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  1. "Good boy! Drink your buh buh so mommy doesn't have to worry when she's shopping." "Mmph," Jerry mumbled as he squirmed in her lap. He sucked on the tip of the bottle, draining the sweet apple juice inside of it. "Good baby. Good boy," his mommy, Jenny, cooed, stroking his back and his hair. He leaned back into her and finished the bottle. "Good baby," she said. She picked him up, and recentered him on her lap so that he was balanced on one knee and facing her. She bounced him a few times, then pulled him in and began patting his back. "Why's that help when you're shopping, mommy?" He asked. He shuffled, luxuriating in the thick padding of his diaper. Double layered, and with two stuffers, it felt like sitting on a cushion. It, along with his baby blue bonnet, matching short blue t shirt with teddy bears printed on it, soft booties, and pacifier, all added to the look of his new role. Finnally, he knew the thick diaper meant he wouldn't need a change for a long time, which was a dangerous notion when his new "mommy" was going out shopping. He burped, then blushed and put a hand over his face. "I can't beleive that actually worked." "Mhmmm," she said and smiled at him. "Lot's of babies like you are suprise at how much I can still treat them like babies." She began bouncing him up and down on her knee, and he bounced along with her, again loving the feeling and sounds of his diaper crushing against him. "So what about the juice?" "Well, Mommy is going shopping and needs to leave her baby behind for a bit." He raised his eyebrows in fake shock. "Not really "treating me like a baby" to leave me behind, Mommy. Seems dangerous. Abusive. Even trial-worthy." She paused her bouncing and patted his backside. "Sometimes we have to make exceptions. Or would you rather I take you out into public with your quadruple thick pampers? I'll tell you what, I'll give you the choice of any of your baby clothes to wear over them and try to hide them. You'll keep your collar on though." He blushed and shook his head. "No no mommy, that's ok!" She resumed bouncing and smiled. "That's what I thought. Don't worry, you'll be plenty safe. Mommy is going to put you down for a nap in your nice and cozy crib, all safe with the roof locked and your hands tied in mittens so my baby doesn't accidently get out and hurt himself, and a pacifier tied into his mouth so he doesn't lose it or accidently cry so loud the neighbours hear." "Gee, thanks mommy," he said, smirking at the selective description of his bondage. "Mhmm. Thought you'd like that. You've had plenty of juice so you won't be thirsty, and you have your extra thick diapies if you need to go potty. You should be fine for a good nap while mommy is gone. I'll be back in an hour or two" Jerry looked down at his diaper. "So if I have to go now..." "Then you'll be sitting in a soggy diaper for a few hours, or a stinky one. You should have been a good baby gone before I changed you into your nap time nappy. Why? Are you holding it in like a bad baby and need a spanking to help?" He forced a massive smile back at her. "That's ok mommy, I'm good!" "Good baby! Thought so! Now," She reached down to the pacifier on his shirt and puts it in his mouth. "Time to go beddie bies!" She lifted Jerry up and cradled him in her arms. Jerry hung on tight as she carried him through the house. Even as a shorter, thin man, he was always baffled by how easily she carried him. "Such a widdle baby! So easy to carry!" She said in a sweet voice, teasing him at his embaressment. She brought him into what was now his bedroom. A full adult sized nursery, with a double sized crib, changing table, bouncer, and piles of toys pastel blue walls, it always made his heart flutter to see. His new life was odd, and often embaressing, but seeing it all at once reminded him of how long he had dreamed of it. Easy days of little to no work, filled with toys and games while everything else was taken care of, wearing cute, comfortable clothes, and of course... He gulped. A few of the other other kinks his Jenny liked to try out on him often using bondage gear. He at a pile of mittens and booties on the ground. "What's that, mommy?" He asked. She put him down on the ground on his bottom, and huffed at the exertion of having carried him. "That's how mommy is going to make sure you're a good baby while she's gone!" She said. "Uhhh huh... I"m just going to go over this way..." he said, and began to crawl away from her. "You come right here, diaper butt!" she shouted. "AUUGGH!" Jerry screamed, and began to crawl as fast as he could. He heard her jog after him, and was tempted to get up on his feet and run, though he knew breaking his role only lead to more punishments. However, before he got far, he felt her grab his ankle. "No no no!" he shouted as she dragged him backward. He kept trying to crawl away and grabbed at the carpet, but felt a hard smack on his behind. "Now now. Behave or Mommy will spank your diapered bottom, babykins," Jenny said. "Hmph," he said. He stopped crawling and turned to face her, but refused to move back. Instead he sat with his arms folded and let her pull him back, sliding on the plastic against the diaper. "I don't think its fair you get to just threaten to spank me whenever we disagree. I am still a grown adult." She rolled her eyes. "SUUURE you are. The only grown adult I know who sits in a diaper and drinks from bottles all day." He blushed. "Anyway, if you don't like it, you can always go back to being a REAL grown adult working your REAL grown adult job like you used to, rather then living off of a more MATURE adult who works while you play with toys." He glared at her, and she watched back, folding her arms in immitation of him. He sighed. Embaressing as his role was, it was still better then working. He put a hand to his collar and pulled the tab that said "Property of Mommy Jenny" toward her. "No, please not that mommy. I know where I belong. I'll be good, mommy," he said. "Good baby. I thought so. Now be still and let mommy get you dressed." "Hmph," he pouted, but didn't fight back as she began to take his soft booties off. He sighed in annoyance. He knew the new footwear he was getting, she had used them on him when she was "crawl training" him, a period which went much faster then his embaressing "diaper training" sessions. It seemed strange to need to be "trained" for such things, but as his "Mommy" pointed out, this was techically now his "job." All "jobs," required training, even if it was being trained in things most people got past by age three. The botties were the same baby blue as his other booties he was already wearing, with the main visual difference being the strings of lace and ribbon she tied securely around his ankle, then the tiny key hole she used to buckle them on. He looked at his right foot. At first, it felt like more of the soft material, but if they were the ones he remembered, that wouldn't last long. He pressed the sole against the ground, yelped, and confirmed what he thought: a series of metal pieces were sewn into the bottom of his booties, each coming to a point against his foot. They weren't sharp enough to cut or to bother him when he was sitting, but they became more then uncomfortable whenever he put weight on his feet, making walking an annoying chore. They were designed to encourage the wearer to crawl, and they worked fantastically well. Next, she had him hold out each hand. She secured them with padded, fingerless mittens, each which locked on with a strap. This meant that not only were his hands useless, but any attempt to yank off his diaper or bootties would become impossible. She kissed him on his forhead. "Say your goodbyes now Babykins, talking time is about to end." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Goodbye mommy! I love you! I promise to be a good baby and not take my diapies off while you're gone!" He said, repeating the same line he always said when she left. "As if I could with these on!" He held up his mittnes. She giggled. "Good baby, love you too." She pushed a giant pacifier into his mouth and securited it with straps behind his head. She then picked him up and deposited him in his crib, and tucked him in under the sheets. She closed the top of it and locked it, then turned on a mobile of spinning stuffed rabbits and elephants. "Goodnight babykins Jerry! Be a good baby until Mommy is back!" She laughed. "As if you possible COULD misbehave like that. Maybe work on making mommy a present in your diapers while you sleep, it will be good un-potty training." "Mmph," he said from behind his pacifier, and watched as she left. She shut off the main light, leaving him with only the soft night light, and closed the door. Jerry lay back in his crib. The mobile turned over his head, playing "Rock A By Baby" in soft, quiet tones. He looked to his side, and grabbed one of the teddy bears beside him, and turned toward it. If he had to play the role, he figured he may as well play it well and enjoy the "fun" parts of it. In this case, "fun" meant cuddling with soft toys while resting. He closed his eyes. He opened them again. There was a knock at the door. He looked around the room and wondered why Jenny would knock on her own door.
