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  1. The Coffee Shop “So, Colin, is this your first time doing something like this?” Karen asked the young man as he sat across from her and her husband at the local coffee shop. Sweating bullets, but trying not to show it, the nervous young man could only mutter a simple “Uh huh” as his eyes struggled to look anywhere except Karen’s calm, loving gaze. A month past his 18th birthday, Colin was finally a free young man, ready to start his freshman year at the Ohio State University, and his first mission upon unpacking his dorm room had been to finally reach out through the internet and find some other people in the world that shared his peculiar interest. He hadn’t expected to be so successful so quickly, and yet here he found himself, just a few days later, sitting across from a couple about the same age as his own mom and dad, who happened to be very interested in the same thing as him. “That’s okay, sweetheart. There’s no need to be embarrassed. You should feel better knowing that Mark and I are not at all new to this. We were so excited to hear from you, and we’ll take extra good care of you if you still want to come check out our house after this,” Karen reassured the boy as she looked him over. Mark sat to her left, quietly sipping his coffee as he observed the interaction with young Colin. After a brief moment of awkward silence, Mark spoke, attempting to break the ice. “So what do you plan on studying, Colin?” he asked, hoping a change in subject would help the boy come out of his shell a little more. “I’m in the Civil Engineering program right now, but I might want to do something a little closer to the architecture field,” Colin explained eagerly, happy to change the topic. Seeing the boy light up about his studies, Mark continued to pursue that topic, letting Colin tell them all about the projects he’d completed for each year’s high school science fair back home in Oklahoma. The boy was clearly bright, and he beamed whenever Mark or Karen would “oooh” and “ahh” as he shared more stories and facts picked up from his high school years. Now that Colin was feeling more comfortable, he began asking Mark and Karen about their work and how they met. The couple explained that Mark was a policy analyst for a local organization and Karen taught at the law school on campus. The pair had actually met during their freshman year at Ohio St and had been together ever since. As the time passed, they shared more and more about themselves, until Mark looked down at his watch and looked over to Karen, slightly surprised. “Honey, can you believe it’s 3:00pm already? Kickoff starts in thirty minutes!” Karen looked a bit startled herself, then smiled warmly and looked back over to Colin. “I know you’re new to campus, honey, but I hope you can appreciate what a big deal football is in this community. We need to get going soon if we want to be home in time for kickoff.” “Oh, totally. I’m a big football fan, too! I guess I got so caught up in chatting that I lost track of time,” he began explaining,”I’ll let you guys go so you can get home in –” Suddenly, Karen interrupted him,”Colin, you’re welcome to come home with us and watch the game if you’d like. You’re such an impressive young man and we’d love to get to know more about you.” Colin, completely abandoning the nervous persona from the beginning of their meetup, enthusiastically nodded,”Wow, that’s so kind of you! I’d love to watch the game with you!’ The trio began cleaning up their items from the table, but as Colin was reaching for his napkin, Karen gently set her hand on top of his, gaining his attention, and looked him in the eyes very sincerely. “Hun, I want you to know that we’re going to take good care of you, and if we do anything that you don’t like, or that makes you feel bad in any way, you can say ‘Banana’ and we’ll cut it out immediately. Okay?” Colin’s heart sunk to his stomach as he remembered why they’d met up in the first place, then his cheeks started to blush uncontrollably. They both knew about his little secret, and they were totally okay with it. The moment felt surreal, but as he regained his composure, he returned her look and said as sweetly as he could, “Yes, ma’am.”
  2. I don’t know if this will be the multi-chapter story I actually follow through on, but it’s my favorite thing I’ve written in a while so I hope you guys like it—if I get a little positive feedback I will try to continue it. “Oh god, don’t stop, don’t…” He could feel it, god he could actually feel it. “Oh fuck,” he panted, and collapsed on Ezra’s chest. “Good boy.” He felt Ezra’s hand in his hair as the sweaty chest he lay on began to feel clammy. “Okay,” he said. “Okay?” “Okay, I’m getting up.” “Just like that?” Tom was already getting wobbly to his feet. “Mmmm... yeah,” he said. He shivered slightly and grabbed the towel that hung on the closet door, wrapping it around himself and padding into the hall. “Mornin’”. He turned to see Steve coming up the stairs. “‘Morning,” Tom answered, blushing slightly as he hurried across the hall to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and slid the latch, still feeling a little hot in the face. He wasn’t sure what he was embarrassed about. Ezra was a brother in the fraternity. Tom was his boyfriend and had as much right to stay the night and shower in the morning as any of the girls Steve hooked up with who did the same. When he got back to the bedroom, Ezra was sitting naked at his computer. As soon as Tom came in—wet and no longer smelling like sex and piss—he got up and wrapped himself in the other towel. “Clothes are on the bed. Wanna go get some bagels and coffee and bring ‘em back here? I got an email from Professor Lambeck that’s gonna take some time to answer.” “Sure,” Tom answered. “Thanks, kiddo. Don’t forget to take my keys. And throw that away.” Ezra pointed at the wet diaper he’d ripped off of Tom in their morning frenzy. “Yessir,” Tom agreed, still glowing under the petname, and Ezra blew him a kiss before shutting the bedroom door. Tom hung up his towel and began to get dressed. Laying his clothes out was a bit pro forma—since Tom didn’t keep any clothes at the house and all Ezra had to do was fold up his pants and take the clean shirt out of his backpack—but it was a nice gesture, and the Goodnite sitting on top had come from a case that now lived in the bottom of Ezra’s closet. When Tom had seen it was a case and not a bag, he’d felt a bit more sure Ezra wasn’t already getting bored of him, and that he really didn’t mind his… quirks. He’d had to come clean about his bed-wetting early on in their relationship, when Ezra had spent the night in his dorm room after their first date. The next morning Tom had decided to share the real secret: that he only wet the bed because he’d started faking it when he was 11 so that his parents would buy him diapers, and after 7 years he couldn’t easily stop even if he wanted to—which he did not. He would never confess the origin of his bedwetting to his parents, but keeping it from Ezra had quickly started to feel like lying. When he got to the bagel place he realized Ezra hadn’t been terribly specific, but as he looked at his phone he saw a text. <Can you get extra for the rest of the guys? I’ll venmo you.> Before he could answer, Ezra had sent him $50 from a shared fraternity account. <Okey doke.> he replied, and began dividing $50 by bagels and toppings. It turned out to divide pretty well, and Tom arrived back at the house laden with plenty of bagels, cream cheese, and lox for the six guys that lived there and himself, as well as a box of hot coffee. Ezra and Steve were both on their laptops at the kitchen table. “Thanks, babe,” Ezra said, getting up and favoring Tom with a kiss on the lips. Tom blushed again, feeling like Steve was watching them. It wasn’t like him to be a prude or to get embarrassed about his sexuality. Something about staying in this house, though, with his boyfriend and five straight frat bros, made him feel… vulnerable, if not exactly unsafe. “You forgot to do something before you left—do you remember what it was?” Tom felt a little more heat in his cheeks. His wet diaper was still on the floor upstairs. “Oh, uh, I think so,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Want me to go do that now, or…” “No, I took care of it, I just wanted to see if you remembered.” He gave Tom’s butt a pat and went back to his computer. Tom felt a little unsettled. Ezra had talked down to him, almost like to a child, in front of Steve. It wasn’t enough to make anyone think “ageplay”, but that was the problem: it didn’t quite feel like play at all. He was quiet as he ate his bagel, but after drinking some coffee and waiting for Ezra to finish up his email he started to feel better. Ezra didn’t seem mad or anything, and he was new to ageplay—he