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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Neppy

  1. Astrid only squirmed more on the changing table, reluctant to have her daddy take her diaper off, and wiggled more as he carried her into the bathroom. She stopped when she saw and smelled the bubbles and couldn't help but relax. She loved warm baths. "I don't want either," Astrid replied, pouting sadly as he washed her. "Why does it have to be like this?" The more Astrid thought about it, the more mortified she was at the prospect of everyone seeing her as a big, diaper-wearing baby dependent on both of her daddies for care. She wanted to throw a tantrum about it, but she was still groggy from her nap. At least the bubble bath was nice, even if she was being washed like a toddler.
  2. ((Very sorry for not replying sooner, this month has been a bear))
  3. Astrid was glad to know that she would go home now, but she continued to look displeased. She didn't show eye contact with anyone during the checkout and frowned more when she saw the carseat. Astrid was surprised she could fit in it, but was uncomfortable. The shoulder straps were rather tight, and she figured it was the padding of her diaper that made it so the waist strap wasn't as bad. At least the drive home was short and quiet. She put up no fight when Tony picked her up and carried her inside, but she couldn't help but gawk at the oversized playpen they had set up. There was even a small pillow and a large pastel blanket in there. "No crib," Astrid protested tiredly. "No..." She was out before she could say any more, exhausted from her tantrums.
  4. As soon as they set foot into the popular toy store, Astrid was incredibly nervous. She looked around anxiously, pitifully sucking on her bottle, expecting security to show up at any moment and tell them to leave due to having a nearly-nude woman in a public space, a space where children frequented no less. She could already see it making national news, with everyone seeing her. All Astrid could do now was close her eyes as tears welled up. She ignored her daddies and instead tried to curl up into a ball, despite the restraints on the special needs cart proving otherwise.
  5. Astrid frowned around the pacifier, and freaked out inwardly at the idea of being fed. She didn't want to go to a restaurant, not like this! She watched as her dada filled her bottle and felt better about that than anything else. Maybe if she played along, she would go home more quickly? She yelped a bit in surprise when she was lifted up and had a bottle inserted into her mouth. She looked into her daddy's eyes as she drank from it, hoping to plead with him silently to just go home. Astrid saw no point in putting up a fight now, especially after the threat of her "party" this evening. She was, however, nervous about another public diaper change, especially after a full bottle of water.
  6. Astrid frowned and covered herself as pictures were taken. She was sure her face was as pink as some of the decorations that surrounded her in the store, even when they checked out. When Astrid was lifted from the cart, she felt some relief, thinking she would be covered. Even if they put on one of the outfits they bought, it would still better than this! To her surprise, the harness was strapped to her instead, leaving her bare except for her diaper. "No!" Astrid protested. "I don't wanna go! No!" She even stamped her foot, aware of how immature she was acting now, but unable to care. This was too much! "I wanna go home!"
  7. Mary wet herself upon hearing that she wanted Sonya to have her soil herself. This was going to be much harder than she thought! "How? I don't have to go, and your mother will notice..." She couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, squirming in place in discomfort. These two children were trying to control her life, and worst of all, it was working! She wondered to herself if there were any laxatives or suppositories in the house, and shuddered at the thought of the girls overusing them on her.
  8. Mary gritted her teeth and took the smallest slice of pizza, eating it carefully as she watched the movie. She wanted to cry and scream about all this, but what good would that do except make her look and feel more babyish? When Lucy came back with the juice, she took it and downed it once again, desperate to wet her diaper. Hopefully it would be soon, and definitely before their mother came home! This was certainly some situation she was in.
  9. Mary went to work downing her juice. She didn't have the appetite for pizza anymore and concentrated on trying to wet her diaper. This all felt so foolish to her, and she wished she could have turned down the opportunity to babysit here. She glanced occasionally at Lucy and Sonya as they ate their dinner, making sure they didn't spill anything or make a mess in general. Mary bit her lip as the movie went on and was still unable to wet herself. One little cup of apple juice wasn't going to do it. She mentally freaked out at the idea of Cassie coming home to see her in a diaper, demanding her to leave the house while on the phone with the police. She could try to tearfully explain that it was all a misunderstanding, sure, but what kind of responsible babysitter would let an eleven-year-old do this in the first place? No, Mary was stuck. She was going to have to do anything Lucy wanted her to do.
  10. Astrid glared at Tony as he exclaimed the status of her pull-up. Before she would protest, she saw him pull out one of the diapers and a couple of wipes and found herself on the floor. She refused to look at anyone during all this, as the salesman and Chris were probably smiling over all this embarrassment. She covered her chest and winced as she felt the cool wipes on her skin and groaned when she was finally diapered. "I am not all set!" Astrid argued, still covering herself. "I need something to wear!"
  11. Mary watched Lucy coldly as she went into the kitchen. Apple juice would work, she supposed. She sighed and sat on the floor, unpausing the DVD so she and Sonya could watch Brave. "Do you have a favorite scene in this movie?" she asked the girl.