  2. Michael, don't you know I was born to turn you on? You must, you've told me it enough times. You've whispered it in my ear in public, making me blush and squirm as you laughed. You've growled it at me as you held me down at hit me with all your strength. You've teased me with it as I lay tied to your bed, unable to move. And I loved it each time. I love that I am that object for you, that toy, that serves that one singular purpose. I love that I do it so well, and that we both know I'll do it in anyway you want. I love how far you've taken me, you've pushed in that direction. My question is, can you see beyond that? (And do I care if you do?) ... "No... no I can't!," I say, shaking my head. There were tears in my eyes already, just seeing what they intended. Michael loomed over me, as he always does. I always felt smell next to him. "No? Are you arguing? Should I get the paddle, and we can have a nice long discussion about it?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. My heard jumped. Even the threat made me more excited. I looked over at what the clothes they had laid out for me. I had played so many roles for them. I had been their pet, their slave, their baby, their maid. I had come out with them wearing leather vests and diapers under my clothes. However, there were still lines. "I don't know that I want that. Not yet." I whimpered. Michael walked to me. He put a hand on my shoulders, and the other reached down and cupped me below the belt. I gasped. "Are you sure you don't want it, diaper boy? Your cock seems to disagree." "I... I don't, Daddy." It sounded as fake as it felt. The truth was I longed for what they showed me, and had dreamed of it for months. The outfit itself wasn't that far off from dozens I had worn for them before. It was a onesie, bright pink and with a heart on its chest. It came with leggings and platform shows, and bows for my hair, which had grown longer and would undoubtably be put in pigtails. My leash was beside it, the collar was on my neck, and I already wore a diaper to go with it. With it, I knew they would probably tie me, and give me a gag to keep me quiet. I had worn the same before. What was different was what it meant today. I felt a hand smack the back of my diaper. Sarah came around my other side with an arm on my back. "Is that true diaper girl? I think its perfect for you. I think its perfect for you to wear every day from now on." "Uhhh..." I moaned. "Daddy, is she allowed to do that?" I asked as the other submissive teased me. To tell the truth, hearing someone who was herself being dominated talk down to me only made me crave more. If there was to be an pecking order, a huge part of me I was terrified of craved more then anything to be on the bottom of it. "Yes sweetie. Remember our ranking?" I thought back. We were both subs under him, but what we wore went beyond that. Regular clothes beat anyone cross-dressed, which beat anyone dressed as an animal, which beat, lowest of the low... "She's also in a diaper Daddy," I said. "We're the same." He shook his head. "Not anymore. Not when she's in her black diapers and her leather clothes, and you have your cute little printed diapies and onesie. You are the lowest here, and will still be from now on." My mind swirled. By far the most humiliating game they had played with me was this one. It was the one thing that pushed me right to the limit, the only that still made me begin to think of saying no. Now, they wanted to take me into public, in our club with all our friends, dressed like that. More, they wanted me to live like that, to come into their home and stay like that permanently. My heart jumped, and I wasn't sure if it was from disgust, fear, or joy. Michael turned me to face him directly. He put a hand on my diaper and pulled me in right next to him, and put the other on the back of my head. I looked away for a moment, but he turned me back, and for a second I thought he would kiss me. Instead, he just stared at me with his clear eyes. My breath caught, as it always did when I looked into them. "Are you sure sweetie? If you don't want it, you know your safety word. This can all be over now. Just say it, or let us dress you again." I was still, but was sure I was falling deep into his eyes again. Every time they hit me it was like all the will to argue left me. I felt myself melt and fall deeply into them, like a man possessed, and he did possess me. The image of me going into the club, crawling in his humiliating costume, all the nervousness it brought, fell along with my willpower into his eyes. Those eyes. It was always those goddamn eyes. ... Oh Michael don't you know you were born to turn me on? That is the part I'm not sure you understand. Or, if you understand it, you understand it all to well. It is everywhere and always to me. That feeling. That incredible, awful feeling. That arousal that is on my mind. That distracts me from work. That distracts me from relationships. That distracts me from all of life outside your impossible, clear eyes. The deep, painful knowledge that that you could get me to do anything you wanted no matter how bad I DON'T want it and the more I don't want it the more I want it because I know you want it because I don't want it and that makes me WANT it and I don't understand that. But you do, and that scares me. I am not in love with you. I am ADDICTED to you. I am OBSESSED with you, and with your impossible clear eyes. When I see them I feel like I am possessed, and I know I am possessed by you. I can stare at them for hours and not be sure what happened. I am addicted to your body. The tight, lean muscles. The strong arms, able to carry me, to pull me, to hold me down, even as I struggle (ESPECIALLY as I struggle) The size that has you always looking down on my ever so slightly, ever so noticeably, with your clear, impossible eyes. I am addicted to all you do to me. All our little games, all the strange clothes, all the things I never would have done if I never had met you. And I cant stop them. I can't stop wanting them. I don't know why I want them, I SHOULDN'T want them, but by god I do. By YOU I do. You are my god now. And that is what I am worried you understand all to well. There are lines I cannot cross, but I don't know what they are when I see those clear, impossible eyes. Not ever since I first saw them, those months ago.
  3. Jerry sat in his high chair, watching his Mommy make him breakfast. She walked back and forth accross the kitchen, taking a pile of food out of the fridge and setting multiple pans on the stove. He leaned with his elbow on the table of his high chair, bored. Normally he wasn't waiting that long. "Mommy, what's taking so long?" he whined. She looked at him, smiled and waved a finger. "Tsk tsk! Don't be a bratty little baby!" He rolled his eyes. "Sorry Mommy, I just mean, its taking longer then ususal. What are you making?" She looked at him again. "Eggs, bacon, beans, toast, and a fruit and berry smoothie with bran powder." He shook his head, suprised. "Oh, Mommy, I don't want all of that. Since when do you make that much for breakfast?" "Maybe I just want to make sure my baby is well fed." "Yeah but..." he tried to think of what she might be doing. It was far more then he normally ate, and more then he could normally stomach. "I don't think I want that much. I can't finish it all, its ok." "Oh, you will finish the breakfast Mommy makes for you. You're a growing baby and need your strength!" "Technically I stopped growing years ago and I'm just going to be lounging around in diapers all day." She laughed. "Nah, you're a growing baby who needs his strength, and we'll see about that." "Wait what?" he sat up straight in his high chair. "What do you mean? You said I could just play baby all weekend. I even got my cutest diapers on! See?" He lifted up his baby-blue shirt to show the colorful prints on his diaper, then wiggled his bottom to make it crinkle. "I mean we'll see about that. And you will DEFINITLY be playing baby all weekend," she smiled. He stared at her. "Yeah... thats... thats what I said. You know... cutest diaper." He pointed down at it. "See Mommy? Cutest diaper? And in high chair? Playing baby? What?" She smiled at him. "Yes sweetie, you look very cute in your Crinklz and high chair. Keep being a good baby ALLLL weekend." "Uh huh." Jerry had learned not to ask too many questions. Very often, seemingly innocent questions would lead to much larger questions like "How many spanks can Jerry take and still sit comfortably at the work the next day" and "do you REALLY need a diaper change right now, or is that more a personal problem?" This might lead to arguments, and he hadn't found a solid counter to the pure logic of "You're a baby and I'm the Mommy," and "I have the paddle." Instead, he watched her take out a plastic plate and pile a mountain of food onto it. Given how he was dressed, he was nervous about the use of a mountain of beans. Those didn't tend to play well with his gut, and since he'd be playing baby, the person feeding him would be in charge of changing his diapers. This lead him to the question: What possible benefit could Mommy have with ensuring his diapers ended up as dirty as possible? He gave a look of suspicion to the mountain of beans, eggs, and meat that was plopped in front of him, followed by a giant baby bottle full of blended fruit and berries. She tied a plastic bib around his neck. "Are we planning on just not eating again this week, or...?" Mommy smiled at him. "Just open wide for the airplane. You aren't getting out of that high chair until this is all down the hatch and on its way to your diapers." "What did my poor diapers do to deserve that?!" He pointed at the cartoon animals dnacing accross the front panel. "See? These poor guys!" She shrugged. "They are in diapers too, they'll understand. Now! Open for the airplan!" No sooner had he obeyed then the first spoonfull was shoved into his mouth, quickly followed by another. He kept eating, and as he did, he let his eyes wander around the kitchen. It was then that he noticed, to his suprise, that there two luggage bags set in the far corner of the kitchen. "Wait, Mom... Mpph," he said as another was shoved in. "What ARE we doing this weekend?" "I told you! You are going to play a little baby!" "Yes but what will YOU MMPH.." he swallowed another spoonfull "YOU be doing?" "What do you mean?" He pointed at the bags. "I mean that!" She looked over her shoulder. "Oh, that's nothing. Just a bag for me to go on a work conference this weekend while you are being punished in the Delinquent Daycare." "WHAT?!" he shouted, followed by another "Mmph" as more beans were shoved into his mouth. "The Delinquent Daycare?! You can't send me there!" She put a hand to her chin as if thinking. "MMM actually yes I can. Seems a perfect place to leave you, where you can play baby ALLL weekend." "But its not for me! It's for..." "Misbehaved abdls, littles, subs and sissies, to learn the benefits of proper obedience," she said, as if quoting. "And you, my little diaper boy, fit that perfectly as an ABDL and my sub." "Yes but... mmph... I'm not a brat!" "What are you doing now if its not bratting? Arguing with your Mommy isn't "Good boy behaviour." "MMPH," he rolled his eyes. "Ok yes but GENERALLY! I'm not misbehaved! I'm even eating all this insane amount of food for you! I'm the best behaved diaper boy in town! Ask anyone!" He folded his arms in a show of stubborn refusal. "You mean ask the huge number of people who definitly know you wear diapers and can judge your behaviour? Should we tell more to get a relevant number?" "ASK. ANYONE. Who knows already." He added the last part quietly. "Annnd who won't just lie to see me punished." "Sooo... no one." "Ummm..." She shrugged. "Eh. You can be a bratty baby sometimes. Anyway, every sub needs a reminder punishment once in a while. Yours will just happen to last all weekend." "All. Weekend!?" He gawked at her. "You hear what they do to subs there? Its so mean!" "Don't worry sweetie, Mommy will make sure you don't get anything which won't help you. Anyway, I'm not hearing a safety word, so I guess its what you want and where you know you belong." "Uh huh," he said. He looked at the food and swallowed another bite, then clamped his mouth shut. She pushed the spoon toward him. "Hey now! Don't be naughty! Open for the airplane!" She said in a sweet voice. He didn't budge.
