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  1. The Suit I just started grammar school; surprisingly passing the exams, which neither of my two older brothers did, so was regarded by my family as a bit of an oddity, but a good one. This was something special, for the first time ever, one of the family going to grammar school. Mum and dad said they were so proud of me. Had I peaked at eleven years old? We didn’t have much money but mum was so thrilled she couldn’t wait to take me to get my new school uniform. I already had grey shorts and socks but needed a new school blazer with the badge that meant so much, together with the correct school tie and cap. It came to a small fortune but mum and dad scraped the bottom of whatever barrels we had in order to pay for this fine achievement. Getting ready for my first day I was so nervous but mum said, as she passed me a freshly ironed shirt, she couldn’t believe her ‘little sweetheart’ was going to such a prestigious academy. She seemed more excited than I was as she added both her and dad couldn’t have been more delighted about my success because of what the future now held. They both firmly believed that this type of education was a guarantee of future accomplishment. # The housing estate we lived on was very working class and although there were bound to be others my age who had passed their exam, I didn’t know anyone. My brothers, and all their friends, went to the local secondary school so I was a bit of an anomaly. Most of the families were just about getting by, some a lot worse than we were, so I knew mum and dad were probably sacrificing quite a lot to let me go to this particular ‘elite’ place of education. # My first day at ‘big school’ was quite daunting. Most of my class were, like me, wearing shorts but a few eleven year olds had made the leap into long trousers. I was surprised as I thought we would all be wearing the same uniform. Mum had said that for the first couple of years, the rule was that ‘junior’ boys should wear shorts. Obviously this wasn’t true, and though it didn’t click in my mind at the time, the reason I stayed in shorts was simply because I was still growing and we hadn’t enough money to buy such ‘extras’. My older brothers at their school were wearing long trousers but, as they grew out of them, first Joe who then handed them down to Geoff, they were really in no fit state as hand-me-downs for me. However, like a lot of the kids on the estate, it’s how I ended up with most of my clothes. In fact, my new blazer, tie and cap were about the only new thing that I possessed that were mine alone. Their trousers with worn out knees through general wear and tear made them almost useless for anything other than cutting down and converting to ‘playing out’ shorts. Mum had gotten to be a dab hand at sewing and patching stuff up but even she couldn’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear, and certainly not for her boy in grammar school. Although only three and two years (respectively) older than me, my rough and tumble brothers, Joseph and Geoffrey, were big boys for their age, whereas I’d maintained a small stature like mum, they had gained dad’s genes and had grown a lot quicker than me. As a result, I had an abundance of shorts, which not surprising for my size always fit. I wasn’t going into long trousers for some time yet… not with money being at a premium and two brothers who also needed clothes for school as well as everything else. Whilst I was wearing shorts at least I looked as smart as any other new boy in class. Patched up long trousers just wouldn’t do. As there were others in the same boat as me, I wasn’t that bothered about wearing shorts. Because, when I’d arrive back home from school I always changed out of my uniform and into something more scruffy and relaxed, which generally meant a different pair of shorts and jumper. I was still the youngest (and smallest) of the family so got all my clothes from my older brothers. I was used to wearing hand-me-downs so it didn’t worry me. The thing was they were still growing teenagers whereas I seemed to have slowed down with my growth spurt so all new clothing was aimed at them. # However, on a different subject, with grammar school came homework, and proper homework, not like you’d get at junior school. I didn’t like it and found it difficult to sustain any interest in doing work away from class. Even when my older brothers tried to help me… I was hopeless. The teachers at the academy were a fierce bunch of old men in gowns who terrified me and my real ability became apparent, I lacked any great talent for learning. At my earlier schools the teachers had been friends and very supportive, but now, well it was down to me to work, and work hard, to produce results. Not that the teachers were bad, in fact, they were very good, it was just that you were left to prove, improve and motivate yourself. It just wasn’t me. I’m sure the teachers were encouraging in their own way but I suppose I just wasn’t ready for such a dramatic change in what was now expected of me. I guess I was just a bit lazy and had no idea how I came to pass the exam in the first place. There were around a hundred of us inducted that year and we were divided into Forms 1a, 1b and 1c, I wasn’t by any means the worst but I was left in the lower half of the class… and I was in the bottom section for my age. # About six months into term I woke up one Monday morning and I was wet through. I’d had a homework assignment over the weekend that I just couldn’t seem to get a handle on and I’d been dreaming about how my teachers would react to such a “stupid boy”. My night time worries had become very apparent as I gingerly got up and had to tell mum what had happened. When she saw me standing in the kitchen in soaked