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  1. Phil glanced nervously at his watch. His appointment was at 7:30, it was now 7:25. Really, he could go in at any point. There was no problem with arriving early, and he had booked the whole night anyway. Also, he was already standing outside the building.That building was a tall steel and glass structure right downtown where he lived. There were shops in the lower floors, as well as offices and apartments. Phil, a tall, well-built man in his twenties with dark brown hair, had taken the bus down to spend the night. It was a loose appointment, as long as he arrived at some point before midnight he was fine. That wasn’t the reason he was nervous.The reason he was nervous was the he had never done anything like this before. He had found an add online, which said it was a sure fire way to reduce stress, but gave very little information. Apparently, it was part of a growing ‘cuddle for hire’ business, where people had special trained workers to cuddle with while you slept. Phil, a business intern hoping to someday become a manager, had plenty of stress in his life. He knew others in the same situation had been doing the same thing. This one, however, seemed a bit strange. Their business’s website has described itself as a ‘Cuddle Club… With a Difference!’ but didn’t specify what that difference was. When he asked over the phone, the woman on the other end only giggled and said “oh… you’ll see!” Also, it didn’t have any pictures of the people who were there to cuddle, and the business’s page was strangely childish, with pictures of stuffed animals and descriptions written in very simple English. However, the reviews on it were excellent. Eventually he had decided to book a night.He swallowed nervously. Finally, he picked up his duffle bag and headed into the building. He could always leave if he didn’t like it, he told himself. He walked across multi coloured tiles and past small stores towards a pair of steel elevator doors. He pushed the button, and waited. He looked again at a piece of paper in his pocket, which read “room 11-57, 530 pm.” He hit the button for floor 11, and waited. He got off, and wandered through carpeted hallways until he found the right room. He paused and breathed deeply. Why was this so hard? He supposed it was because, in a way, he was admitting he needed help. Long work hours, little rest, and countless pages of work to get through had gotten to him. He tried to forget that he still was only competing for a position, and wasn’t even guaranteed a job after all this. Trying to get a good job in this economy would wear down anyone. He always had had problems dealing with stress, and at this point he just needed a break. He knew other people who had gone to similar places, but somehow he felt that if someone saw him he wouldn’t be able to face them again. Was he admitting defeat by getting help in such a strange way? He shook the idea out of his head, and knocked on the door.“Come in,” a female voice said.He opened the door, and found he was facing a desk in a large reception area. The walls were a deep red, decorated with a few pictures and two hall ways ran off to the sides. There were a few chairs along the walls, a coat rack and a small table covered with toys and colouring books. He looked at those questioningly. Who would bring their children here?“Ahem,” the same voice said again, more sternly. He turned to face the woman at the desk, who was in her late 40s and small glasses and dark hair pulled back into a tight bun. She looked up from the paperwork on her desk and stared at him impatiently.“Oh! Hi… uhhh sorry, I am here for a 5:30 appointment. If I am at the right place.”“What is ‘the right place?” she said, looking at him over the tops of her glasses.“I… well, I think it’s here, I should have an appointment.” Phil didn’t want to admit where he was going if he was at the wrong place.“You want the Carlesontown Cuddle Club?” she asked.Phil blushed. “Yes.”“You are Phil then?”“Yes I am. Are you the receptionist?” Phil asked, hoping the stern looking woman wasn’t who he was going to cuddle with.“I am the MANAGER, actually,” she said.“Oh. Sorry.”The woman looked at her watch. “It is no 5:37. You are late.”“I know, I’m sorry,” he said.The woman sighed. “I suppose that is fine. Alright. You are in room 3A, with Marie. Its right down the hallway to the left. You can leave your coat on that rack.” She pointed to the wall.“Alright, thanks.” Phil took off his long overcoat, revealing a dark grey suit underneath, and hung it on the wall.“That’s not what you are planning on wearing, is it?” she asked.