just needed to calibrate his tone a little. “Oookay,” he said finally, closing his laptop with a satisfying clunk. “Come back upstairs, kiddo.” They’d agreed that they enjoyed the petname too much to save it for private, but it did make Tom squirm a little after being talked down to a few minutes earlier. He almost felt like he was about to be punished. That impression intensified when they were back in Ezra’s room. He turned to face Tom and looked serious, almost grave. He sat down on the bed and patted it for Tom to sit beside him. He obeyed. “I’m not mad,” Ezra began. Ezra had said he wanted kids some day. It sounded like he was practicing for their adolescence. “But I do think there should be consequences.” “Uh huh,” Tom said. “Like… a time out?” He was not into the kinds of “consequences” that many ageplayers were, and Ezra knew that. “No, I think we should start with more serious consequences than that.” He stood up and went to his closet. “For my first two years in Delta, I had an ‘older brother’ who was in charge of disciplining me. Not everyone takes that seriously, but he did. And like every pledge, I had to make him one of these to use on me.” Ezra reached into the closet and produced a painted wooden school paddle. “No,” Tom said, and he stood up. “Nope, sorry, not my thing.” Ezra put it down on the bed, far from Tom’s seat, and returned to his own. “You told me that you admired my discipline, my work ethic, right? I don’t know if either is that amazing, but I know you wouldn’t say that if you saw me at your age.” Tom rolled his eyes. Easy enough to see where this speech was going. “So you and your paddle are gonna teach me to be a straight-A student?” That’s what Ezra was, so he could cut the false modesty. “No,” Ezra answered patiently. “We’re just going to help you correct behaviors that you and I mutually agree you could benefit from correcting.” “Like?” “Like forgetting to do something five minutes after you say you’re going to do it.” Yeah, well, whatever. “And oversleeping, and forgetting assignments, and not flossing even though you’re terrified of your teeth falling out when you’re 40...” Tom was starting to feel just a little bit attacked. “Hey, I’m not some basketcase, okay? And I’m not… I don’t need fixing.” The last four words hung in the air for a moment. Ezra looked physically pained. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he said quietly. “And you know I would never ever try to stop you wetting the bed, right?” “No?” Tom said. His voice sounded weird. “No,” Ezra said. “You made that a part of yourself by force of will and I can’t ever imagine wanting to take it away from you.” It seemed easier to both of them to let the tears out at that point. They were only Tom’s tears, but they ended up mostly on Ezra’s shirt, along with a good deal of snot. “Where are we gonna go so your housemates don’t hear?” It was just the occasional sniffle now. “Don’t hear what?” “The paddle.” “I… you sure?” “No, but I want to give it a try, if you think it will help me.” “Okay.” Ezra rubbed Tom’s back. He sounded sleepy after his cry. “Well, they are going to hear. It’s okay, it’s no different than if you were a pledge. Everyone hearing is part of it.” “Oh.” “That okay?” “Y-yeah, I guess so.” “It is kinda hot, isn’t it?” “Y-yeah.” “Good boy.”
  3. Alex was an incoming freshmen at Northern, part of the class of 2022. He along with other new students were attending orientation this weekend. He was a bit nervous to meet a bunch of new people, it would also be his first time with a roommate. His Mom had driven him up for the weekend, as he did not have his own car he could just take. The school was about 4 hours from his house so at least Mom and Dad would not make to many surprise visits. When they pulled up she helped him unload his suitcase, gave him a big hug and nearly crying got back into the car. It was his first time this far away from home all by himself, a big moment for both of them. Alex found his way into the Student Center, the specified location for the beginning of Orientation. The building was large, but the ballroom he walked into must have had about 500 chairs for everyone to sit in. He had about 20 minutes before the meeting was supposed to start, so he wondered around a bit before using the bathroom and then finding his seat. The president of the college spoke for awhile, then some students talked about different stuff to do and how important it was to take school seriously. “Getting involved in something more than classes helps to make the college experience more fun, make sure you attend the Clubs reception tomorrow! The location will be here and we will start at 5 PM.” The students were then split up into smaller groups, and given tours of the campus. They registered for classes, did group activities together, and ate together. At the end of Saturday Alex had made a few new friends. They were assigned roommates for the night, and given key’s to go up to their rooms. Alex was staying with Kyle tonight, which was awesome because they had gotten along great all day! The only thing Alex was worried about now was sleeping with, well, his stuffed doggy. Kyle had a 101 Dalmatians stuffed animal named Lucky that he had been sleeping with for a long time. He had given up stuffed animals when he was 12, but without his parents knowing he started sleeping with him again last year. Now he was worried about his new college friends making fun of him for it. It was college, so, they had no bed time, just a room assignment. They stayed up talking for awhile, then decided to get ready to pass out. They both put on their pajamas, and climbed into bed. After the lights went out, Alex slipped his hand into his bag by the bed and pulled Lucky out. Carefully tucking him under his arm before drifting off to sleep. ______ When morning came, Kyle was the first one out of bed. He walked past a fallen Lucky on the floor, and gave little thought to it. ‘So Alex still slept with a stuffed animal, big whoop’. When Alex woke up how ever, he saw that Kyle was out of bed, and then… Lucky was on the floor! He started to freak out a little, sat up in bed, on the verge of tears. As Kyle came back from around the corner, he saw Alex in his state, and checked on him. “You ok dude?” “Oh… Um…” Kyle picked up Lucky from the floor, “If you’re looking for this guy, he’s right here”. As his stuffed animal was handed to him, Alex sat silent. He could see that his it was a non starter, and the worries left him. “Thanks!” He took his stuffed doggy from Kyle and hugged it before setting it on his bed and began to get dressed. Today’s plan included Breakfast, another information session, and finally a clubs reception. Alex was most excited about this, as he had been told this was when all the activities tried to woo incoming students into joining their groups. Alex sat with his roommate at breakfast, Kyle never mentioning anything regarding the morning. They went along to the information session, got handed tons of paperwork, and then were swiftly rushed along to the ballroom lined with now empty of chairs and instead replaced with tables and signs. Intramural Sports! - Student Union! - Rock Climbing - ect… it seemed like the tables went on forever. Tucked away in a corner was a group no one seemed to be paying much attention to. Seeing an opportunity to get away from the crowds Alex walked over to a sign reading “Regression Club”. “Hi! My names Cindy, and you are?” “Alex! My name is Alex. Soooooooo” “So what? “What’s your club?” Alex thought he knew, but there was no way it was a club about that. How could that be in a college? “Well, we are a club that is all about acting the age you ‘want’ to be. Pick an age and we help you experience it.” “Wait, any age?” “Any age.” Alex was getting excited! “Wait so, how does this work?” He was handed a brochure, spelling out the details, and giving him the date for their first meeting. It just so happened to be the same day he moved into his dorm! “Read over that when you have time, now for my paperwork how old are you Alex? “I’m 18” “Oh… no no I mean… How.. OLD… are you?” Alex was not enterally sure what she meant, but he thought he understood, and tentatively answered: “four”. “Ah, I thought so! Read that information and come to the meeting! See you soon little one!” Now she knew, someone else really knew… He had never told anyone that before, and here she was, known her for less than 2 minutes and he spilled his single biggest secret to her. Alex had figured out awhile ago that he was a little. Kind of an adult baby, but more like an adult kid. He still liked diapers, but wore pull ups and undies more often. Mostly he just liked being made to feel little and small, and to be treated like a kid. He also liked stuffed animals, wearing little kid pajamas, playing video games, playing with toys, playing in