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Hey-lo, and welcome to another new story of mine (no, I have no shame in the use of this title). This is a dark spin on a babyfur story with real-world elements (with an evil member of Big Pharma being the Big Bad), so please pay attention to the content warnings on the tags. About critique, feel absolutely free to tell me what I'm doing wrong; in fact, I encourage it with all my heart! I want to publish this under my pseudo penname in books for AR/AB stuff, and in order to publish without mistakes and errors, I absolutely need to know what I've done wrong. If you can't find anything wrong, then tell me what you liked, please! These things make me a better writer. I'm not soft when it comes to critique, and I'll always listen to it. So, with all of that said, do enjoy~ - Chapter One: Jealousy, Rage, and a Gilded Cage - Archer Dove was furious. That…bitch had broken the heart of the wrong man! Charmaine Dryden, a.k.a., the bitch who broke his heart. A top FBI special agent along with him (with him holding seniority as a senior special agent), beautiful platinum-blonde hair in a bun, sky-blue eyes, a towering 6’5” without heels (he was still taller at 6’7”), huge hips, ass, and tits to match her size. He had asked her out. “Married to my job,” she said. “Not interested in dating,” she said. “I would like to remain friends only,” she said. Bullshit! No woman could resist his charm! Every single one of them fell for him the moment they saw him. But he didn’t want them. He wanted her. And she dismissed him. Rejected him. Publicly humiliated him. He was strong, masculine, handsome, a talented shot, amazing in the sheets, everything a woman could want! Why did she reject his advances? Was she threatened by him? Of course, in her twisted little mind, a supposed “independent woman” would be threatened by a strong man. The horror of having a man tell her what to do! Unlike that fucking cuck friend of hers, Veil. She probably fucking pegged him and took it up the ass from the higher-ups, probably a bit of both at the same time. Dove smirked through his anger. Speaking of pegs, he had a plan to destroy her foolish pride and knock her down a peg or two. He’d have her no matter what, one way or another. Humiliate her a bit, have her fail miserably at her assignment, get her fired. And he’d be there to save the day for her, and she’d respect his authority. All he had to do was get a fall guy, and Shadrach Veil fit perfectly, the nerdy little nobody, stuck playing his stupid D&D games on his computer on FBI business, while the real men fought on the front lines with their guns drawn. He hated everything about that fucking geek, from his oversized horn-rimmed glasses covering his mud-brown eyes and baggy clothes two sizes too big for a weaselly 5’3” frame (probably why he was a fucking cuckold), to his nasally voice and twice-broken nose, all the way to his long (to the length of feminine) brown hair and messy brown beard that could probably hide a bird’s nest in it. Yeah, he had absolutely no issues with throwing the blame on Veil with his plan. The computer expert had his…sordid little past that should’ve disqualified him from the FBI, anyway. Dove tried to get him fired once before, but failed. He would say publicly it wasn’t personal between them, but privately? It most certainly was. It had been simple to get Veil’s computer password; as a supervisory special agent in the FBI, Dove had that power and oversight. It had been done in such a way that nobody would even remember he asked. From there, it was simple to hack into the nerd’s computer while he was away on his hour-long self-defense classes that the FBI all but demanded he get after he had his ass saved by Charmaine for the third consecutive time in the field (what a pussy, having to get saved by a woman!), see where Charmaine was going, where she had gone undercover…and burn her. Dove smirked, his green eyes showing cruelty at his little game. Charmaine wanted to fuck with Big Pharma, the biggest pharmaceutical company out there: MVF, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Technically, the name was Belgian: Mensheid Voorop Farma, standing for “Humanity First Pharma”, but “MVF” simply rolled off the tongue easier for most Americans. It was worth multi-billions, which, to him, at least, was more money than anyone could ever know what to do with. They made new treatments for cancer, stem cell research, shit that got grants up the ass. She had gone undercover as a scientist, apparently had a big enough brain for it, and had somehow managed to worm her way into the middle rankings (probably by sleeping with someone). Why she did it didn’t concern him an iota and what they “supposedly” did concerned him even less; let the rest of the FBI deal with the embarrassment of trying to deal with the fallout from her and “Veil”. It had been a simple matter from there to call them - from Veil’s phone, of course; it had been no easy feat to steal it and have him think he lost it. The security guard, some woman with a Dutch name and South African dialect - he didn’t particularly recall or care - was quite intrigued by his description of Charmaine’s false identity down to its entirety. She got him talking to her boss, the CEO of the company, the founder, a shockingly young Belgian man by the name of Augustijn Van der Aart. From his voice, Van der Aart sounded like he was in his early forties. To be that young and rich…well, at least he wasn’t more handsome than Dove was. The CEO sounded very interested in his proof, seemed to believe him, but Dove refused payment. “Too easy to trace,” the FBI agent said. And the only payment he wanted was Charmaine getting what she deserved. And now, all that remained…was to wait. - Augustijn Van der Aart was not surprised to hear the news from the man named “Veil”; just the person he expected the news to be about. The founder of MVF had long since known that there was a mole somewhere fairly high in his organization; such was the case when one was into the things he was. He had not expected it to be the woman known as Catherine Darden. She was fairly high in sciences, and she had earned every bit of it. From everything he heard about her, this woman (whom he now knew to be Charmaine Dryden) seemed to be an ideal candidate to be promoted to the mid-levels: smart as a whip with a personality to match, an ideal aptitude for company work, driven - all things Van der Aart admired in a woman. However, he had no tolerance for moles (to him, they were not really much different than rats), no tolerance for the FBI being in his business - and thankfully, this FBI agent’s selfishness and pettiness (he could tell even from the phone that the man had probably been rejected by her, and to be honest, he could certainly see why; Veil seemed extraordinarily toxic.) gave him a perfect opportunity for his latest test run. Apparently, he had covered Dryden’s tracks from the FBI well. Nobody in the Bureau knew where she had gone specifically, just that she was deep undercover. He had looked up her familial records: both parents had died when she was young, an orphan without any siblings, not even a spouse. Perfect for his line of…specimens. Nobody to miss her, nobody who would give a shit if she disappeared. He had called up his chief security officer, Margaretha Roijakkers, and his head scientist, Deborah Leblanc, to his office to discuss the matter discreetly. His chief security officer was a white South African woman born in an upper-class family, a driven woman with a vicious cruel streak that unnerved even him…but she was undoubtedly, unquestionably loyal to him after he saved her from a very long imprisonment for mass murder and crimes against humanity in her home country, and for allowing her sadism to be unchecked and hidden from the law. His head scientist, a Belgian like himself, had made all of his dreams possible. She was driven, ambitious, and at the same time, cared less about the subjects than one would an ant they had stepped on. All the “volunteers” were mere statistics, mere stepping stones to her rise, and yet she was also loyal to him for giving her a job after science groups had spat on her…and because he indulged her perverted fantasies about her work - so long as she kept it to her work. He discussed things with both women, neither interrupting until he had finished discussing the situation. Then Roijakkers brushed a loose strand of short blonde hair out of eyes as blue as sapphires, yet dead like the many Black men she had murdered and buried. “So, how do you want to play this?” she asked. “I’ve looked at her file; she’s very quick with a gun and knife, and if we tip her off, we’re finished.” “Well, you stated it succinctly, Margarethe,” Van der Aart said, steepling his long fingers, his green eyes never leaving the desk of papers, his bald head gleaming in the light. “We can’t let her leave here, and we can’t tip her off. Deborah, is there room for another subject?” Leblanc’s blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she panted excitedly, her long blonde hair tickling her heaving chest. Roijakkers, for her part, looked annoyed at her colleague. “I could easily use another test subject!” the scientist said, her glasses askew. “And if the FBI finds out?” Roijakkers asked. “Then we’ve ruined our entire operation.” “The FBI doesn’t know she’s here at the moment,” he said calmly. “I expect Veil to turn on us again; if he’s turned on the FBI, he’ll turn on anyone. His cooperation is simple: to him, he wants her, and he thinks he can have her no matter what she thinks about him. But if we simply kill her or fire her, we risk having everything crumble. Making her disappear and paying off or blackmailing Veil? Definitely the best option - and our science works perfectly in that regard.” “I could have the formula ready by today!” Leblanc said. “Ooh, do give me the order, Sir, and I’ll have her in chains, ready for her dosage, oh, yes, I will!” “We’d have to keep her as a lab rat for the rest of her life, much like the others,” the South African said coldly, trying - and failing - to ignore her colleague all but orgasming out of ecstasy. “If she’s ever freed, she’ll talk, and people will listen.” Van der Aart smiled. It was not the warm, well-meaning smile that most were accustomed to seeing at work; the malice behind it was as deadly as a pit viper, unnerving even the psychopathic sadist that was his chief of security. “Then we see to it that she’s never able to talk again.” - Charmaine Dryden was preparing for another day at work undercover at MVF. The science team was nice for the most part (even if Dr. Leblanc was absolutely creepy as hell), work was fun and she was able to do it easily. Even the vast majority of security she saw was easygoing, even if the things the FBI had on the head of security painted her as the Devil in heels. She stretched her arms out, as sharply dressed as a scientist could be: lab coat, a white blouse, black slacks, and casual flats. Normally not her style (she wouldn’t be caught dead in a skirt, dress, or heels; that just wasn’t her), but that was okay. She was just eager to get the day started, especially with what she had seen yesterday after digging through MVF’s security camera files (with a huge amount of thanks to Shadrach for teaching her basic computer hacking skills). Many odd specimens, both human and animal. Small, probably children or around that age. It was very limited information, and she needed more info, needed to know what, exactly, she was dealing with, but what she did know was that the FBI - and Dove, in particular, much as she was extremely annoyed at his constant flirtation towards her - was right to send her on this mission: whatever MVF was doing couldn’t be good for humanity, as much as they proclaimed the origin of their own name to be. Then a voice blared on the intercom, obviously one of Van der Aart’s secretaries. “Can I request Miss Darden to the CEO’s office in terms of a promotion?” the pleasant feminine voice said. “Again, Miss Darden to the office of the CEO for a promotion.” The scientists crowded around Charmaine excitedly, some of them giving her fistbumps, others shaking her hand, and still others clapping her on the back, and for a moment, she truly regretted having to burn these men and women. Perhaps when this was all over, she’d try to convince the FBI to give them jobs somewhere - at least, those who were innocent of any crimes. She walked over to the elevator, feeling naked without a gun or knife on her. MVF had stringent policies about weapons, and even better detectors that could pick up the smallest trace of a weapon. If I need to, I can just get a weapon from a security guard? But they have no reason to suspect me, right? Nobody knows I’m FBI…right? Charmaine knew that it was a possibility that someone had caught her snooping around. A small possibility, but not too small to fully ignore; after all, mob families had given out promotions to lull targets into complacency before killing them. Just stick to the act. You are Catherine Darden, a normal scientist getting a promotion. Stick to the act, and you’ll be fine. She was used to acting; this was far from the first undercover mission she had undertaken. She was in the drama club in high school, and this wasn’t much different; all she had to do was get into character - and it was easy getting into character for this Michigan girl, born in Detroit’s tough streets (Fiskhorn, if one wanted to be specific), orphaned at a young age, doing everything to survive in the various foster homes. That was where Charmaine met Shadrach Veil. They had become inseparable, like siblings, even though they looked completely different and had different interests. They had both worked hard to become the people they were because nobody expected anything from them…and when she had been selected to the FBI (mainly because she was an expert sharpshooter in college marksmanship, but also because of her abilities as someone who could go into any role needed), she had insisted that they hire him as well, despite…his history. Charmaine was lost in thoughts as the elevator stopped at the top floor, the office of Augustijn Van der Aart. She opened the door nervously, seeing the man himself greet her with a warm smile. Then she felt the prick of something behind her neck and immediately collapsed, her muscles no longer supporting her, a whirlwind of nonsensical thoughts forming a cacophony in her brain before everything went completely black. - Hope y'all enjoyed~
kenk7us Undercover Babies Pt1 of Katy matthews. By Kenk7us
Emily Rose posted a topic in Completed Stories
I do not own this however i do want to share the lost Stories of Kenk7us with everyone after having a nice person give me all the files Undercover Babies ch1 Katy Matthews was hurrying to get home. She had stood around talking to long after her shift at the theatre. She did not want her grandmother angry with her, nor did she want another trip over Grandmothers lap. Katy thought how ridiculous that thought should be. The truth was her Grandmother did still spank her even though she was eighteen years old. Grandmother had always sort of babied her maybe it was because of her condition maybe not. Katy had Turners Syndrome a chromosomal problem. It affected different girls in different ways. In Katy's case her ovaries never develop causing her not to have breast or pubic hair. She would never have a period or children for that matter. Katy had quit growing at four ft five inches and weighed about sixty pounds. Katy was running now she had five minutes two do three blocks and climb three flights of stairs. With her short legs she would be lucky to make it. Katy used her key to unlock the door of the apartment and walked in. "Hi Grandma I am home" moments later Katy's Grandma a woman nearing sixty walked into the living room. " I see that Katy running a little late tonight were we?" Katy decided the truth was her best option "running my mouth with my coworkers is more like it Grandma I am sorry for being late I know you worry." Katy's Grandma walked over and picked Katy up in her Arms kissing her tenderly on the cheek. "Its ok sweetie your not that late, now are you hungry or thirsty would you like anything before you head to bed" Katy shook her head no and her Grandmother sat her down on the floor. With a pat on the butt "then off to bed with you Grandma will be in to say goodnight in just a little bit. Katy ran to the bedroom she shared with her Grandma. Katy slept in a small day bed while her Grandmother slept in a twin size bed. The apartment was very small just this tiny bedroom a small living room and kitchen and of course a bathroom. Katy stripped down to her cotton panties and paused just a moment to stare at herself in the mirror. Yep she thought still and eight year old. Katy had always had a great attitude about her condition. She was small and that was it Katy simply did not let it bug her. Katy brushed and flossed her teeth, then used the potty before stepping into her blue-footed pajamas and zipping them up. The pajama's like most of her clothes were purchased at a second hand store in the children's department. Katy hopped in to bed just as Grandma entered the room. "Did you say your prayers dear" Katy crawled back out of bed and kneeled down beside it. She then said her prayers out loud for Grandma to here the same way she had her entire life. Once back in bed Grandma tucked her in and told her to get some sleep. Then kissed her on the cheek goodnight Katy hated going to bed this early, but new it was necessary she had to be up again at four Am. Katy ran a newsstand three days a week from five am in till eleven. Then she worked three nights at the theatre selling tickets. Katy looked all the time for a better job. She wanted so much to help Grandma out and get a bigger place. Grandma worked at a local drugstore and had for fifteen years she was the assistant manager but the money was not all that. Katy new that she owed everything to Grandma her mom had died giving birth to Katy and her father Grandma's son consumed with grief just took off. Katy's dream was to go to school at the local community college. She wanted to get a degree in something related to her only talent Katy was and artist. She saved every dime she could get her hands on but it seemed something always came up. Grandma had just had surgery on her eyes Katy had given Grandma all her savings to keep them a float while she was out of work. Grandma fought her over taking her money but she really had no choice. Katy tossed and turned a bit; it was silly she thought there was no way in the world she would ever make it to college. Sure there were student loans but Grandma forbid it. She felt debt was going to be the destruction of