the fuck!?” Janet snapped as she stepped into the room, “Who are these people?” “Friends.” Tom said with a shrug. “Tom, there are needles here and… My God, you do this stuff?” Janet looked as shocked as Sam was. Sam suddenly felt even less safe than before and regretted ever leaving her bedroom. She wanted to call Janet back to leave but she couldn’t get her attention. Sam looked over her shoulder and saw a man and a woman stumbling down the stairs whilst only half-dressed. There were more people in the kitchen where the music seemed to be coming from. “Geez, calm down, it’s just a bit of fun.” Tom said as he sat up. Sam noticed he still has a belt tied around his upper arm. “I had no id-” Janet suddenly stopped when something outside the window caught her attention. Sam saw it too, the briefest flash of a blue light. Someone moved the net curtain slightly and Sam saw police cars pulling up outside. “Were you followed here?” Tom suddenly asked as his face drained of colour. “Oh shit…” Janet whispered, “The cops!”
  2. Sam is a small and young woman who is finally being given some freedom by her over-protective mother. She is on her way to a job interview on a day like any other when she meets a strange woman on the bus. Before she even knows what's happening her whole life is turned upside down. --- This new story is being posted in instalments like all my other ones with patrons getting early access by one week. For $5 you can also enjoy my stories early and for $10 you can see early updates plus exclusive stories. There are other tiers and rewards available that you can find on my Patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- A big and special thank you to all my patrons who allow me to keep writing at the pace I do: DannyDazzler, Jerry J, Daniel O, Brandon M, Aaron D, C Dom, Jack O, Craig G, Anon, Dre, Kent J, Nick C, Brandon G, Jason S, P74_1986, Pat M, LuvsSissy, DreaR, J, Alex B, Malcolm E, Zachary F, Tommie M, Pete W, Tim, Bradley, Frank S, Scott S, Charlie S, John D, Pierre-David G, Daniel, Ak, M, Sophie S, Earnest B, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Txdiapered, Kim, Chris, Mike H, Kei, Dorian G, Persi S, Ceneroz, Jack C, S Miller, Carlota C, Kaiser S, Britnee L, Trenton M, Chris, Tim F, Chris B, WillNotWill, Orion F, John, Tom H, Sterling W, Ryan, Jens B, Thomas R S, Matthew S, Pierry L, Steven H, Findlay, Rob, James L, Tabbi, Bob S, Nathan, Joe, Calcal, Tomy, Jody, Keeno, Matthew S, Dain R, Kristoffer M B, Timothy A W, Jimmy A, Guilyn, Erik P, Shihouin10, Diapering Daddy, Miguel A, James B, Ben R, Lin J, Ben F --- Sam’s Fate By Elfy As Sam walked down the street towards the bus stop she noticed the looks she was getting from the random people she passed. This was no surprise to the seventeen-year-old who had been getting looks of curiosity for most of her life. It used to affect her a lot but she grew a thicker skin in her early teens, Sam didn’t blame people for staring and knew that if she was one of them that she would probably be curious as well. Sam had been born with an extremely rare genetic disorder that made her stand out among everyone else. Despite being perfectly proportioned, Sam measured at only thirty three inches tall. She wasn’t even three feet high which made her very noticeable among the general population. She was often mistaken for a small child which was very annoying to the independently minded teenager. It was the height of summer and it had taken months and months of convincing for Sam to get her mom to let her stay home. Sam’s mom worked a lot and often her job would keep her away from home for quite a long time, because her daughter was so small Sam’s mom often found it very difficult to leave her alone. Finally, at the age of seventeen, Sam had been able to convince her mom that she should be allowed some independence and even look for a summer job. Sam reached the bus stop a few minutes before the bus was due and there were only a few people around. Sam didn’t recognise most of them but there was one Hispanic lady that Sam seemed to see on the same bus each day. The woman nodded politely at Sam who smiled back. Sam leaned against the plastic backed shelter and tried to ignore the other people looking at her. Sam vaguely knew the woman’s name was Maria from a brief conversation they had a few months ago. Sam pulled out the newspaper ad she was carrying in her pocket. There was a very informal job opening at the mall as a part time shop assistant. It was the low hours and low wages but to Sam it represented a chance for freedom, a chance for some desperately sought after independence. It wasn’t easy for someone like Sam to get a job though. Her stature ruled her out of most manual work and others were simply put off by her tiny size. Being less than three feet tall certainly had a lot of disadvantages. “Looking for work?” A distinct accent broke the otherwise silent bus stop. It was Maria and she had taken the few steps to stand next to Sam “Oh, erm… Yeah.” Sam replied. She looked up briefly to smile at the woman but quickly turned back to the advert. “Cool.” Maria replied, “Looking to make some money?” “Sort of.” Sam replied. She