general! Coloring, sidewalk chalk, swimming, and even getting in trouble sometimes. He thought one of the sure fire ways to feel like a kid was to get in trouble, specifically to get punished as a little kid. This he saw as two options, time out and spanking. He had spanked himself, and was spanked as a very little kid, but his parents did not spank often and had stopped a long time ago. Plus those were not real spankings, just single smacks to his bottom to get his attention, nothing like what he had read about in stories online. One day when he was 15, Alex worked up the courage to mention spanking to his mom in lieu of grounding. She listened to him, but said if he had found a punishment he preferred then she knew her’s was working well enough. If he wanted to experience a spanking, she would be willing to give him a small one though. He turned that down, blushing, and only wished. ………….. After the reception ended, it was time for everyone to head home. His dad picked him up this time, about halfway they stopped and ate dinner at a Chili’s! One of his and his Dad’s favorites. Alex got asked “if he was going to like the school, or join any clubs”? “I for sure like the school, Maybe join a club, but I’m not sure yet.” When they got home it was late so he headed straight upstairs to his room. He dropped his bag on the bed and laid back, suddenly remembering today’s events! His backpack had the thing he had been curious to know more about, the brochure on ‘Regression Club’. He opened it up, expecting to find some pictures, but it was all just text: “Regression Club is a group on campus dedicated to helping students act ‘their age’ while attending school. We help match you with another student(s) who are willing and enjoy regressing others. Those who might be interested: Non-traditional students who want to feel more like a college student Those who need extra guidance like in high school, middle school, or younger grades Those who enjoy juvenile activities Those missing parental discipline Those whom are a little younger at heart If any of these apply to you, consider joining us for the introductory meeting on dorm move in day! We hope to see you there.” There were more details regarding non-traditional students, and extra guidance like assisting in planning homework and study habits. But not much information on real regression. Alex hoped this was still what he was looking for! It must be, after all, it specifically talked about parental discipline! ______ Move in day came, and Alex had his parents help him get everything into his room. His roommate, as it turned out, was the same one he had at orientation! Kyle had already moved in when Alex arrived, he did not bring all that much. Just bed stuff, a few nick nacks, and his computer. Alex had his parents help put up posters, while he went to work setting up his TV, speakers, and PS4. Kyle got excited when he saw this! “Oh sweet! You got 2 controllers?” “Sure do!” As soon as Alex’s parents were on their way, the boys launched a game and played until dinner time. Once they had eaten at the dining hall, Alex found an excuse to head off to his club meeting. The Regression club was meeting in their office, at the student center. It took awhile to find the room, it was kind of out of the way in an upstairs hallway. He opened the door to find a meeting room with chairs lining the wall. He found an open spot, and took a seat. At the center of the room stood a well dressed older college student, his name tag said Mike. He had a nice looking beard, and wavy black hair. He was wearing khaki pants, and a button up shirt. Even his shoes looked very nice. “Hi, welcome. What’s your name?” “Oh…” Alex was a bit worried about everyone knowing who he was, the room was not exceptionally full but it had about 10 people waiting for the talk to start. “My name’s Alex”. “Welcome Alex”, Mike looked down at his clipboard and found the information that Cindy had taken down. “Looks like you're a little too young to be in this meeting Alex, we are having a separate meeting in the room through that door for kiddos your age. Why don’t you head in there?” Alex began to blush, “Oh, um…. ok.” He stood up and walked to the door, he felt like everyone’s eyes were on him but in reality hardly anyone looked up from their phone. Alex grabbed his bag, and headed for the door. What he found inside, well, did not look right. To Alex’s eyes he had just walked into a preschool or daycare. Bins and shelfs ran along the wall’s with toys, the walls themselves were painted bright colors. The floor was regular carpet, except in the corner where a rocking chair sat on the edge of a circle time rug. It was covered in letters and numbers, and looked extremely soft. The rug had 5 students sitting on it, 4 boys and 1 girl. The rocking chair had a woman dressed equally nice as Mike in the previous room, except she was wearing a dress. She spoke in a soft and fun voice. “Is your name Alex?” “Um.. yeah.” “Great, come and sit down on the rug!” Alex walked over, and took a seat. He sat criss cross applesauce, something he had not done in awhile. Looking around he noticed everyone here was his age, or thereabout. “Ok so now that everyone is here I’m going to talk about what type of regression this group is looking for. Once we are done with that, I’ll make sure everyone feels like they are in the right place, and then we will fill out some question’s and paperwork.” “Everyone in this group said they felt like they were 8 years or younger, the youngest age provided was 3, most of you were between 4 and 5. Regression for this age group can go one of two ways. The first is pretty much full time, your big boys and girls when you go to class but the decisions you make while your big affect your little side. So if you misbehave as a big kid, little you has to deal with the consequences. Some of you may choose to wear either a diaper or a pull up during you big kid time, to make you feel little even when you have to do grown up stuff. The other option is regression just for play. When you're grown up day is done, you become your little self, and anything you did as a big kid does not affect your little side.” The woman stopped at this point, and looked around. “Now if anybody feels like this is not something for them, now is a good time to get going. No one is going to judge you, this needs to be a safe environment.” Alex looked around, surprised to see no one got up from the rug. Even more surprising was this being exactly what he longed for. “Alright then everyone, I’m going to pass out a survey. I would like you to take it to a comfy part of the room, and fill it out. Feel free to grab a stuffed friend from the bin to hold while you're working on it. Take your time, don’t feel like you have to rush.” A pin and clipboard were handed to Alex, he got up and walked over to a soft bean bag chair and plopped down. Lucky was in his backpack, so he went ahead and pulled him out and tucked him under an arm before looking at the form. The top had the basics: name, age (real and play age), what dorm you’re living in, room number, phone number, ect. Next was emergency contacts, for that Alex put his Mom and his roommate. Next came allergies, Alex was allergic to peanuts and shellfish, so he put that down. Other questions were: ‘Favorite Kids TV show’? - Paw Patrol ‘Favorite Kids Movie’? - Cars ‘Favorite Food’? - Pizza ‘Favorite Restaurant’? - Chili’s Next the questions started to get a little more personal: 'Do you have sensitive skin’? Alex assumed this was relating to baby wipes. He did sometimes break out when using normal ones so he usually used the sensitive kind from Pampers. He put down yes. ‘Is little you potty trained’? 4 year old Alex was potty trained, but he still liked to wear diapers and pull ups when he could. He made sure to write that part down. ‘Do you wet the bed’? No, how ever he liked to imagine that he did and wanted to wear diapers at night. ‘Will you want your caregiver to help with diaper changes?’ YES! 'Will you want your caregiver to bathe you’? YES! ‘Discipline is required for all littles, but spanking is optional. Will you allow your caregiver to spank your bottom if you misbehave, sometimes on your bare bottom’? Alex was excited here, they would spank him if he wanted them too! YES! ‘Please provide a safe word here:________________. Should you ever feel something has to stop, all you need do is say the safe word. What ever is happening will stop without question, your caregiver will talk to you out of character to confirm your safe and then the 2 of you will determine what to do next, with you having the final say.’ Here Alex was stumped, a safe word, he had never had to do anything like that before. After some thought he settled on Cumquat, never would he imagine saying that for any reason other than as a safe word. Without warning the woman was kneeling in from to him. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I introduced myself earlier, my name is Beth.” She was kneeling down on Alex’s level in the bean bag chair, taking notice of Lucky stuffed under his arm. “I don’t recognize that one as from the bin, did you bring it from home?” Alex had lost a lot of his fears about all this, he felt at home here. Without shame or hesitation he held out his stuffed dog for her to see. “This is Lucky!, he’s mine.” “Oh how cute, I’m so glad you bought your special friend with you. Do you always have him nearby? “Yep! I like to keep him in my backpack, just in case I need him!” “That’s so cute!” Beth touched Alex’s nose as she said this, causing him to blush slightly. “I’m just checking in with everyone privately about the spanking section of the questioner. I just wanted to make sure you understand that all spankings will be for punishment, not for fun. If it was fun it would not be discipline, you should know that any spanking you get will more than likely be bare bottom, and it will most likely make you cry.” Alex listened, growing more excited the more she spoke. He was blushing hard now, as he said “Yes, that’s ok. Spankings are supposed to hurt right?” “Right indeed!, now I see that you’re all done with the form. I’ll take this, why don’t you run and find some toys to play with quietly while the others finish up.” As Beth walked away with the form, Alex slowly got up from the bean bag chair and looked around the room. There was a big bin marked ‘Lincolin Logs, Alex took it from the wall and sat on the floor. Growing up he had loved to play with these, so he started building a bit of a structure. Using the little short pieces to interlock the side for his log tower that was growing quickly! He made sure to be quiet while he was playing, after all he had just agreed to spanking as a punishment for being naughty. He did not to experience one, but maybe not with all these other people around. Just about everyone was done now, all but one had found some toys and we're playing quietly on their own. When the last person finished, Beth called everyone back to the circle time rug. Alex was close by, so he just crawled over the rug and sat back down on his bottom. He still had Lucky clutched tight under his arm. Now he brought him around and held him in his lap. “Alright everyone, we are just about done for today. I will give these forms to our volunteer care givers and they will decide who will be taking care of who. Please come back tomorrow at the same time to meet them! Before you go we all need to clean up our toys and put them away.” With that everyone got up and put the toys away, it did not take too long as Alex had only been playing for a few minutes. When he was done he helped someone put away some toy cars they had dumped on the floor. “Ok, all done! I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!” Alex thought about walking back to his dorm with Lucky out in the open, but opted instead to stick him back in his back pack before heading home. When he walked in, Kyle was sitting at his computer playing a game. “How was your club”? “It was good, just getting started today so we did not really do anything”. “Oh hey, I don’t think you mentioned what club you’re joining. Anything fun”? Alex had not thought of what to say if Kyle asked this question, but he gave it some thought and decided to just tell the truth. “Yeah it’s really fun so far, it’s called Regression club”. “Regression club? Oh wait is that like a club for littles or something?” Alex turned beat red, how did Kyle know what regression was? He was hoping that providing just a little bit of detail would satisfy him. “Um……… yeah….. it’s that” “Cool! I should have guessed you were a little, I’m sure your super nervous now, haha, but it’s fine! Just be your self, I don’t care. Just do me a favor and try not to sit in a stinky diaper in here for too long” Kyle winked as he said that, and turned back to his game. He breathed for a second, processing all of this. Never did Alex imagine it would be this easy, maybe he could relax around Kyle after all. He decided to test the waters, might as well know what he can get away with. Alex pulled out a pull up, and a pair of his youngest looking pajamas. They fit tighter like a little kids would, and were super soft. He went around the corner and got dressed where Kyle could not see, but Alex figured he would be able to hear the sounds of the pull up as he put it on. He looked in the mirror at his pajamas, they were blue with the green dino print and green cuffs. He defiantly looked like a little boy, as he walked around the corner Kyle turned around again to see him. “Bed time already little man”? “No not yet! Wanna play some PS4”? “Sure!”, Kyle eyed Alex with excitement. He could see that Alex had a bit of padding under his pajamas. It did not look like a diaper, so he thought maybe it was a goodnite or something similar. Alex looked an awful lot like his younger cousin did when he got dressed for bed, and he wore pull ups, so maybe that was it. Kyle pushed out his chair and caught of glimpse of Alex’s bottom, not near enough padding to be a full on diaper. The PS4 clicked on as too excited boys sat down on the couch. Alex was shocked that he was able to be this open in front of anyone! He felt like a little boy as they booted up Call of Duty, he was really wearing pull ups next to his roommate! Kyle was enjoying this as well, his hunch had panned out. When he first saw that his roommate had a very juvenile stuffed animal, he thought that maybe he was a little younger than he gave on. Kyle was also into ‘little’ stuff, just a bit older. He considered himself to be somewhere between 10 and 12, diffidently too old to be wearing diapers or pull ups normally. That being said when he was that age he would take some from his younger brother to try on, so naturally his little self would occasionally wear diapers but not because he had too. He wanted to tell this to Alex, and would in time. He knew now that Alex was in fact a little boy, and maybe would be open to sharing. After a few matches Kyle saw that Alex was getting a little sleepy, and decided to test the waters himself. “Hey little buddy, I think it’s bed time”. “Oh, no lets keep playing!”, or at least that’s what Kyle managed to make out through Alex’s yawn. “No butt’s, come on we have our first day of classes tomorrow. You should get in bed”. After brushing his teeth, Alex did head to bed. Kyle surprised his roommate by pulling the covers up and over him, tucking him in. “Ok friend, big day tomorrow! Get some shut eye little buddy”. All of this was happening very fast, but it was so nice that it being a little weird went right over Alex’s head. He had just been tucked into bed, he was wearing pull ups and little boy pajamas, while cuddling his favorite stuffed animal. Bliss was not quite enough to describe the feeling. 5 minutes later, Alex was fast asleep. Kyle was looking in Alex’s drawers, looking for a diaper supply he was sure was there. He felt bad for looking through his roommates possessions, but he simply could not wait. He finally found what he was looking for, a stack of pull ups in both boys size. They did not have any patterns on them, just solid grey or blue. But they were super stretchy and felt quite a bit like the real thing. The biggest difference was the padding stopped about halfway up the butt, which made them a little different from kids pull ups. Kyle dropped his pants and boxers, and replaced them with Alex’s pull ups. They felt amazing, super comfortable actually. He decided he would take his chances of getting caught and not wear pants over them. He set an alarm and went to bed, secretly pulling his own stuffed rabbit out from under his covers before falling asleep. ______ Alex was not a bed wetter, but he woke up having to pee really bad. It was 5 AM, he did not have to get up for classes for another 2 hours. Peeing while laying down it difficult, but he tried, and tried, and…tried, to no avail. After about 10 minutes he gave up and got out of bed, and slowly let it out into his pull ups. He had plenty of practice peeing in them while standing up, but had never managed to figure out doing it while lying down. Once he was satisfied that he had not leaked, he climbed back into bed with a nice warm feeling spreading from his crotch towards his bottom. These were excellent at holding smell back for the first 2-3 hours, so Alex was not worried that Kyle would notice. Kyle was still fast asleep in his bed, his pull ups were already wet. He had done the same thing as Alex about an hour prior, except he managed to wet himself while laying down. It had taken awhile and mostly came out in spurts, but with some patience it finally all came out. The boys both laid in wet pull ups when their 7 AM alarm went off, Kyle not