pyjamas and a very worried look on my face she seemed sympathetic but also a little saddened. She had hoped that I’d bloom at this school, which was very well regarded, but I really was in fear of the strict teachers even though, as yet, I’d not fallen foul of any of them. It was just the shear dread of what might happen rather than any actual experience. Although mum had to dash off to work she stripped my bed, turned the mattress and opened the windows to air things out. She said that she’d sort everything else out by the time I got home from school but in the meantime, just to do the best I could. She also insisted that I had a really good wash as she didn’t want me to go to school smelling of pee. # Mum worked part-time at Boots the Chemist, whilst dad worked as a warehouse stockman for one of the big supermarket chains. Neither were extravagantly paid jobs but they both worked hard to give us kids whatever they could. I may have dressed in old clothes but we never went hungry or shoeless… and I didn’t have parents who drank their way through any problems. # I pulled on my uniform, checked that my shoes were shiny; the school masters were very insistent that shoes should always gleam. We had regular inspections to make sure we kept up to a certain level of cleanliness, hairstyle, hygiene and our uniforms should be well maintained. If you faltered in any of these areas a terse and awkward letter from the headmaster would be sent to your parents – standards had to be upheld at all times - this included any time your wore the uniform whether in school time or not. All this ‘pressure’ was weighing heavily on my shoulders. Other kids at school seemed to revel in this new responsibility and not being treated as thoughtless adolescents, whilst it simply scared me. Meanwhile, after what appeared to have been only a few weeks, I was one of the few boys in my class still wearing shorts, which of course only added to the fact that I didn’t feel grown-up compared to those who were in long trousers. Out of the three classes, there were still less than twenty of us in our grey school shorts, the rest having ‘graduated’ into long trousers. We who were still wearing shorts felt under duress to conform but not all families (like mine) had the wherewithal to make that financial leap. Occasionally some of the older boys, and those in my class with self-confidence, commented on the fact that, being on the short side, I looked like I still belonged in junior school and hadn’t quite made the grade to senior level. With short grey school shorts revealing my hairless bare legs, slim diminutive figure, floppy dark brown hair and still quite babyish soft features, I probably did look exactly as they described. # At night, as I slept, whatever the reason, all this was getting to me in some way and I woke up soaked every morning. Thankfully, after that first wet night, mum had put a plastic sheet on my bed to protect the mattress. After my third wet night she’d managed to get a discount on nappies from her work place and after that, I spent every night tightly pinned into them as I slept. There were tears and I tried my best to reject the inevitable but both my parents said it was for the best, so that was me… sunk. This helped with the wet bed (though not soaked nappies) but did nothing for my self-esteem and my brothers, being brothers (Geoffrey 14, Joseph 15), took great delight in making sure that their ‘clever’ little brother knew he was nothing more than a dumb, pissy little baby. If they’d ever shown resentment at mum’s pride in my getting to grammar school that soon disappeared as they saw I was unable to cope and had become almost incontinent. They appeared almost gleeful in my decent into becoming a bed wetter. Mum had a catalogue from which she bought most of our clothes in instalments and they would often leave it open at the infants page, circling prams, onesies and baby’s plastic pants. As it was, thanks to her work at the chemist, mum had brought home a pack of twelve adolescent fabric nappies and a few pairs of very strong rubber pants that she’d been assured by the company were leak-proof and odour-free. These were to become the defence that kept my bed dry and the damp contained as I slept. They were smooth and glossy to the touch but gripped my waist and legs like a vice. They didn’t hurt, the thick rubber saw to that, but they were heavy and together with a well-padded nappy, were a force to be reckoned with. However, they did work very well and my small bedroom (my brothers shared a much larger bedroom) didn’t smell of pee. My nappies, plastic pants and various creams were kept away from their prying eyes, whilst mum and dad made sure I was well shielded every night in my heavy protection. As you can tell, things were getting worse and try as I might, my body was behaving badly and there seemed very little I could do to control it. # However, mum did tell me that soon I’d be getting my first suit. Not a hand-me-down, one that Auntie Annie, mum’s auntie, was getting made especially for me. She knew I was growing up and wanted to get something that was just for me… something to celebrate securing a place at grammar school. I was so excited I badgered mum to give me details. All she said was that I’d have it before my twelfth birthday and that auntie mentioned it was blue. So, despite having to wear nappies at night, I was finally going to be treated as a grown-up and have my own clothes. # Auntie Annie is my mother’s auntie who, together with her husband Bill, had taken in mum when she was a girl after her mother had died. Her father was a hopeless drunk and couldn’t cope with his young daughter’s grief along with his own, so Annie, his sister, had stepped in to help. Aunt Annie and Uncle Bill had all but adopted mum and she