America and would not let her Granddaughter be involved with it. But Katy could still dream and with that she drifted off to sleep. Undercover Babies ch2 Grandma got Katy up at four o'clock sharp. The small girl took a shower got dressed and ate some cereal then she kissed Grandma goodbye. Katy got thru her early morning rush between six and eight it always amazed her how many people just could not do without their morning paper. Most of Katy's customers were regulars and many even tipped well. When things settled down Katy asked Joe the old man that ran the shine stand next to her to watch her stand for a minute. Then she ran next door to grab a Danish and a coke. Hurrying back she settled in to the rest of her morning routine, reading want ads. Katy was on about her third paper when she spotted it. Wanted young girls between the ages of 18 and 21 must be less than four ft eight inches tall and extremely petite. The candidates selected will be trained for and exciting new career. Starting pay $60000 a year High School Diploma required. (This is not a porn add we assure you) please apply in person. Katy ripped the add from the paper and stared at it. She would need to take the bus into the city to apply. Going to the city was strictly against Grandma's rules. Then again how could she pass up this opportunity? Katy could not wait for her shift to end. Katy called Grandma and left a message on the machine. She told Grandma she was going to hang with her friend Abby after work, and that she would be home around five. The moment her shift was over Katy made her way to the nearest ATM and with drew One Hundred dollars. Something else she would have to explain to Grandma when her statement came in. She then walked the three blocks to the bus terminal and caught the next bus. Once in the city she hopped a cab and gave the driver the address on the ad. Ten minutes later she paid the driver and stood outside a large brick government building. Katy went inside and looked at the directory, she knew she needed room 318 and wanted to find out where she was going. Katy was shocked when she saw what the room was Federal Bureau of Investigation. Katy went to the room and was given and application by the receptionist. Katy filled it out and handed it back to her. Katy was about to leave when the receptionist asked that she take a seat. Ten minutes later Katy was sitting in and office being interview by a female agent named Joan Walters. First the agent just asked lots of questions, which Katy answered the best she could. Then the agent began to speak "Young lady I won't beat around the bush you are exactly what we are looking for, if you can pass the physical and physiological test you will join four other girls in the most intense training program you can imagine. You will be training to become and FBI agent and even more important and undercover agent. This can and will be very dangerous work. Do you think you are up to it?" Katy hesitated for a second just to gather her thoughts " let me think here a second, you want me to give up my boring dead end life for and exciting career in the FBI I have never in my life been more ready for anything. Agent Walters told Katy to report back to her office tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. She told Katy all she needed was the clothes on her back. Everything else would be taken care of. Katy wondered all the way back how she would explain all this to Grandma. Grandma was waiting at the door when Katy entered the apartment. "Young lady where in the hell have you been I called Abby?" Katy told Grandma the truth about the trip to the city the new job she told her everything but the dangerous part. She watched as Grandma became more and more upset. "Young lady you are not going anywhere but across my lap." She then grabbed Katy and pulled the struggling girl into position. Pulling her cotton panties down she spanked Katy harder than she ever had before. Even harder than the time she caught her smoking cigarettes. Katy did what any young girl in her position would she cried and screamed and begged promising never to disobey her Grandmother again. When it was over Grandma sent Katy straight to bed. Katy walked in the bedroom and quickly changed into her pajamas her butt felt like it was on fire. She was still sniffling she pulled the covers over her head how could I have thought I could have a future then she cried and cried until she fell asleep. Grandma did not leave for work the next morning till almost eight thirty, not before explaining to Katy that she was grounded for two weeks. Katy sat there scared and pissed she was watching TV around ten thirty when she heard a knock on the door. Katy was forbidden to answer the door when Grandma was not home but then again no one ever knocked on the door. Katy had just gotten off the phone with Grandma so she knew it could not be her. Katy got up and opened the door leaving the safety chain on Agent Walters was standing outside looking in. Katy quickly unhooked the chain and invited her in. "Young lady you missed our appointment this morning is this going to be a habit with you?" Katy looked at the agent and told her about how upset her Grandmother had been with her. She did not mention the spanking but did tell her that Grandma had forbid her from taking the job. "Katy dear do you have your birth certificate handy" Katy went and got it out of the drawer Grandma kept it in. She then handed it to the agent. "Katy reading this paper it till's me your over eighteen years old. Young lady you do need your Grandmothers permission to take this job." Katy knew what she was saying was true "Ma'am its complicated Grandma has always taken care of me she is all I have. She may never speak to me again if I do this. Even worse what happens if I fail. Where do I go then what if she won't take me back?" "Ok Katy this is Joan speaking not Agent Walters I want to talk to you girl to girl. My parents were not thrilled at all when I chose this career. I was already out of college and they still forbid me to do it. I had the exact same fears you do about failing. To tell you the truth if three of the five girls get through this training we will be surprised. "They are after all girls from all over the country. We know just about as much about them as we do about you. You're all small and extremely intelligent. But I will tell you one thing if you pass on this opportunity you will regret it the rest of your life." " Where in the world did you get the idea I am extremely intelligent?" laughed Katy " I was a B student in school nothing special. "Katy you have been measured to have a one forty IQ You also did extremely well on your SAT's considering your GPA. All though school your teachers made the same comments lacks focus and has a low attention span constantly off in a daydream world." "Katy where does becoming and FBI agent fit in to your dreams?" Katy new that very moment exactly what she needed to do? She packed a few things in her book bag then turned and faced Agent Walters. With tears in her eyes she smiled at Agent Walters "Let's go please before I change my mind. I think it's time Katy followed one of her dreams. Undercover Babies ch3 Katy's Grandmother was beside herself. She had called several times and receiving no answer had hurried home. She could see the signs where her Granddaughter had quickly packed. She called the FBI but they only gave her stock answers. They told her that she would receive a letter once a week from her Granddaughter during training. She would also be able to send one a week if she wanted. Resolved to the fact that she had lost her little girl. Katy's Grandmother just sat down and cried. Katy had been flown that very day to southern California. She spent the next two days undergoing every medical and psychological test know to modern medicine. Katy was terrified that she would fail and be sent home. She had no idea if her Grandmother would take her back. Then again if she did the spanking Katy was sure to get would not be pleasant either. Not to mention being grounded the rest of her life. Katy was thrilled when she passed all with flying colors. She was then taken to a hotel where she met the other four girls. Then they were herded on a large bus and driven to training camp. Katy spent the ride talking with Misha a Korean American about her size. Actually all the girls were about her size or one or two inches taller. Misha was very sweet and Katy and her became quick friends Katy wondered about the similarities between the girls. They were all small and very pretty. Actually the other girl's beauty made Katy feel like a dog. Nothing could have been farther from the truth but it was what she thought. Suddenly it dawned on Katy what in the world would the FBI want with them. She suddenly found herself giggling how could these little girls be FBI agents. She looked at the other girls and wondered if they were thinking the same thing. It was eight o'clock at night when they finally arrived at the camp. There was no other way to describe the place it was simply three buildings enclosed in a barbed wire fence. It even had armed guards at the gate. The girls were tired and hungry. They were told they would be fed as soon as Indoctrination was finished, then walked single file to one of the buildings. They would later learn that this was the building they would be using for a classroom. They each took a seat and waited to see what happened next. A tall red headed woman wearing a Doctor's lab coat walked to the front of the room. "Hello girls I am Dr. Veronica Ravenstone. Sense it was I that came up with the idea for this program; the bureau has put me in charge of your training. You girls can simply call me Dr. Ronnie. "You girls are about to embark on three months of the most extensive training you can imagine. We will put to the test your minds as well as your physical endurance. For the next three months you will be worked between ten and twelve hours a day. You will be trained exactly as all agents are trained. With classes in law enforcement, hand to hand combat and the use of firearms. You will also be trained in the latest detective and undercover techniques." All the girls were smiling for the first time they realized that they really were here to become FBI agents. "You may be wondering why you five were chosen for this training. You are to become part of a special unit within the bureau. The unit we call undercover babies. You are going to be trained to go undercover as little girls. We think that you will be able to go places unnoticed that no other agents in the bureau can. Part of your training the one I am most responsible for will be what I call regression training. While you are here although you will be trained as agents you will be treated as babies. After dinner tonight you will be diapered and gotten ready for bed. You will remain diapered and use them for their intents and purposes until the end of your training. When you screw up here you will be spanked just exactly like the little girls we intend to treat you like. This is a very important part of your training girls now if know one has any questions lets get you some dinner." No questions was this woman crazy or what. She did not really expect us to wear diapers much less use them did she. As they were being led out of the room Katy turned to speak. "Dr owwwwww" The woman closest to Katy had smacked her behind sharply twice "you had your chance for questions young lady now its dinner time. The girls were taken to the middle building. This was obviously there dorm and dining room. Sitting at one end of the room was five high chairs. They were each placed in a high chair by one of the two attendants. They were then bibbed and served a delicious meal and a glass of milk in a sippy cup. Katy studied the two attendants who had not even bothered to introduce them self's. Both were large women probably in there early thirties. Both were wearing their hair up and wore white all most nurse like dresses. Soon all the girls had finished there food except Carrie she had eaten everything but her green beans. "Now Carrie we need you to finish those beans then we can get all the babies bathed and put to bed." "Carrie trying to sound as adult as she could while sitting in a high chair. "Ma'am I hate beans and simply don't eat them thank you anyway." "Young lady here Mommy Karen expects you to clean your plate .If you don't then I will have to spank you and let you try again. That will continue till all the beans are gone." Carrie picked up her fork and ate her beans gagging a bit but she ate them. Before we new it Mommy Karen and Mommy Quinn had undressed us down to our birthday suits. They helped us put our personal things in some large bags and told us we would get them back when training was over. They then placed all five us in a large circular tub and began bathing I had never felt so humiliated in my life but soon it was over. Soon we were waiting our turn on the changing tables for our diapers. Once diapered and placed in nightshirts we were each placed in cribs with our names on it and given warm baby bottles of milk. I could not help but notice the crib was filled with stuffed animals and dolls. I sucked on my bottle and thought about where I was and why. I wondered about what the other girls were thinking. Then I slowly drifted off to sleep. Katy awoke the next morning too the sound of two of the girls crying. She stood up to see Mommy Karen carrying Misha to the changing table she was balling her eyes out. Mommy Quinn was lifting Carrie out of her crib she was also in tears. Lana and Josie the other two girls were standing in their cribs watching like Katy. That's when Katy noticed her diaper was soaked, how in the world did that happen she wondered. Katy then noticed Lana clutching her stomach and squatting down. Katy knew immediately she was filling her diaper and Carrie and Misha already had. To Katy's ever lasting horror she was next. Katy felt her stomach cramp and then contract and then filled her diaper almost past the breaking point. Katy started to cry while she was still pooping and notice Josie joining her. She had no doubt in her mind that they had all been given a pretty strong laxative. The girl's diapers were removed and they were rinsed off in a standing shower and once again placed in the circular tub. After their baths the Mommies diapered them and put them in matching t-shirts with their names on them. White socks and tennis shoes completed there training out fits. After a nice breakfast of hot cereal fruit and juice each girl was handed a bottle of milk and a book bag and taken to the classroom building. Once in their seats Dr Ronnie walked in. "Good morning girls I realize that you are all pretty angry at me. Yes we spiked your food last night with a strong laxative and a diuretic. We will continue to do this backing off the dosage until you lose control on your own. It is a necessary part of your training. It should be no problem to potty train yourselves once the training is complete. She then introduced the class to a tall male figure named Agent Johnson. He was in charge of their classroom training. "Girls because of the accelerated pace of this training program there is no time for studying, outside the classroom. You have to give us your complete attention at all time. We give regular pop quizzes and if you fail you will be immediately spanked. He then began teaching a class on federal laws. Thirty minutes later he gave his first pop quiz. Katy cringed as she watched Carrie crying her eyes out and Agent Johnson was pulling Lana a crossed his lap and her diaper down. They each received ten smacks on their bare behinds for flunking the quiz. They went two hours with Agent Johnson and were given three more quizzes. None of the girls missed another question. After the spankings he had everyone's complete attention. They were then taken to their physical fitness training, after stopping for a quick diaper change. There they met Agent Lee he was and Oriental man in perfect physical condition. He told the girls that failure was not and alternative in his class either. If you did not keep up and complete the exercises as instructed you will pay with your behinds. They started the class with a mile and a half run. The little girls all thought they were going to die by the time it was finished but they all did keep up and did finish. Then the real work began. For the next hour and a half he taught them how to do several different exercises. Each one was done in sets of tens. The girls all seemed to manage ok Katy thought she was doing ok but prayed they would do know more pushups she almost could not complete the last set. It seemed she lacked a bit in upper body strength. Agent Lee then told them that it was a pretty good job for the day lets do twenty pushups and call it a day. The other girls made it ok but Katy failed to get back up for number eighteen. Katy hated it as Agent Lee pulled her across his lap and pulled her diaper down. First off her diaper was wet and second she knew all about spankings. Never the less she felt ten sharp smacks on her butt and began to cry. The girls were changed then given a nice lunch of fish pasta salad and broccoli, with chocolate pudding for desert. As soon as they were done they were put in their cribs given a bottle and told to take a nap. After their nap they had another class with Agent Johnson then hand-to-hand training with Agent Lee. Each of the girls got at least two more spankings before dinnertime. Then they were taken to regression training with Dr. Ronnie. They were taken to the building they had not been in before. It was like a child's dream day care. It was full of toys and things to climb and jump on. It had swing sets and a trampoline even a kiddie's pool for the girls to play in. Dr Ronnie spoke to them before they got started " my babies I am very proud of how you have done your first day. Now this is playtime, and I expect you to play and have fun. This is the only time of the day you girls are allowed to talk and get to know each other. The only condition is you talk in baby talk at all times. Now have fun girls." Katy looked around and found Misha. "Hi Misha what you want to pway on." Misha was glad Katy messed up the word play as she could see the Mommies Karen and Quinn lurking about. Misha was dead tired. "Lets go pway with the pretty dowwies." It seemed all the girls chose quite things to do for playtime. Lana was playing with a hand held video game. Carrie and Josie were playing with some racecars on the racetrack. They played quietly for and hour and a half and must have done ok cause none of them were spanked. After their baths and night diapers Katy lay in the crib nursing her bottle. She wondered if the other girls were thinking the same thing she