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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Baby_B_UK

  1. “Mom! The...that wasn’t my fault...the bathroom was....out of order! Please mom! I don’t want to wet myself, you...can’t....” She closed her eyes and felt her face blush as her mom mentioned her pull-up, in reflex she put her hand over her lap. “Mom, please...you can’t be serious about wetting myself! Please mom!” As they pulled up at the drug store, she was still not sure what her mom was buying. Her mom got out of the car as she sat eating her food, she squirmed and then let out a sob as her bladder gave way and she soaked the pull-up between her legs.
  2. “Mom I really should go to the bathroom, I’ll only be quick! Why do we need to go to the drugstore...you picking up medication for Mrs King, Mrs King was their elderly neighbour that they sometimes did errands for. ”If you don’t stop and let me go to the bathroom then...I don’t think I’ll manage until we get home, please mom” Sarah squirmed in her seat and whimpered at her mom
  3. “Shopping? We went shopping a few days ago, you said we wouldn’t need to go shopping for at least a week” Sarah liked shopping as every girl did, she just wanted to get home and have a bath and get out of this pull-up. ”Kentucky sounds good, can you get my usual while I head to the bathroom though? I’ll be out before you collect” Sarah sighed and looked out of the window, she knew that her mom knew about her wetting but was glad she didn’t make a big thing about it.
  4. “Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow” She walked across the parking lot to where he mom’s car was, one look and pointing at the backseat told her that the nurse had been in touch. She chose not to bring attention to it and climbed into the back seat without arguing. ”Hi mom, how was your day? I made a few friends”
  5. As the lesson drew to a close Sarah stared at the floor, she knew what Angela had said, but, could she do it. Could she at almost 16 consciously wet and mess her panties..what would people say, what would her mom say... She put her things away and waited for Angela to walk her to the car park where her mom had said she would pick her up at the end of the day. ”That was a difficult lesson, I couldn’t concentrate properly. I don’t think the teacher likes me that much”
  6. Sarah didn’t say anything as they entered the last class of the day. She struggled to concentrate, she didn’t want to have more accidents but she also knew she couldn’t handle things on her own. A few times she thought she saw Angela smirk at her, more than once the teacher had to tell her to concentrate and keep on with her work.
  7. Sara stood Kayla up and slipped her finger into her diaper. ”Well, you’re wet already but that’s to be expected. Now don’t you have something to ask your mommy? About going away with Aunt Sara?” Sara had already cleared it with Jessica and was taking Kayla away anyway but she wanted Kayla to think that she had some say in it. Jessica pretended to look confused “Going away? What’s this Kay-Kay?” She said, using the childish nickname
  8. She nodded and smiled ”Ok, but even if I don’t have any more...issues then it doesn’t mean that I don’t need you around. I’m still nervous about these gangs in the bathroom” She shuddered as she thought about bumping into them ”I’m not strong like you, I can’t handle gangs in my face or stuff like that. The way you look out for me, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle the gangs and stuff like that on my own anyway, whether I have any more...issues or not”
  9. Sarah nodded and smiled at her ”Thanks Angela, I guess I’m worrying for nothing, if most of the girls did it and you then I guess it happens sometimes. I just have to know the right bathroom to use and what the gangs bathroom schedule is” As they approached the last class, Sarah felt happier, she was more calm than she was earlier and she felt safe with Angela there to protect her.