lived with them until she married and left home. I never knew Uncle Bill, he’d died long before I was born. However, Auntie Annie was my favourite relative and since being a little baby, I’d always spent time with her. Even as I got older and more independent, I would still visit her as often as I could… and sometimes stay over to keep her company. # Unfortunately, before the suit arrived I had an enormous set-back at school; I accidently wet my pants in the middle of a science lesson. Sorry to say, I drifted off as the teacher spoke about chemical symbols, and in that few moments of total relaxation my bladder gave way and a river of stored pee exited and covered the front of my shorts. Barry Turner, who I was sitting next to, couldn’t believe his eyes as the dark grey stain spread across my shorts and a trickle of pee ran down my leg. He was quick to notify everyone in class and the teacher, realising he had one very damp eleven year old, gave me permission to go and see the school matron. Now I’m not sure if this was something that regularly happened at the academy but judging by the verdict from my classmates, it was both a funny and diabolical thing to have happen. I slouched, undignified from the chemistry lab, down several flights of stairs to matron’s room. On the way I tried to conceal my obvious stain but it was too large for my tiny hand to completely hide. Two older boys I passed on the stairs smiled before I heard a huge guffaw once there were a couple of floors separating us. I couldn’t have been more embarrassed, well I thought not, until I knocked on matron’s door. # She looked aghast, shook her head and told me to take off my shorts. I was reluctant to do anything but too afraid of any form of authority in this place, and she was definitely scary, so I did what I always did when authority spoke, just as I was told. I stood there holding my wet grey school shorts and offered them to her. My sodden underpants sagged a little and she looked perplexed. “And those,” she said pointing to the droopy white cotton. She passed me a thin cotton towel and told me to dry myself, whilst she busied herself sorting stuff in a cupboard. I checked to make sure I hadn’t wet my shirt, although one of my socks was also soaked with pee, but I didn’t want to draw attention to that fact. Once relatively dry I stood waiting for whatever it was matron had decided I needed. She’d pulled out a few items, which I couldn’t quite make out what they were, and then went over to the phone on her desk and dialled a number. It was the contact number for mum and after a few intermediaries she eventually answered. Matron told her what had happened and asked if she could come and collect me. There was more of a conversation and I saw matron listening intently occasionally murmuring a “Yes “or an “I see” ending with a “Yes, please bring those”. # It felt strange standing all but naked in the middle of the office but after a couple of minutes (which seemed like an eternity) eventually she finished and confirmed that mum would pick me up shortly (45 minutes) and that in the meantime I’d have to wait with her. Matron checked I’d dried myself properly and then, much to my surprise, fluffed out a large disposable and told me to sit on her table so she could put me in it. My half-hearted protest was dismissed as she took complete charge and had efficiently taped me up in a matter of moments. “I can’t have you sitting around with no clothes on, and, as I don’t know if you might wet again, this is my solution.” She wasn’t being unkind but I was a little tearful that a boy my age (at grammar school no less), had been reduced to wearing a thick nappy. The fact that I was already regarded as a ‘little kid’ by some of my fellow students made my situation worse. Word would be all around the school about my wet incident and I could feel my standing in the school yard, although not great, would be taking a dive. She checked that the disposable fitted correctly and then pulled my shirt down as best she could to hide the bulky mass. She slipped my wet clothes into a plastic bag and handed them back. “Sorry about this, I know you’ll be feeling a little anxious but I don’t have…” She appeared to have an idea and went off to check on something else. The padding was pleasant and in all honesty I was quite grateful to be out of sopping pants, but, as I sat waiting for her return I was too embarrassed to admit to matron that I’d recently begun to wear a nappy at night… although in retrospect, perhaps mum had mentioned that fact in her brief conversation. She came back triumphantly holding a pair of white nylon gym shorts. “I thought there might be something in the lost property box… here… put these on.” I squeezed myself into them but it was difficult. They would probably fit had I not had such a cushion around my groin but with such thick padding I struggled. Matron looked on somewhat pleased with herself being able to find something to spare my blushes. However, she told me that under normal circumstances I’d be sent straight back to class but as this was an ‘exceptional’ event, I should sit in her outer office, read and wait for mum to arrive. # It wasn’t like a doctor’s waiting room with games for kids and out of date magazines for older folk, this one had two plastic chairs, wasn’t particularly warm and had glass windows where anyone walking down the corridor could look in. I sat slightly demoralised holding onto my plastic bag and wishing mum would hurry up. Matron must have taken sympathy on me as she came out of her office and handed me a very old copy of the Beano comic. For a couple of minutes it held my attention until the end of lesson bell rang and the entire school moved around to their next class. Several people walked or hurried down the corridor and past matron’s window. For those who had eyes to see, there I was, sat in the briefest of shorts, a disposable clearly jutting down the leg-holes and with me reading a particularly childish comic. Of course it only occurred to me how stupid I looked after everyone had gone to their respective classrooms and I took stock. I hadn’t quite realised how much of the nappy was visible as I’d been engrossed in the cartoon capers and shuffled around getting comfy on the plastic chair, my tight little shorts had become very revealing. A huge sigh escaped my lips as I wondered if anything worse could happen. # tbc #