  4. (Image by Rosie BRS, commissioned by PrincessofThemyscria) "MMM MMMPH!!" Ed, muffled by the giant pacifier tied to his mouth, tried to shout as his former wife kissed her new boyfriend directly in front of him. He struggled against his binds. Cuffed, held tight in a kneeling position with his hands behind his back in the giant crib he was told was now his bed, gagged with a pacifier, and locked into a tight dress lifted to keep his diaper on display, he could do nothing but watch in humiliation as Sarah and Dwayne made it clear how little they respected him. Lost in their emotional and sexual attraction for each other, he was a non-entity, just their to witness how a "real" man acted, and to add his embaressment and whining to their joy. If he didn't want to look at them, there were few other places he could look without the same embaressment. The room, formerly his office, had been turned into a full on adult sized nursery, and decorated for his new role as the 'baby girle'. Stacks of adult diapers, dresses, and onsies piled on shelves, all intended for him. Toys stood in each corner, piles of teddy bears, a rocking horse with buckles to keep him in place, and a baby bouncer with more of the same locks. Even the walls reminded him of his positon, painted bright pink, with a line of disney princess around it. Of course, it wasn't entirely true that they didn't think of him at all. Sarah stole a glance into his eyes, giving him a malicious grin between kissing her new boyfriend. She turned around so that Ed could see his hand running up and down her back and gripping her bottom hard. Dwayne then opened his own eyes and watched Ed's raction as he spanked her hard, showing his own control over what used to be Ed's, then lifted a hand under her skirt. Sarah put a hand on Dwayne's chest and backed a way. "Alright honey, I need to get going." He smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I could do this allll day." She laughed. "I know, I've seen it before." They kissed again, and she backed away. "But I do need to go to get something for this little stinker here." She pointed at Ed. "Ah," he nodded. "Of course. Go ahead, I'll take care of your baby girl." "Are you sure? You won't mind babysitting? She's about due for a diaper change." Ed looked down at his diaper. At the moment, it was still clean. Hearing her predict his future 'accidents' was always embaressing, especially since she had so far always been right. He couldn't help but think she was deliberatly feeding something to cause it, but the truth was with other option then his diapers, the result was inevitable. "Not a problem. I've changed diapers before, these ones will just be a bit bigger." He turned to Ed and leaned into him. "Won't they, baby girl?" He said in a cooing, teasing voice and pinched Ed's cheek. "Just a bit bigger baby in a bit bigger diapies for a bit bigger diapie changes?" Ed blushed and groaned, but saw Sarah's look from over Dwayne's shoulder. He nodded, agreeing to the humiliating question. Dwayne smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. And if the baby girl doesn't want to get along... well, you already showed me how to spank her padded bottom. I bet a good trip over my knee will remove any problems." Ed shuddered. He had strong, horrible memories of all the times Sarah had spanked him, including the time Dwayne had watched. It shamed him to admit how easily she could bring him to tears with the childish punishment, and looking at Dwayne's powerful, muscual arms, he didn't want to know how much worse it would be. "I'm sure they will," Sarah said. "I know she won't cause many problems anyway. You're a full grown man, someone like this little baby girl won't stand a chance." She looked at Ed and winked. "Won't you baby girl? Widdle baby girl can't stand up to a man? Widdle baby girl Olivia need her baby sitter for her widdle diapies?" She turned back to Dwayne. "And either way, you know how to work her straps." Ed cringed at the teasing, and especially at the new name they had slected for him, which deorated the tag on the collar around his neck under the words "Baby Girl." It had seemed like so little time, and yet they had been so throrough so much of anything that had defined him as a man. Ed pulled at the straps again, but they held tight. He was sure this discussion was planned. They LOVED discussing his new life in front of him as his gag kept him from responding. Going over his changes, his spankings, and his straps one after another was just to get a reaction, and unfortunatly it worked. Already, Ed was squirming in shame, and only a bit more might send him over the edge into another tear filled "tantrum" at his new lifestyle, followed by their choice of punishing him for brattiness or an equally humiliating "soothing" session on their laps to calm down the "whiny baby girl." So, he held his emotions in. Dwayne laughed and hugged Sarah, then gave her another firm pat on the behind. Ed was unsure whether it was for her benefit, Dwayne's, or his own. "So the diapers are still in the same place? And her bottles and baby food in the fridge?" "Yep! Have fun you too! I'll be a bit, widdly baby girl Olivia's credit card has a MUCH better rate then mine. Goodbye Dwayne, byebye widdle baby girl Olivia!" "Say byebye to your mommy princess," Dwayne said. "MMMM MMM!" Ed said from behind his pacifier as she left. She turned to give a tiny wave and blow a kiss, and headed out. Ed's heart was racing. Panic, confusion, shame and humiliation all filled him. He swallowed, and turned to look at Dwayne, who was watching Sarah leave. He turned to Ed and smiled. His punishment had been a lot when it was just Sarah. When Dwayne came in to see him, it was worse, but at least it was still his wife controlling everything. Now, solely in the control of the strange man who slept who replaced him with his wife and as man of his house, had had no idea what to expect. Dwayne watched him, seeming to take pleasure in his obvious fear. He leaned in close to Ed, grabbed his nose, and started playfully tweaking it from side to side. "Well well well, look at this little baby girl. What a pathetic, helpless sight you make, Olivia. You were once a big man? Once married and owned a house? Now look at you, sitting in your diaper and in your crib while another man fucks your wife in front of you. You had everything and you threw it all away so you could cheat and play at being a big man. Hows that feel?" Ed whined, but couldn't do anything to stop him. Dwayne was right, he knew how pathetic he looked. He had initialy hoped this would be a short, private agreement between Sarah and himself, a way to avoid losing everyhting in the divorce. Instead, it seemed he now risked losing far, far more. Dwayne ran his hand down his dress and flicked the skirt. "Such a pretty girl in her pretty dress. Bet you never thought you'd wear something like that, eh?" He rested a hand on Ed's diaper. "Much less this. Still dry it seems." "You know, when she told me how she planned to sissify you, I thought it was hilarious on its own. But when she mentioend diapering you and making you her little baby," he pressed harder, and Ed groaned. "I think I laughed for an hour straight. What a fitting punishment for a low, immature cheater like you." Ed glared and pulled at the ropes, but nothing moved. Sarah teasing him had been embaressing, but hearing this man mock him filled him with rage. Every part of him wanted to reach out and swing at him, to re-assert some level of masculinity and strength, but the straps held in place. Dwayne just laughed, then waved a finger in front of Ed's nose. "Ah ah ah, even without the straps, you know how that would go. Either way, you'll just be pinned down, then over my lap for a spanking." He reached to Ed's bicep and pulled at the soft putty of his arm, then flexed his own. Ed watched him and blushed. His rage was quickly replaced with embaressment and despair. He knew it was true. It had been years since he excercised, and the difference between his own arm and Dwayne's powerful, muscular body was clear. If the straps broke, he'd just end up being beaten back down anyway. Dwayne patted his diaper. "Now, your mommy mentioned that you will be filling your diaper soon. My guess is she knows your body better then you, and she is bound to be right. However, I want to emphasize something to you. You see, you still think this is just an agreement with your wife where she gets to humliate you and I just happen to be here. I you to realize the truth is that even though this is your house, you are such a pathetic little loser that anyone who comes in can control you. So, you are going to mess your diaper for me, and you are going to do it soon. Then I'll change you like your mommy does while you lay helpless in your binds, and you'll know how much you've fallen." "MMM MMM! MMM MMM!" Ed shouted from behind the pacifier. He felt his eyes go wide, and he pulled again at the ropes. Dwayne just laughed. "Now now, you know this is going to happen. There is no way around it, little potty pants. So, here's whats going to happen." He took his cell phone out, placed it on record, and faced it toward Ed. He could see himself in it, backward with the focus directly on the seat of his diaper. Dwayne then took out a second cellphone and showed it to Ed. "This video is streaming directly to my phone so I can monitor the state of your diapers. I'm going to go back down through your house, make myself at home, eat your food, watch your tv, and take my rightful place as man of the house which you used to think was yours. You are going to lay there in your pretty widdle pampers and in your crib, helpless while another man takes advantage of you, and struggle not to mess your pampers. When you fail at that too, I'll see it and come to change you like a baby. How's that sound, little cucky?" Ed, filled with rage but unable to respond, could only watch as Dwayne walked out the door. He glared at the phone, and on it, his own image glaring back. He HATED seeing his own reflection dressed in his new 'style.' He always knew how he looked, but at times he could almost pretend it was normal. Seeing himself with the pacifier in his mouth, frilly purple dress with bows, and thick, exposed diaper, only drove home how humiliating his newfound positon was. If that wasn't enough, he could hear Dwayne living out his promise. He heard the cuboard and fridge open, and Dwayne grabbing at drinks and food he had bought. Dwayne then walked through the house, and Ed heard the TV playing. The image of the strange man sitting on his couch, watching his tv, and eating chips and drinking beer where he used to drove him mad. He pulled at his binds, imagining himself running down the stairs, grabbing Dwayne, punching him, kicking him, and... What? Getting beat up, then still having to play out his agreement with Sarah. He opened his eyes and saw his image again, in the outfit locked onto his body. The same plot played out in his head, except this time he waddled down, barely able to walk in his over thick diaper, charged at Dwayne with his skirt flaring behind him, and struggled, barely able to move in the tight clothing. Even he wanted to laugh at the image of a man dressed as he was trying to seem tough, and it ended only one way: himself pulled over Dwayne's lap, skirt pulled up and diaper pulled down as Dwayne spanked him into submission. Fighting back was nice to imagine, but impossible. Worse, he knew Dwayne was right about another thing. He had no idea what Sarah had been feeding him, but she seemed intent to ensure he had multiple diaper changes a day, and his stomach was telling him it was almost time. The presure came suddenly, his stomach grumbled, and he moaned out loud in dread. The phone chimed up. "Seems like SOMEONE is realizing I'm right! Is the widdle baby girl going to soil her pampers soon?" Dwayne said through the phone. Ed groaned out loud and pulled at the straps, but his stomach kept turning and grumbling. ...