was. Simply calling it quits and going home. The next morning Josie requested to see Dr Ronnie. She returned to the group about a half hour later rubbing her butt and she had obviously been crying. That night at playtime Katy and the other girls found out what happened. It seemed Josie had indeed tried to quit, and had been given twenty across her butt with a paddle. It seemed quitting was another option they were not allowed. Over the next two weeks the girls worked harder and harder. They had made a secret vow to each other to finish this training and become the best agents they could. They looked forward to getting even by reporting Agent Ronnie to the bureau. What started out, as a vow to get Dr Ronnie was the best thing that could happen to the girls? They somehow became very competitive. Not that it was not friendly the girls had all grown to love each other and considered themselves a team. As they entered there last week of training they had even started to love and respect their Mommies and their instructors. They did so well they were seldom spanked or disciplined for that matter. Katy was only concerned about two things. One she knew that Dr Ronnie had long since quit spiking their food. She knew when she needed a bowel movement and was certain she could control that. Every time she did it she was still totally embarrassed. Her bladder control was a whole different thing. Half the time she wet without even knowing it. At least until she realized her diaper was soaked. The second thing that bothered her was she had not heard a word from Grandma. She feared that when she did get out of here she had no home to go too. The girls were given the last few days of training to prepare for finals. They were allowed to talk normally and work together as much as they wanted. The girls worked out their own study and training schedule. They worked hard together on their weakness'. The Mommies were of course around to see that they behaved themselves. Agent Johnson and Agent Lee were there to help anyway they could. But never the less the girls were now training themselves Dr. Ronny could not have been more thrilled. The final written exam was the exact same one the regular agents took. Each of the girls scored in the upper ninety percentile. Yet they had less than half the time to learn this stuff regular agents had. The girls had been trained in judo karate and good old fashion street fighting. For the final exam they fought round robin matches against each other. It seemed no girl could really get and upper hand. Agent Lee called it a draw and gave them all and A. They were then tested on semi automatic rifles and handguns. Katy turned out to be the best marksman, but it was close between her Misha and Josie. Finally they had to take the first test they had never tried before. They had ten minutes to complete a one-mile obstacle course. It includes pipes to crawl under walls to scale on knotted ropes actual water to swing over. A large tree to climb followed by a rope swing to the finish line. Katy reached the top of the tree exhausted she had never pushed herself so hard before. She new she was ahead of the other girls. She grabbed one of the ropes secured herself to it and screamed " Graduation time girls" then she pushed off the limb and swung the eighty feet to the ground. Agent Lee caught her as she hit the ground running, and hugged her neck, as agent Johnson called out her time six minutes and forty-five seconds. The four other girls all finished in less than eight minutes. As the girls walked back towards the camp Johnson and Lee stood with amazed looks on their faces. They had set up this obstacle course and both men had run it. They both knew that their times were comparable to the girls maybe a bit faster. Neither of them had come close to Katy's time. That night the girls were bathed and dressed in party dresses. They had dinner at a large dining table with Agent Lee and Johnson Dr. Ronnie and their Mommies Karen and Quinn. After dinner they were introduced to a gray haired agent named Dawson Nobles. He was the top assistant to the head of the bureau. They all took their seats as he made his speech. "You young ladies have far exceeded every expectation the bureau had for this program. Frankly I had it doomed for failure. I have never been more pleased to be wrong. Veronica you the agents and the Mommies have done and outstanding job. But in the end you girls made the difference. I don't know what your driving force was but I am proud to welcome five new outstanding young agents to the FBI. He then called the girls up to him one at a time. He handed them their diploma's their badges and their guns. Katy was the one he called last. Now for the most outstanding student of the first undercover babies class I give you Katy Matthews" He handed Katy her badge gun and diploma as her fellow classmates chanted" speech speech speech" Agent Nobles then turned to Katy and asked that she say a few words. Katy smiled at him then turned to her teachers and classmates. "Three months ago we girls came here not having and idea in the world what to expect. Let me tell you the first few days we did not like it much. We actually formed a pact of hate for Dr Ronnie. Vowing as a group to complete this course just so we could report her. That was our driving force. Today we talked a bit and realized she was the one person in the world that believed we could do this. So all we want to do now is dedicate this moment this very special moment to Dr Ronny the day her baby girls became FBI agents." Afterwards there were lots of hugs laughter and congratulations. The girls were given their assignments and two weeks vacation before they needed to report. They were also given first class plane tickets home and three months back pay. After taxes it was just over ten thousand dollars. The most money Katy had ever seen. The final present was a two-compartment travel suitcase on wheels .One of the compartments was filled with diapers and supplies. Katy thought how she might miss her crib as she packed her stuff up the next morning. She asked a Mommy if she might have her favorite stuffed animal and of course they gave it to her telling all the girls to take theirs. Katy and the other girls were given lovely business suits to wear on the airplanes and allowed to put some make up on. Katy thought how she looked pretty good in her suit and padded bra. They were each also given a hundred dollars cash for their trips. Ronny knew that there would not be time for them to cash their checks. Each girl had been given the opportunity to call home and tell their parents when to pick them up. Katy passed on her turn with the phone call. Katy sat back in her seat and thought about how much crying had gone on when the girls had to say goodbye. They of course had exchanged numbers except for Katy who told them she would get back to them when she got settled. As Katy's plane roared towards Chicago she wondered exactly how Grandma would deal with her. Katy could not believe her bad luck. She had been assigned to the Chicago office just twenty miles from her home in the suburbs. The seatbelt came on and reality hit Katy that she would soon be home. But not as soon as she had originally planned. Under Cover Babies ch6 Katy awoke the next morning in her hotel room. She popped her pacifier in her mouth and removed her diaper. Before doing anything else Katy decided to try a bowel movement she was more than just a bit happy when she was successful Katy then hopped in the shower after which she put on a fresh diaper to begin her day. Katy was slowly getting the hang of changing herself. Something she hoped would not be a long-term thing. Katy put her jeans on and a shirt thinking to herself she would need to get a jacket. It was March and still pretty cool in the windy city. Katy started to go over her plans. She needed and apartment and a complete new wardrobe. Katy was not sure if she had enough money but she still respected Grandma's rule against credit. She intended to go to the bank and open and account this very morning. She also intended to get a credit card for traveling. Katy promised herself she would pay the balance each and every month. Just then she heard a knock at her door. Katy wondered whom it could be the only people that knew where she was were the bureau. It was required that the bureau had a current address on all agents even when they were on vacation. Katy walked to the door and opened it thinking it was a bit early for house keeping. Katy jumped back when she saw who was there. Gulp "Hello Grandma" Katy then braced herself for a frontal assault like she had been trained. "Well child are you going to invite your Grandmother in or leave me standing in the hall. " oh yes please do come in." Grandma came in sat down in a chair then she began to speak to her Granddaughter. "Young lady I was not happy with your decision to join the bureau. Honestly I thought the whole thing was a big hoax. Then I was so proud of you when Dr. Ronnie called and said that you had completed the program at the top of your class.' "What I do not understand is why you did not come home when your training finished?" Katy thought long and hard about her answer. "Grandma how long have you been talking to Dr. Ronnie?" "Let's see child since about your second week. That's when I threatened to take what was going on to the press if they did not put me in contact with you. I found Ronnie to be a sweetheart and she told me all that was going on. We talked as often as twice a week." "But Grandma I wrote to you every week, yet I did not get one letter in response. I was not sure you ever wanted to see me again." "Katy you have always been such a silly girl. Grandma did not write you because Ronnie ask her not too. She wanted to keep you focused from the beginning she expected that you would be her best agent just to prove something to me.' Katy did not know what to think or what to say. "None of this excuses your behavior young lady, you ran away against my will then you did not come home to me when you were suppose too. Even after Dr Ronnie kept her promise and got you assigned to Chicago Now come here young lady.' Katy knew what was about to happen as she walked to her Grandmother some how she knew she deserved it. Grandmother unfastened her jeans and pulled them to her ankles. She then pulled Katy across her lap, and pulled her diaper down. The spanking that followed was by no means the worst one Katy had ever received from Grandma never the less it stung and after a while Katy began to cry. When Grandma finished she repositioned the diaper and pulled up Katy's jeans. She then pulled the small girl in to her arms. "Baby Grandma did not spank you for any of the things that you did. She spanked you for being stupid enough to think anything in the world could make Grandma stop loving you." They kissed and hugged for about ten minutes. Katy was sure in her mind that she deserved the spanking and being reunited with Grandma was worth it. Katy told Grandma she had planed to rent a two-bedroom apartment in the city then come and tell Grandma she was back. She also needed a new wardrobe. She then showed Grandma the check for her first three months work. Grandma stopped her "Honey I have already gotten us a new apartment about four blocks from here furnished and ready to go. You and I are going to split the rent and utilities. Across the street is a gym so you can keep up your training. I want you sharp it may save your life. Also the apartment is less than three blocks from the bureau office. When it warms up you can walk to work it will save money on cabs." Katy giggled "but what about your job Grandma?" Grandma smiled at her "Dr Ronny got me a job less than two blocks from the apartment, managing a brand new store its more money and five days a week nine to five thirty." Grandma then looked at Katy "we got lots to do little girl do you need a diaper change before we go?" Katy shook her head no even though she was a bit damp. Grandma handed her the Jacket she brought for her." Grab your things baby girl and lets get the heck out of here. Katy loved the new apartment it was wonderful. She was a bit disturbed to find a changing table in her room. The apartment was four rooms and two bathrooms and just about right down town. Once at the new apartment after Katy had a look around Grandma insisted on checking her diaper. During the middle of this much needed diaper change Katy decided it was as good a time as any to ask. "Grandma what are the rules now. Am I still just your little girl or do you consider me and adult now." Grandma thought about this before she spoke. She taped Katy's fresh diaper shut then she spoke" You are and adult and you are and FBI agent. But you will always be a little girl. I expect to know where you are and what you are doing. Of course I don't want you breaking any bureau rules. Most of all don't think for a second that I wont go after your hinny if I think you need it. You are now and always will be my little girl. Now lets go to the bank and get that check of yours deposited" Undercover Babies ch7 Over the next three days Katy's Grandmother tried potty training her. Katy was having no problem with her bowels but did not make it to the bathroom once to go pee pee. Katy was beginning to be concerned. She asked Grandma if she could call the other girls. Grandma told her she could call them anytime she wanted as long Katy could pay her own long distance bill. Katy called Misha first and they talked for thirty minutes. Misha sounded like she was having a wonderful time home on her visit. She was also doing great with her potty training down to about one accident a day. She had even had her first dry night the night before. Katy then called Lana and Josie finding them to be doing about as well as Misha with their training. Katy was distraught as she dialed the number to Carrie. Carrie was glad to hear from her and told Katy that she was already back in panties. She even joked that potty training had been much easier this time than when she was three. Katy hung up the phone in tears, and called Dr Ronnie. Dr Ronnie was thrilled to hear from her favorite student. At least until Katy told her why she had called. Dr Ronnie knew that Katy should not be having these problems retraining. Dr Ronnie told Katy not to worry and that she would call Katy back. Grandma, saw how upset Katy was and suggested she take a nap. When Katy argued Grandma insisted. Grandma diapered her and told her to get into bed. Katy did as she was told and hopped in the bed. Grandma left the room for a few minutes and returned with a baby bottle full of warm milk. "I don't want that Grandma I am not a baby." " No one said you were a baby so don't act like one this is just some warm milk to help you relax.' Katy took the bottle and began to nurse it. She new disobeying Grandma would be a foolish thing to do. Besides the milk tasted wonderful and soon put her fast asleep. Dr Ronnie called back and spoke with Grandma while Katy was sleeping. "Ruth something has to be wrong Katy should have been further along with her training. I want you to check her into Memorial Hospital tomorrow morning at seven am. I will meet you there. Make sure she has nothing to eat or drink after midnight tonight. Don't worry the bureau is picking up the bill. Grandma told Ronnie she would have her there, then hung up the phone. Now she had to figure out how to tell Katy without scaring her to death. Actually Katy took the news surprisingly well. "Good Grandma I need to find out what's going on. But the rest of the day she was very quiet. Katy for the first time realized that she may never potty train if something was indeed wrong. She also assumed it would be the end of her job on the bureau. The next morning Katy and Grandma took a cab to the hospital and checked into a private room. Katy wearing only a diaper and hospital gown was run all over the hospital the next two days for test. The hardest part of the test were of course the urine samples Katy had to sit naked in the room then when she started peeing run to a sterilized pot and then sit down. Katy found it absolutely the most embarrassing thing she had ever had happen. To make it worse she had to give them several of these samples. Finally it was over Dr Ronnie had come to Katy's room to give Grandma and her the results. Dr Ronnie sat on Katy's bed and looked her square in the eyes. "Sweetheart I don't have good news, it seems you developed a low grade infection that damaged your bladder permanently." Katy started to cry, first she was destined to never really grow up and now she would be in diapers the rest of her life. "Why Dr. Ronnie why what caused the infection?' Dr. Ronnie stared at the floor, took a deep breath and then answered Katy. " It seems you had and allergic reaction to the diuretics we gave you at the camp." Katy stared bullets at Dr. Ronnie, "your special training did this to me. What kind of Dr. .are you that you would do this to some one who's safety and care was your responsibility. Get out of my room you quack get Out Get Out Get Out" Katy screamed. Dr Ronnie said she was sorry and ran crying from the room. Grandma gave Katy a dirty look and followed her. "Stop Ronnie I am too old too chase you" Ronnie stopped dead in her tracks. Grandma took her in her arms and held her while she cried, When she finished crying Grandma asked the question that needed to be asked. "What were the odds of this allergic reaction taking place?" Ronnie still distraught told her that neither the hospital nor the drug manufacturer could find a case of it happening before. She also told her that the drug had been on the market for twenty years. Grandma hugged Ronnie again and they chatted for a moment. Then Ronnie went to take care of something. Grandma headed back to Katy. Katy was no longer crying, she was just staring at the wall. When Grandma reentered the room. "Young lady I have never been more disappointed in you in my life. I should take your diaper down right now and blister your behind. " "What me, she did this to me Grandma." Grandma grabbed Katy and shook her. "Katy you are the first case ever of this kind of reaction. Something about your body and that drug just did not work. Dr. Ronnie is not to blame." Katy started to cry again " but but its over Grandma all my dreams of being something are over. They wont let me be and FBI agent like this. It's all overrrrrrrrrr!!" Grandma took Katy in her arms and held her for thirty minutes. Finally Katy calmed down. "Grandma can we go home now? Please" Grandma changed Katy's diaper helped her dress then checked her out of the hospital and took her home. The next couple of days Katy moped around the house a lot sucking on her pacifier. She had tried to call Dr Ronnie a few times to apologize but could not