  2. Hey guys, my first attempt at writing fiction for this secret of ours. I wanted to focus on discovery, different adventures, and mental health, which is a huge important part of my life. I would love to hear constructive criticism. This story will not feature any sexual acts for underage people, but may evolve into such acts for people over the age of 18. Chapter 1: Spokesperson: “The youth of today are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety, depression and abuse. With all the pressures that young people are reporting, we wanted to take one of those pressures off their shoulders.” Reporter: “But...really? Nappies?” Spokesperson: “Yes. Now look, I understand, it sounds strange. As babies we are taught that we should grow out of them as soon as possible. However, recent reports show that the stress a toddler experiences going through toilet training is the same intensity as our students as they undergo high school. With the pressures that our teenagers are facing participating in sports, study and other extracurricular activities, as well as the trauma that is puberty and socialising in the internet age, it's no wonder mental health is the number one issue in our country!” Reporter: “But the social stigma of being a bedwetter, or wearing nappies, wouldn’t that make the high school experience worse? Kids who bedwet are one of the top targets for bullies?” Spokesperson: “That’s what this campaign is about. Reducing the stigma. Get it all out there! We have studies that show that children who bedwet, experience significantly less stress when they awake to a soiled protective garment rather than wet sheets. Mostly, instead of stress, they report feeling shame, due to the stigma. What we have concluded is that having basic needs and protection for our youth, and reducing the stigma of needing these things, can help lift the burden for our children.” Reporter: “So this is about bedwetters then? Another bedwetting garment for the market.” Spokesperson (Laughing): “Yes and no. Our products are for everyone. Because we want everyone to be safe and secure at SecureCo. If we can offer security and happiness through these products, then our mission is successful.” ***************************************************************************** Bailey Brrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg The school bell echoed throughout the schoolyard, signalling the end of the learning day. While most of the classrooms followed this sound with exclamations of relief, Mr. Bransons 10th grade English class put down their pens and let out sighs of relief and stress. Bailey, a brown hair, green eyed girl near the front of the classroom, exhaled heavily, feeling the anxiety leave her body, unaware that she had been holding her breath. Like most of her cohort, her pen was taken by gravity with defeat, and the air of the classroom reeked of stress. “That is all for today, young people. I look forward to grading your practise exams.” Said the balding man, rising from his desk at the front of the classroom. “For those of you who did not study, make sure you do so for the end of term exam. And please, do not forget, your assignments are due in two weeks!” A grumble moves throughout the classroom, as pens and other studious accoutrement are packed in cases and bags, chairs scraping against the cheap laminate floor. As the heads of statistically too many teenagers began to rise into the classroom air, preparing for departure, Mr. Branson continued. “Please read two more chapters of Death of a Salesman this weekend.” He shouted, over the rising murmur. “We are woefully behind where we should be! I will see you all bright and early monday morning! Have a good weekend.” Bailey joined the horde of people moving towards the single exit from the classroom, and began the routine of dodging and weaving throughout the crowd, making her way towards the parking lot. Holly Hartford, her sister, tall and brown hair, lighter than Baileys chocolate colour, stood in front of her Mazda, nice but clearly preowned. The sisters school allowed its female students to wear shorts or a skirt with their shirt for the uniform, but Holly was one of the few students who ever wore a skirt with her button up shirt. “Hey! Wanna go to the store before we go home?” Holly asked, smiling, as Bailey approached. “Yeah! Got so much reading to do, I’m going to need an energy drink.” Bailey said she threw her backpack on the back seat of the sedan, and dropped into the passenger seat. “You shouldn’t drink that stuff, sis. It's disgusting and so bad for you.” Holly admonished, as she pulled out of the parking lot and into the flow of traffic. “It’s the only way to get through the homework!” Bailey looked to her older sister. “You’re graduating next semester, you would have so much more work than I do, but you’re never as stressed. Always so free with your boho crap!” Her eyes narrowed, suspiciously. “Why is that?” Holly laughed, but never looked at her sister. After a few minutes, the Hartford sisters pulled into the parking lot of their local store, and made their way inside. Holly split off from Bailey, claiming to need some basic groceries for the house