wanting Alex to see that he was wearing a pull up waited in bed for Alex to get up. He climbed out of bed and walked around the corner to change. His wet pull up was very visible through his tight pajamas, Kyle took note and smiled. Once Alex was out of sight Kyle popped out of bed and pulled on some shorts, he would change his pull up off once Alex left the room. He could hear the tearing sounds as Alex ripped his pull up off, it was easy to step out of it but he preferred taking it off like a diaper. After quickly wiping himself down, Alex threw on his robe and left the room to shower. He brought his used pull ups with him in a bag to throw out in the bathroom. He was pretty sure Kyle had not noticed him wearing it, so he figured it would be safer to continue to hide it for now. Kyle having the room to himself, climbed off the bed and admired his soaked pull up. What had started as rather thin now sagged and was very full. He found the baby wipes and dropped the garment to the ground, quickly wiped himself clean and then bagged the pull up and threw it in the trash. He figured he was going to tell Alex tonight anyway, so if he finds it he finds it. The boys had their breakfast together before attending their first college classes. Alex ran into his roommate as he stopped by to drop off his books before his club meeting. “Hey Alex, I wanna talk to you about something”. He feared the worse, perhaps he had had a change of heart regarding all the little stuff? Nervously he replied, “um… sure. But I don’t have long I’m supposed to be at a meeting soon”. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk about, or that subject anyway.” Alex had a pit in his stomach. “Last night, I um… I um… well I feel bad about it but I took one of your pull ups…” Alex was red before, now he was burning up. “You…did…?” “Yeah, I know you were trying to hide it… but I um kinda like wearing them and well I’m sorry I took one and I’m really sorry I did not ask your permission first. I hope you can forgive me.” First Alex was worried because now it was for sure, Kyle knew he was wearing pull ups the night before. How ever he also had damn near the best situation he could have dreamed of. Both of them liked wearing diapers. “You know what man, it’s ok! I’m just…. I can’t believe…. I can’t believe my roommate likes diapers too! Are you a little like me?” “Oh not quite like you. I’m a little older I think, like 10-12. It’s kinda like I’m your older brother but I like to try on your diapers. Speaking of which, you don’t happen to have any actual diapers do you?” “Oh yeah I do! Not that many right now though, I’ve only got 4 left at the moment. A lot more pull ups though.” “Oh well I don’t want to take one if you’re low, but could I maybe wear a pull up?” “Yeah, I was gonna put one on before I went to my meeting.” Alex went around the corner and came back with 2 pull ups in hand, throwing one towards Kyle. “Do you want to come with me?” “To Regression club? Oh well, yeah why not!” The boys turned away from each other as they got dressed in their pull ups, shortly they were walking towards the student center. As they entered the room, Mike addressed them both. “Welcome back Alex, and I’m sorry I don’t recall you being here yesterday. What’s your name?” “Oh I’m Kyle, Alex is my roommate. I’m kinda like him.” “How old are you, normally?” “About 10-12” “Ok then, welcome! Alex go ahead and head into the pre school room, Kyle you actually belong out here in this room.” The boys exchanged a glance, not knowing they would be separated. After a moment Alex turned and went into the pre school room. He was earlier than he was yesterday, there was only 2 students in the room. Cindy was sitting in the rocking chair, reading a book to the students sitting on the circle time rug. She glanced up when Alex walked in, and invited him to sit on the rug. “go ahead and get your Lucky out if you’d like!”. She smiled as he took him out of his backpack and sat down in front of her. She was reading a doctor Suss book. He sat and listened for a few minutes, slowly the other 3 students made their way in. Cindy was finishing the book as the last student walked in. She set it to the side, before addressing the group. “Welcome back, I’m glad we did not loose anyone overnight. I’m going to hand out a contract, i’ve already filled in the details you provided on your paperwork last night. Read it over and sign it if you’re ready.” I __________________ agree to allow __________________ + __________________ to act as my caregiver(s) for as long as both parties are willing. They will make decision for me which I must follow. A list of rules will be decided upon between both parties. I enter this contract under the premise that (Check One): My adult decisions will effect my time as a little _____ My time as a little is separate from my adult life _____ I agree that I will wear diapers/pull ups of my caregivers choice, and will allow them to change me. I also agree to not change myself without their permission. I agree that because I am pretending to be a child, I will often be seen naked by my caregivers and sometimes touched on my genitals as part of that care. None of this touching will ever be in a bad or sexual manor, if that occurs this contract is void. I will follow our mutually agreed upon rules, and understand that failure to do so will result in discipline up to and including a spanking on my bare bottom. Clothing decisions are up to my caregivers, except time I spend as an adult. It is my decision if I want to wear diapers while I am an adult, if I choose so section 3 rules apply. I agree to not out any member of regression club, if someone has chosen to keep this part of their life to themselves it is not my place to make that decision for them. When visiting the Regression club, caretakers can take care of me in the same way my regular caretakers can - by changing my diapers and punishing me as necessary. All littles will adhere to a bedtime, mine will be :10:30 PM My room must be kept mostly clean at all times, failure to do so will lead to punishment by my caretakers. I must take care of my own cleanliness as necessary, showering and wearing deodorant as necessary. My safe word is _______________________. Saying this word stops all activity and can only restart after a discussion is had. Print:__________________________________ Signature:______________________________ Date:____________________ Alex liked what he read, so he filled it out and handed it back to Beth. A few minutes later everyone else was done. “Ok, now everyone play for a few minutes. Shortly your caregivers will arrive and will be taking you out to discuss how things will work!” Alex was excited and nervous, butterflies danced in his stomach as he thought about meeting these people so soon. All of this was moving so fast! ______ Out in the other room Kyle had told Mike about himself and everything that had happened so far between himself and Alex. Because they were roommates, a plan formed in Mikes head. He excused himself after their conversation to talk with the chosen caregivers for Alex. Brenda and Chris were huddled in the other corner of the room chatting. Both seniors and an actual couple, they were excited to finally be on this end of the club. It was hard to be chosen as a caregiver, and even better that they would both be able to be the bigs for the same little. “Hey you two, how would you feel about having a second little”? ______ There was a 4’ block tower being constructed in the younger play room by a few of the littles, Alex one of them. Lucky was by his side as he reached up to place a block higher and higher, showing off the waistband of his pull ups in doing so. Mike had snuck up behind him, leaning close to his ear to ask “would it be ok to talk to you for a second” Alex climbed to his feet, before bending over to pick up Lucky as he began to follow Mike to the door of the room. Waiting there was his roommate, who looked a little confused as to why he had been brought into the littles room. “So… being roommates both interested in the club, presents an interesting opportunity for you both. Alex, I’ve talked with your caregivers and they would be ok with having a second little. How would you both feel about having the same caregivers and being brothers?” The boys faces lit up at this proposition, both almost jumping up and down as they said “yes!” “Wonderful boys! Alex for your official age you will be a 4 year old, and Kyle you will be 11. Obviously treatment will be a little age flexible, but this is going to be your starting point. Kyle, you will have the choice of which room you wish to be in when you come to regression club, but for today you need to stay here so your care givers can meet you both at the same time. Alex obviously since your 4 you will be need to stay here in the littles room all the