“No, I brought my pyjamas in my bag.” He held it up to show here. “Is there a place I can get changed?”She paused a moment, then sighed again, more exasperated this time. “Yes, fine, just get changed in that room. Marie will show you where.” She turned back to the paperwork on her desk, indicating the discussion was over.Phil headed down the hall. “3A… 3A…” he repeated to himself. He eventually found the room, and knocked.The door opened slightly and a head popped out. He was relieved to see it was girl closer to his own age, perhaps mid-twenties, with a short bob of blond hair.“Hello?” Phil said.“Hi!” a voice answered excitedly. “Are you Phil?”“Yes,” he replied.“Yayyy! Come in come in come in!” she grabbed his hand and pulled him in. “Ummm… that’s not what you are going to wear, is it?” She pointed at his outfit.“No I… what?” Phil had held out his bag to show her, but stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth hung agape. This was NOT what he had been expecting.In sharp contrast to the bare hallway outside, the next room was an inviting purple bed room. Except that he couldn’t see an actual bed. Instead, there was a massive oversized crib at the far end of the room, with the mat sitting on the floor and wooden bars on its sides. It was stuffed full of plush toys, more of which were scattered on the ground, and had a mobile hanging above it. Along with it was a high chair and a long padded table with shelves underneath he soon realized were full of diapers. There was a second door which lead into a bathroom, a window, and a wardrobe.That realization brought his attention back to the girl in front of him. She was dressed in a long footed sleeper made to look like a cat, complete with a tail and a now hanging hood with ears on it. As if that wasn’t enough, at her waist there was a flap attached with snaps, underneath which he could see the thick bulge of what he assumed was a diaper. She turned to face him when he stopped, and he could see a pacifier attached with a strap to her front. He looked at the hand he was holding to find it as encased in a fingerless mitten.“If you wanna get dressed, just go in there,” she said, pointing to the bathroom. “Or do it here, I don’t mind,” she giggled.“Wh.. what is going on?!” Phil asked in shock.“Oh! Well you can’t sleep in a suit silly! You need to get comfy! Didn’t you bring pjs?”“Yes, but I mean, why are you dressed like that!?”“These are my favourite jammies. If you don’t like ‘em you can pick out another pair from there.” She pointed to the large wooden wardrobe.“That’s not what I meant! Why are you dressed like a baby?!” he almost shouted.“Hehe uhhh because I am...? You really are silly…?” she giggled and stuck out her toung.“What?”The girl giggled and grabbed Phil’s other hand comfortingly. “Ok, you seem confused. Silly boy, you should have asked first.” She waggled a finger in front of him teasingly. “This is the Carelsontown Cuddle Club, the club “with a difference””. She said, quoting the webpage. “The difference is, you get to cuddle, and take care of, with a cute widdle baby like me. Doesn’t that sound fun?”“A little baby?” Phil asked.Well, not really little… I guess I’m bigger than most babies, but that’s not the point.”“You’re not a baby! You’re at least in your 20s!”She glared at him. “I’m 24. So? I can still be a baby. Everyone here is the same, we dress like this, people come in, take care of us, and cuddle. That’s the point.”“I don’t know,” Phil said, turning away. “I wasn’t expecting this.”“Uggg you gotta make it SOOOO hard,” she said, and Phil turned back to her. “I know it seems weird, but it works. We got a ton of happy people. You wanna calm down? Lose all your stress and anxiety? Just try it. We’ll have fun, I promise.”Phil stared at her. He did want to stop feeling stressed. Looking at her, he could already feel himself calming down, his anxiety slipping away he imagined her in his arms. A night spent with a cute girl, dressed so adorably… Phil was surprised to be thinking of it as adorable. But something about it was, and he felt himself drawn into the idea. He never would have imagined it before, but nothing right now seemed more perfectly calming then taking care of this strange grown woman dressed as a baby.“Alright,” he said.“Yayy!” she jumped up and down and giggled. “Alright, you go get dressed. I’ll be playing.” She let go of him, and Phil walked into the bathroom and closed the door.He paused a moment, thinking. This entire situation was so strange. Since when was this something he’d ever want? He thought about it again. The image of him taking care of her came back, along with the irresistible feeling of calm. He needed it, he realized.He got undressed and put on his pyjamas; a long grey shirt and pants. He then went back into the bedroom to see Marie sitting on the ground, sucking her pacifier and playing with a pile of stuffed animals. He walked over to her, and she looked up at him.He hesitated, then asked “Hello there Marie, what are you playing?” She drooped the pacifier and smiled at him. “I’m playing with my pets! See, here is my kitty. She’s my favourite. You can the puppy!” She gave him a brown stuffed dog.For a few minutes he played around with her. The stuffed animals were surprisingly fun. He was amused, but still not really certain of what was going on. “Ummm… Marie?”