before getting some snacks for the weekend. The younger sister began wandering down the main midway, mindlessly heading for the junk aisle. She grabbed a basket and filled it with various unhealthy snacks and energy drinks, before making her way towards the health and cosmetics aisle for some more foundation. As she was moving towards her destination, Bailey stopped at one of the midway ends, a display that was currently set up. A large banner read SecureCo Huggers: Protecting Our Teens and many plastic packages were stacked beneath it. As Bailey looked closer, she realised what they were. “Hello, Miss. Can I help you?” A voice came from behind Bailey. Turning around, the teen saw a young girl, a little older than her sister, wearing a polo shirt bearing the logo of the store. The girl was red-headed, with blue eyes, and a kind face. She seemed startled for a second, but her smile got wilder as she recognised the teen in front of her. “Bailey, right? You’re Paige’s friend?” The storeperson asked. “Yeah. Hey! Sorry you startled me.” Bailey responded, as she too recognised the worker in front of her. Paige had talked about her coworkers before, and had a great working relationship with the girl in front of her. Bailey looked at the girls name tag. Shannon. That was her name. “Sorry, I am good at that.” Shannon laughed. “Didn’t mean to, though, I swear. I just saw you checking out the display, and came over to help. I am the ambassador for the new SecureCo products in the store.” “They need an ambassador for some nappies?” Bailey asked, looking back at the pyramid of packages. “They’re not just any nappies. They are made for teens, and a little older. Hell, I would be able to fit into them!” Shannon claimed, bending down and picking one of the packages up and showing it to Bailey. The package read SecureCo Huggers, Size Medium, Protective Garment. “Nappies for teens? Like bedwetters? Drynites?” Bailey asked. “No, like nappies. Real nappies. And yes, for teens. Although, they never state the word ‘nappy’ on the package.” Shannon responded, flipping it over and showing the diagram on the other side. “Why do they make nappies for teens? Ew.” Bailey laughed. “I don’t know to be honest. But they are popular!” Shannon agreed, laughing as well. “I’m surprised you haven’t seen the ads, they are everywhere.” “I don’t watch much tv, mostly just Netflix.” “Oh! Ah well.” The older girl replied. “Anyway, the company makes them because apparently they are comfortable and invoke peace and safety. Hence the name Huggers. How they got away with that name I will never know.” “Wait, so these are for, like, just normal teens? Not just for bed and pant wetters?” Bailey was incredulous. “Nope! They are designed to be more for comfort!” Shannon said smoothly, slipping into her customer service role. “Although, they can absorb quite a bit of, uh, liquid anyway. More so than any other protective garment we offer for teens.” “Wow.” Was all Bailey could respond. “If you were curious, I think you would be a size small. That is these ones.” Shannon said, handing over a package. “Oh. No thank you!” Bailey said, shocked. She dropped the package and took a few steps back. “I don’t need nappies. Anyway, bye.” And the younger girl fled. Shannon looked as Bailey quickly walked towards the registers, and a small smile came over her face. Meanwhile, Bailey paid and was heading back towards the car when someone walked up beside her, quickly, and grabbed the bag from her hands. “Here, I’ll grab these and take them to the car. Why don’t you get us some juice from the stall over there! It’s perfect for a day like today.” Holly said, startling Bailey. Before the younger sister could answer, Holly grabbed Bailey's bag, pressed some money into her now empty hands and headed back in the direction she came. “Okay! Weirdo!” Bailey called after her sister, before heading towards the juice stand. She ordered a Mango and Banana for her sister, and a Berry Blast for herself, before exiting the shopping centre and stepping out onto the crosswalk. She could see her sisters car off in the distance, the boot up, although that was quickly closed by Holly. Bailey arrived at the Mazda just as Holly finished throwing the bags onto the back seat and slammed the door closed. “Thanks, sis!” Holly smiled, grabbing the juice out of her hands. “What did you put in the boot?” Bailey asked, sensing something off about Holly’s demeanor. “You put the bags on the back seat.” “Nothing! Was just checking if my spare was still in there.” Holly replied, smoothly. “So, no Paige this weekend?” Bailey sighed, sipping on her juice. “No. She has to work early in the morning and I need to get some work done. Although, I’m sure she will come around tomorrow night after work.” Paige was a common, and welcome sight, around the Hartford household. The rest of the trip was made in silence. As the Mazda pulled into the two-storey Hartford home, the girls exited the vehicle and grabbed their bags off the backseat. As Holly moved to put her key in the front door, Bailey looked back at the car confused. The confusion was immediately put out of her mind as she entered their home and headed upstairs to get her homework started. Kicking her shoes off, Bailey was halfway up the stairs in her socks when the tv flicked on and an ad filled the air. “Here at SecureCo, we want your teen to be happy and safe, to have an outlet for their stress and anxiety. That’s why we made the SecureCo Huggers, an undergarment that makes you feel secure and…” *****************************************************************************