find her anywhere. Grandma was at work the third day after Katy had checked out of the hospital. Katy wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a diaper was sucking her pacifier and watching Dawson's Creek rerun's on television. When she heard the doorbell ring. Not even thinking about how she was dressed Katy went to answer the door leaving the chain on of course like Grandma had taught her. Standing outside was Dr Ronnie. Katy quickly undid the chain and invited her in. "Dr Ronnie I have been trying to call you for days" Katy lisped thru her pacifier, realizing this she removed it and spoke again. "I am so sorry for the mean things I said in the hospital." Dr Ronnie put her hand over Katy's mouth and shushed her. "It's ok Katy you had every right to be angry. Now will you let me tell you my news? Katy grinned and nodded her head. "Well how about we do it while I change that wet diaper?" Katy blushed, as she had not even noticed Grandma usually came home at lunch and changed her it was eleven am now. Katy giggled and took Ronnie by the hand and led her to her bedroom. Ronnie helped Katy up on the changing table and began removing her diaper. Once she had begun cleaning her Ronnie began to speak. "I guess you know Hun that according to Bureau rules wearing a diaper would make you medically unfit to be and agent." Katy smiled as Ronnie slid a new diaper under her and began to powder her. " Yes Ma'am but again don't blame yourself because I don't blame you." Ronnie taped the diaper shut and sat Katy up on the table. "Well that very problem is the why you could not reach me the last few days. I made a little trip to FBI headquarters to see the Director. It took me three days to get into see him. He is a very busy man. Anyway I told him all about you and got him to sign a little piece of paper." Dr. Ronnie left Katy sitting on the changing table. Then walked into the living room to get something from her briefcase. Katy thought this was strange but just sat there and waited. Dr Ronnie came back in carrying a piece of paper, then handed it to Katy. Katy read it over then she began to cry elephant tears it was a medical waiver concerning Katy's urinary incontinence. Signed by Robert Mueller The Director of the FBI. "I iii Immm still and agent Dr. Ronnie?" Ronnie smiled and nodded her head "You never stopped being and agent Katy." Katy jumped from the table hugging Dr. Ronnie's neck. She ended up sitting on her hip. "Dr. Ronnie you are the best friend I have ever had I will never ever forget you did this for me." Ronnie carried Katy over and sat down on the bed with Katy still in her lap. She just held the girl while she had a nice cry. When she sat back from Ronnie's shoulder. Ronnie put her pacifier in her mouth and watched as the small girl sucked it. She thought to herself Katy was so much like a baby; yet at the same time a wonderful young woman. Ronnie knew that she was going to do a wonderful job as and agent for the FBI. "Katy why don't we call Ruth and see if it would be ok if I took you shopping. I think its time you got some new clothes. Agents are expected to look sharp at all times you know." Katy hopped off Ronnie's lap and ran to the phone. Katy had been working in the Chicago office for three months now. She got along with everyone in the office but still had no real defined job. She was more like the office mascot than a fellow agent. Robert Masters the division chief did not believe in the Under Cover baby program all though he was very fond of Katy. He had no intention what so ever of putting her in any danger. Katy was embarrassed when she found out that everyone in the office knew that she wore diapers. Katy often wondered how long it had been since she had actually changed her own diaper. At home Grandma took care of it and at work several female agents and secretaries did. They had even put a changing table in the ladies rest room just for Katy. Katy spent her day fetching coffee, filing and running errands. She was just now being taught how to do minor research for her fellow agents. She also was in charge of setting up the conference room for meetings and making sure they had plenty of coffee bottled water and doughnuts. Katy was disappointed that she was not and active agent. Actually Lana was the only one of the girls that had been. She had been used on a stake out. She even got to draw her gun but never used it. The rest of the girls spent there time doing the same things Katy did. Katy was happy though for the most part. Grandma had broke her credit rule and allowed Katy to buy Grandma and her a car. Katy took driving lessons every Saturday with a local agency. In a couple of more weeks she was scheduled to take the test. Katy had also purchased herself a computer and had security access to all FBI files. She loved reading about the old cases. Katy worked out hard across the street at the gym three mornings a week before work. Then two nights a week she was taking a Karate class. Katy thought that things could be worse. She had car money in the bank lots of nice clothes. She even had a shooting range she could use during work anytime she wanted. Katy practiced with her handgun at least and hour everyday. The truth was the instructor had told Katy she was the best shot in the agency. John Masters was angry, why could these idiots not understand. It simply was stupid and not safe to put Katy in this sort of danger. It seems the home office had gotten a tip that the Mafia was considering kid napping a senator's daughter. They intended to use her to convince the senator to give up on some anti crime legislation. John thought the whole idea to put Katy undercover, as the senator's daughter's roommate was just too dangerous. He had however at least gotten himself put in charge of this particular stake out. John was glad that there was only three weeks left in the school year. He then began putting together his team to back up Katy. Katy could not believe her ears as the chief laid out her assignment. Alyssa McKnight was already at the private girls school as a substitute teacher. Hector Gomez would take the place of one of the janitor's. There would be a van just off campus with four agents in it working twelve-hour shifts. "Katy your role in this is to keep your eyes open. I don't want any heroics from you. You see anything strange you tell the other agents understand?" Katy nodded "Yes Sir" "You are Katy Roberts you are ten years old. Your father works for American Brands as a top-level executive and just returned from and overseas assignment. The rest of your biography you have to memorize it. Details are what keeps agents alive." John Masters walked over and hugged Katy " baby girl you stay safe or I will tan your hide." That was nothing next to what he told the agents in charge of protecting her. Agent Natalie Power's posing as Katy's mother dropped her off at the school the next morning. It had been a two-hour drive and Katy had spent the time going over her notes. Which she would have to leave with Natalie when they got to the school? Katy was checked in and issued her school uniforms then taken to her room. The attendant used the changing table in the room to change Katy's diaper then dressed her in the school uniform and took her to her first class. After she was introduced to the fifth grade teacher. Katy took her seat and Miss Crumb resumed the classes spelling lesson. She gave the girls a word to spell and a young girl raised her hand. "Ok Abigail give it a try" "C o r r e s p o n d e n c e Correspondence now Ma'am could I please be changed please." " Yes dear but would someone like to try and spell the word correctly. How about you Katy ummmmm Katy we don't like calling on our girls twice here." Katy had been watching as Betty Miss Crumb's assistant had taken Abigail to the back of the room to the changing table. When Katy turned around Miss Crumb was standing in front of her desk. She grabbed Katy by the arm and pulled her to the front of the room. Miss Crumb sat down in a chair and pulled Katy across her lap. Katy's skirt was raised and her diaper exposed then pulled down baring her naked butt for all to see. " Young lady its never to soon to learn in this school students pay attention. She then smacked Katy's butt hard ten times. Katy tried hard not to cry but it hurt badly and she broke down. The next thing she knew she was standing in the corner her skirt pinned up and her diapers around her ankles. To make it worse Katy peed while standing in the corner. All the little girls giggled. Katy was totally humiliated but it got her out of the corner. She was taken to the changing table and put in a nice fresh diaper. Just as she returned to her seat the bell rang for lunch. Abigail walked up to Katy " sorry you got spanked your first day it happens to everyone sooner or later' Katy smiled " the spanking was not as bad as everyone finding out about my diapers." Abby laughed " five other girls in this class wear diapers and six more do at bedtime. Diapers are no big deal in this school. Come on now or we will be late for lunch today's piazza day." The next two weeks Katy got into the routine. Class with Ms Crumb the occasional visiting teacher to do art and music classes. The last hour of the day the girls had supervised play period. They played soccer softball or dodge ball mostly. They studied until dinnertime then had free time in the game room until eight thirty when they were bathed and diapered for the night. Katy spent a lot of time helping Abby with her studies sense the fifth grade work was not a real stretch for her. She paid so little attention to it she forgot her math assignment and found herself across Ms Crumbs lap again. They were in the mist of end of school exams with just three days till the assignment was over when the Mob made its hit. Alyssa and Hector along with everyone else were sound asleep. The agents in the Van were tired and scheduled for a shift change in just one hour. Exactly at three am there was and explosion blowing the van to smithereens. Katy and Abby set up in their beds only to realize strange men were standing next to them. "Ok which one of you little bitches is the senators daughter. Katy looked at Abby " don't tell him Katy tell him nothing please. Just then there mouths were covered with white clothes and the men carried and unconscious Katy out the window to a waiting helicopter. " Hello John this is Agent McKnight we just lost two agents and they got Katy". John Masters could not believe his ears. He calmed himself and then asked for a full report. Masters told his agents he would be there soon with a whole detail of investigators" don't let anyone touch a thing." He then called the office and told the agent on duty to call out the team and to inform the Washington office of what had happened. John knew it was brave of Katy to give herself up for the senator's daughter. But he was still more worried than he had ever been in his life. John then picked up the phone and called Veronica. He filled her in on what happened and how Katy had given herself up to save the senators daughter. "Well Ronnie what do you think of your undercover baby program now, when they find out they got the wrong girl she's dead." "Listen to me John you old son of a bitch. I know you never believed in this program. But Katy just proved it works the senator's daughter is safe. You put out a press release that they got the senator's daughter. Trust me when I tell you that Katy will never leave that role. She's too smart for that. I know you love that little girl just like I do, but there is one difference. I trust her I trust her as and FBI agent if you don't John you're the one that's going to get her killed." John thought for a second about what Ronnie was saying. It had always been a standing order to trust the agent in the field. After all it was usually the prisoner who tripped the perpetrators up. "John thanked Ronnie for the advice. Now I need to be going I've got and agent to rescue." "John I will meet you at the school. I know how my girl thinks maybe I can help?" Katy woke up lying in a bed in a dark room. Her head was hurting. This was probably a side effect of the either. Katy almost giggled when she heard the men outside arguing. "How was I to know that the Senators daughter wore diapers?" They went on to argue about who was going to change her. Then Katy heard a door slam one of the men was going to buy diapers and supplies. Katy then heard one of the men talking on the phone. "Yeah boss we got her, nah she's not hurt just sleeping off the either. Boss I think we can handle one little girl for a few days. No Sir I am not trying to get smart. Yes Sir she aint going no place. Ok boss we will wait for your instructions bye now. Katy thought to herself right now might be her best chance ever for escape. She only thought there was one man watching her. Katy could just kick the door in take him out and be off. Then Katy thought about her training. Never make a move until you know exactly how many adversaries you have and where they are. Katy thought there was only two but she had no idea if she was right. Katy decided the more baby like she acted the more off guard she could keep them. She then heard the other man return and tell his partner he had gotten the diapers. Katy lay there five more minutes then she started to cry. One of the men entered the room carrying the diaper supplies. Katy squirmed and kicked playfully the whole time the man changed her. Earning her a smack on the butt from him. Once she was fresh diapered Katy started crying for her pacifier and her teddy. She did not stop until a half hour later when the man came back with a pack of pacifiers and a brand new teddy bear. Then the idiot offered Katy her choice of some jars of baby food and later gave her a bottle of milk. Katy could tell these stooges were under strict orders to take could care of her. The baby food was nasty but it helped with her plan. Katy believed the more she acted like a baby the safer they would feel. Undercover Babies ch9 It was seven am in the morning John Master was in a very bad mood. He had been up all night arguing with the senator. The mob had promised the senator that if he did not kill his bill and resign his daughter would be dead by sun down. The problem was they did not have the senator's daughter. He had no intention of killing his bill or resigning. He intended to on TV at eleven o'clock that morning and simply tell the mob they snatched the wrong girl. He in his feeble mind reasoned the mob would just release Katy and it would be over. John Masters knew that by going on TV the senator was signing Katy's death warrant. John Masters was yelling at all his people they still had not come up with one clue where Katy was. John Masters had twenty-five years with the bureau he had never been this scared for another agent. He was not the only one that knew this was the big day. Katy had overheard her kidnappers talking saying the senator had until today to make his move. She had not yet cried for her morning diaper change. She heard the two men talking in the other room. "We have to move her today at noon." "Yeah but we still don't have anything to feed her this morning." Does that really matter?" You want to listen to her cry all morning?" "Ok ok I will go get her some food, I am kind of hungry myself." Katy heard the door slam then waited a few minutes. She then waited about five minutes then began her morning cry. Her captor entered the room and started unfastening her diaper. Katy new she would only have one chance at this and she better make it a good one. She had it all planned out in her mind. After he had cleaned her he lifted her legs to slide another diaper under her. That's when Katy made her move. She kicked him as hard as she could right on the end of his nose shattering it. She then leaped from the bed grabbed a lamp and busted it across his head. Seeing he was unconscious she quickly hog tied him with his own belt and gagged him with her dirty diaper. Katy searched him finding two guns on him. One was a nine millimeter the other was a thirty-eight snub nose. Katy quickly diapered herself and stuffed the extra two extra clips in the back of her diaper. Her last thought as she ran out the front door was stay low and expect the unexpected. Someone was just parking a car he was not wearing a mask but Katy was sure it was the other man. Just then Katy heard a gun shot and felt a sting in her shoulders. The third man Katy was not sure about was firing at her from across the parking lot. Katy popped up and put a nine-millimeter right between his eyes. The shot was over sixty feet. Katy then turned her attention to the other car. She blew out the two front tires then emptied her clip in the vehicle. Panicked the other gangster jumped out of the car and ran across the parking lot while Katy reloaded. She shot him first in the left leg, and he went down. Then got up and tried to run again Katy shot him in the right leg and he went down for good. Katy unarmed him and then ran to the motel office. The clerk was trying to explain what was happening to 911 seeing Katy in a diaper and carrying two guns he dropped the phone. Katy picked it up," where the hell am I" when the clerk did not answer Katy pointed her gun at him. He answered her then. "Listen Lady I am only going to say this once this is Agent Katy Matthews of the FBI I am at the Lake rd Motel outside of Galena Illinois. I have one man wounded and another injured. I am wounded and I got another man dead. I need help and I need it five minutes ago. " The lady told Katy to stay on the line and Katy could hear as she dispatched the ambulances and police cars. Then Katy spoke Lady I also need you to contact John Masters of the Chicago Bureau of the FBI and tell him where I am. The number is 555 88 99 I would do it myself but I think I am going to pass out now. Katy then collapsed. "The phone rang in John Masters office but he was on the other line still pleading with the senator not to go on TV. "Chief Masters office Dr Ravenstone speaking can I help you?" "Uh I guess I am a 911 operator in Galena Ill. A girl who had just been in a shoot out asked that I call she said she was one of your Agents a Katy Matthews" " You damn right she's and agent what hospital is she being taken too." The operator told her and then said she had to go and hung up. "John tell the senator to kiss your ass Katy is on her way to a hospital in Galena Ill." John hung up the phone immediately not even saying goodbye to the senator. Ten minutes later he and Ronnie were in a helicopter on the way to Galena. It was a forty-five minute ride the longest forty-five minutes of their life, Ronnie and John hit the ground running the moment the helicopter touched down on the hospital heliport. Once in the emergency