  12. Astrid looked annoyed and embarrassed at her dada's cooing. She tried to shut out as much of the conversation that she could and focus on holding her bladder so she wouldn't end up leaking in her pull-up, but the when the salesman pinched her nose, she felt herself leak out of being startled. Astrid retreated behind Chris, staring at the floor and feeling like an absolute fool. She hated all of this, and there was no way out. Astrid shook a little at the thought of a side crib so she could sleep in her parents' room. What would happen to her old room? Would it be converted to a nursery? The thought made her leak more out of anger.
  13. Mary grimaced more, but said nothing during the whole ordeal. Admittedly, the powder felt nice, even with two children diapering her and a camera recording it all. She frowned when she realized she had to wet herself. Mary sighed. "What do you have to drink?" she asked, trying to be as calm as possible about it all. "C-caffeine will make it go faster..." Mary blushed when she realized what she was saying, but she didn't want to be fired, and she certainly didn't want a nasty rumor spread about her that would damage her reputation.
  14. Astrid munched on the Cheerios, pouting the whole time. She glared at the employee, hoping no one would notice her dirty look, then glanced around for a bathroom. She wanted to get one of her fathers' attention, but discreetly. However, they seemed intrigued by the man who was helping them out, chatting away and nodding and talking about pricing and practicalities and such. Seeing no choice, she finally tugged on Chris' shirt and whispered in his ear. "I have to use the bathroom."
  15. Mary was confused again. She looked at Sonya, baffled that she would have to do the bidding of a little girl just because she wet herself. She grimaced, but said nothing. She blanched when she saw that Lucy had a camera. "No!" she cried out. "Put that away! Let's just eat and watch the movie, okay? There's no need for any of this!" Mary wanted to scold her, to tell her to act more mature, but she held the trump card of her mother firing her. She needed this money badly for college, and just stopped there, hoping Lucy would see the error of her ways and relent.
  16. Mary listened as Lucy talked with the pizza boy. No sign of him wanting to kidnap her or anything. Good. She looked annoyed when Sonya was cooing at her in a condescending baby tone, but bit her tongue. What good would it do to snap at an eight-year-old? And what if Lucy told their mother? No, she would just have to bear it. She checked the door to make sure it was closed, as well as the windows. The curtains were drawn, luckily. Without saying anything, Mary lowered her pants to reveal her stained white cotton panties. Before she could forget, she took her phone out of the back pocket of her pants and turned it off.
  17. Mary frowned again as she was led into the living room. She looked over her shoulder as Sonya ran to get the diapers. Wasn't she afraid of being alone? "No touching?" Mary repeated. "I mean, I guess it would be easier for you to do it, but..." Her voice trailed off as she felt Lucy feel her up. She raised her eyebrows and backed away. When she was reminded that it was either being diapered or having their mother find out that she wet herself, she sighed. These girls were really playing hardball here. She glanced nervously at the door as she heard a car door slam shut. The pizza! She freaked out a little inside. "Did you want to get the pizza money?" she asked. "It's in the kitchen on the table."
  18. Mary sighed. She fished the twenty-dollar bill out of her pocket and set it on the table, thanking anyone out there that it was dry. "Okay." She looked at Sonya and felt even more guilty, but she had no idea why. She forced a smile. "I suppose you'll be helping, too?"
  19. Mary frowned. She didn't want her employer to know that she wet herself. She would surely be fired, and word would get around. She nodded her head, resolute with her decision. "Okay, fine," she said. "Go get one. I can change in the bathroom and I'll hang my clothes there." She really didn't like this, but she had no choice. The smell was getting to her, and she still had to feed herself and the girls. And whoever was delivering the pizza would see that she had wet herself. Maybe the twenty dollars she had would shoo him away, since it would include a tip.
  20. Mary was absolutely confused by this. Sonya told her earlier that she wasn't a baby, yet here she was acting like one. She hugged the girl back and apologized once more, then allowed her back down. "Okay," she said to Lucy, looking at her. "What is your plan? I'm all ears."
  21. Mary winced when Lucy pushed her stomach. She wasn't used to being bullied by a little girl, and the push only emptied her further. "I had to use the bathroom..." she trailed off as she allowed Lucy to take her hand. "I wasn't going to be long." She went down with Lucy, frowning deeply now. She had no clean clothes to change into, and she would have to answer the door for pizza looking like this. It was so humiliating, and on her first night of babysitting! "I'm sorry," she said automatically, looking at the stairs, ashamed of herself.
  22. Mary sighed and nodded. She understood the need for privacy when it came to master bathrooms, and she certainly didn't want to get fired for using it. She would just have to wait, no matter how much it pained her. As soon as she heard the toilet flush, Mary rushed back up the stairs, forgetting about bladder control in her excitement. She slowed down when she felt urine run down her legs and grimaced when she came across Lucy. "Excuse me," she said quickly, trying to make her way past her and into the bathroom.
  23. Mary just felt more and more embarrassed as Sonya rambled on. In her defense, she didn't flood herself, but she would have to use the bathroom--and soon. She reached up on the higher shelf and pulled out something she hoped they would all enjoy--Brave. She picked it out and popped the DVD in. "Can you wait here while I use the bathroom?" she asked Sonya, taking off upstairs before she could even wait for an answer. She tried the knob, but found it locked. Thinking Lucy was in there, she went back downstairs, looking at Sonya. "Do you have only one bathroom in the house?" she asked her.
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