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  1. Chapter 1: Bulma's In Trouble Every day since Bulma and Chi Chi had vanished into thin air the Z Fighters had gathered at Capsule Corp before going out to search for the missing mothers. The majority of the time they worked in shifts and there was always someone sitting by the phone at Capsule Corp, waiting for any sign of either woman. Normally, it would just be Videl watching over the babies with the boys standing by the phone, but Eighteen had popped in after having spent much of the morning trying to track down any clues that might help in finding Bulma and Chi Chi. With Krillin at work this left the blond fighter looking over her four year old daughter, who shared a playpen with Videl's daughter, Pan. "Do you think we will ever find them, Eighteen?" The innocent voice of Goten could be heard breaking the silence of the room. The blond who was watching over Marron and Pan play in the playpen turned her gaze to Goten. "It's been a long time, but your mom is a tough woman. I think she's surviving, wherever she is." Eighteen said in a neutral tone. Videl saw the look of worry on Goten's face and decided to speak up. "I'm sure we will find her, Goten. We just have to be patient." Videl replied, trying to appear upbeat and positive. "Yeah, but what about my mom?" The usually cocky and arrogant Trunks looked particularly worried. "She's the smartest person in the galaxy! Why hasn't she tried to reach out to us?" The sound of a ringing phone echoed throughout the living room in the residential quarters of the Capsule Corp building. Everyone present stopped talking and looked over at the ringing phone in surprise. Trunks was not only closest to the phone, but was the first to act. He ran over to the phone and picked it up. "Hello, Brief residence." The lavender haired boy answered the phone out of habit. "Trunks! Oh thank Kami you answered!" Trunks instantly recognized the familiar voice of his mother crying out in joy from the other end of the line. "Mom! Where have you been?!" Both Videl and Eighteen shared a surprised look at each other as Goten stood there in stunned disbelief. "It's a long story, Trunks, but I don't have time to explain." Bulma replied. "What do you mean? Everyone here has been looking for you! We've all been worried sick!" The young boy shouted. "I know, I know, but I don't have much time to talk. I need you to put your father on the phone." "I would, but he's still training somewhere in space." Trunks said, sighing. "Oh, of course that musclebound ape is still training!" Bulma whined and almost started to sob. "Mom! Are you hurt?!" Trunks was caught by surprise since he had never heard his mother this close to tears. "What's wrong?" "Trunks, I don't know how to say this, but Chi Chi and I have been kidnapped by a race of crazy giant aliens!" The scientist explained. "Giant aliens?!" Trunks exclaimed, causing everyone in the room to stare at him. "Did he just say…" Videl paused. "Giant aliens?" The blond continued Videl's sentence. "Trunks, I don't know how much time I have before they come back! I need you to turn on the computer attached to the phone and look at the coordinates. Can you do that for mommy?" Bulma all but pleaded. "Yeah, no problem." Trunks answered as he turned on the screen. Slowly, the image of Bulma came into focus on the screen in the living room, but something looked off about her appearance. The normally well groomed scientist looked like a mess: her hair wasn't styled perfectly nor was she wearing any makeup. As a matter of fact, she had a big pair of lips imprinted on her forehead in red; it looked like someone who was wearing a lot of lipstick had kissed her on her forehead. "She looks like she's been busy." The blond Android whispered to Videl who immediately started to blush. "I don't think it's like that." The raven haired young woman replied. "Okay, now that the screen is on, go into the settings sub menu and pull up the details tab." The dishevelled mother ordered. The lavender haired boy did as he was told and found the exact location of his Mother's call. It looked like it was somewhere on the other side of the universe. "Mom, you're really far away!" "I know, but it wasn't my idea to get kidnapped!" Bulma barked. "Yeah, but how am I supposed to rescue you if you're on the other side of the universe?" Trunks genuinely wondered. "I have a spaceship in my hanger." Bulma quickly answered and then added, "I need you to get your grandfather to fly your dad and Goku out here." "Who's a naughty baby using Mommy's telephone like a big girl?" A deep, feminine voice boomed in the background behind Bulma. Videl and Eighteen shared confused looks as the audio from the screen reached their ears. Even Trunks, who always had something to say, didn't know what to think as he heard the strange voice come over the speaker of the monitor. After the voice finished talking, they all noticed a huge shadow fall over Bulma as the woman's face went bright red. Immediately, Bulma started sweating and swearing at the person off the screen. "I'm sick and tired of you treating me like this, you stupid bitch! I'm a mother and don't need you-" Bulma's voice was instantly cut off as a pair of giant arms scooped the blue haired scientist away from the phone. Everyone, save for the two babies in the playpen, watched in stunned silence as the smartest woman in the galaxy disappeared from the screen only to reappear moments later draped over a giant alien's knee. What shocked everyone was the fact that Bulma was naked and wearing an adult sized diaper that looked like it was designed for a baby. However, that one piece of clothing was easily ripped from her body exposing her plump ass. A giant hand started raining down swift spanks onto her bottom, causing