room John pushed his way to the front of the reception desk. "Sir you need to wait your turn" "The hell with waiting my turn I am John Masters of the FBI and I want to know how my agent Katy Matthews is doing." A police officer pushed his way through the crowd and told John he would like to talk to him. Moments later the police officer took John and Ronnie into a private room. "I'm Chief Rogers of the Galena police department. The little girl excuse me your agent was wounded in the shoulder but she lost a great deal of blood. She has been in surgery for about and hour. That's all I know." He then told them the story as best he could put it together of her escape, and capture of the kidnappers. That little girl kicked the shit out of a man over six ft tall and two hundred pounds. Then killed the one that shot her and wounded the other one as he was taken away. Using marksmanship that's unheard of I might add with a side arm. When we got her to the hospital, she woke up for a moment. She asked if the man she shot was going to be all right and if anyone had contacted you. People are worried about me she said tell them I am going to be just fine." Chief Rodgers then took John and Ronnie to the surgical floor waiting room. John Masters paced the whole time it was at least and hour before the doctor, showed up. "Folks she may be little but that's the strongest little girl I have ever seen. We thought we lost her a couple of times. But I assure you she is going to be just fine. She is going to sleep for a while now probably a couple of days. I suspect you folks should get some rest too." John wanted to interview the kidnappers while it was fresh. Ronnie needed to call Ruth Katy's grandmother. John told Ronnie to send the copter for her. Then he went with Chief Rodgers. Three days passed before Katy came out of the coma. When she woke up three people were sitting in her room Dr Ronnie Chief Masters and Katy's Grandmother Katy was the first one too speak. "Hey gang did you miss me." Ronnie and Grandma hugged and kissed the girl, knowing now for the first time that she would indeed be ok. John Masters then made his way to the edge of the bed. Again Katy was the first one to speak. " Sorry about the heroics Chief I just could not let them take that little girl." The chief put his index finger to Katy's lips. " You listen to me Katy I told you that when I though of you as a little girl. A mistake I never intend to make again. Your and FBI agent the bravest one I have ever known, and I am so proud to have you as part of my office Agent Matthews." Tears flowed from Katy's cheek, but they were happy tears the same ones flowing from her crusty old Chiefs eyes. The two men Katy captured dropped big dimes on their bosses after making a deal with the FBI. Many big time Mobsters faced the rest of their life in prison. Once Katy was healthy enough she was flown to Washington and in a huge ceremony given the FBI's highest medal for bravery. The senator was even on hand to make a speech about what a wonderful and brave girl Katy was and how she saved Abigail's life. Then it was Katy's turn to speak she started out thanking everyone for coming and for the great honor she had received then she got down to the good stuff. "Honestly I don't like to think of what I did as anything special. I think I get way to much credit because of my size and my age. I was simply and agent doing her job. Let there be no doubt that I would do it again. As for you senator, Let me simply say I am glad I saved your daughters life. I am also glad that I did not leave mine in the hands of yours. Undercover Babies ch10 Katy was on medical leave for three months before she could even start therapy on her shoulder. She spent most of the time sitting on the living room floor sucking on a pacifier playing with some dolls and watching cartoons. She did talk on the phone some to Misha and the other girls. Because of what Katy had done they were all getting a chance to be real agents. Although none of them had been in shootouts like Katy. Grandma enjoyed babying Katy changing her diapers bathing her she even took her to the park several times. Then again she was worried about Katy, Grandma had no idea where the regressed state had come from. Had she enjoyed it so much when she was in training or what? Grandma only hoped it was Katy's way of coping with the down time and staying in contact with her childish side. Grandma knew that Katy's ability to convince people she was a child had already saved her life once. The next day Katy was examined by her Doctor and given permission to start therapy and training again. Suddenly several hours a day Katy was in adult mode. When she was asked to do and hours therapy she did two. Most of the time the therapist just tried to slow Katy down. She was also back in the gym working on her physical fitness, and once again taking karate lessons. Katy also went to the range twice a week. With in a month Katy was in better shape than she ever had been in her life. Her arm was at ninety five percent, which was stronger than the doctors had ever expected it too be. The range instructor told Katy she was the best handgun shot he had ever seen woman or man. Katy also earned her black belt. Katy had put away baby things while she trained Grandma had never seen such a transformation. That's when Katy made her announcement, Grandma I have medical clearance I return to work Monday. Katy was one of the first people in the office Monday morning she was dying to get back to work. Everyone was so glad to see the little office hero most of all Chief Masters he actually picked her up off the floor. Katy was no longer the office flunky that was sure. She was assigned to be Alyssa's partner. Then they were assigned a caseload to work on. It was mostly investigative stuff. They did track down a couple illegals suspected of criminal activities. Katy was thirsty for some action but then again she was and agent of special skills. Then and FBI memo flashed on her computer screen. A town in Ohio for some help had asked the FBI. Young girls had been kidnapped off the school grounds of six different schools in the area. All were elementary schools and the girls were between the ages of eight and ten. There were no ransom demands and no sign of any of the girls a total of ten were now missing. Katy picked up the phone and dialed Dr Ronnie she knew that Ronnie had just graduated her second class of undercover babies and even bigger class than Katy's. Katy figured there would be enough girls to put two undercover at each school. She figured if she convinced Dr Ronnie of her plan together they could convince Chief Masters. Ronnie loved the plan and told Katy she would fly into Chicago tomorrow morning and they could meet with the Chief together. "Don't worry Katy it's a wonderful idea and the Chief does not stand a chance against the two of us." The Chief listened carefully as Ronnie and Katy explained their plan. When they had finished he picked up the phone and called the director of the FBI Katy's plan was approved with some added provisions. The director of the FBI made this a big budget operation assigning ten agents to each school along with the undercover babies. Some were substitute teachers others were janitors. At two schools they were set up as painters redoing the school. At two others they were set up construction crews redoing a section of the playgrounds. Each undercover baby was assigned a mommy Katy naturally chose Alyssa the other girl assigned to her school was her good friend Misha Katy was placed in fourth grade in the small school and Misha in the third grade class. It seemed strange to Katy to once again be in a classroom talking like a nine year old. Plus the fact that she had to have a strange nurse at school change her diapers Actually the nurse was and FBI agent. Katy had suggested this so a real nurse would not see the thirty-eight snub nose she had strapped to her thigh. At the apartment the agency had rented Alyssa and Katy Alyssa took care of Katy's diaper changes actually she treated Katy like a baby. This came to a head when Alyssa spanked Katy because she did not want to go to bed one night. Katy was angry about the spanking for two days barely speaking to her pretend Mommy but after the spanking Katy did learn to mind. Katy was standing on the playground pretty much bored with this whole assignment when it happened. She saw a small girl from her class being drug toward a wooded area of the playground. Wanting to notify the other agents Katy grabbed her gun from under her dress and took off running as she did she fired a shot in the air. Every agent heard it and started running towards Katy. The man froze as he saw this small girl running towards him with a gun in her hand. He then grabbed a knife from his boot and was on his way to putting it to his captives throat. Katy never hesitated she took dead aim and blew his little toe plum off his foot. He screamed in agony dropped the knife and released the girl as he fell to the ground. He looked back up at Katy who had the gun in both hands and aimed it right between his eyes. "Your just a little girl who gave you a gun?" "Shut up I am going to kill you now you took my thister now you got to die. " Katy then cocked the hammer on the thirty-eight. "She's fine she's fine they are all locked in a shed at the old Cutler farm please don't shoot please don't shoot" The man then covered his eyes with his hands and began to cry. Katy looked at the other agents "did you get that gang, by the way stupid let me introduce myself I am Agent Katy Matthews of the FBI and your ass is busted. Thirty minutes later the all the agents in full swat gear raided the Cutler farmhouse. Arresting three more people, at the scene. Katy herself kicked the door in on the shed and rescued the girls. They were dirty scared and malnourished but none of them had been harmed or molested-. The girls were being so into a mid east slave ring it was all mobbed backed. For shorter sentences the goons that were captured on the scene agreed to testify. Eventually twenty mob king pins would get prison time over it. Then again Katy was in trouble. One of the senior agents at the scene reported that Katy had discharged her firearm in and unsafe manner. Endangering the girl she was trying to rescue, Katy was devastated by the charges. Undercover Babies ch11 Katy was devastated by the charges; to be honest she tried to quit the bureau on the spot. Chief Masters of course refused her but he did have to suspend her until her hearing, or until he got these stupid charges dropped. Katy just fell into a deep depression. She became like a helpless two year old. Grandma had no choice but to feed her bathe her and take care of her. Katy refused to take any phone calls or see any visitors. The Chief and Dr. Ronnie tried there very best to get the charges dropped. But it was sort of like hitting their heads against a brick wall. The bureau Director himself told the Chief the charges were bullshit. But once a charge like that was made it had to go to hearing. He also told the Chief that he would do all he could for the girl. Dr Ronnie talked to Ruth Katy's Grandmother on a regular basis. She was worried about Katy's mental state. If she did not come to the hearing clear headed and ready to fight for her badge she would surely loose it. Ruth herself was also worried, she considered Dr. Ronnie's suggestion that Katy be hospitalized but if that got out her career might even be in more jeopardy. Ruth finally decided to sit down and have a talk with Katy she had to snap the girl into reality. "Katy come here baby Grandma wants to talk to you." Katy walked to her Grandma and sat down on the floor in front of her, not saying a word. "Katy you know Grandma does not mind babying you sweetheart but lately it's out of control. I know you are upset about this hearing. But that's no excuse for the way you have been acting Grandma has decided it ends now." Katy looked up at her Grandmother angrier than she had ever been in her life. "That's just fine you turn on me too. Every God Damn body else did. I was the hero of that F____ing rescue and now the bureau wants to treat me like a f______ing criminal. Well F---k them and F—k you. I don't need them or their stupid badge anymore. I quit screw their stupid God Damn hearing" Katy got up to walk away, as Grandma grabbed her fully intending to tear up Katy's behind. Katy grabbed her Grandmothers thumb and bent it back using a disabling move she had learned in karate. The move brought Grandma to her knees. "Grandma you just said you did not want to baby me I then suggest you keep your hands off me then." Katy then turned and walked into her bedroom locking the door. Still angry and feeling sorry for herself Katy changed her diaper and got dressed in some jeans a sweatshirt and some tennis shoes. She then walked right out the front door not saying a word to her Grandmother where she was going or when she was coming back. Ruth spent the next three hours first crying then thinking and mostly worrying where did that little girl go. It was eleven thirty pm when the phone rang. "Mrs. Matthews this is City Hospital your granddaughter has been hurt. I assure you that she will be fine, she ask me to call so you would not worry" Ruth told the woman that she would be right there, then quickly dressed and headed to the hospital. When she passed the waiting room she saw Chief Masters talking to a police officer. "That's one hell of and agent you got their Sir. Three gang members were mugging and old lady. The lady said the girl simply said let her go boys or I will have to hurt you a bit. They then turned their attention to your agent. Two of them are here in this hospital with broken bones, the other one is in jail trust me he had the crap beat out of him too. She got cut during the scuffle but it was the only mark on her. From what the doctor told me if not for the loss of blood he would not have even hospitalized her. What kind of steroids are you feeding your agents this day that girls no bigger than my ten year old niece." Chief Masters just smiled " well officer with Katy it has nothing to do with muscles that little girl is just pure guts" Hearing some one laughing the Chief turned to see Ruth standing there. Chief Master took Ruth in his arms and hugged her "Our little girl is going to be just fine." Ruth then made it to her Grand Daughters room. Katy smiled at her as she entered. "Grandma I know I got a really good spanking coming, and I am sorry if I hurt you. I promise it will never happen again." Grandma hugged her gently "baby we are going to pretend tonight never happened right now I just want you to get some rest Grandma will be here when you wake up Grandma is going no where" she then bent and kissed the girl again. Chief Masters then walked in the door" Agent Matthews attacking those three hoodlums with out back up and unarmed was the stupidest thing any of my agents has ever done. It probably saved that old ladies life and I am as usual damn proud of you." The Chief then hugged her neck and kissed her on the cheek. "Chief when is my hearing going to be. I am finally ready to fight this cause its wrong. I fired my weapon to assure that girls safety not to endanger it. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I would do it again." The Chief told Katy the hearing was scheduled in two weeks. Then he told her not to worry about it." Katy right now I just want you to get some rest consider it and order. He then leaned and kissed Katy said goodnight and left the room. Katy then whispered something to her Grandma. Grandma smiled and left the room returning a few moments later with a baby bottle of warm milk. Katy nursed her bottle and drifted off to sleep. Two weeks later she was on the way to her hearing. Once the hearing was brought to order Agent David Potter the senior agent that had brought charges against Katy was asked to speak his peace. "First I want to state for the record that I think Agents Matthews actions on the day in question were indeed very heroic. But the situation was well in hand over ten agents were on there way to the scene, and would have arrived in moments. Even though in firing her weapon Agent Matthews did disarm the suspect. My question is simply what would have happened to the girl if she had missed?" Katy could not help herself she broke out laughing. The head of the hearing panel asked for order. Then asked the agent if he had anymore to say. The agent new his stance on this matter was not a popular one and he refrained from speaking further. He was already certain that Katy would lose the hearing and had already put in for his transfer to another office. In his mind he was just doing all he could to do away with the undercover baby program before one of these girls got hurt. After he stepped down Katy raised her hand and was told to speak. Sir I know there are a lot of other people here to speak for me and against me. Honestly I think if you let me testify next I can clear this up." Katy was given the opportunity and began to speak her piece. "Agent Potter has based his whole complaint against me on very point. What if Katy missed? Well I don't mean to brag but from fifteen feet Katy don't miss heck I could have made that shot ten out of ten times from twice that distance. If you don't believe me come to the pistol range and I will be glad to demonstrate. As much as it takes until everyone here is convinced." Agent Potter stood up again. "I suggest she show us her skill on the gauntlet range six shots at pop up targets. But all her targets will be a red dot the size of a toe" Chief Masters stood up "that's not fair if she had hit him anywhere in the foot the results would have been the same " Katy stood up and interrupted no Chief the toe size targets are fine with me, lets just get this over with." They moved the hearing to the gauntlet range. The targets were marked and Katy loaded her weapon. Chief Masters and her friends all told Katy to relax and take her time. Katy was not nervous in the first place. She had sixty seconds to run one hundred feet. She would be accosted by nine pop up targets three of them were pedestrians the other six had the red marks somewhere on them. Katy had mere seconds to look at the target find the mark and hit it. Katy put her ear protectors and safety glasses on then assumed her position to start. The whistle blew and fifty-two seconds later Katy had completed the run. To everyone's amazement she hit every red mark dead center. The charges against Katy were summarily dismissed. Undercover Babies ch12 Katy was very happy to be off suspension and back to work. Grandma was just as happy to see Katy back to normal. She still spent too much time at home playing with her toys and acting like a baby to please Ruth, but at work she