placed the ad back in her pocket, “It’s more just a chance to get out of the house, you know?” “Of course!” Maria replied, “A young girl like yourself must really want some space.” “I’m seventeen.” Maria replied. She got mistaken for a young girl a lot. “Oh, I know.” Maria replied with a little laugh, “But that’s younger than me so you must be a young woman. I’m Maria by the way, I’ve seen you here before but I don’t think I introduced myself.” “Samantha.” Sam replied. She didn’t want to remind the woman that they had spoken some time before, “But everyone calls me Sam.” Sam smiled and laughed along with the Hispanic lady who continued the conversation and was actually quite funny, it made a change from the distant stares Sam was used to. Maria was easy to get along with and Sam enjoyed talking to her for the few minutes they had until the bus arrived. When the bus pulled up and the doors opened Sam saw that there was a new driver. She sighed because she knew that she would have to go through the embarrassing prospect of having to prove she wasn’t a child again. The bus drivers were wary about kids getting on the bus unaccompanied and that always caused a scene for Sam. Maria was the first on to the bus with Sam right behind. Maria pulled out her purse and greeted the bus driver in the same friendly way that she had spoken to Sam moments earlier. “One adult… And one junior.” Maria announced loudly as she indicated Sam. Sam was flabbergasted and quickly went to correct Maria but the driver seemed to accept what Maria had said and took her money. Sam was a little annoyed and embarrassed to be bought a junior ticket but she didn’t want to create a fuss, she was already getting looks from the crowded bus. Predictably, there was only one seat left on the bus and it was the one next to Maria who was still smiling serenely at Sam. “Have you thought about voluntary work?” Maria asked as Sam sat down. “I did but I’m not sure it’s my thing.” Sam replied. She adjusted herself rather uncomfortably since Maria seemed to be taking up a majority of the seat, “Do you think you could move up a bit?” “Volunteer work can often give you even more freedom than a paying job. Can often be a better fit for girls such as yourself.” Maria advised Sam as she ignored the younger girl’s request. “Yeah but…” Sam started. “I know the perfect place.” Maria continued, “If you just-” “I want a paying job.” Sam interrupted, “The independence is the main thing I want but the money would be good too.” “Understood.” Maria said with a warm smile, “Just thought a little girl like yourself would be perfect for the place I had in mind.” “I’m not a little girl.” Sam was trying to be patient but she had a real sore point for being made to feel smaller than she already was, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t refer to me as such. Like with the bus driver…” “Oh I’m sorry.” Maria replied, “I was just trying to save you a little money.” Sam wanted to say that she found Maria to be quite condescending at that moment but the bus moved away from the pavement and there was nowhere else for Sam to go, she didn’t want to make this more awkward than it already was. The bus was packed but Sam didn’t mind too much. There was so little room since so many were standing that Sam was pretty well hidden, she got less stares than normal. As the bus trundled around the city Sam just wished they would reach her stop. She didn’t really want any more conversation and she was nervous for her job interview. It was hard for her to stay calm with so much going on. Sam was getting increasingly annoyed as the bus moved around corners and Maria moved up the seat to push Sam closer to the edge. Every corner made the situation a little worse and it soon seemed like Sam was precariously perched on the edge of the seat whilst Maria had the whole seat. If it wasn’t for Sam’s shyness she would have asked Maria to move and give her more room. The problem for Sam was that she wasn’t keen on reigniting the conversation and getting more advice from the slightly older Hispanic woman. The bus took one particular corner at a high speed and everyone seemed to stumble a little bit. For Sam it meant that she almost completely fell of the seat that she only really was half sitting on to begin with. To stop herself from falling on to the dirty floor of the bus Sam quickly flung out one of her hands. Her small hand and tiny fingers wrapped around Maria’s arm to keep herself sitting on the chair. She looked up to Maria who smiled down at Sam. “Do you think you could move up a little?” Sam asked as she adjusted her feet to stay on the seat and releasing Maria’s arm. “Oh, do you not have enough room?” Maria asked. “Not really.” Sam answered as she tried to keep things friendly. She thought it was a stupid question though, it seemed obvious that Sam didn’t have enough room. