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  1. Daniel has just broken a winery window and he had dropped a rope to into the house, the window was rather narrow but it was easy for him to go through it thanks his small size; being a little had some advantage after all. He didn’t know if someone was into home but in that case he had taken some countermeasures: He had a gun; It was a toy gun and pressing the trigger a flag with the word “bang” would have come out from the barrel; He had some firecrackers: he pretended some gun shots if it were necessary, Some stadium smoke: that would be useful to cover an escape. They were cheap tricks but in the past they worked then he was very confident about them and his ability. He dropped with rope until the floor, and climbed the stairs of the winery getting to the door that opened easily accessing to the living room. He searched small objects that can be carried easily: he finded a silver frame with the photo a smiling old man on the small table. He removed and rested it on the table putting the frame in his backpack. Then he decided to take a ride around the house to see if there are something interesting: he opened a door seeing a giant nursery in the room. “I hope it’s not for a little” he said going to the next room, where he found a laptop on a big double bed. He had to climb hardly to reached it and put in the bag. Then he approached the bedside table and found a next generation smartphone, “today is my lucky day!” he said smiling and putting it in his bag, then opening every drawer where he found some cash. He went to the biggest drawers and with more difficulty opened the first drawer finding some jewelry “it’s fantastic!” he said putting everything in his bag. He decided to do another tour of the house to see if there was something else interesting but he heared the noise of the principal door that closed. But he didn't know that the house he had decided to rob belonged to a policewoman who was returning home at the time.
  2. So a Long time ago I had written this story and put it up here on the Daily Diapers forums. However it was sadly lost during the great purge a few years ago. I believed that was the end of it as I had deleted the only copy I had and I didn't really want to rewrite the whole thing. However, while I was cleaning out some old fines I found the rouge draft of the whole story. @HyperShark wanted a copy of it the moment I said I can found it, though it was just the rouge draft. After thinking it over (and encouragement from discord) I figured I would re-post it here, every day I will go though and edit a few chapters and post them here. If there is enough interest I might right a sequel but let's take this one step at a time 01 - Little Time Daycare "Little Time Daycare," Bryce read on the front of the building as this amazon calling herself "mommy" carried her inside. Her "Mommy" kept patting her thickly diapered bottom as she was carried inside, though Bryce wasn't sure if this was in a strange attempt to comfort her or a way to show her dominance. She wasn't sure but she was sure she didn't like it. As they approached the front deck and young amazon women greeted them, "Welcome to Little Time Daycare, how can I help you?" "I'm Jessica Mills, I have an appointment today." Her smiling captor answered. Bryce for her part was already hard at work figuring out her escape plan for this place. The lobby was almost a large triangular room with a door leading to the left and right. However where the point of the room would have been it flattened out and about halfway up the wall it was glass to the ceiling and a figure was standing there looking down on them. The figure was clearly another female amazon, she seemed to touch her ear for a moment and a voice came over some kind of intercom that was in the lobby. "Sarah please see Ms. Mills to my office." The young amazon quickly moved to the door on her right and opened it and lead them through into the main daycare area. The room looked like any other daycare one might see, however there seemed to be no amazon children just Littles, clearly diapered Littles at that. None of them wore much else at that, short dresses or skirts for the girls but it did nothing to hide the amazingly thick diapers. The boys and some of the girls wore nothing but a t-shirt and a diaper, if they were lucky many were naked except for their diapers. It had only been a minute and Bryce already felt like she had entered hell. The far left wall was almost all glass letting everyone see outside and let people walking by seeing all the Littles, Bryce wasn't sure if this was a daycare or a Little baby store or both. On the right of the room it was just a long wall with a door on the back right corner. The receptionist quickly lead them through this door into a room in the center of the building into what looked like a lunch room in this back half with a storage area in the front. There was only one robo nanny in this room who seemed busy with....someone Bryce couldn't tell what. They were taken to an elevator in the back and made their way to the second floor. This room was amazing, the second floor was one giant office and looked down onto both sides of the daycare at once. While the left side of the building she had seen was a "normal" Little daycare the other seemed a little off. There was a small room in the corner with a number of cribs with cords hanging from them, though Bryce couldn't get a better look as her "Mommy" was quickly moving into the middle of the room to shake this new amazons hand. "Ms. Mills it's so nice to finally meet you," The amazon said. "This must be little Bryce, she is such a cutie. Are you ready for all the fun you're going to have here?" Bryce couldn't tell if the amazon expected her to answer as many didn't but she answered anyway in a sarcastic tone, "Loads." A quick swat on her padded butt made her yelp which was followed by "Don't be rude BeeBee." Their host laughed and asked Ms. Mills to sit, which she did setting Bryce on the ground at her feet. As the two amazons started talking Bryce quickly moved to the window showing the right side of the building, she needed to scope the area while she could and didn't know how long her "Mommy" wouldn't be watching her. "Thank you for meeting with me Mrs. Jacobson, I am really hoping you can help," Ms Mills began. "Bryce is a great girl, I love her but she is still a "free range" Little lets say. I only adopted her 3 weeks ago and in the time she has attempted to escape almost every day, I'm at my wits end." Nodding her head Mrs. Jacobson answered, "From the file you want to make her a baby but not to use hypnosis regression on her, is that correct?" "Yes, while I could use hypnosis to regress her into a baby she wouldn't be my little baby anymore. I still want my little BeeBee to be… herself but to accept being the baby she is and not always trying to run away, I want her to be happy with me. All the research I have read said I need to punish her into being a baby or regress her with hypnosis but I don't want to hurt her. She has an energy, a fire about her and I'm afraid hypnosis would destroy who she is." Mrs. Jacobson waiting for her newest customer to finish before speaking, "It is true we may be able to help, we are working on a new type of regression that will make a Little accept their life as babies without the need to use hypnosis to turn them into babies. However we haven't completely finished it yet and are working on our first full test group. If you would like we can set her up as the last member of the group." This was why Jessica had come here in the first place, this was in her mind the last chance she had short of wiping BeeBee's mind and making her a drooling, stinky baby. "What are the risks? What happens if it fails?" Mrs. Jacobson sighed, "I won't lie to you, if she fails there will be one of two outcomes. Either it will fail completely and nothing will change with how she is now or her mind will be wiped clean and all her memories and personality will be gone, she would be a clean slate. More or less what she would be if you used hypnosis on her." She added. Jessica looking out the window and down to all the Littles in the play area. She wanted Bryce to be able to play with them and be happy, for them both to be happy. Right now Bryce wasn't happy so she wasn't happy. Bryce meanwhile was busy, she wasn't paying too much attention to what the amazons were talking about. She knew this was about weak training her captor was sending her to so she would be a "good baby," it was just another chance to get away. Looking down onto the right side of the building they had a small play area along with many cribs with what looked like head phone on the sides, this didn't bode well for her. In the corner there seemed to be a small rooms inside to room but the door was closed and she couldn't see in. As she was looking down at the robo nanny getting the room ready she felt a sudden warmth in her crotch, it was clear her diaper was now wet. After a week of the milk she had been fed she figured she should be happy the only control problems she had now were wetting ones. From the deck Jessica looked at her Little BeeBee looking down into the training area. She knew her baby was looking for a way out, and now she had no other choice. She looked up at Mrs. Jacobson and simply asked, "Where do I sign?" 02 - Test group After the papers were signed Bryce and her "Mommy" had left. The following two days before the test started was like many of the days since she had kidnapped, filled with bottles, dirty diapers and lots of baby toys. Importantly there had been two near getaways, one day she had been able to climb over the "Little fence" that was keeping her inside. However that didn't end well as she made it outside right as a neighbor Amazon was taking her Little for a walk, she only made it 1/4 of a block before she was picked up and taken back. Yesterdays had been much closer, the mall was an easy place to hide and get lost in if she could get away long enough. Sadly that wasn't the case for her, while her captor had been shopping she had been able to climb down the shopping cart and away to safety; this time a store employee came around the corner right as she took off running. After yet another red bottom and a nights sleep it was finally the day she had been both dreading and looking forward to. Little Time Daycare seemed to have very light security for a daycare for Littles and Bryce figured this would be her best chance to get away. As Bryce and her "Mommy" entered the lobby again they were quickly taken into the main daycare area. She was put down with four other Littles, it was clear they were the other test subject. Despite their diapered states they seemed to be the only Littles with any fire in their eyes still. The four other Littles were dressed as