was a strict professional. Katy was not at all happy with the assignment she had just been given. It was not the assignment that bothered her; it was that once again Alysha would be playing her mom. She had still not forgotten the time Alyssa had spanked her, now she was in a position where something like that could happen again. The assignment was for two weeks at a western dude ranch. Once a year the ranch had a program strictly for mothers and their young daughters between the ages of eight and thirteen. Katy and Alysha's job was to keep and eye on a particular young mother and her nine-year-old daughter. Her husband was a former mob kingpin and was on the FBI's top ten most wanted list. The agency thought there was a chance That Vinny Romero might try and get in touch with his wife and daughter while they were at the ranch. Three other agents would be on sight as employees of the ranch. One as a life guard another as a stable hand, and finally one as a riding instructor. Katy of course would be playing the part of Alysha's nine-year-old daughter. Katy felt that the whole detail was stupid. The FBI was searching everywhere for Vinny Romero could he really be stupid enough to think they would not be watching his wife and daughter. In the meantime Katy had to deal with Alysha she decided not to put that off any longer. Katy walked down the hall to Alysha's office. She walked right in without bothering to knock. "Where I come from little girls knock and ask permission before entering you want to go out and try it again young lady?" This infuriated Katy more than every "listen bitch before we go on another assignment together you and I need to get a few things straight. One I am not a little girl and although I have to assume the role of your daughter in public, behind closed doors I expect you to show me the respect I have earned and deserve" Alysha just stared at Katy she did not have a happy look on her face. "You listen to me you little brat working with you as my partner is not all that its cracked up to be either. Not only do I have the responsibility of the case we are on as the senior agent. I also have the additional responsibility of looking out for you the little office mascot. Can you imagine the heat I would get if something bad happened to their little super hero? Then again I am still the senior agent and you will do exactly as you are told to do. Starting with if you ever call me a bitch again you will find you're self-unable to sit for a week. Now go back outside knock and wait for permission to come in again." Katy's face was red with anger, but she knew what Alysha had said was the truth. She lowered her eyes and turned and walked outside closing the door behind her. Katy fought hard to compose herself and then knocked on the door. "Come in please" Katy heard Alysha say with a sarcastic hint in her voice. Katy opened the door and walked in the office. Alyssa was sitting in a chair in the middle of the office. " Drop your pants little girl and get across my lap we need to talk a little more". Katy walked slowly towards Alysha knowing full well her show of power had backfired and now she was going to pay the price. Katy lowered her trousers and crawled across Alysha's lap. At that moment she was only praying that Alysha would leave her diaper up. Katy's prayer went unanswered. Katy spent about twenty minutes standing in the corner of the office. Her trousers were still around her ankles but Alysha had pulled her diaper back up. It was now about drenched. Alysha had lit her butt up worse than Katy had ever been spanked in her life. If the rest of the office did not hear her crying they would have to be deaf. Alysha had left the office about ten minutes ago. Gratefully Katy heard her lock the door. Some how Katy could still not bring herself to move from the corner. Hearing the key in the lock Katy stood even straighter in the corner once again burying her nose. Alysha walked in the room and straight to Katy taking her by the hand over to the sofa and helping her lay down on it. She then removed Katy's soggy diaper and began cleaning her diaper area. Katy noticed that she was very very gentle when she was cleaning her butt. She then began applying cool lotion to the same areas it felt incredibly cooling on Katy's sore behind. After washing her hands Alysha slid a fresh diaper under Katy liberally sprinkled her with powder then taped it shut. She then sat down on the couch and looked at Katy smiling. "Little one we are partners and honestly even though you are a pain in the butt I love having you as my partner. The reason I want you to mind me is simple. It's partly to keep you safe and partly to keep you in character it might save both of our lives sometime. So understand I will tell you what to do and I will spank your hinny when you need it, just like any other good mommy would. But I don't do it to be mean; I do it because being older and more experienced I have to believe that I know what is best. I just really need you to trust me baby." Katy was confused she should be furious, but as Alysha brushed the hair from her face for the first time she realized Alysha really cared about her. Katy knew that she was giving up some of her adult rights when she said "otay mommy Katy twust you and be good girl." Alysha bent down and kissed her gently on the cheek. "Ok baby why don't we pull your pants up and you and I can go spend our clothing allowance for the trip." As Katy and Alyssa walked from the office and into the main offices of the bureau. Katy looked for a sign that her fellow workers had heard her crying, if they had they certainly did not let on . Mostly they just teased Katy and Alysha about calling it and early day. Alysha assured them all that they were on official FBI business and would probably be on it until late tonight. Of course the office had indeed heard Katy get her spanking even Chief Masters was they're listening. They just had too much respect for Alysha to question her methods, and way to much respect for Katy to tease her about them. Katy later called Grandma and asked permission to have dinner with Alysha and then finish her shopping. Ruth of course gave her permission it sounded to her that Katy was having fun. Under Cover Babies ch13 Alysha had gone over and over the whole plane ride to the dude ranch. Katy was a nine-year-old girl who it just so happened still needed diapers. The latter being a fact Alysha did not want to keep secret from anyone. She had it on good knowledge that Romero's daughter also nine was still in diapers 24/7 Alysha considered this her in with Romero's wife and daughter. Katy of course was not happy about this, that being her diapers being exposed to the world. Katy had also been instructed to call Alysha Mommy and had been made to practice for days before they left. This cause for know undo amount of teasing from Katy's fellow agents. Katy and Mommy checked in at the dude ranch and then went to their room. Mommy changed Katy's diaper after removing her dress. It was about one thirty in the afternoon and Mommy insisted that Katy take a nap. Katy nursed her bottle in Mommy's lap not wanting a spanking this soon into the assignment. Mommy had checked when they checked in Mrs. Romero and her daughter had not yet arrived. Mommy was safe to ask this sense it was a fellow agent working the check in desk. Katy drifted off to sleep and Mommy carried her to the crib, that Mommy had requested for their one bedroom suite. About ninety minutes later Katy awoke and found herself in a baby crib although it was a lot larger than any she had ever seen. Katy looked around the room, first she spotted Mommies bed then she saw the make shift changing table that had been set up next to the crib. Katy looked around and spotted her pacifier lying on her pillow. Katy popped it in her mouth and then stood up in the crib and peered over the railing. Katy was a bit irritated as her head bumped a Mobil in the process. Katy stood there cursing her situation to herself. Katy did not mind playing the baby on her own. She however was not sure about how she felt about her fellow agent treating her as one when it was not necessary. Katy finally yelled for her Mommy her diaper was wet and itching and she wanted to be changed. Mommy entered the room and smiling lifted Katy from the crib. She carried her to the changing table and quickly changed her diaper. She then carried Katy into the living room and set her on the floor, giving her lots of toys to play with. Katy having nothing else better to do began playing with her toys and sucking her pacifier. Katy new Mommy was waiting for a call from the agent at the front desk. The call that would tell her the Romero's were here and it was time to go to work Just about five o'clock the phone in the suite rang. After hanging up the phone Mommy told Katy the Romero's were here and that as was planned they had been assigned to Mommy and Katy's table in the dinning room. Mommy was more than happy to tell Katy that the table only set four. Mommy then undressed Katy and to save time took her in the shower with her. Katy and Mommy were both wearing shower caps. As Mommy first washed Katy then washed herself. Katy could not help but notice how beautiful Mommies body was even more so with the soap and water glistening off of it. Katy giggled as Mommy tickled her while toweling her dry. She also thought it was funny as Mommy diapered her standing buck-naked. After Katy had a fresh diaper Mommy put her make up on and got dressed in a beautiful purple cocktail dress. She then put a purple diaper cover on Katy and a purple party dresses the same color as hers. It was meant to make a statement. Mommy was after all playing the part of a rich heiress from back east. Katy was not happy of course as her diaper cover showed clearly under her dress. Mommy then pinned a purple pacifier to Katy's dress and put a purple ribbon in her hair. She then took Katy by the hand and led her to the dinning room. Katy was pleased as she met Lisa Romero she was a cute little nine year old with dark hair she also had just as much of her diaper cover exposed as Katy did. Rose Romero was a beautiful woman, who Katy thought wore a lot of jewelry. Katy noted what incredible breast the woman had and just for a moment envied Lisa if she was breast-fed. Mommy did a beautiful job of hitting it off with Rose, and of course sensing that they had a lot in common Katy and Lisa were soon best friends. Katy did cringe a little as Mommy bibbed her, but was fine with it as soon as Rose did the same for Lisa. They had a wonderful dinner of grilled lamb chops and all the trimmings. Then Mommy and Rose took the girls to the main room for the floorshow. It was karaoke night and several people got up to sing. Just for fun Katy talked Lisa into getting up and singing a duet with her. Lisa protested all the way to the stage that she could not sing. Katy assured her that neither could she. Katy then picked out a song with a big giggle. The lady that was running the show asks if Katy was sure and she smiled and said she was. Katy had never sung in her life except in the shower but some how tonight she was simply in the mood. Lisa on the other hand was scared to death. The music started and Katy let it go "Pour me Pour me Pour me another shot of whiskey bartender hit me one more time" Lisa did not sing much but Katy sang her heart out. Was she good well know even showing off she never left the mode of a nine year old. Just the same Katy and Lisa one the competition hands down. Mommy and Rose could not have been more proud. Both Aly and Rose decided it was time for there girls to go to bed. After agreeing to meet in the morning to take the girls for riding lessons they said goodnight. As Mommy changed Katy's diaper and got her ready for bed she went on and on at what a wonderful job Katy had done endearing both Lisa and her Mother to them. "It was a stroke of brilliance love absolute brilliance." Katy thanked her Mommy but in truth she was just having fun and was glad it worked out. The one thing Ally had not yet realized about Katy was how much she loved to win. Katy nursed and honestly enjoyed her bottle lying in Mommies lap. Katy did not really understand her baby side, but she knew it was growing stronger. She also knew that her feelings for Alyisha were also. Katy could not help but wonder what tomorrow offered as she drifted off to sleep. Undercover Babies ch14 Katy was very excited about her horseback-riding lesson the next morning as Mommy dressed her. When finished she was wearing jeans and a cowgirl shirt cowgirl boots and the cutest cowgirl hat you ever saw. Mommy used a blue ribbon to attach her pacifier to her shirt. Katy and Mommy joined Lisa and Rose and began their riding lessons. Katy felt strange, as she knew she was both in baby mode and watching everything she could as the FBI agent that she truly was. Katy was very angry that Mommy had not allowed her to wear a gun. It was funny how Katy and Lisa seemed to be naturals at riding their mounts and Mommy and Rose were having such a hard time. Katy in no time at all was very comfortable on her horse and Mommy told her several times to be careful and slow down. Lisa followed Katy in everything she did but thought Katy was being a little crazy when she decided to try and jump the water troff . Katy galloped her pony straight at it with total confidence. The only problem was that the horse was not as confident as Katy. The horse pulled up just short of the jump and threw Katy across to the other side of the troff. Katy using her karate skills did a front flip and landed on her feet. She was giggling at Lisa when she turned and saw a very angry Mommy. Mommy grabbed Katy by the hand and drug her to a near by bench. Before Katy knew it Mommy had pulled her jeans to her ankles and was doing the same with her diaper. At first Katy was struggling and kicking at least until Mommy delivered the first smack to her bare behind. Katy then realizing that she was bare assed naked and outside just resolved herself to the fate in store for her. Mommy did not let her down as she spanked Katy's behind until it was a bright red and Katy was balling like the baby she was supposed to be. Once Mommy had pulled both Katy's diaper and jeans back up Katy realized she had no right to be mad. Jumping the troff was a stupid stunt and in truth she got what she deserved. Katy turned with her tear-stained eyes and assured her Mommy she was truly sorry. Rose and Ally decided that was enough of the riding lessons for the morning and the four of them returned to Mommy and Katy's room after diaper changes for both girls. The girls played with some dolls on the floor as Mommy and Rose chatted over coffee and got to know each other. Katy sucked on her pacifier and listened humorously at the lies Ally was forced to tell. Soon after they went to lunch and then both girls were put down for their afternoon naps. After their naps both Lisa and Katy were dressed in swim diapers and bikini tops and taken to the swimming pool. Katy was a little embarrassed by her apparel but Lisa did not seem to be at all. Katy could not help but notice how good Mommy looked in her bikini. Katy after getting over her initial embarrassment had a wonderful time playing with Lisa in the pool. Later the four girls had another nice dinner and made plans for the next day. They were to go for a trail ride in the morning, then planned a bit of shopping for souvenirs in the local town in the afternoon. Mommy and Katy said goodnight to Rose and Lisa and headed back to their room Later as Mommy was giving Katy a bath all the girl could think about was how boring this assignment was becoming. She found herself more and more believing that Vinny Romero was simply not going to show. Later nursing her night bottle in her crib for the first time Katy ask herself if this was truly what she wanted in her life. Katy knew that although she accepted being a baby being and undercover baby was beginning to be a strain. The truth was that Katy had realized some time ago that even though she had turners sooner or later she would simply grow and look older. She wondered what future she would have in the FBI when this came to be. Katy was not worried about being fired but dreaded the thought of ending up sitting at a desk. Suddenly Katy drifted off to sleep dreading the next day as she dreaded her future she simply thought it was all dead end. Undercover Babies ch15 The next morning after breakfast Mommy and Katy joined Rose and Lisa and some other mother daughters for a trail ride. Mommy warned Katy there was to be no shenanigans on the ride. Katy's butt was simply still too sore to argue. She could barely even ride. They rode to the top of a mountain, where they rested and had a pic nic lunch. Katy and Lisa were also changed into fresh diapers. Katy could feel the eyes of the other girls watching while Mommy changed her on the grass, but she knew Mommy had no choice and there was simply no place for privacy. The girls that did not where diapers and their Mommies just simply had to cop a squat. Katy as usual was keeping and eye on everything after all she was here to work not have fun. Even though she had to admit she was having a blast. Katy noticed as Rose wondered away from the crowd. Leaving Lisa to play with some other girls Katy followed as closely as she could without Rose noticing. Just then she heard Mommy calling her, angry that she was being stopped from doing her job, but not wanting another spanking Katy returned to the group. Mommy gave her a dirty look but did not say a word. Moments later Rose returned to the group and the guide told everyone to mount up it was time to head back. It rained that afternoon Rose and Aly played cards while the girls had a nap and then played with there toys it was after dinner before Katy was finally alone with Mommy. "Allysha what the heck were you doing calling me back I was doing my job following Rose, you should not have interfered she may have already met with him." "Katy calm down before your mouth writes a check your butt is not willing to cash. I figured Rose was just looking for a message from her husband and I did not want you to ruin her finding it." Katy thought about what Mommy was saying and it did make sense. "So what now do you think a meeting has been set up?" Mommy smiled at Katy " well I think it is possible actually I think it is for tomorrow." Mommy then changed Katy's diaper and put her to bed giving her a nice warm bottle. Katy was a little upset at Mommy she felt they should be making plans for Romero's capture instead here Katy was again at nine thirty in her crib. Having no other choice Katy sucked her bottle and drifted off to sleep. The next morning Mommy again refused to discuss any plans with Katy telling her not to worry about