time. As Mike walked away the boys turned to each other, both visibly excited excited. Alex was the first to break the silence, “Want to come play with some cars or something?” It took a bit for Kyle to get comfortable playing, but before long he fit right in. A few minutes later the care givers for the littles snuck into the room. None of the ‘kids’ took any notice, and everyone did take a few minutes to watch them before announcing themselves to their individual littles. Brenda and Chris made their way to the far side of the room where Alex and Kyle were playing, both crawling on the floor pushing some cars around each other. They took notice of Lucky sitting next to Alex, having been told about his stuffed animal by Beth. “Gosh they look cute!” They got down on their level, but did not yet have their attention. Brenda announced themselves, “Hey boys! Having fun”? Brenda was 22, Chris 24 having started college late. Both were moderately fit, but with a healthy amount of weight. Both were currently wearing diapers under their clothes, though they did not show. Caregivers were encouraged to still partake in their ABDL interests but to not show them to their little’s. The idea being that it would be easier to see them as authority figures if they never saw their diapers. Chris spoke up, “boys why don’t you clean up those toys so we can go to dinner? We will talk about how this will all work while we eat.” Kyle and Alex quickly put their toys away, and collected their bags. Alex went to put away Lucky when Chris stoped him. “You know if you want you can carry him to the car, I bet you no one will even notice you have him out.” WIth that Alex took Brenda’s hand as they led the boys out of the room. It was a bit nerve racking but Alex held Lucky under his arm as they walked to the car. It was a Mercedes SUV that Chris had received from his parents. It had a bigger back seat, which would be great for helping to keep little’s feeling little. Alex was led around to the passenger rear seat, and was quite surprised when the door was opened for him. An adult sized toddler style car seat, complete with a paw patrol cover and crotch/shoulder strap seat belt was in front of him. His mouth fell open, astonished at the sight of it. “Why don’t you go ahead and climb in so I can get these straps sized to you?” Alex giggled as he climbed into the car, he could not help but notice that the trunk had a little basket with ABU diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream. The thought crossed his head that he could get his diaper changed in the car! Chris took his backpack and placed it in the trunk while Brenda strapped him into his car seat. Kyle sat down on the driver side next to him, looking just as excited as Alex that such a thing existed let alone was now theirs to use. Soon they were on their way to dinner, their life as brothers had officially begun. ______ Alex immediately recognized the restaurant as one of his favorite, Chili’s! He and his family had always gone to them often as he grew up so this sight brought him comfort. “Stay put for a second so I can unbuckle you”. He tried to open the door to help his new caregivers but found he was unable. Curious, he mentioned it to Brenda as she got him out of his car seat. “I think someone put the child lock on my side of the car”? “Yep! Child lock is diffidently on for your side of the car, It’s not safe to hop out by yourself”. Brenda took his hand again and helped him hop down to the ground. “Did you want to bring your stuffed animal inside, or leave him in the car?” “Um…” Alex went a bit red, shifting back and forth on his feet as he pondered. No one was going to care, and if they did so what, no one knows him here and what does it really matter if they think he’s different. “I think I’ll bring him inside, is that ok?” Chris grabbed his shoulders from behind, gripping them in a comforting way. “Of course it is buddy, now come on lets get some grub” landing a playful swat on his behind to get him moving. This of course revealed the pull up he was wearing, causing him to blush. Chris gave Brenda a knowing look, thinking this will be a fun one. No one was waiting for a table when they entered the restaurant, so the host was on them quickly. “Hi there, how many today”? Alex almost spoke up, being used to eating here all the time on his own. But Chris beat him to the punch. “We have 4 today, and would it be possible to get 2 kids menus? These guys would like to do the activities, but they will be ordering from the adult menu”. The boys blushed hard, but the hostess seemed unfazed. “Oh sure, no problem. Follow me this way please!” Alex and Kyle sat across from each other in a booth towards the back of the restaurant, Chris sat next to Kyle while Brenda sat next to Alex. The boys were effectively trapped in the booth by their caretakers as you would with most young children. The host placed the kids menus in from of them and handed each a pack of crayons. She smiled at Alex when she noticed his stuffed animal tucked under his arm. “Cute doggy” she said with a wink. “Your server’s name is Ted, he should be with you shortly”. “Boys why don’t you play with your menu’s for a few minutes then after we order some food we can chat about things”. Soon the ‘adults’ got to talking about grownup stuff while the boys were occupied with coloring, tick tack toe, and a mini maze that was a little harder to solve than they thought it would be. Soon chips and salsa had been ordered, the boys each had a cup of soda while the adults had iced tea. Food was ordered shortly after, then the subject was broached. “Boys, do either of you currently call your parents mommy or daddy?” Kyle shook his head no, but Alex spoke up. “well i normally call them mom and dad, but sometimes mommy slips out. But not normally…” “Well that’s fine, we were thinking that if you are both comfortable you could call us Mommy and Daddy. We want you to think of us different than your parents, but are really hoping that we could have the dynamic of parents and kids. How do you two feel about that?” The boys smiled, and shook their heads yes. “um yeah!”, and “That should be ok” blended together as they both spoke at the same time. “Well great, we are both very happy to hear that. From now on please call us Mommy and Daddy then. Now your mommy is going to go over a few ideas we have for your room.” “So boys, you being roommates opens up an awesome possibility, how would you feel about us turning your room into a kids room?” Both boys smiled big, shaking their heads yes. “We were thinking that we could go pick out some new bedspreads and sheets, and Alex we need to pick up a bed rail for your bed so you don’t fall out at night. Also your dorm room should have a dresser, as it turns out it is the perfect length to turn into a changing table so we will pick up some memory foam and cloth to cover it as a changing surface. Over the next week or two we will start buying some toys to put in your room as well, and we will need to pick out a hairbrush for each of you.” Alex got nervous, sheepishly he asked: “Hairbrush?” “Yep, for your spankings. Daddy will talk about that in a bit so don’t get too worried. That only happens if you’re especially naughty… and maybe tonight.” Alex had a pit drop in his stomach, a spanking so soon! Mommy how ever pressed on, “Your dorm does not have a bath tub, just communal showers down the hall. So that means we can’t give you bath time there. Most days you will just shower, but sometimes you can get a bath at our apartment which is about 5 minutes drive from you. I’m sure you guys will sleep over at some point, we can put you in sleeping bags in the living room for a movie night, or even just drive you back to your dorm after your ready for bed.” “Speaking of which, bed time will be at 10:30, one of us will be there every night to get you ready for bed and get you both tucked in. We will try to do story time every night, even if you got in trouble. Know that we will be putting a web based baby cam in your room, if you’re caught out of bed after bed time and don’t have a good reason for it that will be an automatic spanking.” “Alex, you will wear a diaper to bed every night and will not be allowed to take it off until the morning. Kyle, right now we are planning on putting you to bed in pull ups. Is that what you want to sleep in or would you prefer to wear a diaper?” “Um… I guess I would like to wear pull ups most nights. Am I allowed to get up and go potty if I am wearing a pull up?” “Yes, how ever a diaper will have the same rules as Alex. You can’t take it off until morning, but we will let you choose each night what you want to wear. Pajamas are going to be required for night time, we will order you some really cute ones from Leveret. They have tight kid style ones in your size with awesome prints.” Alex already opening a few