one would think for this daycare, the one and only boy of the group was naked except for his diaper while the blond and brunette girls both had on very short dresses and the red head was only in a t-shirt with a little baby devil on it and diaper all around. Bryce hoped that shirt wasn't just for show as this girl might help her get out, or at least be the fall girl. As the amazons left the boy spoke in a low tone, "Does any of you know what they are going to do to us?" Bryce rolled her eyes, it was clear this boy would be the first stinky drool machine of the lot. "They want to turn us into babies like all Amazons do what else do you need to know?" She harshly answered. The boy looked a little hurt but the red devil girl quickly answered, "They want us to choose to be babies, it seems like a form of brainwashing. Hypnosis can make us act like babies but it's just an act, we lose ourselves in the hypnosis and as such just become generic babies. They want us to not only choose to be babies but to be happy about it, to truly believe that a dirty diaper is a great feeling." There was a silence for a few moments before she spoke again, "I'm Dolores by the way but you can just call me Dee." Most of the group got a look of depression on their faces, Bryce's however was one of confusion. "Hold on, how could you possibly know all that?" Dee had a strange look of confusion herself, "Oh, I heard the Amazons talking about it when they interviewed me. Every Amazon picks a target age range they want us to be like and that's what the "training" it meant to do." Bryce nodded her head, the girl was quick if she had been paying attention that much to the Amazons conversation. She hadn't bothered as it was the same everywhere she went didn't know why this place would be any different, not that it mattered she would never choose to be a baby. Dee might be perfect to help her get away, but if she was to get away she would need help. "I'm Bryce by the way." "Jason," the boy spoke. The blond explained her name was Susan and the brunette was Sam. After the pleasantries were exchanged Bryce wasted little time, "listen we all know what happens if we fail this test, we need to work together to break out at once. I’ve seen a lot of daycares but this one is light on security, we can use that and get away." The blond rolled her eyes, "you would never made it past the front desk before the dumb teen girl stopped you." "That's true but she can't stop all of us, they have a low staff and wouldn't be able to chase us all down. One of us would most likely not make it out but the rest of us would be free." Bryce wanted them to understand that this was a once in a lifetime chance that they couldn't pass up. "I don't like it, we should all get out together or not at all." Sam said in some sad attempt at a "all for one" speech. At this point Bryce was starting to get annoyed they all needed to be on the same page, "Look do you want to end up like all of those Littles?" She pointed to the rest of the room. "They are nothing but drooling, stinky babies and you don't..." Her words trailed off. In the crowd of Little she saw him, or did she? Without thinking she quickly stood and waddled over to the boy across the room. As she came up to the boys side she didn't need to see the brown stain on the seat of his diaper, the smell told her what she needed to know. "Kyle!" she exclaimed. She pulled on his shoulder to look him in the eye, what she saw shook her to her core. Kyle was wearing nothing but a blue t-shirt and a diaper, extra thick crawler diaper at that. Drool dripping from his chin and a toothless smile on his face, he was a happy baby. Pain and anger filled Bryce's body at once, she didn't know if she was going to cry, puke or both; she was leaning for both. At this point, Dee had made her way over and was looking at the boy, "Who's he?" she asked in a half caring sort of way. "He's my husband, or was going to be..." 03 - The Life Once Lived 3 years earlier College is hard for everyone, but for a Little it was so much worse. While Bryce had gotten into a college that accepted Littles they didn’t make it easy on her, or her boyfriend Kyle. Diapers were a must at all times, any Little in college had to wear a diaper at all times on campus. As long as they had their Little student badge they couldn’t be adopted no matter how wet or messy their diapers were, if they were on school grounds. This meant she was in a school dorm as it was counted as part of school grounds, if she lived off school grounds and attempted to go home with a messy diaper her student badge wouldn’t save her. However, with all that doom and gloom Bryce was happy, the remarks from amazons on how cute she was only made her more confident. Her grades were great, with the last year of her bachelor degree in only a few weeks she was already looking forward to life after school. She had been working on her degree in psychology, the study of the mind was something she found very interesting and very helpful in a world that wanted you living your life as a mindless baby. Lying in bed she could hear a lot of noise coming from the building next to her, most likely new Littles moving in or leaving, but even loud noises waking her up couldn’t ruin her mood. What had taken her mood to new heights was the night before, Kyle had really done it. He had asked Bryce to marry him, she had seen it coming and nothing in the world to stop her from saying yes. People say Littles have it hard, and while Bryce did believe that it was harder for Littles she believed that many must be too lazy. Everything in her live was going great so it could be great in every Littles life if only they worked hard and didn’t do anything stupid in public. Although diapers weren’t something she liked being with Kyle he made it seem unimportant, even kinky for her at times. Getting her boyfriend into bed and changing him had seemed to make something click inside her, she didn’t mind changing him and she loved when he changed her. Just the thought of it was getting her hot lying in bed, life was a pleasant dream that she never had to wake up from. With a loud bang, she heard the front door open, she believed it must have been Kyle since today was the last day of his summer course and it must have let out early. Climbing out of bed she made her way out of her room in nothing but her night shirt and wet diaper, if she had to wear diapers at night she figured might as well not worry about getting out of bed if you have to go. Upon turning the corner she saw Kyle who looked to be out of breath and wet from the summer rain storm. “I’m so happy your safe, get your things we need to leave.” Kyle said between breaths. Bryce looked at him confused for a moment, “I need to go to the office and get another badge for this semester as the old one runs out today, after then we can go anywhere…” “Bryce they school no longer accepts Littles…” For a long moment, she stared at him before all the pieces clicked in her mind, she was only kept from being adopted because of her school badge. The badge no longer mattered if the school didn’t accept Littles, so the noise that had woken her up wasn’t Littles moving out it was Little now on the run. “We have to go, the other buildings already have amazons in them, as far as they're concerned we are un-adopted Littles. Littles here were required to be diapered at all times, if any amazon catches us they are within their rights to adopt us on the spot.” Kyle voice was stern with a clarity and focus that she was both in awe of and scared of. Without wasting anymore time she quickly turned back to her room and started grabbing her things, or at least what mattered most to her. After her backpack was filled he told her to lie down on the bed, wasting no time in changing her. The last thing they needed was an amazon smelling a wet diaper. With her baggiest pants and jacket they made their way out into the rain. Although there was no gun fire she now believed she knew what a war-zone looked like. There were amazons and Littles everywhere, Littles being stripped and changed right there in public like their years of college meant nothing. Some amazons had needles and regression pacifiers to calm the Littles down, Bryce even made a note of a tranquilizer rifle on the hood of a car. To Bryce it felt like her school had put out a sign that said, “Little Hunting Season Now Open.” They quickly hurried down the stairs and across the parking lot, a bus had pulled up and the Amazons hadn’t noticed the Little scrambling to get inside yet. They got to the back of the line as the buss quickly filled until it was Bryce and Kyles turn to get on, however as Bryce was about to get on she was pushed aside by another Little and her friends. There was no time to argue and she quickly started climbing on the bus, that’s when the In-Betweener driver stopped them. “Only got room for one more,” she said in an almost sad tone. “Please you have to let us both on, we are the only ones left here,” Bryce pleaded. The driver had a sad look on his face, “I’m sorry but if we are pulled over and we’re over capacity police will put all the Littles in child services, which means one thing, adoption." Suddenly she felt herself pushed up the steps bus, she turned and looked as the doors closed with Kyle on the other side. Bryce started screaming for the driver to open the door but he didn’t. Crying at Kyle that she couldn’t leave him she could hear him speaking through the glass. “I’ll meet you at your parents place tomorrow morning, I’ll call your cell if I’m going to be late. I lov…” Kyle was suddenly cut off as he hears footsteps behind him and was able to jump out of the way of an Amazon attempting to grab him. Bryce screamed while crying to stop the bus, but the driver wouldn’t. She watches Kyle avoiding the first Amazon and then another joined in chasing him, just as the bus turned the corner Kyle had got the two Amazon women to crash into each other as he made a break for it. Another Little helped Bryce up to the last open seat, all the while crying, wondering if she would ever see him again.