it, everything was under control. At breakfast Katy found out that Rose and Lisa were missing. Suddenly there were several armed agents on the scene. They quickly split up the area for the search, and took off in several directions in four-wheel drives and on horseback. Mommy quickly took Katy back to their room changed her diaper and told her to stay put. Katy finally figured out what was going on when Mommy locked the door from the outside locking Katy in. Katy ran to the door and tried to open it, damn her what does that bitch think she is doing we have a job to do here. Aly felt bad about locking Katy in the room. With Rose and Lisa gone the undercover part of this detail was over and she saw no reason to put Katy in danger. Katy looked around the room for and exit then went and looked out the window. It too was locked and Katy was on the second floor. Katy quickly dressed in her black swat like outfit and armed herself. She had a nine-millimeter on her hip and a thirty-eight snub nose in her boot. She also grabbed one of the throwing knifes she had been practicing with and stuck it in the other boot. Katy then walked to the door and knocked on it. "Sorry Katy the agent told me to keep you in there " Katy recognized the voice of Mike the pool guard. Obviously Allysha had asked him to play guard. This was going to be to easy thought Katy. She then picked up a lamp and threw it through the window. Mike thinking Katy was escaping came running in the room. Katy simply walked out the door and relocked it. She could hear Mike yelling as she headed to the stables. Katy found one of the stable hands and told him to saddle the horse she had been riding. He refused until Katy waved her gun around a bit. Once saddled Katy mounted the horse and thanked the stable hand she then rode off knowing exactly where she was going. Katy galloped to the spot where they had stopped for lunch on the trail ride. She did not see one agent anywhere in sight. How stupid could Aly be she figured out that this was where Rose got the message why then would it not be the meeting place? Katy slowed the horse to a walk as she approached the area. She then tied her horse to a tree and continued on foot. Then she spotted them about fifty feet away. The man was screaming at Rose and suddenly slapped her across the face knocking her to the ground. Then Lisa ran at her father her fist balled up and started hitting him he kicked her to the ground. Katy stood up and aimed the nine-millimeter between his eyes. "This is agent Katy Matthews of the FBI you Mr.. Romero are under arrest." Just then Lisa stood up and ran at her father again. He quickly picked the girl up and used her for a shield " back off or I will hurt the girl put your gun down now or I will break her neck" All the time he was talking he was moving towards his horse. Katy tossed the nine millimeter in front of her." Don't hurt the girl I got rid of the gun Katy yelled." Suddenly Romero produced a gun and fired it at Katy who dove for cover. When she looked up Romero tossed his daughter aside and jumped on the horse and took off. Katy picked up her gun and ran to see if Lisa was ok Rose was already there and holding her daughter. "You to going to be ok he is getting away?" Rose looked at Katy "get that bastard Agent Matthews" Katy was gone in a flash she ran jumped on her horse and took after Romero in a dead Gallop. Meanwhile having heard the shot agents led by Alysha were converging on the scene. The idiot Romero fired his gun at Katy until it was empty then threw it away. How stupid can you get thought Katy nobody could hit anything on a galloping horse at this distance. What did that idiot think this was and episode of the Lone Ranger. Katy urged her horse forward then taking a guess as to where Romero was headed Katy decided to take a short cut over a hill. It was hard riding but the moment Katy made it to the top she knew she had him. "Come on baby just give me a little more we got him now." The horse galloped down ward and Romero and Katy met at the bottom. Katy never hesitated as she stood up in the saddle and dove for Romero knocking him from the saddle and using him to cushion her fall. Katy rolled to her feet and reached for her gun. Romero also got up and kicked it from Katy's hand; he then caught Katy off guard with a left hook. Katy hit the ground hard and once again Romero tried to run away, quickly to her feet Katy tackled him from behind. Even with Katy using her best Karate it was obvious Romero was much stronger and he also knew how to fight. He hit Katy hard on her jaw and she collapsed to the ground semi unconscious. Romero then scrambled for Katy's nine millimeter. Grabbing it he stood over the girl and aimed it at her head. Katy was reaching for her thirty-eight when she saw the bullet rip through his left shoulder. It gave Katy the moment she needed to save her life she fired the thirty-eight and shot him right through the throat. He fell to the ground dead and Katy passed out. Katy woke up later in the hospital. The nurse told her to stay quite she had several bruised ribs and a slight concussion, other than that she would be fine. The nurse then finished changing Katy's wet and messy diaper. Katy was lying there resting when Alysha entered the room. Katy could tell she was really upset. "Young lady your actions today broke every rule in the FBI rule book, plus endangered your very life what do you have to say for yourself?" "Just where in the rule book does it say lock your fellow agent in a room and leave her, Alysha where does it say that? Once again you did not trust me I can work as part of a team but today you gave me no choice but to work alone. I don't know what rules I broke but I do know it was me that got the bad guy." "Yes it was Katy but if I had not put that slug in his shoulder we would be planning your funeral right now." Katy thought about this for a second "your right but again if you had not locked me in the room I would not have been in that position in the first place. You are supposed to be my partner Alysha not my guardian. You know me well enough to know I will do my job what ever it takes. Why else do you think I would put up with the humiliation this job often brings with it. So think about it Alysha in truth you almost got me killed today live with that bitch. Now get the hell out of my room." Alyssa turned and left the room in tears. She knew everything Katy had said was true. She had let her feelings for Katy interfere with her judgment in trying to protect Katy she had almost gotten her killed. Alysha sat down and buried her hands in her face how did she let this happen at what point did she fall in love with Katy. UnderCover Babies ch16 "Owe dam it, " shouted Katy as she pulled off her shoe and rubbed her sore toe. Why had she kicked her desk it had not done anything to her yet. Oh but it would thought Katy. She had just returned from the worst ass chewing of her life from Chief Masters. At least thought Katy Alysha got the same chewing she did. Basically the Chief had chewed Alyssa for not trusting her partner, and Katy for letting her pride get the better of her brain and going off on her own. He then rewarded them both with ninety days of desk duty. Promising them even a national emergency would not get them out of it. Katy had then walked into her office and kicked that very desk. From what she could see Alysha was none to happy either. Katy in and effort to cheer herself up reminded herself that ninety days on a desk was nothing next to the spanking Grandma had given her, when she heard the story. Katy had made a note to herself to be careful what she told Grandma about future cases. Katy realized both Grandma and the Chief were right for punishing her. It gave her chills to think about what she had done. More so how close she had came to getting herself killed. Katy had simply been so successful as and agent in the field. She felt she was invincible now she knew she was not. It scared Katy a bit to admit it. Katy also knew that she owed Alysha and apology. The truth was Alysha had saved her life and it was not Alysha fault that Katy went after Romero alone. The only thing Alysha had tried to do was keep a headstrong young girl safe. Katy was going to find Alysha and apologize and thank her for saving her life but first she needed to head to the ladies room and change her diaper. Katy grabbed her bag and headed for the rest room finding the door locked she waited her turn. Soon the door opened and out walked Alysha. She smiled at Katy "quite a butt chewing we got this morning huh cupcake." Katy grinned back at Alysha "It was nothing trust me with the talking too Grandma had with my butt when she found out what I had done. Aly I am sorry I am still mad that you did not trust me, but mostly at myself. I was reckless and would be dead if not for you." Katy then hugged Aly's neck. Aly grinned at Katy "need a little help with your change sweetie?" Katy blushed and nodded. Aly lifted Katy up on the changing table pulled up her skirt and began changing her diaper. When she lifted Katy's legs she remarked that Katy's butt did not look so blistered to her Katy told her she should have seen it last night. Aly finished the diaper change and then stared down at Katy. Suddenly not being able to help herself she bent over and kissed her tenderly. Aly then stopped herself and apologized. She helped Katy down and then quickly excused herself. Katy thought for a moment about what just happened. Katy knew that she enjoyed the kiss, and was not uncomfortable with it at all. She also knew that because of her hormonal problem she did not get the sexual feelings from a kiss other girls her age would. Katy spent most of the rest of the day filing, then went home. After telling Grandma about the butt chewing and her punishment at work, she told her that she apologized to Aly. Grandma told Katy she was proud of her then changed her diaper and gave Katy her pacifier. Katy slipped quickly into baby mode and spent the rest of the evening playing with her toys. Stopping only to eat, and again when Grandma stopped her to give her a bath before bed. Katy lay in her bed nursing her bottle and was thinking of only one thing. Even though she was half asleep. She had done some reading on hormone treatments for girls suffering with turners, treatments that could turn Katy into a real woman and maybe even a real agent. Katy decided to call Dr. Ronnie at work tomorrow and then drifted off to sleep. Under Cover Babies ch17 " Hello Dr Ronnie this is Katy. I really need to talk with you about hormonal treatments for girls like me that have turners." Ronnie told Katy that she would be in town tomorrow and maybe they could meet for lunch Ronnie promised to tell Katy everything she knew. Katy thanked her and assured Dr. Ronnie that she looked forward to the lunch. Ronnie thought about what Katy had asked her. She knew that Katy was a very valuable agent in her Under Cover Baby program. In fact the best agent she had. Then again Ronnie owed Katy a lot, after all it was Katy that had made the program work. Ronnie then picked up the phone and called her colleague. Jane Phillips was and expert in hormonal research and turners syndrome. She was working on a treatment that would not only develop the ovaries of the patient but also start the growth process again. Ronnie talked with her for and hour and ask if her program was ready for a subject. If, Jane assured Ronnie it was safe she was certain Katy would volunteer. Jane told Ronnie that every test she had done assured her that her program was safe. She also told Ronnie that the program would require at least a year of hospitalization for the patient. Jane estimated that she had a potential for success of at least eighty percent. First however she would have to see Katy's medical files. Ronnie faxed the complete medical files to Jane and then sat by the phone and waited for two hours. Jane called her back and told her that in her professional opinion Katy was the perfect candidate for her project. She also explained that it would cost Katy nothing. Jane also explained that Katy would have everything she needed to fulfill her baby side until at least she did not need it anymore. Jane then told Ronnie that Katy was exactly the girl she had been looking for and that she hoped Ronnie could work out the details. Katy listened attentively to Dr. Ronnie the next day at lunch. She then told Dr Ronnie that she needed to work out some details. First she had to clear a leave of absence with Chief Masters. Then she had to make sure Grandma would be ok with out Katy's income and secure her permission. Katy told Dr Ronnie if she could work these details out she would be grateful to try the treatment. Katy asked to see Chief Masters that very afternoon. At first she just asked for a leave of absence to take care of some personal issues, but he did not buy it. Chief Master's told Katy she had to come up with something better than that to get out of desk duty. Katy then told the Chief the truth. He thought for a while and then called Dr Ronnie to his office. He told her what Katy was asking and then asked only one question." Ronnie can you guarantee me that Katy will be safe?" Ronnie explained that her friend Jane had been working on this research for ten years. She then simply said, " I trust Jane Chief and if this is what Katy wants I think it is her best chance. I told Katy nothing in life is without chance, I will tell you the same thing. Then again this is the best chance Katy is ever going to have to grow up." Chief Masters sat there for full five minutes with out saying a word. Then suddenly he spoke. "Katy I am denying your request for a leave of absence." Katy slummed in her chair almost in tears. " How ever I am putting you on medical leave with full pay. You can start anytime you want. Sweetie you are the bravest agent I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I can't wait to see you full sized. " Katy in tears hugged his neck and kissed the old Chief right on the lips." Thanks Chief Katy will do her very best not to let you down." Katy now had all the pieces of the puzzle, Now she needed to convince Grandma Katy asked for the afternoon off to do just that . Grandma was surprised to see Katy home in the middle of the day. Katy told Grandma she wanted to talk, then resisted when Grandma offered her a spot on her lap. "Grandma I am tired of being little and a wannabe FBI agent. Dr Ronnie has found a clinic that thinks they can cure me of turners and even make me grow. I want this more than I want life itself. Even if it kills me I want to try and see if it works. Please Grandma I have thought about this a lot, Chief Masters is even giving me medical leave to try it with full pay. That makes me happy because I know you will be ok. Please Grandma the only piece I need in the puzzle is your permission. Grandma became very quiet for a few minutes not saying a word. She understood why her baby wanted to be a real woman. Actually she had always wondered when it would hit Katy how important this was. She was more than a little scared for her Grand Daughter but she knew if she refused Katy might never forgive her. Grandma finally looked at Katy and smiled, then she patted her lap. Katy crawled in Grandma's lap and snuggled close. Wondering when Grandma was finally going to speak. Katy did not have to wait long. "Sweetheart I will talk to Dr Ronnie and to this Dr. Jane I know this is very important to you. I just have to know the safety issue's involved. " Katy accepted her Grandma's answer knowing that Grandma always thought of Katy's safety first. She then slipped in to baby Katy and told Grandma she needed a fresh diaper. Three days past Katy knew that Grandma was doing her research and had not only talked to Dr's Ronnie and Jane, but to every specialist in the field she could get a hold of. Katy in the mean time went to work and did her filing. She wondered if Grandma gave her permission if she would have to continue her punishment when she got back. Three days later Katy stood in the corner rubbing her very sore behind. Katy was getting anxious for Grandma's decision. This made her cranky and she had back talked Grandma on a entirely different matter something involving Katy taking a nap. After a docile Katy was allowed out of her corner and rediapered she suddenly looked at her Grandma with pathetic eyes. Katy knew that she was going to have the treatment with or without Grandma's permission. At that moment Grandma did too. "Katy I understand you have made your decision, I can see it in your eyes. Grandma is smart enough to know that she cannot stop you; she never could when you made up your mind. In this case the only thing I can do is support and pray for you. I hope you have made the right decision. Two days later Katy was on and airplane headed for Dr Jane's clinic. Under Cover Babies ch18 Katy's plane landed and the only thing on her mind was changing her diaper. Katy did that in the ladies room. Then hopped a cab to Dr. Jane's clinic, suddenly she was nervous she was not at all sure what she should expect. Katy found Dr. Jane's office she was surprised by the size of the clinic it was really pretty small. Mainly dedicated to research, Katy was to be their first full time patient or guinea pig if you will. Dr Jane greeted Katy warmly and invited her into her office. Katy took a seat and then ask the question that had been on her mind for two thousand miles. "Dr Jane just exactly what is expected of me here?" Dr. Jane smiled at Katy "sweetheart the true question is what is expected of us. I have been working on this treatment program for three years and I believe it will work but let me be honest it will take some time. Our biggest job is to keep you happy, please be sure to ask for anything you need. After the first few days, which will be your physical, our biggest job will be to keep you from being bored to death. I want you to know that we are sparing no expense, in your care. Your meals will be catered from the finest restaurants. Mainly after your physical your main job is just to enjoy your self and try not to be to bore. The only hard part for you is that you will be given three injections a week. How do you feel about shots Katy/"? "Honestly I hate them but I will try my best to be brave I know this is my big chance to actually grow up. I don't know much about your program Dr. Jane but I trust Dr Ronnie and she trust you, that's good enough for me." Dr. Jane smiled " sweetie I want you to know for your own safety and welfare I expect you to mind me and your nurses. Are you prepared to do this, because I want you to know if you agree you will be punished if you do not? We will have spent well over a million dollars on you before this program is finished its imperative that you understand my rules" Katy