pairs of those pajamas, got rather excited proclaiming “I love the ones I have, they make me feel so little!” Saying that last part just a bit too loudly, only the waitress noticed and giggled a bit from across the room. “Day time while you are a little Alex will need to wear pull ups or cloth training pants. Know if we are going for a longer drive in the car or seeing a movie we will most likely just throw you in a diaper to make life easier. Kyle will wear big boy undies most of the time, if you want to wear a diaper or your night time pull ups during the day you can ask and Daddy or I will decide if that’s ok. Alex, do you want to wear pull ups all the time or just when you are little?” “I…. I think I want to wear them all the time, even when I’m not little right then. I guess I kind of always want to be little, and only be big when I have to. Like I just want to be reminded that I’m still little even when I’m having to do grown up stuff like going to class.” “That’s just fine too, if you’re going to wear pull ups full time we will take your underwear out of your drawer and replace them with your pull ups. All those undies can get kept at our place in case you need them back. Diapers will be in a basket next to your changing table along with your wipes/powder/cream and all that stuff. We will have to get you a diaper genie as well.” Alex was getting a little nervous with the talk of all these purchases, it all sounded so expensive! “I don’t know if I have enough money to pay for all this, so um… maybe we just take it slow?” “Oh baby!” Mommy leaned in giving him a 1 armed hug from the side, “you don’t have to pay for any of this! The club has a large amount of student fees allocated to pay for all your diapers and pull ups. Daddy and I get a good bit of money from his parents and being care takers we get a small stipend from the club for taking care of you. We will use that money combined to pay for the rest of it”. “Really!” Alex was bouncing in his seat at this point, clutching Lucky to his chest. Just then their food arrived. Alex placed lucky next to him and starting inhaling into his burger before all the rest of the food had even been set down. “Yes really, gosh don’t be afraid to slow down champ!” said Chris, as he laughed to himself. The next few minutes no conversation was had about the arrangement, instead everyone enjoyed their meals. “Food must taste good huh boys? Once we all finish eating we will go over the last of the details before we take you guys to the store, ok?” As they finished their meals, Chris began to talk about different punishments they may have to receive. “The first option will usually be a time out, those are easy for us to give you anywhere. You might get put in the corner or just made to sit down in a boring place with nothing to do so you can calm down or think about why you’re in trouble. Grounding may happen for bad grades on projects or tests, for those we will take away gaming systems or not let you watch TV or go out and have fun until the grade comes up. Spankings will be mostly done in your dorm room or in our apartment so you will likely see each other get spanked. If you get one in public. it will be in the car or another simi private place. They will always be on your bare bottom over one of our laps, laying on your bed with your bottom pushed up with pillows, or on your chaining table in the diaper position. That’s when I or your mommy lifts your legs like we are going to change you but instead spank your bottom. Now have either of you been given a real spanking before?” Both boys shook their heads no, liking what they heard but getting a little nervous. “Ok, so I’m going to offer you both to get a spanking tonight. It won’t be the easiest spanking we will ever give you, nor will it be the hardest one you will get. Think of it as an example spanking so you know what to expect if you get into trouble. I’m guessing both of you have always kind of wanted to know what it felt like or even craved getting one, so what do you say?” Kyle spoke up first, “I um, yeah ok tonight…” It took a moment later for Alex to decide, before saying “yes, I’ll get a spanking but can I hold onto Lucky for it?” “Yes, because this is just an example spanking I’ll let you hold him for this one ok? For a punishment spanking I don’t think we will let you have him until after it’s over with. Deal?” “Oh, I guess that’s fair” While Daddy had been explaining discipline to the boys, Mommy used the Ziosk on the table to pay for their meal. “If we are all done why don’t we get going.” At this point it was about 7 PM, so they only had three and a half hours until the boys needed to be in bed. ______ Back in the car Alex was strapped into his car seat watching the road go by, as the pulled into the mall. They walked inside and searched for a few minutes before stumbling across Pottery Barn kids, “I think this will be perfect for you two.” A little bit of searching yielded some younger looking sheets for Kyle and some toddler sheets for Alex. One set had cars on them and the other were cartoon toys. Bed spreads were picked out as well with some down comforters for each of their beds. Mommy decided that these should match as it would be rather cute. A memory foam pad was picked out to act as the changing table pad, Brenda said “I’ll pick out some cute fabric to make a cover for it in the next few days. For now just the pad and a towel will have to do”. After this stop the four found their way to Target, where they picked up a diaper genie, a basket for diaper supplies, a big box of baby wipes and a fold away bed rail so Alex would have a more toddler style bed. For being good in the store each got to pick out a toy to buy, both picked out a lego set they could build and then play with. After checking out, they all climbed into the car and headed towards the boys dorm building. They were a little nervous about carrying in all the baby stuff but Brenda said not to worry, no one would care or notice. They stopped by the front desk on the way to their room, and Daddy talked to the person behind it. “Hi there, my name is Chris and this is Brenda. The regression club should have sent over an email requesting keys for these boys rooms so we can have access”. “Oh yes they must be Alex and Kyle, boys you just need to sign this paper saying your caregivers have permission to obtain a key. and if you two could fill out this contact sheet for me. You will be who we call if there is a noise complaint or other problem with them in the room”. The boys signed the paper, blushing while doing it as they realized the front desk must know exactly how this whole thing worked. But after everything else today a few people knowing about their situation seemed like nothing to worry about. The front desk handed a set of keys to Brenda and Chris before turning to the boys, “Ok all set, behave you two.” “Oh they will, but there may be a bit of noise in the next few minutes, bit of an example to set.” The front desk looked unfazed, “No worries, just have that taken care of before quiet time at 10 PM please.” The new family made their way towards the boys room, opening it to find it much cleaner they Brenda and Chris had imagined it would be. They had an hour till quiet time started so the first half hour was put to use making up the room. The dresser was cleared off and the memory foam pad was laid down. Chris used his knife to cut the pad to size, while leaving some room at the top for basket of supplies to sit. The boys opened up the diaper genie and put it at the foot of the new changing table, while Brenda opened up Alex’s new bed rail. All of them together worked to make the beds with the new comforters, it was decided that the sheets should be washed first before they used them, so the old set remained for now. They made quick work of everything, and come 9:30 it came time for something the boys were dreading but somewhat looking forward to. Chris announced that it was time for the boys to get their spankings, “do either of you need to go potty before we start?” “Um…” “How about you both go try to use the potty just in case, come back quickly so we can get started”. Both boys walked quickly down the hall to the bathroom, and found they were able to go pee. After washing their hands and being extra careful to get every last bit of their hands dry, they eventually had to make their way back to their room. When they entered Brenda was sitting at the center of Alex’s bed, and Chris was sitting in the center of Kyle’s bed. They stopped just after they entered the room and the door shut behind them. “Kyle you go stand in front of Daddy, Alex come stand in front of me.” The boys walked into position while their Mommy kept talking. “We think it would be unfair to make one of you wait while the other goes first so you will both get your spankings at the same time. Until