  3. Prologue Here I lay on this gurney in a strange hospital with these two giants, amazons they are called, standing beside me looking down at me. Rose has her hand resting on my arm gently rubbing her thumb back and forth, trying to keep herself calm, or calm me down I'm not sure. Mark is standing there beside her with his arms crossed, while I see love and compassion in his eyes I can tell he's getting frustrated by the wait. And here I am, legs spread from the bulky diaper taped snugly to my waist, completely at their mercy as I cant even so much as wiggle my toes. As I break eye contact from Rose I glance at the only door into the room as it glides open on silent hinges. A middle aged Amazon with dark brown, salt and pepper, hair comes gliding through the door. The rhythmic suckling of the bright pink pacifier in my mouth speeds up as my anxiety starts to climb. “Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Townsend, I'm Dr Richards. I apologize for the delay. I see you have your little undressed as we requested, and looking at his chart I'm a little surprised to see such drastic changes, but I guess you just wanted a little girl and found a boy instead” he ends in a little chuckle. “Actually sir, there is a little more to the reasons if you would look through her chart properly you would see that.” Rose says defensively over me as if I don't even exist, but her hand stills over my arm and gently grips it telling me I am completely in her thoughts. Dr Richards stumbles on his words a little “I…. Uh…. Yes, I see it here.” as he quickly glances at the papers in his hands. “I am sorry we normally don't see Amazons that would go to such lengths for their littles wants.” “Yes well you see she is special to us in more than one way.” Mark says with just a touch of venom on his words. “Yes I can see that. Well we have the nanites programmed to your specifications. The nurse will be in, in just a moment to finalize the paperwork and start to put him…. Or her under. If you will excuse me” as he quickly turns and walks out the door. Rose turns and looks down at my little form. “Sean are you certain this is what you want? You know from the first talks everything may not go as planned.” “You know kiddo your mommy and I will always love you and take care of you, no matter how your are. You will always be our little bambino.” Mark adds in a sulum voice. I blush a little behind my pacifier at the nickname, as I reach up and pull it from my mouth “Yes I know you will Daddy, you both have been the best thing to have ever happened in my life. Mommy, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure. I can’t learn to truly love myself the way I am. I love you both more than you could possibly know.” Quickly sliding my paci back in. As a tear slides down my face, not even embarrassed at being 28 and calling these two mommy and daddy after only knowing them for 3 months. A slim woman rushes in with three syringes and a clipboard. “I am Ms boyd I will be the nurse assisting today. You are Mr and Mrs Townsend correct?” after bread nods from both. “looking over the papers I see we don't have a new name, have you two decided one one?” Mommy looks down at me then back to the nurse “The three of us have decided on Shawnna” “Aww that's adorable, close enough that she won't be confused when you call her.” She said quickly jotting down my new name. “Ok sweetie I'm going to slowly push these medicines in this little tube in your arm here. Just be a good little girl and relax for me” she says to me in a very syrupy voice used for little kids. As she gently hooks up the syringe and slowly pushes the first of three in, my mind starts to wonder back to how I came to be in this very spot. CHAPTER 1 The Dr comes rushing in with a very large syringe as the nurse switched to the second syringe to put me under. As the surgical type room starts to fade I look over at mommy and daddy, smile, and whisper around my paci “I love you” Just as another world, another life, comes into focus. I'm 6 standing in front of my mom and dad. Mom is 5’5” fiery red hair that she has to keep permed in a tight spiral. Dad is 5’10” dark brown hair and eyes that can bore through you with just a glance. They are both yelling at me for something I did. I hear the words, they are just not making sense. I'm told I'm going to bed without dinner. Six months pass I'm over my dad's knee. Getting my behind tanned as he says. The words ringing in my ears “you will learn one way or another you need to keep your hands to yourself.” Three months later my dad is yelling for me to get down to my room. I turn and run fearing the outcome if I'm not fast enough. I find my mattress and box springs on their side still on the frame. My dad is behind me “they will stay that way until I decide to put them down. Do you know why they are that way?” I shake my head I really had no clue, I followed all the rules I know I did. “You didn't clean your room like your mother told you to.” they stayed there for two weeks me sleeping on a concrete basement floor. Three months after my eighth birthday I find myself over my dad's knee again. They got me a boxing toy, one of those inflatable ones you hit and they come back up. I was curious as to how it was made, so I found a plastic knife and went to cutting. Boy was that a mistake. I should have hidden it better.. It was four months after my tenth birthday, I come in the house after school to both my parents sitting at the dining room table. I can tell right away my dad has been crying. Mom looks over at me and says “Sean we need you to sit down for a minute we have something to tell you.” I sat at the kitchen table across from them, as if I'm sitting on egg shells, waiting for whatever bombshell they plan on dropping now. “There is no easy way to say this……. Your grandfather Fredrickson died this morning.” I sit trying to wrap my head around what was just said. It can't be, he's 6’3” fit as a fiddle, he's my rock, my shining light in the shit hole I call a life. All the good memories turn to ash in my mind as my world crumbles around me. I don't even have the emotions to cry, I'm numb from the inside out. I stare blankly at her as she finishes what she was saying, I blanked out I don't recall if there was anything after. It takes two months and we are now living in grandpa's house. There is no room for me, the only boy, so I sleep on the floor of my sisters’ room. I sleep there for six months as my parents slowly clear a room out just enough for my dresser and bed. Once I'm there I start thinking and dreaming of simpler and better times. Times when I was just a baby and was loved and cared for. Image after image fly past, this little boy… wait that's me sitting alone under the play structure at my new school in as small of a hole I could find. Not really fitting in anywhere. Being locked out of the house for not collecting firewood for the house. Getting slapped and belittled for cutting some logs wrong. Joining wrestling in high school every match hoping just one of my parents would show but never being there. Yet always attending anything thing that my two sisters were involved in. Throughout this time my dad draws further and further away, pulling so far back he might as well not even been there. However, his insistence that boys don't do this, or don’t walk this way, or don't do that with their hands sticks in my head and won't let go. Mom on the other hand gets more and more violent, more and more verbal. Never going past the line into abuse but toeing it enough times it left the scars nonetheless. I decided the only way I could escape this life is to join the military. On my eighteenth birthday I signed up as a Navy corpsman. I shipped out in four months for bootcamp. As graduation time neared I sent the date and invitation to my parents, thinking there is no way they would fly halfway across the country for this, not for me. Yet there they where, they showed. That was the first time, since that day many years ago, I saw some life in my dad's eyes. “I'm proud of you Sean.” was all he said, but in those few words he spoke the world. Chapter 2 My parents stayed for a couple days after the graduation I spent the time with them. Surprisingly mom seemed to have respected my growth after boot camp because she didn't treat me the same. Not an equal, but not as some little thing she could bully and push around. My dad after the first day reverted back to his old ways, physically there but mentally checked out. The morning I checked into corps school, the A-school to teach us how to save lives, was uneventful. I was put up in the barracks, which are more like a hotel then what you may think. As I stepped into the room I see two beds on either side of the room with a night stand at the head and a wardrobe next to it framing a window which separates the room. At the foot of the bed is a desk and chair to study at. I had one roommate who seemed to be as quiet as I was. I started out by saying “Hey there I'm SA Fredrickson, looks like we are rooming together.” “Hi I'm SR Newkirk, yes so it seams. What do you think the schools ganna be like?” the other responded timidly shaking my hand. “I'm not sure, as long as it's better than bootcamp.” I nervously chuckle Newkirk rolls his eyes “Anything has to be better than there.” We quietly set about unpacking our gear and and getting to know each other a little as we warm up to the company. Turns out he was from a quiet little town in Ohio and joined the Navy as there was nothing but farming in his future back home. I kept most of my past secret and just stated I joined to get away from a dead end job and no other prospects. The next morning there was an orientation to the school. We were introduced to the rest of our classmates and instructed that there was going to be 5 “red badges” one CO, one XO, one MAO, and two EPO's, the student leaders of our class. The two EPO's would be decided with the results of our first test. The rules were really rather simple because the school was only three months long. We were allowed off base in civilian clothes, and on weekends we didn't have to be on base unless we were in trouble for something. The base was open for our roaming. After the rules, we were lined up and marched to to our first class. The class was set up just like I remember from high school, a bunch of seat desk combos lined in rows. There was a dry erase board at the front for the instructors to write on. After three hours of class we marched to lunch, then after a quick lunch it was back to class for another four hours of school. After classes we were dismissed to do as we wished. We were to report back to the class at 0800 the nest morning. So I went back to my room, Newkirk and I decided that it would be a good time to go explore the base and see what all it had to offer. We found a bowling alley, and the NEX (Naval Exchange) we went in and bought 3 sets of civilian clothes each to start us out. It felt nice to be able to just buy them after months of the same uniforms. We wandered back to the galley where we had dinner then up to the room for the night. The rest of the week went similar to the first day, class stated at 0800 till 1200. Marched to and from lunch. Class again until 1630 then free until the next morning. We had PT 3 days a week where we had to be ready at 0630. Friday came quick bringing along our first test. We took the test right as we got into the class, and had the results after lunch. As we all came in after lunch the instructor called “Fredrickson, Johnson, front and center face the class at attention.” Johnson and I glance at each other as we quickly do