thought about what Dr Jane was saying, once again she would be treated as a child. " Dr. Jane I will assume you have your reasons for treating me as a child, I will do whatever I have to do to make this program successful." Jane then took Katy by the hand telling her it was time for Katy to see her room. The moment Katy saw it she realized that Dr. Jane should have said nursery. The room was incredibly large. Like maybe three thousand square feet. In one corner was a crib and changing table, along with a closet and a dresser. The rest of the room was nothing but toys. Katy grinned as she saw the computer, the rocking horse and the big screen TV. There was a large dollhouse in the other corner with lots and lots of Barbi dolls. To be honest Katy could not wait to be left alone to play. Dr Jane then took Katy to a window and pulled back the curtain. Outside she had a complete playground. It included a swing set. Jungle Jim. Teeter totter, slide and a sandbox. Over to the left Katy had a thirty by thirty swimming pool that was three and a half feet deep. Katy thought to herself, what a wonderful surprise she could not wait until Dr. Jane left and she could play with all of her toys. Katy spent the next three days being examined, making several trips to a local hospital for tests that the clinic could not do. During this time Katy was a bit upset that she had little time to play with her toys. Finally the test was over and Ann one of her nurses took her to see Dr. Jane. Katy was sort of getting used to being treated like a toddler by her three nurses. Ann, Hilda and Ryan. Katy thought it was funny that all of her nurses were so big. Ann was six two or three and about twenty-five years old. She had peroxide blonde hair and boobs the size of melons. Hilda was another large woman about five nine and well over two hundred pounds, Katy guessed that she was well over forty years old. The nurse that bothered Katy the most was Ryan; he was a male nurse about thirty maybe six foot tall and about one hundred and ninety pounds. The truth was that Katy was not very comfortable having this man diaper and bathe her. "Katy you have passed the physical with flying colors. Tomorrow we start your treatments I want you to know I am very proud of the way you have behaved yourself here. I also want you to know that I think you are the perfect candidate for this program." The next morning Katy was terrified, not just because she hated shots but honestly she was scared what the treatments really might do to her. Ryan helped her out of her crib and changed her wet night diaper. He then placed Katy in her high chair and fed her a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, Katy's favorite. Even though Ryan tried Katy did not eat much. She was very nervous as Ryan let her to the exam room. Suddenly Katy squatted and filled her diaper. When she finished she begged Ryan to take her back to the room and change her. Ryan told her the treatment would only take a moment and taking her hand led her forward to the exam room. Katy was taken straight to Dr. Jane who instantly curled her nose. " A little nervous this morning sweet heart?" Katy just blushed then watched as Dr. Jane swabbed her arm with alcohol. Katy looked away" now baby this might sting a bit" "Owieeeeeeeeeee Katy screamed and started to cry" Katy felt like her arm was on fire. Dr Jane picked her up and held her Katy placed her head on her shoulders and finished her crying. When she finished Dr. Jane handed Katy to Ryan "lets get our baby in a clean diaper Ryan, Katy I will drop by and see you later." Ryan carried Katy back to the nursery and took her in the bathroom removed her diaper and washed her butt. He then put her thru the routine that she had to bare twice a day. First he took her temperature rectally then her blood pressure and pulse. After he had recorded them he diapered Katy and told her to go play. Katy walked to her game boy and began playing a game. She was not doing well at all. Katy's thoughts were muddled; she realized how important this program was to her. What she did not like was being treated like a baby twenty-four hours a day. Katy missed her Grandmother her office and mostly Alysha. She hated the power that Ryan Hilda and Ann had over her she had already been spanked by both Ryan and Ann for what she considered silly reasons. Katy wanted in her heart to quit and go home but somehow she knew she could not. The truth was Katy just did not have any quit in her. Under Cover Babies ch19 Three months of treatment had passed. Dr Jane was more than just a bit worried. There had been no change in Katy except for her behavior. She glanced over at the corner of her office. Katy was standing there with her diaper around her ankles. She was whimpering and rubbing her sore behind. It had been Dr. Jane's turn to spank Katy this time. It seemed she was getting as many as two a day lately just to make her behave. Jane was concerned that it was the drugs that were affecting Katy's behavior. Then again she knew that it could just as well be physiological. Dr Jane was mainly concerned that the drugs did not seem to be working. She buzzed Katy's nurse Hilda and told her to come and get the girl. Hilda returned Katy to the nursery changed her diaper and put her down for her afternoon nap. Katy nursed her bottle deep in thought. She hated it here, and knew nothing was happening to her body. A very pissed off young lady who had just turned nineteen years old, fell into a restless sleep. Katy continued her treatments and tried hard to behave for the next few days. Then suddenly one morning she awoke in her crib, and knew what she had to do. The treatment was not working and Katy knew it, she also knew that she was behaving like a brat having received a record three spankings the day before. She was well aware that she deserved them, but she was also suspicious that Ryan enjoyed them. Katy simply had made up her mind that she did not need this shit. Katy was telling Dr Jane this morning that she wanted to go home, the deal was off. Just then Ann Katy's favorite of the Nurse's walked into the room. "Ann I would like to go and see Dr Jane as soon as you get me in a fresh diaper." "Sweetheart its six thirty in the morning Dr Jane will not even be here till nine, you know that. I will let her know that you want to see her as soon as she arrives." Ann then lifted Katy out of her crib and carried her to the changing table. She removed Katy's diaper and cleaned up her diaper area with a couple baby wipes. She then rolled Katy on her tummy for her morning temperature check. Katy turned right back over. "Ann the temperature and other stats will not be necessary anymore. As soon as I talk to Dr Jane I am going home I am sick to death of this bullshit?" Ann quickly picked Katy up and carried her to the nearest chair. She placed her across her lap and began spanking her rapidly. Katy kicked and screamed as once again her ass was on fire. Katy was crying and balling but she could hear Ann saying something about baby girls not using that filthy language. Finally Ann quit spanking her and carried a still crying Katy back to the changing table. She laid the girl down on her belly, swabbed her rectum with some jelly and inserted the thermometer. Katy had just finished crying when Ann finally took the thermometer out and read it. Finding Katy's temperature elevated she repeated the process and got the same results. Katy did not appreciate this but her butt was in no condition for her to argue. Ann took Katy's other vital signs and they were normal she then took her to the scale to weigh and measure her. Ann did this three times and Katy was beginning to wonder what was going on. Ann then diapered Katy and placed her on her time out chair leaving her for thirty minutes to continue her punishment. Ann then went to the phone and called Dr Jane. " Yes Ma'am I am positive I double checked her temperature and weighed and measured her three times." "Ann thank you so much for calling I will be there in thirty minutes or less. Please say nothing to Katy I really want to give her the news." Twenty-five minutes later Dr Jane entered her office and reviews the notes Ann had made that morning. She then called Ann and told her to bring Katy to her office. Ann asked if Katy could finish her breakfast " I am just now getting her to eat ma'am she has been one pissed off little girl this morning." Dr Jane of course said sure but told Ann as soon as possible please dear. Twenty minutes later Ann brought a visibly pissed off Katy to her office. "Dr Jane I want out of here out of this program now I just cant take it anymore. I quit." Dr Jane looked straight at Katy and then she spoke. " Ok Katy that's fine with me I just want you to let me do one thing before I let you go. I want to take your temperature and weigh and measure you one more time for the record." Katy crawled with out help up on the exam table. Dr Jane pulled the back of her diaper down and inserted the thermometer. Katy lay there for the prescribed five minutes until the Dr. pulled it out. Dr Jane read the thermometer and smiled "your temperature is a little elevated Katy just like Ann told me." She then pulled up Katy's diaper and walked her to the scales. She weighed and measured Katy then told Katy to step back and take a look. Katy looked at the measurement and the weight. That can't be right thought Katy according to the scale I have grown and inch and gained ten pounds. Katy turned to Dr Jane and saw the big smile on her face. Katy broke down in tears and ran to Dr Jane's waiting arms. "Its working its working Dr Jane Katy is growing. " Katy was sobbing happy happy tears. She could hear Dr Jane speaking "that's right baby it's working any time your temp elevates on these hormones you are growing. Baby you are growing right now can you feel it? Katy was not sure she could but she knew one thing for certain she was not quitting. " Katy is sorry for not believing in you Dr Jane and being such a brat. I promise to be a good girl if you will please let me stay?" Dr Jane once again hugged Katy " baby I was beginning to have doubts in me too. Don't worry we are going to finish this one together. Over the next week Katy grew three more inches and gained another ten pounds. Her temp dropped for a few days then elevated again Katy was once again growing. Under Cover Babies ch20 Katy smiled as she looked in the mirror, it had been seven months sense she had first started growing. Three months in to her growing she had her first period and had been regular since. Katy was still pretty petite; she was now five ft four inches tall and just over one hundred pounds. She had developed some curves in the right places and the cutest little breast you ever saw. Katy was riding her rocking horse and hour or so later when Dr Jane entered the nursery. Katy giggled at Dr Jane " Hi Doc want to go for a ride with me? I thing there is some Indians down in that gulch." Katy giggled some more at her little joke. Dr Jane helped Katy off of her horsie and taking her hand walked her to the couch. She sat down then pulled Katy on her lap. It was not as easy as it used to be but Jane knew Katy liked it and to be honest she did too. "Katy I want to talk to you seriously for a moment sweetie. I am discontinuing your drugs. Based on my research you are now about the size you were intended to be in the first place. Then again Hun the program is not over for you. I have made arrangements for you to have a karate instructor to work with you two hours a day. The reason I am doing this is you have been growing so much I don't think your coordination is anywhere near what it was before. I think the karate will be a way to fix this. How does that sound to you." Katy hugged Dr. Jane "wonderful when do I start." "Tomorrow sweetie first thing in the morning." Katy was very happy the rest of the day. Even happier after she met Lee her trainer and started her lessons. To be honest though Katy really did not have any idea how uncoordinated she had become. Katy not only trained hard with her Karate but she started and exercise program all on her own. She was even allowed to leave the clinic to go jogging every morning. Within about a month Katy's Karate was better than it had ever been. Lee was a marvelous instructor and told Katy she was the best pupil he had ever had. Katy was also stronger and faster than she ever imagined she could be. Katy was thinking about just that when Ryan entered the nursery. He walked over to Katy and checked her diaper. Finding it wet Ryan took her by the hand and walked her to the changing table. He helped her up on the table and began removing her disposable diaper. Once Ryan had it off he took way longer than usual cleaning her vagina and her butt crack. Then Ryan got a big bottle of lotion and started rubbing it all over Katy's diaper area. Katy complained that she wished Ryan would hurry up. He simply lifted her legs and gave her three sharp swats on her behind. A sniffling Katy became quiet and Ryan continued massaging her pubic area and leaned down over her. Suddenly Ryan slipped a finger into Katy's vagina and leaned over and kissed her sticking his tongue in her mouth. Katy reached for the only thing she could grab and found Ryan's left hand. She grabbed his thumb and using a move Lee taught her twisted her hand sharply and broke Ryan's thumb. Ryan screamed and got off of Katy for a split second, and then infuriated he slapped her across the face knocking her off the changing table. Katy rolled as she hit the floor then kipped up to her feet "Your ass is mine now Ryan and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Less than two minutes later Nurses security guards and Dr Jane came running in the room. Ryan was curled up in the corner in the fetal position moaning and crying. His nose and jaw were broke and he was missing several teeth. His testicles were swollen the size of baseballs. Katy was standing there naked and smiling even though her right cheek was swollen and red. Dr Jane looked at Katy " sweetheart do you want to explain to me what the hell is going on here?" "Ask Chester the molester when he quits crying, but I am warning you Ryan if you lie I am going on that ass again?" Katy then began to cry. Ann went Katy to try and comfort her. Dr Jane began to question a still crying Ryan he confessed exactly what happened between sobs. Please he begged" just keep her away from me." Dr Jane then went to Katy; she was sucking her pacifier and beginning to calm down. "Baby I am so sorry I will have his behind in jail for a long time for this." "No please no Dr. Jane it was embarrassing enough with out having to do the court thing. Besides I already pressed my charges. I honestly want to just forget about the whole thing." Dr Jane smiled at Katy " ok just promise me one thing baby, don't ever get that pissed at me. " Katy and Dr Jane giggled and hugged. Then Ann diapered Katy and insisted she have a nap. The next day Dr Jane called to have Katy brought to her office. Katy took a seat and Dr Jane began to speak. "Katy I think your time here at the clinic is finished I am sad to say. Your treatments are over I think you proved your coordination was way above average yesterday. I hate to see you go Hun but there is nothing more we can do for you here." Katy thought about what Dr Jane had just said before she spoke. "Dr Jane you have changed my body from the body of a little girls to one of a young woman. For that I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. I know at times I did not make things easy for you. But there is one more thing you can do for Katy before you send her away." Katy then whispered in Dr. Jane's ear. Dr Jane hugged Katy holding her very tight. " You bet baby that's a wonderful idea and we will be glad to help?" Three weeks later Katy stepped off the airplane in Chicago. She was wearing a blue business suit high heels and was fully made up. She spotted her Grandmother looking past her for her little Katy. No one had been told a word about the results of Katy's treatment. " Katy walked straight to her Grandmother and saw the exact moment when she realized the woman standing in front of her was her little girl. " Oh baby you look incredible." Grandma hugged Katy and started to cry. "I am so happy for you my darling this is indeed a miracle and the happiest day of my life." Katy then walked to the restroom with Grandma so she could fix her face. When she finished Grandma slid her hand under Katy's skirt expecting she would need a change. When she felt only Katy's silk panties she just stared at Katy. Katy giggled 'I decided it was time to try potty training and Dr. Jane helped me. I am dry daytimes now but I still need my diapers at night. I probably always will. Grandma just smiled "your just one surprise after another aren't you little one?" Katy asked if they could stop at the Bureau office on her way home. Grandma told Katy she would drop her off and then go home and fix there dinner. Katy said thanks and told Grandma and told her she hoped to bring a guest. About a half hour later Katy walked into the bureau and straight to Chief Masters office. The Chief glanced up from his desk" may I help you young lady?" Katy smiled "The new and improved Katy Matthews reporting for duty Chief" The Chief looked up and covered his mouth with surprise. " Katy you are a vision, you have no idea how you have been missed around here. Hey everybody look are little Katy's back but she's not so little anymore." The whole office buzzed around Katy for the next half hour, asking her questions about her treatment and this miracle they were witnessing. Katy did not see a sign of Alysha and was about to ask, when Alysha walked in the front door. Katy excused herself and walked straight to Alysha. "Katy oh my god I can't believe it you look wonderful" Katy took Alysha by the hand with out saying a word led her into a nearby empty office and closed the door. She then pushed Alysha up against the wall and kissed her with all the passion that had been welling up inside her. Katy had tears in her eyes because at that very moment she truly new what it felt like to be a grown woman. Epilogue Two weeks later Alysha moved in with Katy and Grandma. Grandma was not so sure of the lesbian thing but she was grateful to see Katy so happy. It was also obvious that they were very much in love. Katy and Alysha over the next few years became the most decorated agents in the bureau. They simply worked better as a team than most people could. Katy never did get over her bedwetting and Alysha diapered her every night. On occasion when they had time Katy still liked to have a baby weekend. Alysha would join her as her big sister the four-year-old Aly. Grandma would take care of both girls, and their little behinds if they did not behave. The End