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” Maria quickly said, “I just thought that because you are so small that you wouldn’t need too much space.” Sam was about to retort that her size had nothing to do with the lack of space that she was being given when she was very surprised to feel Maria’s hands reach over to grab her arms. “Hey, what!?” Sam gasped as she suddenly felt Maria lift her up. “I think this would be nice and comfortable for you.” Maria’s voice was high and happy. The kind of voice used to talk to infants and toddlers. “Get off!” Sam was trying to shake Maria off her but she was so small that she was easily manipulated physically, her little arms and legs were powerless against Maria. Maria was far from a giant herself but next to Sam she might as well have been the strongest woman alive. Sam felt her rear end hit solid ground again and she was almost in complete shock. She looked down and saw that she was now straddling Maria’s legs, her own small legs dangled in the air either side of Maria’s knees. Sam couldn’t believe this stranger had pulled her on to their lap like a toddler would sit. It was humiliating to be treated in such a way, Sam was an adult! “Isn’t this nice?” Maria asked but it was clear she didn’t expect an answer, “Nice and comfortable for both of us.” “Let go of me!” Sam hissed through her teeth. Her first instinct was to yell and scream but she didn’t want other people in the bus to see her in this embarrassing position. Her legs flailed as the bus moved, they were uselessly splayed either side of Maria’s lap. As the bus continued down the street Sam felt herself bouncing on Maria’s knees. She could hear the woman humming a happy little tune and she could feel herself blushing furiously as she continued to quietly ask to be let go. Maria seemed determined to ignore her at all costs. The Hispanic lady even pointed out some dogs that the bus passed as if trying to entertain a bored baby. Sam realised that Maria didn’t plan to let her go on her own initiative so she started trying to physically struggle a lot more. She would have to risk being seen in this predicament if she wanted to get out of it. Sam started straining with her arms and doing her best to break Maria’s grip on her. It seemed that Maria was ready for Sam to struggle as she quickly pulled a small blanket out of her bag and wrapped it around Sam. It was remarkable how quickly the lady moved and she expertly swaddled the smaller woman before Sam could even realise what was going on. “What are you doing!?” Sam couldn’t help but ask loudly now. Her embarrassment was being trumped by fear. Maria continued to hum happily as she smiled down at Sam. She tightly wrapped Sam in her arms as she held the small woman across her chest with Sam unable to see much except what was directly above her. Sam tried to move her arms and legs but the blanket was wrapped around her very tightly and she couldn’t move any limb to create space. She felt almost like an Egyptian mummy having been nearly completed covered in the blanket. This was too much for Sam and she realised she had to forget her worry about being embarrassed to get someone to help her out of this situation. Sam always hated asking for help but Maria had her trapped with no way to save herself. “Help! Someone get me out of this!” Sam started to yell but her high-pitched voice sounded like an infantile wail with panic distorting her words. For half a minute Sam yelled in anger and panic but nobody was coming to her aid. Sam couldn’t understand why no one was helping her but her anxious yells sounded just like loud infantile babble to the people around her. When Sam realised no one was coming she started crying. She tried to keep her emotions under control but this situation was getting out of hand and she was getting really scared. Unfortunately, the crying only made her yelling even more incomprehensible. “Someone shut that brat up!” Someone yelled from the back of the bus. There were murmurs of agreement from other passengers. Maria’s smile didn’t falter but she reached into her bag again and as Sam continued to cry loudly she pulled out a pacifier and quickly plugged Sam’s mouth with it. Sam was shocked again and although her first instinct was to spit they soother out Maria put her finger on the mouth guard to hold it in place. Sam’s eyes were wide open as the latex bulb of the binky filled her mouth. The other people on the bus thought she was just some bratty toddler having a tantrum! Sam thought this was insane. She had gone from looking forward to her first real chance at independence to swaddled in a blanket with a pacifier in her mouth. Sam even gave the binky a couple of sucks, she didn’t want to but it seemed to almost be an automatic thing, the dummy filled so much of her mouth that it was hard to ignore it. When the bus stopped and Maria stood up she realised that the Hispanic woman was about to carry her off the bus. Sam tried to wriggle free but found Maria’s arms holding her in place very effectively. Sam tried to make noise but the pacifier was muffling everything she was saying. Sam was suddenly blinded temporarily when Maria stepped off the bus and into the sun. The bundle of blankets that smothered Sam had slipped down a little and she could see around her but she still found Maria easily keeping the soother in her mouth. As Sam looked around she realised she was at the very mall that she had been trying to go to for her interview.