as ordered. “Class 425 these are your two EPO's. They are the two that had the highest scores on this first test. They will have to maintain a 3.5 and not fail a single test if they do not then another will be selected. They will lead any remedial studies that will be held for those of you that fail any test. Three test failures and you will be held back a class, three after you will be dropped from the school and another assignment will be found. Is that clear?” We all respond as one “YES PETTY OFFICER.” The red badges where pinned on the right breast right over our name badge. We were then dismissed back to out seats and class proceeded as normal. When Newkirk and I returned to our room we discussed a little of our plans this coming weekend. I had learned of a local mall and there were Van's just outside the gate that would take you there for a small fee. He was just going to study and stay in. I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then headed out. The ride to the mall was uneventful even though it was $15 for a 20 minute drive. After roaming the mall for an hour or so, I decided that I needed a cellphone and a laptop. Found myself at one of those cell phone kiosks, the ones splattered in the middle of the malls that you have to walk around to get anywhere. Bought myself the best phone money could buy and a plan to match. The best part of being fresh out of bootcamp was three months of pay just stocked in your bank account. I soon found myself in an electronics store looking at the laptops completely lost in what I was wanting. An attendant came over “Can I help you sir?” “I'm not sure. I'm looking for a laptop that I can do some minor online gaming that would be good for school work as well.” “Well sir these here in the mid range will work from that short description. The night has a little better graphics and more memory, but any of these three would do well.” “Thank you sir, I think I will take this one.” pointing at the more expensive of the three. “Great choice, I will have it waiting for you at the counter when you are ready to check out.” “Thank you I will just browse a little longer and be right there.” as I looked around I grabbed myself a shoulder bag and a mouse for the laptop and went to the counter. “Find everything you were looking for?” the cashier asked cheerfully, but I could tell the cheer wasnt sincere. “Yeah thanks to the assistant I was able to find what I needed thank you.” I said adding a small smile of my own. “Would you like the 2 year service plan added it's only $50?” She says as she rings up the items. “No thank you.” I reply. “Ok your total today is $865.95, how will you be paying today?” “Debit. Why can't anything be an even dollar amount?” I gripe with a little chuckle, as I swipe my card and punch in my pin. “Thank you and have a wonderful day.” she says with a chuckle herself, one that I can tell is sincere as the smile reaches her eyes. I grab my bag and walk out feeling good that I could cheer someone up even for just a moment. I spend another hour hitting other shops for more clothes. Then find myself waiting for a van back to base. $30 this time but thankfully there where 3 others that would split the cost. Back in my room Newkirk asked “How was the trip? Was the mall even worth the it?” “Actually it wasn't to bad, and it's like most malls maybe a little bigger than I'm used to but not bad.” I reply as Ii started to pull out my new purchases. I place my phone on the nightstand and pull out the box for the charger. Newkirk glances over from his own phone that his parents brought for him between boot and school. “Nice phone” “Thank you I went and got a laptop as well. Figured it may come in handy for studying.” “Yeah like you need to study hard. You nearly aced that last test. I just barely passed.” he gripes tossing his phone on the bed so he can look at me better. “Hey, I'm sorry this stuff just comes naturally to me. If you need help with anything I'm right here. Hell I am an EPO now.” I state not even sure how I'm going to manage being in charge of helping people learn this stuff. I quickly unpack my new laptop and place it on the desk, pull out the cord so I can charge it and get the start up process going. I sit at the desk and pull out my phone adding numbers that I have in my memory, such as parents, sisters, and the few friends I had back home, while the the laptop finishes up its initial start up and install of everything. When it is finished I unplug it and take it over to my bed, setting up the wifi and jumping online. Being this is my first time really away from any authority figure, I start looking into those feelings I had so many years ago. Those feelings of wanting to be small and loved and cared for. I find some information on ABDL, and the whole caregiver and little relationship. I find myself drawn to the whole concept and wanting to experience it myself. I glance at the time to realize it's now almost midnight. I glance over at the other bed to see Newkirk passed out and he had turned the lights off. I must have been so drawn into what I was reading I didn't even realize he had done that. I close all the tabs I had up, closed the laptop, and snuggled under the covers drifting off to sleep myself. Chapter 3 I woke up in the morning after the strangest of dreams. Not only was I being cared for like a baby, but I was a girl as well. I decided I was going to take the day and relax, and do some more research and try to wrap my head around the dream I woke up from. As I sat up in bed I glanced across the room seeing the other bed made neatly and no one in it. Thinking to myself well I guess he decided to get an early start. I climb out of bed and gather a set of clothes for the day along with my shower caddy. I walk down the hall and slide into the communal shower, slide into a stall, close the curtain, and undress. I start the water and let the warmth just wash over me as I finish waking up. As I scrub down a few people come in and out, but no one says a thing. I rinse off, shut down the water, and quickly dry off. I step out and dressing fairly quickly as a fellow classmate comes in. We casually say good morning to each other but that is it. As I walk back to my room my stomach grumbles reminding me I need to go get some food. Stepping into my room I decide to give a mom and pop cafe that I saw right off base a try. I quickly throw on some socks and shoes and head out. I get the the cafe, read the sign “The blue moon cafe” with an image of a full blue moon behind the writing. I glide in the door and find it quiet, a few people around but not very busy. A sign at the front counter reads, “please seat yourself” as I see an empty booth and slide in. I pull out my phone looking for something to pass the time waiting for the waitress. “How can I help you today?” a middle aged woman, with shoulder length dark brown, almost black, hair asked in a drab voice saying today is going to be a long day. I look up a little startled “I will take some coffee to start with. Give me just a moment on the food. Thank you” as she turns to walk away I call back to her “save the cow”. She looks over her shoulder with a questioning look. “No cream” I explain. She turns back with a little chuckle and pours my coffee. I quickly look at the menu and decide on a western omelet, I have always liked those. As she returns I quickly tell her my order and grab the coffee for the first swig of the morning. As I sip my coffee I start surfing the internet on my phone trying to find some rhyme or reason behind the dream I woke up with that morning. I don't find anything worth looking to far into before breakfast comes. “Thank you” I state quickly before she dashes off to help another customer. I quietly ate my omelet savoring each bite, casually flipping through different sites about the ABDL community. “how's the omelet? And would you like some more coffee?” I hear the waitress ask from beside me. “It's great thank you, and I would love some more thank you.” I mentally shake myself, I need to stop getting so wrapped up in what I'm looking at online. She quickly refills my cup and continues her rounds. As I finish my breakfast she slips by refilling my cup one more time and leaving the check. I slowly finish my third cup as I let the food set, as I drink the last swallow of my coffee I slide out and grab the check and head to the the cashier. As I am waiting the waitress comes up and starts to ring me out. “How was everything today?” “It was wonderful thank you. I think I may have to make a weekly visit as long as I'm in town.” I say with a smile on my face. I quickly pay with my debit card and head back to base. When I got back to my room I pulled out my school stuff and started to study. I studied until my stomach decided to tell me that I was hungry. Glancing up at the clock I realise it is dinner time at the gallee and quickly make the walk down there for dinner. After dinner I head back to my room, pull out my laptop, and do some more research. Newkirk is in the room by then so I ask “How has your day been?’ “Ohhh you know just exploring what's around. I found my way to the mall first thing this morning. When did you wake by the way? You must have been having a strange dream. You were mumbling in your sleep.” He states as he stretches out his 6’2” frame onto his bed. I nervously chuckle “yeah I remember it being odd just don't remember much of it.” I quickly lie and hope he lets it go. “Yeah I have those sometimes, if you start to get to loud I will just throw something at ya. Do the same if I get loud” he chuckles at his little joke. I chuckle as I pull up the search engine and continue my site browsing. The rest of that day, and the next, go rather uneventful. Monday rolls around and the start of a new week. I learned that we have tests every friday, so I'm not expecting to start any study sessions as EPO until the week after. The week went by in a blur ending in a near perfect score on that weeks test. The weekend was about the same with the exception of going to the mall. Those strange dreams continued, with slight changes each time and no calling out. I decided that I would make the blue moon cafe a weekly stop every Sunday as a treat before the start of the new week. Monday came and the scheduling of the study halls. There would be two sessions a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Jackson, the other EPO, would take the Tuesday I would take the Thursday. The week flew by next thing I knew I was up in a different class room waiting for the study hall people to come in an hour after class was released. I had a tentative plan of what I wanted to go over, but was going to ask where the help was needed most first. A few people came in then she did, about 2 inches shorter than me, skinny as a rail, dirty blond hair pulled up in a bun. Her name badge read “Chappa” and I felt