  5. Kaden waited outside the door, staring at his watch. "Come at 7:46. That is 7:46, not 7:45, or 7:47. You will wear exactly what I send you in your messages. If anything is off, you will be punished. Understood? " he had said. 7:44 Kaden bit his lip. Of course, he had agreed. Why wouldn't he? He was being paid to, and had to admit to himself he loved the orders. 7:45 and 30 seconds. He was wearing exactly what he had been told. Most of it was normal. A dark blue suit, with a lighter blue tie, the kind of thing anyone else would wear to the same job. Someone looking closely might notice it was far more expensive then he should have been able to afford on his salary, but it wasn't that strange for high level lawyers like Edward Greyan to buy clothes for their secretaries for looks. Traditionally those secretaries were women, but especially in the modern era, no one would question a separate choice. If someone looked even more closely, or, say, took some of the clothes off as Edward was wont to do, they may have noticed a few other things. They may have noticed the small, thin collar hidden under his tie. They may have noticed the tiny lock on his belt, which Kaden had attached at home knowing Edward had the only key. They may have noticed something else, which was what made Kenyan blush the deepest when he thought of it. 7:46. Kaden opened the door and walked in. He walked down the long hallway bordered on both sides by mirrors. Seeing himself, an his own shy, awkward stride, only made him more nervous as he approached the main office. "Good morning sir," he said as he entered. "Good morning Kaden" Edward replied. Kaden sighed in relief. No anger yet, so that meant no punishment. "Kaden, can you come into my office for a minute?" Edward said. Kaden closed his eyes and swore in his mind. Something was off. He entered the office to see Edward facing away from him, going over a pile of files on his own desk. Edward was everything Kenyan wanted and wished he could be. Successful, smart, and with the confidence and air to show it. While Kaden walked in short, shy steps, Edward strode with long, broad movements. He stood straight, suit and hair maintained perfectly, and spoke with an authoritative voice his clients had come to trust. Kaden stopped at the door. The instruction was "into my office," no further, and he was careful to follow it exactly. Edward shuffled through a few more papers. He picked a few out of the pile and laid them straight on his desk. Finally, he let out a quick sigh and began. "Kedan, what time is it?" Kaden swallowed. "7:46 sir," he said. He looked at the clock on Edward's wall to confirm. "Is it now?" he smiled. "And what is wrong with that?" "Ummm..." "Well?" "You said come in at 7:46." Edward turned to look at Kaden, who flinched at his gaze. "I did. And did you arrive then?" "Yes sir," he said. He paused. If he had, Edward probably wouldn't be asking. "I think so sir?" Edward sighed. "How long have you been standing there?" "Maybe a minute sir." "So if you've been standing there for a minute, and it is now 7:46, what time did you come in?" Kaden panicked. "But I checked my wa... Edward cut him off. "What time did you come in?" "7:45." "And what time did I say to come in?" "7:46 sir." "So you didn't follow my instructions. That is ten." Kaden flinched. "Yes sir."
  6. Hi. I'm a 19 year old dl from Milton Ontario and I want to find someone to meet up with. I want to know I'm not the only one in my town who's an abdl. I'd prefer if you're female and around my age because I'm also looking for a girlfriend/mommy, but at this point, I just want to meet any other abdl in person.
  7. "Goodnight you two! Have a nice break!" "Thank you! We will!" Jack replied to his departing parents. He grasped his girlfriend, Jill, in his arms as they both waved goodbye, then shut the front door. It was the first week of summer vacation from university. His parents were going on their own vacation, and his summer job didn't start for another three weeks. That meant.. "Well hello there sweetheart. It seems we have the house all to ourselves," Jill said, as she turned toward him and hugged him tight. He looked down at her head and kissed her soft brown hair, then leaned back and lifted her off the ground. "WHOAH!" she shouted, and laughed as he swung her. "Careful! Don't drop me!" Arguably there was a risk. She was shorter then he was, and thin, but not by too much. His relatively short stature and narrow build wasn't great for swinging people around with confidence. He settled her down and they stared at each other- her blue eyes meeting their brown. Suddenly, he laughed. "Soooo house party?" he said. She laughed with him and put a hand on his chest. "Maybe, but not right now. I want a weekend with us alone," she winked at him when she said that, and he smiled and nodded. "Also, there is something I want to try tonight." "Ooooo something fun? Something kinky?" He asked. She rolled her eyes. "Well, it can be. But not what I mean. Come on, I want to show you, its up in our bags." She took him by the hand and lead him up stairs, towards the bedrooms. The house wasn't huge, but was big enough to comfortably fit a family. The floors were all carpeted, and the bright yellow walls and decorations matched his parents slighted dated tastes. His was the last on the left in a hall of three doors. It was still very much a "teenager" bedroom, as he hadn't stayed in it regularly since leaving for college. Having met Jill there, he hadn't been planning his weekends to sleep in a bed where his parents could hear him. However, that wasn't where they were heading. "Wait, I'm thirsty. Can I get a glass of water before we do anything?" Jack pointed to the bathroom. "I don't want to be dehydrated and not be able to... you know..." She rolled her eyes. "We aren't doing that yet. Come on!" She pulled him into the second door, the spare bedroom. While his parents were well aware of what university students would do when alone together, they liked to at least PRETEND that their plans weren't obvious. So, in order to keep the appearance up, Jill had been officially exiled to the spare bedroom. This, however, lead to some other issues. "I still can't believe they want to do this," Jack said. "I think its cute!" Jill replied. "They want a bigger family!" "You don't think they are too old?" "No, not by half. Plenty of people do it later in life now. We live so much longer then we used to, its perfectly fine." "I know, but still," Jack shook his head. "What?" She giggled and smiled at him. "Say what you reaalllly mean." "Was I not good enough?" he asked. "And THERE it is. I'm sure you were a perfectly fine baby. You're cute enough anyway." "Oh stop," he waved. "Nah, I'd have loved to see it! You'd have been so cute to take care of!" she pinched his cheek. The room in front of them looked nothing like it did before Jack moved out. Before, it had been a plain, simply spare bedroom. A single queen bed, a night stand with a lamp, and an empty set of drawers. That was before his parents decide they wanted another baby. Now, along with the spare bed, there was an crib, diaper changing table, and a box piled high with toys. They were planning on re-painting the walls as well, but said they would wait until they found out the gender of the baby, a position Jack had held himself back from commenting on. The room now served two functions- a bedroom waiting for any adults to visit, and a nursery waiting for a baby to be born. "Its also, I don't know..." Jack considered his words. "Premature. They don't even know if she's pregnant yet." "Yeah, kind of," Jill said, then shrugged. "So they got excited. They said they found a good deal on the stuff. Besides, don't you want a baby brother? I always thought it would be fun. Jack shuddered. "Ugh. You mean someone to cry all night, mewl and demand food, and crap themselves? No, I really don't want to experience that. I DREAD the day my parents ask me to babysit. I aint changing no poopy diapers!" "Haha double negative!" He only glared at her. "Oh come on, it wouldn't be that bad. I've actually been considering taking up babysitting as a part time job." Jack was shocked. "Really? Why? You WANT to do that? It seems to annoying and gross and exhausting." She waved a hand. "Nah, it can't be that bad. Really even changing diapers wouldn't be terrible. I just need someone to practice with. You know, figure it out in a safe environment where I won't hurt the baby." "No. Just... no. You can have fun with that if you want. If I ever have kids, it won't be for a LOONNGG while." Jill shrugged. "Alright, suit yourself." They paused for a moment and looked around the nursery. Each imagined a baby crawling around it, and each forming a completely different opinion of how it would feel. "So what was it you wanted to show me?" Jack asked. "RIGHT. Come here, I have something for you." she walked to the bed, grabbed the bright pink suit case she had brought, and opened it up. She ruffled through piles of clothes and underwear, throwing them onto the bed. Jack reached down and grabbed an escaped pair of pink panties. "Hmmm hot. I hope this wasn't the thing "for me," unless you are planning on wearing them. I mean I'm game if you want to try, but that isn't my thing." She raised her eyebrows. "Really?" "I'm just saying I love all your skimpy underwear but I think they would look better on your butt then mine." She scoffed and grabbed them. "That isn't what I wanted to show you." He faked a pout. "Aww no? I was getting excited now." "Wh.." "So I DON"T get to see you in underwear? Or do you have some for me to try on?" "You'll see me in my underwear a LOT, ok, just not now you horny dick. THIS is what I wanted to show you!" she brought out a box. It was white, with a red and black hypnosis wheel drawn on it. "Practical Low-cost Objective-Based Technology Presents-The Instant Hypnotizer!" She read. "Huh..." he looked at it carefully. "You want to try hypnosis?" "Uh huh," she replied. "Just got it, and I figured it would be a fun game to try. Come on, lets turn it on!" she opened the box and took out a large wheel with a handle and trigger. "It says it comes with a battery, and can be charged in the wall when it dies. Its supposed to be able to hypnotize people in seconds! "Mhmm.... I mean... that sounds a bit dangerous. Do you really know what you are doing?" She shrugged. "Ah, what's the worse that could happen?" "I don't know! I just would think we should look this up first, or have someone whose done it before, or something like that. Does it have an instruction booklet." She looked in the box. "Oh yes, yes, here are the instructions. Ahem." She pointed a finger on the side of the cardboard. "It says, 'Jack, stop being such a pussy. Play this game with your girlfriend, and you might get lucky tonight.' Ah, wise advice." Jack quickly went from unimpressed to smiling. "Ah! Sounds great." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, all guys are the same. Alright, what should we do first?" "I don't know, pick something. Just do it quickly, I'm getting excited." "Riiiiggghhttt..." she reached to the machine and started to turn a dial. "And by "excited," you mean your dick is excited, right? Alright, lets see..." She pointed it at him. "Ready?" "Ready," he smiled. She clicked a button, and it began to whirl. Lights flashed, and a low buzzing sound filled the air. Jack's eyes went wide and focused on the center of it. When it stopped, he was left motionless, eyes blank, mouth open and drooling. Jill chuckled. "Alright. When I snap my fingers, you are going to act like you're a little baby and I'm your mommy until it wears off." She snapped her fingers. "Goo," Jack said. He fell backwards and sat flat on the ground. "Goo." Jill put her hands on the side of her face and began to laugh. "Oh. My. God. Did this actually work? Jack, can you hear me?" He looked up at her. "Awo?" he asked. "Oh my god, it really did work! And what gets you out?" She snapped her fingers in his face. "MMMPA!" he said at the fingers, and began sucking on them. She laughed. "Alright, so it isn't' that. She lifted the box. "Instant hypnosis. If no signal is established during opening moments, will run out in preset times depending on the setting. All right! Looks like I'm your babysitter until it wears out! Ready to be my baby!" "Awogala!" "HMMM I never liked the taste of arugula, no matter how healthy they say it is. What else you got?" "UUMA!" he replied, raising his hands for a hug. She knelt down. "Awww, of course I'll hug my baby. What a good boy, mommies here!" She hugged him. After a moment, she let go. "Waaa?" He asked, sounding upset, and clung tight. He pulled her down closer. "Its ok baby boy, mommies just, ooff you're strong," she tried to push off one of his arms but couldn't. She reached around and patted his back. "There there baby boy, mommy will be back in a moment, just... Offf... WHY ARE YOU SO STRONG?" "Cooo, coo," he lectured her as he hugged her. She tried to stand up against what she now realized was a full adults strength coupled with an infants mentality. The two together were NOT a good combination. She managed to undo one of his arms. "WAAAHHH!" he immediately began screaming. "OK OK OK OK," she said, and hugged him again. The screaming stopped. "Just, please don't pinch me like that. OW! I said STOP PINCHING! Let me just, hmmm..." she looked around the room. The bed would be no help in his current mindset, and neither would any of her electronics. However, in the corner was a toy box. She reasoned that if she could make it there, she could find something to distract her now baby-brained boyfriend. She took a step, but found he was still holding tight, and hard to move. "Want a toy?" she asked. "Awwoo!" he smiled in agreement. "Good baby. Then we just gotta go over there, alright?" she pointed toward the toy box. "UHHH!" he laughed. She began to move toward it but couldn't. To her dismay, she realized that he expected her to carry him. She sighed, and reached down. She had commented earlier that it must be hard for him to lift her. However, it was FAR more difficult to do the same to him. He sat in confusion as she struggled to pick him up, swung him a few inches to the left, and dropped him again, panting. She moved, reached down, and repeated the process. It was a long, slow job, but finally she made it. She grabbed a teddy bear and handed it to him, and his arms instantly released her to cling to it. He leaned back on the ground and rolled around, gurgling in joy with his new toy. "Alright, well that was a bit cold. No no, don't worry, I don't mind that you clearly like the teddy bear more then me." He looked at her. "Za?" he said, and reached a single hand. "No no no no," she pointed at the bear. "Play with him! Play with him!" He turned his attention back to the toy. She sighed and ruffled his hair. "Alright, I don't know how long this is going to last, but I might as well get my practice in." she said. She walked back to her bags and reached in. "Well, you WERE interested in the underwear I brought and DID say you were willing to wear some of it if I wanted you to, and I do want you to wear these." She laughed. "Of course, its not like you could have guessed I brought them, but I don't think you can mind that now." The package she brought out was made with clear plastic. Inside were a dozen adult diapers. Like most adult diapers they were white, but unlike most they had friendly looking savanna animals on them. "Safari," they were called, and she was glad she had found them online. She had gone back and forth between trying to buy a store brand and ordering online before deciding the latter was less embarrassing, and was glad she did. "Come on baby boy! Lets get your diapie on!" she said. She walked down to him and bent over to undo his pants. She laughed. "Since your such a baby now we probably should before you have an accident." She paused. She realized that it could be a very real possibility, depending on how long the hypnosis lasted. She looked at her fully grown adult boyfriend, rolling around mindlessly on the ground like a baby, unaware of anything except his teddy bear. She had heard what it was like to change a real baby's diaper, how they often tried to crawl away, or went more half way through. She remembered the strength he had displayed when he clung to her. With a fully grown adult who was convinced he was a baby, changing a diaper would be FAR more difficult. She shrugged. That was a problem for later, and if anything it would still be the practice she wanted. She finished undoing his pants. "Ok sweetie, lets get these off so we can put on your diaper." She laughed again. "Oh boy, you are going to FREAK when you snap out of it and see what you're wearing." She began to pull, and he began to kick playfully. At least, it was meant to be playful. She could tell from his smiling and giggling that he thought it was funny. However, it was one thing when a 20 pound baby kicked playfully. It was another thing entirely when a 180 pound adult did. "AWWOOO SHUSHAH FUU!" he said, kicking. "You trying to make me a secure password?" she said. She began to hold down his legs, but he struggled more and made more sounds. "Come on, bad baby! You gotta... hey... OW!" she said finally, leaning back and clutching her head. As soon as she got one of his feet out of a pant leg, his foot flew up and kicked her forehead. While it wasn't bleeding, it still stung. She glared down at him, and he smiled back at her, unaware of any problem. "Oshhaaa?" he asked, and giggled again.
  8. ABAlex

    Pageant Pictures

    So here are two old pictures by BlackRoseSeduction. It shows a sequence where my OC is first led to, then forced to compete in, a "Pageant" for submissives. Write up below I'm fairly certain this write up has been posted in the story side in one form or another, but here it is for the pictures. The part in italics is by blackrose, the rest is mine. "Nnnf..." "Now now, sweetie. If you keep fussing like that, you're going to lose your pacifier and it's going to get aaaallll dirty. I think you've had enough lessons today to know better, hm?" :: Alex's bottom was still sore from the last lesson he learned. "No fussing when putting on dresses for Mommy." His bottom still stung, even in his big, comfy pink car seat.:: "Now, are you going to behave like a good little girl during this Pageant?" :: Alex nodded his head, a constant blush running across his cheeks. He was dolled up and ready as Mommy wanted him. He couldn't touch anything; he wasn't physically permitted to. Even though the false eyelashes bothered him, his hands were encased in sleeves, which were linked to the harness placed around his dress. No, he would remain just as Mommy wanted him until the Pageant was done. He was a good little girl.:: :: With a leash clicked to his baby harness, he had no choice but to follow like a little child. His skirt was too short to hide his diaper, and he didn't dare let go of his pacifier to speak again. He dutifully followed his Mommy like a little trained puppy, walking to the building with the giant Marquee that read "Little Teapot Beauty Pageant tonight":: "Good. Mommy wants to win, tonight. Be a good little girl and give the judges a good show.~" "Oh, and Little one... put all worries aside; your diaper is most DEFINITELY showing.~" Alex waddled behind her as best as the thick padding would allow. Even after all this time, every crinkle, every flash of white plastic and every awkward, waddling step made him blush. This was especially true with all those eyes on him. He nodded at the mistress' words, knowing he better do his best to win or face the consequences, and pouted at her comment about his diaper. Though he knew it was clearly showing, he hated to have it pointed out. He tried to think back on how he got himself into this mess. It all seemed so natural, he didn't really know what had caused it. He had arrived at the Mistress' house, told he was there for 'rehabilitation', not really knowing what that meant. It was as much his choice as anyone else's. He figured he would be out in a week or so, and move on. At first it had seemed like a game, a little bit of acting up, followed by a little bit of 'fun' punishment.... Except that he soon realized he couldn't say no to the games. The one week turned into weeks, then months, and the punishments went from brief little games to his full time life. They got more and more embarrassing, as he found himself being treated as if he were younger and younger. When the Mistress finally took out a diaper and lay it underneath him, (replacing the pull up she had him in at the time) it simply seemed natural. A spanking ended any argument, a few months without 'big boy privileges' ended any thought he didn't belong in them. Eventually, his "Mistress" became his "Mommy". Now here he was at the dreaded pageant. When she first mentioned it he had thought, or at least hoped, she was joking. He had gone out in public before, which was embarrassing enough, but an actual pageant? With all those eyes on him? He shuddered. As ordered he waved sadly at the tv cameras, trying not to think about how far they could be broadcasting. Making matters worse was a surprise twist he had only found out about that morning. He remembered waking up, nervous enough as it was for the upcoming pageant. He ate breakfast in his high chair slowly, wishing he could make the clock move slower. At that point, he