  3. Sam has recently turned eighteen-years-old and is soon to leave both school and the orphanage that has been her home since she was very little. Despite being an adult she suffered from a rare condition that meant she was very small. This was a constant source of anguish for her as she tried to life as close to a normal life as she could manage. Mark and Karen are staking out the orphanage. Looking for a little girl they feel they need to rescue. When they see Sam walking home confusion reigns and mistakes are made. --- This story has been available on my Patreon page for the last week and with a $5 a month pledge you can see all my updates a week before anyone else. For $10 a month you can get early access plus access to TWENTY-FIVE EXCLUSIVE stories that only my patrons get to see. If you are interested please consider giving my Patreon page a look https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- A New Life For Sam By Elfy Sam walked slowly down the street kicking a rock along the path in front of her. She was glad to be going home after another long day at school in which she had spent the whole time waiting to go home. School was difficult for any eighteen-year-old but it was even harder for Sam who suffered from a rare genetic disorder that meant she was only thirty inches tall. Sam was not disabled and if you tried to tell her she was it wouldn’t go well for you. She was short but that was all, she could do anything that any other person could do. She greatly resented people trying to help her even when it was to grab something she physically couldn’t reach. Sam was absolutely determined to be independent and not rely on anyone. This attitude to the world wasn’t easy to maintain when she constantly had to battle things that everyone else found easy. Reaching a door handle could be almost impossible without having to jump, she had to shop in the children’s section for clothes which was always embarrassing and infuriating. She made do with the least childish clothing she could find but she hated not being able to wear things like her classmates. Today she was wearing a pink shirt and white shorts as the hot sun beamed down, it was an admittedly childish outfit but it wasn’t like she had much choice. There were a thousand different things that people take for granted that was so much harder for Sam. Even holding pens and pencils was much more awkward due to her small size. She really did look like a toddler using a pen when she wrote stuff down. Sam struggled to make friends at school as well. All throughout her childhood she had been picked on due to her size and even now she struggled to make friends with her classmates who all towered over her. As Sam wandered towards home she felt the people around her looking in her direction. She had to walk through a park to get home and it could frequently be embarrassing for her since she was often the same size as the little kids running around. She had tried all sorts of things to look older but nothing had worked, she still got the same awkward looks as if other parents were wondering who was letting the little child walk around alone. She had her personal ID in her pocket ready to show to any well-meaning adult who assumed she was a lost little girl. Sam ignored the looks she was getting in surly silence as she adjusted her backpack and flicked her dyed brown hair out of her eyes. She’d been dying her hair brown for a while now because she felt like her blonde hair made her look younger than she was. When you were as short as she was anything to make you look a little older was much appreciated. “Hey! Watch it!” Sam yelled angrily as a young pre-teen boy nearly bowled her over as he ran down the path. “Sorry!” The boy yelled over his shoulder as he kept running, “Don’t tell your mommy!” “I don’t have a mommy…” Sam shouted angrily, “I’m eighteen!” With a deep breath to swallow her anger Sam continued walking past the playground full of children and parents. She always hated walking past this part of the park because it was a constant reminder of how short she was, having children running around who were the same height as her was always the worst thing to undermine her confidence. The worst times were when she was stopped by kids who asked her to play with them or by parents asking where Sam’s parents were. Every time was followed by an embarrassing attempt to explain her age but no one believed her until they saw her ID. At the exit to the park Sam saw another of the fixtures of her walk home. A three storey building rose out of the ground like a monolith. The large home was basically just a box with windows and a door. It wasn’t a place anyone liked to linger and the building was made even more foreboding by it being an orphanage. The whole place just gave off a creepy vibe that made most people avoid it, Sam felt bad for the kids who had to stay there but there was nothing she could do for them. As Sam walked in front of the large building and heard children playing in the front yard she suddenly became aware of someone behind her. She heard fast footsteps hurrying behind her that she assumed belonged to a jogger. She was just about to turn around to see who it was and get out of the way when she was interrupted by events. “H-Hey!” Sam shouted out as she suddenly felt something hit her on the back of the legs. Sam lost her