drawn to her. “Ok let's settle down. Now what do we all need help with?” I start the study session with. As it turns out they all needed help with different parts of today's lesson. So I settle in and start from the beginning. After an hour of going over the material. We call it for the night. As I gather my stuff I wait for everyone to leave. As I close the door behind me she is standing there just down the hall eyeing me with lust filled eyes. I walk towards her. “Hi I'm Sean Fredrickson” I present my hand for a shake. “I'm Carol Chappa nice to meet you. Are you doing anything this weekend?” She responds in turn. Daintily shaking my hand. “Not right now, do you have any plans?” I ask with a slight blush. “Actually some friends and I are getting a hotel and having a little party. I wanted to know if you would like to come?” I respond maybe a little too quickly “I would love to. Where should we meet?” “we are all meeting at the smoke deck at 1800 on Friday. Hope to see you there.” “Wouldn't miss it.” I assure her. I head back to my room, head swimming with what I may have just gotten myself into. As I step into my room I quickly say hi to Newkirk, undress and climb into bed. As I drift off to sleep my mind is fixated on her haunting looks and her piercing green eyes. Chapter 3 I woke up in the morning after the strangest of dreams. Not only was I being cared for like a baby, but I was a girl as well. I decided I was going to take the day and relax, and do some more research and try to wrap my head around the dream I woke up from. As I sat up in bed I glanced across the room seeing the other bed made neatly and no one in it. Thinking to myself well I guess he decided to get an early start. I climb out of bed and gather a set of clothes for the day along with my shower caddy. I walk down the hall and slide into the communal shower, slide into a stall, close the curtain, and undress. I start the water and let the warmth just wash over me as I finish waking up. As I scrub down a few people come in and out, but no one says a thing. I rinse off, shut down the water, and quickly dry off. I step out and dressing fairly quickly as a fellow classmate comes in. We casually say good morning to each other but that is it. As I walk back to my room my stomach grumbles reminding me I need to go get some food. Stepping into my room I decide to give a mom and pop cafe that I saw right off base a try. I quickly throw on some socks and shoes and head out. I get the the cafe, read the sign “The blue moon cafe” with an image of a full blue moon behind the writing. I glide in the door and find it quiet, a few people around but not very busy. A sign at the front counter reads, “please seat yourself” as I see an empty booth and slide in. I pull out my phone looking for something to pass the time waiting for the waitress. “How can I help you today?” a middle aged woman, with shoulder length dark brown, almost black, hair asked in a drab voice saying today is going to be a long day. I look up a little startled “I will take some coffee to start with. Give me just a moment on the food. Thank you” as she turns to walk away I call back to her “save the cow”. She looks over her shoulder with a questioning look. “No cream” I explain. She turns back with a little chuckle and pours my coffee. I quickly look at the menu and decide on a western omelet, I have always liked those. As she returns I quickly tell her my order and grab the coffee for the first swig of the morning. As I sip my coffee I start surfing the internet on my phone trying to find some rhyme or reason behind the dream I woke up with that morning. I don't find anything worth looking to far into before breakfast comes. “Thank you” I state quickly before she dashes off to help another customer. I quietly ate my omelet savoring each bite, casually flipping through different sites about the ABDL community. “how's the omelet? And would you like some more coffee?” I hear the waitress ask from beside me. “It's great thank you, and I would love some more thank you.” I mentally shake myself, I need to stop getting so wrapped up in what I'm looking at online. She quickly refills my cup and continues her rounds. As I finish my breakfast she slips by refilling my cup one more time and leaving the check. I slowly finish my third cup as I let the food set, as I drink the last swallow of my coffee I slide out and grab the check and head to the the cashier. As I am waiting the waitress comes up and starts to ring me out. “How was everything today?” “It was wonderful thank you. I think I may have to make a weekly visit as long as I'm in town.” I say with a smile on my face. I quickly pay with my debit card and head back to base. When I got back to my room I pulled out my school stuff and started to study. I studied until my stomach decided to tell me that I was hungry. Glancing up at the clock I realise it is dinner time at the gallee and quickly make the walk down there for dinner. After dinner I head back to my room, pull out my laptop, and do some more research. Newkirk is in the room by then so I ask “How has your day been?’ “Ohhh you know just exploring what's around. I found my way to the mall first thing this morning. When did you wake by the way? You must have been having a strange dream. You were mumbling in your sleep.” He states as he stretches out his 6’2” frame onto his bed. I nervously chuckle “yeah I remember it being odd just don't remember much of it.” I quickly lie and hope he lets it go. “Yeah I have those sometimes, if you start to get to loud I will just throw something at ya. Do the same if I get loud” he chuckles at his little joke. I chuckle as I pull up the search engine and continue my site browsing. The rest of that day, and the next, go rather uneventful. Monday rolls around and the start of a new week. I learned that we have tests every friday, so I'm not expecting to start any study sessions as EPO until the week after. The week went by in a blur ending in a near perfect score on that weeks test. The weekend was about the same with the exception of going to the mall. Those strange dreams continued, with slight changes each time and no calling out. I decided that I would make the blue moon cafe a weekly stop every Sunday as a treat before the start of the new week. Monday came and the scheduling of the study halls. There would be two sessions a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Jackson, the other EPO, would take the Tuesday I would take the Thursday. The week flew by next thing I knew I was up in a different class room waiting for the study hall people to come in an hour after class was released. I had a tentative plan of what I wanted to go over, but was going to ask where the help was needed most first. A few people came in then she did, about 2 inches shorter than me, skinny as a rail, dirty blond hair pulled up in a bun. Her name badge read “Chappa” and I felt drawn to her. “Ok let's settle down. Now what do we all need help with?” I start the study session with. As it turns out they all needed help with different parts of today's lesson. So I settle in and start from the beginning. After an hour of going over the material. We call it for the night. As I gather my stuff I wait for everyone to leave. As I close the door behind me she is standing there just down the hall eyeing me with lust filled eyes. I walk towards her. “Hi I'm Sean Fredrickson” I present my hand for a shake. “I'm Carol Chappa nice to meet you. Are you doing anything this weekend?” She responds in turn. Daintily shaking my hand. “Not right now, do you have any plans?” I ask with a slight blush. “Actually some friends and I are getting a hotel and having a little party. I wanted to know if you would like to come?” I respond maybe a little too quickly “I would love to. Where should we meet?” “we are all meeting at the smoke deck at 1800 on Friday. Hope to see you there.” “Wouldn't miss it.” I assure her. I head back to my room, head swimming with what I may have just gotten myself into. As I step into my room I quickly say hi to Newkirk, undress and climb into bed. As I drift off to sleep my mind is fixated on her haunting looks and her piercing green eyes. Chapter 4 I woke the next morning to the sound of my alarm going off. I blindly smack the nightstand looking for my alarm to get a few more minutes of sleep. From across the room I hear “I'm up, I'm up.” I open my eyes and find my alarm, shutting it off I roll out of bed. Grudgingly I get up and get dressed, grab my razor and go shave. Never having a whole lot of facial hair to start with made it a quick process. Heading back to the room where I see Newkirk still in bed. “Hey it's time to get up” I holler at him. “Yeah, Yeah I am. I'm just checking my eyelids for leaks.” he mumbles “yeah sure you are. You know we can’t be late get up already” He slowly climbs out of bed, and gets himself ready. We head to the class room together to get this day over with. As we step in I look around and see Carol sitting chatting with some others. She quickly waves. I return the wave and find my seat, placing my work material in front of me. The day goes quickly it helps when distracted with the prospect of going to a weekend long party that night. After classes Newkirk and I walk back to our room. “Any plans this weekend?” he asks. “Actually I do. Sr Chappa invented me to a party this weekend.” “Oh that's cool I think I'm gonna head to the mall and going to catch a movie.” “That's cool. Sunday night we can get some study time in. I noticed you have been flirting with that fail line.” “Yeah I will get some in this weekend and the help will be appreciated.” he states with a slight blush. I quickly strip out of my uniform and head down for a quick shower. After the shower I head back to my room, get dressed and ready to head out. “see ya Sunday James.” I say to Newkirk as I head out the door. “See ya Sean” I walk over the the smoke deck, where I see Carol and a few others. Looking at my watch I see I still have 30 minutes. Carol glances over “nice to see you made it. We are just waiting for a few others. We will go get the rooms, then Jack here will go get the alcohol.” she says to me as she turns a little, and gives me a little hug. “Sounds good” I say hugging her back. As we wait slowly joining the rest, the conversation is about who is with who, and general gossip. A pair, I learn are Chris and Mary, are talking about what was taught today. When the rest show we all pile into two cars and head to a nearby hotel. There were eight of us all apparent couples. We got there and got two adjacent rooms. We quickly found our rooms and we all handed Jack $20s and he headed to get the alcohol. As Carol and I sat on one bed we talked about our past. I glossed over all my past traumas leaving it as simply a quiet childhood. Hers, on the other hand from the way she talked about