was dressed in a blue baby boy onesie, diaper, and bonnet, which he would have told anyone was about as embarrassing as it gets. Oh, how naive he was. When he finally finished the last of the oatmeal shoved into his mouth by his "mommy's" over aggressive spoon, he sighed and let her help him get out of the high chair. He followed her into the bed room, expecting to find some childish version of a suit, maybe a costume, or perhaps a sailor's outfit all designed to prominently display his padded rear. Instead, to his shock, he found a frilly pink dress lying neatly on his crib. At first he didn't want to believe it. "Wha... what is that?" he asked nervously, dreading the answer. "Why, that is your dress for the pageant!" his mistress replied cheerily, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He looked at her with wide eyes. "Wha..What do you mean!?" "I mean we are going to put you in a nice dress so everyone can see what a pretty little girl you are." The realization he had been avoiding finally clicked. They meant to put HIM in a DRESS, and say he was a GIRL!? "No! Please!" he shouted desperately. "I'm not a girl!" "Really?" his mistress said with mock surprise. "Is that so? Then why does it say right here on your form, 'baby girl'? It seems to be all filled out that way, are you sure your not a girl? I think we better put you in the dress just to be sure. Oh and look, you signed it, so it must be true." She showed him the form, "Sarah Paeron's Sissy Pageant," where the box 'girl' really was checked, then signed. By his own hand. Why had he missed that? He recalled signing it in a rush, with eyes full of tears, having just been 'persuaded' to do so and hoping the persuasion was over. "Silly baby, what did you think "Sissy" meant anyway? That they wanted manly babies? Is there even such a thing?" she asked. "But... but..." his complaints fell on deaf ears as she pulled the dress over his head. As soon as she let go of him, he reached for the hem of his dress. Though deep down he knew it was pointless, part of him hoped that by fighting back enough eventually she would give up. Maybe he could tear the dress? "I'm. Not. A. GIRL!" he said, yanking at it. He had barely a moment of rebellion before he found himself turned upside down. The dress, now partially flipped over his head, trapped him and kept him immobile while he was positioned over the women's knee. "Nooo..." he shouted, kicking. He knew full well what was coming next. WHAP! The familiar sting of the paddle came down upon his plastic-padded backside. He yelped in pain, and braced for the next. WHAP WHAP WHAP! They rained down as he cried and wailed. "You. Are. A. GIRL." she said, mimicking his earlier words, and punctuating each one with another spank. "You. Will. Be. A. Good. Baby. Girl. You. Will. Do. Your. Best. To. Be. Pretty. Effeminate. And. Cute. And. Win. The. Pageant. For. Mommy. Or. This. Spanking. Will. Seem. Like. A. Cakewalk. Understand?" "YESS!!!" he wailed, giving in. She finally stopped the spanking, sat him on her lap, and wrapped his arms in long, finger less sleeves. She wiped his tears from his cheeks and hugged him. "There's a good baby girl. Just let the tears come out until your done, mommy needs to do your makeup." If anything, that made him want to cry even more. So here he was, at the competition as a baby girl. Alex hoped this change wasn't permanent, but something told him it was. He stared jealously at those who were actually dressed as boys, then at his own, more effeminate competition. He wondered how many of the skirts he saw belonged to actual girls, and how many were just sissy boys like him. He joined a group of other adult babies in their own special category. Some looked as miserable as he was, while others seemed to have accepted their position and waved happily at the crowds and cameras. "See?" his mistress said, pointing at the happier ones "if you learn to accept what you are, you can love it too!" Alex cringed at the thought, hoping he never got to that point. Or so he told himself. He could feel part of his mind telling him it was better that way, that he belonged in, even preferred this lifestyle, that he really, truly hoped for it... He remembered the hug after the spanking, how soothing it was... Should he accept it and learn to love it, rather then finding it all humiliating and constantly being punished? ... Maybe it was better, accepting a life of cuteness, being adored, no responsibilities... He shook those thoughts out of his mind. He would NOT let himself go there. Anyway, he had other, much more pressing matters to worry about. He would be on stage soon, expected to look cute for the judges. If he didn't do his best to win, there would be more punishment in store, and he knew his mistress was all too happy to spank him right on stage. He really would have to work, which made his growing problem even worse... in his stomach, he could feel a rumbling, and cramps getting harder and harder to hold back. Perhaps Mistress had put something in his bottle earlier, perhaps it was just poor timing, he didn't know. He looked down at his skirt, barely covering the diaper, leaving it all visible for the crowds and cameras... He watched the line, trying to calculate how long it would take to get on stage, and how long he would be there demonstrating his babyish 'talents'... what were those talents again? Did she ever tell him what kind of show they would put on? Oh lord, what had she planed!? He hoped it had nothing to do with what he thought. More so, he hoped he wouldn't prove he needed his pampers right on stage. Did any of the things he had hoped for work out? Another cramp hit him. He hoped, oh he hoped... * (Picture 2) :: The pageant was enough to put a tinge on any sissy's cheeks. Back stage was a mess of wardrobe changes and ruffles galore! So many prissy sissies being dolled up for their big performance. Some wore wigs which were pasted cruelly to their hair, others restrained while their nails dried, posture collars in place to assure they didn't move as their makeup was perfected, etc. Everyone aimed to win, especially the sissies that often had much at stake if they lost. Alex could still feel the sting of his bottom from his last practice performance, so he knew he had to win this for Mommy if he wanted to be able to sit anytime soon!:: :: He was careful to walk past the other poor, pathetic little dolls in the hallway, moving his skirt from any staining hazards, tip-toeing past the chairs to be sure his shoes were not scoffed. He was a good sissy with a lot of practice keeping his outfit in ready shape, though of course, everyone wished to win... which meant there were competitive mothers that would do anything to make sure their investments paid off.:: "...Ooops! Dear oh Dear... you should watch where you're going!" :: Alex looked down with despair as he realized she was talking to him, seeing a nice, thick streak of blue across his white stockings. He didn't dare speak up to her, though before he met his Mommy, he knew he would need to remove those stockings!:: "Oh Sweetie. What happened to your stockings? I thought you wanted to keep your little diaper covered?" :: Alex blushed and looked away shyly from his Mommy. He couldn't think of a response, and remembering that his diaper was showing now, he couldn't even think to turn around and see if people noticed. As he thought on it, his Mommy was moving him somewhere in the room, and he realized pretty soon that he was looking out the side of the stage!! It was a huge crowd!! His eyes froze in horror as he was pushed out onto the stage. He hadn't been paying attention, but it was his turn to perform a dance for the pageant!:: :: His performance utilized several pirouettes, to which the audience always lit up in camera flashes. It wasn't exactly rare to see sissies wearing diapers, but the obvious embarrassment and unexpected shock on his face made it far too priceless to not capture that moment. Perhaps it was also something else... but Alex was too focused on his performance and humiliation to think on it. He shamefully twirled and danced across the stage, just as he had been trained to do, his Mommy proudly looking back to the other Dominant characters with a smugness to her success.:: :: As it would seem, this accidental tweak to the routine was enough to win the judges over! Alex stood proudly with his trophy, even if the title did make him blush: "Pageant's Biggest Sissy." It was a sissy's dream come true, and he let the moment sink in as a final relief to his humiliating performance. He felt a pat on his shoulder which made him swell with a little pride in his duties. ...But then he felt a pat on his bottom, to which he only just now realized... was wet this entire time.:: Dear Readers, I have read the above messages and would like to clarify some points here. There is a clear and direct attempt to slander my good name here. This was all a deliberate and successful plan to manipulate the judges, not an embarrassing mistake. I obviously just took a diaper since I definitely do not need them and barely ever wear them, and I used a bottle of apple juice to- segrsrgsfg (Please ignore Alex's previous statement. He is currently spending some quality time with a paddle and a bar of soap for the obvious naughty lie. I'll have him write a more accurate explanation later.) ... (The following is the truth. Alex will have to write honestly if he wants to get rid of the soap, and I'll be nearby with a paddle to ensure accuracy.) "That was a lie, I am sorry for misbehaving. I am very naughty baby for doing it. I always wear a diaper because I am a baby, and definitely do not do so willingly. I need them and know it is for the best that my mommy puts me in them. I accidentally tore my tights and was crying like a sissy baby as I was told I had to wear my pampers without anything covering them. I was so nervous I used them, as I often do, which one of few dsrgs - one of many, many, nearly uncountable reasons I need them. (There you have it, he admits the truth. Oh, and to say he was merely 'wet' is being kind to him. He knows better then to lie about such things. However, what he doesn't know is that it doesn't matter anyway, as it was filmed and broadcast on television, so anyone can see the truth. Right now we are going to finish his spankings as he gets to watch his most adorable, embarrassing moments on the big screen. Oh, and did his eyes go wide when he read that! If only I could capture that reaction. Also, don't tell him, but this competition qualified him for the next level of competition, which will be broadcast prime time internationally. He won't know until after of course, and we are sure to have something even more 'fun' planned.)