  3. This is a commission I have recently finished and can post for everyone's enjoyment now. This is a story about three friends and how their lives changed on one fateful day. If you would like a commission then I am open to more. --- Homecoming By Elfy “I’m going to miss all this.” Taylor said wistfully as she walked down the street to school. The red haired girl was gazing up at her high school with a smile as she recalled all the memories made there. “You won’t.” Samantha replied from next to her, “Next year you will be off at college and you will have forgotten about all of this!” They two girls were seniors and had recently turned 18-years-old within a week of each other. They had been friends ever since they were babies, their parents knew each other and as early as kindergarten, the two girls had started to become friends. This was their final year before they headed off for college. Rather predictably, the inseparable girls were going to the same college as well. “I will miss this!” Taylor insisted, “Besides, next week is homecoming. I always love homecoming week.” The two girls walked through the crowds of people hurrying to classes and stopped in front of the noticeboard that had been put up right next to the school entrance. There was a list of all the special “spirit days” that were going on through the week. “Baby day?” Samantha asked as she noticed the last day of the week, “What does that mean?” “Students can wear onesies, pacifiers and generally dress up like babies. There where will be competitions and fun games throughout the day.” Taylor read the description off of the board, “OK, that might be fun!” “You think so?” Samantha asked sceptically. “Oh, for sure!” Taylor enthused, “We should go all out for it. It will be our last day of homecoming as students.” “Hey Sam!” Came a familiar guy’s voice behind them. “Good morning, Paul.” Samantha turned to see her boyfriend. The taller boy stooped down slightly to give Samantha a quick kiss on the lips. The two of them hugged for a second and smiled at each other. Taylor just stood awkwardly next to her two friends as they greeted each other. They were great people but sometimes having your two best friends in a relationship with each other could be a little awkward. “What do you think Paul?” Samantha asked as she turned away from her boyfriend to look at the noticeboard again. “Of Homecoming?” Paul asked. “The baby day.” Samantha said, “Taylor said we should go all out for it.” Before Paul could answer the morning bell rang and the three of them headed into the building for their morning registration. It was a fairly normal day of school. There was a buzz amongst the students as the week-long celebration of the school approached but the day passed as slowly as any other. Same boring lessons, same boring teachers. When the final bell finally rang Taylor and Samantha met up outside and started walking towards home. The two of them lived just a street apart and they had walked with each other to and from school almost every week day for years. “So are you coming back to my place?” Samantha asked Tayler. “I can do.” Taylor replied, “Any reason you want me over?” “Well, you want to do this baby day thing, right?” Samantha asked, “Maybe you are right. Maybe we should go all out for it, I was just thinking you could come over and we could look for stuff for it.” “Cool! Yeah!” Taylor replied with enthusiasm. Taylor was always the one that had the most school spirit. Whenever there was a school event, Taylor was sure to be involved in some way or another. In contrast, Samantha usually stayed in the background, she never had much energy to devote to these school events. It was out of character for her to want to get involved with this one but, like Taylor said, this was one of the last chances for her to get into the spirit of things. The two girls headed back to Samantha’s house. After some quick pleasantries exchanged with Samantha’s mother, the pair of them headed up to Samantha’s bedroom and booted up her laptop. Samantha’s bedroom was very grown up. Her walls were painted white, she had a desk full of schoolwork and her clothes were strewn everywhere. It contrasted to Taylor’s bedroom a lot. Taylor still had pink painted walls from when she was little and her desk, rather than full of her homework, was full of stuffed teddy bears. This was the main reason they always met in Samantha’s room rather than Taylor’s, Samantha couldn’t stand the cuteness in Taylor’s rather childish room. “What do I even search?” Samantha asked with a laugh with her hands hovering above the keyboard. “Erm… I guess you could search for adult onesies?” Taylor suggested, “You know, the things with snaps on the crotch.” Samantha started typing, sceptical that such a thing existed, and then clicked the first link that appeared. After scrolling down a little bit she felt her jaw drop open. “Oh my God…” Taylor whispered as she covered her mouth. “Are you seeing this!?” Samantha asked in shock. The two girls had expected to find a website that might sell comically oversized baby items for costumes. Maybe there would be a medical use for them, or there would be a website that sold fairly normal versions of these clothes. What they actually encountered was something much, much different. The website they landed on prominently featured a young woman sitting on a rocking horse whilst sucking on a pacifier. She had a big smile that the pacifier couldn’t contain and a pink onesie with cute little pictures of sheep all over it. What was perhaps most surprising to either girl was the that the person in the picture was very obviously, and very thickly, padded in a large disposable diaper! “This can’t be real!” Samantha exclaimed with a shocked little laugh. For the next few minutes the girls scrolled around the websites and clicked links. They were shocked that the more they clicked around, the more it became clear that this was a very real thing. Onesies, footed pyjamas, pacifiers and, most