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Everything posted by BriGuy

  1. Rawr, I guess Europe is just used to tyrants taking rights away from their people. Or so says history... I understand that there is no intrinsic right to air travel. I don't despute that at all. I do, however; have the right to legal search and seizure. I do not believe the TSA's method of profiling us is accomplishing that. Over here in America I had hope we could think outside the box a little and maintain the basic constitutional freedoms our forefathers designed... but too bad I suppose. It goes beyond the tsa's as well. Now my state is making arbitrary motorcycle check points to single out motorcyclists for search and question. It started post 9/11 with the patriot act, homeland security, and the tsa's. but at what point will it end? It's sad when I hop on my bike and I don't feel safe, it's sad when I want to take a flight and I dont feel safe. The saddest part is, it's not the people in cars or the people sitting next to me in the plane. Iit's the police force(s) that are supposed to be interested in "my" safety that worry me. Let's not forget power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are giving our governing body almost complete control down to the point where they can strip search us "just because." Im sure glad the government is beginning to think for me and tell me where and how I am going to be safe. Cause without them I'd be lost.... (sarcasm)
  2. Apparently you do NOT know your fourth amendment. Read your bill of rights, just one more time.... No casual racism there at all, racial profiling is alive an well within the tsa amigo. America has a billion dollar a year kill brown people addiction and a history of profiling the newest off the boat. What is wrong with this country is people like you who aren't willing to stand up for your own liberties Spain and the uk suffered very similar albeit smaller terrorist attacks. Both those coutries did not even come CLOSE to taking away rights from their people. Live in fear instead of knowledge, makes sense to me. Since heightend security all that has happened is an increase sense racial profiling. Just ask my Palestinian friend who grew up in America why he won't fly anymore...
  3. http://i.gadling.com/2009/03/18/got-an-ssss-on-your-boarding-pass/
  4. I suppose it's easy for someone who is not on "the list" to think what the airlines and government is doing is right. I'm on "the list" for why I have no clue. I'm not a terrorist nor have I engaged in terrorist activities. Regardless, being on that list means I'm taken aside every time I want to fly somewhere and given an extra search, and I'm questioned. I'm not even Muslim nor middle eastern. My rights are taken away for what? No one can tell me. 20k people are added to that list monthly. Know who else made lists? Hitler, Stalin, and any other government entity who wanted to round up people easily... There's some scary shit going on whiling our government dismantling our constitution and stripping us of our BASIC rights.
  5. Slowly our rights slip away...
  6. America has forgotten about the 4th amendment. But I guess that only applies to government agencies.... You can't wear a wet diaper but you sure can take your pack of smokes and one pack of matches. Makes sense to me!! I refuse to fly if at all possible.
  7. With age and treachery comes wisdom. You will overcome this hurdle. Once you learn to embrace it you'll find it easier to convince significant others to participate. AND THAT my friends is pretty darn sweet.
  8. It would seem to me to be an ill conceived notion to even dwell on telling parents. I was able to hide my wearing whilst I lived at home. Itd mess with their head. I'm sure she'd feel as though she failed you in some way while raising you.
  9. I was up front from the get go. Made getting married much easier. Always best to lay it out on the table early. That way there are no hurt feelings from lack of acceptance. Not only is it easier but it's only fair to your spouse. Talking about anger with no basis, you've basically lied to your wife about a part of your life. Then get angry because she isnt accepting with your lack of forthcoming? LoL
  10. Learn to manage your accounts and you won't have to worry about your parents getting into your finances.
  11. I just had to play dumb with a co worker who went of about how disgusting Abdl people are. *sigh*
  12. Goerge double fisting yourself won't get what you want. The only way for you to become dependent on Diapers it to wear them. Keep at it and you'll never need another bathroom again. Stretching your anus can actually make it hold better, not worse.
  13. Slayer is fun but the craziest pit I was in was Az when I saw KMFDM play with Pig,16volt and kidney thieves. I got a black eye in that one The wall of death is pretty insane, CC should be a good show for sure.
  14. It's a sticky at the top of this forum...
  15. No, but after wearing full time I wet more often in smaller amounts. No incontinence, not too worried about becomming incontinent either. Funny thing about th incontinnce desires, I keep seeing people want to be incontinent like a baby, but babies aren't incontinent they just don't know where they are supposed to go.
  16. Have fun! I miss living in Flagstaff. There are some awesome hikes up there. I'm pretty active and wear full time as well. Since I started full time I haven't had to give up anything I love about life. As a matter of fact things have been better.
  17. I keep them in my underwear drawer in my dresser right where my big boy undies used to be.
  18. It was more pointed towards the other comments on keeping people out, like enemas, cat litter, etc. who cares? No one is going to be able to pin point the diaper wearer through the dirty diapers found in a dumpster. I think it's much more sad that someone has to dig through the trash can. Instead of empathy, it's people saying how horrible it is that someone is going through your trash that kinda irks me.
  19. Does anyone have any EMPATHY for the poor soul who has to dig through trash for the cans or other recyclables? Sheesh the biggest issue you have is being outed about YOUR DIAPERS? Talking about being short sighted....
  20. Yup. Not going to be outed from a dumpster.
  21. Blah blah blah. Alcohol kills more per year, and cigs kill even more. Death isn't a good argument for not doing drugs. It's a personal choice. Going on a crusade about what the op should or shouldn't do is about as useless as the war on drugs..... . Or as useless as a football bat. As for illegal people do illegal things every day. Even yourself A persons has the choice to put what they want in their bodies, berate them all you will but it's wasted on deaf ears.
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