it, she was feed with the proverbial silver spoon. she joined the military to slight her parents. I decide before the alcohol got there to order pizza for all of us. The Pizza and the alcohol arrive at the same time. As we all dig into the pizza, the alcohol starts to flow. We turn on the TV to some movie channel as Jack breaks out a small speaker and starts some music off his phone. As the time nears 10:00PM we have to turn the music down because of a noise ordinance but the partying continues well after midnight. As everyone finds their way to a bed I find myself in bed with Carol where, in our drunken state, we proceed to have sex. I won't contest to the quality as we were both so drunk we couldn't stand straight. We quickly fell asleep in eachothers arms after. The morning came quickly I was the first to wake, I gently slide out from under Carol as she slept. I go to the bathroom and quickly take care of my morning needs. As I step out of the bathroom I glance around the room and see the total disaster it became from last night, and start to clean up. About 30 minutes after I started I flop back on the bed with a slice of pizza waiting for others to wake up. I pull out my phone and start looking at the pages I found about abdl. Jack was the first to wake. “did you enjoy your night?” he asks with a quick wink. “of course, it sounded like you had a good night as well.” I say with a chuckle About 20 minutes later Carol woke up and I decided to treat her to breakfast. We decided that after she freshened up we would walk to the blue moon cafe. As we walked there she asks “Last night was fun wasn't it?” “it was, I had a blast. Is this your every weekend?” I respond. “well last night was the biggest. This was the second weekend of parties. I know that I am not going to want this every weekend though.” she responds thoughtfully “there will be several that it will just be you and I” she adds with a little wink. I feel my cheeks warm with a slight blush “oh yeah? I didn't think I was that good last night, I was rather drunk” “yeah so was I. But I'm hoping I can find out how you are without the alcohol tonight” “That we can definitely do. I think I'm liquored out for the weekend.” I smile back at her. As we arrive we find a booth. The waitress comes by “Can I get you to something to drink as you look at the menus?” I look over at Carol “I will have some coffee thank you.” she says. “And another coffee for me.” I added. As we wait for our coffees we look through the menu and quickly decide on what we are getting. As the waitress arrives with the drinks. “Have you two decided?” “Yes ma'am we have” I respond and look over at Carol. “I will take the Belgian waffles.” Carol states eagerly. “The western omelet for me please.” when the waitress walks away with our orderI ask “So what would you like to do today?” “Well what would you say to going to the mall, and maybe catching a movie later?” Glancing at my watch I realize it's already noon. “sounds great we can decide what to watch there.” Conversation turns to the school and what she needs to succeed and pass. And we decide to do a weekly study there at the blue moon Wednesday nights. After we eat I pay and we head to the mall. We wonder around for several hours. Stopping at the theater we pick a romantic movie to watch that starts in a couple hours. We go back to the mall and pick up a few more outfits for the two of us. As we went in the theater I got us a popcorn and drink to share. We chose seats that were about half way up. The arm reacts raised out of the way. So I sat and she cuddled next to me during the movie. After, we made our way back to our room, and got ready for the night. We had sex again that night and I am the type of person that insures my partner orgasms before I do, which she greatly appreciated. We quickly fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning we checked out and headed back to base. As we parted ways going into our respective barracks we hugged and kissed. “See you tomorrow?” I ask “Of course we are in the same class” she teases back. I chuckle and watch her enter the door. I turn and head up to my room. “how was your weekend?” James askes as I walk in. “it was great.” as I sit at my desk and give him a quick rundown of the weekend. “sounds like you had a lot of fun” he says with a smile. “I really did. Just wondering where it will lead to you know?” “well don't rush things.” “no definitely won't.” We spend the rest of the day studying. Then get to bed early for another long week. As I fall asleep I can't stop thinking over the weekend and how she may just be the one. Chapter 5 The next month flew by as we settled into a routine at school. Carol and I had our weekly study sessions at the Blue Moon. James and I studied every Sunday. I kept them both in the school and kept my red badge. During the month the other EPO was changed twice and the CO and XO had swapped. Carol and I had gotten very close and spent just about every moment outside of school that we could. We learned that the only way we could guarantee that we would be together after school was to get married. After we learned that we started discussing if that was what we wanted to do. One weekend we were at the mall and started looking at rings and I got an idea of what she liked and wanted. That Thursday I head out to the mall myself. And go to the jewelry store and find the perfect engagement set. And start to have it sized. They tell me that the rings would be ready Saturday and they will give me a call. The next day Carol and I head to our normal hotel. Rent a room for the weekend and head to it. When we get in I say “Hey do you wanna go catch a movie sometime tomorrow. I hear a new one was coming out and thought we could go watch it.” “I would love to. Are we going to make it a dinner and a movie?” she asked as her eyes light up. “But of course, is there any other way?” I ask playfully as I kiss her passionately. We spend the night in each other's tender embrace. The morning comes and we head to blue moon for a quick breakfast before heading to the mall. During breakfast the jewelry store calls “Hello” I respond. “Mr Fredrickson, I was just calling to let you know the ring you ordered is ready for you to pick up.” “Oh great thank you.” “No problem sir you have a great day.” “You as well.” As I hang up the phone. “who was that?” carol asks “just something I ordered is in. I will get it next week. I want to spend the weekend just us.” “are you sure?” “yes I'm positive.” “okay” she responds with a smile. We finish our food and make our way to the mall. At the mall we take our time walking around enjoying each others company. As we go to step into a store I excuse myself to the restroom. Instead of the restroom I quickly find my way to the jewelry store to pick up the rings I bought. We make our way to the theater and get out tickets for about 3 hours after. We then find a restaurant and have nice dinner before the movie is to start. We quickly order our drinks and food. After the drinks arrive, my hand is in my pocket holding the ring case. I stand and kneel next to her. “Carol Chappa, will you marry me?” I stumble over my words as i ask this very important question. She places her hand over her heart “yes, yes i will” she whispers as she starts to cry. I slide the ring on her finger and take her in my arms. The tables around us that overheard congratulated us. Our dinner arrived, as we ate we discussed how when and how we would get married. We decided on going through a justice of the piece for the quickness that we could get it done. And decided on a reception later on. After dinner we made our way to the theater arm in arm. She would randomly raise her hand to admire the ring. We watch the movie and bliss then head back to the hotel for a night of love making. The next morning we wake up together make love again then make our way back to base. I walk her to the front of her barracks kiss her goodbye and head on to mine. On my way in my head is swimming with thoughts of the diapered community I have been flinging I fit into. And how was I to tell my fiance about my thoughts. During my study session with James I am distracted by my thoughts of how to tell her. I decide that in the morning I will invite her to dinner off base Wednesday and tell her then. That morning I met her outside her barracks and walked with her to the school house. “Carol I have something we need to talk about. Can we go to the blue moon Wednesday for dinner to talk?” I ask along the way. “Of Course we can.” she responds with a worried tone in her voice. The first part of the week progressed quickly. Wednesday after class I rushed to my barracks quickly got changed and ready for the dinner with Carol. I met her outside her barracks so we could walk to dinner together. On our way to the Blue Moon, she says “So what was it you needed to talk with me about?” “We will talk over dinner” I simply state with a smile on my face as we hold hands and walk to our dinner. Chapter 6 When we arrived at the diner, we find our normal booth empty even with a small crowd. As we sit the waitress comes over with two cups of coffee as she is the normal waitress we see. “Its great to see you two again how have you been?” “We have been good thank you” I respond “Would you both like your normal for this evening?” She asks. “Yes please” I simply state. “So what is it that you where so eager to speak with me about?” she asks with a smirk on her face. I begin to blush as I start “Well there is a side of me that I haven’t told you about yet.” I say as I glance at the table in between us. “And what is that?” She asks with concern in her eyes. “I….. I like to wear diapers.” “Okay and what does that mean?” She asks with a little venom in her voice. “It means I like the feel of them. I like to be treated like a kid at times” I respond in defense to her unspoken accusation. A confused look comes over her face “So you want to be treated like a baby sometimes?” I bashfully look at the table and nod. “Well we can try this weekend, I don’t know what to do or anything but we can try” “thank you” is all I can say as our food is brought and conversation turns to school. After dinner we quickly find ourselves back at the base and separating to our separate dorms. I gently kiss her good night before she heads in the doors. On my short walk to mine I think about what I had just done. The weekend comes incredibly quick as I attempt to get everything, I think I will need for the weekend. Diapers, wipes, powder, a bottle and paci. Trying to get it all without being seen was harder than I had expected but I managed to get it all. Friday after class I rush to my barracks room pull out the bag I have everything in, look through it and check to make sure I have it all. Quickly change in the excitement of what this weekend will bring. Rush out to wait for Carol to