balance and fell backwards. She expected to hit the floor but she landed in a soft seat which tilted backwards slightly instead, her legs lost contact with the floor as she flailed her arms and legs in confusion. A large car pulled up on the curb next to Sam with a screech of it’s tyres. She could only just see around what she was quickly realising was a stroller as a man climbed out of the driver’s seat. He ran around to the front of the stroller and looked around wildly. “Wait!” Sam tried to shout but her yells were muffled by a rag that was held over her mouth. There was a strong smell coming from the rag as Sam’s eyes went wide. “I’m sorry, baby.” The man said as he looked around in a panicky way, “This is for the best, you’ll see!” Sam reached out with her arms to try and force the man’s hand away from her face but her tiny limbs were no match for the man who easily overpowered her. Sam felt herself become weaker as she was forced to inhale whatever the rag was soaked in. “Come on!” The woman behind the stroller called out, “We need to get out of here!” “Just a minute…” The man replied with a low and gruff voice, “It’s OK, Abigail. This is all for you and you’ll thank us soon.” Sam felt the world falling away as blackness overcame her. Her arms and legs felt heavier until she could no longer lift them. Sam’s last thoughts were a confused jumble as it felt like someone turned the lights out on her brain. She just had time to briefly wonder who Abigail was as her head tipped forwards and she became unable to resist the sleep that was quickly overtaking her. --- One hour earlier… --- “Are you sure this is the place?” Mark asked as he looked through the binoculars at the orphanage. Mark had parked their black car slightly down the road from the orphanage that they had been looking at for the last week. They were just in front of the exit to the park where they could see through a gap in the fence. In a sandpit in the front yard Mark could see a young toddler facing away from him. She was in a pink shirt and white shorts with brown hair flowing down, she was playing in the sand alone and was the whole reason Mark and his wife had been staking out the orphanage. “I’m positive.” Karen replied as she bit her nails nervously. She looked down at the crumpled piece of paper in her hands, “St. Margaret’s Orphanage. This has to be the place.” “Alright, I think I see her.” Mark said. “Let me see.” Karen grabbed the binoculars from her husband and looked through them, “That’s her!” “Are you sure?” Mark asked. “Positive.” Karen said as she handed the binoculars back with a smile, “Let’s go!” “Hold on… Hold on…” Mark said as he put the binoculars down and looked at the steering wheel in front of him, “Are you sure we should do this? I mean we could get in a lot of trouble.” “Do you remember what Sally said just before she…” Karen started to say. “Honey, you don’t have to say it. I know what happened.” Mark put her arm around his wife. “The last thing she ever said to me was to look after Abigail.” Karen continued, “Her last words were to look after her daughter and I’m not going to let her down.” “I know, I know…” Mark said with a sigh, “It’s tragic but the official routes to adoption…” “Come on, Mark.” Karen interrupted her husband angrily and with tears in her eyes, “You saw the same paperwork I did. It could take a year or more to prove we are suitable parents and even then she might get sent to a different family. Who knows what could happen to that poor girl.” Mark nodded sadly as he raised his binoculars back to his eyes. He squinted and then bit his bottom lip as he looked at the sandpit and saw that it was now empty. He lowered the binoculars again. “She’s gone.” Mark said, “She’s not in the sandpit anymore.” “What!?” Karen snatched the binoculars and looked through them, “Shit!” “It’s OK.” Mark said quickly to calm his wife down, “Just wait. It’s a beautiful day, she’ll be outside again and then we can try to get her.” Mark lifted the binoculars back to his face as Karen looked at the backseat. She had the stroller with removable seat ready to go and they had gone over their plan a lot, they were as ready as they would ever be. It was imperative to Karen that they get Abigail away from the orphanage and back to a family that would love her. Her best friend since childhood, Sally, had been in a car crash which had ultimately killed her. She was already a single parent and when Karen raced to her side she used the last of her energy to tell Karen to look after her daughter. Sally had been in an orphanage as a young girl and had often spoken about how horrible it was, it was clear she didn’t want her daughter to end up in the same place. Karen had promised to look after Abigail and she was determined to fulfil her promise no matter what it took. After quite some time had passed when there was no further sign of the little girl Mark started to think it would be a good idea to leave. The car was very hot and they could only sit there for so long before someone noticed they were there. He looked at Karen who was still staring at the orphanage with determination. “Not yet.” Karen said without turning to her husband, “I know what you’re thinking and… Just not yet.” Mark silently nodded as he looked back out of his window. He didn’t know how long his wife was prepared to sit there for but he was