  9. "Now now, thats enough of that" Bill said. "Do you want me to get your teddy bear and pacifier again? Right here in public?" Michael sniffed and shook his head. "No." The two stood outside a tall, multi leveled glass building. Both of the pair wore dark suits and blue ties which were nearly identical and which most of the people milling around the building wore. However, Michael's jacket was shorter and his pants were looser, though not lose enough to hide a thick bulge around his waste. Finally, in a more subtle difference many didn't notice, Michael's tie was a slightly lighter pastel shade of blue. Bill, a black haired man and the taller of the two, leaned over the shorter brunette and pointed up at the one of the levels. "Now, you march right back up there and apologize for your behavior! You say you are sorry, tell them I spanked you for it, and say you'll behave from now on." "But I don't want to tell them that!" Michael said, balling his fists and shuffling from foot to foot. "They'll laugh at me again. " Bill sighed. "I told you, they are only doing that because they think its cute." "They're mean to me!" "They aren't mean to you, they are teasing you. I also told you that you need to stop whining or the testing board will fail you in that area as well. Do you want to have to suck a pacifier and carry a teddybear everywhere you go?" "That's not fair!" "Michael, that is whining too. We already have them now for 'emergencies', but one more slip up and it will be a permanent part of your wardrobe. Sound fun?" Michael looked down. "No..." "Good. Now, same goes for running like that. You ran right out during traffic. If they reported that, you could find yourself being led by a leash and harness everywhere you go, or even tied in a stroller. Fun?" "No..." "Good. Now, if you go up on your own, it will look far better then if I take you. Do you think you can manage, or do I need to hold your hand?" Bill looked down into the wide, blue eyes of his ward, and tried to keep his face still. The fact that he could never tell Michael was a huge, and growing part of him wanted Michael to say yes. He remembered back long before when Michael was first demoted. He was still in diapers at age 26, which was odd enough, but not so much that Bill cared. They were plain white, he was only wetting and still able to change them himself, and he was testing his way out. Then there was the accident in the cafe, with Michael unprepared and unable to take care of it himself... his emotional outbreak, crying in public... and in a few weeks he was in printed diapers, expected to mess and to ask for a change, with a pacifier on hand to keep him quiet if he began to cry. Bill was stunned at first. He never expected to have to be changing diapers of his adult boyfriend. It was a burden he was willing to do for someone he cared about, but a burden non the less. However... over time his feelings began to change. At first it was something in his venerability, in his need for help, that changed his feeling. He loved Michael and would help when he needed, but was surprised to find that he loved the act of helping him as well. Every time he saw Michael blushing and squirming as he was led by the hand for a diaper change, Bill had to hold himself back from smiling and kissing him. Once he got used to seeing Micheal's printed diapers and pacifiers, he began to see them as cute as well, and though he would never tell Michael, he looked forward to the chances he could help Michael out of his work clothes and see him blushing in his underwear. Even the punishments he was now required to give added to the feeling, holding the boy over his lap and admiring the adorable prints of his diaper or growing red of his backside was a guilty pleasure. He steeled himself from it, and only did what was required, doing everything he could to avoid abusing his power and humiliating Michael- he could never forgive himself if he did. He even tried to hide the slight smiles that crept up during some of his duties, and the adoring laughter he would give each time he dressed or cuddled him. He couldn't imagine what he'd say if he heard what Bill thought of it all. And now, he stared into Micheal's eyes and had to do the same. They both knew what would happen if Bill had to led Micheal back up to his office. It would show lack of discipline, lack of emotional control, acting up... strikes in multiple categories. Micheal could require a leash or even a stroller, as he said, and the level of punishments Bill could give would undoubtedly go up. He was already borderline to requiring a pacifier at full times, along with several other signs of emotional immaturity, all of which would humiliate Micheal. At the same time, the thought of Micheal blushing and asking for help, scared of what might happen and of getting lost, and of leading him by the hand, comforting him the entire and rubbing his head, helping him through his apology... then later, the same thing, but instead having him tied close by, pacifier in his mouth and cuddling a teddy bear, with so much more of his well being up to him... it was a tantalizing thought. He shook his head. He could never do that to Micheal. He was still staring up at Bill, considering what to do, and truthfully, Bill hoped he'd be strong enough. He couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head. ... (Note: This story is in the world I used in "Tested." You don't need to read that to understand this one, just know that is effectively a dystopia where people are continuously tested on their life skills and abilities, then demoted or promoted based on the results. Failing means being given restrictions along kink lines. Progress with life skills is also kept slower, so people are often kept in diapers into their 20s, basically having to go through levels of thinner and thinner diapers, or regressed into thicker and thicker. This couple, Bill and Micheal, are established as having to be in what amounts to a sub/dom relationship because of Micheal's behavior.)
  10. Bill walked happily down the side walk. He loved walking this way home- the woods lining his path on the left, and across the street, the big, beautiful houses, all of which reminded him of home. He had to get off the bus a few stops early to do it, but it was worth it. He glanced at his watch, 5:30- later then usual, but that shouldn't be a problem.There was a rustling in the forest beside him. He stopped and glanced into it, but couldn't make anything out.He kept walking. Somehow, though he had walked this path a thousand times, that small sound made him nervous.There was another. He stopped and looked again, and so nothing.Suddenly a shaped popped out of the forest. Bill gasped as it flew toward him.It landed a few feet in front of him, turned right, and bounded down the street. Bill sighed as the small white rabbit went along, barely noticing him. He knew he should stop reading horror novels on the bus.He stopped and turned to see the massive stone and wood house he called him. He smiled, it always made him feel good to get back. The tree out front, the long grass yard, the stone pathway up it- after a hard days work, filled with stress and anxiety, nothing made him feel better.He walked up the path and unlocked the door. He want inside. The inside of the house was large and spacious. It was built open concept, and where he stood he could see the living room, kitchen and dining room, as well as the giant windows that opened onto a creek and the woods behind the house. To his right was a twisted wooden stairwell that ran to the second floor, then doubled back to the third, smaller one above."You're late," a deep but feminine voice said from inside the house."Hi honey! I told you I had a meeting, remember?" He began walking up the stairs toward the voice, which was coming from their bedroom."I don't remember you saying that!""I did!""Are you hiding something from me Bill? Are you lying to me again?" her voice got angrier."Samantha, no, I promise you." He knew why she was upset, he had told her he'd be home at four that morning, and only sent the email later. If he hadn't, it would have been the third time that week he got home later then he said he would. She worked closer to home and got back earlier, and sometimes got annoyed if he was late."So if I check my emails now, there will be one saying you have a meeting, and I can contact your boss and he'll say the same?" she said."Yes, do it."A few moments passed as she checked. "Oh, ok, fair enough," she finally said.He finished the walk up the stairs and entered the bedroom where she was lying down, under the plaid, king sized blankets. Tall, with long brown hair and dark skin, she was beautiful. He walked up and kissed her. He noticed the open book and half drunk glass of water on the nightstand beside her. "Taking a nap sweetie?""Mhmm," she said. "I got tiered of waiting for you and fell asleep."He kissed her again, working his way down her head and her neck. He put a hand under the blankets. He stopped."Sweetie, what is so wet?"Her eyes went wide and she gasped. "What? It couldn't...""The bed feels wet!" He thew back the covers to reveal a wet spot."Oh," she laughed. "I spilled some water before I fell asleep, see?"Bill looked at it again. The spot was small, and clearly water. "Oh, ok."She sat up. "You know, you've been so stressed lately, always working hard and coming home late, I wanted to do something to help you relax.""Oh?" he said.SHe smiled. "Yes, I wanted to try something new. You might have issues at first, but I think you'll enjoy it.""What is it?" he asked, smiling.She taped him on the forehead. "You wait here and see."She walked over to their clsoet door, which she opened slowly. She reached in and took out what looked like a folded, white cloth.Bill's throat caught. "Honey, whats that?"She smiled. "Oh, you can't tell?""What is it!" he said, staring at the rectangular white object.She let it unfold, revealing a white towel. "Its a hand towel! I learned a new type of massage. First I need to soak this in warm water, want to try it?""Oh, that sounds wonderful! Thank you sweetie!"...A few hours later they were sitting in the kitchen eating supper. Bill's plate was piled high with hot, spicy chunks of beef and vegetables."This is very good honey," he said. "What is it?""Its a new spicy beef vindiloo recipe I found. I made it specifically for you," she smiled, a mischievous twink going in her eye. "I hope you enjoy it."Bill put his fork down. "Wha... what do you mean?" His stomach began turning.She shrugged. "Oh, I know you like spicy food, and Jessy told me they ordered some of this to work last week and you really enjoyed it, so I figured I'd try it." Jessy was a friend from Bill's work they both knew.He smiled. "Oh I remember that! Yes, I did like it, and I love this now. Thanks Sam!" His stomach was now grumbling. "It is turning my stomach though, give me a minute.""Ok sweetie!" she said.Bill walked over to the bathroom. He turned the knob.He gasped. The knob wouldn't turn.He tried again. His stomach was getting worse, and he was getting desperate. "Sam! Why won't the bathroom door open?" He called."We got the knobs replaced, remember? You have to turn it the other way.""Oh, right," he laughed. He opened the door and went inside.A few minutes later he returned to the table and sat down. Samantha had cleared the plates and set out bowls of ice cream and bananas for dessert.He stopped and thought for a moment. "Honey, why were there a stack of diapers and pacifiers in the bathroom? And why was there a leash and beside it?""Oh, we were going to babysit and dogsit for my sister next week, remember? For what other possible reason would we have them?""Oh, right. And I can't think of any other reasons to have diapers, pacifiers and a leash and collar either." He legitimately couldn't, and neither could she."What, what day is it?"