come out of her barracks. After a 20 minuet wait she comes out and askes “do you have everything you need? And are we ready to go?” “I think so” I respond with a grin. She takes my hand and leads us to the vans to head to a hotel. When we get in the van she reaches across me and buckles my seat belt for me. “there you go little one” she whispers as the belt clicks. When we arrive at the hotel she unbuckles me takes my hand and leads me from the van to the office where she rents our room for the weekend. She leads us to our room. When we get in she takes the bag from me and says “lets see what we have in here.” She opens the and starts taking things out. The first is the bag of cheap store brand diapers, and says “I guess I need to get you into one of these now don’t I?” I nod as I lay on the bed on my back. She comes over and slowly takes my pants and boxers off. She opens the package reaches into the bag pulls out the powder sprinkles it on and gently rubs it in. “lift you butt as I slide this under you” I start to sense there is a little tension in her voice. I lift my but and she slides the diaper under me. As she pulls it up between my legs, I blush as I start to get hard. As she tapes the diaper she looks at me with a smirk “you really like this don’t you.” I blush as I nod my head. “lets see what else is in this bag of yours.” As she starts pulling things out “why is every thing for a girl?” “I don’t know, I just like the designs” “Ahhhhh, okay” she simply states, as she opens the Paci and slips it in my mouth. We cuddle and watch TV the rest of the evening. After I wet the diaper, I have to stand up to actually go, she changes me we have sex then go to bed. The next morning she asks “Can we just be us today, I need to think about last night” “Yes we don’t need to do anything today. I thank you for hearing me out and allowing this to happen. Do you think it will happen again?” “Yes it will happen again, just give me time.” “Okay no problem” as I let it go. We go out for breakfast and enjoy the rest of the weekend as we normally would. We also start to talk about our plans for next weekend as we are getting married then. Chapter 7 The week flew by, next thing I know I am getting ready to get married. We meet outside her barracks, I am wearing a pair of black slacks white button up shirt and a black tie, she is wearing a simple yet elegant white dress. We head to the vans bright and early Saturday morning. We are going to Waukegan courthouse. As we pull up, I start to feel my pules quicken as, second doubts start to fill my head. Carol reaches over grabbing my hand, “is everything alright?” I nod my head, “yeah just getting a little nervous, you?” “I’m excited” she exclaims with a big grin on her face. We gently slide out of the Van and walking hand in hand we step into the courthouse. Walking to the receptionist we check in and find some seats to wait our names to be called. As we are sitting there, we watch the bailiff step out of the courtroom and call people up. After the fourth time he calls out “Chappa verses Fredrickson” We stand and taking each other’s hands we walk into the court room. And go stand in front of the judge. “Miss Chappa, Mr. fredrickson you are standing before me to get married today correct?” “Yes you honor.” We say in unison. “good then, Miss Chappa do you take this man to be your husband?” “I do” she simply states “Mr. Fredrickson, do you take this woman to be your wife?” “I do” I say with a grin “I now pronounce you husband and wife” He claims. “the frond desk will provide you with your marriage license and all regarding forms.” We turn towards each other and kiss each other deeply. Then turn and head out the doors. We head to the front desk and obtain our paperwork. As we step outside, we hug and start laughing. We begin walking towards the tram station to head back towards the base. As we near the base we get off at a station then head to a motel just down the road. I step in and get a room for the night thank the lady then head out. “well Mrs. Fredrickson are you ready to head to our room?” “Yes Mr. Fredrickson I am. And please don’t call my Mrs. It makes me feel old.” We both chuckle as I lead her to our room. As we enter the room, I turn her and kiss her passionately, as we begin to slip out of our cloths and stager to the bed. I lay her on the bed our lips never parting, and we begin to make love. After we are done, we clean up get dressed and head out to dinner. We quickly get to our normal restaurant and find a seat holding hands the whole way. After a quick dinner we head back to the room and spend the night deep in each other’s embrace. The next morning, we go to breakfast and then head back to the base. We part ways and head to our barracks. As I enter my room, James is there and looks up at me inquisitively. “everything went great James” I state as I roll my eyes. “you mean she didn’t leave you standing out there all day and night like a fool?” “No she didn’t.” I say as I chuckle. “are you ready to get this studying knocked out?” “Yeah lets do this.” As he turns towards me and we spend the rest of the day studying. On Monday Carol and I submit all the appropriate papers, and we are told that we would be collocated with our orders. The rest of the school went by in a flash, I graduated top 5 in my class. After graduation we are given our next orders. Carol and I compare our orders, she is going to the hospital at camp Lejeune, I was being stationed with the marines. I had a school to attend for 4 weeks before I was to be stationed there, the good thing is it was in an adjoining base. When carol and I got to the bases the first thing we did after checking in was submitting the papers for us to live off base. It was instantly approved but during the week I needed to stay on base, as there was a lot of PT that was done first thing in the mornings. Carol and I was able to find an apartment off base and moved in the first weekend we could. The apartment was a simple two bedrooms with a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. We head out and get all the furniture that we need for the apartment. They tell us they couldn’t deliver it until Monday, so we stop at another store and pick up an air mattress and a TV to watch. As we cuddle and watch tv as my mind began to slide back to wanting to wear diapers. “Have you given any more thought about letting wear diapers?” I ask. “I haven’t but you can get a pack, as long as its not all the time and you go slow.” “Thank you” I simply say. As we snuggle in for the night, we gently make love. The next day we take it easy and just enjoy each other’s company. We went to bed early as I had to get up early to start classes. In the morning I woke to my alarm and quickly shut it off. Slid out of bed got a quick shower and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. As I stepped in, I stopped and watched Carol sleep and though how lucky I was to be her husband. I quietly got dressed and left for the week. The week drug and flew by all at the same time, early morning PT fallowed by class after class. On Friday after class I headed to my car with all my laundry and headed to the apartment. When I got there Carol wasn’t home yet so I decided to head to the store to buy a pack of diapers. When I got to the store, I quickly found the adult diaper isle and was suddenly very self-couscous about what I was going to buy. What would others think, what would others say. I grabbed a pack and started walking to the register. The closer I got the more my hands began to sweat, I placed the bag on the counter and the casher rung me out. She didn’t say anything about my purchase besides normal pleasantries. I drove home, as I stepped into the apartment, I realized Carol was home, I placed my bag but the door and rushed to give her a hug and kiss. “I missed you” I said as I held her. “I missed you too. What did you get at the store?” she gently prods. I head back to the door and pull the pack out of the bag and show her. As she looks at the pack, I miss the look that flashes across her face. “I am about to start dinner do you want to help after you put those up?” she asks. “sure thing” I say as I walk into the bedroom and place the pack in the closet. I walk back into the kitchen and begin to help her cook a simple spaghetti dinner. As we sit in the living room, she asked how my seek went. I fill her in as best I could and ask about her week. Fine was the only answer I got. We spent the rest of the week cuddling and just enjoying each other’s company. Sunday evening we went to bed early as we both had to get up early to start our long week. Chapter 8 The next two weeks flew by as I forgot about the diapers I had bought and stashed in closet. Our weeks found a very happy routine. During the week I would be at the school learning what I needed to, to keep a marine alive on their worst days. On the weekends Carol and I would truly enjoy each other’s company. Each day we fell more and more in love and I was thinking that life couldn’t get any better and she was the best time to come to into my life. On the Friday before the fourth weekend I remember the diapers that I bought. When I got home finding that Carol wasn’t home I went directly to the bedroom and put one on. As I finish I hear the door open and I hear Carol call my name. I step out of the bedroom in nothing but my green T-shirt and the diaper. I catch her roll her eyes and sigh. “Take that damn thing off” she says. I stopped and stared at her for just a moment. “I am sorry I just thought.” I start. “well you thought wrong” she snaps as she interrupts me. “okay” I mumble under my breath as I turn around and step back into the bedroom. I quickly take it off and get redressed. When I rejoin her in the living room, she acted as if there was nothing wrong. The weekend progressed as if nothing had happened. Monday morning comes to quickly as it always does. I kissed her goodbye as I left the house, my mind swirling about what had happened Friday. The week went by and it was more taxing then the rest. As I drug myself home Friday I find a note from Carol. Sean I am sorry I have duty tonight. I will be home late. Love you Carol I read the note twice to make sure I had it right. I quickly thought that tonight would be a good night to indulge in wearing. I head to the bedroom pull out a diaper from the pack, thinking if she really had that big of a problem with me wearing why hasn’t she thrown them out. I put it on, head out to the living room to watch tv in just my t-shirt and the diaper. As I am sitting on the couch relaxing, I can’t stop looking down at myself marveling at how the diaper feels against me and that I don’t see the bulge that I would normally see in regular underwear. My stomach starts to grumble, and I think it is about time to go get something to eat, I head into the kitchen and make a quick