  10. (Sorry) Sarah nodded as they walked out and headed to the final class of the day ”Yeh I saw, she didn’t seem that bothered by it...why is that?” She thought for a moment and stopped ”Angela, did...did you have one on your first day? It’s just you said most of us, not most girls, I just wondered....if not then sorry for asking”
  11. Sarah read the note and smiled at Angela “I understand, I just don’t want to be remembered as the girl who wet herself on her first day!” The lesson proved to be slightly boring and a few times she found herself yawning, bringing a few smiles and giggles from some of her class mates, including Angela. After what seemed like forever, the teacher told them to pack their things and they could go. Angela immediately took her hand and walked her out of the room and towards their final class
  12. Sarah blushes as she read the notes and looked at Angela. She looked up at the teacher and quickly wrote a message back and passed it over. ”I had one accident, that doesn’t make me a baby” She frowned and waited for Angela’s response
  13. Sarah nodded and giggled ”Ok let’s keep quiet a bit, you said that I’d have to find one of your friends, what happens if I can’t find them or they’re busy. I don’t know their classes or where to find them” She looked at Angela and wondered what to do but one look from the teacher made her stop talking and try to concentrate
  14. “With someone else? Well...you’re going to be showing me round aren’t you? So I’ll be ok cos you’ll be there!” Sarah smiled, she knew that it had been a hard day but she had made a friend and she was glad to have someone to look out for her and keep her safe ”thanks Angela”
  15. “Hi Angela. That was a really good lesson, I enjoyed it, it was music!” She smiled and hugged into her. ”I’m fine, let’s head to a bathroom, did you have a good lesson? How many lessons left until I can go home? I want to get out of this...this pull-up” She froze and wondered if the nurse had rang her mom like she said she was
  16. Sarah nodded, she was sure she could wait until after the class. She watched Angela walk off and went to sit down. This lesson was music, Sarah likes music and was able to focus well. The teacher was impressed with her and she was enjoying herself when the time for the end of the lesson came round. She packed her things and went to stand outside of the door, waiting for Angela to come. She wondered what lesson Angela was coming from and if her friends had been talking about her.
  17. “I don’t want to have an accident, but...I don’t want to be late. And I don’t want you to late either” She squirmed a little and hoped she could manage until after the next class “Waiting is the only thing we can do if we don’t want to be late, I don’t have another choice. I’m not that desperate anyway”
  18. “It’s not a diaper. It’s a pull-up, that isn’t a diaper!” Sarah blushed and looked at her watch “We won’t be in time? I don’t want to be late and I don’t want you to be late either. I’ll just wait....until after class”
  19. She nodded and blushed “I’ll get to class on time won’t I? You’ll be on time for yours won’t you? I mean if we have to go out of our way, we are going to be on time for class right?” She looked at her watch and knew it would be tough but that they might just make it in time. “I can’t be late for class, you can’t be late either!”
  20. “Don’t wipe, don’t wash my hands? But...but that’s dirty. I have to wipe and wash my hands. Can we find one that is safer than this one? Please....if they might come here then we have to find another” Sarah stood and looked at the door and then at Angela ”Please, we need to get out of here if someone might come.”
  21. “What if I need to go and you’re in a different class?” She nodded slowly “well ok, I don’t want to be caught up with them, I know you’ll look after me. Thank you Angela, speaking of which...is there a bathroom around here? I’d kind of like to go before class” She looked around and saw one close to her “oh there’s one over there, I’ll be 2 minutes”
  22. “Wait. Gangs in the bathrooms! Which...which ones are safe to use? How can I know? I don’t want to run into any gangs or bullies. I just want to get on with work and school. Angela you have to help me stay away from the gangs, please” She looked at Angela with fear in her eyes, staring at her and hoping she would help keep her safe. ”You...you’ll keep me safe from them, right?”
  23. “Kayla, breastfeeding is a special and personal time between me and you. Tiffany isn’t going to breast feed. I’m disappointed that you’d try to get her to do that. Tiffany corner please” Tiffany waddled to the corner and sobbed. ”Kayla, you spanked her for slapping your face, you do NOT get to decide if she is breastfeeding or things like that. Understand? You are a baby! Tell me that you’re a baby”
  24. Sara smiled and Kayla took charge of Tiffany, everyone watched as she paddled her bottom hard and reduced Tiffany to sobs, even as she tried to count the spanks. ”Kayla don’t be too mean on her, not everyone is in charge of her. You’re both little diaper wearing babies and will be for the foreseeable future. Tiffany when your spanking is over, you need to go in the corner and think about your behaviour”
  25. “I do trust you Angela, really. I just think that at some point I’ll need to find my way. What happens if you’re sick or something. I can’t always expect you to be showing me round all the time that’s all” She slipped her hand back into Angela’s and gave it a squeeze. ”I do trust you, I know you want to show me round. I just don’t want to be that girl who always needs showing round”
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