  11. Phil glanced nervously at his watch. His appointment was at 7:30, it was now 7:25. Really, he could go in at any point. There was no problem with arriving early, and he had booked the whole night anyway. Also, he was already standing outside the building.That building was a tall steel and glass structure right downtown where he lived. There were shops in the lower floors, as well as offices and apartments. Phil, a tall, well-built man in his twenties with dark brown hair, had taken the bus down to spend the night. It was a loose appointment, as long as he arrived at some point before midnight he was fine. That wasn’t the reason he was nervous.The reason he was nervous was the he had never done anything like this before. He had found an add online, which said it was a sure fire way to reduce stress, but gave very little information. Apparently, it was part of a growing ‘cuddle for hire’ business, where people had special trained workers to cuddle with while you slept. Phil, a business intern hoping to someday become a manager, had plenty of stress in his life. He knew others in the same situation had been doing the same thing. This one, however, seemed a bit strange. Their business’s website has described itself as a ‘Cuddle Club… With a Difference!’ but didn’t specify what that difference was. When he asked over the phone, the woman on the other end only giggled and said “oh… you’ll see!” Also, it didn’t have any pictures of the people who were there to cuddle, and the business’s page was strangely childish, with pictures of stuffed animals and descriptions written in very simple English. However, the reviews on it were excellent. Eventually he had decided to book a night.He swallowed nervously. Finally, he picked up his duffle bag and headed into the building. He could always leave if he didn’t like it, he told himself. He walked across multi coloured tiles and past small stores towards a pair of steel elevator doors. He pushed the button, and waited. He looked again at a piece of paper in his pocket, which read “room 11-57, 530 pm.” He hit the button for floor 11, and waited. He got off, and wandered through carpeted hallways until he found the right room. He paused and breathed deeply. Why was this so hard? He supposed it was because, in a way, he was admitting he needed help. Long work hours, little rest, and countless pages of work to get through had gotten to him. He tried to forget that he still was only competing for a position, and wasn’t even guaranteed a job after all this. Trying to get a good job in this economy would wear down anyone. He always had had problems dealing with stress, and at this point he just needed a break. He knew other people who had gone to similar places, but somehow he felt that if someone saw him he wouldn’t be able to face them again. Was he admitting defeat by getting help in such a strange way? He shook the idea out of his head, and knocked on the door.“Come in,” a female voice said.He opened the door, and found he was facing a desk in a large reception area. The walls were a deep red, decorated with a few pictures and two hall ways ran off to the sides. There were a few chairs along the walls, a coat rack and a small table covered with toys and colouring books. He looked at those questioningly. Who would bring their children here?“Ahem,” the same voice said again, more sternly. He turned to face the woman at the desk, who was in her late 40s and small glasses and dark hair pulled back into a tight bun. She looked up from the paperwork on her desk and stared at him impatiently.“Oh! Hi… uhhh sorry, I am here for a 5:30 appointment. If I am at the right place.”“What is ‘the right place?” she said, looking at him over the tops of her glasses.“I… well, I think it’s here, I should have an appointment.” Phil didn’t want to admit where he was going if he was at the wrong place.“You want the Carlesontown Cuddle Club?” she asked.Phil blushed. “Yes.”“You are Phil then?”“Yes I am. Are you the receptionist?” Phil asked, hoping the stern looking woman wasn’t who he was going to cuddle with.“I am the MANAGER, actually,” she said.“Oh. Sorry.”The woman looked at her watch. “It is no 5:37. You are late.”“I know, I’m sorry,” he said.The woman sighed. “I suppose that is fine. Alright. You are in room 3A, with Marie. Its right down the hallway to the left. You can leave your coat on that rack.” She pointed to the wall.“Alright, thanks.” Phil took off his long overcoat, revealing a dark grey suit underneath, and hung it on the wall.“That’s not what you are planning on wearing, is it?” she asked.“No, I brought my pyjamas in my bag.” He held it up to show here. “Is there a place I can get changed?”She paused a moment, then sighed again, more exasperated this time. “Yes, fine, just get changed in that room. Marie will show you where.” She turned back to the paperwork on her desk, indicating the discussion was over.Phil headed down the hall. “3A… 3A…” he repeated to himself. He eventually found the room, and knocked.The door opened slightly and a head popped out. He was relieved to see it was girl closer to his own age, perhaps mid-twenties, with a short bob of blond hair.“Hello?” Phil said.“Hi!” a voice answered excitedly. “Are you Phil?”“Yes,” he replied.“Yayyy! Come in come in come in!” she grabbed his hand and pulled him in. “Ummm… that’s not what you are going to wear, is it?” She pointed at his outfit.“No I… what?” Phil had held out his bag to show her, but stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth hung agape. This was NOT what he had been expecting.In sharp contrast to the bare hallway outside, the next room was an inviting purple bed room. Except that he couldn’t see an actual bed. Instead, there was a massive oversized crib at the far end of the room, with the mat sitting on the floor and wooden bars on its sides. It was stuffed full of plush toys, more of which were scattered on the ground, and had a mobile hanging above it. Along with it was a high chair and a long padded table with shelves underneath he soon realized were full of diapers. There was a second door which lead into a bathroom, a window, and a wardrobe.That realization brought his attention back to the girl in front of him. She was dressed in a long footed sleeper made to look like a cat, complete with a tail and a now hanging hood with ears on it. As if that wasn’t enough, at her waist there was a flap attached with snaps, underneath which he could see the thick bulge of what he assumed was a diaper. She turned to face him when he stopped, and he could see a pacifier attached with a strap to her front. He looked at the hand he was holding to find it as encased in a fingerless mitten.“If you wanna get dressed, just go in there,” she said, pointing to the bathroom. “Or do it here, I don’t mind,” she giggled.“Wh.. what is going on?!” Phil asked in shock.“Oh! Well you can’t sleep in a suit silly! You need to get comfy! Didn’t you bring pjs?”“Yes, but I mean, why are you dressed like that!?”“These are my favourite jammies. If you don’t like ‘em you can pick out another pair from there.” She pointed to the large wooden wardrobe.“That’s not what I meant! Why are you dressed like a baby?!” he almost shouted.“Hehe uhhh because I am...? You really are silly…?” she giggled and stuck out her toung.“What?”The girl giggled and grabbed Phil’s other hand comfortingly. “Ok, you seem confused. Silly boy, you should have asked first.” She waggled a finger in front of him teasingly. “This is the Carelsontown Cuddle Club, the club “with a difference””. She said, quoting the webpage. “The difference is, you get to cuddle, and take care of, with a cute widdle baby like me. Doesn’t that sound fun?”“A little baby?” Phil asked.Well, not really little… I guess I’m bigger than most babies, but that’s not the point.”“You’re not a baby! You’re at least in your 20s!”She glared at him. “I’m 24. So? I can still be a baby. Everyone here is the same, we dress like this, people come in, take care of us, and cuddle. That’s the point.”“I don’t know,” Phil said, turning away. “I wasn’t expecting this.”“Uggg you gotta make it SOOOO hard,” she said, and Phil turned back to her. “I know it seems weird, but it works. We got a ton of happy people. You wanna calm down? Lose all your stress and anxiety? Just try it. We’ll have fun, I promise.”Phil stared at her. He did want to stop feeling stressed. Looking at her, he could already feel himself calming down, his anxiety slipping away he imagined her in his arms. A night spent with a cute girl, dressed so adorably… Phil was surprised to be thinking of it as adorable. But something about it was, and he felt himself drawn into the idea. He never would have imagined it before, but nothing right now seemed more perfectly calming then taking care of this strange grown woman dressed as a baby.“Alright,” he said.“Yayy!” she jumped up and down and giggled. “Alright, you go get dressed. I’ll be playing.” She let go of him, and Phil walked into the bathroom and closed the door.He paused a moment, thinking. This entire situation was so strange. Since when was this something he’d ever want? He thought about it again. The image of him taking care of her came back, along with the irresistible feeling of calm. He needed it, he realized.He got undressed and put on his pyjamas; a long grey shirt and pants. He then went back into the bedroom to see Marie sitting on the ground, sucking her pacifier and playing with a pile of stuffed animals. He walked over to her, and she looked up at him.He hesitated, then asked “Hello there Marie, what are you playing?” She drooped the pacifier and smiled at him. “I’m playing with my pets! See, here is my kitty. She’s my favourite. You can the puppy!” She gave him a brown stuffed dog.For a few minutes he played around with her. The stuffed animals were surprisingly fun. He was amused, but still not really certain of what was going on. “Ummm… Marie?”“Yeeeeess?” she said.“What exactly are we going to do? I mean, it’s still a few hours until we need to sleep. Are we just going play with stuffed animals? They did tell me to come early.”“Well, its supper soon for one.”“That’s alright, I already ate.”“Not for you silly, for me,” she pointed at the high chair.“Ok… so what should I do?”She giggled. “Well I’m a baby! It’s your job to take care of me. What do you think you gotsta do with hungry babies?”Phil was a bit perplexed, but laughed. The idea of feeding this overgrown baby was heartwarming in a way. Once again, he was surprised to find himself thinking that.“Haha, ok. I’ll feed the baby.” Reaching toward her, he scooped her up in his arms. She giggled and leaned into him, and he carried her to the high chair and sat her down.“Now, what does the baby eat?”“There’s food under the changing table. I usually have three jars and a bottle,” she pointed at the drawers under the table.Phil walked over and opened the drawers to find lines of baby food. He took three out along with a warm bottle of milk and a spoon, and took them back.“You don’t keep these in a fridge?” he asked.“No, babies don’t like them too cold. The milk is in a fridge until you get here though.”He opened one of the jars, spooned some out and began feeding here. “Open up for the choo choo train!”She giggled, and opened her mouth. She ate it happily, spilling some as she did, and he kept feeding her.“You really like this stuff?” he asked.“Uh huh! Its nummy!” she replied.Soon he had finished all three jars. He then picked her up out of the high chair, sat on the ground, and put her in his lap. He began feeding her from the bottle.She snuggled into him as she suckled. She closed her eyes and smiled. Staring down at her, he realized he felt more peaceful then he had in years. Everything about the situation, from the cozy, inviting environment to the sweet girl in his lap, made him feel at home. Even knowing he could take care of the girl helped calm him.Soon she was finished the bottle. She turned into him and rested in his lap. He took the pacifier and put it in her mouth, and she sucked contently.He looked at the clock. It was only 7:30, but she seemed to be falling asleep.“I guess its bedtime for the little baby, eh?”She opened her eyes and spoke around her pacifier, causing her to lisp. “Nuuuu. I don wanna sweep.”“You’re falling asleep right now in my lap honey.”“No. Not tiered,” she said stubbornly. As if to prove it, she tried to sit up in his lap, but fell back down.“Uh huh. Suuuuree you aren’t. Come on, I’ll even cuddle with you.”“Buh I wanna pwaaayyy!” she whined.“Don’t be silly. Just suckle your paci and go to sleep. I’ll get your teddies for you in a minute.“Hmph. Meanie.” She said, still cuddling against him and closing her eyes. He laughed.He picked her up and carried her toward the crib. As he lay her down, he noticed something.“Marie, what is that smell?” She sniffed the air without opening her eyes. "Diapie," she said, and wiggled down into his arms.
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