“Yeeeeess?” she said.“What exactly are we going to do? I mean, it’s still a few hours until we need to sleep. Are we just going play with stuffed animals? They did tell me to come early.”“Well, its supper soon for one.”“That’s alright, I already ate.”“Not for you silly, for me,” she pointed at the high chair.“Ok… so what should I do?”She giggled. “Well I’m a baby! It’s your job to take care of me. What do you think you gotsta do with hungry babies?”Phil was a bit perplexed, but laughed. The idea of feeding this overgrown baby was heartwarming in a way. Once again, he was surprised to find himself thinking that.“Haha, ok. I’ll feed the baby.” Reaching toward her, he scooped her up in his arms. She giggled and leaned into him, and he carried her to the high chair and sat her down.“Now, what does the baby eat?”“There’s food under the changing table. I usually have three jars and a bottle,” she pointed at the drawers under the table.Phil walked over and opened the drawers to find lines of baby food. He took three out along with a warm bottle of milk and a spoon, and took them back.“You don’t keep these in a fridge?” he asked.“No, babies don’t like them too cold. The milk is in a fridge until you get here though.”He opened one of the jars, spooned some out and began feeding here. “Open up for the choo choo train!”She giggled, and opened her mouth. She ate it happily, spilling some as she did, and he kept feeding her.“You really like this stuff?” he asked.“Uh huh! Its nummy!” she replied.Soon he had finished all three jars. He then picked her up out of the high chair, sat on the ground, and put her in his lap. He began feeding her from the bottle.She snuggled into him as she suckled. She closed her eyes and smiled. Staring down at her, he realized he felt more peaceful then he had in years. Everything about the situation, from the cozy, inviting environment to the sweet girl in his lap, made him feel at home. Even knowing he could take care of the girl helped calm him.Soon she was finished the bottle. She turned into him and rested in his lap. He took the pacifier and put it in her mouth, and she sucked contently.He looked at the clock. It was only 7:30, but she seemed to be falling asleep.“I guess its bedtime for the little baby, eh?”She opened her eyes and spoke around her pacifier, causing her to lisp. “Nuuuu. I don wanna sweep.”“You’re falling asleep right now in my lap honey.”“No. Not tiered,” she said stubbornly. As if to prove it, she tried to sit up in his lap, but fell back down.“Uh huh. Suuuuree you aren’t. Come on, I’ll even cuddle with you.”“Buh I wanna pwaaayyy!” she whined.“Don’t be silly. Just suckle your paci and go to sleep. I’ll get your teddies for you in a minute.“Hmph. Meanie.” She said, still cuddling against him and closing her eyes. He laughed.He picked her up and carried her toward the crib. As he lay her down, he noticed something.“Marie, what is that smell?” She sniffed the air without opening her eyes. "Diapie," she said, and wiggled down into his arms.
  2. Hey, I've been looking to explore more babyish positions while cuddling with a caretaker, or other littles. So far I've just done pretty normal cuddlely positions, which are fine but certain positions, like the cradle, seem so very babyish and wonderful to me and I'd like to try them out. I tried to get the cradle and a couple others to work with a partner and it was quite awkward and uncomfortable. We shifted and adjusted for a while, but just couldn't find the sweet spot. Turns out cradling a 6' tall baby can be somewhat difficult! I'm sure we will figure it out in time, and the sweet spot depends greatly on the body types of who are cuddling... but I was wondering how others have gone about exploring babyish cuddling like the cradle.
  3. I got the coolest stuffed friend the other day. He is a Stay Puff Marshmallowman Pillow Pet, I call him Gozer or Stay Puffy depending on my mood. He is a super good cuddle as he is very soft and the perfect size for me. I love all my stuffed friends but he is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
  4. Hi, My name is Robert. I live in Denver. I am a Daddy to the center of my being. I am enjoying the post here and learning more everyday.
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