interestingly, diapers. They had expected a fancy dress shop; they had stumbled into something very different. It was like a totally different world had suddenly opened up. “We should order some.” Taylor suggested, “We want to go all out, right? If we buy some of this stuff, we will really stand out.” “Yeah, no kidding…” Samantha replied, “But… Really? I mean, are you sure? I don’t want to look silly at school.” “Look, I’ll pay.” Taylor said, “Trust me. We will start a new trend!” Samantha was sceptical but she turned the mouse and keyboard over to Taylor and let her start adding stuff to the shopping cart. Samantha couldn’t help but think this whole thing was stupid and a waste of money but since Taylor looked like she was paying then what was the worst that could happen. A few minutes later they were reviewing their order before confirming. There were two onesies, a pink one for Taylor and a purple one for Samantha. They also ordered a couple of the large pacifiers and, last but certainly not least, a pack of medium disposable diapers. The diapers they chose were white with some little pictures of teddy bears on the area where you placed the tapes. Both the girl’s agreed that they would look adorable in their purchases. After hanging out for a little bit, Taylor left Samantha’s to go home. Their new purchases would be arriving in a couple of days and both of them were excited and a little nervous for what would be arriving for them. --- The next couple of days passed normally. Homecoming celebrations continued and everyone was having a good time whilst the big day was fast approaching. The “Baby Day” was the last day of Homecoming, the Friday when all the celebrations would come to an end. When Taylor and Samantha finished school on the Thursday of that week, they were both eager to get back to Samantha’s house. It was the day that the delivery was scheduled to arrive and, for some reason, they were both filled with nervous excitement. It was during lunch that Samantha received a text from the delivery company that stated that her delivery had been signed for and was waiting for her at home. Her mom had been home that day and had been available to accept the package. When Samantha told Taylor that the stuff was waiting for them at home, Taylor practically did a little dance in excitement. Her ginger hair bounced up and down as she clapped with glee. Samantha, wanting to play it cool, rolled her eyes and told Taylor to calm down but her broad smile gave away that she was looking forward to seeing their new stuff as well. The afternoon was interminably dull and the fact that were forced to sit through History whilst the teacher droned on and on was only making their impatience worse. When the bell finally rang, Taylor and Samantha were up and out of the classroom almost immediately. Samantha yelled a quick apology and a goodbye to Paul as the two girls ran out of the room and headed back to Samantha’s house. When they got in, they went directly to Samantha’s bedroom where they found the large box full of their new possessions. “Open it!” Taylor said excitedly to Samantha as she sat on the bed. Samantha grabbed some scissors and cut the box open. She could feel butterflies in her tummy and, as she opened the flaps of the cardboard box, she heard Taylor stand up and looking over the shoulder to get a look. “Oh my God.” Taylor exclaimed, “This stuff looks so cute!” Samantha pulled out the two onesies, the two little boxes containing the adult sized pacifiers and a packet of eight diapers in translucent plastic packaging. Both the girls just stared at the packet in silence, neither of them wanted to be the first to say anything but both were surprised by just how big they looked. “So, erm, are we going to… Try this stuff out?” Samantha asked carefully. She was intrigued to wear their new purchases but she definitely didn’t want to seem too keen. “I guess we should.” Taylor replied, “I wouldn’t want wearing them to school to be the first time.” Samantha gave Taylor a curious look. Samantha had noticed that Taylor had gone a little red in the face, almost like she was blushing a little bit. “So… shall we just do it in here?” Samantha asked. “Yeah, no looking though!” Taylor replied. “Of course not!” Samantha said, “I’ll tell you what. I’ll go in the closet and get changed, there should be enough room. You do it in here.” The girls took the onesies they had bought and then each grabbed one of the white diapers. They both stared at the new underwear as they held it for the first time. They were both very curious about the interesting look and feel of the plastic. The girls went to their assigned places and began to get ready. Taylor, standing in the room, felt very self-conscious. She kept looking around as she took her clothes off to see if anyone was looking. Taylor laid the diaper out on the bed. The crinkling with every movement of the plastic was much louder than she expected and she heard a small giggle from the closet. “These things are loud.” Taylor stated as she sat down on the padding. Samantha was doing the same thing in the closet. She opened the diaper up and sat on it. The closet was not an ideal place to put a diaper on, this much became obvious as she hit her elbows on the wall when trying to position herself correctly. There was just enough room when she used the space efficiently to comfortably lay down on the diaper. Both girls had some experience with babysitting so the basic mechanics of putting a diaper on was already there, it took each of them a couple of minutes to work out how to diaper themselves though. The sound of crinkling filled the room for a little bit, followed by the sounds of tapes being tightly placed across the fronts of both their diapers. When Taylor stood up again and walked to her onesie she found