meal. I begin to feel my bladder and I have to really concentrate to let it out. I am shocked at the warmth that spreads across the front of the diaper and travel down between my legs to settle and soak into my diaper. I collected my food and went to the living room to eat. As I finish, I start to fall asleep on the couch. I am awoken by the door opening and the yelling of Carol “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT YOU DAMN NASTY PIECE OF SHIT FALLING ASLEEP ON MY DAMN COUCH IN A FUCKING WET NASTY DIAPER. YOU FUCKING PERVERTED ASSHOLE.” I jump up off the couch and start to stammer out some excuse. She marches over and I don’t even recognize her. The look on her face is like out of some slasher flick where the killer is about to kill their victim. She begins to slap and hit any part of me she can reach, as she continues to extenuate every other word with another strike. “TAKE THAT NASTY FUCKING THING OFF. I HATE THE IDEA I HATE YOU FOR IT AND I CANT STAND BEING AROUND YOU. YOU FUCKING PERVERT” I rip the diaper off and stammer out an apology as I cower in front of her. “Go get fucking dressed and clean yourself up I don’t want to smell your fucking piss” “I am sorry” I mumble as I walk back to the bedroom to grab some cloths and took them into the bathroom for a quick shower. I glance and see her on the phone with someone. As I get out and dressed, I walk out to the living room. “All of those disgusting things need to get out of my house NOW!!!” I quickly dash to do as she ordered I grab the near full pack and take it into the kitchen where the trash bags are and place the pack in an empty bag as a tear slides from my eye, my mind trying to wrap around what happened why she is so angry and not coming up with anything. I pick up the wet diaper that I had left in the middle of the floor and throw it away. And quietly take it out to the large trash bin outside. As I start back to the apartment. She is storming out with her keys in hand. “I can’t stand the fucking sight of you I am leaving.” “Please don’t, please stay I am so sorry” I start to cry. She storms past gets in her car and leaves as I am crying on the walk and slowly walk back in. I close the door and slump against it sliding till I am on the floor as the wracking crying starts. I manage to crawl to the couch. I climb up and cry my self to sleep right there. I wake to the smell of cooking bacon. I stand and stagger to the kitchen and see Carol cooking. “Carol I am sorry for last night” I say as I see her. “you should be, I can’t believe you would think I would be ok walking in with you like that. I can’t do that I can’t stand even the thought. It makes me physically ill.” She says “ok I won’t do that again” We let the conversation go and I put the thoughts of diapers as deep into my memory as I can. Just like I did as a kid about my gender. The weeks flew by and our relationship started to get back to normal. She snapped at every little think I did, and I shrugged it off. As school is a few weeks out from finishing I came home one Friday night. “So next weekend I will be spending it in the field” I tell Carol after I gave her a hug and kiss. “Yeah right you found someone to go play diaper buddies with. Well I sure FUCKING hope she is worth your damn marriage.” She begins to fume. “No I have put all that behind me I swear it’s a field op to finish up school.” I explain “You where told at the beginning that you wouldn’t need to be there during the weekend so I know your fucking lying” “No, I am not lying, what am I to do when they spring this on me. I told you as soon as I could. I am sorry. But I have to be there.” “What the fuck ever.” We try to make the best of the weekend. Monday morning comes and she wakes a little as I give her a kiss goodbye. “Have fun with your nasty ass diaper buddy you cheating asshole.” The Wednesday after my time in the field we graduate, and I don’t have to check into my next command until Monday. I head home with a heavy heart and a little eagerness to be with Carol for the long weekend. I think as I drive that this weekend, I am going to do all I can to make this the best weekend I can. I do love Carol, or I wouldn’t have married her. I get home and I start getting things out to make a wonderful dinner for her so it will be ready as soon as she gets home. As soon as she steps in the door I can see on her face that she had a bad day. “what the fuck are you doing?” she says as she slams the door. “Well I graduated and I don’t have to check in until Monday so I thought I would surprise you with a nice dinner and spend as much quality time with you this weekend as we can” I quickly say “Oh, well that would be nice. Since you weren’t here last weekend. And I did have a crap day” The weekend flew by even though it was really a great time. As we crawl into bed Sunday night I think tomorrow will be the start of a new adventure. Chapter 9 “HN Fredrickson, welcome to 1/2.” Chief Smith states sitting behind his desk. “we have assigned you as a line Corpsman for Alpha company. They are in the field for a couple days so when they return HM3 Sheppered will introduce you to the unit commander. For now you will be in the BAS helping with sick call and learning the way things work here. Any questions?” “No Chief I am just eager to get started” I simply state “As you are probably aware, we are getting ready for deployment in a month there is still a lot of training you will need to go through before we leave. Alpha company will insure you are trained in all that is needed before departure. You aren’t the only new member to their company.” “I understand and I was maid aware of that as I was checking in. thank you for all the information.” “not at all I want your time with us to be successful. Head into the BAS find HM1 Baker he will let you know what to do.” “Thank you chief” I say as I turn and head out of his office. As I step into the BAS I quickly find HM1 and introduce my self. “Well sick call is over for the day. We are working on organizing for the deployment. HM3 Shults is in the supply locker why don’t you see what you can do to help.” I find the supply locker and start helping. The next 3 days I spend in sick call and in the locker moving and unpacking boxes just to pack them in another box. Its tedious work but I can tell that I am helping a lot. The good thing about being at a command and not in school is I can go home every night. I am free from work at 4:00 PM and its like everyone gets out at exactly the same time. The traffic is horrendous. I get home about 30 minuets after Carol gets home. “What the fuck took you so long getting home.” Carol yells with her arms crossed. “The traffic coming off base was horrible.” I say simply “Yeah that’s what they all fucking say. Who did you find?” “seriously no one Carol. I came right home as soon as I was released.” “Yeah whatever. Dinner is ready” she turns and walks into the kitchen. “Dinner sounds amazing. Thank you” We sit down in the living room flip on the TV and just relax and talk about our days. “Wait so your fucking deploying in what a fucking month. What the fuck am I going to do” she says as I can tell she is starting to get irritated. “well we knew when I was stationed with, the marines there was a likely hood that this would happen. We will get thought this I promise.” I say sympathetically as I gently place my arm around her shoulder pulling in for a hug. She relaxes into my embrace and we finish our show like that. After the show we head to bed. The next 3 days go by the same way. When Alpha company returned, I was quickly introduced to the company commander, and assigned my squad. My eight-man squad is going to the rang the rest of the week I am instructed to gear up and go with them. At the range we are learning and practicing clearing rooms and houses. As well as practice shooting and quick and effective ways to drop an enemy. Each night we don’t get back to the unit until 4:30 and it takes and hour and a half to clean my rifle and check it in. of course, I gave Carol a call before as soon as I knew I was going to be late letting her know. It didn’t seam to matter much as soon as I got home, she blew up on me accusing me of cheating again and going back to my diapers. As I try to explain again why I was late I quickly learn that it doesn’t matter what I say. So, I just let her go off and blow her steam. As the weeks progress and the time for departure our field ops become more and more frequent to the point, I am away from home more often than at home. I lean that PT with my squad and company is a pain a lot harder than when I was in school, but it is needed. I am expected to go as far as any of my marines and back if they get hurt. I get really good at the range. When I a home I try to make the best of it. And show her all the love I have for her. Even when it seams all the love is one sided. Once a week we would gather all our gear, and have it inspected to insure we still had it all. As the day of my departure arrived things had settled down between Carol and me. She drove me to the unit to see me off. I introduced her to some of the members of my squad. We ended up hanging out with PVT Patrick Jessup. He had quickly became one of my closer friends. “Damn doc you got your self a good woman” Patrick whispers in my ear. “Yeah I found my self a real catch didn’t I” I say back as I glance at her. “what are you too talking about over there?” Carol says gently elbowing me in the ribs. “oh, nothing just how much I love you” I say bending over to kiss her. “Ok you two that’s enough” Patrick says as he chuckles. “You just keep this idiot safe out there Patrick” she glances over my shoulder looking at him. “Oh you know I will do my best.” We get called to muster up and start to load the busses. I give Carol a kiss as I get in formation. We load the bus and as we start to drive off, I watch out the window and see Carol crying. I sit back in my seat and relax for the drive to the plains we are taking to Iraq. “Don’t worry Doc, you will see her again” Patrick says as he relaxes into his seat next to me. “I know, I know still just my first deployment and not all that easy.” I say with a sigh. “I know, its mine also. Just ain’t leaving anyone behind” “I am starting to wonder if its not for the best” I say with a chuckle. “No, you have the better deal. I am going to get some shut eye. Make sure I am up when we get there.” “you act like Gunny would let us sleep though” I say as I laugh. When we get to the airport we file of the bus and go straight on to the plane. we take our seats. As I watch the ground move by faster and faster then start to drop away from us as we take off. My thoughts turn to what we are headed off to do and where we are going.
  4. Does anyone have this story saved to there computer? I cannot find it anywhere.
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