starting to feel like they should go. They had already been there for quite a while but maybe they would look like they were just waiting to pick someone up from the nearby school. Minutes passed by in tension filled silence as the pair of them sat in the car with adrenaline filling their veins. They were waiting for the perfect opportunity no matter how long it took. Nearly a full hour passed since they parked up without Karen breaking eye contact with the orphanage. The only sound in the car was the radio that was playing very softly in the background. Mark thought back to when Karen had first suggested this desperate plot and his immediate reaction was that she had gone mad. One way or another she had been able to convert him to her way of thinking and now here they were preparing to do something drastic and illegal. The matter of illegality was the biggest thing to Mark and he had repeatedly told his wife that they could both go to prison for a long time if they did what she wanted. Karen had spent some time in the system being bumped from one foster home to another countered by saying no one really cared about where the children were. She pointed to her own experiences of bureaucratic incompetence whilst she was in the system and the news stories of children going missing. Besides, she had pointed out, this was a long way from home and if they could get little Abigail back home they wouldn’t be easy to find. Despite all this rationale the idea of kidnapping a child was still not one that was accepted easily by either Mark or Karen. In the end it had been their desperation to provide a better life for Abigail that had meant they were sat in the van whilst waiting for the perfect moment. Mark closed his eyes for a few minutes as his mind buzzed with a thousand different thoughts and emotions. “Wait!” Karen suddenly exclaimed as she grabbed the binoculars, “I… I think that’s her!” Mark quickly opened his eyes and squinted out of the window. He couldn’t see anyone at the orphanage and had no idea who his wife was talking about. He was about to ask what she was going on about until he saw that she wasn’t looking at the orphanage, she was looking to the exit of the park just the opposite side of the road to their car. “Her?” Mark said as he suddenly sat up, “But… But why was she in the park?” “I told you these places don’t care for the children.” Karen said quickly and breathlessly, “They just let them wonder wherever they like. Imagine letting a toddler go to the park by themselves like that, they could have been snatched by anyone!” Mark resisted the urge to point out the obvious irony in his wife’s comments as he gripped the steering wheel. His heart was beating so fast he thought he might explode. Was this the moment they had been waiting for? Were they really about to execute their plan? “I’m going to do it.” Karen said quietly and grimly, “Make sure you’re ready. We can’t afford to waste any time here.” “Are you sur-” Mark was cut off as the door slammed. Mark looked at the girl walking towards the orphanage again. The small girl certainly looked like Allison and seemed to be wearing the same clothes as the toddler girl but he wasn’t sure he believed the orphanage would just let young children wander around like his wife suggested. Were orphanages truly so incompetent that they let the children wander off of the property? When Mark saw Karen pushing the stroller they had brought with them across the road he took a deep breath and turned on the engine of the car. He pushed all doubts away into a little box at the back of his mind, Karen wouldn’t act on something like this unless she was sure that they were doing the right thing and that the girl walking in front of the orphanage was the correct girl. He was in no place to doubt his wife’s judgment, she knew what her friend’s daughter looked like a lot more than he did. Mark turned the radio off completely and watched intently as his wife closed in on their target. He put the car the car in gear and started slowly creeping forwards down the road towards where the action would be. The street was empty apart from the three of them, there really wouldn’t be another opportunity like this. The plan was executed with precision. As Karen walked the stroller right into the back of the girl’s legs he quickly came to a halt and jumped out of the car. He was sweating profusely and he seemed to be hypersensitive to the air around him as he ran to the stroller. He reached forwards and held a rag soaked in chemicals to induce sleep against the little girl. As Abigail’s eyes closed and her surprised struggling ceased they quickly walked back to the car acting as normal as they could. “Open the door!” Karen hissed urgently to her husband. Karen was in an almost panic-like state as she released the various clasps holding the seat to the frame of the stroller. She lifted it up and into the backseat of the car with the sleeping girl tilted over slightly. Mark and Karen went through their practiced pit stop routine and soon had the seat strapped into the car and the girl strapped into the seat. They closed the door and hurried to the front seats before driving away from the scene.
  4. From the album: Little Heavenly Pics

    My Cosplay as Serous Sam (Sissy Version) and I got my new cribs to sleep in :3
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