we pick out your hairbrushes or other spanking implement Mommy and Daddy have brought our own to use for tonight.” Chris and Brenda gave each other a knowing glance as they simultaneously unbuckled the boys jeans and pulled them down to their knees. When they let go they fell to the boys ankles, leaving them standing there showing off their pull ups. The pull ups were ripped off instead of just pulled down, then tossed to the side. Each boy was led over the lap of their caretaker, which because of the height of their beds made it so they had no way of touching the ground. Chris spoke up loud enough for both of the boys to hear. “Your spankings are going to make you squirm and most likely kick your legs. Please don’t try to get off our laps during the spanking, as we are not strong enough to hold you in place. Know that it’s ok to cry, we are going to spank you to your limit, and then push you past it. A true spanking starts once you really want it to stop, thats when the lesson starts to take effect. With that, let’s get started.” Mommy handed Alex his stuffed Lucky, which he held to his chest close to his face as his and his roommates spankings began. There was no build up, it was fire from the first smack. Both boys began yelping a bit after three or four smacks, about 30 seconds in their cheeks were pink at both ends. Alex was the first to start squirming but Kyle was the first to begin crying at about 4 minutes in. After 8 minutes both boys were crying and asking for the spanking to stop, for the last two minutes of their spanking Chris and Brenda stepped up their spanking speed to drive the point home. Both boys were kicking their feet, crying and begging through snotty noses to make it stop. When it was all over Lucky was a bit wet from all the crying Alex had done while clutching him to his face. The caretakers set their hairbrushes down and stood both boys up, taking them into a loving embrace and rubbing their backs. “There there, all done! Good job buddy.” During this hug each boy was doing a spanking dance hopping between feet with an intense pain in their bottom. After a moment each ‘parent’ pulled their boy up onto the bed and sat them next to them, holding them for a moment. After they had calmed down, Brenda spoke up. “Ok guys, that’s a spanking, quite a bit huh?” Both boys nodded their heads, “I would like both of you to finish getting undressed so you can go take a shower. After that Mommy and Daddy will get you ready for bed and read you a story, ok?” Both boys muttered, still slightly blubbering “ok”. They hopped off the their beds and stepped out of their pants leaving them on the floor. Shirts were next, a moment later both figured they should probably put them into a hamper less risk any more punishment. Once each had a robe on they grabbed all their shower supplies before heading to the bathroom down the hall. The walk took them past the front desk, the student staffing it was still the same as before. She noticed their tear soaked faces and smiled at the thought of each of them wriggling over a lap, thinking to her self ‘I’ll need to spank them at some point I suppose’. Showering did not take long, as neither wanted to spend too much time with the hot water running over their bottom. The did take some time to gawk at each others bottoms before stepping into the privacy of their shower stall. Both bottoms were somehow bright red while not bruised at all, these two really knew how to give a spanking! A few minutes later both were dried off and heading back to their door room, they walked in to find the changing table had been stocked with supplies. “Alex why don’t you come over here and hop on up”. He crawled onto the pad after taking off his robe, and laid on his back. His bottom kinda hurt when it landed on the rough towel, causing him to wince slightly. Mommy came over and started prepping a diaper, opening it up before asking Alex to lift his legs. Daddy had come over as well to help, grabbing his feet and lifting them up while mommy placed the diaper underneath his bottom. Never in his life since he was a child had he felt as small as he did now. Rash cream was applied to his bottom and groin before Daddy lowered him onto the diaper, then some baby powder was sprinkled across his privates and the inside of the diaper. As it was was then pulled up between his legs and quickly taped into place. He thought he’d never been able to get his diapers this secure, it felt wonderful! “Ok buddy, hop on down and lets get you in some PJ’s!” As he hoped down Mommy continued, “I found your pajamas, glad to be able to start using them right away. I think the dinosaurs would be fun for tonight, so step in.” Alex put his feet one at a time through the leg holes of his pajamas before Brenda pulled them up his legs and finally over his diaper. The pajamas did nothing to hide the fact of what he was wearing, but that was not really a problem. “Ok, arms up!” Alex was in heaven as his new mommy pulled his pajama top down over his head, dressing him for bed. During this time Alex had been put in his pull ups, and also helped into a pair of Alex’s pajamas. They were similar enough in size that he had no trouble fitting into them. His pair of pajamas were covered in space ships, and were mostly black with white print on them. When they were both dressed Alex noticed a chart that had been placed on the wall over the changing table. It looked like a child’s bedwetting chart, and after a moment realized it was not out of place in his new room. “Hey Mommy, what’s this for?” He asked as he waddled over and pointed. “Oh right, I almost forgot to tell you about this chart! How silly of me, so, at least for this next week your Daddy or I will be coming over to wake you up and get you both ready to go to school. Because you are supposed to be a bedwetter we are going to track when you’re wet and when you’re dry, after awhile we won’t need to track it because your diaper should be wet every night. This is kind of like a reverse bedwetting chart, because we want you to wake up wet. For this next week your diaper will need to be wet every morning at least 5/7 times. If you have too many dry mornings in a week you can expect a spanking before heading to class, and to get you started your diaper will need to be wet tomorrow morning or you will get a spanking before going to class. Got it?” “Yes mommy!” “Good now both of you go brush your teeth, then you can snuggle around daddy on Alex’s bed so he can read you a good night story” Once Chris started reading both boys ended up with their heads on Chris’s shoulders, almost asleep halfway through the book. Brenda could not help but snap a picture on her phone to give to them later. Once the book was done everyone hopped off of Alex’s bed so he could crawl under the covers, crinkling as he did so. Mommy tucked him in pulling the sheets up over him and playing a moment with lucky pretending to give him good night kisses, before landing one herself on his forehead. Daddy tucked in Kyle before doing the same, and asking him if he had a stuffed animal hidden anywhere he wanted to sleep with. Kyle told his Daddy that he had a stuffed rabbit under his bed, Chris grabbed it and handed it to him. “No need to hide that anymore, ok?” The boy nodded, accepting that he could now let all this out just like Alex was doing. As they started to sneak out after opening the door, Mommy called back saying “Remember Alex, wet diaper in the morning and Kyle if you do wet your pull up know that if it leaks you won’t have a choice about wearing a diaper tomorrow night. Sleep well little boys, Mommy and Daddy love you!” The lights shut off, the door closed, and within minutes both boys were fast asleep. ___________________________________ End of Part 1
  4. The landlord of a college boy's temporary home had just returned to the location of the home after what seemed to be a party. He had been out at work that day, and he hadn't known what the boy would do, but certainly hadn't expected to see beer cans, candy wrappers, and other telltale items littered on the front lawn and in the bushes. Without a word, he used his key to open the door, refusing to knock for the ingrate that had probably trashed what was rightfully his. After slamming the door behind him, Ace brushed his dyed, red hair from his stern, blue eyes, straightening out the tuxedo he had worn to work. He stepped into the living room, and found that not only was the party still in full swing, but the brat he had allowed to stay here was obviously the one who had invited everyone. With his very youthful appearance and soft face, he looked like a boy just as young, if not younger, than the one he felt he had to supervise. So, he waited, tapping his foot and folding his arms, for the pathetic brat to notice that he had arrived.
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