the proud mother to scream and beg for mercy. "I'm sorry, mommy! I didn't mean to use your phone! I'm so sorry!" The words poured out of her like the urine that was spraying onto the giant's dress covered legs from her crotch. "First you play with mommy's phone and now you pee on me?!" The screen suddenly went black as the signal was interrupted. "We have to save our moms!" Goten shouted. "Don't you think I know that?" Trunks placed his hand on the side of his head and started thinking. "Boys, calm down." Eighteen chimed in, trying to regain control over the two upset boys. "We just have to get a hold of Goku and Vegeta." "But we have to do something now!" The spikey haired half saiyan whined. "Goten is right! That thing was spanking my mom!" Trunks exclaimed as he pulled his hand away from his forehead. "We all saw what happened, Trunks." Videl stated, blushing. "But we have to tell the others before we do anything." "We should just take that spaceship my mom said was in the hangar and go rescue them" The lavender haired boy thought aloud, ignoring Videl. "Really?!" Goten exclaimed in an excited tone. "Why not? We have the coordinates to her location." Trunks grinned slyly as the gears in Goten's head started to turn. "We're not going anywhere until your dads are told about this new development." Eighteen stated in a firm voice. "Does that mean we can fly there on your mom's ship and save our moms?" Goten wondered aloud, putting two and two together. "Not only can we fly there, but will we save our moms and kick every giant's butt that tries to stop us!" Trunks declared with a raised fist. "Yeah!" Goten joined Trunks in raising his fist as the two boys struck a pose. "That sounds great and all that, but shouldn't we wait until Gohan, Goku and Vegeta are informed about this new development?" The blond repeated herself while brushing her hair over her ear with a scowl; she hated being ignored. "Yes, we should." Videl agreed with Android Eighteen, much to the annoyance of the boys. "We've been standing around doing nothing for weeks!" Goten whined. "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that I could beat those giants up without any help." Trunks added with a cocky grin. "Hey!" Goten exclaimed. "I'm not going to let you rescue my mom without my help!" "Alright, then it's settled. Let's get to the hanger!" The lavender haired boy ordered before he ran off towards the stairs. "Hey!" Eighteen called out to the sprinting boys before she started running after them. "Wait!" Videl was anxious to help in any way she could as she chased after Eighteen and the boys. She wished that Gohan was here with her. If he was around then maybe Goten would actually stop running and listen to her. Goten chased after Trunks who proceeded to lead him, and the women, down the stairs and through the halls that crisscrossed the deep, underground basement of the Capsule Corp compound. The lavender haired half Saiyan pushed his way through a plain door that had the word "Hanger" painted above it. Goten followed his best friend through the door as both Eighteen and Videl caught up to the two rambunctious boys. They all found themselves inside a giant room that looked like it could fit the entire World Martial Arts arena within it. "Trunks! This place is huge!" The black haired boy marveled. "This is Bulma's hanger?" Videl gawked at the enormous area underneath the dome shaped roof. "That's nothing. Check this out!" Trunks boasted as he pressed a button on the wall. The sound of numerous mechanical pistons sounded off in unison as the floor parted, revealing a giant hole in the middle of the hangar. Only seconds after the gap in the floor formed, a gleaming white structure started to rise up from underneath the floor. The ship that slowly came into view looked like a more space worthy version of the original ball shaped ship that Dr. Briefs and Bulma had designed for Goku's trek to Namek. It's flat roof had dome shaped windows that allowed the passengers to observe the stars and It stood on four large, metallic legs. The best way to describe the ship was to compare it with a deep dish pizza. "Woah!" Goten stood there, staring at the spacecraft in awe. "So? What do you guys think? Pretty awesome, huh?" Trunk's asked with an ear to ear grin. "That thing is incredible. I've never seen anything like it!" Videl exclaimed "It's fancy and all that, but we really shouldn't be messing around with Bulma's stuff." The blond remarked in an annoyed tone. Goten continued to stare at the imposing ship as he wondered if they could really reach their moms. "It's really cool, Trunks, but do you know how to fly it?" Trunks was immediately pulled out of his prideful posture by the question. He wasn't exactly a pilot or anything like that, but if his dad could figure it out then so could he! "Yeah, of course I can!" The lavender haired boy answered before he ran over to the ship. "Hey!" Eighteen barked. "Get your little butt away from that ship!" "Wait up!" Goten shouted while climbing up the stairs, chasing after Trunks. "You've got to be kidding me." Videl lamented as her husband's younger brother entered the enormous ship. "I swear, after I drag those two brats out of that ship, I'm going to find Vegeta and break his arm again." Eighteen swore as she made her way to the steps leading up to the ship's entrance. "Isn't that a bit harsh?" Videl asked as she climbed up the stairs with Eighteen. "If anything, I'm being far too lenient." The blond replied as she entered the ship "Hurry up and close the door before the girls can stop us!" The lavender haired boy called out to his friend from his position in the driver's seat. Goten looked over at the half Saiyan who was already strapped into the seat of the ship's cockpit with his hand hovering over the controls, ready to launch