that the diaper hugged her figure very well, the crinkling with every step was taking some getting used to. Her initial impressions were good though, she was pleasantly surprised with how comfortable the diaper felt. She still felt embarrassed to be wearing it since it was obviously a very infantile thing to be doing. “Are you ready?” Samantha called out from the closet. “Hold on.” Taylor responded, “Just putting the onesie on.” Taylor picked up the pink onesie and pulled it over her head. It was a great fit and, like the diaper, hugged her figure very well. She bent over and grabbed the back flap. Popping the front and back together, Taylor stood up straight again and felt the onesie push the bottom of the diaper up against her body. She blushed slightly, she hadn’t expected to feel so comfortable in these clothes! “OK…” Taylor slowly said, “I think I’m ready.” After a couple of seconds, the closet door slowly opened and Samantha stepped out into the bedroom again. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds as both girls blushed, then they started giggling. The giggling grew louder and louder as they looked at each other in their diapers and onesies. They walked over to the mirror in the corner of the room, the crinkling only made them giggle even more. They pointed at themselves and each other and had a good long laugh before finally calming down. “OK.” Samantha finally said as she wiped a tear from her eyes. She hadn’t laughed like that for a long time, “So we are going to do this tomorrow?” “Heck yeah!” Taylor said with enthusiasm, “It’ll be hilarious.” “If you’re sure.” Samantha said with some degree of scepticism, “But no using them. Can we agree on that?” “Of course.” Taylor responded, “Would never dream of using it. Eww. We can take them off to go to the bathroom.” The rest of the evening the girls stayed dressed up. They would have to spend hours at school dressed like this tomorrow so they decided to get used to wearing these things that evening. They listened to some music, played some games and did some homework whilst dressed as big babies. At one point during the evening they even broke out the pacifiers and tried them out as well prompting another fit of giggles. For a long time, neither of them talked about how they were dressed, they ignored it as they did their homework and listened to music until an hour or so after originally putting the diapers on. “So this is kind of weird.” Samantha finally admitted after putting down her pen. “Yeah.” Taylor agreed. She wanted to say that she actually kind of liked the feeling but she wanted to phrase it in a way that wouldn’t make her sound weird, “But I can see why babies feel so happy and content in them.” “I guess…” Samantha slowly said. She didn’t find the feeling between her legs too disagreeable either, “So what’s the plan for tomorrow? Are we really going to do this?” “We definitely should!” Taylor said with a big grin, “No one will be as well dressed up as us. Not to mention we already bought this stuff. If we chicken out it will have been a waste of money.” “Alright.” Samantha conceded, “We won’t use them though for sure…” “I agree.” Taylor said. She wondered why Samantha felt like she had to bring up that point again, “Maybe we should take a couple of spares in our bags though. Just in case the tapes fail or something.” “Good idea.” Samantha agreed. A little while later, the girls got dressed back into their usual clothes and Taylor headed home. They both had some nerves about what would happen the next day. Nervousness aside, they were both quite excited to dress up again. --- This was a stark difference to Paul’s feelings about the whole idea. Samantha’s boyfriend had seen the signs for the big finale of Homecoming, he had even had friends try to convince him to play along but he had shrugged them all off. He thought it was a stupid idea and didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of the whole school. He would be leaving for college soon and he didn’t want the last impression he left to be one that people would laugh at. Paul was a bit of a jock. Very athletic, he was on both the track team and the in the football team. He was tall, certainly taller than either Samantha or Taylor but not huge. His sports prowess had made him very popular all through his time in school, people looked up to him. There was no way that he would degrade himself and play dress up, he didn’t care if it was all for fun and games, he had a reputation to maintain. He wasn’t a bad guy by any means. He never bullied anyone or used his popular status to get any advantages or special treatment, but he did have a bit of an ego. As far as he knew everyone on the sports teams would be ignoring the dressing up part of Homecoming. It was his non-sporting friends that had tried to get him to take part. Paul had briefly thought about it in the middle of the week. He had even gone online to search for information on adult sized baby clothes. By coincidence, he had found the same website that Samantha and Taylor had ordered from. He had scrolled down briefly and been shocked by the images he saw. Paul stared open mouthed at the image of the woman on the rocking horse. The pacifier, the onesie and, most prominently, the thick diaper all caught his eyes. Blushing a deep red, Paul had closed the website and did his best to forget about the whole idea. He was shocked that there were people who apparently bought these things for fun. No matter how hard Paul tried, he couldn’t get his mind off of the image of the girl. Particularly her padded rear end. He tried to distract himself but for the next few days he found his mind wandering back to those diapers whenever he wasn’t distracting himself with something else.
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