the ship. "You touch that button and I'll spank your butt the entire trip." Eighteen threatened. "Wait!" Goten cried out as Trunks pressed a large button on the control panel of the ship's cockpit. With a silent roar of electricity, the ship began to prepare to launch as an unseen internal clock started to count down. Unbeknownst to the boys and the women present, the ship had a thirty second window before it would take off and enter space. Trunks had already typed in the coordinates and simply needed to wait, but Eighteen wasn't going to allow him to sit around. Trunks eyed the controls with an annoyed glare. "Why isn't this thing going anywhere?!" "It's not going anywhere because you have no idea what you're doing." Eighteen replied with a smirk. "Now playtime is over." "But I need to rescue my mom!" Trunks pleaded as he hopped around on one foot due to Eighteen dragging him by the ear towards the door of the ship. "Goten, are you going to be a good boy and get off of this ship or do I have to tell Gohan that you refused to listen to me?" Videl asked, trying to force the boy to exit the spaceship of his own volition. "I'll be good." Goten replied sheepishly and walked past the blond fighter who was now struggling with Trunks. "When I tell my dad that you refused to help us rescue mom, he's going to be so pissed!" The lavender haired boy exclaimed as he tried to regain his grip on the sides of the door of the spaceship. "When is he not pissed off?" The blond asked rhetorically, pulling the boy's hands away from the edge of the door before throwing him off of the ship like a bag of old garbage. "Wasn't that a little much?" Videl asked as she walked up to Eighteen who was staring down at Trunks who laid crumpled up at the bottom of the stairs. "You gotta be firm with that kid. I gave him plenty of chances to listen to me and- " The blond fighter was interrupted by the ship's door automatically shutting in her face, sealing her and Videl within the vessel. "What's happening?!" Videl asked, fear evident in her voice. "I don't know, but I'm willing to bet it has something to do with Trunks." Eighteen replied with a frown. A steady rumble filled the ship as it lifted up off of the floor of the hanger and hovered in place. "Can we shut it down?!" Videl asked, panic starting to get the better of her. Trunks looked up at the hovering ship that Goten was pointing at. Suddenly, it all started to make sense. "Goten! The ship is about to launch!" Without another word spoken between the two boys, the ship blasted through the roof of the hanger and was piercing through the Earth's atmosphere that separated the subterranean hanger from the endless void of space like a bullet flying through a wall. "Eighteen!!" Videl cried as she was thrown against one of the dome shaped windows. The two women were screaming in unison as the ship cleared the Earth's orbit and continued to pick up speed. They were literally traveling so fast that Jupiter and Saturn passed by them in the blink of an eye. They struggled against the gravity that was pinning their bodies down, but finally Eighteen was able to overcome the g force that had initially overwhelmed her. She landed on the floor, walked over to the control panel and yanked the lever up, bringing the ship to a stop which caused Videl to fall to the floor. "Thanks." Videl muttered from the tiled floor where she landed "Are you alright?" Eighteen asked, reaching out to help Videl stand up. "I've been better." The black haired girl answered after she got back onto her feet. "It looks like we're in space." The blond remarked after looking out the window. "Yes, it does." Videl scratched the back of her head. "So, any idea how we're going to get back to Earth?" "I'll see if I can do anything." The blond sat behind the controls and started going through the various menus on the screen before coming to a digital display which showed her map of the stars. It looked like the ship was already on a pre plotted course. "It looks like the brat put us on autopilot or something. The ship's computer says we're going to be wherever Bulma and Chi Chi are in a couple of hours." "What are we supposed to do when we get there?" The younger mother asked before quickly adding, "I can't exactly fight a bunch of giant aliens." Eighteen frowned as she stepped up from the cockpit. "I know that, but I think you're forgetting who you're talking to; I can handle a few giant freaks without breaking a sweat. I'm more worried about the guys not knowing where we're going." "But Trunks will tell them, won't he?" "He will if he can remember the numbers from Bulma's call." The blond fighter replied. "I see." The younger replied, feeling a bit downtrodden. "What should we do in the meantime?" "Well, this ship was built for that arrogant 'Prince.' I bet it has a TV and a fully stocked fridge." Eighteen replied, trying to cheer up Videl. "But I'm not hungry." "I wasn't talking about food." The blond replied with a coy grin. "We could have a few Hetap's to pass the time." "I don't normally drink before dinner." Videl replied. "And I don't normally fly through space on a crash course with a planet full of crazy giant aliens, but there's a first time for everything." "When you say it like that, I guess I could go for a cold Hetap." The younger mom answered sheepishly. "That's the spirit!" Eighteen smiled, ushering Videl to follow her into the kitchen. To Be Continued... If you like DBZ, Femdom, giant women babying normal sized people or cruel punishments then you would like to read the entire story, right? It's at the link below for a $5 pledge. It's almost Christmas after all and you should reward yourself with a membership to my Patreon. You're worth $5, aren't you? www.patreon.com/user?u=6660213
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